Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 5, 1912, p. 3

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forghrlstnjas is wll 1ol qikradld 558 ou of cknitnn oanaw yar cards and booklet 811 jjrwmm cot quaa pane china paocy s2i jwllor toyi bouchllltosl5li book lor it ooyianiglrli omttlailtrlnqpuan tihiiiiih1 aria ouub haudqpaiituta geo hynds real estate aflaaey tm laaua at lwet rate af laterefu larve tawar mttmrn far aale ekea wellias aaa atker rrapcrty la all parts r the uwm we ttara every laelllty far traasactlax aar aasae ta yaar eay4et atlsracuaa- j a wilioiivhvv cantctown news of local impoet a abe ixton jfcte fjrtas thursday dbokalbkit 0 1uu bmef local items and qow they talk of en pen ultig in mil- onal la freely now dufoaf6llmllr gurlatmaa- wtahtfrom nest wednesday qat ourlmlho wiring installed hydro connection in week or o the oew uydrbkleclrlo hdm have raund considerable slashing- of ths at tractive maples in town domii t it make you rln to see how worried the liquor man br over the folium or local option r the county u mrt and general h ossaluiia will b held on tuesday ktih last t the court house milton egumld and neasagaweya town ships are ftllll paying bllla for shovel line snow on the roads lt winter hilton band baa boon disorganised for some time the instruments formerly used are worib aboat 91 000 fergus board of education have increased the malarias of tba lady teachers in the ptfbllo eebool from moo to ww rv obas d draper will prsaeb a spsoul sermon on local option in aotoo in the methodist church next suuday evenlne oakvllle council has passed a by law changing the hour for nomination of to municipal council from noon to 7 jo in the evening mr a k nicklln baa favored the fmtb ptuchu with a copy of the eplen dldjy illustrated number of the saska toon saturday press the blectrio railway is now pay log for the right of way through town where the route was disturbed by the o t it objection lest monday the pabllo school had to be closed on account of lb supply uf ooal baring run out and the weather being oold milton cham pion when tending notice of change of address subscribers will please give both their new and their old addresses this will save looonvenleooe and insure prompt attention willie billing fou years old fen- walla climbing a foiioe on hl fathers farm lo goslph township striking bis bead on the frosen ground and died in a few hoars on friday the noble flour and tved store has bseo removed from the elevator to the old quarters tin the new site o willow street willi tltslr bne new front the place is quite attractive mrs luta belle odda or the detroit school or expression whose txtagolaoent entertainment a year ago created suoh favorable opinions will appear in the town ball on tueeday veolng mth inst tin provincial winter fair will b bald at unelph december oth to 18th ks in special prises gln by thefjouniy oonncll are offered halton exhibitor of live stuck the lt beef animal exhibited oy hsllun amateur will ba awarded 910 a pwplng jack who has been operating in the east end lately is like ly to gft a hot reception one of these nights if ha prralstslp his sneaking and oowardly prragfnatlons there la reported to beennsslulng hotter than a doeeof laf and feather in wait for t rjaost bdward of bsaverton was unad 21 and coats for being in toxleeted on the public atreet laat week tbir traleaven and alex maojbue ju licv nf peace presided this being a 1mi upih m town the au abort t if art- determined to unforce the law several ui school boys weravx psllad for a weak nu monday last for sntoklng clvxretleu u i tbslr way to and rout oliiul a nuiulter of others ramlted a strapping wunder who old them tha olgarstles they were mosuy r under a- georgetown herald having bstn uffsred the principal phlp of a largo aw school in stettler alta st aaalary of fl boo with part oiovingexpaoseh allowed mr w w seottf prinoipal of dray t mi lllgh and pubjlo school baa restgnst his position togowavtat the end of the present tarm blora axpreas burllqgtons on new public sabot 1 was opened last week with approprl amoerocnonlbs and tbers was srtwn osrt la the evening the building has bean uddec construction for ave iooatbs and oot 981000 the board uf bdaoatloq has lesuedaonelllustrati rdaoavenlr vbhime giving the history f the school jn devhwsssi ssssys u tjsiabm muakipml officer harvey has ud the door i u mil pul in g m1 ouitdltlon lite wooden paittu have ben treftgthored with iron bars and sacb door la now provided with three locka there will not likely ba any dangaenf escape hsreafur of tba moat obstreperous prisoners bvldontly there tlm gang of men at work in ontario raiting ameiloen mooey trout 1 to 910 bllla by the simple msnnsr or pasting a ellpplng from a cigar box oast to tba 1 mark or by taking a 910 mark and pasting it over the 91 people who get bold ot american bllla sepecially at nlgbt bbould be on tbe lookout for this raised money teaiia oeuaeu sefttaee ihltusa a petition for tbe repeal of local option was circulated in teeawatar and 117 signature were aeoured but while a council u compelled if a euffi cieatly signed petition is repres to submit a by uw for tba carry log of local option it ie apparently not com pellad undar sltnllsr alrcmmstanoea to auhnilt a by law for repeal i and ttmumatar council being favorable ui temperance turned down tbe petition presented to them kxprssa usputy stesuvsuaat o ola aw at the lakt meeting of kaquaalng council the following resolution i paaesd i than the by law lo prohibit the sale of intoxicating liquor in townihlp lie now read tba second time and that thjhlanks be oiled up with tbe following neotasaadeputy raturn- ingomosrsi no t robt joyce no 2 win cooke no 0 o us thompson no wm hpruwli no fi o c uampballi no fljohoo cook arveeled tor hoswa sllsalliig- kandra ato afinlandsr waa arrest ed at georgetown on tuesday charged with stealing a horse and hock board front hia eniploysr jack hill of the onnatriiotlon empnn the line of tbe new electric railway on the harvey farm chief lawson went to oeorge town yrets morning and brought back the prisoner his preliminary trial took place before h p moore j p in the afternoon and ta was com raltted to tbe oounty goal for trial before tbe oounty judge fined tor uatita- bad lsswuaaw herbert wilder of tar suaay soath oflmpany was obarged in polloe court or saturday aflarnooo with using profane and insulting language to mr vy k hamun the trouble grew out dv th throwing ol a a now hall by mr hamlin seoo larnr while the hand was playing at tbe town hall at noon wlldrr attacked blm at tbe lawn and whsn ordered off by mr hamlin addressed him with vile ian guage he pleaded guilty expressed eorrow for the unseemly language and apologised to mr and mrs hamlin justice moore imposed the nominal floe of 91 00 and cost tba nature thov obscured haaoa woaderiand which has bean owned and aansgad by mr h 6 holmes tbe past three years undar the business name of acton amusement co baa bseo pnrcbassd by mr h x aragory church street during his term mr holmes reports thai he had over 100 000 paid admissions ha eodsevoredfto escurs fllnw of a good class and sue ceedsd in pleasing a large number of patron mr aragory has taken possession sod tbe abow is now opera ted neder the aew amplnas jtsestlsi wsusyvee in adrsasrtanar it developed at the anoual banquet of the halton plowmens assoolatloa that its president governor archie meglbbon la a arm believer in tbe effloeoy of printers ink after the toast ta lbs press had been responded to he got up and stated that be thought more printers ink should ba used in sdtertlslng the annual plowing matches or any other event suoh as fall fairs sic it nut only makes tbe event known to the pobllo but tends tolooreasebotb the interest and the attendance at these competitions and tbate what la wanted mure than any thing alas those thteg are a sueoess juat in proportion to tbe amount of advertising thay get reformer or la i yoaag mm tha evseuur of th fravlnoul young men a assoolatloa of pntario have appoints mr john l moore aotoo as cow membsr and oflteial rspratsptsllve ban of the y m o a mr moors wll hats at hu onmuand the servleee of the entire canadian brolturhood on behalf of all young msi and boys who from time to time leave home for tbe cities and large towna through the correspond ding member system the y m o a 1 able to oqoperate in the matter of seriating all young men whoa fami lies are not removing with ibein in mtcurlng aitlmble rooming and board tng places also by courtesy of the employment department nf the y m c a they have aeossaj to their bureau through which hundreds each year dud tlm positions they are qualified to oil other advantages are also open to young men away from home kv ittwav oo l a joraoastlssttan womb ho udltor jlra pa dear hir in ut wr li lain f your papsr iwitrr appmvi t m tliletl who dnsir- it l p- w r i in this leilrr that it cannot be ih hyl olan tbe athlete the men of u ii the business men in fact men of any call iqg who would thoughtfully sign thf petition for restoring the barroom in acton but certain it is that tliare u a petition and ufllclently signed r questing lite i a rwpeal vol im lakvn hare are a faw mors can t be a it surely cannot be the sober kind and indulgent father who would ao wish lo open bars lu dsllls the into or boy who has not lb atrrngtli tn paaa by these tsmptetlon lis who baa eons end daughters of his uwn will sarety want his sons to give barroom a wide bsrth and would nut wish to see his daugh tera in the o tiupany of end what la worse wedded to men who spend their time and money in bar rooms young glrla of tbe present day do not take tbe temperance cause li serious enough manner the young girl who will keep tbe company or a young man who use intoaloatii g drink will sorely be sorry for ever be coming his wlfv for in no home did the whiskey laden 1 naband evwr brii g happiness la there ue raa whose nau ap nea re on that petition who cat com forward and declare hat lie is the bet tor rr being a barrunm frequenter and juat now whsn there is so much divcoeslon ud this subject why do the liquor upholds a tint use tbe ptes and give us some of i belr reasons for went ing tbe licensed bar again there is a great deal said about people going to unelph to shop because they ceo get whlakay there i waa an observer t lb alatlnn one evening last week when the 02b train eeute in there were twelve ladies and gentle men got t it the train laden with par oils that did not look on bit like whiskey bundle there certainly utuat be a reason t thnr than wllky to take the pet pie to unelph sign inge petition la one thing but voting for the liquor i raffle la another and serloua matter which it is to be hoped the votsis uf acton will ono aldar well before they mark their ba inu in 1u1h a kuquaaina morutca december und llllx the- lords day alliance knakwoodfaod looal tjuaot ylttnhv- slnn fee w1 ba flfteen osjnta the tnsu wliu gets hs gfrl is just ss gaffrr saturday was uta last day for knatchbull postofllor mrs agnew who has been the postmlatress for the past eight fir nine years will remove to guelph for the wlnurto reside with bsrsnn mr wm agnew ths annual christmas entsrlaloiosnt of bethel sunday school will be held on monday lflih hist the program will bo of a musical and luarary char acter and a christmas tree will bo an interesting feature mr oeorge wil son has been the anergetlo superintend dsnt this yssr through ihs dsabmr malcolm mcmillan uatsjrdsy thlt township has lost an etteeoied rosldn tbe fdosral on tuaaday was very laly at landed tkimabaryasbapl mwmjaasaga- ways wll hold a oonosrc in tbe school bouse on- friday evening pprobrr isth ouiiimsocingetsoeloelf xvsrr inferestlng prograoima oonsutlng of dialogues songs ate by the children hubssm prrm mrnibbatwtllitwmi open given by mr berwttotarkro resoaoy girl jtbo will sail bo seta uaikduu on monday evening mr k wheeler who with hia family is moving to toroitoto till week waa mad the recipient of a handsome horria chair as a token of the esteem in which he is held in this community the ladlee of llmebonee auxiliary f m a also presented mrs wheeler treasurer of the society with a silver cake basket hearty good wishes will follow to their new lorar mle k i vena uf toronto was home over sunday lindsay waa called toouclph last week on account of the serious or her slater mlsa barbara lindsay mrs thomas arthur la recovering from bar recent illness mre joseph arthurs la very iii at her home firth line orbbnooat on thursday evening the greenock literary society held its regular week ly meeting it was open night so a good attendanos waa present mr fred west occupied the chair end tbe following programme was rendered t music mr kennedy f chairman e ad drees instrumental miss margaret near reading miss ada moarthnr speech mr kennedy reading mr john near t music mr kennedy debate t resolved uiatqueen elisa beth was a better ruler than alfred the grekt tbe affirmative was support ed by mr w p near and miss flor- mcarthur tbe negative was upheld by miss mabel allan and mr h 0 slmonv ths judges were mrs paaren and messrs t mooutoheon and alex thompson decision was given in favor of the affirmative the meeting closed by singing the national anthem ombwsohb oolnin a large number of oar beautiful roadside shade trees have beu out down to make way for lbs hydro blectrio wiring tha sunday school children are practicing fpr their annuil christmas tree entertain ment whlcb will be held the week before ohristmaai tbe methodist church choir was asauted on sunday morning by mr v ounton mlsa katie morris and miss clark vf acton mlsee morris and clark sang a duett and misi morris a solo both of which were rendered very swsstly mlsa nellie mpdougell ol bvertan apent ihu weekend with her friend miss belutxrlpps miss florence murray aud miss hevdsn of aetna spent siinday at mr will murray e misses pbebls end mlna tasale left oo saturday to join their mother in detroit mr w crewwon accompanied them to windsor no it how ifyhu want to treat youtir t6 a genuine bargain that will pluate yoi durlng 101u and for all years lu come vend a dollar to the family herald and weekly star of montreal ror a years subscription to that great paper and you will also ooslva a copy of their new picture entitled mothsha treas ure- alas u32q inohee all ready for framing it is the best dollars worth to be bad the picture mother s treasurers will be a surprise to you it is worthy a place in tt best homes the family usrald kind weekly 81 ar is known f avevyouaas tbagrrataat ngwipapajtoji thsonnuosiit one dollar cannot be bntar tpinctrjrttiand be convlno- i pimrr rnvjtt dory a baauliriil prsuch dreseed dpll 10 inches tall with real syeushss and eyes tha will open and ahut glean aoion uanohaniw orrioass ihe aunual inaellog of the actop hranrh of i ha lord day alliance was held t knox church school boom on monday evening thit annual address warn delivered by kev w j ilenna m a seer tary for ontario it was a most com nrebapslvksnd in teres ting explanation of thm effort and mtccrva uf the alii aoce in ptsservlng tha i rd s day as s day if real and securing fur many in canada a day of rest in seven who otherwise would be dspnved of this godgiven bono mr henna pointed out in well understood terms the aim work a id methods of the alliance its aim is lo secure for every person in canada a weekly day of rest on the lord a day if possible apd to safe guard ths lord a day against ths intrusion of unnecessary business and labor in this work it i concerned solely with the question of civil right and obligation it drafted law of rest forth people of canada which with modification waa e acted as the lord day act by the parliament t i canada i he first on lh statute hooka nf the dominion thle irtm c intalnlng only a van re strictive clause hut twenty hi x claue perailiilng worke of necessity and metcy to he done on tbe lords day i regarded by those competent to value auch legislation aa the best upon the mute books t at y country lu the w ru and practically the only legal guarantee of a weekly rest day enjoyed hy the pea pie of canada it is working lo secure a fair sod rehkonohv iilmhtvmiieeof llllx lew by all ihe people of l he land since match 1t 1007 the data when tbe lord day act same i tto force tha foil twlttg result have been reach ed i a a ooiioerval le estimate t t lb di nu be i i f lulur in canada who have gained a weekly rest day place the agar l about 126001k with tbe majority t tbn lord a day b the dlatrlbutiuii and talc of a meet can sunday newspaper which had risen to 150000 hi canada has len reduced by over 00 c many hundred cases of vlolwtli ii of the law have been brought tooease in different parte of canada and man places in which the lord day waa openly disregard d now qbesrve it well it educates t it does not dictate lu secretaries give assiduous attention to thlv and by tuvant nf public addressee tbet circulation of the lords day ad vacate published monthly besides tbe lords day act and other literature this educational work la sustained it dissuade i it does out pereeeuts and rarely prosecutes its motto la conciliation rather than coercion its method la tbat of remooatrsno and persuasion rather than proeeou lion prosecution i a laat seeoit and then ust be undertaken by the elvll authorities a very large proportion of tbs secretaries time la taken up with correspondence and conference itb those alleged to have violated the lord a day act in thle way the best work ladooe it seek to got people not merely to obey tbe law but to wish to do so tbe cosmic of the lord a day are making a steady persistent attack up on it so its preservation will require united constant vigorous work oo the part of tbe alliance and all lover of law and order lo cansds a work so necessary and so benefl- ileot done in eueh a fair and reason able way is worthy of tha sympathy and support of all 0yal omssna rev mr henna gave in succinct detail interesting information respect ing delinlteaod effective work aoooin plumed at the cloee a cordial vote of appre ciation of the address and assurance of continued support we moved by rev j o wilson b a and second ed by bev obas d draper and m ried uoanlinously h p moore j p occupied tbe chair at tbe close the ofllaers for lbs com ing year were elected as ft llowai preeldeut john r kennedy vicepresidents the i teal minister secretary treasurer j oh h s cole man executive tbenffloers and messrs john cameron j l warren wm white and h p moors rugi to knra mowtxur rteswa maehlaa a combined muvng picture ma china and magio lantern ootnplete wjtb three slides and dne continuous flfm given free to any boy who will sell 0 sets of christmas cards at 10 cents a set send tta your name and we will send you the cards to sell wbsii sold send us the money and we will send yon the moving picture ma chins with all charges prepaid homkltwahbkm co dept 167 tor onto the jot of giving tie more bl swart to give than to r- ove1 sejrs ths uood book and we are doing la tea sgm a appeal lo every eao- trrnaof heres a estreat that tells bow the good work we ar against prawn nipt loa tkw of tbe eonuaeotij a wen katnra estsasa of brasassrd writes i ti ohrletmae esoreiag asy btwe gaee jsr9tt w is gs eseas pesasat for err self that i waaasdt i uoak yea caa aasu to good advantage ta yoar eoble work la the nauonel beaitartaa aswrishoe aasrwmngltjdrmspsxpass r p dossat it asake yea feel tproad ipjuvsv teas there are oiwadse raipsrv wfih uu selfssoriaalag inetlaet aoetrccarry las in tbeaa lent u good to rltauautwrbeag gsrtarstloti la aeuiag sank a splaadld example ebewa lasssl last year is cost over te00a00 to keep ik meekoka free ilospltal apse m seaway is avgeatly needed lo provide for the seeking adwis- slon the bksedy ooeaauapuve u rlgivfc al tow door wont yoa help win to help the waalleat gift will be saost soosps- sble jeatstlp yeer otawrlhallne la aa aveop today while yoa tkiak of h addrsassd to lis w j oaob oaalfvaaa nf uw executive fjeniluss m spadlae ave i or ma r lhnraan ree traaa 847 king west toronto and experience the real iy of giving if it he impossible for a man to like everything it is quite possible for blm to avoid being driven mad by what doee not please him how is the time to order your christmas calves i c symons bauer xx conftctioner willow st aoton aaanbandaodtloonneia our i i aqdies now gouttng in g w wul hava uqr d and aaw displmy than g g avar b g g coma in anc aaa our g 5 atook bafora you do g g your chrlatznaa ahpp- q g g harold wues b b tux acton cass uui street b sfwefanadadnnqpnaaaaaaa back again and mora bargains i cc sp1ught i comfortably mttlad asalo to bla 1m piwrad prvmlm on aflu stn vln mat will ba promptly wip- 3toves hi ranges oranitewarb akd tinware shelf hardware uoqlaryaco stoves mechanics tools paints oils awn glass cutlery amd silverware chinahbl tb w and mry paint tor mamallnk rralning and dw omimg oajbl amd mia u m oua noowt c c speight hcton aqaaddaadamma good health i vitality of cbhfttas osrde at 10 osnu a est sand us yoar name and we will send yott tlis oards to mil whsn auld sand us tha nonay and we will send yml l ltd doll whb all chargee prepaid hnwtt araasaund 11 you will cleanse your blomadh of undigested food and tout gases ths exoses bile from tba liver and the waale matter from the in teen unas aud bowels by ths nee of fir nos the great fruit klduey liver stomach and bowel remedy at all dealers 10 and ooosnt boles or mailed by ths pig phi co hi thomas out hooavby eulat raala a pair of atarr hockey skatesu doubts nders with pock stop guaran teed strong and rlgd given frea ny boy or girl who will sell b0 sal owr b oents a set sand era will send yoti yvheti sold sand us the money and wilt send you the skates with qbargf prepaid homk wjutuot co dept 1wu tbe only hlng tbat hasp ruisn frapi baoqwraggoastps i avsrs bushattd u 11 things to e puel oards afejf us yoor napt an ihanbwrds lo aslt private greeting gards w tmtva a iwrga aa alortinantofawnpl- bx ordjmtbag aatiyycai ul ba aura of havum than prtntad in una tirxmmm liav vour oroar sr xtaaa rtowara wwlll bin supply drain xmas olobbraady dao 7th all uta othar xmaanaaarafc 7 at browf acton oat ddddnadnonnaj s0cul and krs0nal mtssbrire c44itpt6audy with ml bessie mann urd line mr a flophar n rawer avenue visited toronto frunde laat week mies ulla mophersoo was home from toronto for meouple of days this weak miss klta bynder of the peaeoaeee traiolog school toronto waa ta town over so ode y rev uha d draper end mr h i moore were speaker at tb klaratx ro and dinda6undaybcbooloonventioa at carlisle last thursday buioutneti la certalarf oas of the able aumeate which ac coated tawroe bitter llhete in the nausea ttlmiwrae twe to make ufa a burden the cause is a caordertd liver the curs dr morse s indian root pola they go straight to the root of tbe troohle put the liver right cheese the s achaadboa takeaway t ssdoth at the arat algp of uliotis- awastake dr morvei m invawai root piili browtsjiwseries are famous for their floe peach apple pltttn and cherry tree they have tba best muasry soil in c and ar tb largest l grow of tress ip the docnla ion all scions sad bodsticks are cot by one man and ha baa been la their employ many yeem so no mlaukaa are mad by using the- wrong buds bead for write for agency i yoar county mown wujin1i to ghtc a wwtc h porduued at tilt store u ghar wbdy well my stock contains k large assortment of cases in various styles and patterns the watch movements are of a make noted for umefeeeplng and low cast of up kee com plete lines of both caens aed wpsssna watches sea my special ladles and in gold filled case at nrawatctusa emvtmltv w iltfoster bxforr waicnaakbk georgetovo oatario the flour feed store we beg to thank oar many friends and cus tomers for their pa tience and patronage during the removal and alteiationa in tbe peed store and to invite all to visit the new site and inspect tbe lm provements we solicit your con tinued patronage and promise aa prompt ser vice aa possible enoble merchant muxr n r hoots toronto flio from acton arm to guelph 40c fboafaotok wrtnllwa to u exsr naatr alnkott k l classy st ylbsi b56 thin man micc s6 stout man wfc can glvfc a perfect fit to every man it matters not what his weight or height is there never were more well dressed men in the town of acton than those noticed of late wearing the famous soth catary made to order clothes ask any man who knows what classy clothes are and he will tell yon the 20th century styles have got em all beat to a frazzle a man gets full value every tune in 20th ctury garments step in and let us take yoar measure for t suit or overcoat a j wallace tohe mens store mill sl acton bank of hamilton fo provide agamu a possible rainy day x hi not tba only raaaon for regal ssvlag a beak account give yoa the tse of iodependenoa and security that keeps your mlna free from worrythai ttiaksa you better able to meet tbs world on an even loot log and to lake advantage of opportunities i tat com yoar way open your aocoonl at tbt bank of hamilton there courteous eflkient ba service is provided bar tbe deposit of ahajp as wsll ss laigs accounts 1 georubt0wn branch w h aaaatuy pringlb la now ready or yonr watch iwt r neaa and good work is what we strive to give n icicle alarms pnt ini thor ough good order same aa new for ss cents ao d ef thb jbysllk cfltflttr okt mmiauutwnnuiiabnnniiiiiumiai i stanfields i g unshrinkable underwear a m pure wool perfect comfort to tbo wearer g from st a garment up s see window at r enelson ouhuph ont mi a- i 16e metropolitan bank 1 had office toronto oat aauaooooo uaauvma kvaata savinos potaktmlwr accounts of one dollar and upwards opened and interest allowed at highest current rates i xcton nwsnoin t a hsdated manage r vwaaaaasasswaawawawavw ii

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