Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 19, 1912, p. 1

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a- ht jutiw sttt ft volume xxxvm no 20 bjverv sabserlpuest vsid la adnm acton ontabio thursday morning december 19 1912 i ri n i single copies thbeb cen1b ulje jlrttm jfm fjreas ybbf tbobsoxt houiuu eaamj in saeea iijimwtoswkls ohmiwm all bwri llmsa has i atllawlnwkuuwt khkmwl 111 illl itih ttaeetaet advenke- millm a- mmmmu tab eat hejsltses ac e seema ley fc aa- am par laea saab ausmi um sura o eras tonillaxnnuiiva j5l a fa naltl u p nooea cttbincu birtttotp nxpjcax os cray u d c if mcgiu a douglas lake m d l physician bod sorxson n wttr1ri lai qtssael oemea hasan aa nusm laue rrov aod bapf 1 af woaw j miakinvod su kvmk dmsumj oouitjaalf ef am fl fi i m tta aows r abise d l fc bhhnktt dhntibt noaao i f u ul assssssf i mjajtbuob uobhbbb u f mooaji nra fljmatabbt a an i wall b biwalye jks vsanssws vaubs mcdonald ejt ucsmattn aoctiomiu w fe i sammr aff staan 1 a omand reliable vawrtepa select yolip gifts nv apart from lb worry you aave 1 making your gift pur cbmii duw ll ore u the added satisfaction in knowing you have hail llmu u im vojt thing our ctirutnurt iloik contain many exclusive lcoes which wxmbut dupuoeta the we have ha time now l show you our new stock of attractive gift at your leisure which is impossible during the rushing day preceding the holiday savage co jbwwijim gadpti out green grocer -ramo- fruit merchant e ktcook is rsoeivlog dagy fresh vegetables snd vrulta and them al reasonable prices foreign nturrs a specialty fru3h fish tuesdays a fridays tnout amd hxaaikt tev oua fimkam hsuoix goods dslivksko uiix btsut aciom j do tod realize sbutdis pbt or idsu mstast ia ibs history besrybodj wfap has ihs 1 prsparisg ro plasl wk want now lor fsll and wlsur mostlis s ruatda man lo mil id actos sad sarrosttdlng dbtrtlct good paj axdsalva tsrritory sad n lbs dvantsges in rsnsssantlss sn old stsbusb- dbrn owaookctw oddsr caklvsiion established u ye wrlw rclham hmtsrr co oal fine millinery misses murray a hoyden havuxsull acton now on display all the istsst styles of pidl sad wlatar mtttioarr and trinv- mioga trie ladkf tuve slredjlfptiod us in our asw qnsftst and wa mrv patafnl or bnumoroasordnrocltd prompt sttsatlpq gtvan all orders luifcs harny ft ttaytka heaters bros queiph headquarter4for oac am school supplies m naturs studt botanioai etomolooical drawino 41 wyodham street paper makers book nbw8 and 00l0ekd tapsw babbelt lajpelf a coating mulls x1m1t5u opokoltrown ontario t- bonds qiristmas display wiitbe more nutatficeflt thin ever for ihc meo l uillb glov sir pa so every wind for the ladies silverware ol nvery lemnpu tinwsn enmoud wan nickrlf ware draw od woodonwam carpet hweepers cutlery iiroiia bread misers electric irons for the boys and arte ttlolgbs nobs nowbotm iv- ggans hockey tootu ultu tool hoses toy shovels carpet hweepers anil ii room atatarw rlattis 1 the bond hardware co we are settled again la oar new building and have una of the largest and beat equipped bstab- ibtbraenta of its kind lo the dominion a d savage phone 627 queiph mumr at no nsr orwca v rcton liyery bus liki6 respectfully soucils the pslraaajra of the pub lic and ialarms ibsm tbt well sd bmyuasi rlai can slways be mcnred si bis a cooaiorubla bos masts all i rains between iojjo ajn sad 6iq p- m careful at torn km glaa lo every order the wants of com uercfel trsveoera fnlly mat john willikras sstorstiavrsms who docwnt want music at home everybody likes some kind of music yod have only to pick the kind you want this is where we make a specialty our store is filled with music and musical instruments of all kinds we can easily supply all our wants and do gladly i give our time and ex- e penence in selecting what will best suit jou let us have your order c w ktojly 133 uppsn- wyncoiuii 9l i browrsiurseries are famous forthelrftnepeacli apple plnm and cherry trees tbiy have the best nursery soil in canads and are the largest growers of trees in tba domln ion all scions and bndsucks are cnlby one man and be has beea la tbeir employ many years so no mistakes are made by using the wrong adons or bod send for catalogue or write for agency as they nave some unoccupied territory in your county bmwnbxos co uresis mwa wbluho oouhtv omv lihmjjuiwlwjbliiblg otttjl mot by my votk urn will have strong drink and men wtit ssii 114a t i m notlivmy vott hal miim may go on like ilia lirook i rnrr si i iin may die hy ths ih uaudiil ibrm but nritilvmy vote truut may ih- wrecked and ct axsc lie dlsnaillrd im may be de stroyrd and w n and chll lien hog gaiad b tt no hy my votl- be caught in tbe ill ititlnya if sjloohol ibouass and fn may fill our j j aaytun a but not hy my votk tht salo may inipoverui and ds gradothe w rkingman ptoduce idle neew dlaaaart and pauperunj it may i el anarchy and criioo but noruymwotk the grtvernnient may hoe use the dri k traffic and for a consideration lake reward agalnat the innooent and bargain away tba public bealtb and the public morale but not by my votk ri liquor trafftd may onrrnpt thr lal and pt 111 leal lire or liie nation l nay worm its way into all business and wi into lb aaored ptrclneu 1 1 thr in ms and thr church but not hy my votk tbe belle may toll the dfetb knsll f a human m til alsln hy rum every ave minute f the day but not hy my votk in the day of judgment wlton mil linns shall shm- and as with one voice va claim ohrutlan men c uld have aased vmiiwu thf drink i ut tine 1 am lout fnrevrr but not hy my votb christian clllsen how doe your vote count r hale johnaumln csvradiait u gat tonal ngre- tud jrwutiln kosftirtfl bppcat10 for success fall ol vvintefr cbooesyonr shoes from oar superb stock were yen have so iswdryajtaper and bisbs- u s look at ibe abooy w mr vdndowa i gat aoqealated whv ike new stylst onwfaktwewcisa show bat a jsw of mlaieat bal ibose sbowa will slys yon mldee erf wbu ok slock uhejtfv sve large assortsssat of high grads homah wyl1k wm alreedy an old man when hu grand son htvsmrt was born in tuewarte earliest memory of him he wnre tbe long while heard wltloh gve him a peculiarly venerahla appearance intensified hy ida wavy white hajr rolled back from his forehead and fall ing on bis naok the two bad been greet olium when stewart was a little lad it was ida grandfather who taught blra to flab and to shoot el a mark for the nld roan s eye was tra end his band steady though three- soore years and ten already lay behind him t stewart was about flflesn when he took tbe wrong turning the belated traveller wbn baits at tbe angle where two ways part is nut inclined ton near est i male tbe importanoe of bis sboloe one road means supper and shelter i he other ion 1 1 oases exposure perhaps danger and he dues not- mak bis choloe hastily hat yooib too often chooses its path wf ibopt an muob as a glance ahead and rsajlswlls folly too late a new family moved into into tbe neighborhood and among toe soni was a boy not far from stewarts age tbe two soon beoarue inseparable the newcomer a standard were quite unlike those to which stewart all bis lire had given musgunoe dudley welte laughed at bis new friends scruples assumed toward him the kindly patronage- ofn men of world inrned hi snjbutorh fntn new obannel and in a few months ap parently had undone the- work of fifteen years of good influence stewarts new vocabulary prlnolples weretbslobarftoudstlos dt old fogies end the distinction between right and wroqg was only a question of being found ouuifrrnlayhrtoblf on dod ley model ha affeoted a ootnpreban slve cynebmi the suealled good panpbi were the clever ftea who ware never dlsoovcred kvery man had bu psioev tbe young man who etarta life on smob a oapllal is destined to moral bankruptcy beforebe haegone far stewart atwipudlay entered o togelhaf but wbartvrr ammm stewart might bave cberlshed in tbe direction of making a creditable ree- lo wei s dissipated under dod leys jitflmrrice for iudlsjs oontempt roe a ghnd was only seeond to bla esoro for thepouag man who owned tovbaee prlnoiples tobave stood vfell lo hu riese eraubt have i heap to hlui an seiual humlllallon nor aid m tworisnds distloguub tbsiueslves in tbe athlotlolira of the unlversttr to beatblaulaaweil sstp bfts iful student means selfcontrol and jmlfettlfl pttdkgr would not ba socrinced his clgaraues or bis hear for tbe sake of being the star dupr qo the unlvfirslty eleven and stewwtt in spite or spuiridjd thyslqua and nat fur athlsllos ejus onveml j3ln neia ailon atefh muttivof acton been put on thstrboriormsttasnf papular ludlgnstlon nwide the action of tbe sanity needless stewart and dudley were both expelled but bad thn punlahment been less drastic the two would never br been owed to continue the course their outraged fellowstudsnu would have see id thai a lack f f principle in itaslf ueoougb to swamp a fnarjg mn starling on a business career and when hs is further handicapped by an unsavory reonrdr the oisk mik la poor indsed dudleye father was a inan of wtwitb and in flue not and through him positions wsre esdured f r both boys in a large wholesale eatal hah man t in an eastern city but in i he new stsrt nothing hut n ivlromnant no fresh separations no new resolutions pvottvf ised a more sucoeasful outooroe lo tbe present venture than in tbe former it is not unusual for the beginner tn get bis opportunity tbrongh outside influence but only in rare cases does he hold hu position nnleew in tba phrase of the day ho makes good and when a young man s ambition is to do as little ss possible f rjthm salary he is drawing and save bis strength for nights nf dissipation it is not diffi cult to foretell his fate stewart was peremptorily discharged after a stupid blunder which proved costly to bis arm and which u lhiwcd a night when he bed sat ovr a pokrr game until fooroclockln the morning and lost three month unlary which be bad not as yet earned his next position wee a less desirable nnr harder work and less pay and hs resigned voluntarily at tbe end of the third week from that time on he degenerated raptdjy he ran up mha that be could not pay changed his boarding house frequent ly in almost every ease leaving with bis board in arrears work became the exception end idleness the rule his family who at first had respond ed to his pleas for flnsnolal aid finally refused further assistance realising thwt thla undeserved help was under mining the little independence he had left and at length weary of dodg ing creditors stewart wylte disap peared from the city where be wan becoming too well known and left no trace as ihs months wsnt on and no word ceror some of his friend thought it i si dead but those who were sure that fae was living found little comfort in tht belief there are times when tbs tragedy of hot fsr sur passes ths tragedy of death those who tiadknown stewart wy ha best would hardly bave raongnbjed blm when one winter night be stum bled into a salvation army ball locat ed in he heart of the slums uf a west arn city a prayer meeting was lo rjrogrew tbe band was playing and music of a robust and martial sort fill ed the lose warm room it was not the musto that attracted stewart wy lie he warned to get warm ail the mnnuy be had gotten hold of for thirty six boors he had spent for whisky to warm him up but tbe beat producing qualities of tbe fiery liquor proved transient he was shaking with the odd wllb hi bag gard unshaven f see and ragged cloth ing there was nothing about bim to suggest good blood or opportunities superior to those of the wretched flot sam of humanity that shared the benches with him after tbe sieging of a bymn set to a popular alar woman arose end began tn reed tbe story nf tbe prodigal son weaving into the narrative many piciqrerqoeamnisosandlllotlatlone b from her own experience some of tbe eyes that looked back at her were stupid some were wet stewart wylle be sotted degraded with nothing oat ward to show a remnant of manhood to wblcb one might make an appea bung his bead while tbe trickled down ble cheeks it bla own story to wbleh ha listening the servants in his father a borne had bread and to spare wbut he perished wlb hunger the christiana among whom stew art had tttan wera nqttjf the sort who wished tnuis6ribwsejvss sgnt the posalblllty of being taken in tey were anxious te avoid very different risk stewart was not only ptjayed for but he was given a bed and breakfast he left the shelter out wardly tbe same unkempt ragged dis reputable centura he bad been the night before but in duality a new man never had such yearnings such aspirations such high resolves pos asaisd him but even in his sodden btpssomlng into manhood hs made one mistake he did not any as the oiher pcodlgalaon bad said i will arise fnd g4lo iiiy father a pride ptwssassd hbn mistaken if not altogether nn- wortb heeould not go bsek as he was he tnuat earn the rigbi to cross tbe threshold nf bla old booie lie found work after a wesb or two very humble work and illpaid put next to faith lo god work of some sort islbb salvation of the one who baa fallsti and is struggling back o de- oenoy in three month reepeatably thatairiot thought bad atarfed land er memories cause flooding back to him he remembered the- old flthhg excursions the venerable flgnre with its almost youthful ars the bloat jaj ttrat for m many y mu bad look ed on men mcdly and lovingly up to uod a so yearning gripped hlas that was like e childs bontcshances ir oferwbelmnlng he went lo his employer told hie story with few rassrvsuona and resigned his posi tion tbe other man looked at blm kindly he bed the reputation of using ble bead for bnslnass and reserving ble heart for private life bui on thla oocaslon the two ehalractetistlos wsrw ooofuaed l suspected something of tba sort wyue be replied 0n borne and saw your people and come back to na wbeo yon are ready your place will be waiting foe you two days later stewart wylle walk ed up tbe path that lead to bis grand fatbrrabome he bad lft tbe train lo tbe dark and no one bad recognised um tbe face of the sromatn who opened tbe door was unfamiliar to blm and a sickening fear hurried hie only too easoty rtaawosttl place of the manly sports late bofre and dissipation -r- tt 1401 wm ot hlk junior yv the crisis oaink fmin tbe beglhnlitlt bad been plain ihst neither nf tbe to young men were flaoly in be an otev roent to bla alma malar if hs suooend ndlnjclnnlitg a diploma they been called before the faculty does tboenes wyue live here f yes sir but yon know he la sat invalid and dnasn t see pe perhaps be ceo see me i m ble grandson stewart wjii you walk inp iii ee said the women and left hint in a room as familiar as tbe rooms of his own n a moment later a nurse came down stalls and regarded him with a not unfriendly curiosity that presently merged into evident relief you are mr wylle s grandson r i have beard him sprek of you- yea you may oonis upstairs your grand father is pabalysed and almost he p n but bis mind clear he will know you and be glad lo see you in his bed upstairs thomas wylle looked more tike a waxen image than oan only tbe blue eyes seemed alive and they rested on ble- grandson with such benignant tenderness that only by tbe inost desperate effort could stewart keep his grip on bis selfcon trol he knelt down by tbe bed bis heart swelling his thmat filling and pat his lips against the erase heed his grandfather smiled i ve welted for thl my hoy a long lime yes grandfather it was a fall minute before uiewut could make his whispered anssrer the moments slipped away thomee wylle bad passed beyond youths hurry and impatience after a time he spoke distinctly and with aurprislng energy i didnt feel that i coold die till i bad seen yon again stewart i want ed to live long enough to know that my hopes for yon vrere woe ttejbaaassd that my prayers were beard god baa been good to ue both my hoy and we most not forget it for two waaka stssrart hardly left hie gra room for to bla in experience as erell as to the trained watchers who looked on it waa evi dent that there bed been a sadden ool of tbe vital forces stewart repri himself for tbe snook of hie unherejded appearance bat his grandfather as if divining hie thought took blm gently to task i bave lived oat my lire my boy and seen tba desire of my heart and now release la welcome henceforth there la uld op for me hts lips did not complete the sentence bat hie smile made hie meaning clear two days later be died those be loved most srere wltb hiss and stewart held tba white band where tba poises throbbed- so faintly o tbe watcbere ibougbt that they bad ceaasd when suddenly the old man opened ble ayes w lord be said sofily now letteet thou thy servant depart in peace tba but word was almost inaudible and he did not speak again but the peaos to which be bad referred tested on bis tranquil face like a re flection from tbe radiant world into which be bad entered qtbs reepeatably and looking quite another man from tbs tramp who bad listened oenoy dressed tcj the v u lua p tdedforajobof a blghwtgrsi tramp rsl eon he job of a higher grade ud in annt three- seaeube be was proutoied without efforton bis part bis fntaljlgehoe and oondnow bis aayarmroiatvsjgotitd be useful hlgbsr up it wss a boot tale lltm that be began moumrnbitrfofr lrflfhrw doubmdiy bars j leaned sotbelmpuise owvvscous may misjudge his other friends helsnotllkefy fjrlwniutsken aborrthtt mctfeera icrrr bam it j waa pride keplmfji ajbjffju ha would wait mil he iwd got further along bafbn he revwled himself wbeo ha niaaibam all agalo he meant that it shooldbeuo tbelrown pbrrrrs jdjartrt r umaaba iuufubjnvjtla gmirafatber limtk poa- ro- jim i onwiosr or rao- oraunom the name of busch wllllmumdlalely suggest the thought of beer mr busob u otoe of tbe nation d brew magnates and an implacable foe of prohibition yet when be erected one of bb palatial homes he selected tba problbluon dty of pasadena oal aa tba site and be pays bis employees off on manda night that be may prevent their spending tbeir earnings for drink qo saturday nlgfau and sunday liqu u a good thing to mabe niooey out or hat it is not a good tblog to bave in tbe neighbor hood of ones rvsddeece and it greatly interferes hth business at times- ev the buetnaes of a brswer ha baa slso jgg i iwrnnttlmttheunaln ot liquor in the vicinity or his milwaukee nomt ealumorerichmond advo- povk is quoted ajg7ii0 now rev joseph kdgae sermon on hun- dyevsntriirnmsidaavrby many to- be the best be has deueered here meesra t u harding and j k oorry are buying rge quantltlee of turnips ct the station bev dr btroogmen nf krio gave tboogblful and carefully prepared en positions in bis aermone in tbe mstbo- dlet obnreb here on sunday mrs wss sssltb jr has purchased throvgb w he street the store and dwelling on mill hire belonging to w p brown toronto for 1 300 mr wilt kbbsge of butte mon tana and formerly of the fajca paxau staff had bis room entered recently while asleep end 00 taken from bis pockets a roommate was also re usved of fljii the thieves wsre evidently in e hurry as mr kbbsgs found gtv in another pocket on touch ed it is expected that several thousand ears of flee spring water loe will be shipped this season tnoiyc4ery of tbe mel hod 1st sun day school has been elected as fol- sup h p moore aaet- isaae francis sec y ttsssm b j fjorpeyt aasu secy ida me- nabb uhrariene o wllluma o v jeaner n f moore teacher rev j edge t t moore mis h p moor miss lottie speight miss al luuajt mies maggie maltbews mrs mclsm j oouman mbw nettle clark james moore miss kve mekeowo wn ouleman mrs john stephenson miss annie williams mrs james moora r tsccbers mrs francis misses hannah blag bam ethel pratt organist mfas annie mensbbi uabcretbos sutton richard somervllle rev w h motavisb b h ol st oeorge a former naeasgaweya boy was recently waited upon by the mem bars of bis bible else and presented with a beautiful mantel ttlock flour la at tbe lowest priee in ibe history of this country local mer chants are retailing it at gl 70 per cwt mr james harvey of indian head n w t visited bis brother uouacll- lor john harvey blet week tbe hespeler ivesbylertaos hvssx tended a cell to itevjbuisbl a b a soo ol rev b strecbau rook wood to beoome their paatesy- rev mr stracban is at presa oeorgle but will return to canada tble month it la believed that be will accept in a threequarter column article re the new school tbe first paragraph read acton s fine new public school buodiug raodered neorssary by ibe- locreaslng pppolatlon is now com plated and will whan tbe school fnr- nlture is placed be ready for occu pancy by tbe teachers and puplb wltb the old stone building esaple axeonxnjpdatjop for many yeare to coom is now provided insurrec tion of tba new building the board of tru have bad a busy year fraught wltb perplexities- and a oonalderable expoodiluie of lime but they have he sn s of baaing performed tbelr doty well tbe new school is a lasting atonement to tbeir fidelity to tbe wants of tba rising generation and tbe inlereste of ibe ratepayers lo the erection of so msgolnoant a buudlng at a very low cost born mhr aatatnkx rraaowaihajibt ressuus clan have an sf mrs j uarrkvvsppelu rssk writes i have found parisian sage to be tba beat saalp and hair ionic i bave ever- known after using two bouwe tba toning and dandruff dte- lhutj airpaanraand my hair raswed to un- fariabui saga does not ountaln buatar nf lead a pcesoo that oftan ttow daymiutairal gmguaaui hu days were th c years and seventeen ue lived s be suffered t be labored loved be sought to climb be fell deatb at last has claimed bli for bla own the bell le tolling they are taking blm away the minister could speak no word of coasfort and three tall ealmfseed daughters tbe only heritage he has left bid within their hearts tbe awful unpeeseenecs of their grief but email bent figure ot tbawlrewho loved blm shook with anguish i rra press i ble tba l of bis life was echoed in tbe text so teach on tn another our day that we apply our hearts onto wisdom h there ware not many in tba church nly a few old neighbors a child whitelipped with bis sight of deal b i a man or two who had tipped iheeoclnl glass in many a jovial bnuti a young girl lo wboee mind glowing with light and health tba solemn service seemed a gruesome thl the casket heaped with flowers waa pltlful ss though in vain attempt they sought to hide the faults and fallings that bad wrecked tba life within who knows lo what tbe failure of his life was due will perenta long sliiee dead be accountable for this loans fallf did some wilful youth in his ancestral line acquire and leave to blm the deadly sppetlte bat dragged him down f to me a voice is apsak- lngt vwhydmyelrthltndler why saved ye not toe life for wboei i gave my ewnr shall i go forth to bear the message of a living christ f or shall i think these thoughts and then go back onto tny dally round until another time god epeaks in falling clod upon a ouffln or in griefcrusbed hearts of mourners whose ova knows nsltbaw eomforthparraltb r hvlw nv la the aries nee air my air folk f mat oor aln wm wllne grant tn a ptaesrwsrbsuttrwsevi tbrang he asked me glo 1 wa4na chant or slog an anm soofeh aag says i a oln ye tell me what ye want and hotels boo be answered toa did oor aln wee willie grant air i in thegsrb nf old caul my hsana in ths highlands far over tbe 808 an i eaana get a blink o my aln eoontrie where i ve wandered a weary at an tramp d oer loo an fsslb ndgat london bonole woods and braes bedecked wl heather bslls i rs csvd uta yowat lo the kriowes an watched tbe kye oome buna on tbe liattlajuu of scotland where scotland fouod bar fame oftlmre lve stood on steruog hridjrewi anldknhlngniyr and heard a hnndred pipers play in soma wha ha m longing for my i am far beyond the sea sot my heart will aver be at bam in dear anld scotland wf my aln role- noa i m far free my hama im wl tarn o p we were oaots ggin rain at the bldln o tba tawst i near robin tasnsons sulddy sre halthwad coddle doon beside the wella o wearte wlth in a mile n kdlnbnrgh tnnn sing any o the a told scotch bowgs an 111 join ye in tbe eboros an ere we gang tddllo hams well hae a deoeh an ports i though the bonny bills o scotland 1 ne ee egaln may see 111 drink a health to scotland yet wl a tbe honors three for aold lang syne my dear for aalfl lang ayne well take a cup o klndnasa yet f0rantd lang syne ran omohw on mtott there is mora than one roanon wfay tbe rellow wbo smokes is down asa oat so far ee it eoneerna any team under my control tba athletic coach said in the bret place i decline to be responsible for the health and physical ssrsty of any roan wboee heart is affected by tobacco vrbethff baernokeell inplpe trigaror cigarette the heart strain in any line of atblet los is too great for me to be willing to takeeny such risks then a fellow wbo uses tobacco never has a perfectly clear bead i don t care how brilliant he a natoal lyi be is not as useful a msu on a team as the fellow wllb less native alsulty who is all there all tba time his wits unclouded by tobacco and lastly the first qualification of a good athlete is sslfcootroi a fal low that can t gat along without his eaanka cannot be depended on to keep ble bead in an emergency man waa not talking to n surd day school on temperance buwsuyf be waa giving a group of eouegsj anon bw beat judgment on the requlsltsalar in football basket bait baaa- bau end track euiteuos by oabqr unh shotuoon aakr d tf bsj oaa guaraotsa soma other heir ptepara- uona not to odntaln laad or nitrate of silver rvvbfvlff ttojr s dyer moa dyes a vwg it u 4 balhour ly banlabea dandrnff stopsvfcatr frona u i tbal eferywuwe postauooeu valuit mow many apples did eveand ajam eat f the old version says kve ate and adam eta too a 8 and adam w total 10 thla is what a few a4 ean qewspspere have to say sboar it t nebraska herald t re 8 anda6ar 8 total 10 misslmippi gaaette t w don t see this rve 8 and adam ffjp uu so new york screamer t ofl contemporary u entirely wropgi bvft 8 1 and adam 8 12 total tb owo advertiser i we reason like this v 81 4 herself and adam 8 lei hihrh- uhjusobo uunols telegraph l bre 8i4aknowttow sad a a s 1 eea wbar it might be ukavr total acldbj akrajaw iastidbi lady augusta oregory tba abla and ardent apostle of the m irish movement is food of telling tba following real irish story it was the wedding day of pat ad bridget and tbsy were having a church wadding it was a grand sv fair pat was dressed with patent leather shoes whits vest and flaamag tie brldgsaahnnaattraotlvelylneaany colors tbe ceremony waa over aasf tba happy pair walked down ha bw and out into the atreat where a a la crowd greeted tbem wllhdaugbt once seated within the nab 13ridgat leaned over to pat and aald in a beat whisper i toch pas if wo could only hasfe stood on the pavement and watched ourselves pass wouldnt it have bean uaavlnp rcsusaveuiviic let no man admit ui blmtairtbst ntfj baa been bsrawd in anything while be baa bealtb and strength for aaoiber wetahljpaod at h again r lathe motto nf true oourage tba jsebkr faava achieved what tba strong pro nounce impossible sustained by an unbending will and aided by an intell there never wa and never will he a universal panacea in one remedy for all ills to which flesh u heir ww would relievo one 111 in turn would aggravate the otben we bave now aver la quinine wine whan pbujns4 in a sound unadulterated atat a remedy for many and grlavotsl iuf by its gradual and judicious nee iba rrauost systeme are led lpo oonvake- oeooe and strengh by on lofloenbr which quinine exerts or hator own rastoramvas it rslievssv hob ito whom a obronlo atata of morbid despondency and lack of interest in ufa is a disease and by tranqaluslng tba- nwesadlsgre agwjsi rafraabbag kep ilwpawtaivlgor tottk action of jba blooilj which kalag stimulated oouraee through vaiasl inangtbanlng iba ibaallby animal frjtmrrjoaa nftba ayatam tbavabr making activity a nipaaaa rvsok suea giving ilm an

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