Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 1, 1913, p. 2

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ftbe jlrtott jfrjprtss wkdnk8day januaity 1 ibis thi niw vkar the ending ot a year ubcmld be as nbearful ae it beajinnlne you bave euet jm ail ym koped to do p h but you ban tried and tbat u um kmt iblnif you have wet wltb un ipected difficulties but dont loee lbt f the handa etretcbed oat to belp from the moel ttnookedfar place there are dark day to look back upon and blotted peg but here are lonk atrstnhee of auneblne and vlctorl tliat gladden jinur liaarc mw un yon rem mbwr them thar would bellltlv mtlnd for bojw l nrmning imw yrr if the riming of he old year did uul lirlotf u mnh clnelng up a yfer niil not be a milemn iki-iii- bill surely a little wriou- iuourih hould oilngle with llid rualmuee f the time tha etu- deutwb complete a rwilleajn ooiiree idmm that ooutueuoident week shall lie full of enjoyable thlnga liut it la a pour ou hook for bu future if be take bit diploiua without a reallsine ee of the eoteuinliy of the oocaalon life baa plenty of room for pleasure but it niual not be all plaaaurel it le glad plandld ineplring but it baa lie oleum faces aim the young people who aa h add year peesee take a taotuent to realise tbe dignity and brevity of life ere the onea tnoet likely to make good uee of tbe new year may every reader have a happy and proaperoiui mew year dtrrmiai wotte at tiim nomination mkbttinu on uooday reeve hynda esplaloed why tha hydrorise trie uioney by law le b re eub newtreeowewy it u owing to a technical error no the part of the ilydrokleetho oommleelou who euppllad tbe detalla when the by law was drafted th paaalng of the bylaw again wtll remedy thle and complete the aale of the dsbsn tores the reeve espreeeed the hope- that node the eii there vroald be almost as anabtakoua a vote now lor the bylaw a there waa last february thi looal option allot it should be understood by all deo- torf that tbe ballot to be used next woodsy is of the same form as that in use when local option was voted upon three years ago kleetoce vote for or against local option and not for or against the bylaw the form of ballot le as follows i fob local option local option mod will be marked with a erase la upper section by all who desire to vote in favor of local option as this ballot otunraom oobnub the floe eletghlntf of the peat week baa been nioeh appreciated by all among tbe visitors to and from oar bore we noheed j mr ww graham of knox college toronto et his home bere mr b damper spent the week with hie none in chatham mr and mrs obaa s gamble of boffalo spent the holidays at mr jaa gambles and with mends at knateb- buu mr- b h brown of goelptwepent ohhetmaa with his parents here mees stanley and alger grippe visited with friends in walksrtoo ifbt b roy waaebrougfa were wftb friends bore mmter campbell carrie of acton letted at the homo of hlaitgrand- pmrenttvmr aodmrs geo graham uiterrek a very pleasant christmas evening waa spent at the home of mr and mrs ja moore 8r mount pleas fattnbcvunosawheo all the mem- bera of tbe family 8 eons and 0 daugh- term ware present with their husbands and wives after the usual ohrut- mas dlanar mr and mrs moore were presented with a number of useful gifts and best wishes were bestowed qpnn theoi for continued health and happiness tbe remainder of the evening whs epont in iiitaln i games tbey ere a very thankful family indeed that th aged parents have lie i apared each her anil ti the 1 1 time life for wo long qriikook on tliiirdii jhiihm giotnik literary floridly held lie regular w-ik- ly meeting mr j l allinvery whly tilled the nhltlr it being oprn night there waa a large all usance the following progfaiiinis wse ylr- mi onvnlng jlinrux the mm pie leaf chairman address bevrral musical efleotlnita were given by ihe following the orejirstre mr p ken nedy mr b o slmnna mr and hies allan misses ten thompson and myrtle mann mrs j r ptarrtt and him margaret a k near reelta- tjq we jenwlr and mr will west speech by mr kennedy aoloa by mb mabel allan and mies margaret near the whlsf feature of ihe prograiumn was moo trial the evidence brought oat kept he erg aodleoo hlgwy in- tereaud nptual hhor an old paper eayehattooe areso wftaw urt a report oonea from nobsvohitk ol a m ihie lstd bwrn that be muet kw niatf rja reeve hynds wa reelected waww school tbubt i iv aoolasi- for the fourth time in his muuloipal experience reeve bynda waa on mon day reelected by acclamation this further mark of conqdenoe and appre ciation of hi ssrvloee is in every ipeet deeervlng during all the years of hts occupancy of municipal ofjlce ur llynde has iinsparlngly given ueae nod attention to ihedetell of bis afllor it is eepeclally fitting that he aboald continue at i be bead of municipal affairs during 1019 the ipletloo uf theuydroklsjctrta lo- stallatlon and tha flxlng of rate for current for powe and light are impor tant matters which no other man available has so full and intsuigast a grasp of acton is to be congratulated upon bla reelection ur llynde de- eervee eepeclel thankw for acceptance f i be reeponalbllillea of tbs office for inolhet year kir the counnll last yverv inemnefy were nominated and me j l warrvn and a t luwn in addition itotb are nn of vsperfene and will utake good ylotinelllore if elected for the board of rdueatlon mr a k nlebltn chairman end dr k d ault both dropped out mr william johnatnne was reelected and their being only three nomination messrs n forbes and il heott were elected members by acclamation roth having children attending from tbetr bomeethey are naturally inler- eeted and will give rloee attention to ihe reeftnnalble dutlee placed upon mho the nomination wee a follows i for rxcvb okofuia ii vnne nominated by dr gray eeooned by tv a storey fon oousoiujoaa wlujim ooopkw nomlnatedy w r kenney eeconded by r m mc donald r m mcdonald nominated by geo bavlll aeconded by d m hen- a t ban w nominated by wm johnslnna seconded byfto rpelght w 11 rmmt- nominated by m a cox eeconded by r mepbersnn aukx jbkia njcmejuedby fred beoord eeonetded hv wtiirrnnne j l ivahjixn nominated by jas mattbewe wraonded by john c hhl pom 80h001 taowtkca wx joa nom by c c speight seconded by w wllllsms robkbt sorrrr nominated by j a mowat seconded by frank kennedy nicholas ftutmas nominated by geo bynda seconded by h p moore at tbe expiration of tbe nomination hour mr john oameron was moved to te chair j reave bynda in a lueld and interest log address r to the work of the year and spoke at length on the new conditions arising oat of tbe installa tion of bydrorlectrle tbe rates termi and facilities now afforded the oounejl be said has its various de partments pre over by um spsetlva members of tbe council would uieref ore not trespass upon their work bat would confine hjmself to the special work which had come under hie personal inpervislon be referred to csusotsry improve ments and expected farther improving work would be done um coming year br was in favor of spending all tbe rsvsn derived there in improving and beenurytng ihe prem wad be thought all duaenc shared this feel- rbg briefly he spoke otactons splendid flnaoclal position- oar flnaneee are in fbetelaaa condition thiy had never borrowed ae little money for onrrent e during tbe year be questione if any other town of actons else in ontario could make a lieitni showing it waa however tha hyurqrwrlc i a t l which made umlmrden of htorsmarfca we bays made a large invesament be said abopt tbe same ae for oar original punt and we oon- fldanuybope for fc fair retorn for tbe investment with the old plant we had only a few hoars service per tfayt tutve a eontlaauas twrmtyfoor hour esrvlee while the onrrent was turn ed on on tbe 14th lost it vhii be a month or two before tbe installation ucosnpleuk when the work u folly carried out are will have one of the beet lighted towns in canada with flo ff cp lamps on the wain etreetx and 06 125 c p lamps on the side and cross s the eervlos wfll be onlmpalr- ed by the burning ot of a light 1 while under tbe old sjetsaa ttfce lose of one bght often meant the lose of an enure etrenlt we ean now add 1 light at any part of tbe town tha flxlng of the e of rates la iii important matter tbe bydi rtectrlo oommlssjonu in partnership with ua and they advice as to our rateeand the rate must be subject o their approval they have the engin eer etectriolana and aeonuntanls in their offloss who determine es to what rates are reqnlrsd to meet all charge for current main teaanor sinking fund and interest and they study all local conditions carefully our power rates will compere favor ably with those of other lowna 011 tha hydro aystsm negotiations are in and we fully expect meeai- the 30 will be lower than wfore these rales wlll we axpeat meet all eharges and provide for debemnree and interest in gslt last year after the reduced ratee the net surplus wss 111000 there is a oonttnooua demand for in creased mstaatatioo and this experi ence ha bejen that of almost every bydrorlectrle town to a greater vw lees extant iwenttneay in oonolualoo that i bad made up my mind to uep nut of office at the end or tbla year hut hfcajisejfjhc faotliiaubnuflwiryitem le not completed and that owlnt to my po i have given the details more intensive study xban any other person i will considering your much appreciated oohtlnued conbdeooe by electing me by eeclamttlon aooeptftbe office the interest of the town and insgectoi deacon resigned metesati failnsmll leneral aurprtse was felt and univer sal regret expressed when it waa an nouneed that j 9- deacon heq inspector of public hchnole hi ihla county had tendered hie realgnation to the county council at ua meetlne uet friday foe over iwentyeevw years mr deacon has had aupervlalon of thaschoolaot lhacauoty ul wellknown ability and aharact arietta ooortesy and klndnaes n ths perfor mance of duty hav won for him the eateem not only of he members of the boards of trustees and the teaebere hut also of th people snesadjjp throughout the county nroareea end beerdinnre a o will in the near future be nalng sv large quantity of our current we have dealt unfairly in the iel with oontomera all prnrls have corns beck tnnvj asa mailer of fact tbeonnsnmers in tha past have beta peylngforonretrret lighting itnder bydrrasctrlo the net- enrplna will bret be devoted tb extensions end re- the balsriiioevw in rednctloa of raise from lime to tlaie to ommrusaers bar ne ratvfw houses will he tv- dnosd whw oqr eebeduls is finally saoptrd there wfll be a flxtd rale bnavd ksm hf boor epaoeot ear- brmevyathexvarofovfw 00 itjlrthj w a pairiapa j 8 dbaoon b8q for twsntyesvso years inapsctor of public schools of the county tbe eauee of kducatlon and that uf good roads will all have my beet attention and i assure you gentlemen the burden of tbe work of the municipality naturally falla upon the shouldere or t hd reeve in concluding hie interesting ad dress reeve llynde apoke very kindly of his ool leagues and thanked his mover snd seconder for tbe honor con ferred upon him through them councillor mcdonald chairman of pi nance had kind worda for tbelteeve for bla valued help in carrying out tbe work of his committee finances of acton are in a very healthy oondltloa ae tbe statement just leaued ahowa receipts balance from 1011 1477 01 taxes irom 1011 1383 77 arrears of taxee 10 81 railway taxation 04 00 taxes for 1013 887 oe licensee 103 6c flees boo rents town hall etc imoo 1m 90 oametary rtoctrlc light streets and walks mlsosllsoeous 9079 88 1888x1 fiot85 17057 35 expenditure selartee and allowances 1400 13 printing puetage etc ml 80 interest 12 sb streets aod walks xmsoi charity 00011 pabliaschnol 4150 00 debentures and coupon 1037 43 aw 00 oonntvrate 1m31 88 townhii ho 70 sinking fund 000 00 electric light plant cemetery park 1000 00 balance 1085 71 v r m7c37ae be r plained the various aeooanta and showed by the list of rates levied that a comparitlvely small amount of the taxee raised oomn under the head of controllable expenditure be would do all he could if elected to do what he thought was for actons in tereata be had taken his stand 00 all iusetlone in the paat fearlesaly and oonaclsutlouidy biki ha would do ue same in the future oounclhor bell chairman of street g and walk e said hie com mil lee had expended some 900 on streets nod drain about onehsmof tbla was for good roads under county eupervlaion and the moat of lbs balanos was put underground for needed dralnv this work bsd given gnndaatlsfaotloni bs bsd not decided whsther be would be a candidate or not councillor cxwr ohalnnao town hall hm he btid nt had mtioli to do durlor thr ear mil tiincb had iteen expemled wbiwvar uchalruiait next year iiitth elmut uiureaealltig for the cmnclllor hiltliwaa obalrmanof the prlt it ehuutd jm looked after hlwdeparlnieot had no revenue bt mm ihadjraugiij jl me he relented oumto he j l vytripm mtld he had no pi- aoiial deklrn tttr luuiilclpnl tduce but for a iiittnlrof yeare reputalble cllf- aenaad iteen prewalng this duvyitpon blm if he decided tu enter the ooli tes he would dn all in bis power to advance the beat tnterattvat acton he had 1 wed here all his lire lied always beeii lot erected in actons prosperity anjf la luore loterastsd now than vver lie fore he spoke in high terms of reeve hyiidsand bis able banolf wg of the uydrobleelra inaitrr tnaldsretl the hydroagroat boon to anion fiit wo can mow offer power m all who may bealre lu uvlr he qloe- aby vwlnglauppy nw var 1 hnspo m maifm th0oaicll hsdeflorlrtl any settlrd during tbe quarterecu tury be has been in office mr deacon has had tbe aatlsfaellon of seeing vast improve ment in the schools under his ooutrol his su for new buildings and improvements have been almost in variably acted upon and the result baa always been to the advantage of the communltleaconoerued theatandsrd of education baa also been vaatly ad vanced under bla direction tbe high average for many year of aueccsafnl candidates at entrance examinations showed faithful training by teachers in his jurisdiction he is a paat pr dent of tbe inspectors section of tbe ontario educational asaoclatlon mi deacons appoint meat data from september ut 1886 inapsctor deacon baa alweye taken an active interest in tbe general wel fare of the county and milton hse particularly bensoted by bis genet uy and bis altsotlon to municipal 1 philanthropic work he was a member of the town council for eleven y and mayor for four years in 1804 be waa liberal candidate for the bouse of commons and waa defeated by 140 tbe smallest msjorlty a conservative candidate has bad in the past eighteen years he declined later nominations owing to preesureof eduostlooaldutlea for twentyflve years be has been local eecreleryojtb bible society and for eighteen years was either bible clsss teacher or superintendent of the klecbodtst sunday school for tbe past twenty years ha had beea a repre- eenlatlveof the hamilton conference at tbe general coofereooes of tbe methodist church at london toronto winnipeg montreal and victoria bj a mr deacon has travelled extensively in europe and america and with mrs deacon will oow enjoy a trip for a few months and probably later live in toronto where his son f h deacon and miss florence deacon roes rambler jf tboglobet reside board of kducatlon said that for tbe past twenty years the board bad from time to tliusibseu subjected to more or less criticism on the street but llltte if any at fhe annual meetings the proposed addition to tbe school wse neoeesnry and if not carried out the government gran ts would be withheld twenty years ago the council when asked to provide oaooo for a new ad- dltlun passed tbe bylaw without ml- nwlltlng to the ratepayers this year when asked for mkoqo for very imtou tteeded addition it bad iteen aubmlurd and through apathy waa defeated h a few votes he believed however the people aa a whole are in favor uf the proposed addli toil nomihatiomu eulkwilkiuf okohu arrow n rxikvk j u moore by acclama tion o01j flees fh aaxxxxxxos00000xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxcxxx 1913 1913 hartwell william darlier geo arnidd samjumnlko rmktk jmt bingham george jvrlggle worth dsuuty thos coxe ncclamatluu oourtolluihu w cleave jamre newton james brown alex jor w j l bampshlra d j l slan- dlh hilton mayok or mocnll aecl rnvabfeavlt aod oountilllomb gio allan j w otalr au hematteel il m clom ants john irving j v utttr jssprr martin llv k nixou k wilkinson- t weif ileta ofarrttfinrunia flclir viptbtt olburcb tlon rkv r j duimetj a paetor a happy new year to all 7 k bcijin tlt year 191 j with ijic determination to jjive if possible mnrrj camlull kelcctcd fytods and better values than in iqi2 we wish to tx press our thanks for the very generouh appreciation of our effort souring the past year which has been otic of the largest in the history of our business henderson co mill si acton oat ixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxjooooooocknxxxxxxxxxgl january clearance sale a store wide clmrwg oal of all wiaur ooodm owtmof tbunffed prk sale starts friday morning january 3rd his is tbe yearly clearance raovemeiit that thrifty folk all through this sec tion eagerly look forward to for the extraordinary money savings it affords on just the stylish seasonable merchandise most in demand at this parti cular time in accordance with onr fixed policy which demands that we begin each season with fresh new stocks it is absolutely imperative that every dollars worth of winter goods now on oor shelves be disposed of immediately we give mention to a few of tbe special offerings that will make it worth your while to attend this sale 18 off regular prices of all this seasons womens suits and womens and- childrens coats all trkaacd maxwry bait wee bir edcuea oa aefi sett awl overcoats seas furabasirrtdbced brefsnbuap at greatly kcdaced prices and several other big bargains which a visit to this store will reveal onto yon dont forget sale starts friday horning- january srd 1918 come the first day if possible seas clotmax d e macdonald bros cor wyadaaa awl imacdaael streets outlm oni dress goods wb wish you the i a a compliments of the j season i at brown i acton out vtujtoa or aaron bylaw no a bylaw to provide for bor rowing upon debentures eight thousand five hnnd- red dollars to pay for com pleting and equipping the jplant to distribote electric power in the village of acton umtoidarorvt eccntsdler the c leakn the aut0h01ule business s itamu mi dtohoaiu eaooi s5 edsaitla jrayfaajihtstes-bu-r- aadwttatvaalt b aesaatry la cevsvumd wfillhf aa4 arbarsaa tks esttabmad cam ef uw atli tomkumte- twtatyyaani to pa tea aau ladpal seaerv asalstateetss uxy ti dae aadwtmiwaatseaawmteftmaileslaratnm eiwraiiitasa tasrffarstlmwaaklealcaaajcuoftl olmtotaaossmkheit bacn eagain j lmorbsartfeslna arwaa aahrltutua mr at c c hpcitjrita sap lwam vrkti a hcmabb utputy bvtmtag os c oa teal aytwujhtysret jay ot daotinbtt t saes ef ar3eaakal attenrl laaaajaaiiai ettasd at aedt potlfax sftaeaaklvlllaca i at ten rasssl a esea csatjctrea jtef e day of ik a lslewed to la ua wyuw hnta ihs tad ataiaat kqalrcd vearty s icttre t detaatara la tweaty yea r tffrre per oaar payaaaeay taalauaacau aa fol- taum ptwrowat jirritsurstr ttrrai wot 00 m0b1 ksal 4b00 4uts wvi4nojia04iao i myomulwli a1 vkl founf a- viium tidferikll iuiii ul liiooal uwau kitki ruiuuiumok koh halk aflooij hkt of wwiluid buit- ll a am pt- auo iouh id twid lathtlr ctiai tat in found ahum otmoamf ohhtiu bin aw by t vvovloa propmir eajluetmuilaadnat-mt- aaaot and oklllog al iko iivtllm dairy kaiim for sale valuvr oou a ra bply to jauhkhtuwikto oiioiok tiiiijhn mk1 for ba16 tlla wlu will uttd-rlk- l mat dvail ing imiun will mil imh lmlmla lila on aaiay larrua r4 piaaai hhaaomohu a cc vim saiik aiktiu t ltt if i i rbubwliubtnkwu valnahlt pmperty in anton pur bale a rnuatieaxt a ltd in od awstr cuiarn willi jntmp in 3iltaramlliaaiduca ol ll malnlltf agio- la lrly urlunl hv 1 tlia bouaata bjf slatoomail tbara la uwhi ola woodahwd lnt atxl atamv pl4t4 ro uruia aud pariloulara aprl in wm iikuhtkikt mllloa ii i uoouk arlno jotf fowl fowl i fowl wkntbd alto mall all hlndi ol furnituhb wt srmb wcton wintaar tmral rroal jan bawt oaaadaa ulajfa 0a ilgfaly iseomw by ndaatea is atroae dammed write agent wanted for acton te asl for- ttia old waltabla ronthtlju mijuhkitlbu j ukaa tor paib dwuavy urdara now balna i 1bi rvoapmta tirlaht kpariaaoa undaosary aalf man lioe u aaji fin it tu and acnamaoiel traaa la toii taut mow and bav toai tanllori ad waklypay rrwaoniat whufc won deri an p moving lecture theatre acton under daw management this la to be ohnnfrarifrora a ic- a loc abow atattlnic with clirlalmiutlay knllro chanrfq of picturuh clulaimak night ilfahdaw picttirns kntlro dbaoaof plctnrua every itbur nl big- crowds foilr plctams every night and an illus trated song children tindor 1- atcouummlcd by psrunts ttc over 1 lc esquesinstownshipcouhcil to the elkctoks or kayutaiki i would most respectfully tender tuy ulcere thanks for the support given tutf as ooumoitljoa for tha year inia and would again oliulf your support for tbe year 191 unppy mow veur to all james newton mmebouse- esquesing electors your vote ard influence aro respectfully solicited tor local option it curtails the rjrjnk tivil and prevents crime grand trunk california florida and the i sunny south the orsnil trunk knllwny u the moat direct route from jll enltiut ooit through canada via hliago detroit or buffalo choice of autho best routs to- kthsr with fdll tnfonnstton aisy obuino4 rontady grand trunk agent if s hdumtts waseew uf i7x gsymons balr xx confectioner salsuakarspf vam acton pork pie im lection homsnibojehsad 17 our toe midfcrt frttlt cakss w ottt paff pastry is delicious asjrmanaatof cakss and pastry ft dafwthai cdoamtl a iw- i r v a it t 11 ill 1 alri ff itll 1 1 nfi iviittnrtrnw llaltiiti tt w ii i i iv ii rtirimnllplavrantliawawbamm

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