Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 5, 1912, p. 4

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r 9ht xt on jfrte flress tiltehdav dw1bhhkr 6 wis kp it irllt road you treed ep at it high rough tip- if your goal la far t db no up in dismay yvanrnub u eoue nn day liny as it irmav flghune tor the right battle on with all your might keep at it i gpnu s wot bow e ran sanaa tha ramparts of a wrong rwht will eonqner ihew re i kmpaoui it too wftfll keep ttll porge ahead and nr top kmpttlli bios indeed may he th- hill but the gnni impeleaa til yon lot failure cruh mr wtfl keep at it ottlrd ham admiral peary we ere told by a writer in tha wvuea world need only tea as a tlmuleunft- drink on bin polar iprdlilon the fan of- fma blaa requenl opportunity of tawass what u said to be bla ferte etar i nan talking with a ques tions an in regard la nty erotlo wort any lb admiral and i rwmi 1w u anejeu better than f bam ioola ban f ha seea what u tmd yon navr lter or baant i reply and ihen i go on i there srere two old 8oieh woaw mr- mowhlrier and mr- mebean who soes on toe road onn day and mi mawhlrtar ald loh wm yer far free name lb day i ay aald un ucbean i w julet yonl at paobwa saundata mi najbisvnaavrptmtlatqtd nana oor jobn yn ban usee a bit gntd bam am la ay yammerin aboot tba ham bain owar fat and over taut oor twm aald aid mre ale- wblrtar ia tha same wy tberee nae punaln win wl bu ham faith ill ban lao gie menahb a irui boltn mcwhlrtariuraya into pantiles pad aha say to sei ucnablkumaffoobr euebpondo ys boat bam wba kind wed ye tlkel asked an uu mothaa should i here he a baby elephant at i ht xtan do not mil to sea hla mother pot hint kp bad 1 aaw it now and it walsueb a pretty ught that i ahould ilk to loll you aboul it wliait j reaohed tha enolneure be- lougtna to tba ututbar elephant thara waa aj it tie fallow dropped lohleknsee on tha carefully troddan bad and after a few eft grunts from hla moihar ha ujtml welmralned child of lb ele phant family ought to lie tba mothers work however wm not yat dona sba took np dalloataly tba hay from tnaadca of tha had anotbogan totnlnk it llthuy ajoiui bu aldaa bdd pewrda bla baok until ita ridgaa no 1 onirar ah o wad whan thla waa all dona tha auvall glri aim had warnvd mm nottodaturb tha prooaodlno baavad a graat algb and turning to ma aald i i would jumt ilka in know whal fhay do it fur si i told her alpulnlng tha habit wild anlenala havaof traadlng outlbrlr bada to roafca aura tltat tbara ara no anakaalntba graao i tha nooaaaliy of duat poardrring tba young whoaa akin ta taodar in tha fold a and who ara iroublad by naaotat tha piling up of a dry graaaaroond tbnm to ooooaai tham from ibapuaaibta bun tar hyl dont thay know a otf mora than mm folka i fanny aald tlta uttlrgiri and aba narar puoqhad nor puabad him ahhar vannigb ha waant vary qnlek aha addad apaak- ing to a llradlooklng woman who atond by ami ling no daar aba aald i aba baa but nna child tp not to bad kxohanga ob joat tha kind that urn mo- baan gata aald mra hawbtrtar monabb amllad faintly arlobf ba aald wba yar bottur no mauar how dapriotad tha oom or wart may ba it muat yuw to hollowaya corn ourn if naad aa dlrao- a man in miaaouri raoanlly anad railway oomoany for damagaa for tha daathofaboandklllad on tha track tha oompany dafandod llaall upon tha following polnta i said doff waa ohaalng a rabbit up daraodanta track in violation of tba gamauwa aaid rabbit lived on dafandant rigfat of way and waa tbarefora tba proparty of tba defendant ptalntlfte doc waa a- ireepeeeer and waa banting defandaote proparty without parmlaaloo rlald deoaaaad waa not moah ota4ag aaybow or it oould aaally bava kept oat- of tba way of v- castoria ik laala u oklutm imlmyhlin unit bagm castoria taao kind vcd iuto always bcnegfct avaafl arhloh htm boam tuo for otot so yaua baa boras i mnjt rtr hi- rrr qgljjga aonmi nperrtalon alnco itafnfamcr a abowwooitotodoociveyoulnoua ab oowntarffnlta hnhataons nnrt jnatthrckliuaba juoetlaaawta uiot iruo with aim cwtltuicr uo lulta nt inlant and ouldxcdkperionoo rfraiuat if rji nrtanmit what is castoria oaatoh in m baurnikmh shbetlttitn for cnator oil fie irnrlo lropa and sootblng fiynapa it la llmnt it eio naluua- opium monhno nor admr nnrootlo nbotanooi lu ago la its giuvrftlttoo it lotrok wortna and mbnyu poveriahnaas it curcu ninrrica oak wind odin it rollovoa toothing trottbloa ciicm oxutupauioa auu fhrtwtnavoy i auudiulloteai tlio pood rgwbatfw uaa aaao nnd bowela giving- hooltny mid iioturad aloom tito oaildresihi panaeia ju moucrh iviond genuine castoria i beaxs the signature of always mora people go to church beoauee thay think they ought to than becanee they want to ite lota aaater to ahow anthuaiaam whan there la no need for it than when there la work to do thara la nothing repulalva in ml liar a worm powdere and they are aa plaaaant to take aa augai ao that few ehlldren will rafuae tham in noma oaaae they oauan vomiting through tbelr aeuoo in an u neound jo but this la only a manlfeetatlou of their elaaaaing power no indloatlon that thay ara hurtful they oan be thoroughly depended upon to olear of kx 4mwalgfhr aat my to a discharged dhildren ory rot futchcrs astoria r tnimty yiarg tatv ooa muat ha a gonlna n be a wx cmmal barber owu ramlndodof the toafaarlal artlot who oporatrdln tha bum village for fifty yaara and enaaw a anlatake in hla aariy daya a twfbjoamena tmt aat into hi ehalr fihava air p aakod the barber tiu flatter taav laugbad tba youth yob flatter mr n le 0y balr-qt- viara ntval lo far thirty eaara- did it the name manoamn t tho balrlait fclrf aaiiod tho h4too yon flattor mp lhd ho mi ki nnlr a hovo aaornlfmo thojol no niaro- on that oquala unthprqnivavwinrtte bstarmlnautr it haa aard tho uvea of ooontleae children oaial idva wfcatarolhewenoletv people we hoar about rafcod mr- corntneael i dnnno ropllod tho farmer hoi a naar aa i oan make nut thevve joo folka that make a rrguler habkn wnarin tbeir sunday olothee fjpvery dy- ohiiy un orammab thera aint nothln 9wj bad about nw owaot thara aint aald the beg gar at tba baok door think notp aald tha lady wllb the 0ow about your grammar r it la batter to ha honaat from foroa of cjrouanaranoae than not at all l man naturally drawa round him friande adapted to hla own oode of morale the oil for the parmer a bottle of dr tfaomaa roleetrio oil in tha farm houee will aawe many a journey to the doctor it la not only good for tbr children whan takan wlthoolda and tha croup and for tba mature who anffer from peine and aehee but there xw directions for its uee on alek oatue there ahould a i way a ba a bottle of it lo tha booae tbe kind ton hae always bought use for oyer 30 years in i tm numci uaodcofle are altogather nut of date litpraoa and are nerar need in- lead of i ita lirocelete ever y policeman oarriaa a carbriolet- which n a very rough and maaaively mada article re sembling a hnge watch sad chain some tan incbee long with a ueut wooden croaabar at either end an expert oan slip thla over tbe wrut of an offender in ft twinkling and with both urn croeabara in bla hand haa only to give it a twiat to inflict tba moat excruciat ing pain and compel inetaat and lamb like rabmlaaion another common method of pre vent log seoap la to make tbe p itleoe botlf bands in blialde trouaar pockata and than paaesratrrng arotlnd hla wriata and aronnd hu walat and hid him walk he can wlk at a vary miwil paco but any alunipt in run out if banbllnganil lunaedlatsty imhobt hlu down ooaa lo i be pa if m string la bandy ii the braoa ihuiihi of tha trouaara arct off and lliilttlt u uiada again to put bla hands in bu poskata aa in the form er case be joan only walk since ao euoo as ha freee bu hand hu nether garmente fall about bla legs end be ti aiilraae in the latest faislon raw of theee device are apparent to the caanal pe who often woo- dore ax tbe passive docility with which ome villainous looking ladulduer under arreat follows bla captor to tbe latino rvrenu and children often differ in tbelr views concaving the uses it wblcb various art lo lea ahould be put aa tbuai mother at break feel you ought always to use your napkin at t table george oeorge i am dalog it mother have got tha dog tied to the lag of tbe table with it mvattamik loraemonomy uncle yes tommy it is quit pos sible that there are people in the tommy wall what beoomee of tbem when there isnt any noon f amd abttam do you mean to say tnat enoh a physical wreck aa be gave you that black eye f aakod tha magistrate sara your honor bat he waant a phyoieal wreck till after he gave mo ba black eye replied tha etmnplaln- ing wife amofnao who cant- be luuerad le too peeslmlstic to ever make a happy wife could hardly ue for asthma writes one man who after years pt eulfering has found complete relief through dr j i kalloggs asthma lumedy now he knows bow has beam his buffering this less rented y gives sura relief to eflllctrd with asthma inhaled ainoke or vapor it brings the help bo needed ksery dealer baa it or can get it for you from bis wholesaler mtf ntanam mm4 ola slmtw wftevtjatarim tatavh tmiuiis ar reoru mffei umi amav raom dyspepsia it laone of the moat prevalent troubles of otviumed life and the ooor dyspeptic osansaovonen4oamaslritboutdisuea log after effects for nearly everythlcg that mtora a weak dyanrpuc stomach acu as an irritant burdock wood hitters will regulate the stomach stimulate sir lion of the saliva and gastric iuw to facilitato dlgrslioo remove aridity and tone up the entire nvatem mra dennis llebert st bonuoce blaa viura- have used burdock blood bitters with great success for uyspepsia indigestion and sour stomscn- 1 was terribly troubled with my stomach for months sad spent a lot of money without getting nay relief until x bao- penrd to are about n woman luring and oer tnttiblc aermed iba same as ntine i tried one- bottle and eras so ituch reusved i bought five more and i io taken them and i now can mi any- llnal whi manufactured only by the t muburu umltrd toroolo ont coiuiottct ltt0nr w talktoieb ismpwaaaw d of the uarvoua pyln a bookkeeper our of a job le natur ally a maq nn aeoount tberewoutdbflmore people at the top ir it wasnt ao easy to slide baok ip oliildren ory w for fletchers r o aator i a om1vthattalm a tho pisurnt time the queauon of pniioeilou aglnat eouuterfrlt baok nt u being discussed in england id much allmtlfon la being nirractsd hy a now invention known as the onking bank note i ait nld a system tf ibh kind be vdopied the note will not only concern thr eye but will aeaartirs geuulnenasa in a htud and lulelllgant vnloe ehnum it ha placed in 2 phonograph w mm w f t pau woakteighly icntsnaand hem icujnecribedun tha edge juat as m f4 phnnogiaph oyllhder using a poaullynropared paper tvr this pur pose any kind of phrase can natur urjnwfd nd its purport ta or llttia importanoss salt la designed simply to mtfl sjsfep q- ksforro ilka charity should begin at iome a pereon alonefeela pretty loneeome all alone in the world but too many relatives are not desirable the plitbat tada tham ail pills ara the most portable and com pact of all preparatinoe and whan easy to take are the most aeoanablr of all prepartlona but they muat at test their posfer to be popular as panosleas vegetable p1iu ara tha snuat popular of all piu thay must fully neat all roqulramenta aoour- aley ooropnmvdod and oqoipoeed of ingredlonta proven to be sflvollye n the dlgeatlve nrgana there le no surer medicine to he had any where tm mg or l ib1ao 1 rwtthswlluercrieda teacher tq a hopeleealy dull pupil whl aver do you hlnk your bead is forr wiluo evidently thought ibla was anotnerof the troob queatlons that teaohera ware alwaya asking pondered it deeply w mlao be replied at length jo keep my collar on i exchange uk pi mo up artautranqb did tha burglare who broke into your bnusn get any thing about three hundred doilare worth or jawlry i didnt know you had that much jewellery i dldnt hot three hundred doi lare worth of jewellery looks batter in tha papere than a twelve dollar watoh vary conunon all the organs oitlic body may be sound wbuetbc nemnii system ie all upart on account ot i troubles and srorry which uu to ttw lui uerrea becoroo unstrung the heart u uuc oflaoud in milhums lleari and nerve istu u ooiubincd a treatment that will com all forma ot nervotia duorder as well as act pin down asraan itrs wm hmith atrifi bjktu youttl hayt ibrranovs onl used uuburn boo tauc to me ynu lo try your mlibui vst w rtl part and nerve ihus l hardly let any- t your pills i got three boxen and dkl not have to get any cured ray nerve lulttufnviii forsalcstsnd lestsfldt xiraued xunlo children ory for fletcmcbs oasto r a cwhovslhlnot rawotta there are some boya who cannot sea high fence without wanting to climb it and some older people want to defy anything in the way of a restriction a prohibition frete them regardless of tho thing prohibited some illogical minds argue from this fsct that all prohibition is wrong but we cannot do away with fences because they stir up some boys to climb over tham thou shalt not began la kden and it will stand uulll tha world is restored lo the peace and purity of that prim eval garden olean huxoach clear kllod the stomach la tbe work hop iba vital function and wl it gsts out of ordsr tbe wbule system cloga in sympathy the aplrit faga the mind droops and work beom luipnaethte- tbe first cars should be to restore healthful action of tbe etoaoacb and tbe beat preparation for that purpose la parmaleaa vegetable pilla general use for years haa woo them a leading place in medicine trial will attest ihrir value many people mean well who do not do well drinking wouldnt he quite so bad if it didnt make a lata want to talk an much a mana political affiliations in theee trying days are often merely a ni tlon of salary han amaioom hiwrakjb what caused tbaooolneee between you end that youngdoctorr i thought you were engaged hu wriung la reiher illegible ha sent ma a note calling for lojooo kiss- welir i thought it wai took it to ba filled apreeofipuoo and wromr baoaf a friend onoe wrote to atath twain a letter saying ha was in vary bad health and oooclodlng is there any thing woreathnn having- toothache and earache at tbe same time f twain wrote baakryee rheuma tism and st vitus danoa christmas appeal peoplefontario tka hospitaljusick childrag dear mr editor it would take mora ppaca than you can spare to -tell- or uia good work dona by the hospital tor blok chu- dreh toronto for tha slek and de formed children of this provinoe let roe in a few words toll you of the steady growth ot thla hospital in the year 181 there ware only six cots and beds one nurse 44 inpatients and 7 outpatients in lilt thara ware 3s0 cots and beds m horace igm lnpalanu and 1tsu out patients during tho 17- years of tba hoa pltals existence 1m70 inpatients bays beau admitted and 1m7m out pmtlsnts bava been treatadvsvtotal of 1u0h or an average of s1m per year of tba 1h70 uvpatleats mh ware from plaoea outside of toronto 44 of the tout inpauants were cured and ui were improved this is a great record of tham4 inpallnnu last ysar stl came from its places ontslda of tor onto ao that tbe lloapltal is not a label but a prolnola institution in the orthopedic department n years nearly 700 boys and girls have been treated for clubfeet nod about q0 were corrected i uk of these oajne from places ouulde of toronto so surely era have a fair claim for help from tba people of this provinoe the corporation of toroolo grants tu060 not only for the city children bat toarsfda the maintenance of all patients in tha hospital anif the cltl- seas of toronto donate an average of 115000 annually to tha funds of the lloapltal will you kind reader think of what yopr money will dot it helps to re- alors health and strength and uvea sound ibgpi and atraurht feat to crtppard boys and girla bmataw that your poekstbook mt bajllmjhanuumeejiltlt v p yon n tbdomraoof jour kindness to spftsl so that tka hospital may heart ot its help to tha sffstf ehlntri llmmnltlyd vqnir nioav raa hop lh hopul build lrld om ljloh 4k hit or hill children trvl m tha jouniv mnmffln to 4aber7 plssaetaend a dollar or mora if yon 1 pdupiii payldaoa tba fsipiteiburer or the hospital fell away to a shadow m ha raab ibbcm tt hal cmsiuptmi in wm ibrtlii lcthblp lurtx kut hb wrlto i rti itlmn of mj aira bj dc woot nonnr lb byrap lmi u 1 took nuudltktlwoonlui igol oitd i ooald not m a wit 1m two acton to tmi m bat at o ijui allrf wj dbopkt tkouiu i kul oanapuoo i lud fks v to kvkw i kal ini op 11 bepn ol imtiac battor mln uaul my dutb- torwmttortomavy ud biwifat mm boui of or wood tiimj pu qmp atur ukhg lui oj it i bit twu m i sot two wur ud tfcvaka to tkm i am ww3 todlor ud ibw to do nr baojo warwxouot mj too mch lo u nkw ud i did dni bp it tkobowa dr wood nonay ita snap om- taiaailtbalaackaauagrtwwof tk faaaom norway plo trm wuek nwkea it tka ynty baat aropuauoo lor oaada otdda and all tkroat ud lua troubh r smtkatyoont dr wooda wkea joo uk for it tkara ara autr imiu- frkw3saodaaaau qaa tkat tka naaaai tba t lubani ok united u or tka ydlow nanur wootan wooldot ba ball ho attrac- uva to man if b uadmood bmr it la tb inontwimat wmimmm tbat ntrap niao 1vi am or our boya and glrla tisva just racalvaa our canadian free maple leaf pins you can earn one too aaauy yeu only hsvs to do tbr things fihbt ilutbt away aow uks a pest card or a sheet of pspar and write out tha full namra cbrutlaii namas and sumsntaa and full ad- drasxai of tun bey manas or chunvs whom you know wauta ilka to earn some packet tnoaay ga between and ik years ef age- no tare lo the sams family bigonp blgn your name and salreaa at the bottom of tba card or sheet ao that we will knew who sent the usl thina uall the list couplet with dve cants in coin or biampa la ua right away addrssalac yew lester lo oalea- dlvlaloa the witness wlness bleck uentraal taur list of nsnue shaukl be mslledwlthln sevan daya after you- read this ealendtd offer joat aa aoan as we get ysur lut of turns wa will seat ene ssv tbeea beauurul geuvealr rjae te venandyou wllluks it innaensa- asould ywor chomshav had exr aerisnea in avagaalns ar newasaper sa eo mwi ihs salt a eee4 thbih namas we assvt tola yeu why we want the nsmes k perhsse you dont care if ynu do or if yen lynlrraslf want to aamsead pair jar work for us why ufl us laa letter and wa will eanuli wnffslsnlv u will wm sri a thiwethw a wlsasee leekr sss x isasa just thy insist on wortmr back if not atircroinf gtuirantme of purity on momry tin by sugar a cetnnar umttmd monfiwaf fcs 8alk at thst bk8t csfocbrs vbrybvhkslb buaianibiannaaqtiaitrjniindqdrjddaaanaadaiadaaaaqdnaibiaisussi e i introductory offer jj p h a a h for the remainder of thl month p i n we wil pa your r fa to q a a cuelph and retun if you buy your g electric fixtures from our ahow- g n a rooms crand pieplay i large jj stock 1 better than tho toronto d a prices i come and see s i b i t3je guelph electric works 3 owo eb oriaycrv co prof s w mufcal sou gmlak oi 8 nauanidanaaaaanadadaaqeiadaaoddnndnndaaaaanaaulwjuiw x i i n m 1 i mgm the gianb trunk iaaa mmhokr tkaim k i n m ja s6 the merchants bank of canada v sboold b prsaical c every parson who rocetvaa and pays oat a chequing a isymsnt by chsqoa la the venlent sad salsat method of handling whether ol a boeiaeaa or pscsonsl chsrsctar the retsra of cheqnss are vouchors for eaery sam paldool hey show a ba se s have been nssde and lo whoaa ibla bank anbiact in caaqee wufadrawal wa pay the m to bnulldapoattorauwedotohumoawttendaao intsraat allowed on all savings i yearly lota i assets j8i80 ac on branch f a maclesn manager pliahle yet tough vou might begati your acquaintance with storeys goods ly investing in n pair of these horsehidc mittu theyre excelleat cxnmic5 of how tough and pliable milts may bu mode by our chrome rtrocess with tbe added satisfaction of knowing they wiu not hncomn stiff when scorchet 1 or scalded dont forget to buy storeys and theyll remember you by wearing longest at all stores w h stony son umite actoo o excelsior bakery 1 jftst quality uflkao cami wtulirmc cakifc birtmoav cakib htc e7c io cetatam call toiat l t statham son baker3nd crocus main st acton tli bam stag stall sw haill wats ri nrf pi it niim m no and 1 hlial jbtttstie twtassssi wm iiemstreet agent acton pravjnp ttssomto canjioa conscisntious plumbing s heating is hot k myth sncith tjrs to the contiary m npake it iho most important factor so if you favor us with your patronage yoo will enthusiastically endorse us predsmirs plumber yoar chopping will be done quickly and wet on cither plates or stones if taken to the rockwood chopping mills flour oatmeal bran shorts the best at lowest prices harris co limited overland ivuiahd hootx t 1913 models now on view better than ever 30 h p 5 passenger ld5f 15 h p 5 passenger 1959 all fully equipped and guaranteed deliv ered in toronto also the gramm and gar ford motor trucks shawoverland sales co s3 o 09 aohellsklsf su waat torontq 0 q no bee st guelph phone 33 we are here to do your printing assortment v of typa wbitiw what yoarfafe tthevwnjpl5ftt o yuttor patents tisfflfjsf- affflssj fes sisli tm jsji yy

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