Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 19, 1912, p. 2

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ihw m an mm t mr aad un bm a- 1 amxai umdmm mi mhiwillmdttm irefadeaxfclev lie- 1 sjtiraaaae a nuadar lie tab in mr awl hn- uwnom hun dhibur tulavau ft sotasfmt oil orajua at a thbla lata d h b t on rf aajaa m iktwammthr htm david d i 1 uv iw oh oven ran thursday dboembkr ib ibis the fwn pkkwj anproolal the prompt renewal of subscriptions for another year hundred of aubecribere bavin already paid for 1013 new answer i bsrs have bu beaa coming in ih large volume some have been fjlivniig a year eubacription for inrm- ber of the family or frieeus at a dbneace while number of other in town ami oat bar he heeomlng new mucribm to tbe pan puh hmmn unware of the owuiuhomtwmiimm wtouw between the eetifaetory imr um ov oonietu sore name wfa uj tomfl mmm ail paid in advene mhaohpttono mrnml uut tb hydro in tbaaver before id tbe tbfoyelghtjeuuletion w comptetad no contlo- yeare history of tbe fputa pmh for this aple showing we are ex- trarnaty thaabrwlenw wlunim atwaya to merit tbe gnerou patronage be- towed n1agaia white coal a1uves ahpia oojfrtmuouat oubkbut kletr current ftotu ourw muni cipal plant mmm arat turord imi in nn anton saturday b january iaoa kleetrie ooitii from num pall through i be hydrivkle eystems m turned oa la acton saturday nth december iw for nearly fourteen yean our muni cipal plant ha been running eontlnn- o sere lor ell terongbt ike capacity rf englur ih tiler and dynaaao wa ample for actons need for twenty leaar tbe patronage of the plant baa bflww been so great that for the part are yeare it ha been loaded and for more than n yea fir and light ooeamltte baa been fearful that n breakdown might oocnr at any time and the town be deprived of lights it baa been very fortunate that n man of hleetriolen snoddy kill w charge he keeping the plant going very eatlefae- torlly and the user of o have splendid meeting last week i bjr rev or ohrlntmm etaoda for fuloeaa of life of coon it nana a lot of trouble t u la ttrlng and axpenalvni but it worth it all all tbe effort nil monny elf tbe painstaking it la tbe greet day of the year it stands for mora than lb patriotic and ootnmem ornuredcya christmas stood fur nil worthy prlncip love of country lorn of mankind for thn ufa that now la and for that which la to noma it bring tba apirlt of chile into the relauooahlp of eaao u tha malodlotie refrain earth good will to paw may tbu apirlt periml our thooghtajd naetla la oar heart thla happy ohrtatmae- utw marry christmas to all to all f f laiowiafcwotnwj tn ootnrrr or wwobt qngsayx wee last weak added to tba dry ii- whan tba county council la aaaalon nl qoll by a vote of 11 to d oarwad a by law prohlblung tha uaoa of lloeoem and fttrtbar ante of liquor within tha lltnltaof iba aoonty two nbtw fkattjbw am introdnead la tha hanking act one gla fannere and tanebara tbe prlvllaga of borrow log oo their ihrbr4 grain and cattk laajtaauraly owhir tba bank hvn nat tjjnotbar hew rf la in rvgnrdin elraa and pvrmlbi tha bank to bjaa noteapilnat gold wmattagtwoenmlngaveota tba oaaalaa of tba bioama oanal and tba o of tba grand trunk phnlfll and ihv canadian nortberr imtwaya win bmu to tha ownadlan tabhhwvatladlttmlt to eeilawte he- mfcwn tba pnaalhiillee tbay npaa op atwao far reaahlag that tbay eprll famgiwai of a aabatantlal not urn to tha want eepeelalrr to its ottioa thara b no fa nltb nouaeurrent night and day tha power will be available and every home and bullae plaoe la town may have tba benefit already now eervlow an bring inatallad and domeetm utility electric appuanoee are being adopted wirxbiall probamuty ha a rt for iba oonnoll in bqumlng ihlp tnara hi a good deal of jt that la tba north wtnm aaotlon j tn having had rrpre- aaiffjuira fw numhar of year tba juji ukab u ha pat in nomination at mf jp a stmruttowa tjn ijkatbtosi oomrrr ootriroil at cbatrnvwion mat wanfe pamad tba fol- whnwj id tba raport of lbs unoee of ttofug oonv mluaa whleb baa bero adopted by thu ooooeu ibara appaara a ntafaaiit to tba effaot tbat 0fty par otut of tftow pareooa now in tba hoa of bftfuga vara ptaoad tbnra on noamm t of fatew- nwaaoamm wbarraa lhaa raaatahta fat by tbal barroom ay- twxi taerafors thu county council bwnrjuo jargas aoatrlhumng tba porution of tha houea otteaajevand vtaw with approval tba waorm of tboaa mnnwoalltlaa atlm iiav to votaltont by adopting teoml option- by4awa and that wa noth wtb aaawaotion tha rant that tba large proport of tba munlolpellue bf ihwooamty arc nhraady nndar l tha inauguration of the original eebame for giving electric lighting to aston waa taken by tba council of 1806 and thla waa tba brat motion re ferring to tba matter moved by jama clark aeondd by john clarke tbax tbe fire and light ilttee be and are hereby appoint ed to vwt newmarket and staynar to tin tba elect rio light plant la aid town with a view to getting full information mm to ooat of plant aatie- fnotloo of service ate and bring in a detailed report to tba council oar- brave pnaranaaad councillor clark and francis vultad the town named and brought in a lengthy ivport on october brd at n meeting l ih ratr- pyrv a the oimtcltiiimt ij i hi- tuetldg aftr numertmm quntlnm had brrn propounded and atufaetorlly anwr- ad by member of tba dslsgatio tha following resolution waa pi essnted and carried unanimously by a standing vota of the ratepayers t unvad by b p kfoore saoonded by a p smith that this meeting of thn ratepaysr of anton hereby express our onrdlal thanks to reeve p m and onanelllorb francis and clark the electric light dais oa for their ln- intr res o and lntatli- gaot rrpnrt and wa hereby r tba municipal council to takvenefa steps aa are legally wsosmary to pat into opsrailon an s light plant of the capacity which in their judgment is e for tha rvqulramanta of aeton tbe same to be inata and operated under iba eontrof of the municipality tba r in waa supported by p haodaraon bf p sxbeev nleklln aoooneulora cameron and corry rave h a maophataon awd j a mo- ltehlan bty a od messrs james mnora and a t brown tba work prnoaadaj tba bylaw providing rovdrbentntwef sqmwaa votrd on oo november 7t and oarrlad by m to 41 tba debentures ware sold at a premium and brought 96wj01 tba oontnuu were lot anal tbf work ptataduatotmloom of ta5o60 and tba light was toroad on to tba great satis of our clttaena on jannaiy lbcbl0r tbe member of tba council wmch gave u our brat alectrlc light warei raave j r paaraon i councillor john clarke l praocls jam clark and j a murray the aral public turetlg lo the 6wo- pnlgn agilnt the rvpral of local op- um was held in the town hall last friday evening it waa a rousing meeting the hall wing filled lo the door thn audience manlfsstsd a live interest in the proceeding from beginning to nd it waa gratifying lha juitunbrr of thnee present- warn either ppoaed to local option or immieatly anxious for inforniat ion touching itu working throughout tht province sometime in tbe past it baa been thr policy of the opponent to use tbrlr inflornou to krsp kny doubtful or wavering votors away from meeting advocating support of a moral principle such is at present the issue but on this occasion it waa evidently not so vvry wholeeoow facts were stated showing tbe salutary etteotf local option andnneaerou inaatlon were asked to which lucid and r convincing answer were given by tba wnlltnforuwd speaker it v dr abraham and bvn ii spsoos wbo appeared for hi brother excontroller f s bpence owing to bis unavofdabls ehsenor both delivered powerful addrea bristling with facta and pointing out very logical reasons why rightthink ing electors should strenuously oppose tbe legalising and reopenlng of the barrooms amoua- dr abraham strong points ohiw onagaivatiomo tlieqaemltoa of tbejay bvlday i t wore you at thenr u niu ratbar a oow tilgw for wo- nisn and children u rtiab to and titinu at a fire ijood thing they had not long to stand acton has a good ready jtire xlrf- gade and u baa many a mute savrd be altuatlon and so met mar tb altuatlon has bean saved before ihvy had a chance to savelt xoooooo6och our are alar aapreullycwb igoruua mrm u i a splendid one yaokiml lifngdod attba nbmloauon maaung last do- omtbrc tba grave niasatlty orprovid- ing a teore adequate supply of electric aa dieouased reeve byndi ribokatt op nnamom oouocll niaton btonday svenlng in uehm regiarsevslon for the year pygabse al preeaut reave uynd- jnuhejr tb ooeoelttae on finance preeent- email docket in ibelr julh report following acopunt ware author- i to b paid i v- iuooaiouooa 1mto to mr brigade 7 lotlod kp melaaa repairs r v 1j0 fwa axprsm j whk anoraon freight and t whjv wank into tba matter exhaustively ha abowad that it would he mora ad join the various other mnnlolnalltlaa of tbe province eod ar- ranga to aaour connection with lb bydrobleotrio ayetem than to go to m expanse nf a now or aoalllary plant tba matter prog rapidly and on february 10th iba ratepayer voted on tha bydrobclria btuw provid ing for dabentnrm for 98500 and had tbe by4atr by us mx the council has spent tba interven ing months in perfecting plea and in anewtaot wmrerenoe with tbe uydro- ria onmmlaalnw in the niattar of oonetrootlon of umnamlaslon line from osmfpb transfiirmer atatlnn here and the testalbuion for rral llgbtlnn d tbay tell you there i more liquor consumed in acton under local option than there wa under ilovnss if this be true why are they making such a etrenuou effort to get rid of local opflonr grimsby village u one of the frw places that ever enjoyed lnol option and went hack lo license the court records show that undsr four yeare of local option there were only four conviction for drunkenness while during the last year and a half under license there have been 27 con viction under ibfa charge local option has not stopped all drunkenness the old toper who had an appetite created for strong drink licence still has tba craving in bu body for liquor but it has slopped a very urge measure of it and the hoy dn not now have to endure the npt ailons iffrrvd hy the barroom am long as there is a man with oney in hi pocket and who baa a craving for liquor there are men mean enough and despicable enough to seek to get that man money for drink no man baa a right to vote for the return of tbe barmoms to tempt my boy or your boy who is not willing to m hts own boy to keep tba bar going for bare oao no more be run without boys than a saw mill can be run without inge mr spenoss speech was a most tell log one throggbout the keynote of his address waa that if man in the bnstaisi worm or athletes in the sporting world are to be able to stay in tba pjat tbay mnat out oat liquor and keep tba barrooroa cl tha barroom hi a dead wabjrbt oo any town and acton cannot afford to put this weight on bar aboulders again tha campaign in tble town today may be resolved into one single stale- at it la h mm men want yoor s tbeyume baa surely coma when the loyal oitbtans of acton ahould stand for tbe rights of the home and of the individual tba liquor man are not flgfatlng for thasa bat for their ptreon- al interest and proflta thn bar room with tba treating system of tbu province to the breeding place becaaaa t ajlorda tbe facility of much of the evil that exists it u iba i fostering school of intemperaner jio man oao aver agalaoprna bar- room in acton except tba people of aoton give him parentoxion tba people wbo grant ibis permission toaka theatealvee partners in tba uqnor baal- tbat waa a great meeting in the iu1i on friday night the attend ance waa good being quite in kevpinn wltb the large gatherings in tbe local option campaign in 1000 wa also one of great inlerest in thn mass of information itrtiught oul by alliance becrelary spsno and flsld secretary abrahaoi mr spence wjaa fully as equal to ibc occasion aa he was in tbe 1006 campaign the meeting announced fo thurs day volog thl weak seems lo lie looked forward to with interest prof ilamam may be expected to re present tit calm dignity and careful statsmrnl to be expected from an episcopalian cteryman while on the other hand joseph gibson by bis fire in speech and action will probably stir tha blood a star speaker fur john amacdonalds national policy lo tbe 1b78 campaign be followed along in the scott act mass masting and yean immeduialysttooeedfng end on down through rvosnt year in per son by psn and with puree b has been tbe sworn fighter of what h ooofcider the curve of canada it would certainly lie satisfactory to th public lo have public dlacui from tbe platform of this question if ihris is anything to be said for repeal and surely there must bn something or such strenuous efforts would not be in vogue nut heckling speakers la auch e distasteful thing to audiences this ide the herring pond that it sod scant courtesy will the member for halloa say in the next election cstupalgn wbuo you people of acton were sound alnp in your bed it waa ne fur ma to sit likv a watch dog to see that that iblrtvhve million was voted straight or waa he sojoylng sleep aswsllaathe rest of usr if so nut much blame for it will ilk elf go through anyway in court in toronto recently the judge oomntsnted severely on tbe habit of young people parading the mtreete at night and an evening paper lake it up and ahowe that in the dis trict where the moving picture show abound the streets are most crowded with youth aeeverestrletnrefollow on tbe character of many of tbe films shown such as depleting crime vio lence and other vitiating scenes which can only work havoc bn the character of the young wbo habituate the place where doe care is lacking in election bf tbe dims ilrin abbrrtiinntnti eh rhv constant efforts extending over months arc now having their results in the finest collection of xmas gifts that we have over shown wc cordially invite your inspection your headquarters down town fur the next two weeks iave make this store open every evening from friday the 1 3th inst until christmas unplist f hurrh o iiuiiilllt 11 a uundav tn ckmiuh a cidn pastor to hknt 7 i uhi aiioa dairy ka1u1 foii bale w bulllv ul tkmlata apply to choice llllllini for bale urn pttlm io alll nulmitk lo m lwl la txxaws a will ji alwlu lululua lata ftam aa aaay imhk of ttuwil iihauduouu a cc wc would urge early whopping you thus have a larger and more complete range to select from and more prompt service is possible ii at all possible avoid saturday evenings when wc cannot give the service wc would wish to all henderson co mill si acton oac iqocxxckxxxock c your gift trobiiems gap easily be solved by vlsltnflgielpiys xntas store each deoarlmenl lo uuclpbscbrutiuiusturo in rllcu with baata cuun komiu freni which tliu right gft st the right price can be easily and quickly selected w have llftad ue tburton of chriatrnna artoppbrkgf aund in hm ooat by providing under one roof- and in carefully arranged dspart- meata tbe mesfe extensive christ mm mocks at very moderate priciis ilritig your christmas prob- lomh here and they wltlbe problems no longer as you go from useful and pretty that will prove exactly suitable for i pre tblai ootmeirkxm jenfl t e ii- oobttnn adjkirowl barer aloe tht7hii a v v liatm a amvwmoixnqm teifi i what that lgrbwlih vvfwn ebalis arseream eupnlv of elxetria pi ousejurdaylabt the hydro power tra turned on the liumahum j being- rnrwvmpaied tm in- dleauooa are that the service will he in all raspaeu aatisfaetory tbe sttvst lighting on mill street to practloally c pla e given ao idea of the vaat improvement effected when tba new light are installed on etreeta aetoo wip be relatively aa wall lighted aa toronto when ooejiptota under thw oldayateaa we bad os bunpa of js oj p and during tba paatyaaroraoowlna to tba overbwul ibmn warn from uai to thirty par cent wllhhydroblaatric wo ipswf eight ttwmm mu ughv luj thej ohl yetawlptyv opda fimm aandltlona1 vjrhiy w progreesliig m-i- c ijya r having reoelyexl alerbe etockof pletnn mmimnw of utehmeatdiilgo i saw prepared to fllltut orders for peatnra fraenlnir n promptly at reaaona pfroe s ooahgmli btrexev tba sane practical oommon sense plan of eloalnn tbe barrooms isap pealing to tba people of all dam throughout i be pmvlnoa fear of that groeiir tmtbuelasm and fear of tbe local option law is being made stronger and mora effective every eeealon is tbe i tbaeepeajbasbeao brought on in aoton now i jtjha liquor men feel that it is now or never i am sure tbe tba loyal electore here will aay the law whl neverbe repealed aa the law improve there will be onritlnusuy improved result and a the years pass by iba improvement will be more and mora manifest it is not backward we are to look hot forward if acton- were to lake a baakward step aba would be a hy- wnrd throughout the province local option isnnt no trial in ontario it is a proved sneeeea it is up to tba people of aoton tbemeelvee to make it tbai te m a tba proviooe thrisagreat moral question in volved in the contest the- liquor vim lltoabeeyad money only we must nol roak legally right what is morally wrong if tha barrooma of act on are opened next may the reeponslbllty la wholly on the wenand women wbo vote tor i the barrooca is only igood for tba thlogs that arahad and it la alway ban for ifta ullng that are ioojj i- mr nosnv tobontos gresf- ivooatlet mog with aptondld effaotkt inurvala during the avantog mba lauretta gray waa acqompanlat juojwiieonrb a p of actontoittoens comuuttee waa cbelrwaaand bfjrtoe and arm haqdung of tbapfooeadloga waa hitch n i i i tba masting opened- with afasuller hyaoandnevk gl uurrell ra- tadlnwarh xtaiohtxtn voonj hobjal pomtsts what will brigbun your borne bel ter than a beautiful pleasing picture on tbe wall mothers treasure i just tbe picture you want it is at for any home in canada and can be bad free by subscribing to tbe family herald and weekly star of montreal tbe greatest and beat family paper printed it cost only una dollar year and oo borne should be without it every present subscriber to that paper should send hi renewal now and get a copy of tba beautiful picture anyone not a subscriber should ordsr tba paper and picture at one they will help to make the new year brighter for you any of which weuld make en acceptable gil the store stocks and people enjoy selection whore satisfaction is iuntar to counter 1 yourlul below wl vlatt tr store saturday the christmas spirit permeate gifts pop men fur rnrlinod and cloth overcoats suits hau csps gloves socks underwear us cuffbultooi braces tie pins alilru bouse costs bath and loungiug robus hwcater coats ebony comb and brush seta handkerchiefs gifts fop women rich handsome furs coats separate pieces or seta suits cloth coats underwear millinery drea waists klmonas head wraps sweater coats fancy aprons hosiery jewellery fancy neckwear hand bags dainty bsnd kerchief s separate or boxed in protty boxes manicure sets gloves table liaens cushion covets comforters nedstrtads pillow shams and carpet sweepers gifts fop povs anp gntls8uits overcosu sweators and sweater coats winter caps cloth and knitted wool cloth dresses glove stockings underwear wool overalls and bonnets or if you want to give tbe children tors you will find just the kind they like on sale hero the toy department is oo the second noor and in it you will find the most cosipleto gatborinif of toys that bt shown in the city of guelpb dolls doll carriages rocking horses tea seta blacks trains etc arc here in large variety at prices to meet all parses do your christinas shopping at guelphs christinas store mens clothinf d e macdonald bros cor wyodhun and wacdoneu streets ouelpfl 0nt dreugoodi for ham oao4 oallara uada botti lioai paxtlaalara apply to b bta i laruiar valuable iroperty in acton for balb fmib hnsllr rld of uta aaanlmd oa x mlo btna aum h barab oew4 tor ala taa baoaa la a walhtaut u ud ball ill rnnml nwbmrt la pood r t giii iiiiii wlui rnr wnasa iuf iwa u4 ataala od npmlr alieb if r muoaa v aliam pultauun apelf up wll ubmbtakkt hlltob wonderland moving picture theatre acton under new management tliu in lo h changed ftum u sc to a oc sliow ntnrtlnjf with christmas ilay uatinki xuas aftkrnoon linliro chanifu of pictures cbrbumas night hmi claaa picturca kntlre cbangonf pfcturem every other night big crowds psicu adulu k- children with parents he c symons baker rtl conrectioncr bou maker of v qcoa acton pork pic lariectlon floouutude bread ry our loc msdiera lmii cakes oar pan pastry la delicious assort man i of cakes and lastry fresh every day all homemade wedding and birthday cakes a specially confectionery mula etc all okdkrs uklivkrkb msmmmaaaaaaaoanddabaaaa j a few su jfeslkms for s p gristdqas 5 g presents sallow comexhrn ultonrwlyamfdbilld unth fhtlk mi lnpiljrj i pill do st i yon are particulatly invited to see the collection of watches clocks all kinds of jewellery dumonds brass ware eboiiy brushes mir rors and brushes gold silvermount ed umbrella- sterlinj silver goods savage co pamoy japampjin china i h amp palntffid ohima ptutptjmpal and tollatt h airttolals hymn bookw all hlnoai g popjv ooode la mlswaew a village of aoton bylaw no a by jaw to provide for bor rowing upon debentures eight thousand ave hund red dojjars to pay for com pleting and equipping the plant to distribute electric power in the village of acton wmmii im lorponitm of mm vidmav of acta applied to la llydronectrat rowtroom- itw aamwaeef aajmsbell be npeadad actum and for the pariibn afe njaaakatl ba tbarrvwes luvtmrxx a isef not lew the fine each t bsx aipl wttkia oa year heat the eat en which bkvrw uaaawd bf ealcd cam ikv day of taaaa terror aaj sfcall b aaada payable in twenty aaaesl fa ef tha rcapoctli m set farlajs atavdala aharmh lacbed st the eslo ef tbe trcaaarcr of ii toys dotap and oaxiaa o abtbuta reom gtho up ppsetalaackoo th day of lot aaaaktpallty pan jaary oraof tha taaaldpallty paraaaat to paraatapb i a of aectlom llj at 11m coaaolldstmmunl5pat art aad ondawnta ibarrto aa to a aapoh i ot alcctrlo power from the craaiiauoa an the alanm voltd u faror of a aapptrfroattbacoax jitf jft c of tbe corporatloa al the vilbia of aden ha enters traci whh lb hydro- ktectrtc power of ontario lor a aappty of eledrle po tfcri tab aad ceenona shet sjaa lbaja and lesaarcrumrwltadtba aud dabeamrea thall ptlls corporata seal af lb uiaici- itps lw yesrsi hi currvecy of said drbeatarca iber shall be ralwdina bvapmlraummbursexwe property la ihi vutacaof ickmuwawaaf salmnnrb par- vvzlyv h of i rc hih plaipaj sad latercat t rcapact of tz yjs aballuka aacetfaed ooaae la to oprti om uw day of the saawac uwrco c5ti tetaelabidvlllaef artoa eaducd tovota oa thla ayjw aball be urn on m tba hth day efjaaaajv 013 pycaahpayleas 1 ro toop lat brown i dhvoatstatartotmm s action oat aaaaannannnnnnnnn afwn f0wu fowl i fowl i also sell all klpda of furnltukb 7t sm nctfln epjpbepbibt to latlwvtiuvof a aad wbereaa tb werkiaaayaxa aad wbereaa it tbe aald anw tt fsjoano and of tbe aald vllfaavuf xcto latercat at tbe rat of tv per which u uaaauaat of tbe ot crested by tuabytaw aad wbcrcaa it la npadlent risalof tbe aald debt repayable d dlatrihht aurb electtk actou and wbereaa tbe eatlauled ni of tbe aakl workiaaayaxa aad wbereaa u will be and to lauie debratai- actoa iber lor bearing deb intended la be ibe tbe pel tkwpbtod of riweaty yeataaf reapmtrrely ibat iba anresaw an w lh b arrcxaw aawmat nwpruidpal aad latere- 1 ha aay year equal aaaearty aa stay ba lo tbe aammtat ble foe principal aad latercat la each of other year aad wbereaa it will b slty lb aaaa of vessel dnrust iweaty yeara to pay the aam ttrii thcyb and latercat ai pahy of tba vtluaa of aetsti ecamnllag la the but uevued aan holl ihcnaf la tum3 rairvwnwttbm urestasvlrl rctoa3foi i y9mnm aablhwioa pew st tb tlt mil wmarbejwbwei oepety hetarnlaa nue qdinwlilis mo a at c c rtpegjbie tuwp sudavet whb bv j ijcnabb ttepuly dayofuarnaber no to apeaist la wtbus alxned by blattwo aa to altead at ibe teal pawliia up of t be andiajsjnewtta attead at each pollfnx place en beaatfef umperaoea brtai la ail flwlrna of weaaouae ibe paaslasj of this bylaw and aiataaaaeroabaalof tb peraooa lo- terratelaeeddealroasefdppoatas tbe paajus oftbabyaaw 7tbe clarh of tbe oeaacfl of tbe aaid villa xa aball attend at ih team lull actoa al ten i qctocb la ih fcreanoe of the seveatb da- jaaaary tt to seat wp the aansbcr of lor and acaiaet thai bylaw raiaia t open ooaawji o tbe day of o la tba bylaw hereto vkah pkinnrjii inriuumr tmi bii uxoo tatam bargains for xmas men suits over coat boot sr shoes at5 per cent off from now until xmas only m lmm si rao saxe villaok or aoton 3rd 4lh filh 6tu 7th dill- oik- 10th uih uth ihll i4u fell a ink -bbbm- 4i1- 883 41 apo wjim 8148- 31s40 soo aoooo aosiit 444 40 887 67 t 71 8w8s 303 4 1106 70 s83h7 418 73 803 83 480m 8u40 401 m 880 41 481 78 is 80s8t su 41 147 08 ani 18 1ww mig 8887 018 85- 8841- ma os ota tw 083 011 eeaoo 082 oa bylaw no a bylaw lo repeal bylaw no 43i passed by tliu council ot the village of acton on the loth day of junnary iqio to prohibit the sale by retail of spiritu ous fermented or oilier manufactured liquors in the municipality of the village of acton tba uanlolpel com naif of tba villas of aaloo hereby eoaala tba follow lag j i thai iba lljmaw passed by iba uaalolpal ooaaall of iba villas of aaloe so tba 1mb day of jinnary toid and aoaatls ibat iba sale lr retail of aplrttaooe rarmaotad or etbar nianu- laeturad llqttorela and aball t miiiii i- eeev unn ion or any jwdjla aa a at aa ia u- annapout and iba sal thereof exeapt by bolaaslr u and shall b problblfad i eveey abop aw elaaa tba sbeesast tmzutti5k iatpallty ba sad tb f bsraby reptatbai t vol of ih atastor of tin elilaa of aeiealauuwtslum tnsiapslyratnniua offleara bseeiaattar nautad oa uoaday tba auttt day of jeaaary one jid wlae hwedaaj aaelahrttaao t alna oelaah in tba dmwtiltm and ul av oejoeb in um arterna ti 21 ear of dae hlaoffloel tbttown rail i aalos si lb hoar of en s rv shell epi aaalf two paeepos i a p of the voiaa by tba otaalt lfbvnw4affltote tt pasala otthbi awtta bvbau of bp uunl easirona of oppoalna um yntilng of i latefsrel and tab tbu l i snatt aajrom the rtvti day of stay ns ndarpassia tfaarefpr st ooooell chamber sub november itix ciair r 1 tiiibiwanoa will b asallv pas- i smby utb saufisttuell la mwarest cwe n i m of tbs elaetora 44sibuub theset isua antmblwilafl ibasaof lv tnvtea rre pasa s lbs lldar o3 deaaabartlill aadlbst at t tbabesrdlv sj places ibarels stflorlah lax- lb rate of tbe sbietois the ptmls whibltam jiicauki0

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