Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 12, 1912, p. 2

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9u jlrton ttt flrtss thurhday dmjkmdrr 19 1019 tonxwialnotifl tint kl hun r i borden rre- mwr y the uplt of the dt tr on lb natal question lent ree it t prnpueed lo pi usaiit great britain with 35000000 with which to dd three powwrfol lulehlpe to the aevat defense of the empire theee v tm u b built in great britain and maintained by lb govfaent thee they will form part a tbo british beet but they can be recalled to fores part of a canadian navy ehoold the win and spirit jonmel pub- llenvd in toronto la it omofenr leane aald an of peeeenllon i worth a pound of eui le a ery wis proworb it u much nuwr to defeat a local option b4aw than to npml it tbree yn later tbrefcr ytnn eco tbo ilqnor luaareato triad with might and main to defeat tbo local option bju the alcnaur felted by a nsajorlty of 03 they will find it cnneb harder to repeal tbo bylaw now t three year have peuaeed a tbo journal ay- tuk puntal busihkbh of the do minion la inereeslna at a much snore rapid into aban tho popu and in oooorqoxooa ibe revenuea ol to de partment for tbo leal banal yoar aboi tbo urgent eurplm on rooord namely vtjnojao tbelnerelunetrev wot yoar was bls98au a compered with aoftttjb for 1b1011 tbo m her of letter and poetoard moi through tbo mall last yoar increased by 67jm 000 or u par oenl the eeerejje nwabw of latter bandied par oaplln la now annul aeeenty ontario euppttod u0j31o00 of a total of sos i4oo00 letter iw tbo wbou dominion and 31300000 postearda out of a total of 51757000 a rojuhplno ooumcifjuom knrrok pkkx fuw i dkar 8n when i wu a r wnki ago do to have a enla on looal option in georgetown tb re port wna circulated bero that there won eighty vacant bouaoa in acton and forty place in which liquor on of your owineimlore wm her laatwoakand stated that there twonty tbree ptaoao in anton in whleh liquor eoold ba purehd il la ati faotory that tho number trf phom i bains ao rapidly reduord but what poopla will ba ummi aurpriaad at u tbat thla ctnineill w wbu imiwa wl tboao twonty three nlaoe are nod who as a councillor la under special obugeuoel lo that tbo by lam wf hi manlolnajfty are ewfureed bmtlri allow a bylaw to fan iho broken art to ons n prntoat or erilhoqt attempting to bring tho mwbroakora to jnetirje i pint that this councillor la do- earring umaatf oartaln it u t aitbor ho or tbo poopla in tba country around nod in nobjbborinajtowna ara linlf daoalvod for tbo improaafon tnoy monlvo or anton u that it la n baay llltlo town with a aobar and in- dnairiooa poopl mr bdltnr la thla not ot how many vaoant bouaoa bavo youf havo yoo roaily ono blind pis in acton 7 tbo aoao oounelllor amid bar that aetna tatmmiih la laaa than it waa t yimgo youra for aobrioty and yat groatar prooprrlty for aeton goorgotown and hvdl6aec bylaw kekaled thai tmmilta on ktnac d thalr twonty third rapmt a oil ir- oommanjad pay ma of aeoount aa follow i sudu turaoy fnadlng tnuapm ate hondorodq a jo anpn jaakyaaon sonbaam lamp cok w d andaraoo frolght and oartago hydro- electric jaaaoa byaaon auppuoa w o andoraoo frolgbt and cartag stratford light and hoot co ball iwnztm co anaaaagm hydrokborrk commlaalon inopaotlns polo claro broa auppllaa laeopfarupa conatrnotlon nupply co aup- plloa hubbard a co aopplw central rloctrlb to tuppliaa a 00 i n a ho ttoo j3t3 a 30 a a0 i ob 13 3 ooorgotown daotnur 1kb xbut ana waring tbo quarloa of our georgetown oorreapondeot tbo follow ing faota ere given i 1 vacant bouana on tuovday three member of acton citliena committee made aboojuplete auraey of the town nnd found iho following honaea to let in town nnd theae are all that exist j o nalanna mt main street vacat ed by v porter on sxturday prod fctsud m nnlin aan6- ei ed by mr jnrvlx lat ntoitib hair of air- cmwh h hi on church siraet vnoatad nuv tbth half of s oordlnofm bimiwnh hill bmrnet vncntrd n v ft john barr bouae on church street vacated by mr lraeham oitjut deceoi bar mr hweton a iiouh no rlerhiwi half of hra beaton y linum oh hln street vaoatad hy ut btowah two week ago roorm over oocdnn a ban ah braarer a tneat hbop and in t lie ban ed 100 33 tfetel w 04 tit report waa adopted moved by ales bft oondd by w cooper that the tender of john walker for the unaa of tba akatlng rink for tb aaaaon of ims is for the nn of vlft be aooepted- carried the nydrokteotrie by law no 40 to provide for borrowing upon defaeu turoo c000 for inetalllng a new plant wna lepaalad and a new hy law for lb wd porpoa waa introduced and mad tb required number nf tlutea tb vote on warn to be taken on january otb at the municipal euctlon a apesul meeting of the council area neht on monday afternoon when f r three hour themeuerorcoetrecte under tb nw ayate rale dla- oounta prlellrgea tc were dtoonaead in detail with the hydrokleet rio bnglnoer rree hyno abowed that b had given exceedingly oarnfol de tailed alndy to the mailer now ao prominently before the people womm ombavatiom we now have oold winter weelner it la not unreaaonable to auppcee that before warm weather there may be a oonaldarabl number of fs there are very few dwelling in acton oapnble of acoommodatlng all tb per- am who would wuh to auguila fnn erml thereat if aoch took place eold weetberlt u pikmlively oroel to and dangerona for many perwm be compelled to rem stand i ng rmind lb entrance to a booaa during a long eervloe and often tboae ln aide are an healed that it la positively for them to suddenly actons efficient teaching staff hvmrtns wee rrom inepaator deeeen in the nara nf the hoard of kduomil mel lu r gular monthly aeal n in tie doioiult tee boom at the tnvn lln i mi uouday renins member preanl i a h n i ok till ohalreoam win junntutk jotinkvn neyandjoo it kennedy ulaakval umlth or amulet beak fpplled for a poaltluii uu uie teaohlng eeaff in oaa of n vaoaner ooctming mia minnie k uuiwvm teaoker of tb junior primary leprimeiit aant tb hor the following ooinmunloa uor9 gentlemen i i hereby wlh lo ex preea to you my thanks aiul appreola uon for ibeacuou taken l yoir bux cueeuug with regard beginner entering school it la indeed a great liii lmnc and inconvenience t i have el lldren who know notbli g f sououl w rk enter acbool when a u well started in the work i therefor fel vr ittanktul lo bare the ucbool iluard al nty back when 1 am asked by paranu lu admit beginners in lr tbldauj of a term i can now refoae admlttanoe without feeling that i am presuming too oiueb youra truly htmnik it ifoiikm ueeemberutb 101 il inapector deacon wrote the hoard aa follow i gentlemen at the cloee of anotber ealendar year and at least tw i vluta of inspection lo each t your depart waenta i ba pleasure in reportlns that your teacles ar uoiiig faithful ead eftlelenf vorb vuu bne bea niost fttruinata tor sevaral year past in getting and retaining the sereloea of faithful and ancoeaafnl teacher yon are especially fortunate in keep ing for a long term n principal who la ao devoted to his work and who baa ntade good a record for your i goo nsehi ioil uo have re oelved more for your outlay than any yoo i day tl other high or continuation boh board in halton 1 trust that the people of alton will roe i ten thla im portent fact and show lbr epprecia tlonof the board and its ifflcsn end tcadicra hy improving at the earliest opportunity the defloient and unault able aoeommodailon and equipment into the outer air can ik not he hy ebureh board arrangemen la made thai during oold weather ault- abl pruvlalon be made n thecfaorebe fr holding the aarvloe where all may take pert in comfort no pastor feebi lke ranking n solemn eervle of the kind uuough lo indecent beet much a be aympatbisea with the ooteide enaerera but mostly when they get trted they forge even t there are people lo every community wboe only eootect with mnvege w to the great veriuee of time end eternity and the great evangel ere when they ere present at soap gathering and even three ar most likely to refrain j b uxacon p b inapector mill on iec 4th 1012 theoommlttee on finance preeenled i heir fourteen lb report and recommend ed payment of account aa follows t george havlll repair and mipplle 1608 t 8nhama8on fuppllae 70 j llaasard supples and hooka j gage a co map or dnlnton geo m uandry a co car atnlea aeton free preee advertising notice canadian kxpreee co parorle the secretary puge and stationary bxpendlture el monlhs j b mackenzie contract shingling and repairing temporary eohool one or two of the beardmore bouts ou crescent epprared tibe vacant but the deputation waa infuriawl that theae honeta were in bueelng town ehlp can any other town of acton a slae in ontario preeent a better tbowiofff a number of new housee ar oearing co ana othere em in oouree of cone t tion sl- thuoltlsena oontinluee will pay joofor evidence proving the exut a oone blind pig in anion aotone aaaa moot in 1uu7 wee ioub4isaoei iuuoub 301 1 lb10uia6 1011 417 060 i w13 45iajjl 0r neeaesment i 8110 hojber than when leal option omm into force ko jf nmnom txuimeui wtui having the art eerverely ooajl wwuber of the eeuon v fteintbnr from here will attend the winter fnlr in gunlpu thla week bajnej prepnred for ti obrleunea tree wwafa wwi be hem in tbo church on tueedav evening deo 17ih ewmergrmy of bookwood k ojeanutq lor tbf hrnryk popuur newtorfc to bermuou trlp wu can- vwwjtts n tbh eeetion uet week w with ute tom mweeee jiw jylj orlop vuulg in hss3 vspifm wnoudugn wkm lh ban and ji wtlon km tb concluding peregveptr in the reoent letter in the fao pmsos from an acton batepayer fe perkape for numlng up po tb moat etrlk log of all what public aplrlied rill- of aetoo desire repeal t la hlra abpw hie reaeone there where be come impartial cmlookere to amy nothing of interes participant in n ooolest of thla kind must be ae- ton at tbe otter lack of argument atumpted on the repeal aide no doubt the fnn pmeaw would honor with publloalloo any manly letter on the matter the town ball can be leaned hy on side aa well aa another nnd yet up in dale in thla tb third ltasnl option campaign there have been mnllcalmrilhw in preea or iron platfitrm the only departure nien tb atlll hunt imm lneu lb du rlbutlon itt literature at but hodr of n htelkrept pereonel appeal and mmm leaflete all of which contained argument easily met were there 1 1 toe to do so there ate rry grave oplnlnna by many dilsene about liquor case trula after all the positive at air men le circulated about town aa to in frectlnne of he law in many instancee complaint is frequently made that pro- ecuting auornaja either do of know facta or e ae do no labor hard enough tu bring ibeiuuut it u well known that the bench ae constituted at all reoent year trial baa no uee for the trafflc legal isr i hegel but llni and again alleged offeiidora nila their aup pined deserts but then perhapv ttumyof the current at element have bad no foundation in fact il le easy to talk yon know there la another more eeri ms aspect till tt all that baa been currently reported and confidently circulated baa been true then the oath must have many lira been badly trifled with and what doe thl 4gulfy t simply thla that ueucb n thing becomes or dinary there le introduced ft eertoo danger to all protection by law of thing the law should guard all klndn of right and privileges nre en dangrred if alllua be true it might beweil thatapeclai atepe be taken lo bar preeent the county crown attor ney to warn nil wllnnmea nt the open- thjnojoey ed lonmh soflook ihi muwinr itlrne hqim i i r fh rt f r tltn mi nimrtbi l s mrtcrrl hrlr annie n ivtlar mia j in un iii 0u 1 lira m dmmu kdna j ii tlim j imi wnlklo ihrlwrt unina ii ititrie iuletr nr ii llsamn hytfet isaulle walktt willie uouonald malvln dunbar jr iiuum uerolluejieuar ktojore joltilstutl kflle mflkaoliern donald modmigftll br 1 cl holly mcbeckern wu nier welkins jr 1 glass jean mcuougall alex mehonald clam a hoy johnalon jessie hy der pearl mcdonald gordon john too angus muhucbern joe modon id nstujg a jannink taackar opninon the chrlbtmaa tre anlrrtalnment la caonectlon with the pieebyterian church will be reld n wedoeaday evening decern iter ibth a good prograwmu is being prepared tba par men anj women e inali tute raerfing wee held here last friday and was wall at tended musical ealeo- juneby mckemle and andsrin and comlg aonkv by mr mcoutcbeon ware much appreciated mr mclean la still threshing in thla community and will have a week or more yet tl a oold weather make ue li ink of winter bhtttbr than tub nuvwt wblle it la generally admitted that tb family herald and weekly btar of montreal le the beat umlly and farmers weekly paper printed the publisher ar determined to make it still better they are sparing no ex pense in give their subecrlbere of 101b bigger vain than er tbelr beautl ful picture mother a treesurea la a delightful subject for the borne end it la aafe lo eay that no one who re ceives a copy would part wllh it for double the money no mistake can be road in eendlng one dollar for that great weekly paper for 1013 koery aohacrlber gete the picture mothers treasure alee 3d by 80 inchee free it le lite biggest dollars worth offered to day the flh that gela away le newr half a big aa the story the angler tella bout iu hcxxxxxoootiotxxoc 7 10 v wt 4 120 70 103 12300 157 71 moved by joo kenney eeoonded by jno r kennedy that the report of be committee on finance juat read be edopted can led moved by john keoney seconded by john b kennedy that meenrs johnetnoe end kennedy be aeeoclnted with the membera of the property committee to confer nnd take notion more necessary eeeutenoe to the ecbonl janitor to ensure comfort and proper care of the new primary scltooh end the cleaning of the walk a there of now from the preeent through the winter montbeoarrted moved by w jnhnetone aecooded by john b kennedy that the board ire to place upon record the ap- nreebuloo of the faithful efficient end onntlnuooa eervlcee of our secrerary treaaurer mr ii p moore for the thirty four year completed with the preeent jmontb be having invariably given hie hot service to the board during itaurprrlod carried mr moore thanked the board for their very fctnd end unamlnou reardu i he aald he bad always endear ored to do bis duty faithfully and it been a gratification lo him that the auditor bad never challenged the theeorteetneaeof huhooke and flnan clal iljennt be board then adjourned mr geo krrringtoo will eel choice lot of dairy onwe nnd young tie at the hotel ucglbbon george town on wednesday dec 18th atone o dock shart heuj patch auction worried about suitable xmos gifts for the men i no epeui emlrch on lew la ie apt tone all thla m lmmtopllon elobuetl uiswi- preeeotbtw nnd the matter nbdve a- lodedrtuhaa been learenbefore looal option tmuxut in t4l jtm greaijluiy le to nip in tb boa anything tewnfn lo eo sreetn danger to the oommatt tb way tnejrlr bring fuwted into plneo tor tbehydrarblcotrfo te bt otmnlng very couvlnclng that we are rearing n very lanportnnt and improv edei nditlon in our municipal hulory to have the ruahlitg water of old niagara lighting our dark way and energising our vnrfoutt industries will ufcnuiee be a marvel but also a boon it must liea sallsfaotlnn to our ener- geucaod watchful reeve tti re that for which be baa given runny hours thought and car through various years of chh ell wllh various col league m re pi lly nrerb g o iibuniiiia lion and oil issue generally w 111 sure- iy desire that whoever may ootue or git hint beeve hyuda still alt at the helm bjssks bpkolal tftalh to mntuno mains roimiumoaft -txtlltomio- dxtoalm hrmth for the accommodation ofpamugen ailing on the white 8 ta dominion line steamship teutonic fruit port lend maine deeeuibrr lfth tb grand trunk pallwxy will run n speo- trnin oooahulng of veetlbuled opacbee tourist hod plret ohua standard pullman bleeping 0rf- lenylns toronh at 1 jtt p m fruny ducember i8ih running direct fo the dock nt poriland errivles there u oqerwthpeim ivlwjwthrtey ervauon tlpkala nnd full imrtloulan oaa bkabtelnexlfruni ttemreal grand trunk aknt or wrltea k duff d p a union station toronio on urla h holme suh ticket asehi phone 18 t people bavje prloclplee en they oa xpuln wbr they didnt jive ip- to wjr- i- eo drop in our store and we wilt uolve that problem by showing you tbc moat attractive and suitable range of chrhtmaa present in alt the latest novelties af the moat popular price there are no christmas gift the men appreciate o much ai the ajtfctex they can wear and make use of every day by way of luggeatlon we will make mention of only a few of our special christmas lines bath ro bbs is so and 96 00 dressing oownb 9iooo and fid 00 bmokinct jaokbt8 600 poaj awbatsrs i 00 to fs 00 fanov toqubs soc each panov hoart 93c to 75c fakcv knitted scarps joe to 3 00 panov knitted ties soc and 75a latest noveltlea in sltk tibs 5c to 7sc fanov braobbboxetf soc toft 00 armbands oartbrb boxed ajc and soc fine shirts t 00 to if 00 j pvjamab jfi s nod j 00 bilk hanokerchimpb so nd joe initialed linen hanokbrohibp aesorted priceii from 13c up gloves 00 tooo fleoal shqeb 9400 to 6 00 suit oases l sotoirmoo j olu baow 978tertoo alee largo assortment of mun h jiwbxbbrv specially adoctod for our chrtatmaji trxdcwaiqh qur window lyeiiin and get nil tfte ubku ideas iri meal wear a pleeanre to how yen our goods whether you bny or g j wallace tm mena store miu8t iteto blirrtinniiu constant eflarts rxlcndinr over months arc no having theit results 5 in the finest collection or xmas gifts that wo hare ever shown wc cordially invite your inspection make this store your headquarters down town for the next two weeks open every evening from friday the 13th inst until christmas wc would nrge early shopping you ihus have a larger and more complete range to select from and more prompt service is posbibje ii at all possible avoid saturday evenings when we cannot give the service wc would wish to all henderson co mill st acton oat xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxwooooockxxxxxxxxxxxxai djtkkhmakino wan i kb 1 la bhhnldn kptsyeeslnt what shall i give this great big perplexing question answered easily at this store broad stocks of desirable merchandise satisfying prices and bounteous service are closely linked in this the real xmas store phh one perplexing question lhat racka tbo bralo of toou every c brut mas gift giver at this what shall i giver the tiueallon eeoras to ret up you at night you 0001 want to slight uncle or aunt you v dear old cirandmotber and grandfather you muse get eomethiue for the children and yoo must remeoi few friends how to spread tbo triad christmas joy to everyone seems t be your greatest trouble al this ibtathan aoanethuikto wearf we give mention toe few of the many lines thk one i time is you at nls tbo brain of roott every christmas gift giver al this to get up with yon la the morning and go to bed with tunt you wont slight father anitalolber and i bore u r the c iptable christmas gifts -liner- time is there anything 1 we carry that would make very 1 gifts fob htkh pnr furhood and cloth overcoats suits hats caps glove socks underwear lies cuff buttons braces tie pins shirts bouse coats bath and lounging robes sweater coats ebony comb and brush eta handketchlefs gifts fob wumkh- rich handsome fnrs coats separate nieces or seta suits cloth coats underwear millinery drosses waists himonas bead wraps sweater coaisyancy aprons hosiery jewellery fancy neckwear band bags dainty handkerchiefs separate or boxed in pretty boxes manicure sets gloves table linens cushion covers comforters bedsteads pillow shams and carpet sweepers gifts fob boys amb gtnxs suits overcoats sweaters and sweater coats winter caps cloth and knitted wool cloth dresses gloves atockiugsv sntderwear wool overalls and bonnets or if you want to give the children toys you will sad jut the kind they like 00 sale hem the toy department is on ibe second boor and in it yon will find the most complete gathering bays that b shown in the city of qoelpo delhi doll carnages rocking horses tea sees blocks trains etc are bero in large variety at prices to meet adpureea do your christinas shopping at guelphs christinas store meas cwhir d e macdonald bros cor wyadkaa aad macdostl streets guopii 0nt dreu gents mw s a few safrestkms for 3 i liistuas i m u presents i village or aoton by law no a by law to provide for bor rowing upon debentures eight thousand five hund red dollars to pay for com pleting and equipping the plant to distribute electric power in the village of acton wbenu lac cocporetle el the villas of cn spelled m tke tfydrektertrie rmirca ilselan o ontario lev e seppty m powti sad on ike tela day ef vbnery in wello bruw w lh elh dtfjjsty tyis n biawetd to ike wg ol the ctect- orsef u a paisasm to patbei 1 c tkw mid 1 ft jtr ibmfep ise uun e pweeewe the sas of sjbseaaaall ta vernnnd sad twtrca a iw vuvtae of aden saalt b faeeed hwrfur ii 1 ilaekesuam n twenty t sat n aet fart t brjudels tached at tee eeke of the r dwoqtst stattombm acton one s f dndoodoananni f0wli fowl fowl i also sell all kinds bl furnitukh 7g sffhbt ktwm tofwcllea eritnc pr frees veud la fm of a itdstejusixspai rctoas to a apnry iporyfruatlkacda aad swom ike ooaacu of the f ike vqises of aetna have caleied irsrt wmk ik tlydnkvctrio rnxuai of oyla for a supply of electric pow srrj eealp tke plsal lo dartrilnrtc m i iks vulace of a and wkcreas ih work la ajoa and sfcrs it ike said mm u eu ml ef ike sau vtltscenf a ck elective power ot ef iw u lubru aad whrraaa it u nrpnunt la atakc tb prbt- dpslef tkeaslddeu rreayable 1 mil hh ts period ef iwcaty yars of mck 1 hspbtuvsty last ike larnu ihoui ferprniripsi sad talrevl la say year ken1 aanesriy as maybe xo lee sewttal 1 tyable for prtadpal sad lalermt la eacn of as elker years and wknesali will beaeaary inrahrsnaa- alty fc w ef esssss dariasj ke period ef twenty years to pay tke said priactpsl woaey mas tkeewaeml elk wkol tsleable proerrty ef ike 1iue of actoa scrordlae to ike test i aitat belt lkczr te etmu aad whereas tk hkmm ef tk eaihlu tubea- taedcuauwaudvllaaof actoe u the sum yfwt perlef ike placlpsl or la tenst thereof h lit arresnv b lrn of tka vuue ewjerdlvtlwraevceftsjsmuhwt tr be scaled wah tka o palky byepecklfaeeaeesu ralekbw ptepniy u vtllswof actcmuataeaeefeeteestortw par- mcipithibmbh ewvbi eatk of tb eid yean for principal sad betsreat ta ihm at ikeasld ikwea 4tkls my4aw lesll take start ad lnu operaiioai a tke day ef tk ausm tkenef j tk ota of iks lrar ef hhwumiuit aceva entitled to onto oa tka aylh iwll i t miiuglirlil iisiliisn kelewrofaliwoclack htmeatskiuhl w llaiec eetil amhiec e llerafteraomt i ik aumymthroltowo pkhotaaadby ike fol eweas uepney elaeweg odloers that l lowy vrtlupallara hn t at tk town hall with o keteraiae osver lseianal l s t echpoilln deetieaa etpi tk pase of ihfa k in sad amkenaasktroabeblfof oa mnt tn- leu ted i and dealt nf osieani fb uhs ef ike aylaw tkecwekof thtowcu of tke attend al ike ten iul artoe si i- ck la ike nw ef k eneatk day ui reand le open caaedl a ike day of let kc cwtk bckydsla a refenwd lei lb bylaw kite m tu vub antoaet of pbctba1 aad latere teovired yearly to tetlre sja dabntam la twenty yean btaweperotar payable by yetah phinvifal lmtjtjbst ttrtat sxe7m sus00 cht irpliri rbv r a av bunoav l a at a itoaie ln t ua meaaseaio tliurrh n v im jufon paator to brm aeaasa h cukuitit u lost fl t n htslle wantki kkuui ktio es elau isa o cam adian imk i 1u1m0tino c h um4 houi llaaultsn itmt dairy fa hit for 6alu 1 vauttfam sill 9 oqaaaniref tlanlse opplr ba jaurhkiukw h i mone lost i oht tuawlay faaal j aatakal mbuialaf a otter bllla aba i s09 in rtaa sua tauiavl a a arthol sladv will b abyjapald by leavlss choi0k building lott for balb npo pu tiaaeba wll aadaesaha te arael 4ji vhajsdmonl at cc fob salib tasa htraet oee wttb bant aad partlaelan apily it aautkmaw venae huael caki okjhanks tiik ldlik 114 ef tbo baatanoeei in la teo vary fslaral utaaas the rtaada who eadt awasllaa f aeees oak and avtti i eonoaouo wtik ikatr sm sa tb aaeeieea uat of rr j aart belad et ibe uauwdlat beads kekeel as- us le tit avantas tbeae all were elessaem nautit as i lb umi i tl oitert ef owt valaalilo l m acton for 8alb liseje mala lto aotev la berab oted e aa ta bosa la e wallb41t atony t half atmwn m hea t aad lo beea tbate la s ad clataee wltb paaai woedabad isna bara sad alavbb- s with fruit tieae ooae fw lamu aad dulunun apel lo wu hnubtnskt er atlitea 11 1 uuonw arte latl wlfttwh tirh rttom jam inel j illtlott mmi symons xx confectioner btule uslcrs ol 6e acton pork pie iertectlon hsmcnud bread try our loc madiera trult cabs on iett iastry is delicious asaortoieal of cakes and 1 auy freui every day all llrieaemsrse weddine and itlilbday csbei a specially conlrclloaety nuts etc ali ohijkrs utllmihkd vvulow st acton village or acton s3tuu eji 6e metropolitan bank haaa ofbca toroato oat savings pepaktment accounta or one doljar agd onwards opened and interest allowed at highest current rates acton branch ta tanlsted mnnngftr and ard uh ikh otb 7th hifa vth j oh uih ldth ihtb 14ui ibth lotb 17th lftth aoooi 3 41 mho am 71 370 so 308 70 418 73 43- 00 401 os tbi 73 sob 07 bm 41 001 18 sbo 10 4m 15 30sm 694 4s 337 n7 mono sal aa s83 xi 383 uo ivt 173 00 147 os u0 03 tu87 sonvoa kutm a oo qncsofl oki on 083 uo oaa 00 oki os oki os 083 08 ma 00 ass 00 am oa oki 00 08s 00 bylaw no a h 1 vv lo repei by law no n i passed ly t iil council ot the village of acton 01 iht 101i1 erjav f jannarj kjio tu prithittit the silt iy ret til of siirilu- ou frtinmtel or other manufactured lujuorsin the municipality of thu village of actoti ef jtaeevy teto aajsasotlu ii taaajj ef eyirltwmt ferejoala o other ruauu la it a j usborau aad shall ba proliltll 1 in ever bvrara laaoruf utbar koaa or tlam of aebtu ealortelobw la ihcssml tnonllluy aad ike ssl ikor im br bl- mlr u awl afeajt b inhibited in my aboe or 4aa oil m tbmsboeoaofneblwaaleriaietaimmitlbealdaaun etbajlly ba sad tke aaate ta baraby ru 1 ffcat lbs eel of lb alaaloft ol tl sau villacaof aatoa will btkaooa ibla hy lam by mke4ablyatarlbfl naoate baeainartar bauiaj saaoaoo yi at eewsknuaew ik ejswee smbtk treat t ksxai inik keuee le tee fubea fas twasa mveantkakstlaekaer eay end iberela ar ibe till day of jaou mlo kuedraduul ihlrlw row eanci ibs at alas dtlsmt n lb morals awd aautlau 1 obioak la tb aftatihtna at lha tiod blaoa iotllu hojlvluu hall uaeeiv lleihrejoe 1 dlaar i ba ha wbetll l palllae ltubjv ubhi nos hwlbtb abop jwpoly klimu 0awtalbababtebvraubb uanakl 3 tbal oa the itlot day of omii lull al latdboata tbatviva ttall la tho vuue o atoa at lb hoar of mm osloes lu ii a srtarnoo lb heave ska 1 1 sefiolat la vulllntf slaeed by faletsstr twe peeenes w silted l the lueenef teavotoeby ibeuletk sad m m ealiiam ntaos on lateatadlk aad dastree le n ibis bylaw sad a babalf bl ibe parson tataresled maad desuoea othmoibs lb yaetle- of uala bylaw t yfasaibecnrkef tbesakt hsalelbal dee ellbtthevulaeeef asten skall aimed si tke ooa4ljbntw la lb town hall a u a of alalia ealoeh i lb f oeeeeom day af jsaasty tau te saw tl essteniiadjilbtt ihjij b tbletllawbfabllcone tula fore aflart astro tb brat day ef slay east after ibe seal stajr i ooaoatl imau bar sub s n vncb vjs aette that tb sbo la a ttae eon of a eftpaii ny4aw wbuli bis bo take labs fceawprt omaeal of lb ee ebtsieee is art a l aet ae l h treet tba rauee by ibe a vuu of amn an aedbyjibasaldivai east ef she a wat a eawe by tne utaoo sedatsala lbrel ana m eebllaauea ll le o aeea rree rill sdao4 ablal srat pakluaunn was tnsr- iboflnhdarof neoamnar 1bi sad uwtai tbeboir rutsnd4rslbrlnrlimtoefjuhl oftblmtoiatlhtlllltnnss7 a j luiwinnqtr clate ii iml n

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