Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 25, 1912, p. 4

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s ttbe jjuton jfrte ress it thitiimday ihiukuilkll 2u luis chriflthaa day ajmi waich for knit ouu i snowed hed cnnit vry night i knowrd bn ml i mkum my pa and ma tbe both said sti an i be they ought i k w an by and by i huani a i abm lay awful mill causa nnff marra ul santa ulaus afy ma aha ay uy will anlw the door- is iump wide an n ombdy coned inside aiin it earned right to my bd an j i ilrd mai an mi w n hf goi vlght m u why it win nly ria at what i n coined ti d wujn to watrh f r hants mo hulsoted 4 0hhistmab kxpkriancb ae miss martin 1 lit l th id enlrance that 1m1 t tits rh r t it she ovvrfaaard a niinn ir fr u roup people thallshtir ur first u pano that i told you alx it i can hardly wait for y ii i hnar br glorious volo a aliflbt ii iah m unled bar fair face and a felitk that ah deserved the words of praise swolled in her heart liad eh not struggled up through many tralla tu iter present high place in the musical world p now that uoqsm waa here b would enjoy it to lb foil she unrolled bar music and softly thiiad bar or two nothecauee aha needed further preparation but from very joy of twins able to warbli like the bird just than ur nile the ptor caoae into the ant room be bind the groat organ alias martin he began then beei tatad i want to aak a great favor of you a few of ua are going thli afternoon to tbe woman a ward of the penitentiary to hold a christmas ser vice wltb the inmate could you would you go with ua and wing for thenar tier atnlln faded oh mr nllea bow dreadful p the exclaimed with a shiver what la dreadful t ynewebl0 idea the penltanllarv ugh i and this day of all days to visit bueh a ghastly place tail 1 will couald- erlt the organ waa pealing and it deep tone reverberated among the huge pipe the service moved on smoothly tbe anthem scripture lesson hymn and prayer and then her solo the event of the morning to others than the singer tbe audience sat through it as if spellbound and many were in tears when the last note died slowly away it was over at last and she passed out only pausing to say to ur nllea i will go with you you can count on me for thia after noon so it came about she waa one ttf tbe little group who filed into the pen i ton tiary hall that afternoon and atoud facing tbe rows of women sitting there in prison garb on all four sides wound iron stair- ways leading to the grated cell- f ur tiara high at the front or lbs hall stood a while pulpit a amall organ and several chairs door were locked and windows barred inalde waa misery and wretchedness outside the blessed freeojofn of qoda pure air and ohriat on tbe front row sat a woman not more than thirty ave years old but with a seaujed and hardened face- she stared with sullen glittering eyes at lb nils as he read and prayed many heads bowed and sound or stifl ed sobbing came from different pert of 1m room as the sweet story of the flrsi christmas was mad bat this wotpjgn sat like a statue with com pressed lips presently miss martin sang those walla bad never echoed to sound mote sweet or ber heart was in the mess- ajre m ah nng of jesus birth his love and pity tbe black eyes did not laafs ber face but gave no sign of faetjag at tbe request that those who wished to be prayed for should mak it known many hands were raised and yearning faces were uplift ed m if pleading for help bat tbe fan on the front seat dldjsjot inov r ber steady gase from the beautiful girluh face fay the organ she flsuig again a message of peace on earijh good will to men and as she finished the black eyes dimmed sadden ly and the set lips whispered oh lug again i she began at once without an accompaniment the goapel byn sqfuy and tenderly joaua is calling bvery sentence thrilled with entreaty as sfce sang pome home oonto home i ye who are weary noma hamdl as she finished the hardened face udjdeoly melted and a broken voice sobbed out help me i oh help me 1 1 dojwant to be good on ihe stone floor they knelt and there with deep kriunoe and earnest prayer at last s sinful soul found forgiveness t was the singing that did it the woman said holdi fas to the pvette hsrid that dtdntrkrik i the contact i could have restated febe rest hut ntil that today fists birthday and mine tbe eesank to a whinner but the hard fcglowad with ths light ofquut iss afavun mild ur nile walked uttough the heavy gats together hearing the clang that abut thetn out a others in ben the pastor began i want to you but she interrupted jjlet ie tbank yon instead she tremulously it lias been an wrlenoe i could unt afford to do n j nirly tjnay nuw wit plrltand wjth the nudsraundlng willi my voice 111 gladly slug for the glory of uiy king bllsabeui price in our dumb anl ijaaafaaad k for n child tabled with wonm watolherqraves wqrm hiternilnauir t i vjlriiiubabaddijjiadunwitetuml wtrleamanudlse hnlloways toevw obm will remuve the usmlnw without naiq ouss is peculiar ha a numbs s cat oui i un iraatletery uuai i xa uisss is mm of i i i hllllg sb wjl ss one or n i ll r tliliifih la l its world it i und roatrsdlrlory qilslltl 1 i ny da i on ailing i h n in m ui n wjln it llrlltle ami i r u i iw it u let it exceeds slinral olt ixiules in slsaoclty if two slass imiiis ar mails in slrlk each other at s cen forrs iir recoil tur tlrtue of uidi ejaitiaiy wuljai oservr equal lo uistr oriel uo i iniiwlua coobeaeo with in urmisiimia are snnie very slmjutsr facts take a do low apliere wltlt it bol und atop tbe bole wltb be fltirr w nm o prevent the oxunm owl tnlrri al sir tram commuol sllns siul lbs a liars will fly to plerra by tbe mere beat of tbe band vessels mode at class tlisl bavs beau sudden ly coolrd noascsa tbe curious property or beinc able to re 1st hard blows cusn o tbviu from wltbnul bat will be instantly si ircred by a amsll psrflnle of a i dropped inlo tbair cavities this property se ma lo depend upon tlw rompsrsuto iblrkuess of the bottom the thicker tbe bottom is the more certainty of break see by tfale sxpsrlmenl home of ibeae vessels it la stated have restated tbe stroke of a mallet civ so wltb suldrleuf force to drlvs a nsll into wood and heavy bod lea socb as iron bits of wood ja after stone etc have been rsa into litem from a belch t of two or ibree eel wltb oat any effect yet a fraifroenl of blot not larger than a pea dropped rrom s betgbt of three limbes baa made them ftr rxiza was genebous her munlaosea offer far an orialnal five a yred people are likely to look back con mlserauagtv upon the past in these days of modero progress when we bear what tbe most protub of present day noveltata receives s word and what tbe weekly royalties of any well known plsywrtzbts are ws aay that tbe literary profession bns rome into it own borne hark beck to lbs coo basting tale that milton received only 8 for tbe first copyright or tared oat sn eplr in twelve books containing a total or 10jm lines bot that waa over two eeatarles ago po received flo for the haven that may be dismissed wltb tbe statement that poetry never paid the modern way of mak i tic mooejr by llterahtr k even more recent than la generally thought alexander hill of olnctnnatl ooo of the host known bookmen and rot lector of tbe middle west has a letter in his collection of autographs that proves ibis point two generations sgo kills iogan waa a leading actress in america read her letter o buddies benin on tbe typewriter and be gtad that when you are paid it la space rate for tbe local paper tramont lloua ikietoejf may 11 um m dm sull 3r charlsstosrn mass blr i wtab sit ortftlnsj flvs met iraswdy- ibs faatura lo u a hsrolns mjmt the pfsoaslor or it ii s scans not lo be laid in this country tbs plot to b optlooal wllh lbs author- ror hlrh ir i like il 1 till p k ltpmtlrully kxiza ixm1an boston post antsrfcsn lssf cslsrs it has been observed tost tbe leaves of amerlcen trees such sn maple scs slot oaks and so fortli which at borne exhibit undid color in tbe autumn fall ihiiw their tvpuintlon in this regard wihii trnbpliild in rng land or on itto ntlnitil of kiirup an kngllsh olsivrver who baa been atadying ine causes of th autumn uota or trees think tbt superiority of oar woodlands arise from the soft and mild yet glowing rl i ninth rondl uooa prevalllnjr hero in tbe fall etna land it u added u rarely moaned with an indian aaromi r when lle climatic eoodttlans permit the lea res tu retain considerable vitality in tbe aatamn the colored pigment is normally de veloped bence tbt- glorious forela of tbe united sta tea chicago record herald regelatlns phea el beeke the price of books was oihu a mat- tor for kgbuauon la kaglaud ad act of 1554 whlcb eeenu never to have been repealed provides that ny om plaint rtgarding the price of books should be conatdered by the lord cham berlain the lord treasurer and tbe jnatloaa or any two of these and that those dignitaries should have power and authority to reform and redress the eabanciug of ibanrw of printed books and to limit the price of tbe books and the offender should lose and forfeit for every bunk liy then sold whereof tbe price ho enbuitced the asm or 3a od ondou mali she didnt to it the family jar waxed flurwr vou talk about my belt a to blatnw for oar marry inn t shrilly es lalmed mrs vlck senn john henry did i bunt you out and then uinke kve tn yout nor be snorted hut yon rauld have given roe the glassy eye and wat live about mi uffl and run dl in t do it modem yon djdti i do itr cbl astoria the kind you have always bought bears the signature of in use tor over thirty years gastoma th lntli tim horn halfasleen in tb ohadow juat out from the firelight a glow drifting in drowsy dreamlocf ui the a u r of th b ago t heards th r o sn echoas m soft as a song unborn rom tbe heart of a long lost christ mas the call of a little tin horn oephal punlatynsnt mamma dkl vi hv tu nlrt when you were young 7 i am afraid i did dear and were you ever piiiilhofri tor it mn in 11101 cruelly dear i married your fs ther parts rtlr thefanora wsunaas wltlt happy pros porta in view nre inorv ilenslnu than mios crowned wltb rrultjon uold smith j aaawataathe wind hasps mnsle low aa a mother a prayer from the agee gray with a thouwufa snows lb crept tbrnngh the tw light air and i saw the dark fade from mn- jrray give wmjr to the gleam and th man went back to the boy again on the tide of a silver dream i closed my ys in the ahsdnws as i heard the tin horn blow the nail to th vanished cohort m the troop of tbe ing ago and ont from the winter twlllgnt hy the path nt an old old beat i heard the echo that answered in the patter or little fast with tjttle boy niiie tn learl them i saw his trooper oome th little tin soldiers keeping step to the roll of a martial dram and their mnsket were gleaming in alive an their jacket of red ami gold with trapping of blue were a bright and new aa those in th dav of old blow uttle tin horn or otrllm blow whr the wearr droop and call to light from the lonesome night the elan of th vanished troop summon the bnyland nrmv and give u again to know the roll of the drum that calla to arma the legions of inng agn selected obscurity lives much longer than fame tbe pill that brings belur when after one has partaken of a meal be oppressed by feelings of fulness and pains in tit stomach he suffer from dyspepsia which will persist if it he not dealt with parmelees veeetahl rills are the wy beat vnedfeine thr esn be taken tn bring ellsf thee jrflls are specially compounded tn deal with dyspepsia and their sterling qualities in thl respect can be vouched for hy legions of user had boils on tace jin body was ttotlleo foi 8 yeah bolls in themselves ore not a dangerous trouble but still at the same time are very painful they are caused entirely by bad blood and to get rid of them it is sbaoluuly asaea to put the blood into good con dition for this purpose there is nothing to equal that old and well known blood medicine burdock blood bitters mrs james mageean floral bask writes i was troubled for eight years with boil on my lace and body and i tried everything i could think of my neighbors told roe to drink water off of oar corn meal but i kept getting wotap tntil one day a woman in town baked me why i dido t try burdock blood bitters my husband got me two bottles aad th lore one waa gone my bous had all dis til poured and i feel hit a different v man i cant tell you bow thankful 1 i or your mrdlelne i vuj recommend i dl suffering women 1 1 mfactured only by the t asulburn i limited toronto ont a uud pill for delicate worn co the most delicate woman can undergo fparmelee s vegetable pills wlthrtnt rear of unpleasant ooneiuo- thelr action while wholly effec tive is mild and agreeable no violent palna or purging follow their use as thousands of women who have used them oan testify they are therefore strongly recommended tn women who are more prone to disorders of theui gestlve organs than men children ory for fletchers sta a then- oiiver w and never will be universal dmiimm in one remedy for all 111 to whlnh flesh is heir what would relieve one iii in turn would r i n we tiavr bnw ever in quinine wine when obtained in sound unadulterated stato a roimtlv fr many and rrievnua ills n lt grsdii and judldnus use the tmiiih nynteni are led into eonvalee- ititce and htrengli by the nfluanor whlnh qulnln everts on ptatures own teitoratfstm ft i el l thneepto 4h pi n ehntnlc state nf morbid d pnnnvnny and isok nf interest ii lift u a dlseas and hy lraiiqulllug the nrrvea disposes to sound and refreshing sleeps imparts vigor to the t aa weltiui loan foimew nf the blood which ostap umgirom it cueardared ooodiuoa of iso tlpiulaiad coorsi- thmagh the veins mntwrekrrfhrffltr pf btaf wretlgthenlngj tba healthy an tnal ty to nt th bavs bam troubled with wfasl ir oa nif aetlvlly a ncoossary risull 1 have bad roed tvoxo averal only a poor love letter can be spoiled by weak spelling no best with asthma asthm usually attacks at night tbs nn time when rest is needed most heoee tbe loss of strength the nervous debility the ins of flesh and other evil which must be expected unless relief is pos sible dr j 1 kllorgs athm keinedy has proved its merit through years of service a trial will surelv convince yon castor i a for iniaata and onildraa tiakuymlbnalsmlkedt bears the blgnatore of the man who takea no interest i pnbllo schnol good roads religion polities isnt evens satisfactory h if some men would quit looking f a soft politlcsl snap and stiek at thrb regular employment they would br he tier off financially titsfall dtsteff omy rsessvm iftst rr at no lo bo lg i un jow o iwpld uvjr wilbb suotkn m tu ud onai mmmtlubm bkk hmdwibe tlottuni mka before em jaundloe bromi btouhoi mh00pin6c0ueh left a nasty dry cough oocltrs cmiw qww mrs a msinwright sv marys ont wntes- i feel h my duty o write and u you the good your th- wood a nor way pine syrup 4kl for my utile boy a had whooping cough which left him with a nasty dry hard cough i took him to several doctors but they did mm no good and i oould sea my little lad iidllngdaybyday i was advised to take dm to another doctor which i dkl and i told me he was going into a decline l wo teuing a iieighbour about it and nhc told mo to get aooule of j wood norway line syrup and give it to him regularly hhc then rd to tell me how much good it did hot children so x got a hotue and gave it to my little boy and was so pleased with the result thai i bought onsahrr one and by the trow be had finished it be bad ao cough ho is how fat nd strong and i would pot be without a bottle in the bouse on any account whooping cough generally begins as a common cold accompanied with cough uig and a alight duknanm from the nose it is as a rule more of a childs trouble out also affecta adults dr woods norway pine byrup la a sure preventative u taken in time and is ebo a positive cursior any of the aftei snoots dr woods is put up- in a yeliuw wrapper three pine trees the trade mark price 25 and 60 oenta mannfaetuml only by the t milburo co limited toronto ont eye jauhdloe brown blotches consu- pauon catarrh of 1 stomach etc tiii ikst cwi to in wt orh v m tw iti fwam tho ftfc liver w striigtrevlng ihe rrante and giving jnxrtwsavmfe t 4l uvcr hils and 1 bvehd no troubu naturally demaiidiiioreaaed subatanee twr lcarbotrtw- result iroproved sposul north ypoisonjrbo bf 25 ou per vfilor s vlautot star mdo at all 4eabva or nwuird dltwtonteolbtouhwytlt mt bura oo umitcdv iwonlo oat to the pabllo tbalt paparloc quinine ijy thappnlhi aolsfftlst tbewrni approach wrtst pwfeexbm otany on the market all drugglsu salt it h quenily punctured aflllars worm powders destroy worms without any inconvenience to the child and so effectually that they pass from the body unparorlved they are not ejected in thejr entirely but are ground up and pass away lhroag1lfcebowale with die excreta ttsy thoroughly cleanse the stomach and bowejs and leave them in a eondl lion not favorable to worms and there will be no revival of the pest children ory for fletchers o a3tori a th oh or pnwerit is not olsluisd for ur thomas jmvotrlo oil that it wucusvary iii hut ita usesave so various tha u may bo looltad upoffaa agknsralpaln ktllsr ft has aahlevad isnos a known to an who hare tested ita virtues and learnt by agpsrlaoea 4eeaaoo w z the flockmastkr lie sure i lie hock has plenty or fresh water if the sheep drink from springs ksep the approach e dry keep sat lo a sheltered box in i every sheep pastors bpessnedlo salting is very dangerous after the baying and harvest lag ar completed change tbe sheep from tbe regular pastors t sbeep will not eat hay that has bean mosssd ore by other snlmsla they are tbe taost dainty anioxkhr on tbe farm they do not like grain from a crib foil of rats srlhsr elxtremes hod tttmm cbaages in feeding ws taring or salting will csuse scate indigestion in sbeep tbst is asaslly fatal ton t leave the sheep in a dry abort pssture give them a chance in a fresh pssture or give a good grain ration s 4 caring for the lambs treatment srr orub in theftaad and temseh wares a close observer will notlv a bo neb of is nib often stsndlng in lb middle of tbe held or some spot in tbe hot sun they usually aland in a circle with bead to tlie renler sail nose near tbe ground writes w clark in the ameri can agriculturist an inexperienced ob- serrsr would wonder why they stand in siuli n itosltlon and why tbey are conllumilly stamping the roro feet and shaklug tbo bend and often all si once tbey will stamped and seek an other location only to repeat tbs same maneuvers the csuss of these ac tions la a fly that produce tbe grab- worm or grub la the bead ss it is ususlly termed it effect them tbe following spring tbe grub fly depos its tbe larva in tbe nostril sod there it is hslched and becomes tbe pes known ss grubwunn as a prevent- tire tbe lambs should be taken one at a time and a small quantity of pare pine tar put on the nose cars being taken to avoid getting the tar in tbair mouths or where it will come in con tact with tbo feed the lambs should bo provided wlln two lchls at least aud should not be ufiuulttcilto run on one sold more than two weeks st s time this gives them fresh food snd a clean range stomach worms cause more fatali ties smong lambs than any other com mon disease tito symptoms are soeat well denned the isnih has a sickly drowsy appearance tbe ears droop nose and uouth have a bloodless ap- tb oxfords at widely dlstrle- utsd ovsr tbs unit so stats and caasda tbey ar th lancset of th down breads of sheep lb rama walghlaa frees mb to lit pounds sad tbe we sos pounds mors tbs wool is somewhat oearssr than tbe usual medium wool tb bssc will wtgb rrom tan lo twelve pounds in general form lbs oxford ri blss th iismpsblr7b0t ts tarssr and with a llahter taoa one ot th reasons for tbe popu larity of th oxfords is tbs fact teat thy ar excellent in cross thread ing the oxford ram will laerssss tbe sis of a grsd nock snd st tb same tune maintain tbe oner wool cfaagwwutjc of tbs down breeds bpgjaiof rib snd depth of cbast ebspsctsrla tb breed tbay are essifr kept in condition and rasa xostlsnt readers on catching tbe lamb it lacka weight and hy parting tbe wool yon will immediately observe the skin la whlby and colorless instead of pink aa tn a healthy lamb now aa to a cure some of tbe pre pared or medicated slock salts ou the market have proved beneficial to some espe if fed aa a preventive boa oor most reliable care baa been tbo aaolint treatxnnt bot it most be aimfruatered by an experienced or care ful band i want to repeat this warn ing no careless or inexperienced per son sbonld administer this remedy oor method ts aa follows procure a xoar ounce bottle have a jag or docket of new or sweet milk iut three ounces of milk in the bottle and one teaspoonful of gasoline bland tb lamb tn a corner of building or pen stand astride of lamb and hold its bead only high enough that it ran wallow the hqald now tuke mix tore and shake well and keep ou sunk ing until bottle is rcsdy to put in lamva month pour it in slowly lle- mot bottle and resbske if necessary before it baa all been given one or two facts i want lo impress on my readers are ktrst you must tebt the dose for each lamb separately as gasoline and milk will not mix with ont continual sutiklng and if ghen pore a faw drops only kill the istnbst secon tbo lambs should be kept up without food for at least tun hours be fore too mixture is given 1 mo apptl cations are ususlly d thai are tieoe- sary after the nttetlud limbs itegtu tosiiowimprotmeorthv hotildrbe- wwu fed rind given n imili ut im blood aod given frequent lusuge el hid a weak rfeart piaws fr 1mm vmm wri in through one cause or another a largo majority of people aw troubled more or leas with soma form of heart trouble little attention ispald to tbe slight but when it atari starts to lxal irregularly and every once in a while pain sccius to shoot through it then it causes great anxiety and alarm mllbum heaand nerve pills will givo prompt and pemaoent relief to all those suffering from any weakness of fba iteart or nerve r mrs m tpue 103 holland ave muwaontvfritcsw lines to let you know that i have used muburns heart and norro pills after tlooloring for the last three years with pill ol medicines apd pofe for weak i heard of your heart and nerve r thinking i had nerer used any- thing that did me ao much good i kept m lis bo thinking ing that did mc r using thetn and i had only used our mixes when i wjierisfiuy price 00 oenta drrboav bosss for jlfls at all dcalsrsyar mailed direct on fmalnt ofprice by thf tmubum co bisibibinbidnaaadnanaaupaunuddijanadaananaanriatidsiaisib introductory offer n fdr the remainder of this month n we will pay your railroad fare to j 3 u cuelph and retm n if you buy your jj electric fixtures from our show- rooms crand display large stock i better than the toronto g a prices i come and see xofie guelph electric works geo e b orinycrs co prop 16 w mtrktl sire omlpk ol thr giand ttum sagwal mknoul tstajmxi ts u he ko tsmesa h1 hik mo sjoi sas xshe daonaaimntinuauanduaaaijrjdanannpnckidnnbi the merchants bank op canada hry parsoa who receives and psys ont numey shoold bav b chsnlog accoant 1 symeat by cbeqae la lb roosl practical coa- veeieot aad salsal method of band ling all baaajcta traaeactloos w bet bar ol a h or persoosl character the relnra of csncellsd chpm ar vouchers for every so en paid oat tby show what die bo have bae mad and to whom paposlls ore received by this usak sabisct to cheque withdrawal we pay tbe st leal ion lo small depositors a w do to large ones snd encourage tbasr seeooala interest silo wed on all savings bocrania compoeodad half total assets 8itje8se49 acion branch l- a maclean manager excelsior bakery 1 first qum ity iihhai lkih wiijuinu camih rhh stmahcakhh eic arc uvhtebs tl fldh oiu tody t statham son bakers and grocers main st acton tslbsassw grgsns aftelkttxatfwgk wm hemstreet acent actom wm and strong if you want a pair of gloves or mitta in hoivehirle calf or bwjuuun sheep or muleslun be certain to specify storeys in no other way will you get equal value to prove it slip on a storey mitt say the wool knit wrist and lined kind shown below warranted genuine horsehide waterproof and fireproof just the thing for warmth and comfort sold at all stores every mitt is tagged storeys insist on storeys w h storev son limited acton ontario m conscientious plumbing heating is mot rt huvth with us to thu contrary wc make it the most important factor so if you favor us with your patronage you will enthusiastically endorse us fred8mith plumber quebec st guelph phonej37 the moral of it the advertising column of the review are an lqdex to the most progressive bus- nesfe houses in van leek hill people who know recognise that to reach a very large clans of the best purchasing public it is necessary to use the review columjns a very natural deduction is that the merchant who does not use the review as an advertising medium does not care foe the trade of those who can be reach e9 only by the jreview therefore the moral patronize the merchants who think your trade is worth while telling you aboar their offenngaf4m jfift rsvtew tforekto cam am your chopping will be done quickly and well on either plates or stones if taken to the rockwood chopping mills flour oatmeal bran shorts the best at lowest prices harris co overland ovnuura noml mtv 1913 models now ob view better than ever 30 h p 5 passenger 13m i5 h p 5 passenger 195 all fully equipped and guaranteed deliv ered in toronto aso the gramm and gar ford motor trucks shaw- overland sales co i b2tos9 aaisxt st- west toronto ot tssjtei patronize merohants vmto invite vou dwltloh wiu im mt 4rc jyuyl t fjr-

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