Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 28, 1912, p. 4

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rtt jtfton fxtt xts tiicth8iay novfcmilbk w ju1j whin 1 v bbmf iad- wtmii p bjtul bed u j t b r mjr- all rll mtn just yi i wall t amrwtwn rj1gltiuurse we listen for rotftbrrbttb and ii iu ni that bear him first imn toietttltn la aqd 111 fiim all el will for tbir oao itglii imux luflnlfcha bfen f- he i mka down l raw and ifrlns and ears ibat it reminds him or bl awn boyhood fn i then b pleads 01 id u mother and bn say poor ii uu ted i rall don t think a wen i h part that ha trrn mi try tied hut wl nthi by b wind iw white i statehed th shadows emtp uveve grit very heavy and i nmh w fell aln i ooald h told hlin miji jnst why i orfuml and kicked bui mother wa ahead f m and that urn i k t llckid i ann umy cooper in nutinher hu nichols royal love hatches many print ranks lava renounced their i ordsr to wad the la t that the arrhduke verdi i ai i karl austria no haw of the rmnan r ntrl sihi brulber of tl alrrllukfl rrsis lrillnaii 1 heir i rnsuiiii livti lo i o tlir tie lis re- i ineiwi his rank in r lor in marry ibtrtha suber a nu t btaullfu w man w in ha mo i al a i all in prague unwi years an i a i is im iu ra to tlir i nu list f rln wh hava obeyed the dlclahs f uil lu defiance if the atalo rule that r yally 1 all nly mat with r yalty heven years an i tha archduke fran i himself isolded ui marry the woman he 1 ve i tha g udum rv hi cholek now known a i rlncess of hnlttrnberft althonjjh by so dalnr ha had to ranoariee tha right of any children of ilia marriage to succeed to ihe throne of austria and hun gary the lata archduke henry mar ried leopoldine hoffman a member of ttio company of the karl theatre in vienna although tha marriage waa farhldilan by tha rmperor while in 1bh0 tha archduke john married an actress mill 8 tubal in london he renofjnred hi rank took the name of john orth and was last heard of nerving aa a sailor on board the mar- gerita a ship that disappeared on a voyage from duenna ay re to oallao the death of the archduke has never laen definitely established and from time to time rumor hava been clrcu leted that ho ia auii living fn fact it ia aaiil that he in living on one of the south hea lalanda with hu eo- dantrio brother louia who aponda firactlcallj lite whole life on a a mall nland in the ionian be thin last theory la atrnngly hnld by the arch hike leopold vemlnatui another austrian prince who married an ac tress and renounced hla royal right tlie archduke ia a naturalised bwbm flitisan and uvea or at any rata waa living until a abort lima ag i at lu earn under the name of wolfing beyers i uerman princes hava mar had woman i f mi rank them waa prince adalbert who waa commander inchief of the german navy at the time of the frrancopruaaian war and who in i90 married teresa i- tear a wojfjtknoarn dsnter then there was prince ogustiu of prussia whoa morratiatio wifa was the popular plaj er xaiit arnhi alerwarda created baroness prillwiu in bavaria we have an instance of a tpyal prince having mad two uur ganatln marriagnn prince ludwig the elder brother of the royal oculist dnke carl theodor married first lu 1860 an actress praulien mande who was creatwl baroness wallarsee and altar ir deaoi lo i8bi franlald rarth ho was given a patent of no bility under the style and title of frio von bartholf he had bftfora marrying also to resign his right and patrimony to his younger brother 13m eldaat daughter ul duke carl thaodor princess sophia of bavaria matt also a pure lnvemstch by mattvfng tb count torring-jetten- baab a scion of an old bavarian no bler bouse but nut of royal blood escaped from a python 31re it nu member of jftebrell who enjoys mora good luck that bir olaude champion de crespigny who was an ihtataated spoctator at tha boxing teavin londcui uio other day he la memted with p more llvaa thafi the average cat in tha roattar of broken bones alono ho bold a record he had two lea borju fractured in a balloon accident i thr arm bones while hunting three ribs by a fall during a steeplaciiaao and another by a more proaale oa aocldant m t lo mention various flo- san broken by boxing or from kicks y horaea sir clainla is one of the few mega living who hsve survived thee roes- llvliui wjm hsve mirvtved the orota- lng of the north sea in a balloon tor fin tall the talo of their escape from the e lie of a wtlton he la the tfrily eun peaii who has over swum the narrow gut of the first cataract of tha nile ha himself tells how he did it some natives who were cruising about said tbetil any luropean veo tured tq attempt tha feat ho would moat surely go undnr and never oome up alive i argued to myself that they had im better ungs tlmn i had w in i want nd x came up very much alive too compensation a certain young fellow received a government berth for wltloh ha had to undergo a very strict examination one day a friend of his who had boett ruolpg how little work ha did to aarn hit kalary tackled him i say walter my in y he be gan you don t perform a great deal of tabotv do youp ho i don t hso to arent yotl axpepted to workp 0f cooree iiot was the candid re ply it takes so much hard work to get a job like this that he suthpri- us haven t the nervo to ask a man to jjo ajiyttliiui nturo to earn hla sal erjr ajtes ita gets it semethlng wrens an elooutionist was reciting macau leybaula of ivry aith vlluflu oonoart and declaimed wlui intense mlllrarv fervor tlie lines a thousand spurs are striking deep a thposaiid spears in rest a thousand knights are insaing close mtthha was interrupted by a person in tha gme7 hold hsnl guvnorl u shouted wssilicin uiereknighto owe luiaed nnsi nns there s only one nftflr apiece yar kuqwr london i industrious vjtln ttoae btnglaton holrs are doing wit v p thoy vp i up the gaxd and rebuilt the nutdnrliimifi itrimndw fibw does tin impimitr whr they bail nu idea man hid sema m somewheray i hi rkajaama a good nltlaan onrw declared that he had miw good reotis for wnrktna tor tfniperane asked u name lbcm bf vpllikl four mtna and lurrm daugh arv antotiff the reasons wblnh si ould tead yoa young talks lu npasm the cause of tempera no two abootd meat writer emaeial amptnola ynar fslber and roeabar idmdsobe four years k i i mrs wllsoa 110 wlckson ave toronto sava about four years ago a aore spot appeaed on the right side or my face tola spot increa la also until it became about half an inch ttf diameter and vary painful i want to a doctor but the ointment ae gave me did net have any good effefct- tbe eore eoaunaed to dbv- cbaraw freely end waa moat painful i had it caatertsed tried poaltleee aad all kinds of aajvea bat ft waa no good aad i continued to suffer from it for four years a sample of earnbak was on day rivqjb to ma and i need it altbongb tbe quantity waa so small it seemed to do me some good ao i porcbaeed a further supply isaeh box did me more and more good and to my delight before i bad boon using kambuk threw weeks i saw that it waa going to heal the aora in terns than a month it waa healed 1 know a lady in the east of the city whose husband so herod for years with an open sore on his leg on mf recommendation kamliuk wss triad in that eaaa the other day when i saw her she told me that it had ben led the sore completely my daughter wbo lives in in- brllj alia baa also used zim buk with tha same salts factory result- i think it is beyond all doubt the finest besting balm known boob la the opinion of all persona wbo havo really tried kamdufc it u a anro cure for seisin piles absreeses ulcers acalp anrea ring worm cuta barns scalds brelaea and all akin injuries and dlaaaaaa boc box all druggists and store or post free from zam buk co toronto for price in ease or akin disease uae aviso zambok boap bse tablet pmbably the ideal man no longer sutials in the wind of a wotna i wbo tas been married four or five union hlllara worm powdra act so ihort ughly that atomaeblo and intee- loitnal worms are literally groand up itd pass from i ha child wll hout inonn- flence lo tbesuffarvr they are pain ims and perfret in action and at all im will be tound a heal thy medicine trvnglhenlng tbe infantile stomach d ntalnlalplng it in vigorous opera lin so that beside being an ecfeotivo vermifuge they are ion leal and hwslth giving in their efrecta there is a vast difference between letting well alone and allowloa bad lo beoooaa worse by a want of ar nose t the outset fhoopimgcoogh left a nasty dry cough mtars csshas is asi lltmll iunriht 81 ib out wriua- fnl u my duly to mxoa ud cell yoa tin pjod your or wood nor way hoo bynip did for my hulo boy flo bad wboopmg ooukh whicb wt urn wltll naaty dry hud eougfa i took him to mwl doctor but thoy did him no apod and i could am my utile lad faitiacdaybyday iwaeadvimltotake him to another jocu vhleh i did and he told me he m rorut into a decline bnawh1ldsdbnjabnftll- vaaatlft oprnmimilttim nxtsdcsd kot najootic tssis wormalctmmlblmk- ocss and loss ot stmmp kewwmuc castoria thd kind you have bears the signature of for over thirty years astoria and strong if yoa want a pair of gloves or mitts m horoehide calf or bojtvun skecp or mulcslan be certain to specify storey in no other way will you get equal value to prove it slip on a storey mitt say the wool knit wnst and lamed kind ahown below warranted behume horaehide waterproof and fireproof just the thing for warmth and comfort sold at all stores every mitt ts tagged storeys insist oil storeys w h storey son limited acton ontario wh x was telllfir a ndbour about it hotowrdelotttabotuoof dr wc norwav pine hyrup and give it to him regularly hhe then got to tell me bow vnueh good it did her childmt ao i sot a bottle and rave it to my hula bey and fas ao pleased with the result thnt i bought another one and by the time he bad finished ft he had tte cough ho is now fat tnd strong and i would not be without a bottle in the house on any account whooping cough anerally beams aa a oonunon cold accompanied vrfth cough la and a slight discharga from tho nose l hlfcaiamlinortof adimstrouhl but also affects adults dr wood a norway pine syrup la a aura preventative il taken in tunc and la also a pcejure cure for any of the after effects m woods is put up in a yillow wrapper three pbie trees tbe trade mark price 26 and 60 oenta manufactured only by tbe t wlbura on limited toronto dnt- ohildren cry for fletchers a3t o r a ilousehold medicine tbey that irr acquainted with starling properties t dr thomas releotrlo oh in tbe rratmenl ol ninny allmanls would it he without it in the houee it is uly a household medicine and itis itom va in dealing with many ordinary mplalnts it is cheaper than a doctor 4 kerp it on hand a tho call for it nty oome mol unexpectedly sluerrlty la isnposslble unless it ifrvada tha whole belne and the pre- noii of it saps tha very foundations f charac r had boils on face hi bopv mn nosmd ros s team bouautliamnlvcaamiwii trouble but atul the erne time are mrypuoful they an caned entfaehr by bad btood and to tot rid of themtt le abeolulriy aeeeenuy u mt tb blood into epod eob- sodlclde burdock blood bm lite jamta nutcaan lioral seek the wild oats crop is never a failure a medical need supplied whan a medicine la found that not onjy acts upon tho suxuacb but 1 aovoonpoeed i hat eertatn ingtedlenta of it pars uq altered through the stomach to bnd action in the bowel there is avail antra purgative andaeleanaerof great rflvcvueiit- paimeleea vegetable frills are otthla character and are tbe brat nf all plbt during tbe years that tbejr have been in use thaj have estab lished themselvee a no olber pill baa done tha fault a man boasts of show what a fool be is asthma doeen t wear off alone ikl not make the mistake of waiting for asthma o wear way by hslf while you are waltlqg the dlaeasa is surely gat hiring a stronger foothold and you llva tn danger of strtwiger and yet stronger attack dr j d kel loggs asthma llemedy taken early will prevent inclpleut conditions from beeotnlng cbraoloand savea hour of awful aafreritig parisuionr u tho vloe that dries up the charity in the heart nothing pleases an igoorabt uiao ao utuch as a ohaiioe to hand over infor mation the difference between l ho selfoon rkvnoaand eoneeu la bard for soma men- to understand no rheumatism this winter imibsgiwru ai paiu is tar liter lhtnovwsmlmf ftrilthm wrong and a laay al torpid liver ia a terrible affliction as its lasueeee peneeat the bolo system and causes diuwis bcartbum blck headache floautig 6pecks before tbe kyes jaundice lkorn bhacfasa consu palion catarrh of the stocuach etc milburna laxauver pilla rtimulau the adnaglla lircr clean away all waste and ppfionooa nutter from the system and prevent as well as cure all aickrew ariaing from a disordered condition of tin ttver mrs wesley kstabrooka utdgm hla- uoo n u wnies for several ycani i have been trouliiod with pains in tbn liver 1 havo had medicine from amrral doctors but was only rrheved for a time by them 1 thro tried milburn s laza- uver pills and i have had no trouble with my liver since 1 can honestly re- commcod them to every person who bar liver trouble i price 36 oenta per vial or 6 vials toi st oil ror sale at ill dealers or mnllri ilircct on receipt nl imce by tli t bur forooto ont burn cou umttcd to biveon8winnit free ofrheuniatlsni t doftwyou want to enjoy fife aa other auiu etijpy it dottt you want toeataudsltcpsti 1 crippled up kidney rouble thcnukect jour old enemy for good r imyiidry td with the help o tho of n vl t 597 jet eitreal ij q march aoth igia about she months and that lheylia d m a grea o g t faara- had rbeumallsl oldnpe of years and this winter x savedntyetlr from it by tula oin viuu1 highly re- twtr oin pills to the public a nraunjly tbousaods ol bom riri dp itukeararm amblttooa are about as much use aa a lukewarm oven when bread or oaks are to be tnadr you are not going to get anything out of tbls world ir you seek it halfheartedly fire up hake nut the aahea in the furnace pile on the fuel ambition kept at a white beat la a positive as surance of e cowls worms feed upon the vitality of children and endanger their lives a simple and vffecllvt oure la mother fjravee worm kstermlnatnr had he kick cemint an old get lumau wb on in tha habit ff inibibina u irsely a all- tins i d tlm vrrsmla i s vil lac hotel at win i im waa a regular iroarder wlien li uor was rvady iha dinner belt a lane nu aueh as- r used on farms let aii to rimj a large dog hai pimhi lo i passing by just tlien anl liaaru t lh belt h toppeal nd raised hla head as high as b couui ai4 iw wlsd nsrvoualy un til the bell esd rincing tho lsnliviribii lookl at ive doft a it ent as ii illblustdxi sdli hie i said lituf about i 1 don t ibavs i eat lre now la insomnia rotltaelnu dleaaer asked tbe boob l no replied the wise guy why do you ask f when my neighbours dog can t sleep at night 1 cant neither replied tbe boob occasionally tbe sense at humor can be riouenged for dollar there la no pnlsnnnus ingredient ln uullownye core cura and it can be used without danger nf injury lotn plu8tohdrfriend mms if yoa sr4 sebw to aboavprjlmo yoa wbt rtlsmitlwmvforaifreeesmple lhntti mils at films in lite iiir f lxul iui0o0 fast u film ar placed tm ihe llrillah market nrry wtwk aixl this quantity it su lily ii rnsinjf it i eoni nll dial ahera arc bain 0otio0 plct ire thn irftnt cbdertxl tlir ugl ut ibe world iwl aa lha number llrw i is iocrwatnv- ii m uily tl a i ly i lllm has i y t means jt rvarlurtl the limits tint nl enaland s coil trade r i uuimi rl r n a i i al year jmi i alls nl jl r 1 i esrtsil ia imlll i i u i ar s liiiimrted il th iti tic i wmkiu 1 us tlrs- t rv ila wht li mat ula lurintj indus tr ail il- f rv ii tra la ui th es ui i i im 1 a tu hi hilars a yar are ivpomlent n ll o toal trad hrdlty u htil i uar what do you think are the llrl words our baby wijl mt kuruu1 mrs matron ll if she takr slier yoo they will r b1 1 im tl is i nice urns v c nu hoinit baiil tlie brute tha march ot praaraaa tim 1 1 faaht ihmi wi m win von thl flannels and turpentine as a pro tecti n li r i er cltest now has a daugb- ter wti wears talcum and a barujle on hrrs a oataatraph i don 1 wemnmber what i ate but i ha 1 an awful dweam what waa it old chspf i dwaamed my valot went away without lacing my shoes castoria for inlmata and ouunb ihtwymaniilsiiilbwm bldpiatarrecdt pill for nervous trouble tbe tocaacb la the centre of the nervous system and when the stomach us- petida brail by action tbe result 1 manifest la dtsuirbanee of tbe aervee ir allowed to persist nervous debility a dangerous ailment may euaoe th brat consideration ia to restore the etomach to proper action aad there is no readier remedy for tbls than par- melee vegetable pills thousands can attest tbe virtue of the pltle la curing nsrvi money 1 a splendid aubstltnte for brain in some many a man anouldere are not as broad a thsy are padded had a weak heart pt hr law van wtthiaswatosil hirough one cause or a a urea majority of people are troubled more or less with some form of heart trouble ldtlc attention is paid to tbe slight weakness but when it start to beat irregularly and every once tn a while pain ccra to shoot through it then it ssusca rtct anxiety and alarm milburn a heart and nerve pius will dive prompt and permanent rebel to all those suitcring from any weesneas of the heart or nerves mrs m 8bee 103 holland ave ottawa out wxitrsl i wntr you these hoes to let you know that i have used milhurne heart and nerve plus aftrt doctoring for the last three years with ell und of nwdkines and puis for weak irart 1 beard of your heart and nerve imts so thinking i had never used any- i tng that did me so much good i kept in usink them and l had only u four oxea when i was perfectly cured price 60 ceaaa par box 3 boms f or l35 at all fcalerator maibd direct on receipt of tinea by the t mubum cow limited toronto ont thislcjb can be no syrup so pure and wholesome as i the grand trjunk rattwa imiaot1cal do you ever pray for your bus band r asked mrs meek no replied mr strong bat be never gets out at night unless i go with him whim it wimt ii tw will i entir tbe money the cashier kipped wlthr esktd the nvkkoitpar the profit and not kuppote you pat it under running expense r suffered everything for yearerestoredto heeutfa by lydia epinkhani veg- etable compound canadian women are continually wrtt- inr us such letters as the twofouowhig which are heartfelt expressions of grati tude for restored health glaniotd station ont i have ta- ken lydu el plnkham a vrtanw com pound and never round any medldns to eornparawitbriti i had nlcers and fell- b ot womb and uoctota did toe no food- i suffered menially tor yean ibegantlvwnc vo5dne ial- iawre ndfa r ssiitfasd if net- matinty aalisiwtory enrr lu dbsolstaly auarsnlsad o by sur c lmaitd uonlraal poa sals aaovr er j c hill 0b0 soier and woodhall hokay the merchants bank of canada hvry parson wbo rwcajvaa and pays out ntochsy mhoold bavs s cbaqalng accooal i sy by cheque la lb mosl pravctkaj con vtnkei and salssl mslbod of handling- all financial irsnaarllfis wbelhar ol a l of personal charactar th ratarn of c cbeqaas ara vohcbers for every sum paid oat tbsy bow whsi dls berseeasnls hsve hswn nsad aad lo ahotn deposits ars racalvsd by this lank subjsct 10 cbsu withdrawal w pay lb sanw at tan i loo to small dsposiion as wedotolarg twteasndaacoarsgail imarsstt bjlowtki do all savings seconals cawpoaadad i yearly total assets shi48te4 action branch f a maclean manager will give 500 to sitk readers of t free pres famous scientist wbo orirtaated the now woederftd home treat meat offers 1 00 package free to sick aad autor in order thai every leader of the fsaa paasa wbo may not have beard of ibis woaoerfol home traitmsoi may have aa opportnaby to test lhlsoslbratd wedl daa ibe now famoes scientist dr john w klddoaersmsveaiiaolaielyheafbu sties i oopacksge to fine hundred readers oftbjspeprr loprov ihowosdrfnlcialeba which have been nude for i f n laaktag this obar the scfcmltsi said i know tbai lhara ars many people wbo hava been so faring for years wiih boom chronic disease i aad many ol them have spsat urge soma of noeey la assfc a care i know thai these psopl besii abont lavasllng money la m becaase tbsy have despaired of arwrgatlagvea nonssnds have laid ma that story aad many thousands of the same people save told tn aflerwards bi my everyihleg etas has tararl i want to prove loslloutad nombsrno matter what the diss ss no matter bow long i bey have set ersd no matt er bow bias and discouraged thai my troaunaet really and actually does accomplish lbs weadertol results ibsl have base iwported psopl wbo saner from rbsamaiua kidney tronhl stomach tionbkv iv or bowel disorders catarrh bronchliis asthma chronic coogba weak lao lumbago puac urlasry disortwrs r male wiikasini of aov mad lb was woraoai twokaa down aad dsspodent wl be delighted at lbs enact of a isw doses tbls wondsrfal irsataeal crealaa a fin carry oa their fuacitoaa as ibey shonld uieatheaa ibe kklneya loo and drives rbanublism polaoas hem th blood a if b esajilc tbal b why people who try i any reader ol lbs fas a paxss wbo will try tbu estrsordlnary msdiciee that has craaledso moch end lament by its cures obtala abeoliusly free a fall iim irsaiai by simply fining hi the coupoo b or writing a letter doc tbslr case in their own weeds u ibey prsesr aad mailing ll today o james w kjdd toronto can ads no moosy aaad bs seat aai chary of any mad will bs mad as this oner la limited yon should write at once la order to be sera to receive your coupon cb75 for free dollar treatment dn jan w kadd tosnaato can art a i a fall lj ooarsa of tvaslssswt for my esas frss a w-w- a sew tmg ajhct4t hlas duirtmma torpid un blassaata tvoebls rihs nans store is crowded because we do his printing idtoetloo tlxm qlasfch station ont cbeaterriue ont r nedldnm utmr pndaad endkyanr ibasmntaklnttnemftrtamneofwonih and ottrlan tro ntylal4aheieiiiedliienn tbe tbn and jnt before miperlodt which irretnlar and patefnl it would b to alt down oaneod mm fcjbidjuwild doto jm1ihw i turlfoneympon immea that i oonld not uar to oneorbwranjoimpnoak uttleapeefca whaontthrtr ssls vx nndjfwn rbia tuysstosisi c iw8l jgssb t5fb excelsior bakery 1 pibst quai ity hiiijaii cami i wl uthni cl l nun hiiav caki h tic htc oall today t statham son bakers and grocers main st- acton us birui stan granite ul harma works caspm bhaum dwdaoers and llulkuis ol hlsluea llsaa kewnis afonnmcats maiker iml head monaa and all kinds of arustie caoutny work wm hemstreet aghnt acton laiwat ricrr ijhonro canatu your chopping will be done quickly and well on cither pljtc or stones if taken to the rockwood chopping mills hour oatmeal bran shorls the best at lowest prices harris 6l co limits overland ovottamd rtokl set 1913 models now oa view better than ever 10 h p 5 passenger sm 45 h p 5 passenrlr i9ss all fully equiil and guaranteed dchv ercd in toronto ako tlie gramm and girford motor trucks shawoverland sales co catalogues handbills folders and commercial forms our specialty call at cam office for jobmori conscieistiqus pltiming is not k jvsyth hkith os to tbe contrary we make it tho most important factor so if you favor us with your patronage yob will enthusiastically endorse us atents frjedsmithi plumber i asraasrekv qaebecsi guelph r phone 337 isuiwfmjici31cilkrie5ioitii 1

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