Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 19, 1912, p. 3

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for gbrlstmas larly buyer will find v splendid choice amir gnat stock of chmtrnt andnew year cart and booklets bit jtwn cot glass fancy china fancy i wstetes jewellery toys dolls children sbleigti book for the boys and girls naaelhlna rne awes puim ulmta ouur hbaixuartahbi geo hynds ontario real estate my la leaa t lowest rata laisrcau large aansber effarnea tar mile cheap pweluags and cater roierty in all part or the tabrat we have evecjr larlllty far traaaactlag ear bamlne to year eaaaalele natulactlea j x willduvhhl 4orgrlewa t lcton jfree jress thursday deck uup it iu 10ij brief local items hmt7 merry ohrutrou to all vw it does look christinas oar merahaule are doing thrlv ing christmas trade next wednesday joyous uhrlalinesllds tomorrow u dosing day at lb public end high heboole tbe proclamation for the uiunlcl pal eleeilone liaa besn luued the skallt g on fairy lake liaa been spli did the past weak next weak the t it bis lkm will b issued oo ghrjatmaa morning kit house ah up nor business place in town twed bo without electric light now it la reported that tha liquor inter est have already arranged a slits for nest year council you meyhave ell the electric our rant you daalra now there la no limit to tlia supply at command judgment u reserved in tbecsss of natkanxla vs uadttyeard in the county court at milton laat week aetoii horel route no i will bo pafttmenoad today uail carrier glb- bon u well equipped for the new route it la expected the chopping uilll w111 be reopened and upe rated with hydrokleclrte power wilhlu a couple of week tha hydro- klactrio con ira o tor promised light tor christmas tbey turned on the niagara currant ton days lb advance thue gertrude jolmatona baa been engaged teacher of school no 6 kelson at njolaon village tlila la one of the floca rural schools in tha county contractor hack en ale la moving tna coleman reeldenea on willow btreet to the speight property ha recently purcbseed on agnes 8 treat friday afternoon suth december wlu be visitor day at tb public flnheo all yisltore paraota especial ly will be cordially welcomed by the tawohare dont touch any loose wire you any eee dangling any place in town tn hydrowet trie current tn danger one fcevp away front the transformer station before coinplell k t j busl nss the orengevllle town o tuncll passed resolution declaring ha belief that local option baa lieon a lenflt to tpa town and sot old be continued hev w- b- klnluy huprrintvo- dent of tha toroubi lrls n barm at ibornhlll who was a guest of hev and mre7 wilson at km x church itanae preac a powerful sermon in vfatuf oljurch on sunday evening rftie minutes of law masting- of cawrgetown council h this item jm there are considerable t u island lactases it was decided to add costs to all taxes not paid un or before the 10th lost also that all tank water rates qauvt be paid by the sut of dec mba or the service will be shut oit tlaptrtliigtbe ltmsal option mass westing 1h georgau wn lat week the herald say ko mr wilson of aftfojitlptbeooreeottiu addraw on tfaewprfctnt of local option lo that majiwwvei r v village daring tna past three years mated- that the town had baeo bener a tied liusinras had not been injured botjj mauyeasej news imp local import bapusi amlniittlla jmuw uaptint uburch haa arranged their sonlveiary servlees for hunday u k january iu v prof farumm- f mcuaslar university torooul la l peeled to occupy the pulpit during tna day tna lnaat baek the cook hookr ordered by the ladlosof the woman s institute have beer sent to ihr eecreury hiss j k llarvsy and the ladles who wlsb lo procure ooplaa may do eu by calling at bar home air wsshrysmsaai an rasrtlartuew wblle mr james near main btreet as baimllloguaibsre in tha u t u yard laat tbureday one that was being moved rolled against another where landing and the impact cens ed a fracture of one of tha bones of his left lag dr gray reduced the frac ture and the injury lit progressing favnrsbly lea on m windy mll ipletil fire uoourrsd ubl thurs day night through hre harrison dry lug wood in the ovsn of her slows in in the arthurs building tna wood caught firs and made quits a i the are alarm wae rung and tha nglne was put in oommlsalon but ira was oo before a stream was turned on rurtntiy indeed with lbs high westerly winds pro vailing tha ire gat no headway the following officers wars elsetsd at ths regular masting on honda y sv ting rr the year 101 1 c o -ho- k ksnnedy a uhnr heo huilth banker 8ov if mellon c w k kennay kcort8o ceo ilall watchman sov joo tilbson hsnllnalhov jas wilds managers boss jn cole e liall hutllb bs oasarul about vow dssarailona i undsrwrlters aragiv arnlng to merchant and others making obrlsttuss dsooratlonv to he more careful that fire does not result tbcy particularly warn sgalnu die plays coming in contact with electric wiring there isaclauss in all insur ance policies that such changes e make the risk wore haasrdous may invalidate the policy the mere mention of this should he eafnclenl lo make all parties cars then there is besides the danger of life oar are chief haa been asked lo call the public a attention to this fact andrew henderson died last friday at hie home the family hotnlaed lot 10 eon n a nelson ha was la his 98th year he had bean in poor health or soma time sad bad bee aoaadlo hie bad nine weeks ha t oban in miluto for four atnntha he la survived by his widow aad one daughter mrs geo agnew lib whom bar parents head on lbs farm three surviving brothers david henderson mp acton thomas of quebec and john of milton attended tee 1 poerej which took place on hon day inlarroeat in kvar se cemetery milton champion thelm ingvarn slnoe the ope dug of the catupalrn for reps if l cal option it hax best a fttrprlta ry f thoe who mi wnrklmk ll r r otl aoertaln lion wfm irdim iiliftin as a blind pig of the must open and notorious character last friday two provincial qfaoers when un their periodical itinerary tbr ugh this dle- trlov visited ilia plaae arutsd with a search warrant thuy initpectod the prewtsesttnlatcoltst tu uarratr not a drop of hftoor was scoured said there was absolutely uo evidence that the puoejied ever btt doing business sh n mrns the yaan a gtiom the iiuinlwr if lillud pigs fn acton will surely now he largely die- u the puhllo be tulte sura y6n believe hair tbn ilea you the ciifaens committee believes in placing suoh a publlo i as local option fairly and openly before the ptoplsv and to that and are holding a series of public m for discuss inn of lbs question a moat interesting meeting will he bald this evening when mr joseph olbeon president of the dominion alliance aad prof uejlam of wycllffe anglican collage toronto will ad the mealing and msaltr brtiatt miwgan the prise soprano buy ringer uf toronto will sfog mr aibsoh is an kagishman has taken a lifelong interest la the working classes and la a most able andlntrrastlngspsslur prof hallam a worthy represenisuve nf hie cbnrob and is taking a great interest in support of local option throughout the province an opportunity will be given tor champions of the barrooms to dlsrnea the question from the plat form atri wfalteoearly every person in acton is looking f r ward to ton christmas season with eagar anudpallon tin are a few herd working dllssos who cannot regard it as n season t f unmix edjny they are i he posjoflsne oibclala who certainly have reason in dread ths line when the christmas mails begin htve you ever considered the extra work and rush entailed in the pnstofflee during ha next two weeks to handle the tremendous volume off ids ii- mat tar that comes and goesf a llti le i fine and thought nn tha part of all rue might help to lighten the lauir of the nostoffloe employees to qulie an rxteu don i wall until the last minute in mall your gifts tbey may not he delivered until days after christmas don t seal your christmas paokagrs with seals unless tha first class letter postsge is paid don t forget to writ dame and add of sender on every package dont for- getrtrr wribsnanie and address irglbre- dont be impatient at any seem log delays wish the pwtonlea offlfilale a merry christmas and help tn make it such tn llism social and personal lr eidur j ilumlil vlltad r lallves el orawa last ws mr and ur- t a lialld w wiut rrimtd- in 1 miio over hmu ur andnra wu gordon of oru n are guests at lbs huene uf mr w j gordon fred heeord of acton a m aaotao a warr a tbs neighbors of mrs agnaw lata nwiinutrt- f koaichbull it lbs iu nlwr f simiui misty flwr met at her i h ti o rouy avanlng th d i with llirlr l4keta and look poi ssss f her house atd gave her a pwant surprise mr james aklns was called to tha chair and he said that the ob- monday with g iriads herald jobn hprowl rauirnad yestar- day fioni a six weeks visit with friend t lllylb mr ww fulton of harpers tornwi rasa guest at ihehoniaofhr wuilam obnslone this week j mr john wllluwa and mlap ijuun ueoded tbs funeral of mr a j carrie krin un halurday mr wlllumlcfarlaoe of harpers as a guest at tha home of j u oolman laat weak r john wrigglesworth 4 f ash grove vbo has been 111 wltb poeu boonla is rsoovsring herald m clark who was taken edde ill about two weeks ago ui able to be about again herald mies gertrude johnstone who has been taking the model school course at iurhaui rrturoad home last k i cuvsl who wenl ui hamlllon to take a ejiuarlom several monlbs ago has retumrd to act n preferring lo vnake his borne here mr and mrs wm molbreoo and children of hartney man arrived here on haturday and will spend lbs winter with friends here mr itowrt whce was lioqw iron wingbam for a few days laat week he reported pbrnl y of an w and good etrigfalng in that secunn lr and mrs j j pesraoo and child of portage la prairia men arrived last friday and wlu spend the holiday rbursj it pearson mill htreel luv f g uurrell it a ptor of the llapusluhurtb evidently a pastor lueb hiughl aftsr in cm day recent ly be received call to two uapust chucbns at p inu in ontari aavaral hundred mils- removed tn to each tbr ur hurt a i prefers aclon pr it j3 tlf thm gathering was to i baulihaat7 merry christmas to the editor snd etaif of the acton rree prves the presbytorian hunday bchool lhrulmss tree ai d entertainment waa bald monday aveourgnd was a gratifying suoces uev mr fowlle sull takes bis plaer in the pulpit on hunday mornlog in tha preabylarlau church ilia aplsn did sermons are well appreciated by his attentive listeners his hearty handsaws and pleasant good morale ere something worth while the ladles institute gave tbeli annual oyster supper on friday even lag it was a most anoosvaful event the supper waa all that could be expected it waa first eum and tb programme though short was really enjoyable ilalllnefed baa reason t be proud of its accomplished enter tainer among those who furnished entertainment were the following i mr harry bbortlll and his dsughlsr aggie violin and orgsn mr and mrs beunte violin and organ selections mr akllt a 6ne scotch song which he sang indeed miss m camp- ball an arousing reading which wa- greaily enjoyed mr has wick a speech kay linday and bis sister recitations and others the pro gramme closed by singing cod rave the king mr jsmes campbell is again under the doctors care- ws hops that ba will soon be well again messrs pwruell and gardiner an- getting n their christmas supply of novelties the rural mall route is about lo be started out from acton to the hrdilb otb and oth una a good number will be getting the mall dally now place of having to go to the fad for iv mock oaanes be cured bxtejiaasssad er baperfset bsar tlswamr atsseai desfasss u people who make it hot fir others oft hm their own fingers tt elevi0lh haauliy condition olmf lalp but it ujw rtnvrmrf1er cupid mill n espyairwith jiothlniftii on thursday evening the greenock literary society held itsregularweek ly meeting wltb mr ottae allan pre siding owing tn the winter fair many were unprepared so the pro gramme was necessarily short the following programme was giv president a address i several iuusi eal selections ware given by the or cbestrai debate resolved that ma ed farming is baiter than spsotalnv ntton tue affirmative was support ed by miss margaret a k near and mr fred lambert the negatlvs by messrs fred west and k j pserei the judges wsrs miss floreooe mi arthur snd messrs it- allsn and o tbompsi n decision was given in favor of lbs affirmative on december hb the society will bold lu regular open night when a fee of ova cents will be charged social waning with her b the of bee way finally closed and aba left for tbs city of gnelpb to spend the winter ith her son mr wm agnew ho call on mr geo t wilson to read the f tl winy address and the presenta- aa made by mr j it aodareon- snd mrs mlchle agnew we your friends of hi vicinity feel that we cannot psrinit y u u laave us without sx pressing our feeling towards you for hflystx ysars y u have gone in and out among us and bran an sxample for good mott of os fnun childhood ward nomnilar jyour kindly acts ws wkb tu maks special msntlon uf tha uoeeloab t in which yon lis ve conducted the work of th post nice for the brnent nf the communl- y you have played your part as sv canadian llisaa in laying ths founds an of a great nstlon and n w in your declining years as you tnvttr your connection with ha nelghlm rh od ws ask you in ac cept this chair ft your earthy pll grloiagelong or abort your memory 111 long remain freeb in the affeetlone f a grateful community our pre ar la that when the toils uf earth i ver you wilt be trl uiuphenlly numbered among tbs nw ad and counted worthy of a seat at i h right hand of him vlti is tbs id the lire hay he cause hu fce lo shine upm ymi snd iflvu you iieacr hig h tuhslf of ttie neighbors wiloon aitdvrson insrdw mieble agnew uf guelplt replied ihe addn for i all rorlw kind sa uf the addrees and also for the gift which they wout i cberwh bbort kprecbes were abut made by a number of those tressnl after which the ladles brought ut ibalr baskets and served a dainty uucb ami a pleasant soclsl svsnlng was spenl the gathering broke up wlihell singing god he with voo till ws hset again the chi ulmas tree enterlainnieot sl ilelhvl sunday school st kaelcbbeu m monday night was a great success the bouse was packed hev mr carter presided rev a blair gave a most helpful and encouraging address a programms nf in t ting choru recitations and dialogues wsa given the tree utre presents for the children including ghrlkl mas ftuhs and uafkhotmai uieetlng iu the interest of local option in f queslng will be held this thursday avsnlng in the methodist church at 730 o clock mr d a uederuih uflioe seereiary of the dominion alliance a aost forceful peaker well posted in all phases ol thequeatlon will address the masting tbe interest in local option in hsquoslng la growing dally fa alectore speak against it u a strong vote is pulled tbe by law will be oarri ed by an overwhelming msjbrhy krery elector should exercise his irannbua aud poll bis vols ftorgeous choristers bay wagers nf the private chapel la nausaf mrs luis bslls iidda s second proved wllfo a satlafacllon equal tn that of her recital hate a year ago that aba l a mistress of interpretative read ing ijnthe town ball nn tuesday evening her numboia were all listened to with lheaanast intsrest hvrplat- forui preaance and manner areiapu ra ting her selections are invariably nsw varied lu oheraater of exception ally high tone and well salted to bar style of a the numbers given at ber two entertalnaatnte here nana have been inonngroons bat they have been invariably highclass and eoesptnbes tnahristuuui havoc which emrotr tied aavaraltif bey mlexftsona were bt- tlng wndaceepuble mr ward who ba iwen a member nf the matbudut ohtdrmrfhuaatlme aangtwonumbare vary eoeeptawr bhabasasweemnii a copy nf iu toned voice jtnd is wslmimed as a valu ed addition tu tha mnatnal btinbt of the town the ndm8ohool drebaatra played a number of saleql whlofa a oirr with a thought in it them sons very simple way out of the christmas shopping problem t dnntlhoprhutblt qnleiiyetbom and subscribe for the youth a oum panlon the obanaee are too that no present you could buy for tha ynunn friend or family you dsllgblt b oould confer so moon nleasiirtrasrnuls gift of the youth a companion for a whole round year fifty rt wo weeks issues sud the ufty second as kee tl anllclpaled and euj lyed as the very tbers will be stories for readers nf every age t sound ailvlos as to athlet ics t suggestions for the girl at oollegi or making her own way iu the world t giod iblngs for every member of the caiully- all for eb3i5iess than dve ofnts a week tbi line lo whom you give the sub scriptlthi will receive free all the r ntalnlng issues r 101a as wll as th oum pap ion whulnw transparency and calendar aw 1u13 rich trans- luoeiit coli rs it is in lie hung in the window or over the lamp hadr y u loo asgtver of the present will receive there are tan boys in loudon who every qanday and on atale occasions wear suits or clotbea that in each lo stance cost something ilka ss00 the lads inns expensively and bruoantly attired are the choristers belonging tn the kings private chapel in st james palace when arrayed la ibelr eule salts tbey are truly a gorgeous slghl scarlet cloth b tbe fouodauon or this roatiiiue bauds of rarn purple belweeti rows of heavy gold lace are tbe adornments old lace rubles are worn st tbe neck and wrists these ruffles are wo valuable and so dtaralt to replace hist tbey are worn only oo tbe most special occasions at other times white lawn bands take iheli place tbe hoys mux take great care of their salts which mast endure three years the undress salts are re placed every eight months this cbolr u one of the historical in utatlona of great britain and many of in old urns customs including tbe dr of the beys are retained to tab day the choir baa numbered bumo lie singers such dkttlagnlsbed ntsdrlaas aa sir arthur sullivan bdwsrd ijoyd sir john ooaa and dr bj uopklua it tbe right of the bead boy to do mand a gulrleaaa apnr money- froni any ofbcer entering the ehenel weariun apora it la said that when arthur hul llvas waa bead boy the dak or wei ungton would ahraya come atiurred to the chapel in order that he might bare the rltthra of paying tna forfeit to bis rt serarpera weakly lav thursday after soeaswhat prolonged illness death removed alex aadar jourrie of krin fnr many rs a resldeat berr mr onrrie wae a nattva of krin township being born oo the ho near tbla rtqajre sixtynine years ego he waa well- known utruogbont tbe township bar lag bssapqullsstnr of taxes and sa tary of krin agricultural society tea man y years ha left oaprtnge for krin village nine years ago mr car rie was a presentation a liberal in pnltlics and a msmbsr of the a o u tbe funeral last tbereday wa f largely all e lets took place at kffrton many people prophesy an open erln rr wesrebavrngdeugbtfalwsatber at preesnt aad hope it may ooejinna the roads are smooth aa a pay eaten u many reeldenta of tbs place attend ed the winter fsir at guelph last weak this show is a wonderful improvement ver former years and tbe exhibitors ill ask the government for funds to alsrgs tbe building as there is inanf acton eeeaatsmdation for tbe exhib its the season a greeting and many re indecision is procrastination kfflclaocy is tbe watchword of the toetoaftos 01t riswr i sr ims grand trunk iv christmas and new year rates amouai maaoss aa mm east of port arthur abssta detreit and port huron mich buffalo black rock f and sospsevaoa bridge n yi pall paruculars and tickets from say grand trunk agent h s holmes agent the p offlce inerwetor wriiee tbe faaui pnaxm as follnws qneettou has been rsdsed with the department ee to permitting stamps enui for raising funds for ant ltebet oal r society being placed on the front of h this ca be allowed hot will permit them bring pasted on hack aa sealers it la the that yon receive this without delay so that yon can if you so desire make use ol it in your news items in order that tbe pobuc may bars a proper understanding aa lo each stamps not being postage hot that tbey may be on lbs back of letters as tea leva slcfel a4k4mch am not caused by anything powders or tabkts assy deadee bat canaot cure them dr mores ladjsa root puis do cure sick fceed- i ceased tbnsu dr morses indian root pula are purely vege- n any bsvsmfnl drug when you eel tbs dr morui iaadlaalh root pi 11a now is the time to order your christmas jqekkes plaoa tour ortiek today wtth c symons batier u oonntptloncr wbowst aoton wav huj qbrh n 111 worried about suitable xwb gins for the men tine youth h oourahunt 144 barklj 8u un4n mam nw mbwluofm twilvl i tbli ottoi f j of uf6 i a pratoptem til utanl tnbatloa of wbkb mui uw bnt bad m4 w toluuiilmniolq t auat is ism to tb ihw nutar niltliald jdootaattk mntabl crita u kwka uk tb whit ot un s aimuk amtowi lt aw 0m leal mmatutiotw mtstc altmnu ud kjancu it b u tb fradmnmobu bula tor dl ur tb nullvt evudm of it hn wbat bi known aa tb eretm of hn- wbea ta way itaraw ctchw or nnehma onmm wllblo it ariaon calla it to gte a watch panfeascd at tklt stare is mar wbdr well my lock cootmliw n urge umnmml of caw la nuiou xylol and pattnnu tba mica w ai j a make nolod or u aad low coat of op fc con plat uaa of botk nam aaf taaan a watcbaa sco orr apaclal ukum aod nots hi aold filled caan at laas w h foster old bt amd gta oatuio anuuiaaaarina aandotja 2 our dqas i randies g g we will tatava a laargar g aad xteanr draplay thawv n g vwpator n a a s ooana la and am our g g atookt ba you do g if mi drop in our store and we will solve that problem by showing you the most attractive and ultahle range nf christmas presents in all the latest novelties at the ntoat papular prices there are no christmas gifts the men appreciate so much as tbe articles tbey can wear and aakc use of every day by way of suggestion we will make cation of only a few of our special cbrisunaslioea bath robam 5 soaads6oa driwino oowntt ieno and gioo bmokino jaokbts soo coat ffwgatsnrg llee to too fa nov toqum soceach fanov mob tjc to jjc pakov knittbt bfoaivb sec tot3no pahcv knittbo tibs latest noveltlee in bilk tlsta harold wuos tn actcet car mm sti xtaatuii3tv3tidrwo4pu omfort soap ifcoistscrlitue mmnihsahmhiiiiahs s re nelsons 5 bulletin ol goods suitable lor xmas jilts u h a a a a a m a a a a m a a a a ml uubkbli h neat my lull nmd xmait spmtal at sitoeacli klkjf walking sticks initiai e handkbr ciiibfsuto 4t br hairdemo hratjk sets lo pretty koam from ssc to sbss uknh boys gloves io 11 tbe diflereet atylea of heed aod unlmod km rea tcolrorai alaoapeclal ckomola reasi solralt for xmas knittkd nbckwkar haodaomely boaed tie at soc aee tbe baodaome silk til io aepaiate beaea la foor-ia- baad uylr for xmaa at ssc neck scarfs fromsuftl ukns uoube coatb dressing gowns amd bat1i robes from to i sweater coats from pvjaktah for tbe men pyjamas for tn klddiea night shirts for moo night shirts forkidcuca at all price a a a m m a a a a a a a mens colored and white si ii uts in all strles i am bowing a special clustt pesbody shirt for xmas st i sex a feeder in sick pour in hands in elegant boxes reg if so amessprciaiwlww each new styles in hard and soft hats my special blbw hat is a winner seeipurnbwcaps holeproof hosiery s for women and ten 3 pair in a very handsome 1 for women tfl for men with a r e nlson 93 upper wyodhamst qublph oni a a a m a a a a a a bank of hamilton 1 thk incenuvetntbtuttbalabavingssc const gives yen h even more valuable than the actual intsrest that accumu bucanpotbederioeu tbe hah to savi assuring cutnfort in old age is es eesuy acquired is the habit of spending banking service in tbe savings depart meat of tie bank of hamilton is as sincere ly offeredto the man whs deposib a few dollars a month as to those who deposit georgetown branch w m i fai aw h be alalhodw chunk uudoa term ur ol toajillojlli7 btirrglnw hodda froia lmirulu jomm calla ar tb aan la ptaota and ablnabv protwawr jaedvfaa loab abowad tb baportaiie or tbla fact jjlboort planta n aapiatood keno narrooa antatne tbey bar ibadn or moramenta in aoalyala of hi attneta ba bound tofatbar u tba mil common to tlnw tb ntatrt aakl ba wont at tba root of tb plantaa anna dar arla tb trrnvot uf iht h anrpant rauriba botrndand rllad tbolr nfkni actlooa -boplania- 1 11 im si 1 m ami ivy leaf wove in epl i aatvwj to chemical aabterlloii lo light baa at 1 adore which ihr eclcdjt calla retwtiatldnafruvi m luatropoullfn r pasiov braoiaaexs jac to si 00 armbdsjhdba oarltbrravboxed ttft nd 50c rink bhinra ijotajlw pvjamab gi so and ssvoo b4lk tiandkbbohibpb sscstsesc initialho uninhandkiroh1bf assorted price- iwm sst up olovbs sec tosseon hioal bhoib 4 00 tn seno buitcaews sr sntostoee 1 olvb baoa fs7stetttieo abe a urge aaaofttttant of iflwfl jkwklclry stwcialrj aolected feronr cbrlsttnas trade watch eut wlodowa cloaelycillt in and gat all the ubwt ideas n um wear a pleasare to imwynaoareemdgwbetneynu bny er the vlova feed stare we beg to thank oar many friends and ctu- tamers lot their n- aerjee and patronage daring the removal and alteiattons in the feed store and to invite all to viait tbe new sue and inspect thai im provementa we solicit your con- tinned patronage and promise aajrompt ser vice aa possible rnoble raswdhaht mtlxejt hrrtoca- aaonafjr ah teady for fattkr awl aotfcer aad tbe whole faay prinze guelph santa claus willi tfhlar lo the jewellery line nut a t slots v afaarl back again and more bnrsnlna i c p spe4ght wanta will ba promptly aop- stoves uo ranges i gbaratbwatu on tinware shblf uajidwakat uocukry k co stoves i mechatflcs tools folass i raits chihaklilri thelnxwijibd nuy rawt8jilsau chinamsb ujifi hafo nallsg trfampjrjaod dac- atwiatovaaantrt capital separators e o gfpioh 7 for sajjb t cost stsven new separators never been out of shop 500 lbs capacity wasrcash dirymen7 qalrtjnrclras theyare to be rushed oil tj only threcvbugcica left ab we need the room for win ter stock willlear at cost robet knee spreads horse blankets halters etc for fall and winter use machine oils of all kinds also piooroil giva usa calland see our line of goods t bi j- naril abtciil t

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