Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 19, 1912, p. 4

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qbt jaunt jrce firm thursday decemuk wc 101 tfanm loyal inru thmtnipmu thai am uahi thai are pan nwd uwl twaarfwto the world in tart giiw www and iowa to your heart wow a otrweukth in joor otaoat naad llmir ralth in row wwd aajd awed for ufa is tba mirror of it la aad elam tfa jonl what yu are end do i laew sjen to tba wu the beat yoa aad um bws wul coom h to you jumlaaa bhdm as aooa u baby ileaps at ahjbl uuaka will ha aatter as the a at i laker mlihi a aooa aa hhh than- praaauy ll u itata a uula older aad am aad ao tha ulua cm paaam tro froaa babyhood to youth end alwnya taefo are fresh dhbnalrt to ha hor cones uaa any w awa at w4 into bar loan she haw hna oarssvlly uulaed all the way aloaa baa aow baa isaroad la obry in atady barlammm im tlnl the abnat lb- boalo 8- u bad tea years in sb iaip ir atandlag now surely u w tlaifbrbaridbwmmaa rwawjl aad 3 tias la awj swsahi f m tka ena 16 solid oowanwua at yos lianas store aadalnai belfwol fliidt 11 rir proportion pmakimo till truth xaardfaoad woavajled an br uilnlalar to onjbplala that in doing bar duty har llne had baan hurl by mmwoai bald ntuhit bar aa4 i only told baa lmbl truth the wbola tnrth r iba minister re peated that was a wry wonderful aablavaammt mr pwuar who bat uodaaarfcaowaihatr tbablcgaatoc us an fcot araapftaii oic suppose yoa let m anotly what yon said -jbaalhlim- i amid via pour raplbd tbat mlllb waa arrowing- wild aod ewery bad waa tvl abou barand t bar i it at dklat watch b and yoa called that the truth iba minister sward you aald notbltu about afulla balsa a pretty affection ata ablld nothing about bar cdewer aiurere nor bar kioovbaarladaao nor wbwbal umi la da wltb it f aha aakad bwjtwyulog if rownre tailing tratb tu taka a bit of badow aid aad 06w ibai aa a parfaet plunra i no ubra um trub um if i abonld daaorlba bar by aaylnc ibat aba bd a knaok at aa bnppoaa yoa think a ayathlafj on tb abadow aldootoft bias on iba brbfbt alda yonln mhrnviiutettrhai rartm van tttwimiiiii i ii mh hi tb ufcotaa rih lb kife u f lb tmmm i bk u mdhrmlnhnl vb ibqr ddcr pm kur castor i a -ml- p- finjtii im i i iiim 1 r mm y bona tks l n r 2cf5gtss ona to daeehrs jim b tkte imltolu tiiit mi ifca is that trita with and aadunrt- r the hamh r what is castoria on aria dna aaa soothlac hjnrapa it i aaalahm allhr oaina marahba bar othar baraatia blaaim itaagab ha snataatea aval allaya i la oaua jt raluma taathlaa traahlaaji m liana aaa bawala haalthj aad nakmd alaaa qihuink castoria i beusfba bjcnatwn at always the m you hare always bought in um for over 30 year najgr aaa ap h la teaipcdlbaailaalia alaf of twr mhcthow aoai it baaatlbl la lufilaaufinintl lal ai twday la mhiln uabrf i ml fcy ii lb lw oalr vao la aoaa lihr ba pnana anal aaa an than fa avaa loai i ihaa ay araag i waa aauia wao linaw lb vlrtaa nf mnwr ghana wiaat rxt aalaralaay hanwatuua b ii prea ita valaa ta an who daolmam bawlu wrar an maa aodar ahoaiaat aajtoct to pat ah auaaapaai aa khkaadry wba maajkomlkaliuv mai taa aam or wan it ulh tb paahi aa atlaalioa la br bayi aaa aabaahahjiiilliiliiaaj aainaai aaa ajahala plpln aa7 ii 1 ha aaaant law lata a hr ainlliaf kamnj ihb a taa d i rowaway w uy doaa kkawy i lillllil doaa bea a a ana lb hat ira llnfei ibhfar lb hat ira yaua aaa bvbx axat ba- aaah at dawn ia lb ambaltkaak baw ahkh i damn no braall anriagbra dthrd asy puh 1 l aarr aba aal haw ibonaob- damhublit aa now nwaaaataly cwaad- dwvi xaaay fob am 90 caata aiv bmt ar tana baa tor ijs at u diahn ar aaikd abaa ba nwipt of priraby tbt hbtara oa uaaud tanaitaabl whra anwriat aoawy domaa will qive 500 to sick readers of t free pres fasma sdeathi wko odtkuted ttenow wo-derf- bone treat- art offers jl m padufe free t sick aad aaatf aatuijary tatbaaaa ohildren ory f fletgiers castoria lor av iaaalbul bank aaamlhrbui wuh thaw waraa owojlj bcuh- tbbol traaaaaaa a f aaal aw ibawaaatorwybm tb aaaaar caaw pahtaly carlalaly it b x si tb awit watk lb uaawawa kaall tb of a kwak anhjiil ahajk with tb by an a hwa i a tbrakaattbuu apwatioa lb iwaatwybulpaiav- aad bak aaaw lb mwa- so do ir ay far addat dtxsh aad aa la tbda tbbaa i aaa flow wara tin ahyhl i aw lida dm 1 i a adathaw alwaya with a tawh thay aaaa to b ay t tibial haahar ao awi ah awhjaa taaaaaaaathly v ajayaabulba dtb hu la work olty a aua aal happy was so nervous e3r t thaw w anan mn wstb won walk and inwawlili iwomwa wgjf itaattmt rfil1lwa l wft heiuieglect a i1uiac8l hawlaavj a not a taolunaaowrraof ittmy tb- rid oil iii lu el lb badatb aad haakaj al lb baaa baas b buton randaaa tb baab aad ahw thdr awwai law aal wwatal can hr hwdwb a audi tail that can vhna alhm call yjgri via ordrr thai awary i ol m van patua won nay mm baa baaid of thia woadar tiwami ntay a an ojwonamlty to taw iht- oavihrilai aadl clna tka aow twaoaa bclaatnt dr jaha w kidd ontwioafaaaiiaiylaaam wattiaoapknana lofiva b laadata oflblmpaptr to ptoa tba won -bic- awabam nud far u la ihb oaw tba aciamb atld lira thara ata wany panaat who bawa ba liilwx for yaai- wjih wonva chronic nod ahabt ol thaw havo apaat txtm oniy in awaw a cat- ikatikatihaia naopla bamttata boat anltik awagny la walclta bcwaa that bawa oappalid of aaar nail lag ill tboaaanda kawa laid aw bat atory aad aaay ilvaada of iba awaa at a w thai a- aftar doctors aail r r what tb i ao mtaliar bo loa- tbay bava aaf m bin and imauaii ai i raally aad kwaalrf i taasttw that paoph nrbo nbt frou riwauwajlaw kwny tnabla stoovtcb troabla ur or doardjiawdnra catarrl bronehute asthma chronic coaghs waak iawa worn oat b m dauftiad at tba thb arndarfal tr appatlm aad nalaa tba dhwatha of sav uad iba naab d daaaodant wtn of a aa do aan4c thai a wby imnwa wko try i obtain afcanhwaly baan tmu 7oa by kfanply nutatr fca tka oaapoa baow ol niitbw a lal tar oaaribtachwtcm laah own arorrh u thay pratar and wajoaa b tobtylolawna w kah totoalo ta ada ha wwwy aaad lw aami aad m i any wad will ba aaada bowwtaiwaltadyia abonld nttia waroartobataiaio rwjatwn yoar coupon 0b78f0r frbk dollar trkatktent lar aaf aam tnn a aoobn pa ola any othar applies to acton too i i aawrar naw haacaw 1 ia i aal an l irwdoibwdockbk wuroual dawlal ib hn it a trl sskr- s oat iwnaar and hla wifa drawn to at own day it had hoaa a racy fav- nan laraa poola had rv lnuwrondnmyfatwooa tho farm and n on iba aad fcow ntw yon today r waa tbo maaiyannuaa j wj- wao aank yon an-ir- ndtlwlawmwar flow la iba wjliaair ormtlanad tbo daa aaat tanawarnd tba fawmr 3bababladlhdwuhl w lanaa trrwarda taa taat wiaj 61w- not thorar aald tbo aaton- rwwna oa fa themoralofit the advertising colnms of the evkw are an index to the most progressive busi ness houses m vaoleek hu1 people who know recornilie that to reach a very large class of the best purchasing public it is necessary to pse the review columns a very natural deduction is that the merchant who does not use the review as an advertising medium does not care for the trado of those who can be reach ed only by the review therefore the moral patronize the merchants who think your trade is worth while telling you abouttheir offerings vmmutk htu rtvum uwj it atajumoiav uark twain aaylnc that trnlb la ao prvhona tbat f hoild uap it aparlnf j miwi not m lirtnrprwtrd to ttman that falaabottd mroaawiy lor aal pui poaea dot it woold ha an nnoon fonabla world ii in oar ntroowr- wllli otbrtw w ylidgtit ouraalaaa aa wa do on iba wltnaaa atand to tall tb iruib and tba wbola irnlh vaw frlanda oanld rprwnw tbrh- aalnda to wnefe otbar wtlbont n nal not afhdaairnr ibair ffriandahlp tact and nod brradlna nrnnnltatn inaanp- p of a aood naany anploaaavat facta 1 bopa you do not flod ibe chlckan tough aald tba nnslon boat lo ibanretlc raplorar jadaa ba aald aftar walrna naat 1 don t naiad uiuch ol abytblaa tbu a watr if m i amaurabl on ih acotr of troth w oartalnly lacklnaj in laot it u not naeraaary to tall all tba limb all iba how it u not naoaaaary t tall yonr flnd llutt wwtnalndy luiuka ha draaa in poor t-atr- it m not incumbant ov- you i iu tba cbntcb maiuut bat tba ntba wovld bar baan baanurul if h had not flaund on tbnbhrk nmt atnob tratb la unkind nad nnnaoaaaary uaa it aparlaajly a fua of indlfpatio lodlsaatloa la n boanm allmaiit and law ara frwn rrona it it u a aaoat dmraaalaa oaaa- plalnt and oftnn tlaaawbarlnf nttand ady la pawnaalaa vaaawbw plllataaaa aeothrdlng u ditctpnnn tbay rwetlfy uhalrtacntaracttthii of imtnnn and raatare boaltby atlon fw- waany ynar tbay bawa bran mmndard ran ady for dyaprpala and lndlpi um and ara hlfbly aal aa and ror ibrlr quallllaa ittdacuhvn u nro ion kfllelanay u tba wntcliwuid of tba rrlrndablp fonwdad on hualnaaa not baalnaaa fonndad on irlandafalp castoria tn lal yalm aran awi pwbue opinion u tba opinion which few bawn implanon upon iba anany many a maa baa baan paxtad on tbn bank ao tnncb tbat ft baa alaatad bin growl b a sara oorraetlwa of watnlaney wban tba ondlaatad food uaa lo tbo rtoaaach it throw off ff3aa canwina pain aad opptwawoo in iba atouacfa tbabalbblnajorarnatntlonof way to praaw than i to r iba atnraaoh lo propar action pat m aw vrtxatafala pui will do ibln blnpl- dlraouona fo wltb aaab paohat and n douraa of tham takan ayatanaauomlty la cartalo to a eurw aartnaantidannqaanaifnilbnanaoantipa introductory offer forthe remainder of thla month we will pay your railroad fare to ouelph and retui n h yon buy your electric fixture from our show- roomk crgnd qlaplayl largo stock i better than the toronto prices i come and sen xs6e guelph electric works geofb oriawcrvco pro ta w marfcal sawara oaalah oal waamaoiianonananaoaaaqnaaaanaadiiilndaaaaoaribajuiaj the merchants op canada bank btery parson who racalwaa and pay out chaqaiag akoconat laa by cbaqna fai iba aaont practical aalaai aad jat awlhad of baaduaa wary anai paid oal thay bnrwawtiiriu ha baan amada aad to wboai pnpowlla ai thla bank aa to cbaqva wribdaal w pay the lo waaaq dapnattora aa doularfe lataratf auoarad oa iraealwad by una at total assets 81lw84t action branch f a maclean manager tore tba g trouble wltb tba of thlatooanlry u tbat tham am too anaay jalla and not aooo bapoy attadadbyaiwuiaan tba brat f nar- ful aanaatlon i of aoffooatlon wblnb boor by boor baeoojaa tnora d and bop to aeb n caee tba wa oordod by dr j d kalkawjb aatbma ixaanady aaaa nothina laaa than adraaoiooa itabalpla qojekly anmraat and aooa tbo dinadfol attack la ataataxcd tba aathtamuo who baa found oat tbo dopoadabtuly of thla aterllng roaad will naww be wltboot iu it la aold aw ir you aaaorjala with paopla aad follow tbair load you am aura to aunoaad anou wllbont alaobol some and many aaadl have jcobol aa n proatlaaat loajradlaol a mtaallna f alm minllil oil tajaoaa dr tboaaaa bdactrto ou and tbara la no alaobol in it aotbat ita rffacta are laatlna tbara la no aaadl- olaal oil oompo that oma equal thla oil in ita preweotlwe and b una huaraoialfft spatronlze merchants wfyo invite vou a hwq la uaunlly anoaa nne wvhpna dooatloi baa not wi t apttiird end etdtua wltb ao lbnroufb a preparation at utd aa lllllara worm powdr tba antbaflwat allowa barfalrdrea to auf far ftoat tba mwajre of wfomu la un- waa and i oajpmhly oarr a ohlm ilctad tbanfietrkanfwtwm v alwnya onaaaltb and will be atuntwd la lla ajrowih ih ia a anrolltal wot to rlav4kof 4aawwaarnduan parnaptna oapaelany wbon itomioa don without dimoojiy ia 1 1 i laalwatoir qkadllloit akar- atttaihapaabv a ewrayawa kaowa to a pblladal phla ramrd raportar arallta a awrrlad oallayaslrl with aa orialaal and praa- uoalkua c baorallylb ebrayama abld i okrulaiial bar lfw bay now taa ahrhtaard 1 kvt tab oa was aa qakh aa a lamb tanhwhottt tb oawjapny it wolhd aa baatllnuy lata aty imoiu madaaia i aud ia tlta yoanf ipotbr atlha aal o tb ak -i- w nw uhhrafi bhr i h jhk- al awra tba two uhmatalfkihwr hat fawatr bftaa ehrialwiai aaa tbt bakaard wtwallaa omar mowopdrr i wondcrbabywjw tb atn tloo not ion v waa a t uaa of lettere he waa gravw and aomewbat tad lura and aiiotad toiaaenl all aurnapt to aogaaa blm in oonvatatlon one of tbvledlee prat a aaooyad at tba failure ol bar etlanipl at ad to the b that ba ara mad to ba out of place a aueb a pari y v rrpllod the boauaa wltb a farfarbt entile you nae ba cant talk knytluaa bat wnw next to comliok lawalsawaculw fiwwpianmtt ikwaiywthwlw ooowiitiptnm may bo oonlraotad tram oiatabuua by aapoaan to coal wd we wd it tba oold ioao ilanjnrl tp latotalwvlaly apr- qoa itawlta aietuible to rottow ttwn ia oajy one way to preweot pawauwelaaail thai kjloourellooollon ita fnw appaajraaoo dr woodw norway wna tftyttip will rlotlikltyoolfycwmcultln awljrwa aw y utlhw 6- tba dador awd b won aot jhw i w at yaw ifc wood p ma syrap aaa b bapw-ao- haw baa tboall hwllky ala u jaav i lhaanaiottkiawafraaallo n u wannest kind for cold weather tougiicr boractudc will ncvet be found because tin best is used for storrys gloves and gatiituets anr yet the skin because carefully tanned by the cliitxne process m made pliable lnsunno gcartraotrlniaty vvear resistiinoc waterproof and the best working gloves on the sold at all stores insist on storeys hirprooc mailcet the grand ttuna jalway raaatamohit tbainb tb twllnuak la um iltua i okua taii jwiaa jt at aaton aofva kurr mm wswr lula ag xz it zziki t5e excelsior bakery first quality brrao oakis widdino cakifl chrtjtmab cakbb tc ttc ovsters and fltsm confbotionpry oaxazl today t statham son bakers arul qrocer9 main st acton nltaasnw 6lan at illalwats dantnnra and baudnra ol btatnaa llsas camth moaaaaais lfarknra aad hand iifwiaa and all kinds of iuttslfe ctbttatwavt win hemstreet agent acton 16 aiiojudxst vani ttoremo canac awi storey i f fciis acton o it twawkk conscientlous plumbing s heating is mot k kvth sbcith us to the contrary we roakoirthe moat important actor so if yon favor ns with yonr patronage yon will enthusiastically endorse us fred smith plumber qnebecst gliecpu phone 337 tnilslatltoiuer is crowded because we do his printing yonr chopping will be done quickly and well on either plates or stones if taken to the rockwood chopping mills flour oatmeal bran shorts the best at lowest prices harris a co overland overuuto ham stv 1913 models now cat view better than ever 30 h p 5 passenger suss 45 h p 5 passenger 195 all fully equipped and guaranteed dcliv ered in toronto also the gramm aud garford motor trucks shawovsriojad sales co batossatmataauwat toronto okt we can crowd your stoue ih the same way colt uhtjbvoalf7hshws vnawt j ibtn wk b kawnvunwtw urlktla oa tt 1 wdy by tbt fcjha ia3tiaattwidtyv inoiatthjiiai twwiuc o trftj catalogues handbilll folders and raw commercial cairns our spelaitir m sr tessssm

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