Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 12, 1912, p. 4

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9ht lrfpn jfrtt rfss ttlobhdjvy deubuitftb i lui atmflajov today waatnn ton word for r tbeiorotutb twlowofeuldreneadof wife 2jlc of trtefct woe sales twjoy ef rein la ud nrprta msbineal night mag npon tnefa- ta joy of mowdsy ana tw tried tro jnyonens of ereotloe t- jot of labor awdirfjairtk tbwoy ofalrnndsanandeertb- 1u tvesnt jove that u froeslliin whose mat iw dot dim fa hmaroen ikm dy ansvtefc glrlell upo- nor way wkeoe wfcaare be of arrow tupaaaefiin immmow and ttata tommfov com why twwen udy and iovagaio i jaba ksnnrlefc deng ffe hockey is chief u i hnrkay ptoparly named caaadeii bw winter sport la increasing u int veer attar year tha nu i om that l easily understood- it raise are simp particularly in on tario it is a gata in which speed id of the grealeal aeseta and it is by ibla p4 that toe public inuraat i aroused a recant atalament by a newspaperman of british columbia where um game baa recently taken a greet bold wu lurouc im iat bat it la a fnneral precession comper ed with hockey in the frovinee of qoebeo hockey la the popular winter port there the gj interns aim to ba in tba j aide th i in ontario rhe the fame haa sand ita moat advanced strids am- leor ho reign supremo la uur own province and tha apod 1 eon djkted by om at canada a gmalesl amateur bodie the ontario hocky association to give totim idea of um height of popularity to which hockey baa recl- ad it might be mentioned that tha o ii a thia winter ha no taaa than 113 teenss playing lif it association owing to the uncertain wintnfth aome pert of canada artificial ice rinka ere being built la many of our ciliee in british columbia no lea then three of the structure nav been erected and the game lie taken e greet hold on the far western peo ple the three place in question are veneoenrer new westminster end victoria and e the game u being played by professional no espenan bee been spared to secure player limn ell pert of the ilominlon british columbians want the fastest end beat hey cen buy it coarse of con struction a greet artificial ice arena and neat winter the followers of the game will be ebla to sit in comfort and weteh the same played under the moat favorable conditions the game itself we not played t any extent tn toronto or neighboring tone and dliea until um although it had previously awakened greet in terest and popularity in montreal ouawa end a number of eastern plac it was in lot that the o il a was organised and froan brtereai has i ore seed ike greet interest in and one of the first was the new lodge barron of stratford who in bia day wee also a crack player the first president of the o h a waa the late lfantcol a m cosby who also donated a handsome trophy tqtha association the first ontario championship went to ottawa in lata why t feed the felon in anrpr yiw enftw greatly froea ihinnn- tl don yon f -yee- welt rteetrlrfty u the beat known reumdy ror that i fin mm do i hair hrt end leave ntban to do i aim are sen bet if mntv folk wr produeleet a de ls the one ej living wouldnt be en hlemedbiffn come end wart d wheat ueeled with iiodoway cora cora without leaving a attar neekay now jts dvartlelng quebec ad vies from london state that the vru them- bf bon cherle r dev lin the minister of colonisation of the falter provine u resulting in a djstinrit boom for qoebea intereata he baa made it er that the que- bee fj ha do intention of slnlnriaing the work done by the jjadarnl ooverrunent in edvertising qanaja as a whole but be lays stress upon the desire of hi colleagues to taenia a heaae la london for visitors from qoebee and in interest briuab i the opportunities which i to t tbn qoebea ing with mm tiers as are aome of the other pro- tinoea but it la quite evidently awake totbe edvmntegbb of nublidtj es re- garde the industrial openings and the sporjing aiuactiona which the pro vrnee has and the new agentgeneral tjrtjfejleuer will have in hi new office a continuous uptodate exhibit of ell that quebeobe to offer to the canltalist the tourist end sportunan mr devlin who enjoy the disunou ueaj of being the only minister of the onren in canada who has had seats k three ifarlianauita in tha empire heslbeen rreetly feted by his old friends at westminster and especially by he irish party of which he was so valonble a member ottawa the neva scerlan scotia once had a rtset in buiuipr ot woodon ship in4 sh re them ami fova 8o4ie welvt wiut iter fnreste and bbipyards empty anil silent as for umtnotb 0ootina themselves they are i more under the spirit of the old world than the rest of canada which hi bef ng interpreted that tbey are lees st of money enl lea inclined b aaeisore all thing by the total of a tens nvnk account t am sure that pod have noticed thi virtue of their rorll do not nesltete to call il e vir tual right in the teetli of a community i oonapicuouslj lacks it tliey i n a of- their golden hours lam of their golden treasures than we do ittis quite easy to understand wfay nova bootlan may be content with what be has when lie has en- oulhtand ready to sit down and live his ufa that i what an knglislunan wewbe tory ant to do l they do swzlook on trade as a duty iu the old world but as a burden end they pay their highest honor to the classes n have wholly escaped from it canadian courier literary taste r xemarired th hasty imllvi- ibe young woman in the book jm have you a- navel about jwtth sute- colored oyesp dont recall one just now bwt we have a very good now 1 grinder about a girl with hau it two aohllximoa f u -c- kl hurt m f daywtti fci lpnilik nthvi ou rrcantnml rttc uhilitg hills ao d n a an- xiymt on returning bfne in find b- i eppte nff ba rye huwling tha bowe duwu ttat child wimild ei b onlet nm rn abm bu food pp louk nlea in bi- era tb- bu lmd parent uird walking up and 4ua the rooew nging eonge but eftar bmvlnw eung vary ewg from bun bwn buck hbespt to hry luddle diddbv be abougbt of giving it wp u be tried own aanra aong it wee slng a hoeg of sixpence hardly had be started when there v an w- atant voan and a tiny volea cr out uak it two shilling fader iii ba ft suffered from catwhrflv fr thirty yam oatarrb of the stomach ie gcnerabv rajned nn aonw mterference with lb action of the bvrr and at a nwjady that ail ret the whole body somci aymptoon arc burning pain a lbs floosaeb constant vorajtieg abnor- mat thirst iacreasnt rcecbiag etc tbn flntt aupw of any of i brae syanptoam ajillmuna laxalinr hi1 enonu b t tlm tbey are a spe for all die- onlers arising from wrong action of tha i mr afewi uubw kocrahv alta wiitn 1 takr evasnre in wriung yon mrrriir t be grrai vale i have rrrrtved oy using mubum s laxalivar pult foe catarrh of the wphi with which 1 iivr been a sufferer for thirty years i irtd four viek and tbey eoaspkhery iod an rriee eeau a vtal o viabi for si ho j all dnlrnor mailed direct en nxvipt luioa by ibe t cutho ont castoria ihrlabato and chudran kind you have always bought bears the signature of in use for over thirty years vnn nughl lo ha gled that too will w ivctnwnated inatrod fbangd- vmuw in convicted raarjttosl awnwrmai tb tnlant claen fresher we irylic tp bring out the fact that dewtd era n man of varied occnpetlona the qoeeuon waa aafced j whai do yon cadi a man whopleyeon a hasp t a italian mr a well if it lent ms- b what a etrwngwr you are why itw quite five year since i new you mr byn why oaent yon b to eee ntef mr a oh deerv yon know bow bad the weathere bean all ski e n bad blood ko pan caneapeottobe free freaaynae form or other of aun tioeble ualess tan blood la kept in good shape tba blood can eaaoy be nurfavd and the akin dneese cured by the use ol burdock blood bitten that old and widely known blood medicine it has bcrn on the market for over v years and its reputation is unrivsned mrs uflic mucbeu guelph onl writes 1 wee troubled with imsims my body- covered with awful itching weruptkoa although 1 tried inanj dutorent rerondies i could get nothing te give ine reuef finally i got a bottle ol uuidock blood bittera which cornpletcrs cured as manufactured only by the t mubura co limited xorodlo out troubled with weak hoart msay people am una of baving anytbmg wrong wnh tbf ir wart til wane oo the first sign of any weakness of the bcartorsvsyousaou your esse beeoaren so neeprrsls that it is going to take yearn to ears yon but avail yourself of a present sad prefect euro by vbtaart aerl nerve hue a- stovwsson harne i wss trowbtod with ao run down fore la ramk writesi m receipt of price by the unuted toronto on ytue rflus father waa an eanlneat author and one day while be wee at luncheon the lutle girl occupied a chair in ht atndr shnhlv a caller wa uberrd in and with a pleaeant smlb inquired i i eunpnes you assist your fa in eetrrtalnlnn borne i yea sir replied blla gravely a flnadey sebnol boy aoaaa sonday go gave hi teaobertld uluotraifvej deflnltlnn of reaponalbuity boy bee two buttnne for their nreens so to keep their trouser up when one one off why there a good deal of recnousiblllty on the other button memburr mow father did somber accept you the firm lima you propnaad lo berr ye m deer imt since than any propnaal that i have ver made abe ha oornfnlly rvjrctcd i of vaoamot why do yonuppoa be baa euah cnt eipreeeioo t wen be thinks of hlmeelf a gre ohildren ory nir ixetcieats castoria i today underta ma so e larger leeponeinllty tomor row if we hav won today battle w esy b nre teat irt but o make ua atrnng that to morrow we may be able n fight a fiercer battle for god and humanity if we have roc e d a mlteatons in lifes jnnrney nur reward i a nbance to make the next mlbi bet ter yeirdayii uiayt- mwrd tt with a beurr lndy and a beet to morrow ii who u eihtlent with smalt ubssaa wlu find bu soul growl ng thin and poor he wbo on the otbrr band looks upon suoorss achieved a a doorway into a field of u eer- vice will find his soul growing beauti ful and godlike the man who would betrour must work he who would fee great wt blm aacrifioe and urn stooping to saw i better than ellmb- ing tn wear a aaemlng crown a tool betutr tit the band than a eeenter by welleee ii orntebfieu the pitcher that goes to the bos too often ie knocked out isctveh mtlst the other day gave us anlaloa that the most won earful discovery of recent yearn wan tie ujseneery of zambuk jus taiafct as eeen as a alagle thin layer ef staawonk is applied to a woond or lahrry to insured age teat not one speclea of that la why children are each friends off aanvbak they care nothing ror the avdemeb of ten this- all they know la that snnvbuk stops thefr fldn mother shoe id never lucgat this again aa ansa as kambek la ap plied to a wooed or to a diseased part the cells beneath ttaeakiaa eur- fses at so attnar tawee ta eejcku formed thai rcrsbtey of fresh beajtky un frew the untao the formed le worked up to the eurfaee and literally casta oat the dhweeed uawbe above it thfa la why staunbuk cares are permanent only the other day mr harsh of xtl dejnrtnuer avk montreal called poa the embnhf cowpsny sod told tbaa that for oven twentyfive rears be had been a martyr to ncntma hie aanda were at one time ao covered with sores that no hsd to sleep in glove pour years ago eambak waa tatrodneed to him aad in a few months it cured him today over three yeera after kte cure of a disease be had for twentyfive yeare bo la till cared and has had no trace of any return of the easental all druggist sm abak at sfic box or we will send free trial box if yon send this advertisement and a le el amp to pay return postage ad dress jtamlluk cev toronto a coiacrete milkhouse malfflo imlk worth inore people arc willing to pay nrbrc for milk that comes from a clean sanitary dairy in nearly every city such dairies cnargc from so per cent p too percent more trnwothcrsiid even then they cant supply the demand for pure hjgb- svnno mile you wul get more value out of your covra if you property cool and atbre tfw mule such mule is not only nore wnolcsomc and therefore can be aow for abetter price jrji alfp rowerto sour than milk handled by ordinary mctfaods ask for tbe free book its 160 haikjsomdy progfcsbrve fanner is what the farmer can do with concrete it will tell you bow to build a concrete nutkihoinic and abo for concrete around the borne and on the farm it is not a ouutratcd pages am devoted rtfii to tb ubject4n intereeted jqv do dot place yourscjf under the slightest obl in sscinc for the book wm do liotcvcnatnatyouastce to just sign the coupon srrached to this sjtvcrthwmcot or send your name and address by lerw or poet card and the book wttl be niauod to you at once a i im uatm at ljtsrr the deeulon el the dvpartment of agricnltnre profaibttln the import tlm ir abalnthe into the united stales liould be welcomed nnlhnelaatrselly ontof alltbeeompoond wblobctood- ro civilisation baa elected to polenn llaelf wlthaea snatler of enjoyment alnlnltnvprobahly la the mnai deadly to body and brain several knropeen ewabka have h against it ih french government i rjoeeldeilng simib legislation and even brssll back ward a that country la in temperance rvform be forbidden it importation it is high time for our country to get lnur a 1111 that man who i a ureto the viatlw of indlgvstion the dad muary ue eaonotooncratni his mind upon hi task and loss and vrsatlun altsnd blni to ucb a man irmelras vagetabu pi i j offer reuef a eourer uf tremtmrnl coord log to direetlon will oonvioun blni of their graat xerllvnos thay arv cnn ly recommended beeeua ibej will do all ihat u culmed of them i never judge a man by bu coat be may ovr the tailor the inmr mans friand put up in small bottla that r naally portabl and sold for a vary email aunt ih- tfanma rxebkilrie ml pn sd more ptwr in ooncentreird form than one hundred time the quantity of many unguent- it cheapnrs and the varied ur to which it can b pat nsakr it lb poor niiv frlrnd no delar stnek i mapwr without it we ought tn mautay huaband feel that giv the pmipl next dihr dinner or anmethlng why eop tbay have never done y thing- fnr ue le a social way yeetbey heva i leem that they fed our oat while w were away a cold ifowever 8118114 may yon abnalj never negicrt a cold bow- anrngn if yon 4o not treat it in time wbl hi sfl pnsntiibty develop into fcronetttia pooumoau asthma or aomo other aerious throat or bang troubw oalaofhwteepiofaooldvcougbttb advaadna to euro it at once and not let it rum on for aa indefinite period lor una purpose there is nothing to equal dr woods norway pis syrup a remedy that h been universally need for the peat twentyfire years youptlt out write when ray littl boy tm yeare old be caught a eou which turned into broaebuk i tried every- thmg to core lira even to doctors nwdr- wae but it did um no good one day 1 waaadvwed to give dr woods ftorway pnbyropatrialsndrohendbu aboumuaahewaecutcil iwouwad- wn ab aawlanra to try it as good result wmfnuow my homo is never without sr- sas the yon get tar wooda a there awn saw i imllshnns it is put np m yellow wrapper s pom trees tha trade aamrk the price 35 and bo esnbj henofactorei only by jbe t cnv umsted toroeto onl a gut bores gets you in jnet badly at the feed store the wornte that infeet children freen their birth are of two kind those that find lodgement in the etomseh and those that are found in the intest ine later aee most destr aa tbey cling tn the wt of the intestines aa d if not interfered with work havoc there millrre worm powder i lodge both aied and white spelling them from the ystm serve to repair the daenagn they have caused borne folks may not be helped by go ing tn church but they eertalniy castoria 4 pbr infanta and cuhtiwm ite km yn im ahnrn lag bear the blgnaternof all thing worth while com to those who wait nnlbemeelve rafe pill fnr bufrerlng women the eoluded life of women which permit of little healthful esereler ha fruitful oauae of derangements of the etoiuaeb and liver and i oenuntable fr the peln affd laesllud that a many of them esperienee farm s vegetable plibt will eorreet irragularl- use of the digestive organ and restore health and vigor the uiost neueat woman can uf them with aafety be- oaua their action while effective i tutld and soothing- all thrworldatgr but it uoks an asbeelo drop curtain some people lo tblewlda world uv on a very narrow margin it better to have run and lost than never to have made a el art peevish pel rostles nd alckly children owe their condition to worm mother gravas worm katermlnator will relieve them end restore health i the oculists have not yet made a pair of gunw whereby a man will see atprfc when be doesnt went to noauimaitoatodyukalt ir j l kellogg asthma lumedy u dls- cloouy different from other soosllad remedle were tbu not so it would ootbaveoonuooed hs great work of relief unill known from ooaan toooeao for ita wonderful value kalbwgs tha forvmortaodbeelof ell astlum reme dies stand up a rhpu fohdad li the beert uf tbooeands wbo bav laaaaaaadt nnmnnnnnnnrjnnannnnddnannaoani introductory offer for theremetnder of this month we will pay your railroad fare to cuelph and return if you buy your fixtures from our show rooms crend display i large atock i better then the toronto prices i come and eee fsbe guelph electric works geo e b grayer 8 co propm anaaaaauaaananuaaaadddddaundacaoadanaw the merchants bank of canada kvery pwaoo wbo racelvea and days eel monay should have a chequing seconal payment by chqo la lb moat practical con- whsibsr ol besbwas or psrsoesl character the retain of csacsllal cbarjom sr voocbar to every mm psld oal they show whsl di boraamanla have been wsde sad u wbott daposll are racalved by ibis bank subjad lo cbaine nlibdrawal w pay the m lo small depositors s w do to unja one sad a ltrmt allowwl do all saving sccopnta ompoondsd i yearly total assets lolmatll act on branch f a maclean manager wannest kind for cold weather tougher korsckidc will nevci be found becnuae tne best is used for storriya cloves and gauntlets and yet tke skin because carefully tanned by the chrome process ir marie pliable insuring ratimpidiitarv wear resistance axaterproof and the bent working rjloves oo the sold at all stores insist on storeys your chopping will be done quickly and well on either plates or stones if taken to the rock wood chopping mill oatmeal 5hqts mw in i 1 ii r rwlarasf tatslsrt consci9ntiovs plumbing heating is not w jutyth ucith us to the contrary we make it the most important actor so if you favor us with your patronage you will enthusiastically endorse us fred smith plumber quebec st guelph phone 337 this nans store is crowded because we do his printing jyoitoiitti eav vifaoue mancltlub folders and the grand nunl iailwav pabsknuuu thai msi th lollowlna hm lit kt u phh na w la wa ll til ka u s ita i- ipts xsae excelsior bakery i first ijoj1itv brbao caki w1uoino cakfb rirthi1av cakeb htu utc hinz fmckiis ice crcam oaij to0at t statham son bakers aod groccjis main st acton t but sttn gmni a mlfslwku jwuticatanwtrt wm hemstreet aobnt acton leadcukbesrvfcsr tjronta gan4m 1913 models now oavfew better than ever 30 h p 5 passenger 913m 45 p- 5 passenger 919ss all fully equipped and guaranteed deliv ered in toronto also the grainm and garford motor trucks shawoverland sales co kjttisth mi daten fcvigifcjmtas fcffi

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