Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 1, 1913, p. 3

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weddfof mop weddfaif presents rae walcli hcptirinj sectodeiwd eye gtosses news of local impoit lomi option mwow ra j wilton ii a m-ih- of knox church nd be cbatle ii draper of the methodist ohurch will both preach uradn on the lire local novation of local option la otelr re spective churches next sunday imi- geo hynds- ontario real estate ajaetay tn lew at lowest rate laterca larg member rfaraaa tor sale tnaeaua wulng and maer rrrty i all nnrtaof the w w have wery sewdufty far u ymmr a willihbw vncctwa 4jc r jrrrc jjrtas wkdnk4day janijaltv i 1013 biief local items happy new ywr 1 practice uhm wilting it 101h vote for the hydroklectrlc by law mart your ballot rxh local option mlllon bible society collected uu7 utl year the blrlghlng baa been utilised freely during ibe holiday mr jesses prion klglu blreer baa sold bte fares 100l acres lot s on 0 eeojuelng u mr william cole iutptvwklacbruliuabmfrvmm wrv bald in bi alttana and hi josephs ohurctm on ghrielntaa morning fsuelpbclty gave the electric cur rant ueer a cbruuuaa box of a reduc tion in rata of about twenty par cent the km paann congratulate mr j nmtore of urn herald upon bu raeleotoa an heave- of george tiiwu arthur kvans or ktrewtevllle has purcbaaad tba 50 acres of land being turin thaetboorrcaaaiori of ffeqoar- lag from ilowa htull tne wardens dinner last friday evening s meatlboone uolel milton was a recbertibe function warden qrjftrn bed over krvgueax j afrh fi uoluaea agent of theo t r- ootnmanoaa tba nw yaar with an extra ownbar addad to tba alaff which la now larger than aver before on account of tba overcrowded condition of tba primary room in tba georgetown public bobool the age ileal for children atarting baa baao raised from live w lx tear on of tba moat attractive calan- datn that have reached tba fauck plana for 1818 ha baan raoetved from 8 oordlner palmar and daoorator tba subject la tba old wataroul mr tba ferryman brougham write in ranawlng paxa pages ub- erlptlon tba nut paras iaalwaya a wal visitor wo bopa tnoat alnoaraly that local option will ba aaataload by a large uajtirlty lam qowar tba young lad who had hi area aim off at tba woollao esllat m gleuwllllame a yaar ago and wbo apeak many week in tba guslpb oaamral hnanital baa bean awarded ss000 alansege againat tba ownara of tba aall by justice latch ford tbaobayanna of today la a bamatlfally lllutratrd brabura aaofc to tba pauot phjpw by mr angus ijajraon of obayranr wyo it la pabuabad by tba industrial club and abaamwbata aubmtantlland baaotl fajleltyobayanna rrally la all old- tiiaa idaaa of tba wild and woolly of tba mfnlna fnver daya ara i bytbla attraotlve pnbllca- in rrnawlng bu kavaa pmknu aub- aorlptlnn during tba waak dr uao k utmtrr of kranhfort iod wrltaa aolun laoartalnly ui ba ooograullat d upon lm antaiprua in aapurlng liydroulaoiria currant now for a good bimmttarx club to gat la nw maouaatorum to taka advanuga of it i wiui you all a marry cbriattnaa and marry luajorlty in your local option light on leiion day our town i imn dry for tix years and tbrra la no chance of u rar going wat again baalnaa la immtuiiug and travailing wan ay frankfurt la bna of tba baat bosl naaa towu lit he statr aamffaa ouutaaaalu oaaaaa oa tbtaairnngcohtrianywiiiappaartrj tba town hall on tliuraday avanlng otb january undar iba aupaloaa of aoton bona of sootland tba com pany locludaa mllurd urant stanffar tbagraaaebajatarlntavpratari maw oduuabalo sooulab raadar and woeallatt mlaa mckay puolst and aoonoipanlat nod howard huaaall tba canadian barltonr- to aaa any dm of tba abova art lata blllad alngly u a poaltlva guarantaa of an anjoyabla avanlng but to aaa tbam blllad to appaaron ta aama progranma aaama too good to ba trua sal10w sus u ara all aigna of tba ayataua being olog- gad jjvcc and bowala ara ioac- ura and tba stomaob wtrak from auid ffioda and foal aaaas hy fws tba raau fralt remady will rnaka you lllkll naw paraon i vwlanlpag jona t7tb ibz1 tnlttraa bosaa of yoor pig ilwatoaaaeb and llvar trooolaa i fjaf itrmn and wall and abla to da aayoafii work man a h saultkb aqmaalldaaara in 2s and oant boxaaor mailed by tba pig pill on 8atbouiapitt v cbarify ottwrwh multitude of sins ife bntflwy ari umially nuf own olus liv tba obap who poaaa aa a bood m low la apt tp gat tlia abort and of it ijr avaaloally m7v- tutb vlalmi wlxigs tba prlrllrga of pnjm iba frvlgbi v quaa tba kind nf nun aha btarrlaa it u n wtndar iba avaraae brlda blnabra auonffjckaloam 7 tba fullowing la thr stiiiidlng of 8 8 nl bqiwajag rtr iba fall utu yarwaa in nrdar nf marit 8av ivvlda raimtaw kdlth bhchwda owa wilfrad hardug jm ijuuaa ma mj oftl f5j1v plarrldg aon lrclaamarr mobw mlnola ookmaa moff aool wuon l nlawrdaijh m xftiwaiar rim ijwnaotnr jt ua kl r uauok jvihr 5ss nr six aaajmi aaaaofwagrbtfca aaa mar mlaaaa gartruda j johnatona daisy koutar hasal hrd and flora noa p mulllri of actouamlasaa khuda brldg- uian iisl n millar simj mr carl w adamt ofaeuxgsiowu bavanaallflnd for llmltad tblrdolaaa oartldoatas at provlneul modal bchoou tba waatbar on christ maa day could not baa baaa aaora pmpltioua tdaal and anjoyabla tbara naaa just bufflcuul aaow for good lalghlng tba tamparatura waa agraa- abla and bracing tba aunshjipawtghr jjj d honomllght at nigbt affalgant ilappy homa gathsrlnga rxhlllaraung ulgh ltd motor drira aplandid abating and amiui calling ntladllhiday and a waning with abundanea of jbrisl mas iya ouj row riut the council bal avldantly ooncludad tlmt ilta hydroklactrlc powar u now aatlafaotory and aura bayond perad- vanlurr tlta main shall and driving pullaja in iba old power house bava baan rtnoad and porta torn away it wa to provide mora atara room for hrdro- klaatrk auppllaa and llta old poarar ihmim la halng utilised a ear of eoal rrivari laat waak and waa dupnsad of to local usars the holiday visitors mr and urf harry noble olrt-roo- to mlaa kata kennedy is iiquw mm barrie mr and mra k u hwackbainar nf toronto ulaa jennie kuillh la home iron toronto miaakula mapbaraon was bontafrout toronto mlaa rjasrt agnew war hona from uatalllon mr oaora agmw was boms from watarloo mlaa maxal agnaw was boo from hamilton mr uao a gnaw la bonoa from watarloo miss annla ilarvay is boma from he chmrgn gordon of naaaagawaya oaana to town tuaaday got full klofcad np raitkat at tba moglbbon bona attack iba pmpvfetor waa arrcaiad by ih looked op u tba fpsol and apaot christmas wltfa aovar- nor archl meglbbon and atlll tbavaa mora to follow to iba abapa of a raoeptlon to ba bald by tba magla- traj to wbloh georga hu bnan invitad to ttnod aa eblaf guast bafbrmer mjumhiurhtwiv fliisjlillia a good many of tba rlgbthtfway etftfpa along tba una nf tba propoaad trolley una baa baan wattled tbara ara aoma bowarar that will go tolgrbltrauon including tba famta or m william kuaaau norl mr b p raid and mr buri 7th una tba aabjtratora wa ondaratand ara jatuaa bfundaayand mr uahtrt flamlna maoagorof tba toronto straat fbtil- way wobaraan idam that tba aru- trauwfuainaqtbat will do tba fair tmpa hacald ftig gajbatfaajaaacbiaatauiatiii ffbrwimaatre with loada of p for tba child ran of the amploy- aanof xaasta baardmora a cot and tba aotoo tanning co in tba tuwn ballon salorday avaalag waa an at- traetua yukhlda faaturr tba affair wm lh t ma managamant of mia w w baardmora for thaflraik named and mra baardmora manlfaat- adaaacatlve ability ot a high order in carrying out an aatlefaotorily no dub- cultao under taking tba uhrtsttnaa traa wa bally daoocatad and whan tba olnrd alactrlo ilgbta and tba magnaalnm lllabnlouons wara turnad on tba effect- waa striking indcad tba hall waa alao akllfujly dceoratad wltb bunting graaoary and chruuuaa balls a chrutmaa traat iwaa brat glsan to the 400 or 600 present in tba ay of dainty refresh laenta ipf nraam and oaka and abuodaoea of milk lor the little talk when it is known that 270 a waaler coals baaldaa toqaaa aoldlar suits hockey stloka akataa sleighs irumpelp toys doua- and rattlae wara dlstrf bated the joy of the wee folk will be walmodatatood mra baardmnra wa aaaulad bymr baard- morr mrs qror miss qraoa and mr th noa torttntis mr- 0 suilib a- id customs offlcar me donald mr jack woods otada a capita oimuts ai waa admir by ill 1 ohumohilx the dallyrurarmaq dalfvary fo graat oonstniirnrar ro vmadaiahb niimbar of midrnth of ibis section the iihual ohristniai ramlly gatber- iug which baa baan a feature at tba hitmo ormr obritopharswackbamar hmfeararaial lai tlona tbu jear tfarre sraraaftyhnlm sons aid idanghlan grandson and kranddauglitar with tbr wires and btiabaiida and graatgrandeblldrao pro rni kona aiinyd ipr gathering mora thantba aanrrabla faihar of tba family- whols oo abuat ninety yiare qfagv wahinq tub rarm wax tool icerer oncnr tu you tbala vary large number of farmers are trying to dvwbni no other buslne atan hhk nfdaliig that iain run thalr hualnaaa wlihimt a nuidhaaa papar tbubould w m dfeasoiif pmrmlng la uw largest and ianat important lodua fcrylnthlaonriutiyhiml arary fartnair whw wrfmvt ibatat pajr uautara rrgalldg bu buslnraa tba sun t u fa f iuoslisepapr it ooafllutla and will nrzia3ij yuila p lor ji omur the fanu pay all it can and mr mlaa lottie k8pelghl sultadfrlands in tiironui- mr and mra iioter hwack of uawbtoa mr and mra jacob hwaekhai hutlonlllr mr boy luurr of lurlln waa bare over sunday mr iark dills waa herj froni johnstown n y mr at llnwow in klrtr day or so laat wrek mr and mra il i un unwlo of tnroulo mlaa una kennay of ci borne for vo la tide mtse ada jajuptwll of toronto area with aoton frianda mr and mra aiuoa daughter of alton mr harry prank urn was borne frosn montraej this weak mra w uarw nf toronto suiled ibe 4d bnana laa weak mr and mr- obarue m mlaa klaoor of berlin ur and mrs o i brown log relative in parkdalr mr and mra j no ward and cbariia viallad mond- in ilriln mr a j macklnnon u visiting hie parental noma at caladon mr t i henderson nf kudlmiry was home for the holidays mr t aswackbamar haa returned front hie trip to kdmontnn ma joe jcaweady waa home from georgrlown for cbrlauoaa mr john b wataoo and mlaa lulu wed friends at monuoello mr narry buaeall and mlaa ituearll or preeuin sislted friend bore mr and mra obae t moore nf oundaa were bare over sunday mus margaret kennedy la spending a week or two at bar borne here mr alva strafford of st thotuas visited mends in the home town mr and ura netoon garden spent ohrlataiaa with ralauvea in berlin or p j b poratar of stratford waa the guest of mr a t brown mr and mra jacbeoa of fargo- were goeata or mr w ubtewart mr and mra wa tanabnroogb and aonaare visiting relative in mlltoev mr and mr cbaa d oaaable of buffalo were borne for the holiday mr aogue kennedy and daughter of bracabridgr vial ted acton reastlvaa city clark t jasaee moore of gueipb visited hie atotber on satur day mr and mm waluoa franknat of wrngbam are spending new year hero mr prank havlll or tba merchant bank watford waa home for christ mas mr john it and ml lntti hnora of toronto were boaae for a weekend elalt mr robert aklna of lowvlic visit ed at tba home of mr wm plank laat waak mr olarenoe iaing of bask waa tba guest of tba lalng mr bd ryder and cbddraa are epeodlng a raw week with frlaaaa lo barrla mr and mra j a smith aadbabr of creaodore wara g of aussp -0nlvar0ldsjiev- onto mra luv a blair of nmi- weya uy lllha result of aparaly- tloiroka with which the waa atrlch- ao nnaday hut weak j mta crvrtrod jfohnaton haa aooapt- adawaaaohint a tebe of aebonl sm jjmftwffl ib prrnrtnoa to a leading school in nafcoti offered bar a homoav stmirra on mooday evening an ant lwm optlim aoeatlng waa bald in uwo bal under the aueplaea of tba cos m litre of acton a packed bona greeted the apeakera local option la and antls luring out in equally good force mr a j maekli the chair the oral epeaker wis inlrodoovd aa the rev mr warduy wbo waa for 30 years a co wgregal lone 1 pasur aad four year army chaplain in india mr wardlay opened wltb a plea fu a fair view of tba laeue by both sldeeand asked for klndllnaaa f each to other he apoke at length of bloiaalr and his experience of year working for local option and bow that be had bea forced ftmr limee t walk the plank and retire from eertaln pattorata br ae uf bis strong stand for the measure he pleedrd foe faarl and rrajllnasa lo turn immi ohurcltae were charged aa being not a unit on ibe ujoeetloo the apeaksr attempted tu show i bat from noah till luul the bible and bible person age not only taught but prartued the the principle nf driikiag aad drunken- neaa the addrea waa eo unique aad tbw ua of scripture eo strange that the audience waa very perceptibly chilled and dlagueted with hie aaeri- irglou aitd masphamoo utlaraaoea mr warduy dleparagad the divine proltiutlou in kden and the iii effect of pruhlbllmmwi evetywbare tbnugb be stated tluti llosnt wa regoullon end cuttltinatil i e prohibition and wa prafarl4m lo local optims wblob be culuied wbk a turning uf the traffic looee unbridled etc much ws said of llta awtu uf drunken nee the chairman next i a trod need rev j c wiuoo aclnn wilh privilege ot reply mr wluem in turn introduced rev mr mulrnf grimsby who woum e in behalf of local opllom mr mulr et forth mnch tatlnotiy rafui various plaora e lo the surceesf nl witrklng of local option attd wltb evident lore disparaged the alliuipted effort of ibe previous speaker lie waa however ijatlled to half an hour while the other spaajkers occupied three ard a half boor mr ja ijvingatonr of grimsby was next introduced lo speak against local opl ion he waa not at any lea for word and hi adds oooapaad two and a half boar he appealed agalnat drunkenness and eepeclalfy wbtekey drinking everywhere ha characterised a man wbo got drank a a foot this etateosent received much applause from the back of iba hone ii assarted that law will not make a quit stealing nor a drunkard qnlt drinking while none would deny tbeeejhing perhaps yet one would scarce wlab to slacken oar law relative to dishonesty uieft or drinking bran mr livingstone dilated much re legielsllng sgslnst the drink befall ha denounced calling the aatla the whiskey party- though ba apparent ly recognised holrlmen brewer dhv tillers and drunkard a aatl local optlonlsta the keg gang hip poekatcrat bmtloggere wara often man uooedead denounced even cbaraclaruwd aa the infernal gauf which statements wara much cheered from back bencher tba sp spoke strongly againat license redoetlon and aald experience showed that the more licensed and the longer tlta boor of sale seven foil at hour day preferable in a municipality the le drunken tba people aat- urelly inferred that ha meaat what ba aald and wcrsdered if a ha a art ad local option made tba way entirely open for drinhwhy it did not eauafy him toronto and buffalo wara cited a evldano in proof of but contention mr warduy bad aald x of people had ibe drink instinct in i been aad it would be tbara till the and ol tuer mr uelmcstnaa eooald tba ida of any man baying ha could not give op drinking the man wbo aald an wa a liar much waa aald of grlawby in tba endeavor to belittle local option and mr livingstone urged that tbepaopl ware to blame for nmanforc of thr lleeoaa ivsw and he oondamnad than forth mum tbu wax fouowad by asaartlona nf nonenfitroamrnt in lnoa option place and plainly eundamned lb anils who any know of law breaking ard yst taka no action bvanmr llvlngatona told uf bow much law breaking he bad wit under local option but not one jrordeaineeato hi attempt to enforcer beuw value to the jooal option oatta and was highly aatlafaetory lo acton cllixena oomutiue mr p a chant bank visited as bla bom at detrolr mr and mrs blalhy of st marye are guest at the home of mr robert watson mi barahb caldwrm of grown him i visiting her brother mr b- p laldwil mr geo brandow of ua ml i loo wa the guaat last week pf mrs gfaae jobnatoo mr and mr b a pattervon or fenwlek are new year guests at the parsonage mr arab ucjtoiald of winnipeg wa the guaat of bni brother mr najjjtrba uussung ibroughout waa of modorutld 1t i vit mr aad mrs o b bbbage and ebll- dren of berlin ara gueeu at tit par- italboma mr and mr william coleman and lie lur of jeteapelerv- war bar for tba holidays mr- john mckscharn and mr msl- ooltu mcbabern or toronto were iter butt week meesr john keith jam mcpfaer- aim and duttoti mrrivrd yosterday trout winnipeg mr t haodarson m p nllaiard ww 3vrderadlawr at mlbvm uat prid ay avetilng mri krnel pearson was honte trom the weak this la hi 0rt vul in about tan year- mr and mra miles p hatale of to- rooto penv rlstntaa at ihm ban of mr j john brown mr harold nlckllu or the h p- s toronto baa been spending the holi day at hta father bonr ll mrl richmond principal of quvensvilla asbool wa a guaat at tba huttterof principal stewart mr pbarjtark left on saturday to take- pnelllott ln ivffloa uf lite raawa tor eawa c a- pfirafawumtus tbaaw ft takaa to wrttaaavaf rttswaoa btto katbas- 10 a aaji of a poaadaf pratata bad ajo tbaraa of net aaaargy aad that fov a cow walgnlag ijsoo po aa jfeo wf a pound of protaxa aad tjjo tbarma at net aaargy xbat m whaa one eov m tsrtca aa iirg aa vaomlr teat far bat atleemea ef sttk a st la wt as ssreaa tee esaw ear and 0a fcwasswaasi aad mm peaada ef batter m dam tea ether waase far to the feed it would take for each ir neither was gtrlag milk now if two cow ara equal ba pro- dueuon aad in every other paint ex cept aba it hi evldaat that the aaaxuar cow fai the mora proflfabl beeaoee u take more to keep tba larger one tta- sme tblx toe largar one la worth more for beef and tboa a largar lutetdnt or capital oa lb other baod whan tba larger epa prod milk or batter hi prooor- uoo to her abw aba at the mora proav able if jb0 pound row v twice aa nncb a a 700 pound cow tba mrger cow la worth mar than twtea aa btocfa u tba amxllar cow aa it takaa una aaaoog tbaae ara aga of asatwil- ty aad tba age at which tba cow asmy ba expected to kwo bar uaafahwaa ta tba daby u m belarrad that tbara at tba cow it m tba general opinion that wbaa a hsifar hi bred young aba doe act grow aohugu nor make to good a pre- ducar aa aba would tt not brad natll at xntnon u the beat guloa ta aacb iittin aad that whaa the heifer fat property d early bread- hf wtd not tojora bar ta any way- awaa if lab breeding doaa haprova a aw u hi doubtful tt tt ht ptusttabw aa a better raaaot ba sage froat the aga of two to taraa yaara far laat tbaa u tba taaasaaey atwaya baa baaa to hut r bat btrga eatuo at aa aarty ag bataoa of tba high arte tbay broaghft and to kaap tba anwdker oaaa tar tba dairy haoaaa tbay wara not worth o lceie one thai haa taoded to prodaea thi capable of producing to a gfsaiar ago both hlllll atana eaata aafta a mm wkbar batp to kaap t i taltaaalwa1lflll lf wlla dutraau appear to bava baaa aa- dowedwltb a moat uratlen whaa ba ia bo wroto hta another count of nba most agrvaabk dadl to thet worlden olio i ww tqwnl tt to you for my rather would delight ta lc tbara ara two large daaata eacb end of tbb tabefcth top contain boullll beat boiled pork aaa an and bjaeb ituddwg- toe other a a taodlcj or toretawa and frolta gen erally kronen bsana carava and whole paaa blp each paraoa to a norton of tba meet and than to the mdly uu th op to your plat togalhar aoddrownuiem i bare eaten thbi avaryuay it u truly dellgbtrut ard natural gpirtksla many birds ara provhlad with natural areciacl a trauaparea aaeaa- ttrmnb called tbokohw reid- tbl third rrolmwiwflitntlonw h fomed h n w ayx- tab gufttey furnary coanpahy wasttflrr work if apraadlag- ltavr theonrnea orfobllag r np agala atacb more ewtverly tnati atan caa pat oa br taka off hi ivwrtacwa bat for ira klilrd eyelid tba ew eaald ant jaok at the miu thearwotmlad bear ha- 1 longs qr chile lot latin nam lai urwwornatna ii in mc and atuaatt ua im pah rlnjw nt dgwti wbka- hare airftlx fbo aiifwaraaca of a p cab rasawara tba sataaj aaty be gradually increased to fan faad to tba aua avaro caaaa of aoaori tare ooacaa of enator oa dtay araa to chauf away tba trrttaat af a smbttar of aaa part aaaat aad two part eejbattoeto of oswaakh- may be atraa tare thaaa a- day awr two or tbraa nayaopanrry owthamn ma wa day iaad wbt tbrbt no do tba yeadabaum be oat dowa taat to bowatakant artlra by aaaaaat braa and if nac mlx- f oumhryw aaltht i wara this rule aaunwad aad eperre en- ttttbwaa of jdkktra inero waahl b far la froabi from roiie gata would b raw and rtntonaayfnoruing dav bna had paayed to aawtoar thaab- rteah and threaten to go on tba ataga it bar parent wooldat tot bar marry tba and what did bar parent do after toatthreatr tbay let bar go oa tha ataga gar tba dak a check far a front et and war not at an a whfaha altad back to btane tha aait uioovalxnd plain dealer wffcffivffi hooto of tba qbarltytbat begin at hnaar ian vfortb aesalnaafuaa aboqt i tn mvevotoa oaiiywonaa iwoyawonuuh ulk jo bltjcli immiaoniinimk mtaalwuatom mhfcpt no but i wulsu uut ua tmhlum cumxlmlml no i kn afr mutt w4 th ii tim iiiiniiiir a tamii rw 4juto ii ahu to llan t ivhto i peace to ita ashes 1 poaee to ita em ber of burntout thing fear anxie ties doubt all gone 1 x see tbent now ask thin bine smoke hanging la tb bright heaven of iba past yaar van ishing- away fain utter nothingness ftot many bopa dt calved not many lllualoa acai tared not aaany antlrlpa- tiortardieapprjiatbd but love fouurd tba heart ooenforted iheaoul enricbed with affect loa lootolow a wise man eojoy what be baa while a fool la aeehlna for mora lualhxs wrongt if taaryajerou are to deafer whaa ttronghwia a jliim the udacya uu ta titer tba lasperkiaa froaa tka blood tnausb caaaa at ouca a rnrumstleea sdatka gravel diabetes gall stoaea aad tba deadly bright a diseaa a ssost enective dluretsb which atreagthras and stimulate the wdaeys aa that they do their work thoroughly aad well try d moriti indlba root pills aaaanrj eianoa tmnddda our new years 1 randies s wa now harvw at largtar i axsd inar dtaplay truar j co to and www our tooh bstore arou rio j your natw tawura abopr i harold wiles s i taa actoh cava mm street g anaoooddd aanrjnauaaaaa to ghre a hrrduued at tte store is gmi wisely ft well my stock coataln a large axaarbneat of case la various arris and sattern the watch mevecna are of a make noted for tunekeeping and low cast of op keep com- pleto uoes ef both aens and woasenawatebes sea my special ladies and gents la 111 w h foster ocw thrtario royal purp stodca poultry w u1 m m tn 4m tt mumm mrfnt w6e metropolitan bank head office toronto out axooqiffoo no savings department accounts of one dollar and dp wards opened and interest allowed at highest current rates acton branch t a hals ted manager 3 wk wish all our customers 5 w m m a the compliments of the season r e nelson our earnest thanks are extended for the liberal patronage accorded to as oar profit in the holiday sales gives uu grateful satis faction and we have reason to hope that the advan tage of your purchases gives you the sarnc feeling will you accept our sincere good wishes for a mkrry christmas and a happy and prosperous new year geo de frinjjle guelpli bank of hamilton on attojooo just as a im oaafiil snarohaat make every effort to give hi cuatamer couttooua ea sltention so do the omoarsof the bank of hamilton endeavor to rendar to denosltora every aervlco con sistent with cooservatlva banking practice no deposit b too small to assure the do- posltor considerua treatment the saving accounts of those la moderate circumstance are welcomed with courtesy and with that absence ot undue formality which makes banking a convenience and a pleasure georgetown bualsch w m meat- maausajer capital separators i at steak aad beekur tans bar ta ssai all m ef i aa hsu sstsvs easts seal ssswa aslmi t esbwaad mw aa absbva taw st aw nlus aad nsat sstsvs easts saw aaswa sum la vwaav a svaaswr it wais tsaesaaaaaa hat m eve qui sea rtaaa xsisrsss seat if ran aave a seer atbwakta h war ssaaal ea sear tar a aa tua ens jmaaaaatsssrise- to aaasaww oa bhtabasaaua ww atsrssse ike ssuk taw tajraatoav b ja ssw see mm trill keep ss osexh owe tee usi hv ifemr tf thai m w ianiienta laaati aalstak fessjljwdl for sale at cost soiren new separators nevcv bccnut of sliop 500 lbs capacity s46m cash dairymen 11 quick as lliey are to be rushed ofl dnly rtiree bogries left as wo need theroom for win ter slock will clear at cost robes kneespreads horse blankets halters btc for fall and winter use machine oils of all kinds also floor oil give us a call and see our line of goods b f caldwell acton whenwe jct your wlrejess cu for help we wof com to the rescue wltb sottd old 1 11 1 printers ink good advastlttnc hai savb many btlne men hiom rinancial thipwreck flxmm teame i

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