Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 12, 1912, p. 3

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for gbrlstntas cholcln our r m4hm yw nmnuia wucbo jawdfait tm doutcmldrastelvi bokl for botiaadshk saam44iuow suhhiuni geo hynds real estate my ibsus at 4wet rate ad wwm lrgt wkr f fmi tor mue rtim biwcuuass ati omtr rrwrr l nil ihaitewrsew tewa we kunre every facility rr it yr j a willvlichbv hjt uttsa jfr jjrtss tuubsday dfeokhbklt ix 1u ft ebntofa ur prep uuef local items oo1 la arriving bam now with aaora a volume yi ifaar been alxm old fash- loamd winter weather tba past weak rock wood baa organised a borden luhjrlibmrcihuulutn a balrtosn nw lata heap sweet wv gut lo lo together in thla town altar it a all br taoelphtf hydro- electric rata baa r band reduced from sx5 lo g par bora m ia number of young ladles in town gave an m in be town ball on una day evening lb annual banquet of lb metbo- t sunday school wtll br bald aariy utlmntwytr jjbtarjwai taso puor on march sm next yea lb earliest data in fortyeight year tbe ntw mall box for i tor i tumta no 3 arrived on tuesday and i nl now being placed do yoar christina shopping this walk better choice and attention 1 jaoac than a wwk banc tbe preahytarun a d baptist preparing or their annn- 1 attain man tw i at st albania ttectory i torn down it will h r ufplaead with a commodious pariah tewu the tnonay order business at acton fuatomoaaftiltd44luie tbe bala of tipe reacbed 31u0 80 last war ig invltalkma areout for an at home jtoba given in tba town ball by the gswaflinta of lb acton high school on ftvriday evening h december y bar w k 111 hon of george- baira haa accepted a call to tba baptlat lakwreb goalpb and will commence svwa pastoral umbo about tba lat of tannery 4w bpwortb ltigim of tba jswbodlt obnrob an preparing a bjaof etotblaajaoddolta tobaamt for attafcrltmtloa to the poor children by um paaoo tines hunt bf hamilton p bair a donrrn inches of nloa aoft apmrw would b welcome now a ottftitaaaa la mtr eo welcome aalba orthodox round canadian rwilli plenty o mow and wlth ibr chilly and airanuuua jlftlaa on monday and tuoaday tbo 1nlnkl4mirle llnrmon bad it rat bar jfawifcoaafortabh tbay cunilnuod tbrfr garorlt bowovor rrgaidlata of tbaaa imbaeka ya bylaw to ralr 91o00u by dabtur- iftaraa for improving main atraot and almlldlaat nawoaumol walks was latro- gijlodad and raad tba irat and aaoond m and wtll ba viitvd on at tha ja- nbm in mill on tba annual inabmlnamicuiinoflha btpivllh advanoa la a mo it baa jat wamlth of aolandld mlaatratlona or oaoaa atrralo boinar churobaa boslnaam puoa yttd inuat ha appraeutad by it raadvr fbttarrmhi who ar anbticrlbrra fitr ba wookty son t mntu lwa reo- hoai tooonfrralulaia tbinml on tba awbaaaa and lmproa fljbaltaaaytv tbaaa improaoaanu baaa ml ba poabu by i ba rapport gt tvpajaar by it raadm tbay ara raaa ljr iba knawladga ilitat atba8ui tltiy ha a paprr that 0loaawfllr mflolmw without faar or sfaror tito tlni hntd imi in ovary yontarttarm hmnft iu duty tba far- avcroarmi t bloimlf nm hu buali v t onsnooat lmi tlliiradwy evening uraaimtak utarary soabity bald it a rrgolar ymavrtk rsrastdant mr j b ewarao praaldfua evan though itbo waathrr wa fnniawlial dliagraa abla ibawf waa a good aitandane tba following progtaniuio gtnnt l addraaa inatruomntaj mw myroa mann i trading mr frad www aolomua margaret naari bb atorlaa mr fr lambart i aniinb itrl j instruiaaotal doat mr faarao and mhw m nrar dvatf ibawilyad tfaat wihobi baa i f p u a tbao tj afllutia waa opporiad by xalbviraitd s tbontpaiht mjajay mdaara 0 johoatob tbjodga afar faarao u mwuf qi slmooa aod frad whl iilafhi vaa gin in favor of tba naullav tba ctiuaa mtort waa 55 mtaa matarat nar tba iiuaung cloard by tba alnglngof iwaaa k aaw aanaal ra aaitll a 1 ifciitaa m i mtai or itnaa aaa miirotl ttw a news of local impoftt that annual bailnd anpparof acton irallrigaoa- bald law prmay canlng aa a rr poll lion of paai yaara addition to ua local ta war praaawt froaa qaorgatown ouawuuaam braaapton oualph and morriatool tba mcuar aaott orcbaatrw of onalpba pvovioaa a jjaa paog j c uav j cj wuaon b a tha bapuat chureb uaontoiown on sunday avaolog and addraaaad a aaaaa aaaatlng of oltlaana in too town ball ajiar tba hnrb aarv ilia aturaaa la raportnd to bav boon a natarly affort and provod coawdoalvaly kbat local option haatiaan both materially and anoaaily haoaflcaal to aoton dur ing tnapaat thioo yaora aaaatraarfcla avaafc hydroklaetrio ajactrielnna ax pact within a day or two to ba installation tu far advai able to turn all houa and oonnmirotal aorvioaa will tban hav an all night tba praaont ntotra will ba l and until in nai inatalled currant will b obargad tor on tha ium bu aa at tba laat yar aan olknaaaam tba btoor gti taa cutntml for i ha rural ntall da- livaryiouto rron acton to ilriabao and roturo tbroogb part of rrln and hqualng townablpa baa faaan award d lo john uibbona aeton tba conumct prlo u swoo and l 00 aacb allra tw to ba paid lor tba iu mall boimuu iba rout tba work will antall a dally drwa of ic mint tba roula will ba known h h u no s acton iiallvary la axpoctcd to about cbriataoaa tba iwinajanmia praaantad by m unla balia rodda gradaata of tba dvtroli sobool of vlaltad acuta a yoar ago waa ao captivating and aatiafaotory that a aaoaod angagvwiant haa baan otad sba will appaar at tba town 1111 on toooday awning naxl 17tb inau m boddn la ono of tbo ovary baat intarprotamw raadar that ba nrar vlaltad acton rry nnjubar la a gatn and bar ranartolre la cnoat varlad and axoallant plan now often at brown drug store mmt of cluaana will b bold lo tba town ball on friday log at olgfat oclock wboa iba local option altuatlon will b duc by f s spaoor brj okoontrtobw toronto and kav ir abraham of torooto a foraaar llalton paator mr nurb aololat of toronlo wul olxag during tbo nvoalna kry pl i cordially invltad to ba praoowt tha ppotttaof looojoptlm ara invited to dlicnaa tba qoton frotn tba pkajt- fonw tb mailing u batna bald uodvr ib ampleaa of acton c maealtl at lb woman inau tat in tb oounoll obambar last thar ad ay aftr- nooot mrnarrldgand mra n f moot aaob gave aa intarratlog talk on hot suppaib and in n prnotical ray apoka of tbo various way that vegetable and inaata coold be aaad into dainty antra for aunpor ml k near and j mcdonald euj a very pretty duett altar which aoveral poke of bow to make ca for cbriatni and traatad tbo wbo tbay bad previoualy tnnd a wnawlmoo votn of mwitka was lendarrd to tbo wbo bad taken part awe mgblawgi taaaaob tb atreat ughtjng baa ban in vary lodlffvrent condltloa hualy tbu la owing to lb inatalbalon of tb new syatpoi which ba aomawhat docnoral- fatad lb old tbo ooeoeu and tb alaetriclan are doing their very beat to get auattmo righted t lb aarumt the hydro- rwatric torn ara ruahlng their work through wltb rxpealikm it uexpoc- td tba owhltn if lb town will b lighted by lb iw ayaton in a fewj day bat li will ha aaveral wea bafora tba inatallahoo a ooapet in tb ontlylaa dletricu beove hynd dao to aaaur tb podl ibat no tlmar will b kuat la giving alt part f tha town tb go uew light 3cbe paaalajwrf alagb ambd for vral waaka a inmihei of ib young nn amo our foreign popmu- tton roaalana roibnuna and pobw hav been unending the night oobool eta by tb eoataaluea appobat d froaa lb varloue aharaba with wagwanluinu widlognem mrs dr ault voluutrejljmr a as teacher nd it hi really surprising how mneh alameolary knowledg baa al ready he luipartad h bfcr and imblbrd by tb egr pupil mi ault had cmrdderabl eaperlono a a mlaaloawirtt leaobar in lodlao s in tb north waal and ba proven bar undoubted ability lo tameb thai a foreign from rurop by tuetbod similar to tboae uard lo tbo wee ur piaaant pupil are both apt nod apreltlb tba eobool u opa oa wadomday and friday vnlng spam atale a orait r tb sale of work bald by the ladles aid of the baptist ohnrab in tb warren block last friday aftatitoou ud aaeolng wa a ot gratifying suooeea tba stara with ita oaa quarter on two floor ajtordad an v 4b eala tjbe ldlaabi were auatad by the young paopl uf tb chureb and aory patwut manlfaeted a wlulagniaa lo make tba affair aboo and to give plura to tbalr nuumroo pair on tbo liwcc ration were attract and tb display of chlldra clothing haadkambief d4k home cooking plahle omadlea tc waa profaalra upstafra pan oakea mid utopia ofrap andifa job cjgua and wgw wart atrrtuv and a ftah pond at iba atatrway ooa- uloed many variuea of ia flnn trilw pieaa tba wdf f hit evymwgj iba tbodat t swadar snlhfd orabaatnt dlaoooraed awaat tttiiala tbenvanl wa highly lunaiaa isnrtwm vw ww 4ajl whll the juovlng plrll aid ibair ha ware tbeat wlu f 1imhv i hay wrra highly gtittaodorllh tha flitansui tmiitin tar bayud thalr iint mtngulna aspaeta- unnv p will boaulhwd fif intpmyuimii if tba oburcn hamx social and personal 0llr claft is in dangbt mia nllie llyods wa ltcn foj toronto ibu weak mr a gardnir uf tunhls ujt d actihi rriaod iat areak mr o a u muuw waa bu from toronto for a week and alail mb kau smith who baa bi in toronto for mmm uot relumed la u waak ulaa oconnor and uia uabon apeot knaday at i be boot- of mr molhouand in dublin mr kay watioo waa bom from tb college of pharmacy for a day or twolhi week mr frad smith waa recently pro naoted to tba dual tiowvepay lag teller in tb metropolitan bank hamilton mr and hra kred montague who naun lo hamilton aaveral aaunlba ago have returned to actun and ar anaking their borne bere again maaara john and ail lalabmai arrived boas from hum bolt sak what a they had been for aavaral monlha uat week tb angaaiaiii la announced ul uiea clario hwllaer youngvat daugb tar ot the lt mr and mra ueoege swilier toroalo township to howard hueae uwusb block kqt lag tb marrlag will lake plaoa tb hatter part uf tbe month mr willie andrew wn of jama andrew ol llumbank man who md d from b a urtn yeara ago u apendlng tbe winter with frlanda in tbe od home lie arrived in town uoa week with mr oeorg uoffat on his return trip from th weal henry f um who ho hmmn i 1 angelea cel alnee au vtalt to acton two year ago ba re turned to honolulu hawaii where bo formerly resided for eaeerml year ii to lb hawaian capital owing lo iu health and haa baeedtted very aa previoualy noted on saturday morning november 3kb malcolm mc millan one uf tbe moat highly respec ted realdenta of naaaagrawera paaacd way he bad barn iii foraom lime tut it waa only during tbe laat few montba that bu condition became tbe fo look place froui hi lat eldanc near drunk v iu on tweaday of lest week and waa largely at abowing tb high aelaem n wblcb he alter a short servlea at tba a waa fortber co tbe preabylatien church by tbe rev a blair b a tb canadun order of friend of which be was a charter member aaalated with lb aervlce at tb grave frlan and n acton hob qoelpb and turooto baa nlmoat lb entire britodlngcommnnity attended tb pall h were neighbor of lb de- namelyt was black lock john aad george si a peon jama mabon and herbart fletcher mr mcmillan waa horn ott yeara ago a lot 1h ooo o naaaagaweya and wa i eon of th lata nail mcmillan he remained on lb farm until n few tara after hie falhera death yiar hlch be realded with hi brother j neu at bookvllle in ww be married agnee ball dangbar of tb lata tbo ball of naaaagaweya and t heaatoe year bought tb property near bmokville where he resided until hi death hu home broken however by the death of bla esteemed wife in ikm leaving ivoawt linus and thomaa in lfim mr mcmillan waa appolotad eaaeor nt tb townahlp which poal uon br bold for si year giving it up intof ulbealib for tear br wa agent lor tbe mamayliarr co and for a number of year tree- aarer of naaaagaweya frbylrlan two inother survive nell of brookvllle and a a who made hla home with tbe dacasaa the charge agalwt tb twt toronto lad for demanding money from mr k 8 rice at th point of the revolver a week ago lat saturday night we heard by judge oorham at mlltoo tb hoy were aentenced for a abort term in jill and will ii italy h evnt to the induauui sobool aw ausaaawo oa owaipoj beferrla to lb ctmtcert programme given inqoelpbsu andrew anight tba cairy aayai the little dnoe aanla roaa and may nmbitt ftlladoot of tb heat programme over atgd in the city tbolr auneing of tbo highland fling irib jig sword tor and th bailor a hornpipe were all ibat could he desired end warmed tha hearts of tbe scotch audie they ware aoeotttpanlrt by piper hurray on the beg pipe owalnb wuaa vnir the twentyehub annual ontario provincial winter fair at goalpb open ed ta dootelotbeputic on monday and will ooollnueupen morning after noon and evening until friday vett ing tbe felr tbte year will exceed that of any previous year notwltb- ataodlng tbe fact thai a big show i in progreee in toroulo it waa expected that this show would feel th effect of the owe at toronts hut it has only erved ea a allmularttv tb orlclala to procee with great rhlua lkw r before and already lb effuru belug crowned with sqccosa acton lo aamrtng nummows vuitur lu fair uavlng received a large stock of pletttra iihrxldlng of tba uteat design i oaa prepared to bh all order for picture framing neatly and promptly church ot sunday evening to a large audien at tbe oulaet mr dreper esplainad that be bed taken for bla text tbe h of en editorial in the october number of tb wine and hpirlt journal ol toronto w herein the llceoaed hotalman of tb provloce are strongly exhorted to effect tboronjhorgwlalfamaebdloanbacrib el leeat five per cent- of tbe value of ibair uceneee to ogbt tb teetotal party and church bodies and eav tbalr faul from being wiped out tbe preecberaaid be look bla eland to apeak etroegly but kindly iocal option be tbe metbodlat cborcb atnde on both feel with face to the front ua ibis greet oatlon aud tb matbodiet church la not alon in it alraauona advocacy of the qi tlon toe obarch ooorta and hredere uf lb avnguoan church tbe ittvomto celb4io oburcfa ibe praaby tartan vburcb tbe beptlat church uta coagregatlonal church all apeak in favour of local option and teoom- me their m ti to work for it enact mewl it eamto sue therefore ibat ellminletere end priest can fairly and unitedly stand alrvngly in favor of tbte measure which closes the bar rooms 1 laka w stand because in y political party and your la according to tbalr re- apactlve lenders are in favor of it- tbe labor organisation fc fur it lb sooullata are with us in adeoeatlng te ben of the bar room wllb reference to ibe effect of local option in aston jh peat three a wealth of comparative etata- and ouqcrtta loataitoea all de rived fruo official and kwliakl source presented proving beyondlb poaalblllty of sucraiifel cmudettuo that the rseulla lo acton ea a town and tober ciuaan a individuals both i nod private oapaclty have bean ben froaa moral and material wandpolnt tb maallwt luiprova to lb of tbe town ware pointed out in i he new and improved atoree new brick and plate gla fronts inci a need staff tb widening and improving of mill street for two block more than forty nw b erec and uum other lanprovawenta and wby should this not be tbereaoll with 940000 formerly spent i bar roahue have wot o greater ability lo pey debts bay build end improve tor and plaeia s snore wltb our naarcbanla and b happier time in their homes a a matter of fact many old debte have bar paid end aercbanla a re charging n smaller ratio of gooda on account than aver before the town would boom a never before if the anlla instead of discrediting tb law sod helping to make it lonpera- tlve would help a to enlotca it wed have model town bat tbay nugn tbe town malign it elusena tawttgii tbe ruglbmoa coealag bare and then limy eall for trad in spit or their folly tbay get lb trade and their bws- toeae grow if tmr lector wutmly tbtnk and will study facta and oondt- 1tioo a tbay exist nod t erpow tbar coocluslons tbo arrived at there will be few vote oast age local option on tbe qtb january next faycashpayless ros tom shoes ml rubbers by bnndred of dollar tb poat offlc money order bualoa o acton under local option baa in by alfitsa whll in oeotke- a uuder licenced bar roonta iba only 10636 thclncrae of stamps nlone n gibt actona cusioma buslne ba inerea- ed ao that tbe government tbte jsoi ppnlnted m cuafona ofllcrr and has purchased lh alt for a new gxkooo poat office and coalona hooee in- toreallwg figure were quoted froaa ib a ndl of tbe loam to show that during tb three year ol local option the aeeeaemeut be abown an lucre ot glqt3 per year lo lata of tba reduction of aaaaaaaneot on botal bulldlnga while tbe locreasa lb last year under ly gojdo th mm authority abow ibat acton popohv tlon increnved by 10 fort it tbree yraro before licel option came in wuuih htcreae for lb past lltiee year with out license waa 120 our population umrefor lucrreaed alxtaen time a rapidly onder looml option ao under and lb lucres for 10u la larger than for any year in a doc do they talk about the quantity of liquor mn in acton under local option 1 waa at t ba g t b- atalloa ibe other day when ibe train cam in from goalpb a small case of beer off tbe train for a private party and an ufflclaj said lo aa tbaraa local option for yoo 81s week be fore looal option into fore bare i ooold have etnod on lb g t r rdatv formaod pointed toacarloadof bquor and veld lloan bar room for you i could have stood on tba attest and pointed at loaded facer we from qustab from wojarioo from berlin from hornby and mad tberea llceoaed bar ronaaa for yoo thankfully 1 say is wa taavenot swab ape now there 1 not a tit be of the nonouat of liquor coming bo aoton now we i 8 ouauhnipi uiij street mr a ifrt unl mr it wbtaalxumtryhi oral whjj ua mrdta avat fnceeiw youv mr byv why baoi you bjomluseerur mfv a olt deer you hnnw tutw bad ibe weather a beett admlrauim k woohm llkoe bra la hw tuan- lalkt ilttaka naorelban an eyaopensr to lokalttbe topar tha error ot bu referring lo tbe altewed number of blind pig in town tb speaker aald the oitleeas oommlne and provlocu auiborltiee bad round two la three year he round by tbe blue books however ibat i h ara mora bhnd piga lu outario iw 1 l aad tceeltory- than where lmml option fat in force in tba former there worn by uteat report ataabllnd pig convicted wbile tn thw portion erbar local option obtain which is the larger half ot the province t were only lit aonvtetlcna aud tha majority of these were form u hold and it ha been eo la acton moraovor in lb part of tbe provii bar ar la foroa otm botolmen ctmvlcted my pereoeul nbeerv have proven o sanv ly tu nm that violation of ibe uw owucludlog lbleonvbelfgdleoiwra rev mr draper asid and they i uwuortuwnlidead wu it atebj ly la if a eaat ledomlosrl iba nantbar td drunk uanteanjloww nawdi if tb mhaonee uf ineulle f n udem when pna ing certain p i avhanea of a dead towyl if iwvrr night brnwk the lecar of wtvee pleading t harvmamdtmtta for tbabr h if po o tav- acivllyarvwraoekatlr4 town ihaaaatondwdf ibaaai wbo aav v4 rojf lm uffew downibe ufma and wwaaaiil lews btmxtr out thal amat mr kdltor dear sir i am very eorry to learn that any one would b eo foolish a lo want lo bring on a local optioo r contaat lu acton ir i bed a aot i should come up end ua it however i hope there will be vote enough for tbe by law that will bury tb liquor traffic eo deep that it wtj never riee again i copied a fw unas froaa a paper abort lima ago that i think t work r priming in franc scientific- m urea r iteduclng iba number of deaths ia0t a year there 75000 fewer tbe past bve year than tbe ave year before bui lb effect of eleobol tb health authorities can not bsnub wa extirpate tbe n qulto banish or exclude tbe fly t declare war upon the rat isolate quarantine every lufeotioua daaas but wa lloanae lb worat enemy of all ibe liqoor traffic kn toronto december iod ullx atalbuiarao people in tbe ldnlty of tb fad ar taking advantage of tbe no weather to have tbalr fall plowing mhw jean mclean apent a few daye with friend in toronto hat week mb mitcnall took tbe topic lb metewmb church old fobu who dead swarhlw of tba ktad fbmvr nadruco laxatives m mmomi mmw iiwiiiiilii l 1 nh aaobo now is the tims to order christmas cakes c symons barer il conrcotioner willow st aoton fo cui kipplv yoa with rubbots uld stocklon cira mdriltelhik siippm n a xmas box final now oolh xw we u kivias jsutt h ad ssoa stora opposite post office w j gordon acton ont aaanananminnda our i xmas aqdies n a i now goiifitg to g ww wfll ruvw at laurgwr g autvcf futar dtaplny thatis g coma an atnd aaa our aiook tbatfcmtva you do harold wues taxactoaca mill street aaes tnanmm a royal purple stock a poultry spednea mw w wut m i l lililn m ft lwmwi m w aarew aad fanaatea akawa aaatbaw ok ad nad sealtav m taefe taa vll wl all ever ceases ffaw iiiah r aaaaa ma larr aasaatw ad asoalbs a alaatk be bru oo sunday it will be 1 wednesday vnlng beawafier the ladle last hot of iatend having aa oyeter auf par bail on friday dec utb m davtd roaaetl haa reooatd from an altaear of append i j wblob bald him la bad a fw day laat week taw p sunday ffabool entertainment wiu be held la tbe hall at balllnafad doc botb dr morgtvg i ib dints root pills owe tbrir atneubr rffnowam m rarlav rbrueiatimn 1 nlnro end sent at to laeu novnr 4 mioiubiieg ad atrcaebrninc tltc kklnr tney lh product of waste mlln wioib get into tbe joints and aauaclc and raiiw i wan paiuf ul daarnac over half a century of constant use baa prove conclusively lht r morae a ibdlea knot pdla urevwtben uk udseyaaad si garo hhainattlsax bowmans mjtsety stock t tjbe a wktc h ihvduuwd at ttb store h ghtf2fwbetyafcwf4l my stock contains a huge rdyhas and pattern tbe watch movement ere of a make noted for urncampine and low cent of upkeep coco- pleto uoes of both nrav and woavao s watch see my special ladiea and kent in gold fined cam at l nnwatairtta mkcuajnt w hjfoster watijeaspn mj atahd gotftowei oatario the flour fee st we beg to thank our many frienda and cus tomers for their pa tience and patronage daring the removal and alterations in the fetd store aud to invite all to visit the new site and inspect the im provements we solicit your con tinued patronage and promise as prompt ser vice as possible r noble merchant miuer n f moor manas crandtrunf toronto um 110 fbom acton ms aaaaal aa year team tars it ea tats aa let aa enttfe a h wean whim win a ms tail oar bvaek aaails ajp h uw willi tw lares w avataa set avw far ear ralw aeta as iweteata a ua ii r bst aaew e haw ts aa total trtthrm rotjtttt gnxjflu wab am year fcaw b jwam aa t9 vlae- as ba uavame arut bam law fmtiei asmeas rases see assseae aa a asus aamslnas7 ttwa aav as u awrsat al taa amwt tm lstaewl rfi- stoak pt aa aast sear ks i a almajbt us arlua svasl ris- reekiy fc hesae4 afesa ismlm b4sxt ua that hm rasml kvccs mow ikswmnsi awraqhrboaam aweu varfw gabsvejee tsayaljrvvb oaajb oua ha uat eat by an tttwtajftmkbmmtuc v rrm gvadlph 40cs nto acton till gait aihia dae a ao u m- s hounxs ageal itewb fprt it costs so uttla and does ao much posmvby the uukesrsme ih cahada s re nelsons g z bulletin at goods suitable for xmas gifts umbrellas- neat sty specials at m m m m m m m m m urns walking st1ckh for xau irom v le initialed handker c1iikfs lo 4j for brace sets in pretty bumfronmc togtg mknt boyb cloves ia all ibe different styles of lined aud unlloed etaves rag got forgmje also a special moaoa reg i 50 for for xmas knitted neckwear h boxed tie at sc silk tibs in bona la four-in- hand atyle for xma at c nbck farpsftomwl jf urns iiouk coato dressing gowns and bath robes irom f to i jm sweater coats from pyjamas fee the man pyjamas for tbe kiddles night siultts lor men night shirts for ktddirn urns colored and wuitksiilrthlaall ttylcs i am showing a special cloeu peabody bblit for xmas at a leader in silk pour in hands la eleven i boxes reg til so xnraasprcial nw styles in hard and soft ii ats my special hat l winner see our new caps holeproof hosiery silk hose for worn and man j pafr in a very hai box lor xma for women fff por men s with l genuine guarantee in each box for tbree mon if your he have any defects within that time you may have tbem replaced by new oaa without coat r e nelson m 93 upper wyndham st ovbuph oni u bsmhalmmhimmsmkhmwnmh m m u m m m h h m a u m n u m m t m m bank of hamilton easurc vour lupplncw in tbe u sua your saving power alone assure you against tb time wbeo yoar earn tug power wul bo reduced a saving account at tbe bank of ilamtl too would be a help toward acqnliinv tbe habit of saving tb same couteoua effi cient attention b given to all depositors whether tbo account bo large or ssaau ukoroktown branch w m baacay isaasiw back again and mora bargains i ccspeaght 1 omafactalllt mttl uq ta his tkomattimbm- hlusm wl cti wbi win b pnmpdy wtp stovbb ul ranoss orxnttbware ad tinware shbvr hardware ueclavjcostovbs mbqhamicssvdpvs tadti oils jus glass cutlery w silverware chihamel tt ud mr adatfei wnh ud ot gpj motser asdthe wfcole famly pringle guelph santa claus with everything in tbe jewellery list capital separators f0h sale at cost seven new separators never been out of shop 500 lbs capacity mm cash dairymen tall quick as they ara tb be rushed off only mires buggies left as we need the rtontfbrwim tr stock will clear at cost robes knee spreads horse blankets halters etc foriall and winter use m machine oils ol all kinds also floor oil give us a call and see our line of goods b f caayfctnf all atrlun

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