Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 5, 1912, p. 2

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uitmuumtkur4uu3irajgftrxtt hamsssat mb bmu rur i vmmhw a i mr aad mi tar marina lt fefs cuartaai d drape watary daw- wjwtfrteiihb hula ws all of mawaau s cm waastnalay pww alif mate fcy mqtoai oartar u a ualtk aaoowd ta twni ilwlllnen ho4c jab wanbajj bftmldhadd aow 1e7 b fa aaata hnwaoabar sowsila o dr h limmnmthllrii wtnmtrbi trafalaar on wowdii w jaao fcowart num dm ma ftntji mmmw in tar sua she juton jfrc jjrss thcjbsday dborhbkr 0 101 innmmi mil of ttlk us mahdpsjlti undsr rteal option in ontaho uw liquor intsnst an only sw to briny on vapfjsl otoitssts lo s nlsos ws s pstt lo bold cmtr pre ol rxrouod svscy far of lb dm muatejpsiuls fhhf mmi ho anjviotlocanlfponl optjoe cumnpitia la 80 plsos ws vrjq4otly sauotpatu mw atibstim uj fetortmttoomr hajoaoamwk ii p- luu inlt-odua- d ava mamdnwol io lb orfmlnaj ooda ia uw houss of ooamww m ik n imtlatabl osmm for n sllsc to talis any prt in oo fact cither by votloc mrrrtnc votsrs to ths polio ucuoootrinc or pablubfnn or duutbtiuag punpbsu sl log with canadian slsct loo than- tal000fln and a alx tuontba jail tana aa psoau proldwd bubumoton haa pxpettdod 180000 on a osw aobool building tisadnuin wall uffbtad wall vontllatad tnodsro in ssry way and providing ampls so- oomnodatloa for puplla for many a day tha axpandliuronwy mttnlanp but it has really bsen mueb moraaoon- omfaaj tbnn that in milton soid tlms ago in tlokarlngn old building wblob baabeaolartullwaa 111 llghtad and iu vontllatad and which if tha town growa aaaxpaotrd will ooo ba found to bw too nutatll ubauupion hk scorcbeo hllls st0ee th prooaadlnga of ttio juslph tmm u byurlal woman a foralgn mlaalooary building la tin bra uunlcipal officer modal imld in aolon on tha uil and omithi o i rvidsy aflanxxm abupl t u oolock a uydro klaetrlo llaaman ruab ad into j o imiaalorvonmuihiraal and yallad tba uppar atora of your llarvay who waa in i be building at lb uma aant a tnaaaengar to ring tba aiarm and procaadad at one to lovaa llgala llwaa aaoartaioad tbt tba br waa in jaka bauar a pboto gallary adjolnlog and iba door waa locatd ur ifarwey forcad tba door and wtd ooupl of pla of watar r tha ramaa tha raar and of tba gailarg raa ablaaa and tba atuoka waa puorlng into i ha main building and up through tba roof in a faw aaoonda a wallorgan i xad ouobat brlgada waa at work and with tba abundanoa of watar aallu at wuilama ii vary atbu uu tfatnaa wara bald qndar control unui iba bra aoglnagot nndar way th bra waa fortanataly ooodnad to tha photograph gmuary at brat it waa thought it would ba impoaaibla to aara um atora and raaldaooa of mr j c iiiii but wvn the gallary waa bollt a a laanto to tba main bnlldlng tha loalda wall waa plaatarad elaar up to tha roof thla praaaovad uafla paaalng utrougb bofora tha qra waa dlaoovarad tba eaoaa of uta bra waa tba axploa- lon of a ooal oil baatar mr hauar waa using ila bad a bualna arrand down town aad waa only away bftaao or twonty mioutaa uu loaa will ba batwaaanooaod s300 and unrortun atajy ba oarrfad no loauinnoa tha low to tha bolmiog h about ssooi in aurad to tba watarloo mutual mr banar will ba at aarloua loaa aa wall ibroogb um lotarrupuon of bu uaual large obrutmaa trade whlab waa jutt opening up tieaaral aym- patty la fait for him in bu loaa tba brameo did apuodld work and i bay were ably aaalated hy eltlaans in tba buoket brigade tba bra angina bad two atreana playing on tba build ing within uloa mioutaa from tha time of tha ringing of tha alarm principal addresses at the presbyterial lay on atoif aiaaav kun tiicm 2uod nnembar wra highly intaraat ing u av who lliidd tb addra ra of dr margaret mc information from tba mwa flalda and oonlaload many thought wbleb gava wfdar alaton and atronger inoan tlvea lo aerrtoa in tba intereata ol the htfih school concert alton pmtuurd um haw vea omr- thx nambs alona of thm eootrlbu tot a off um obrutmaa number of tbr canadian magaslna are enough ouke tba kjaoa noteworthy tba llat ooota arthur srrlngar kathleeo a poll an an kit iaabal koala- atone mackay l m montgomery marjoru l a rmcktbalt newton maottaieb 8 a while madgr m0 betil margarat bll paul sbeard tooald a frmaer carroll o aviklne bumi hamiltonhunter btalle kerr h- iaabal grahani wblla ha aruau raptaaao are john iluteau arthur w faxaona j w bratty andre iawioo pargua cyle and batelle mamaqawiva wmmmmm haw sltt i read with iqtareek itmeaflik um fggg fmm uat eaoptji ffeoa a faivae in baquaalng who autl tffda tp aotoo be proteau atroag ty igajak tba aouoo of tba partlea in 440 who in ejmobulng the report ikftk faitnera do not oome to trade in year town as freely as before looat m lqlo roitte t alao pro- gteatritooa libel and proteat emphfiuc- hy the atauoaeat la abaolntajy faajadbimadewltb the vary td aajk idtanuon of influeoejng votera to oeag tbalr ballot for repeal tbave toada a paroooal oanvaaa of a nwtir of fartnata lo toy aactlou of naaaagmwwyaand i have yet to bod wajooewho would ueda in aaloa ftkr the eek of whet booae be oould got if the lloenm ayatem were raatored vbe tlflm baa coom when the farmers haa bad to go more largely into dairy ttgaigd poqllrjrrejung than was dqng aoeae years ego tha reault is that farmer have farmnre produce than w oan aooapt trade inateed of eaab for if the naerobanta la aaton oan mmt their way to pay eaab for the balanee we do not wieh to uka in trade and pay che asese pteoaa they do in boekwood sad sdeo mllleboth of whleh plaees are mbowloeal optbmi dont think they will baaeany reaaon toeoonplaln of the falling ff of trade in aeuui aenjonally i am prepared ui diwl li aotnnlf the daatmra intra will do bus ewason theeamefawurblabi4manihw i in other local oplloii ratmssuctatxom or diploataj the teeebere and atodente of um high sebool provided oar olusene an unique and highly int and en tertaining evening at their annual oooeert in the town hall but wednee day evening tba a nee was large rev j c wtleoo b a occupied um chair and in a very timely eddrees referred to the excellent work being done in ac too eeboole by teaebera and pnplle ha urged that um parents of aholara do all in their power to en courage the teaehere and to refrain from eriueuud in the preeenee of their children a b nloklln bmj chairman of tba board of education after a brief ad dreaa touching um importance of um aobool and the naoaa for providing adequate eooobimodeuon presented the diplomas and eerufloatee to the etodonta who were auoooaaful at the fast axamlnationa aa followa btttkajfobohlon sottootd wumajobnatooe halford oouler alleu obrien artie andereon maosmllb gordon helaod olata brown albert brown mudred suubtoa john smith john i kaoney badger stewart roes swaokhatoer lows souooi to nojuuij dorouiy nelson annie mcdonald john v mooe retaoola ueorg moffat margaret j mcdonald dirioatab to nobmax school basel v hurd l jfutb nelaon benbap broam chairman nfekua egleoded ihe studeots bb cordial congratulations the entertaining feature of the even ing was provided hy ahoa packard the cartoonist of new york and his cartoons were certainly worthy high prater he gave liupreeelonbuo ekatebee of humanity in many aspects from a cultured oartoonlels stand point he illustrated his humorous and pathetic lectures by drawing aa he lectured eoormoue cartoons on abeau of paper nine feet aquare with colored crayons he was original anfl apootsueous full of genuine wboie- soraefun wrltb an oeeaalonal troth or moral principle impreaaed with un mlatakeble dbtinctneaa he not only aketebed wlui wonderful eelerity and ertlauo aklll and preeuton but be played and aang reelted and intro- duoed aenllment comedy humor and paibae rare pun well done la bis nott and his audience got about ell tba run they could hold and a great november 90th 1 r wu hot dan a ui kdltor pree preaa dear sir i i have juat been banded a eopy rftbe pgjuc pnmut of nuv 3th ad take exception to your artlolv h toronto ynullia gone wrong r tl yiw report albert ce ea liav- lagllfedlo acton wuh paretiis je4lmanly keewlio has ifveitin aaioa with bla paraiila in ll last 15 pears whleh bstore thb boy was bwrn a r have called ug uiy bouse to mm f i sea suil at homr and as we have stalriy urge bmioes oooeeouoo hleb mlgbt brhan 1 thlnb it oitly tafr to dm that you should untie enme eorpfanauoo io your paper of your te- aaw as sasny ptoplk might btk ll mm um who was rsrrreojhk- i0t oourea uifa- boybra reesmre of of the vldulty era doing otbi goodttblngs asweuthe buigh he produoes b alwaya healthy as well aa hearty for ba made bis audience laugh at the things that d ridicule so beneath all tha fun waa an uplifting principle and a tad morel those who met mr packard pereonallr will recall hie saying keep obeerful and ytlfe iniuioelietof exodlentenlertaln- um high sadonl has neeer pro- one that bad more of genuine merit and unlqtteneea of character aoubu lum hmd iwt mtkuromomh nlokal tbvwt ag nh ka d 0oo9ujt oj you mmxwt oa n unhoobb for p6t ffm mlw lo hh t k1 iba vmmu m awauofdavoariw ifataaln iif voanvtruly ibefwln ay wrnqto notemborathu lott having received a urge etock of gesture raapmlnge of un latest deelgua all orderi for picture fnndenaauy end prompuy i mm mill street when the wodarq bride promises to be aha has her flageaa erossod v aumffattbm v lrroea roruaav j d 1 te ppljtleal smttoftom in jba a woomn has m oowb na tofnlasrtbs4ia baa lo a physi ixtbauitasi abouedqouooketend obelpa moobeslong given nai any girl who sti0oaadiaeat 8wtd jaa yopa aaaag aftd we wu syoej wm to ikjh jveo eolfaeodsikmonf y id we wtu aswa nihw baluwlthalloi waluudr-oo- tbe meeting waa apaclally favored in having ir mekellar uirougbout ibeaesalone her ea werean uplift o all the wrongs of indian wotueahood and tba work being p for their amelioration were prraen ted in a ntoet intereallng manner our uvea she eeld are as sunshine lbelre aa the dark midnight some uvea however have become bright through um effort of the mlesionariee and the power of tba gospel of jeeuechriau india la eland ofoontraata there are the vary rich end tha vary poor for lb heathen religions do not lead um rich to help the needy poor there are 14400000 women in india forty million of whom are la zenanas what their tot la can imagine if we but think what oure would be if we knew nothing of god or of the bible if we ooud not rrad if we lived lo bomea without furni ture with mud hoore and if w no rey of bop for um future condition of lb women abnwe the blending of the nation in their domee- uo and aoolal life there are twenty two lallllon wldowe in ipdla i of these three million arejindar fifteen years of agv and wld we are curved in high life and low when um husband die though the wife may never have even him the la taken away berbalr la cut off a eouree dire la pat on and aba la allowed only one meal a day if bar ahaditw aver fella upon a pereon tbal one u deflled tbey ere not now burn ad on their hushenda pyree but really aultar more for tbey neoaaaarily have to endure augering and wrong all the rest of their uvea dr mokalur referred to buddbum which some in ihla country would have us believe la an parlor to ohrietlanlty she told of tta teaching in it all there la nothing for women we know a religion by ita fruits only the goapej of jesua chriet can give women their proper place are we aa woman doing all we can to tell indian women of our saviour f the church as yst is only playing at mleslone only by individual effort can mm fulfil our opportuoltlee the mlaa are upheld by the pr of those at home we are holding the ropes by our prayer and our giving are we giving ae we aboold t the tenth belong to the lord and iter that it le oure to give if our offerings were on that basis there would be no ahortage anywhere in um lords wotk then rich bleating com to those who give the lord hta own he will do bla part when we fulfil our the eonvert in india have been acting upon thla prin dple for twenty years and the h ing has some to them the church lo neemoeh was built and paid for by the native tbemetlvee without help from oftoad seven year ago a great revival awept over our territory and lu in- loonuouee in the orphanage um volo of prayer t never silent but goes up day and night been id our prayere we do not fuldl be oondluona if we preiy for more uborersand hold beck our own dear tmee how can we expect the answer ir the holy spirit bade we should follow obedient to hb leading dr hokellar told of um results of mlaalonsry work in that part of india where three and a half millions of people have bean allotted to the pre byterfaa church of oeneda mies thompson of toronto the travelling secretary based iter ad drees on the text sbe beab done what aha oould what are wa doing for woinn in heathen lender one- fifth of all the women in the world uv in china one in every five goes ao a motberlnlaw she dieads and to a husband she has never easo both of whom tfraobe over bar one out of every five waepa alone no one lo give bwooeufort ooe out of every five c tbb life never having heard of jesus and bla love tbey have waited centuries for thb lueeasge are doing ell we can intend them bet teraod awaeter flute there are op port tint i lee cnnilng to every one of uk thatahould bring ua in our km praying that we ny befalthful mua thompson gave number of text bear ing on intaroeaaory prayer and the bleealnga it will bring in every relation in life tbeoonvenuon uirougbout wsa full of latere and inapfratlori to truer and batter earvlee ovel watouvltalal railroad king wlcli atom wind stsut set and guaranteed fur oos year given free to any boy who will aall thirty sets of christmas oar da fit 10 eenla a ae send us yuur napie and we will bend you to watch with allchargea prepaid boipjte w jtajutn co depl 109 toronto ralaua to qlaujb oeld a rolled gold hxisnelou llroelnt will fit any arm given free to any ajlil wltt will oall 40 fle of chriatnax okiiu at looniiia a ael bnnd o vour nantaand we will iwitd yi n ilia carda toeell when bold send ua the money sod ws will send you tha old kxteu holt bracelet with all chargaa prepaid homkrwahrkv oo depl 107 tor onto tboial train to robtland uinb pom uiuno m m vsutokia alamiauav ain i4u for theeooommodatloo fpaeaogera sailing on tha whit star domlnu o una staamahlp teutonic from port und maine december 14 th toe flrand trunk pallwsy will run a apeo 11 train oonalaung of veatlbuled ooeebea toutut and first obaa standard iullman bleeping care leaving toronto at 1 is m friday deoembar uut running direct to tba dock et portland arriving there at 000 a m deoember uui berth re earveuoos uckata and full partleobre can be oltained from nearest grand trunk agent or write a k doff d p a union station toronto on tario u 8 uolntre station ticket agent phone 18 uoasekflepers waxed 1aper ro picn1c9 kto iacutaab ft m a ae vbtia ad la wmmmmisiirtmifbmt eta wtaeetag ta ea- fowl fowl i fowl i ui abo nil ll uiau ol furn1tuh b jmc snx rcton iwimtanvtbrbi ma jam i ss do yod realize iba money yoo can pass baiting fruit 1 1 he present demand for smeary stork kteat b the history of lb rybody who haa lb bad b pbnibg or preparing lo pbnl wh want now for tall sod winter mouiba a reliabb man to alt in acton and aonoundlng dutrtlcl good pay eaclnalve territory and all the advantages in re an old aaiablli 4 firm over coo acre under cultivation established s5 rear write relhaaf noksbitv co tereale oal c symons baker tx confbx3tiomkr sobuaksrsof tsfim acton pork pik perfection homernads bread try our ioc madiera fruit cakes ooi paff pastry b daliciooa aaaorunaal of cakes and pastry fresh vry day all ho wadding and bjithdsy caka a apecblly conboilooary nuts ale aix9tdbrs dbuverrii willow st aoton 50 well spent olt a ix okiur oousuafj with um in ounneououbrlihohriatnuuieallfng ur alan line steamship honnltuv bu from sonaod jlslne tfi olae- gow on thursday lireambsr mao a special grand trunk train consisting yubuld poac and pu avurlat bleprnoellllevvetoroiv- ro 1j0 p ui wodneeqay tjeoeovbar ilth and wltrruo direct to th dock at jporlland an wing there at a 13 a m december utky ti i berthreesrvallon uokals and full particular way be obtained from q pr wfl montrkat the otandard la the national weekly nuwauaimjr t r th itaralnlon of canada it la national in all ita alms it uavtj thu most ixrmihalvc engrav intra i rucurlnic lb phutoarratiha from all i ft thu vv rid ila arllulos urw lurufully aulvctud and km tdllorui policy la tliorougbly liiduididvnl 4 a nubaorlptlun lu tba btundard coata 2m per year to any address is canada or qreat drltalrt try it for 1b12i mmtro1 bundnl publmlnb 0 llmlud puulahm bonds cbristmas display wiu be more wafnlflceni thin ever for ita men wiul qloi coau luasn nipa soap uooo tool of awry kind sporting loodji fortbe ladles sllftrffara of evory dancrla tjnn tlaware bnaoiellad wan nlokal warn bnua gooda woooamaaaa n endottrtiaqipa 4lraail j mm frir the boyund olris enuory tytmv icloivinjyai jss 2js28n3 tootboxaa toy 8novalacarpt ipssaa ulav fataaai awaiam li bond adwabeco wooqoooooooooootoqooooox our specials this week in house i urn1shings we liave matlo large purchases at advantageous prices and these new arrivals mako this already heavy depart merit very strong both in values and rangl shown dress materials and trimmings new velveteensnew coatings new silks in scarce shades millinery made hats arc now very strong our stock comprises many attrac tive models at reasonable prices special attention to mourning orders henderson co mill si acton oni great winter pair at qublph will be held on december 9th to 13th inclusive special prices will be offered at macdonalds on all sorts of timely merchandise ulilphs annual winter fair is an evept that is widely known visit- ore from all over canada and the united states attend this event year ly all railroads ofler reduced rates during this great fair and crowds ol sight seers from other cities take advantage of the excursion rates to guelpb and enjoy the sights presented by this annual occasion hundreds ol attractions will make this fair one of the greatest ever held in guelph not tho least of these attractions will be the very special value offered by maqoonalds during fair days values in seasonable and desirable merchandise that everyone needs now prices are uncommonly low you are cordially invited to make the macdonald store your sbopphif head quarters thu will be economical coontenlent and wholly satisfactory for yon the felkmlna kerns fiw one an idea of the barfalnt bdnf offered women stytsh suits ta or maubal pnioa too balance ol onr lock of women u uita all thla aaaaon a itylra clearlng- falr weak at onouilnl oft ragular prlc see what you aavo ss oo sulla fort3m s oo lt w is aoo la womenschhdrenswiater coats at nadvoao nuoaw woman a warn wlntar coata mada of mrvlceable and atyllah malaria kaad colon high and tow nook amart looklny coata worth up to 1800 fair waak rico oach womenl and children a coata made of mtiwea rweeda etc colora navy brown and groan etiee for women sa to 40 auae for cblldien 6 to 10 yomta pair wmk price each s8 seasons smartest mwnery uaouoajo btyllah trimmed hate regular 3 00 pair week price each one table of trimmed hate correct in every detail of atyle regularly s6 to 3 fair week price each v 03 a baauural collection of charming if uhnery made in onr own workrooms to aeirat from as to sro will clear theae during fair weak at boys suits at a barrain uk a cliolco collection of boy s nulls broken litres from our mgutsr ttook in fctyluh twsedi wortlnda sod black erges costs sre cut 3 button doubls- bressted knlukea mostly bloomer ktyls miles 18 t s3 rtrguuriy woih qp to 9 pslr week price escb furs coals for men and women vvomon awtraxhsui vxxr coets 50 inch- lonr kslr week irice ewh sod womens butk clotli losis with qofltod llnujend fur vnllsm fslr week price esch j mtm women- vut lined costs rst lining ad blsck bsblo collar outer shell msde of gbod ssrvlcssble black doth fslr week pries m ttm up to mt mm blavuk tssr cl costs lined with heavy blsck curl cloth hss dsop msnuot- fur oollsr ersch bles36t46 well worth i9 00 pslr wesk phi meosi blsck cloth costs with fur oollsr sad quilted lining oxpect to psy ap to 015 00 for elsewhere fair week price esch cut full sud roomy ii3ri a cost you would ti mens qothlnr 0 c macdonald bros cor wyodrum and macdpndl streets guelpii 0mt dress goods a pzaakt bowmans nursery stock rr wixx onow we wsnt two men sjsati la his county tttosw bu ss mon os ltd sucarftll ottt shoes shoes kipht in the line itwoamb oirl ci alo rabtmn at ookdons hrm annuat jlon opposite post orrcjr haauiaoo7 wnul acton j gordon 1 i ont tm capital separators for sale at cost seven now separators never been out of ahop 5 las capacity s4sm cash dairyraen call qaick ad they are toberushedoif r only three buggies left as we need trio room for win ter stock will tlear at cost 1 i robes knee spreads horse blankets tor fall and winder use machine oils of all kinds also float oil give u a callahor8eeou71injof goofls ilrto uubrrusmunls klir vnptisl ftliurrli xdan rhv f j huilki l ii a talor j tuniavl imiiiiihih 10 kent 7 hi utllnhm hi ui i himam aatem cliiram j0u cjujitning wanted canadian mai kh i aomottnu co m jhbn iuihi boqab hmiluu h dairy kabm for hale daiaylerm itmlawi la krlo imk csa m qoavnui of tlmbaw oq u lot pr- ueulaxe applr u j iuklaulltlcw md it oepela choice jtujlidinh lwtr parum sho wilt batdarulrk to am swvll intj beanwi w will lu- inudlae to4a lew prlam ee mm1 ucaaa nf wu usaltdmolua oc ts house and lot40k8ale sully for ivtrtltjulavra pfr mh w if n it0khalb wo nl mil houaa yenfwmt oh i ha ua xmxno nd woodstmaj uj ban svaad avbu twk of lot tit db tusa br- wia uoodoallava und bou bomnai vac tvnsair pavrluauu appl lo 8 btattnxmsn farm for sale bauaoa told tlmbar all plamblna hilly doamarm 13 kttm or fall nop kara hasi with had undansail good aalbalmiac waaar pgtnpvdl to luurn kyalshlaalli ooawiu baaaae oh rofluia nhy iw apply to a st d ata- i wa so ll pra tav m to oatarlnea v o mat tendora fur skatintr jlink tbndmi1h lor laaaln of um opa hnbllluaramlad bvlbaead lo iba wh of dmnmr itlt blai taasa no naoatwultr amms a j alaokinnou credit auction 8alk farm stuck and implbhbnt8 19 1 v bawjarmaanaj kucum iu tbapropartilof au lit ma bail tot ii ooo i rargiualas on taiaf mt oaa o eloek l ajp ho n card ok 1 hanks eonibtoaa alllaaoa lu lha oatnaa dorins bra la uv bolmlu oe rrlday smb nmaw i taallaa iba hum not for u prompt and anltaat adovta m fori my prunlasa would in all probability ttsaa lotallrdaaltoraad i d iro unraff to aapraaa ray arallltid to all h aaalatad lo um aplaiadld juilm c unaa aotoo uooanibar hod it la valnablo property m actou ttlbfatnllr ualnuln ami tso botaaa naif atrooma tbora la a ood olatart w ureabam rtth frail for salh raajdaoaa of iba ttbdaraltpbad ia a wallballt atora aad a imwrboart and in food repair otatwvltb poaip la klulma bard aatt atabl mptaodld pat or noriob to pakenih and ouardians notmbuhaatglvafuialbiurm la tba uaoulpajit of aotoaa arriv atf at tba aa ol ovawaanaboarodaalnala bln altaadlns aaboo tanu as tar iba aobool at lb baslaalos of a lortn janoatt abataa- or h pta uodoriiooobdltlob will bastaaora ba rooaivad aliaa- um omtuaoaaroaoit of atara uy ordar of dm board a nick un obairmad hoard of tnuu rt aoton pubua hobool village op aoton bylaw no a byliw to repeal bylaw no hi passed by the council ol the village of actor on trie 10th di of jannary kjio to prohibit the tnlc by rctil of tpirttu ods fermented or other manufactured liquorbiii the municipality of the villaft of acton tba munloltiat unuaaji ol iba mllas aotoo uanbiauao alliarwllowlns 1 that tha i uw paaaaal lir uu uli oouoell of lha villa of a to oo iba 1ioani i ilrltnai of j e atumlaslbat iba ai ratal i of iplrltnaua lartuatlud or otha u a u faatnrad hquorala abd ahall ba pnl lblt1 in i othar houm or tla of in ihoaaldtaidolaiihlltr aodlhaaalolharaolaaaaptby vholaaau la au1 li k tammijtkh i- itopor plaoa oil r haltei jtavarn inn or aar other o aotoruli i- ihaaalo ihaawui ba 1 ba problliltad in afary a souaa of 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