Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 25, 1912, p. 2

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um km at lbs hrtava albar oe maaaay awe niiwli to tsaalpb is ijola imfkla af ta latavww tftje jutnn jfra ffcess wkdnb8iay dbukmbkh us 101s hrkaltlko vtfotocaioakaox in new mtrkai um km eald last w drtuxsxmeea u e iblng of lb past 71m police wslch um ore eid pimapi it arrest oflradmi agalaai lb 4ew oonpud with nearby towns undw unease nnnmtfctt u pwtiliw tiut protikcui qovvmxmmvr of seskalobewan hu introduced e bill in um legislature em boding um prlnd pie ot direct ingisutioa it po that udum a meswure u carried by e twolrdesaajorliy in lb noose it danyrahluougotottmpeopmejdoord lay lo immi rob proposed provid ed bowmot that no eci granting eup- ply to iii msjsety shall wmm wlutin um imfuoiu of tbiin eo tufcajtabk mur percale of obrtet- mu presents fvaen britain in um pool otto today on um eueb a plum puddinca do doty wul bo ebsxged but a ouubn of boodles have bain laid auato be sent to georgetown for appraisement tbui vexatious delay would h been uh bad hutoa been mad a port or entry and given a ouetoma boo tbe county town la um cad lialumcxbwa whteb u wttftout one if wa do not fjnt pat in oombieailon with our promised new postobloa than will batroobla -cbua- ploo upon perusal of above fr d headereon m p remarked wu as noon a mil too can abnw me that than ara si 000000 pr annum of im ports to put mwtnmi tbere a customs tames wui ba loemtad bamhromllluv baa just p pouoa regulatloo wbieb mlgtak ba adopted wstb advantage universally t persona may not walk mora uiaa uirea abreaat nor alop or congregate for any period of una pereona with umbrellas or walklngetfeks meet not imperil tbe eatety of tbe passerby no wblauing singing shrieking snooting or loud talking of any kind des to andaager iba qnui of tbe streets ahall ba permitted no paper remain of trull cigar or dpnutt may be thrown into tbe etrcatyand tbe dragging of cl of any idnd women dress etc or any thing alaa capable of producing duet la prohibited malumjutad everyone aroand tbe fad la get- una ready forxmae our pnbue aebool t ara have goo for their vacation of two weeks we hope they may bare a pleaaant holiday and com back ready for oar stan at tha bad never looked better than at tbl xmu although it ba been reported that tbare were six otlwr eoterteiuments ataahorcdfoanoefroabaluaafad on wednesday tees the concert given by um ivsaaxyterlaa sunday school was a brilliant m and attend ad by aa large a crowd an um good olahanooom well bold k thine went off apleodldly tbe eohol- credsdeb eeryheatto amuea and ant ar tain the aodiaoo and la una they oartalbly a the pro- rnam m rather lone but it waa o good lhat we did not notlo um um paealns the dialogue were wetl- tknnn and wellgiven t eome v lltr and othera oootalolng good moral tevchlnga the eonga by um ahpdraa were nong qolte well and jwnre eepeouuy wellpleaaed wltb um euoga by um uny tot inaddluontn tim moato fnrohbed by um obtldren wn a aong giveo by a onartette tb waa meet highly appreciated i uppoea tola brmga into vuw a few more of ballinafadal entertainer who eay we cannot boaat of nntar- talnare now a r biting and blgblyappracuted addrem wu ajlven by bev dr ucarthar of belllnafad kaiofrhet church ul aabjeot l in japan mr akltt on bahm called came forward and gave on ona of t lovely soouh eonga blwhtob wo ara alwaye delighted to liftr ik bwg number of recltatlimm warn gtven by tbe children and janle boaaal and mr- will hornery al favored ua with rerltailn du ihn tree and ita unloadloa wan the mci important feature of i hi- evaulnn l th children and even lo the owr mambvra of the sunday school many gifu ware dlatrlbuud and oaadlf were g yen to al the ehlldren jtreaan the sunday school children received lfntd hooka from uunday sehratl aa a reward for attendance etc throughout tbe year hani olauv ned to think thai we wuuld havn lota of elogvr after oil naaupawya meant pleaaant school n i 8 naaa gaweyabeld h cloalnji enierment on tjinraday afternoon december 10th i and waa a great annom tbe eebonl waa beautifully decorated a ohrul- maa tree which waa loaded by tbe j with oandlea and orangee fur um paplla wan an object of much inhnrtat the progtammcoooeiktedof r dialogue eange and phonograph nelactiooa alao rpeeehaa by eavajral of tbe vwtor a hearty octhaaka wm moved uooi fov tlm wiy wllsraocory ww ulteaaooculavu lb kfanol u put tb nlimrw iu l atarilwm fieyirt -t- ae9f antmn aahmalimd um at wwmwpc mii to n1mkgr wuch apelaf umam with w jt- awm tm laajniiiiiiii u on tb waoi wbaa taobijr iw uktwma ytar- wfbaw a vhv imwbsive meeting a drroamon wrmakmmjk heard tbe local option meeuoa lo um town ball taet tburaday evening waa one of tb mwt intarae an uve ever beld by aotou oitievna oom- uilttae alagnlaoant nndrem ba favor of local option and um daalrabluty of keeping the legalised barrooma out of iba community were given- by prof hauam of wyollffe collage toronto and jneaph aibaon poatmaatar of logereoll um honored president of tbe dominion alliance an incident uf tbe evening waa tjbe oppoaition apeecbea by me berodeau roddy and wluflngtoa three boguabnaan who baveoome to acton during the year each of whom pleaded for open barroom though ctuaena of actoo none of um trio have vote at um ooteet of the meeting rev mr wlleon tbe chairman incited any who dird to apeak in oppocation to ifooal option lo take met on the plat form tbe three gen named accep the invitation and by mutual it they were allowed twenty ave minute tble oourae abbreviated any dieturfaanoa in fact the fair treatment accorded tbe opposition itaalf to um large audience and the meeung waa moat orderly and atteuuv throughout prof tlaluun with hu well known ability to argue a q a la hie own quiet but forceful atyla of oratory ar raigned um honor traffic and abowed tb evil end temptetlnna of ibe lag he aaid he liked to p about local option bene of rood it la doing in the looall it la in force ha waa eur priaed to and any people in actoo talklna of taklna auch a retrograde tap from fywal option to barrooma tb man who talk agalnat it moat not do ao from tbe bualnewj aspect for it kelp all leglumata bualneea it help tbe man who la earn log hla own living whoee band etand between blm and hmtahoo a nun lamoot bla ability and uaefulnaea ummgh drink how much better off um beat man who drink would he if ha left um drink alone it la an unfair eaehanaa to take money from a working man for liquor here in canada wa are fooling away gt 000 000 per year for liquor and then we go over to tbe old land and eeak to eoue capital for um devalopoment of our own country tbe profeaeor drove home an un- anewernhle fact when be abowed that under hcene many working men take home woo of their week wage for aopport of tbe family and retain j300 to have good uroe at tbe bare where- aa when local option i in forcaand there are no bare tbe souoo per week goea borne for home mipport all bar bualneea la each too dont gat credit there aa you do from tbe butebera and other tradesmen tbe i like local optioo he aaid u it help tbe man who need helping the old drinker will travel w mile over rooky road to get a drink but um hoy and young man are not tempted to drink whan lic enced ban are open a man who drlnka baa to make an effort to keep away from um etuff under local option a man who drlnka ha to make an effort tagatthuetuff if a man fall under local option nobumaoanbo placed npnn the eleotora who vote out the hare at tble atage the orator for ibe bar rooaa bad their opportunity mr dannoay parodcau who never waa lb acton under lloenea claimed that be had eeen moeeeive drinking bore dar ing bm mgbt month rceldanan meet of which time by tbe way waa spent on a farm out of i own in one breath be awted that there are from is to so blind plga here and liquor flowa freely and in um next informed the audience that no lea than boo man had onme here to work for beardmore as oo and bad left town again becaoee u waa too dry for them la actoo he aald aoton la anffering badly from church government tbe church baa no bualneea interfering with thj quee- llon he rauwr aerloualy overreach ed hlmealf however on that point to ahnw how ulla resented in some quarfnra be aald that inoe ltev mr draper pastor of tb metftodut ohoroh had taken an acuvo interest in the local option campaign over forty per cent of l be congregation had left the church the temperance people are guilty or groae murepreeantauon concluding be saldv there is not a ingle way in which anion ba been benefitted by local option the nest day after the niretltig mr prroriemu called on he fbwt piutaa ndahkd that the foliowlok policy te pubtuhed i mr daunoey perodeatilnforiiis u that he withe to oitnvay hl apologies to lh ltev mr draper for having lulaatatcd certain tsota re the congre gation of the methodist church ttte iplatake waa doe to hi not having personally investigated the informs tlmt given blm aa bonaade mr roddy oatua nast he said i the bar rooms are god enough for ue or any other broadtul tided man ilka mc they my mil lb n pettifogging temperance people he had come to state facta he referred to figures quoted at a previous meeting by mr bpencc blgurea may he ba aald and then he proceeded to quoe a mass of figur which he claimed were true but manifestly failed to give the aource from which he quoted drink extent but 111 tall you what e um poverty of canada it fi not drink bus the high ooat of living and the low wage ereferred to prof hatta faawould-llka- to es the woman who would induoe him to take home hla simm wegea t waeft brron anbla1mtd right to frpadom and a good umav b also bad a vraclf at the ohuwhehi claimed tba the preachers p ware annloua for tbenoney to ba taken boroe en that uera would bs good t oolleououa for tbtn nm aundmy bar m wllerm waa alao eabad to book by tbu erstwbu reatdtft w1o ha n vote fot hs remark aae w hare and know tbe place uke a book and in cobalt every other hoove in the town u blind pig it is rather a singular coincidence that a copy of um cobalt nugget which reached town the oast morn ing contained this tuunwni pro vlnclal inspector morrison u in town and when asked bow be found cobalt a regards um liquor trafne aald i tba town la to ba oooipumantad upon it observation of tbe law after having kept two detecuvee on um job tor a month there were only three blind pigs rounded up tbla be said la undoubted evidence of um end of the lawless era la oobalu mr charles wlthlagton who re moved to anton ar few mootha agti after a somewhat checkered career in uuelpb said be stood before tba audience aa one of tbe worst drunkards la canada racial mod he stated that be works every sunday in um tannery and wanted to know what local option had done for acton if prof hallam had gooe to work and got local option for turonto instead of coming lo adviaa ua be would have dona better ha waa in favor if local option prevailed of compeneat ing tbe men whoee bare had been closed mr joeepb titbaon one of tba most experienced and impressive ad voce tea of local option in canada followed he anewered most effectively tbe rash aaiertloaa of um young men who pre ceded blm and with tbe elateineota of government blue books and reports from the british parliament showed conclusively the fslalty of tbe figures they quoted the young man aald w must protect our liberties liberty license liberty ba always been crystallised into law the evlla of the licensed liquor traffic were impressed tb great labor leader mitchell says tb liquor ireftto is the deadly enemy of tbe working nu i want to tell you my countryman that it is your bualneea and mine to eee tbst the so millions now spent in liquor in our beloved country la spent to improve and better il it is our duty also to protect our boys more than 150000 electors in ontario have voted for local option aa the best means to se cure that protection and when local opuoo comes to a nmnmualty it comes to stay last year the liquor men bad 1w chances to repeal local option they triad in ooly three this year they had 178 1 they tried lo only flrteen and in not a single one of than did they succeed in voting lq the bar rooms again if tbe golden rale was enthroned in the heart of every person in canada tanlgbt there would not be a single bar room opened in our coun try tomorrow the young nwn who spoke toolght ittade sweeping declarations about blind plga in local option territory tbe blue book reveals the fact and i quote from a copy aant me by hon mr hanna this week that there war 803 conviction of licensees in um wet sections of ontario last year and 1002 convictions of noo llcenseea or blind pigs making a total of 1130 conviction for the violation nf the liquor laws now i turn to the 445 municipalities under local option and what do i find t just 17s convictions in um wet territory the officers nf tbe law have to watch not only the blind ptgs but the pigs that are not blind while in the dry places only the blind pigs have to be watched it certainly is a good deal easier to watch a blind pig than one whtoh baa hi eyes wide open the overwhelming opinion of um clary which bsa been sneered at to night by the young men who spoke tbe otergy of all creeds and denomina tions is in favor of tbe policy i advo cate tonight when the church falls to take a stand egalittt this evil then the value of your property is gone the tnmt eminent physicians of eng- buwlmd elsewhere endorsa it as a rule tbe voice of woman la very where agalnat barrooms mr gibson s addrem waa wonderful ly effrctlvs in showing the evils nf the barroom and the bsnsfits to all of hav ing them legally closed his lllustrs- uoos ware apt and convincing and hi word pictures vivid and impressive at the close rsvs c draper aouj 0 wilson gave concrete evidence that local option had not killed acton but that the town had gone forward with greater progress and euooeee they also corrected eome of tha mustato- mentaraablymadahy tba young men who were advocating barritouss rev mr wlleon read a strong letter from ltev father whitney of nest market oommeiidjng local option father whitney stated that it la the great means now nrovtded for tba amelioration of society and eventually the entire suppression of tbe great coiirge nf intemperance during i im eenng master uroest morgan tbe got lmedalut boy singer of toronto sang several solos with splendid tftect mrs ilurrell being bla aonouipanul a bkninomnt oimr the proceedings ware of a very enjoyable character two feature were man if eat the utilisation of talent of tbe membera of tbe aebool for entertainment of tn company and tbe development of worthy social amenities among tboae who regard acton nigh school as their school the pr waa ably presented in all its numbers and reflected credit upon tba young artists w tsleota were brought into requ it comprised leo apleodkl tableaux a indian scene- and tba oolonlal girl thee wet exceedingly well staged and costumed the characters represented being remarkably true to life the effects of tbe colored lights sdded a charm to the eeeoas two dialogue advertising for a servant snd tb debating society war crowded with interest and the actors sll did their parte well misses l wllliama and n kan nay played with admirable skill pino solo snd misses ut wlulami and a obrien gave readings which were accorded out bursts of applause the sol ps by ml m holme and jubn l moore and a chorus in eoatume tbe cobbler and the crow h were each much appre ciated drier addresses were given appro priate reminiscent and interesting by mr a k nicklln chairmen or the board and mr c o speight one of tbe members mr h p moore pre sided the promenade were also enjoyed and afforded opportunity lor pleasant social intercourse the planlstae for these were t misses kenney ilsrvey laaales sod wllliama and mr llptoo kanoey dainty refrsabmanla and loea were served at the conclusion of tbe protn admwar repreevn i nt i ve of tbe congregation al chu i the persons of mresrs j j allen and v jf iwher ware present at the meeting nt georgetown council last week and oo behalf of tbe tuem- bsn and adherents of the church stajad that at a recent meeting or the member it had been nng decided owing to tbe dleoontlnuanoe of service to band the church hulld causes poverty weadssllsua a jpfrtjdjj ng and land over to the town lo be bj mieww more liquor in acion tbtrtfllttbvt hvewcrtrajr ed by w barber that tb council 6rf behalf of tba corporation accept toe offeror thaoongtegatlonal dormmlna uon to deed the church building and property to town to ba used s n poblle library and that the clerk bf inetruotvd to have a deed prepared foi tba transfer of hi aaoje tp um ttteooerrled meeer jf a wllloughhy r oofttetuuw kennedy p day jjas fo ssssjausbma lilsjuuamus t the jhgh a mea amjewam r wit romr vmy omdtrai hookas tbe high school at home in the town ball last friday evening wae a happy thought and the consummation by tbe teachers and students was a gratifying sgmtss the miteodsnoa waa limited 15 tb principal end teacher of both hlgb and public schools the students of the peat three years the members of education and a few rxocoooooooooootkoooor kwmmta xmas tlie ball waa skilfully decorated for ibe occasion half a dosen of lbs draw inge by mr alton packard of new york who provided tbe high school entertain men t a few weeks sgo being utilised to very nouoeajble etfeet chfwaom0j corn sum to tbe ptuuj pbjtaa lie staff and its many reader we extend the compli ment of tbe season rav mr clark preached a very i m p r aaal vc sermon to tbe oh ltd ran on sunday mortung tha christmas entertainment hist jlmsday evening passed off very euo- oaafully tbe efaureb being filled to the door to bear the epleodld programme which had been prepared the sun day school provided the following with the exception of three wellren dared eoloa by mrs dark rockwood mies morris and mr clark actoo i opening hymn all hell tbe power of jesus name t prayer mr j p scatrow t recitation olga moore i aong and drill three boye and five girl recitation harold waosbrought eolo mrs clerk t recltetlno mac maud i instrumental messrs lamb and moore i dialogue mr o lemb mlasea m crewson u orippa and e dennla t eong olga moor t recitation dorothy bornsldes eolo miss k morris instrumental messrex lamb and moore t dialogue hurray kings bury kill and gladys mclaughlin recitation johnny kingsbury solo mr clark i dialogue mr 0 lemb- and mu b dennut duett usee end kathleen denote i recitation wesley kingsbury song clifford taylor t recitation llxsle maodt enng and drill ihree boys and five girl ray mr clsrk occupied the chair and the aeeompsnlste uf the evening were t mrs clark mrs j moore and miss m dennis aher santa glaus hsd presented the gifts to the children from a wallladen tree the meeting closed with the national anthem hlse kntlly young of ospringe spent last week with bar cunt mrs wm mutrsy mlsa qiara lanla of guelpb is spending her holidays at mr jse gamblev used as a public library the deeds ware handed to the seeva with la struotlon to have the same tranfarred to tbe corporation of qanrgatown it wa eeoomu no mtfjlud by tfcord in a welk neglect to cleanse the system of undigested food fnitl gases excess bile in the liver and waste matter in the bowel will im pair your health the best system re gulator le fig pills at all dealer and bo centa or the fig pill co st thomas ont dlatp at wrf ysuuu analpts old beetaanfc p away on griasvjr movwinst guelph s nldest resident pas away peacefully friday uiornlng at the st josephs huapltal hi thepsrsonof julut haley who died a he slept without pain hefrebig 107 years or age he was for manyycaraa successful farmer- ln garafraxa end later in lihj old age took up his residence in guetph a few years ago he removed to the house if providence where the sister of st joseph have taken care of blm for yean he was a well known figure on the streets of guslpb he leaves to mourn ills inss two daughters mr ooghlan and mrs nolao of guetph and fwo aoue these u no doubt about tbe old gentlemans advanced yean hi age iteptrfanprlly diblemereury uajtintivfzs tb root of so much of uwtr itrhsslih promptly vtme to the geolle but certsla aotton of nadruco tjxathrcs 38c a box al yew dinggsvei astmaah sw ccses ee constant eflqrta ejuendine over months arc now having their results ijithc finest collection op xmas gilts that we have ever shown we cordially invite your inspection your hcadqu trtcrs down town for the next two weeks make this store open every evening from friday the 13ih inst until christmas fuitt bbrrlisrmmls atton i gbr vatptut fthnuh rrv r u dunnfll n t i we would urpe early shopping you thus have a farcer and move complete range to select from and more prompt service is possible ii at all potisibte avoid satarday evenings when we cannot give uic service we would wish to all henderson co mill st actoo oat ixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxm we wist you ah a merry christmas and a 4appy nprosperous nfsw year mens aothiat d e macdonald bros cor wyadbmm wul macdoaell streets guelpb ont dretttiaods tyb wish you i the i i g compliments i of the i i season atbrqwnl 3 tutvootsramtartomlm 3 s acton ont g mtideldhcidqeina viluaob of aotoh by law no a bylaw to provide for bor rowing upon debentures eight thousand five hund red dollars to pay or com pleting and equipping the plant to distribute electric power in the village of acton wttctcs- iltr luruoratlxi ol the vlhaae of 4cua applied to tbe hjrdromsciric power cnw htlauoe of onutto fors upolr ol power sados the hjlh csy of fcbrssrv isis pnnmsintto tr4aw go- wpasstdonttmdbyjssasrjtgiia qsesuavrssbbmlttedtotheeteor tea tint- on of ttas niubtctpalltir pursssst to pbiastspni sloisraumt suef teso inaaar vsketlvfsw lpptjrfroaalbac tffcamw bs sspeaskd dtssssowj stecollc p sji la lcvfls acta sad for um sural ir s smj i tse nras or kju sasll tw a sad mnum of llmvusse of ados asjlfcbisil ibcrcfo la hanoi sot ksa issa saw esca btaitagtafcrrvst at tko no ofavs per era ar ass psyaue ycatt sad tarnl h csaposa auscser uterau kaditijuh eskt aebntsns sbsll bs isas the est aa wmck tau bylsw hi pstii sad bs dstsd aa um day of uaas umtrof sad ssall as wade psrsue la t- of um reeptcuee le a aaressto su i treuurer of tba ssudebmton sad mayas shll ba a r of ibe e ntksd ssaasr m7u saestef lh fowl i fowl i fowl m also all sll kinds of fubkltukh iwt snxn itcttbn sicctotsi atlailow aad tract wktruw itvcrolqaethc rtoriir ofoatsrio rorassppljof ictricp aad wsstcsa li to neowasry to omaphts sd njalptbvptanttodlmrtbutjmch clettrie power and wbercs ibe cmlawlrd cost of iba eskt work to ssjmwoo aadwsenss it will ba necavairy to borrow um said aaat of pvysvoo asd lo usee aebsa of um said vflusv of acton tbtrefiw bearing laurraasttsersteof ixptr ceat per aaaaa wakh ibe aawunl or tbe debt intended to b created by tstobruw asd wbereu it uespcdualte stake tbe pha- plpaleftaeastddcbt repayable la rearty aai darlax the period of twmty years of oacb assosaf r tbst tb sexnsata aatonat ssysbts fthf prlsclhu sad talerat ta aay year ball be eeasl ssaeaily as auy b to tba aauuet aopayabtopcrpslasdtsunat la aacb of the other years iwjsrtfaisssrbs lamtalji yasn lo pay the said niiadpsl woaev ssd later ibey bteobm dec 1 ii mhiim itu a il ultlnahnli nltatil aad waerca lb amoanl of lb calmlsa asbtw tare debt of tbe said vi tsse of actoa u um auaa ef ajtitsaaaaopartdl tke ptiadpal or la- tsteauatnsfjsta sirarv capital separators fob sxlb at cost tba day vvjwpbmirfumeeclbrefuwakldvuiahor actoa alut4tooto lua ymw kaafl tw ltvaupaltaemawkmsglmu caauaraciac at jfe koraiax aadcoa- usalak aah fttc oadc wi the aaaraooa of lbs smavtmistmhntoipianaailbtllh owlasprpatyaet f- mhdlva4a ms at tba t itanwajtlmanm kaetu deeaty lutaralas saasehhw ilia pastlac j tba cwrk of um ceaadl of tbe aau viiuum t stsrad at tbe tear hal la ibe fc of tbe ssisss seven n se never been oot of shop 500 iba pcitytstecxstr tairyrnencalt ulelrats rheyara to oe rushed off only three buggies left aa we need the room for win ter stock will clear at cost robes knee spreads ligrse blankets halters etc for fall and winter nse machine oils of all kinds also floor oil give as a call and see oar line of goods x b f caldwell da 6wk au wkumuk to kent 1 dairy kahu for sxlh jsi ef llabahu muihkiikwix cuoick bu11tin roit saks um buluins lut ukakusfohu a i f s25 kkwaki ty y lu vats ida uoallkiojf am i otbaesmb tan kott hale pwon par tanum staukman valumble property in acton for sale i nasi asa ituv nalttmaa oaasaua auaaha una aad perusalaro apets to wm msrrtttt h v tuhtum lo- aataa tsil acent wanted for aokm to a4l lav lb old walu vontflllx stosfxuwelungtqn tomatte onuai wondcrlan d moving picture theatre xcrron under new mana this is to bo changed from a c to a toe show stsrtmg with chrtstmaa tlay uatinbb xma aptkrnwn entire change of ptclurot cltristma olghl llighctsss mctuie ftiliia change of pictures every other mfctit big crowds chtldreo under is accompanied y pareatatac overi ivc c symons baker u confectioner i sou uakers of acton pork pie parlecuon llomemade dissd ry our toe madiera rroit calaa oct paff pastry la deucioas assoruneol of cakessndlaairy rath diary day au llcansmsde wsddleg aad ufindsy cskes a apecully conlectioss nats etc au orders veu vuv u wtuow st actor vxlxaqk ot aotoh bylaw no a bjlaw to repeal byit w no 431 punned by il council ol the vill ii f acton on the loth dt of january 1910 to prohibit the sale by retail of spirttu ous fermented or oilier manufactured liquors in tin municipality of the vill if of acton tae hasmpe oaaaau of iba vlilas of aouaa beraby eeas tbefalloelsa t that tbe by4ew paaia by tbe uuhuimi oeaaeilotumvuissaof astaeen iba 1mb day ef jiaaary 1mb sad met l ibec iba sau i r s4il t or otbar wanu jt la sad aball be prohlblthl i evert tsvsra taa ar ear rumt boas- h us vttrti1smst ta lbs said aasntainilliyi slbsleumeafesseptbywbalast uai lbsprsetaemwlelrversaotorpta ibaaaaaae et pa la i tn aaut aiau laepallty bess4umaasaeu bereby repsalsd i vsttaevcesof um alaemra or tba salt vtlueaaf 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