Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 25, 1912, p. 3

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for ghrlstnias kxrly buyers will and splendid choice to our great hock of christmas uh1mwyt card and bookie hit kcat13tampaiicrchiim procy wetcbee jwuery toy miwspleigh books far the and girl ftml ror- 1ww fumta olauv biadqaabtcbb geo hynds bealr estate mf lalaaa lit towtkl rmt b- ruurse wrtw artanai torr sale cawa llta bad waher rraperly la all partitroi trnva we tun every tevrillty far btlax war aaslaeu year j 1 willolchdy icmctwm she lcton jfree firess v7rdnr11day dbokmrkkau ibi uuef local items m tt chrlenas ideal christmas wftubflr alter all quod alalgbing tb past lw dava rat op the railway uiu w wish happy mid iroaperoua rfvaw ymt kk harrison milton lui added kajnaa snbdlvlaloo to that i own bnnpwn ulo mi new drill through ibe torts f ur k timely end int atlug christum ol uia church ohrfafii services will be held in ijpsfc albmna church this morning at jjv a aaatnaw wfrvrenc with meter j alas ha bean talusujtoaadlng lorn milton band to reorganising a ibaoriplloa list i being mrcalated lo tahw b fund furam have been buy teaming watk bon twocord load of i have boon brought id on lb w tb chrlelmea visitors express h wianramon of oar llydrokto had streets the improvement to y awnuni tbo ee of tbo livqueslng i ol health says there baa not sadaetb from any contagious die- i lotht township thto jww inrttwrtf ibttlww report thai jjn atas baa bad the heaviest weeks wock with um ohrtotoma malls in tbo gwatorr of aetoa fw office albe church choir will go altoekwood for tbo cbrlauaaa com- i past sunday moralng tbara l consequently bo no eervtee in st a in tb morning tba number of famoa ham otrol wiu bj bald out f vcdng in hills heu at eight elottk bloeilonol uffioora and oihar t will eon oil i chapman was in hi old aa ei at tbo a and ha bad resigned after a er- a of about 40 year bat aa tbara jafe dlfseoliy la finding anyone lo giabuplaaa e withdraw hkreelg- i to um gnat satisfaction of j l obaoipuin ag- tha rogtttarmnnlhly mmina of ifcflbm woman lntltutv will bo bald on r afirrniio january xitd in gfcba ooandl chamben dr fuko will yglvaan addraao on how touiovoot a of oblwhood mrnodhra wmuowdyontortaln- d tba 4x amplwyaoa tbo toronto umroompany to an oy4r auppar ou monday ovanlna at ibrlr raaldanor ayt aujoyabla anlng waa aponl ggas aamaablo part of lho procmkllnga tbo pravontalltmi trf ur gowdy intanagar of i bo upm cotdpany of faobrlauiuui boa in tlto mbapa of 6a0 a to amobof tha employrof tbo following aodpaicb from fargna oafriday waanad boro wlib painful ifpafbclaa and woeb aympatby for lira kawou and bar foor oblldran mr g tiwall of tbbi puoa oommltud aololda jtodfpklog oarbjho cw at lib boma arlythn morning nawoll aqad bro i huly r fow waaka gn ooantaf from llmoboom 11a waa em- ffitptoyad hrn ltlght flramait at tbo lima fcllna tjuli u known or bu pt- ailuoa eatwar a my fw of tha peopla nata lmaw bin nawall olilmlnadlba doadly drug at lwl drug atoro in thai oaual way thoaa aalllng it to him lttle thinking of ibr traglo ending it ewoow bring to tb purobaaar b- ft lo bla homo- aarly ihla tuoro- li afwr working in lho lima kllna jafarnlghi lo drank a quantity of tha 0ld il u fivldriilly bring prfcwav two of tha loftna doo- w ballad o and workrd tivar man auiploying ovary agonay news of local import ur mm ur w w iwrdouwlll bold a cfarutiiimh tnw fur lho ctilldrrn or tha roploytmd ul lho tjuiiiariwa lit tha town ball on saturday aftarnoon af fihir ooloak tba plaaaura brought um maoy utila folk with their tree and chrtotntaa cbaar two yaara ago la remembered with pleasure after attttiur oontiqaoualy for eight boura and after elatyfieo bal lota bad beeo takan the welungtoo ooonty council ftoally apoolntad aa treueurer for em year theoaly lodynpnltaaat for to poeiuon mhaj b ju rfynolda who baa ailed it ere ainea bar father died a few montha ago mlea bay dou appolntaoant to for one year only at a aalary of tlpo tbo raapua areoflana tha suiulay sebool eaiartalntnenl in in baptlal chorcfa la wadneaday aveolng waa a plaodld preeuraor of lhaobrlatinaaudermtivitiae in town tba program waa onjojable and gurn prlnelpalt by tba cotdren a obrlm- tuaa troo waa laden with christmas goodiee and each acbolarwaa praaanled with a hlbla a tea was aareed to the mbolaia re ur barrell preaided workman are buay putting op poete for ullloae ii jdrokleotric ayatem and eotaa wiring baa been dona in town the power to expected to be turned on within a month it will be weloocne manufeataxea am anxiously waiting for it particularly i u koberteon tip ltd wboee oatput of aorewa oalla rlreta etc will be tremeudooaly in- ereaaed wban it comae it ieannnuoo- ad that a newer end lower ecbedule of rataowlli go into affect for 1018 ion atla and oounculora end sonool trustee will be held in tba council chamber next londay between tiratve and ona clock tba public meeting will rol- rw when the mambara of the two bodies wiu have an opportunity of giv ing an aooount of their alcwaruhlp kaweandidataa wui atoo be at liberty to announce ibalr platforms tba h and peenelllore will gleaapeaial information re our relations with tb uydroblactho commiaelon iii mako loeld ma mara relative to power and lighting rates e4 allim laat friday bobart belura atumpt- edttq oommlt aololda at the bouao of r aooohwbarba was boarding ha out bis throat with a raaor making a nasty gash but without eevarlng any of the arteries lie waa taken to jail by chief conatabu chapman and will be brought before a ftsgistre as soon aa he la jit to appear ha la an bag itobman 46 yoara of ago and baa been he say ha baa a wife and two daughter in bng- h h worklaa fur eooi time at on of the brick yards it toreport- tbat ha bad been drinking vary heaellyaod badstoooh of the bor- a olthna on tba indian lut made tb terhbfcmietsaaof attabjng bla catop at tb band of tb etalra lo toeaus nook wbm iaepaetortrbrlaoaofjlo kf tb loepeetor altboogb b raeog- d btm and taooght b waa under tbo lohoaooa of hanotv derided to gia him a cbaner and paaaad tb mur over wban b left hie ofho at noon tb mart bad dlaanaaa great waa hi suprlae bowwr on olna back lo tb afternoon to fled tb culprit ea- onnssd in hie old poetlioo tbls tlm with a folubottl of old sooteh in hi pnsaaaaloo thto waa more than tb lompeeior eoold aland and ho walked down totbpollcostatlonand laid a oaargv against um mad who will bae to appear before the hagla- trml chrfc week maroory ona day last week mrs john sprnwl of vajnealng called upon the fbjok txaaa mad ssld ur editor i will be nlnetyroar of ago if 1 live until tba bthof harobnmit 1 waa born in tba coantyof halloo and ao far mat know i am thw- oldeet native born resident of tha county if there ax any otbara who are older i will ha glad if tbiay will advtoo i he vntk pajcau hra sprowl is the oldest daugbtar of ute late william cummlng nf nalaon she married bar tot haabaad john sprawl in 181q and the newly wedded pair came to bhjoeelbg aad eetiled no the aaoood line where hra sprowl aullllrea mr sprawl died in 1887 they were the paretita of lea children all of whom reae maturity and ar still ilug with exception or two thei wurra ruooi dear prtoad it le an old atory wounded journey robbed alt uu nod by friends dying wban fortunately a atranger whom christ baa immortaljaad and whbm all tha world love coma to the rescue with hie sympathy aad money not one man maimed but titjwdasda of room umto robbed by a wasting dueaee so ths health and money on all gone too often shunned by friends who fear he dread dlseaae consumption even hospital rfulng tykyaw hlaamniajunjuhthbanid adrobalmt rrdy lnmuliaa untajy aid bi bad been tjakenli largo qosntillr end tbtr efforts wer unavailing tb mdaathla parucularly aad as deceased laavoa widow and four anilljblldreit hawtts ntan of betwwmi of and 88 ywlra of ag bicvaalv drlflklng to um oaneetanvwh fur tha mans rsj jfbvfi9nmrprisatutb wttnasy hars epyjvrkmao and muob esteeoisd it swelks www h got to fergus with tlmopaabanottbat tnwii the ump- uoea itwatejnibdemwaitakan u hilton chiistirtastloe visitors any happy i i she wont come to acton catherine and tne i i ralkad ajrajna lossu opalsw ul una ktoir from ureemore uieshrrttf u ttbows fniutmnin ur janirs lit rd u boma front tor onto ur chas a i uatthew from tor onto uias helen ishinea is home from chicago l ulas nellie llytid is htnnm tnu ulse hargarel bennett to home from clark son htos kuleand hrrllo dills erebome from toronto ur arthur krnney from toronto deoul coltegs ur w k bi lib or itockwood was in town on monday ur william kenney rrom toronlo veterinary uoltoga ulss annie meionald is bitnos from tba normal school hamilton ur harold nleklin from the hchoni of ireetlea atsiano toronto ur and mrs k jmoore and joceltii are at uoorscruft for tit waak ur joseph fllbson of ingersol was e gnwt at uoorwomft laat wosk ulse newuin umjtbousr spent uonday witb iwr sialsr mrs jaotes brown ur cordon lucr of bglnw mtob is visiting his grand parants and other friends mr and urw w frlot ad the utoses frlck of toronto are at ur it ulbbonk prof ilallam was the guest of itev j c wilsoo ii a during bla stay in o last week ir and ur ik lleodarson m p arrived borne on saturday for the christmas rsoees ur and mrs prank holnlosh and ur and mr hoy mclntosb of orillu ar home for chriatmss ir and mrs b- huigins end bod of now uekeard have been gueata of ur s laird the paatweek carlton banks of moose jaw has has heart a guest at the home of officer harvey the past week ir and mrs pierce aod mr jaa pierce jr alvineton vielled at the boma of j b coleman this week r alex campbell of the herald calgary alia spent a day or so last eek in town ur campbell was foreman of the pkxk pukh about twenty year ago mies xlrao johnstone who has occupied a position in tha office or the acton tanning go for aeveral years baa resigned to take a situation at hamilton she want to bar home at brae bridge for the holidays mies mabel hoffat fro naetga- waya and meaera arthur flretbrook from woodstock college arthur kanney from toronto dental college and brie garvin of toronto war bodns to attend the high sebool at home on friday mr arthur u cameron exmayor of calgary alia made a brief vtoit to acton laat week mr oamaron want to tb western metropolis twantydve yaara ago and baa prospered with the growing dlt ha wee greeted by many of his friends of long ago during hleatay sokfaf oausbhvatloma tb mealing last thursday olgfat waa remarkable from the fact that probably for tha bret um sines lb soottact repeal contest in 1884 the platform waa takan in favor of ute ueonaad bar in that contest mr t j bell or the dundee standard bald a meeting for tepeal and waa met by bav d v lucas whose advocacy of prohibition waa manifestly endorsed by the audience since that time there have been tha soolt act repeal onntest in 1888 provincial ptomadle in do dominion pieblaolt in m8 local option 06 and oft whan all tba apeak log end some limes there were two or three meal logs bad to be dona on the temperance aide the esavptlnn re ferred to waa when in usb air claude knight a workman lo ona of tb tan- oarlee essayed to oppose ray dr j b boss of guelpb and waa so court eously and kindly and effect i ealy dealt wttb tbat his complete dlscomforture was even more marked however although remarkable last week it waa quite proper that opposi tion should be publicly mad and it may be assumed that tb moat possible was attempted against local option it goes without aaylng that the young man who spoke bad mbllty good lan guage ready speech ringing vole andjdl the naceaearlea for convincing lei a tool or tni uqdob afatm uonday uloba had the following drapalch wellaud dec consider lie ex- cltement itas been caused by lb arrest bete of cheater bier charged with fraud hs was representing himself as i be agaot of ute brunswlckllalka coliender company manufacturers of pool table aud trying to sell tha ex clusive right lo game callsd billiard pinocle asking part payment in ad vane luc rilslmad to be trying to raise monay to pay hie mothers hotel bill here also enough to reach jlamll- ura itlea who with her boo aod bar managor horatio white to staying at a local hotel to slytod too tiltl preacbsr she waa here last iiimhisi preaching ou tha hlreala talklug against luteal option itloe claimed bla mother was em ployed by the nolelkeepers of oolarut to preach agaloet local optloo that sbn bad bean engaged by the liquor dealers in the united states for lb kwna work but had not bssn paid aa promised tb girl preacher has apparently had quit a career both tha dominion alliance toronto and the antihsioon laague of america hating a record of bar service lo the liquor traffic i mr d haarlmaon 1 jibe following letter tbls to the woman who spoke against teal option for the liquor men l georgetown a ooupla of weeks ago kb to not likely to be a sneaker at th rung prnpo cd t b bald in ibelr interest in acton p wean up at the council met hut weak the iteeve in he chair members all given tbla is the atory the muskoka free hospital tells for tltegbrtotmaebeaaou oflux thrtrualore bellrva that canade most favor land in all lit world la flmyd fevvrribuajhlarif gkd atomarl tatiawbo ilka ihelr nauiraake of old witlolahu asbar in giving the help urgently needed to can fur tiaee poor kick and suffering on and to extend th work or providing for thoaa k- ingadrntaslon- v ijklrjuipjty opjfta6albiniiitt wlwi uilglic bav been saved and in wboee ujeuioiy you wu he a aoot poor suffer er of trtday or lo morrow 9300 will maintain a bad for ear 6000 will endows bed for afrilni will youlielpr- berydolhtrcounla ytunfalthfnlly wjoaoi ubalnnaii bivcullvr tonutlo dawuibarshb 0u sound facta and it waa evident that the attempt railed any working man know that low wages and high cost of living helps to bring on poverty but although thto waa urged aa the great cause who would bthav that the indulgence iti lbs us nf drink la not a greatly accel erating cause it was itolleeabl tbat lit thundering applause from a cer tain section nf the audience which greeted klighllug reference tituinm aud churches was nntlomahly abaent when thniitw wag plea was put for went it might not baaefeto lta aren applauding such astalrmeutauhougb from the furae with which it waa de livered it was evidently intended to be a clincher although mr gllwon wae a matter band at puncturing the confident and rash assertions put forward the calm- end clear tatemeiita of iters draper aod wllso would nrohaluy hv been considered enough in tbeaifielves j gathering up facta observable hf tblaoatupalgtt ll is safe to aay that lharrownf anynfolatabsfalner nnpoeed to local option i- which brings tb serious conolualnn i bal to make ilqoormnra easily prueutable men era wllllnjg risk the welfare of tlte weak ndv hut midst there wereafew some time afowha may bav eapreesed their severeoo from local option suppoiton th failure of law to ohwln a nnuliiir vindtoetlnit mttved by jar brown seeondad by jaa nawlon that tb treasurer b instructed to pay tb followiog ao- oounls john huffman so for dtliag eulwert on tkb m tot s pbllip applebe x0 for 110 rod of wlr fence erected on fib line lot lot wm mc donald tf being balance of aiatut lobor jaa miller ff for eleanmg oat ditches on 7tb ii o this to be charged to good roads eoooaul kdward beaton to for gravel put on lot ix con 11 andrew meolure s3ttt w g uarshalu 2 for repira to road scraper i herbert anthony vis for cleaning on ditches and repairing bridge on lot 27 8th eon a beattke for repair of road scraper 91 1 john stokes 93u8 ohloguaeouay paying a like sum ben harrop iluo for road work carried moved by jaa brown seconded by jaa kewton that john bole be paid 1811 aa per account flledl mr j watklae cx7jw 110 rda wliv fence lots isaad 10 ooa 11 p 0 tbomp- eonls for drawing ul end putting in two culvert on 17 side road and ona er end of lot so lotb line car- tied uovrd by u co mr eeooaded by w cleave that tb treasurer pay tha followiog accounts alex fleming flaoomlued on statute labor t wm brownridge s3 for opening road on aide road no 6 oih 7lb and suj ooa carried v moved liy john bingham seeondad by w cleave that the lime for col lecting the balance of the township taxre be extended till the january meeung of the council carried moved byjaa newton sacooded by ja- bniwn that wm near be hpald flo ror 80 na wlr fence eraefed on lotatl 7ib line carried mivnd by jaa brown seeondad by jaa newtnn tbat john cuaalngbaaa be paid fi rtr atatut ubor in blerroad division j john batlantlna for work don in gtanwllllama and supplying cement for same david ulven for 90 loads supplied to h morrison car ried moved by wm cleave seconded by jaa brown thai ute wire lea counts be credited with 910 being error in measurement old fence by contractor ror john bingham car ried moved by g coxa eeoonded by jaa brown tbat tb treasurer pay following sum w o mors for ul supplied to good roads 1x780 f j held error in aiatut labor charles scott for road work and lum ber 917aoarrled moved by jaa newton seeondad by wctieave that the following eoooupbi bo paid i s j lyona eboreuing antrw during jbnuary and bebroary 9 mssi 7hrs 9usl flalng culvert 9avs0 40 rode wire fanoa 910 toul1 wm stark bauoce nf statute labor 95 rrpalrlogculrarla on 8rd unv 9v total 97 carried moved by wm cleave eeooaded by ja nowton that joseph uoheoenry b paid tha sum of s10 oslanos oa contract for filling up grade to bridge ontfchline fot 10 j maruaret single 91w rw wlm fetiea mi lot 81 7b llnei john k ilnwn 990 f 80 rod wire frncf irnjo stb line a u brain 911 or45rklstir wire fence lot 1 0 b line i duiioan atflrugau7jidfox 80 rods wire fenow lotaml line i john short 9760 fur tu rods wlr fence carried moved by jaa brown ercoodad by wm oleavrlhal b w uuddaftb paldevaortr work done in btewart- tutwn op ttutd mad ayetem carried council tbett adjtmrnrd pdbun nj 515004 more for msi office it wiu i m p received from hm r itogera ululsternf put die work on uonday oktjlk ur tiim minutrsa ov iubuq wmutji of caxjuxl dttawa dec 18u 1811 mv dkah hfctuaaaow i have your letter of ut 14b instant regarding tba vrvctlow of a public building a acton ontario aad in bceordaoe with your request inetnuilona bxya been is tp have ai your sincerely r rmioh d uenderoon beq m p acton ontario thu with lb 910000 voted laat rill make 9a000 end will very floe poet office and customs house for acton work will be commenced ou the pj early in the spring it should be plated next ralt- tb mail which brought above letter to ur hemvroo bad another giving notice that an additional 90009 bad been raoommswdsd for ute proposed nw poet offloe at u n too aetoo aad ulltoo aboukl b very grateful to ur hendsrana for tl substantial chritmaa gifts dr morses indian root pills are sot a new aad untried iiejnlj our rrandfstbrts mod tbeam half a omtury ago briore coaiedecatiea uarysmeoowdemnearlyeverydnsx aor geacral store la the cauda of that our s randies g v 3 g now gomits rg d a w wiu h lulv 2 oall factor you do j your chiwwi tfkop- pta harold wiles b ujnln b turn actom cafx anjannnaad aannana the flour feed store we beg to thank oar many friends and cus tomers for their pa tience and patronage during the removal and alteiadons in the feed store aad to invite all to visit the new site and inspect the im provements we solicit your con- tinned patronage and promise as prompt ser vice as possible b nobiie merchant touler m back again and more b i c cspeksht i cooiortablr mtttod aabln bb 1m pnmd pmnwe no mill stmt wlm cwtmimb not win be promptly np- pltod stoves jud ranges gkanitbware aud tinware shelv hardware mcclarv co stoves mechanics tools paints oils i glass cutlery md h1lverware chinambl to ixw ol graining iwd d0- oau amd muiiis im oua bbmurr tba kcnmbnl tbomdd affcoa froiutlpikm amy wl tkmdd luntlobi m1 kidney wilivwtnnbkm to- jvtupwmammtm idlib vct ml iwthlml lmtta mm yt be dmrlmd to m cure common ilia ta ore w7ttch parckued at uds store u gtrtar uely well uy stock oootalaa a large aaaortntcot of casta in various atylea and pattema the watch ntovesaenut ate of a make noted foe time keeping and low cost of np keep com plete lines of both mens aad wnwene watcbea see my special ladles and j ails in gold filled case at lww i rwab w atctb a btbcuitv wflfoster rsvtarr watoobakbr owtirlo gfxrffgunra grand trun christmas and new year rates oahmal ajgajdea aa e eaat of port arthur ahw to detroit and port huron ulch buffalo black rock and suspension bridge ny pull particulars and tickets from any grand trunk agent h s holmes agent fail kl winter shoe s where yon have so msay shapm aad slaaa teknlookatthe shoes in our wiodowa sad eat acowlatd with lb new styles la our w we can show but a few of ow latest bat those show wdi rive you an i o what oar stock to ilka w now bawa a large aasoruaeat of high grade speight royai purpi tnxkaza poultry r piee the rullnwingleibecfarisin of duhllittohobl a report w cttititams mbofaooooi mill street acton t6e metropolitan bank head ofbc4 toroalo oal ijoo savings depabthent accounts of one dollar and upwards opened and interest allowed at highest curcent kates acton bkanch t a halsted manager whi baauiabbbabaawa mbbabbhm s we wish alt 0db custoiebs m j thg coniplinieixt8 s the season of s a- r e nelson i oarr m otir earnest thanks are extended for the liberal patronage accorded to us oar profit in the holiday sales gives uu grateful satis faction and we have rcasori to hope that the advan tage of your purchases gives you the same feeling will you accept our sincere good wishes for a merry christmas and a happy and prosperous new year geo d pringje guelph bank of hamilton wv0oouoqo rii not in it power to purchase that tb graatcat value of money ilea the feel ing of uadepeudeace and of security against lb effects of advene fori one tbat a rraervo fund gives yon fct inflnitery mar satisfying than the panting grat which you would obtain by spending it- small amounts- which you wut hardly mix deposited regularly will gradually but sorely accumulate to a sum torajoenougn to insure against the effect of business ra- vcraeaor loam of employment okoegetown branch w m stokav assfltv mm ij ow afc a n i ik nk k itmi at t 5- i amwfc item 3- p 8l wrlllnc lb bp ii j j n phbblr o to ta m lh1 tor ot mri j wr aogtwta g trli wtili iktttmulmrftj tantjtirounj4 unipitwllbtlttlriiirtf ttuiwh g millrtu with itlomr ihdk lb tw- jsecklinanabripjj- it it hr ivbtuslwhltnsprowl la antmrt jllu1 sulk winton jr ivowi krilb klf torn tunaf ublmmm blwrtl fryrr br mt lut ullfffmt promoltidto jr 1iviitklwfimh aua blrwit ltwiu ffi sllnorslawul wiuvk awndwl br i ablri mlmmb bwitrha qntmiwr jiiltnoroikiitw v br i baiiv1 jtryw ttwoo imlr a nw4ii 8ltin otltrin nai mtr huikbojrw prlntt- bvnknk sooti wj ci bhwah brrtfci e raiiswifl ttwi use your influence for concrete roads theres no need to point out die advantages of bbod roada the katd of good road however is another matter it aval to b tha ther w utdo choice m forthecottntiy wtdriiwijerdtltawi tha only men tucd then twenty yeu o coacrto ttu introduce and or theke ntvtttyimn othinrato am bmh proving it d now xknowkdfed to be one of the ijest known mmerab for rood or or areet apartwpji to be u far aipchor to onunur iawaaimunaadajabiunerkrtoiand ifelaalliit ilincoac com concrete instead ol needing repair cnialh become mroneer wkh afe how you can help von can help your communtqr to come to a wk dedaion the neat dme the ouettion o road cornea up ktmn- idfaience ill be actor tnproridlna youradfand yoortleithbora wkh thnrmigtirf aatiafaciotyhhwaya we wish to convince yon fine we knew i that- when- you are haied up iwkh facta whlchwe yritl ajad lunliah r yo w he it not the fim coat of a row that deter ahlemconnnceyonr ntaajihota- 7 mlneikrcaicornuitjm6mritniootb make it yonr huaineai to et theae facta ofaerriratluttklertnlnoawiietjaer a riod wo hare a epccjal tttratlment which will road or a poor one not only rre youolacta hot will abx f tneowaorawaytoendout what road aitaloahti aaaimanre m any ha coat b to add to the firat coat all that n aaeat or tanalra in finweaor vntaxmyvm now that where concrete roada win arery ataumtitw tin it first coat la trkally tlastmieiy costuvy raajuteutdaor awupkeep rt rmlnkj dcsiruk to innw concrete t roada x tt dfhoah mm mm askor uteramre caasda getissi rr bawap8sbsts it m jt s

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