Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 25, 1912, p. 1

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wxi jvctjim sttt tt volume yxyviii no aoton ontario thursday mornin december 26 1918 beaccrreuon hmw yj as rr mi hinolb oofjk8 thbbb cents be ittpn rtt ress hvbbt tiiiikboav mosuunm mm m rr hwll llaa la r hwnr -at- aba- lee at aa lee mtk lav- aiwllni n iuwl t si lu tea will b i till u4 alurr- ustiu bteactoxp os- gray m d c u uogiu- a douglas lake h d cvw phyalclsn ad surgeon llwiuut eeoellsa ef r sea a oataria mlinlais soaimnli rwoevaaaai ulrll at mueia a4 af ik ouiw ud maw vara raa oimhia ii bjssj satl mbs1bb vaim cubtoal am peyei la oyanaj q bee johnm u foam h wsodomald w ix a m ltrnudllaxllmnbnl i kottfcm j auakihmon j mehabb d it u l jibnnktt ut1bt jwanoib hob aw ai oiwwwmi naakm ml all fclaea made la nlw ftet arauaqb l1chsbk8 von arr 1iriit ularly invited to wh5 thr rollertim of walrh clocks all kinds of jrwllet diamonds brass ware ebony brushes mir rors and brushes old silver mount ed umbrella sit rhng silver goods savage co jbwmlcmh gadph ool green grocer amd- fruit merqtlant e k7cook la receiving dally treh vsgciables sad fnrittmdmihifaan reuostals prtces fohbicn fruits a specialty fresh fish tuesdays a vhjuayb tsout amd hssbiko tav oui plmkam iiaopik cooits dill ivssau miu bieaar ac on do tou realize lb present rtimajblorwlpwy slot lathe b la ib edstory 4 om faaa bverbody wbo haa the uod ta pla dog or wit want now lor ull sad winter months a reliable man to aeti la acumi and aarrovndlag dulrtka good pay udadm territory aad all lbs edia to r esse li an old eaiehah- ednrra ovejr 600 acras under caarivmloa ftbubuabad u years write rtxhau mntautr co omt fine millinery misses murray a haydca havurs halu acton now oa display j1 tb utomt atyloa ot fall afld winter ullliaory od trim- mlnga toe ladles have already found ua in oar now qunitata and w an dntafol for bo ntimroas orden racolvad prompt altentkm given all orders misses murray ttiydeji w ahmstvbt aaaaanlo tanaa it a h alee mm y uw wpf fa awaan7inlowm rrtaa ot u la m a oowwevot walllaatee iuiidm real mtabmsfotdw w ran jig m v james uccohalo luniu auctiomuw the old and reliable granite and arble dealers ivaers bros quelpb headquarters for o ac and school supplies ton nature study botanical etonoloaical drawing paintino 41 wyndbmm street fhcmfesso bonds christmas display will be more magnificent than ercrl for live men mum s very t c4mis k llonm tonli i krten kmmiil fortbeudlcs tuttv- erj dakcoblton tloware enamelled ware nickel ware bran oooda woolenwan- carpet rweepent cutlery lamp bread ulxor klerlrtc irtini for ibe boys ad girls blclffhn tloha snowshoe 1 ixnoa uocaey outla uitu tool lloxrai toy khovnln carjtet swoepera and brooout atavayw rlstat hie bond hardware co arjbob wb are settled again lldioir and bavn a d savage pbone 627 quelph fwnrimaf05rohr s who dawl want music at home a ohvuttmaej hvnm hn chruunu uella ky u lli llu la in mom wlmnnu t ui h clour kln u born blom lo all utmu lit bond iba free tlheb tbopoor ibe hlpu lit low tte elild utal rporu in glee the avrd fiilk that totlrrloa go vroelatlni ihe utoro til- 1 chrlkl la born that aewrththrm and aaerlh nwl king wiiarel btml i htng of ihe-vtet- oud h aimivo tltr nwniir in ibe rl hlna of lh glorice of the it the vlralnx ewt buealllly the peba with kloly robre bedhtl hlnn o all tuen whereer they be tlili itbrutnuui iuotm 1tmllirlat la born that aavetlt ihein and aavatb utr hi nif aonaorlbi o raiiminmd we4l uf auui jk uod lueihaod we have o klua the cur la frone tbe bond are free ty lletbleheuva ater that brlbuf laued lly all the heavenly alna that be we know that i mmel la redeemed that o tlile aven the ohrlac la bona that amvf lb you anil eavetb we hlnff o nay heart nina thou in rapture lhb deer morn wbemxi the bwed rrlnee u born and aa thy mhre hall he of love set ut thy derda b charity lly the dear lord that relgne above lly hlni that died upon the tree wuereon la born tbe oh rial that eaveth kaajena i 9dtd 3rantilq firtimng s paper makers hook nkwfl and oolorbd papbb8 balgtbffib papbb coating kllils lluitku oeonobtown ontario everybody likes some g kind of music you g have onjy to pick the g kind you want this jj is where we make a g specialty our store 5 is filled with music and musical instruments of g all kinds we can g j easily supply all your wants and do gladly g give our time and ex- g perience in selecting g what will best suit you g o let us have your order g i h d c w kelly j 133 uppw wyndhmm st i quelph ont i bpncatom fobspccbss tltot soto aaa weijetnli nu uunxfu i xvbaannaa in aut 8eamailaa laiawiileai arae taat tbaa a hjeiwihjsiness coujme mlcmarjiwcrnhiclk b a prln brownsjuirseries are famous tor their fine peach tple plum and cheery tree ley have tbe beat nuraery aoll in canada anil km tbe large stoweni bf troea in the dotnlo ton all aclona and baduick are cut by one inaa and he baa hnjnluelr many yean ao no mkualiea are maiuj wroqx aclon or fuiliuiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiuiliui tlik wind l jl tlx- anowo 1 rcton liyery bus un the undenlgaad reaped lolly aollcite the paironam of ibe peb- llc and lafornu ibeni ibl wall quimml nd emjrtaakt rln can alwaya be secured at bta a comforiahrt bna meeii all iratm between 10 oo a m and o la t ai every order the wants of com inercltltravlani fully met john lltfiuuir7ucs that hurried ac onvered prairie bad an icy krtnnei i bat porte a cold chrlainaaaon ibe morrow it i the froafu aurfaoe of tbe liny creek end crept through i be gape ndorpl union and up through the crack in the pine floor of hire wyllea aniell unpalnted boue wlih ahuddeni of dtaenay he little fenny drew cloerr around ibe amall atove and alappol tbelr wuntblioateaaaltt each mber for wareutb quite ait narneat dlacuaalon was giy log on in tbelltue alutky build i na tbe mvmi amall wyllee nailed home there aeenied to he a dwialon of itpli- ion etnonr the lnnint nd tbe urgu- menlm waxrd antnnnnd more narneat well dually announond llob with anipbable im rolng hang up toy attmiking anyhow it wont do no good rejoined let tic thf oldcwl of i lie youthful wyllra and kb a aenlor by two yaare you wtint grt nulhln bandy olawa haa plump forgot oa uaybe he haa replied itoh but ln irolii lo aortar jog bla ntemry no uae inalated letiy firmly ilee pi u iuii forgot u beeul he inuinay f it looku that way anawered patient hard working lira wyllcy with a algu aa ahe looked up front tbe jiojjtlug ehe wm latching we live eo far off be road unitiw ffru- and the wind mow a the uiow eo benin ohiua cant ben tile hnuae it vary uiell you know h l you juatfcee if i dont luaka hlui reiuauihar thu tlnie boaated rob bla eyee dauclng with joy over eotnaeecret iboughl y- ill eer oompulned laity wam he lucky if we get iwo bltea nnlecu for to moiruwa obhattuaa dlo jirc youjuat wait an eee wm ihtbe aole ivjijnder tuody ouwa will couie round hm hghlv yet in apiieof bl brave word a llob tvn hy itu tucaom aaangulnri aa ha pretended letlye complaint that hauta olaue had wholly fargotieii them hail a deprtwtng rfffect uu bla wttrliv ifnf h rrrgarrdhd pievntihe leaa lo put nlo wseeullon lile plan fur jogging llie wind of the patron aalul of i be cnttnng ohrlalniaa ude a barbed in her wurlhend iter nwn anxloiia thought hre wyfle paid little herd u hla procradlnga but lwtitlhough plqurd at tbe lack o yinpatliy vrlthhrrchmniy pnwnrril c walpbed him curimil and ihelwiuaaikl nelltn and alfred apenu- matblog m1j iit ii tt poker a mde algn oi a nm ploe board when bla alga wta eatutol ted in rob en llrebbtufaailoo a triieatlon front the baby cau nl an alierallon in ihe wmk la be uller handy clawar wlier ad ha ii iii chap hoarsely hart mill called the bahy though waa nearly four yeera old and thought lit maelf ijulte a wan waa the victim of a cold hat made hla oloe a oooihlnallon of croak and wheeae ula yiealliiw ertitab u think log pea bapa it waa more proper to addreea banlaclanaaa 11 later he refloated tbefavor lie d netted would he a large unr and therefore cllrd fof all lite eourteny at hla nommand hut adirflcuhy amae ula aprawl log letter ooettpled nearly all the bomrd and there waa no room to wdd the tltlr uoh quickly duintoaed the thought of putting it on the back of the board it waa not probable that bantn ouuc would think to look there after inneh deep reflectloo the ud whittled away the sandy with which he bad begun the legend aub- atltnilngrorlt ur 8 written in a highly ecoentrto manner with the hot poke when fiaubed tbe nam of the obrietwae aalnt waa masquerading under the partial dlagulee of mutur aouw while llob viewed bla bandy work with eupreeae aatkfacllon the baby and twuw warn loud in ita pi a and even critical latty waa forced to admit that if saint nicbohut memory ee not jtigged by that algn it waa bope- takly beyond tbe reach of all jogging aire wylle reutavked in effect that it waaa aebolarly arid arlutlo hi of work ifundltng hi maelf up aa well aa be oould with hla aoanty wrapa rob paeaed not into tbe cold with tbe preclnna algn under hla long coat a rallc of bla dead father a ew hakee were whirling downward and toon the air waa white with railing anow the wind increeeed in volunin and aenl tbe hakee hurrying pant roba face an ha trudged bravely an the keen wind pierced hie worn gar- men ta but ble young blood eeomed to defy the chilling blaat and abeorbad with bla bopef nl thoughts be almost forgot the cold lie even looked provlngty at i he whirling annw jn mighty glad it came ho mut tered wm afraid it wouldnt be deep enough for bandy olawa sleigb rut itll be all right now you dont reoknn ha want on ad d an imaginary auditor that the enow will be railing eo feet that he cant aval be algn no hell faf enough i reckon be concluded cheerily hie eyee are uaed lo eeeli in enowalortne at the lone jack oak tree where the little worn track led away from the eectinn roads to thaovyllc ahaok itoh paueed from a pocket of the long ooat he drew a hammer and a aplkt nail it waa cold work nailing he algn to tbe tree hie handa numbed by the icy wind found difficulty in holding tbe board and the ball and e ecu ratal y delivering the hammer blows at the same time a jingle of belle bounded op the aeo- llon road and the occupant of a pair of bobaleighethatn pair of wiry una- back mules were hurrying along tbe road from the direction of the letlle- tueut wondered at the preaenoe of the little figure at tbe jackoak the mules warn ballad near the iran andl without a word ihe man who drove ibeut dropped the relna and itepplng frointhe alelgh slopped chare to the the face of the old hammer glanced frtou the nel jttat then and cent t flying while the hammer itaalf gave the thumb and forefinger of roba left hand euh a whack that he dropped in t- atiow with a cry of pain hello 1 wltaia the- matter yerof cried the gruff lait kindly voice of the owner at iba tuulee rob sprang to rua feet and faoed ehout bla eyre brave for all the tears that hung mi the long hrtrwn lashes there were question and a nam em and uw the mn dilud hveral uoreth ahne italia nut of hie pocketa and aoun had ihe algn nailed fast to tbe lackoak tree then he wiped the snow from the race df iba sign and read wlrnlwvjdrfflcully ibe ooornlrlo haraoters allstlh- s clawv nuun lo wider wj0ie3plear ula wukared mqutit did not eo niuuh a iwhjtt but wbau ha spoku tuara vsae a qneer ohuokla ita hla jw r- mads hub took fuapioloustf at blip uuaer llirtev wltauur b- tnt upon lite prrtujt aphwraiioe tr j ll wukra inquired hnta oun asking all manner itfl why bantry ouwa of eourev iiutilonx i rob anawgradbiakly 11 tmttiffl frriuujialltowur ui3ti j retire out tu farglt x im he fcrgol ua laat year there waa a faint auggestlun of a gulp in hla volee vtbla year 1 m mlndln blm where we live oaiiae the twin an ame and nellie and lahy hart think a heap of toya an candy an aueh things an are goln ter hang up their blockings letly lowed it wouldnt do no ki but i know batter iiojl kitaw whet lha algn mwaue wont hr ur rrunnerr uncle eli ilmnnar loolnl into i be utile uda queellonlng face and ana wared heart tfyi hure he will tlten boh waa bundled into ihe sled and the line hack niulee anut il apln- nlng toward widow wylle a naliln lurore it waa reached uncle hi had learned the stale or affairs al ibr poor little home and how much of to mor row a comfort depot dnd on the coming of hi nichols than as the mules alerted nn their homeward way the driver let them go at lhelr own gait ao busy were hie thoughts abreaat of tbe jack naks he stopped ihe lean and read ihe sign again aflalur r claw oonie lo wider wylles pleea bnepeatad hall aloud as tbe mules sped on lhelr way again i reckon that he might aura hell he there i the hut words were uttered in a half shoot that esnt the mules leaping forwerd in a way that threatened the aafety of the bobaled when he had succeeded in reducing their speed he umed the monologue i woudr what the wire will any r ita aa i do i reckon ool a will of her oe n hnt aoniellmee ahe generally thin ke aa i do he chuckled lo hlni- eeir when ale dont think aa i do 1 sorter think aa bhe doea ao the turning of the mulea up in the urge red gale at the home place in terrupted his cogitation twenty minutes later seated by the cheerful lire uncle bu told aunt hallle the alory of little roba algn and affaire at the cabin nothing for ohrul urns hut hnmlny and aidemeat i aunt sally cried why goodness bna interrupted herself to hsnd uoeieetlt wis lately discarded over coat then es that gentleman with out word or tjtrament began t struggle into llahe went on i hominy and aide mealt why ii jaal too bad well since the snow blockade way off titer on the rau road kept hirams folks from coming today maybe they wont git here to morrow either if they do baked chicken la good enough for vm yea it is agreed lfucla bit an the inrkey an the turkey an all the fixlne iii go to where alletur b olalta goes interrupted hla wile tbe crsinbru an some of the jell an apple butler and three or four plea but whatll hiram an do without i reckon broke in aunt ballle aa she enveloped uncle kue head in a great aoarr if they an here haint enough far all to eat let thrnt blame ihem- ur the snnw blockade or jest make the beat of it hominy an aide- meet for a christmas dinner an cracks in the floor poor things i handy olaws wont feigtt em this time that he wont 1 chuckled uncle ull due what air you ahuodlln me up hla way for been try in lo aak you but yer tongue run on toa i couldnt get a word in edgewaye hnah right up bu brunoerl ad monlahad tbe old lady hriakly itll he dark in two hours d you ret knn tbe two mules can take you to town an back in thaluoir p reckon they kin unoli kll-o- kwerod promptly as he blarted for the door candy an kntok knaoke fa what yer want t reckon al nuta an nrmiigea an toya an aiinipmi fer the wlildri bui uncle bll bad hla unit ml the door and very soon hereafter the old lady saw the mules spinning out i the yard at a rate that threatened tu over- turn the bobsled the mule alinosl hying ihrouifh ihe storm warn united usy abruptly liefure the lone jaehoak and lhelr drlhevread again the sign ulrdlh the trunk then aa ihe team ped away again unole kl kee soundly and gave vent to a roar of laughtar howdy mt- olawel ho said and otaaptng his bands gave them a hearty shake as h greeting himself the snow bad ceased falllnjr when all brtinner again turned the hne- back tuulea in rl the upen gate xtte bright muoiilighl made ota long slrelcbee of sitowmtveied pralrls look blfptdjvlth a ovflt o silver aunt hrtllut openrd the uackagaa there were preaanla for ell from tbe widow wylu down to me by umw there loo was a jamplagjack hraeoua of feature and wonderful of agility thai proudly fpoke ltku kit ta for the baby the inmates of widow wyuee cabin were wrapped in alaep wbeo a pair of indrfbtlgable line back mulea wereallitntly lied totbeharhwire fence end a utofflad flgum made ita way wmrilwinilrtrtb tfta leahto kllefiaot the window waa aolilyjreued and ibe uufflad flgum looked in a row ofaevan atnall stocking hung within reach and base were fillrd to repletion the largar bundles were placed tin the floor two swore trips ware made front lha bobsled to tbe window and then the ruurhd figure viewed its work with a aatufled ohuckh- bealde the heap of package there was a large turkey browned to ihe anataate a gaeat bowl of stewed crenberrls four mammoth mince plea dlahee of jelly end pr plcklee in a glaaa jar and other daln- and aubotantlalaof various kinds tied ut tbe toe tl ibe amallaat blocking in the row waa th- hideous jumplng- jsok then the window waa soltly need and ihe muffled figure etole way tbe mulea ware stopped at the jack oak while their master erou a word the algn with a lead pencil then they hurrud away again and air s olawa work was ended what word could fitly describe the dawn of that happy ohrutwa day when lha liisnua of the loe cabin oe tbe claim awoke to the joy in store for them kor upward a of ao hour bappluaee relgaed supreme and tbe mournful cadence seemed to be ban labed permanently frpm mr wylle voice itnldyooao 1 4d you sot re- itered llule unt again and again i knew hed ootue t fii bet he did r hearing this the mother murmured wbo shell eay the widow and lha fatherless are forgotten twrgnty yatarw aim metstarv oheuarrauaj bants fjlaue le coanlaa hear th blddlee afeoul faste up your stoeklu bee whet youll receive igs bell bring ow if yon juat heitevr children aak for candles dolls a hare that rock uuna and drums and addlee ilia of buudlug blocks and uirlr good old baui loads the r lad ear glide acromi the roof lops down the cblotoey way you much older wiser do not aak at all though hi bent and rarest ulfla await your call aak blm for oonleniwant peace and happy llinaglll obsvn fulneea and charily thing that cant be bonghl ask for pleasant memoriae lurking in bis pack been thavt makr a fetlnw happy looking back perbapa youll aee a flreptaee with e clocking tberr and s lilll figure oreaplaig down th stair- hoping to see santa off where toys am mad but instead of hants uother by ihe ire cuddling him end kissing bo it used to he bar away th kiddle how tbe yrara bate flow i you perbeph now have om kiddle of your own but lha dear old eaon brings the past again all its love and lutpplneev nothing of lu pain santa knows no grown up children all to alio hplte of age and wi inkles bpiie of eyas grown dloa s to urrry chrfstuwat harry as ean bar roi the luulrawstananfiillr stabled and the numerous bundles reoinyed front tba bobsled to the house than while wei 1 1 or too cmiuiy conalablee bare been instructed by the county crown attorney to prosecute all panic hold lag or participating in raffle ur oihar game ef chance ur donald robertson of naasaga weye died on sunday juat about two- months after hla partner in ufa ho was in his ninetieth year and llvtad a life well spent in honest and honorable activity alwaya on tbe alert to dn good and aver striving to lead a pur christian life ha bellied on the farm near here in itti coming to canada at ibu age uf about ju yeaia from perthshire scotland tbe following pupils have been pro iled at lntie school t alios brown ulnuv oamble haggle brnee pred plank pred cleave itobert lasby ritbert leavens arthur swackhamer jennie oameron lesle gamble alio snyder iva cleave uaxle ucdonald rtraitdew tuwneeitdi ada alexander lucluda alrasnder jawe ucdottald a o v w offloer i a wsa uctavlah i p u w iaao prancta pureman job holms t overoer wilmtnt reottrder d ucdon reoalver d graham plnatt cler j ii ualthewai oulde tha oamarimt ww e- bnlllh o wjfabmnkiohcrill rep in oni4 dwlke laaao pralidla l o p offlokreajd ii o r neil ucoill jr t p c il o 11 drown t o k-ja- plant i v o il- suttoit rhu flnhbaui p 8 treua o c splghl cltap ih j rilge i 8 w duncan mcdonald j wcleo adaiua 8 h r- 3 kd- lillalont j r alfred bauer i phyel olansdr j f uren and b a he keague ur and mr- david wllluuton nassagaweya celebrated their silver weddtufoo tuaday evening by in vlung00nr70uf their frlende in the township and acton loenjny their hospitality in tbelr newlybuilt real drmorj- after the vrodrtttut tfemt ur u p monro waa appointed chairmen and called upon rev ur bll dr ttreri and ueesra a hupbeneon jae alelalh ttioa khbagat wlon wm kltohlng and rtr bomerville for addrnsass long aquaintanco with lite bride and groom and pleas urn at i heir succeae in lit and cant fnrt e was tllsu tbe scholar and in the evenlag m m parenu and worker on cte night mr thomas ucqlllhmdety of toronto lectured on the small i the missionary boxea of th i were opened and found to i 4g00o as against 13287 last year crewaotts corner mboitta rne on dec soih et ur wm kllcbtot to make a preenlat ion of k gold watch to ulse kltchlng as recognition ui her acrvloea aa organ utt rev joo hart presided and ulse ueleagttn wee asked u read an addree epreh avb of i lie good will of th cottgrega- tlon slgited hy rev mr hart gad meesrv wm nellla nelon mclaoajh- lln wesley unore and jamea uporr committee numhtallonw fur acton council v as fblhtwa ptr reeve jae urowb j u ivaraon dr lowry for cows- olllora jf k oorry thoaa c moor w k smith henry urlndelt fjanrg uavlll joeeph aitdersoo john wq- ilam john u ualtltew dr lowry having removed to guelph taofeourae out uf the contest and j u matthewe ha withdrawn pr behmtl trustees thee war nominated 1- j 11 harding jsmee molaiti luihl wallace a r nlcklto w ii lwnny ueaare denny and nloklln have withdrawn and the re sult la qf ting com pi intent tn the men ho have at landed to the intere of the public during the emotion of iba w school born uorrar i awabaalaal ea d far aes ura than qaaat a itxjiaa i sir sad alts jot a imstafa uokeawmta w r aa mrs jaaaaa aukao 1 uahhjati hegmmiuvmcniia al ta rlaes el the uu h vit j tv h uhtaia msamis af fstaaa- a a ulbo alemsa at bis rali lo ura m net en ds- eember kut william uamab aayadaj years kwasktaa atbb boat la waaaa let toe talus h yssr oarlaaaiss d jesepbllavy soa ol j sbertlll ibhv yasrs aav oh ruttaaa alaum said lltu willie looking up froni the paper on nhph ha wu uborlng in wriung a jetter to baote claua 1 think ill sand any rove to kris krirtgle wife 3ut 1 dont believe old kris baa wife oh ye fa baa yituve baard nf her lots uf lime her names mary ohristtmaa of tile rantarks uffared ttn urlhodlst snttday bcliool antilf vrrsary waa held nn sunday and th 1 must uf lb aucaliml llmurkatwcw ar rocket- l avery woman should hveanlm isfttawamlaff-

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