Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 1, 1913, p. 4

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ftbe mtan jfree press wkdnksnajt januaiu j imji a nbw uur he aarua to my lmk with a quivering lip the lesson was done dear teacher f wnt a nw leaf lie 1 have spoiled this ant in place of the leaf so stained end blotted i gave blm n new out ii unspotted and into ma ae i eyes railed 1 do better now iuy clilw i want to the thronewlth a rjulverliig tle uld year was don iear father heat thou new leaf for uie r i hav spoiled ima on ii look the old leaf stained and blotted and nn ma new on- sll unipojted and into bj sad eyes smiled do blltr now tny ohlw forward when you 10h youh timitb wbtn you lose y ur temper yon have undergone a eornewkat oompll rated low mow baa imi secrlnoed than indicated in the simple phrase no on who reels his selfcontrol wrenched out or hi hand by tb pull of u can vary aoon faal the earne degree of self eon fideoea that ht fall before ila has leamed his owo weakness in anch a faabloa aa to make bin afraid of what anothar tempta tion may reveal in losing ycmr temper you loaa a portion of i ha respect of othrr people aoyona in a rage becomes an object obenslve or pathetic aa tlia case may ha if you could stand to dm atda and watch your own unshed face and baar your own unreasonable wot da you would not aomiw that your h lead traat you at euch times aa en unreason abla oh i id and youi oua manlae whan your tarn par gala awaf with you you loaa at tba mm urn a portion of tha eonfldenoe of your fallow man with tha loaa of your tamper a por tion of your aaffoontral goes along with it whan a bora baa run away once ha is mora llkaly to ran away a aaeond time after half a damn aueh jeabntmrcomee worthless ii la 1 will ba wise to put a ballet through hie baad any oaa of tamper makes another lapaa mora llkaly till tha impaired uodarmlnad eeireonlrol la llkaly to hi we way at any inomant thle doaa not exhanat the list by any mean many physiologists believe that flta of anger generate potaone which entail a eerloua loaa of baallh we do not need any outatde testimony to prove that it meana loaa of happt naae and opportunity in the loaa of the tamper wa loaa ao much that la of value that instead of looking on it as a trifle it should be eouatej among tha greai mlafortm wusmp otultdatsln do oesy as a rule german children f ii el are treat rhimren i taught the elementary lrti n f ml it onoa da lleehtdee klflda la t w cry with soma af the people i i nevertheless tiermany if one it 1 liv remaining elvllhtad countrlee wlier the aldaraatlu have rights anaftprlu eges 1 beard of an kagliahjwoaian the dtbar day who said that aba had never eaten tba wing of a chicken because whan aba wan young it was always given to the older people and now that be ww old it wa saved for the children if aha used in ue many aba would still have a chai or provldad aba kept away from a mi ail loud set who in all mau-r- f rditee lion end morality would ilk l luru tba world upside down in ruost flvrman home tha noiay spoilt american child would not ba endured for a inotnanl and lw utile tyraat of a pn oeh family would ba taught lis pleee to lla aomf tl and advantage of all annrarnnd i have dined with a lante family whra right yonnx onaa of vartnua ajtra sat ml an overflow table and did not disturb their edara by a sound it was not because thesldara were harsh young folks repressed hut uermany traabra lis youth to bsbava tha little girls still drt p you apratty oldfaahlooed courtesy when they greet you the little boya if you are etaylfuc at a house with them and shake hands with yo at tba moat unexpected times whan tbey arrive froea sabool for instance and before they go out for a walk tbey play tha sum game kngllsb children and need hardly say that ibey are brought up on tha seme falrle stories because many of our favorites come from li many dr i k illrahbarr in rletim inteillgeaoer castoria ihwynhnalnntaiu h tha of castoria two schoolmates met after many years bad pa d james had by various lawful but unfair methods grown vary rich joe was not rich but ha waa out of debt and ownad a neat little farm helta jama p cried joe i i you are rich and happy oongratula- uoobi tea i m rich enough answered james i could buy and sell this old town if i chose but i can taay that in especially happy heaps of happt- nass and heaps of gold don t seem to go together how are things with- yout just aoao aald joe i m not xabtly poor tba old town oould buy and sail ma without bait trying bat then isn t money enough in the country to bay one year of bappli i gat out of iwing cuvthat little farm of mine bsobange ohildren cry for fletchers o a aurwv lirnti buiplv two saloon kaapars came into i train wbere oypay smith the evang elist waa sitting walling for tha train to start tba two saloon man monop olised all tha conversation gypsy smith waa hidden behind his news paper but ha hoard them by and by om of tha men amid hr smith wa know yon and wo want to say to you that unlsea you evangel lata and mli latere stop your knocking at thallqnor business wo liquor man will have to go to tha poor houae all right aaldgvpay smith when you go in all the rest of tba inmate can come out should havsl ooortrp it a teacher in an rest side public school in new york was hearing tba class in arithmetic i entarad a de partment store f be said pl i gl for gtov 1j for a belt and sit for balrpius 1 k thenlerk 5itli now bow uiuou chsng did i rauelwr t can you tall uia ueyr log to a little russian jaw ikuy looked at her in astoulsbuient vy teacher bu uxolaliued kur vy you dldnt couut yer change f there never waa sod nam will lw universal panaoaa in one rauivdy fur alllllato which flesh la heir what would relieve ooe 111 in turn would aggravato the otbara we have bow ovar in quinine wine whan obtained in a anilnd iiwajmlatad klatn ramadv for many and grievous lib ry ita gradual and jufnelous use the frailest ayatemw are lad into oonvslea- oenoa and atrongh by tha infloenor whlob qulnlna axarta on nature own rastocatlvea it rsliavea those to whom a chronic state of morbid deapooderjoy and lack of iritarasl li life hi a disease and by trarujuillalnu tba mtvm djcff 1 sis va rahm imparts rigor to ba aouon of tba blood which bring mnttlaled 6w through tha valna etmngthenlng tba healthy animal lnraatlonav of the yaieat thereby baaklog activity a necessary result atraogtbanlng the frama and gtrlag iflv to tba dlgaetjve organ whtoe mtluraldewmnwln j ubauhor rtawalt mapruvsa apprilia north rodgflmau ot toroabi bavn glvac to tha puhllo tbdr nperior qulttlno h mulu all ampjuta wu il volmwid him a ne commuter oe his dajtk aadjooaly way konw from the rail road station heard footsteps behind him ila had an uncomfortable feel ing that ha was belnk followed- ii increased his speed the footsteps quickened accordingly tba oomtnut or darted down a lane in desperation ha vaulted a fence and ruablng into a ahurcb yard threw himself panting on one of the graves if ba follows roe hare bo thought fearfully there csn br no doubt or bis intentions tha man behind was following lie could hear him scrambling over tha fence visions nf highwaymen maniacs garroters and the ilka flashed through his brain qiverlng with fear the nervous one arose and faced the pursuer i what do yon want 1 ha demand ad whwhy an you following over flay said the stranger mopping bla brow mo you always go home like this or srr you giving yourself a special treat tonlglitr i an going up to the brown and the man at tha station told nc to follow ynu aa you uvad next door kxouae in for ask ing you but is there much more lo do before wo gat there y just because you can t aaa your own childrens faults b nn sign that you md tha serv of an oculist r a standard medicine farmeleei vegjetebwpluv compounded of entirely vegetable etthalaacee known to havi revivifying and salutary effect upon the digestive organs have through years of use attained ao emlnvnt posit loo that they rank as a standard medicine tha ailing should reutacn bar lhla simple in their oonposltlon tbay can be ass by the weakes atomaoh and are certain to have a healthful and agreeable effect nn the sluggish digestive organs letters a man doeen t write never read in court- folks who expect to take their money with them whan tbey leave thli earth muat bae money to burn cor are caused by the pressure- of tight boots but nooaeneed be troubled with them long when ao simple a ram- edy aa hollowaye corn our la aeail able tba kind tea havo always hnssj and wlrjbab baa bean la use fbr over so yanra baa baras tba slgaajfora of jrtf vm b boon made under btsmr- y yjayw aoautl spervistobt alaoa ita infancy s- anornometodemveyoaiatblav all oaetatarfeua iaskaunns and jrnatajgood are bos kxerinenta tbat trilla arlui and endnmic r um baaltb of infa and child b a kxpettsaea what is castoria oaatoria la a baraaleaa snbatltate gar oaatar oh pare gorle iropa evnd 8uoablag syraga it la pleasaat ill eocitnlna tteltber oplnnt morpblae smmt asber hareatjo anbatanoe its age la ita guhaalea it dostrwys warsaa and aunya fere it euros ftburbooe m wbad colic it reliavea teething trottldasjprhsinnnswismtloai aad flatvlency it aaalmjlntea use food regohues tba stooineb aad bowels giving beoiurjr and aalaral steam the childrenb raiaiwai sn motbora frtoad okhuine castoria bran thnblgntnr f always the kind ton have always bought in use for ovr 30 years ring out the old king in the naw hlog out tba raise 8ng lo the true hlng out the dark hing in tba light sing out tha wrong sing in tba right stag out regret t sing in good cheer i welcome with i v the glad naw tear amu lt let mtsie v tali iei many a man who baa more money than brains b on the ragged edge of bankruptcy an mlrn girl h lost hvrpowe vpvecb hncauf bring jilted by bar sweetheart ila ii piobably want lo marry bee now one nf the onmnionrat complaints of infant tw mi alwl the tnost affective m n fi rlheui is uothef gravi vitrui kktwruilnator jruwr ror vum nohlrael ejutuuted bunkertttn tttara wunt any of that nooeeoae in my family my fatharievcrlhrasbd in ii hi- llfr- tm hd i i t ighnl hlckrn limtpar anoiker wreck due to a nils placed kwttob 1 i in tha great evoim vslbiy appi oitun try of nrw uf xioi the blast arrival la alwyeehed- what wurae than blilng into ab apple and and ing a worm i he la stumped tbey tall hlmi finding half a worm bunk the wboew wv hnw many orders did you get yeteideyr oink ibesehmman i got two or- dara in tha khnp jwukowhatarsaaasr oink oiie was to get oqt and ihe other waa lo stay- oat hubby i have a present for you and it a for ynu neck vlfeyoh lltuiml ba a pearl bubfaynope ilambarof soap a may olru what do the papers mean whan tbey talk about the seat of warf- relljuowgptwapixquaie the alotwarjs tor the strblngartnv to alt oa whan it gets tired iw of the vtius gyslem arc very common all the organs of tbr body may be sound while the ncrvoui system ie all ubeat oa account of tbr troufalm sad worry wkkh fall to the lot of one who has to look after the trouhkt inoidrot to biuaisiiisiin and when ibr nerves become usetrung the heart b aba efreoted in muburne heart end nerve puis b con ilatd a treat that w 1 cure all forma of nervous dleorder as well aa act on the heart itself and for this reason we would highly recommend them to all run down women mrs wm hmufa tern nova ont amuw wuh to tall you that i hav used muburns heart and nerve fu- i waa so nervous i eouh hanfly let ny one talk lo me up 1 a najghbonr told ma to try your uilbums heart and nerve imb- i got three bona and did not lave to get any more aa tbey ensnpletoly cut my nerrctsl system hlilburn heart and nerve pub are for sale at all dealers or mail rd duvet thai uubmm cb- uauted toronto borrowed money often causes a total loss of memory children ory for fletchers o astor after 10 ym of aatbma dr j kelloggst attthua rhufsy prird the only rllrf ft r one grateful ur and thla la but one cure amotg auuiy little wonder that it baa now beeosne the one recognised lemedy on the market it h earned ila fame by ita nevertailing iffnotlveiww it b earn ing it today as it baa dona for years it b the greatest asthma epaeifio with in the reaob of suffering humanity von ths- aait or xptajamoa don t do a wrong thing for the sake of the experlenoaj many a young man enters doubtful resorts read stvtle book and attend vicious entertain- tuenla not breaufe bis tastes am low but because he wante to see what it b ilka and the downfall of many a life dates from the gratlflcalloa of just suab morbid curiosity thank god thatnu do not know what certain rhlrjge are ukr for thara are o where gnormottlii not only blbe bat safety and soundness fell a ay tc a shadow n h rare tiwh a im coisimptroi mrs wm marun lower bhtp llarbor bsst n j wribn i am sending you a tes of toy cure by br woode nprway pine qyrup leal may x took ftjjcnmrajtsmtkdoniayuuig i got ao bad i could no rest at night i had twos ass ore to treat me but got no robef m sf my people thought i had consumption i had fallen away to a shadow i had given up all hopes ol ever getting better again until my daugh- ler went to a store one day and bough ma a bottle of dr woods norway pine syrup after taking half of it i tah bettor pojl ol go ipom end thanks to them i am wed todey and able to do my bouse work i cannot say too much in its praise sad i shall ehvays keep tt ft tbehoose i dr woods norway pinevrup con tains all the lung healing virtues ol the famous norway puw jres wchmakasli caklsaod all throat sndxuag troubbs- ssothmi you gavdr wooda when yo wis 1v ayiu- tloas oa the sbsrkel u vfl0oijslamaki 1 see last thsipuovtba t mubma calitedoau-r-wr-pw- tha troubba that trouble the enoa are tha troubba that never arrive tba young lady who will acknow ifdga that bar own sweetheart has any faults isnt far enough in love yet to make an ideal wife an otl of merit dr thomas jneaire oil lsnnt n junbla of mcdlo- inal substanoee thrown together and puhed by advaruslng but the result f tba oaraful investigation of the cur- alive qualities of certain olb aa applied to the human body it b a rare d moatlon and it won and krpt pubuo ra w trom the bret a trial of it wlu enrry onnvbtlon to any who doubt ita l wit to rrpajr and heal a man b never ao empty as when nil tfee indications of the worms are tat1iimn grinding of tha teeth picking of tba ooae extreme peevbb- nw often convulsions tfnder these ts ixlitlons the beat remedy that can w ti b uilbrs worm powder ti will allsck the wormaaeeooi ubtvdsnd will grind lham mi- thai p4sw away in tha avaouf i tn the lltlb sufferer will be ini mliaiely eawd awd a return of the t ck win not be likely b h hu m phlbdalpbta man utpn th- relative marlts of its y- ye hld th 1 1 1- mm nit y tir l twl ihiu tba boatonbn vl ttue but when wa are 1 a- philadelphia wa will be just well laid out suffered wkh a lame back cobld i0t rnmmhtem ir many people fail lo understand the aimmcanobofnbme weak sore or aching back when the geek aches or baconwa wee it b a warning that the iddneys are affected in someway heed the warning ours the back and drspose of any chsnota of serious kidney trouble fouowing mr c grace uamuton ont- writes 1 was pafferhig with a lan back and for two weeks was not able to straighten up to walk and hardly abb to alt down or the pains in my back una and legs i had used different uauatfpid pbe- ters hnhsents aad medicines without any rettef oaedgr ln- about doaai kklney pob sndoeoaled to try them uetore i had half a box used i leh a great deal better and by tba time i had need twoboaniwsseuied i have no hesita tion m noaauntadmg deans kldeey raw ued direct on muburnon dosnat ohildrea ory for futcret c small but potent parmelean vage table pilb are small but tbey am eflao- llve in action their fine qualities aa a eorreetor of atomaeh troubba are known to thousands and tbay are in oonatant demand every where by those who know what a satr andilmnlarem edy tbey are they need no introdno uon to those aoqualn tad with ibeno but to those who taay hot know tbem they are pr as the best prepar ation on tba market for disorders of the stomach adv1qs to voumo 01rl0 lib to be taken for granted that moat girls are anxious to be charming troe charm of manner often oomea frotn a happy temparanienf a pleasant diitpositjoo fbera i uo doubt that eharni may be cultivated by true politeness a alnosrs wish to pbass an unvrllllngnaas tp hurt another 0m- tmkm laenngs by word or sot the eoluvatlon of good manners nweeteoe and strengthens the chareo- ter utakee one thoughtful and oonald erale of nthers unselbah indologlltue klndneaeesi firm in the determinatlou to live up to high standards of eon duot it bin the power of every girl to form her manners ao hat aha may ba a iwblaewoman with an inflneoowtba b farreeehtng kd by hrrstnovfo po- llteneee true klndnesase and fine blaab of jlfa make the worm a pleasant plsoe for uioaa whom be raeela on bar way through it u your street suit buab weavee far cvarvday wear rhe best ihslerlals to cbouse f the beat suits are rough diagonal suit lags two toned dbgoual fabrics and la the hlgtier priced modeb fancy bed ford cloth and- boocb cloth broad cimb like the smooth flabuad aarf sppaara to have remained in lbs back- arevnd wbere it has been eectnded for three or four years tbb b another fashion adopted from tba man uttt of using raugb riotb for women gars op smooth braadctotu bbortty after tbs isilors gsra it up fur mans draws antra there are broadcloth gowns on the- market but tbay are made in aorb con servative at ties they plainly ahow they are intended for women who ev aet bbanaadaannaaaaaaonarjrjaaarjodanrjaanrjnaaa introductory offer oaraovtsnamw rare for the estren broadcloth consh a beet gown ltobeaibrre seems to be tba dream ing ganlua uf all tba ready to wear atuta tbb autumn there are tba bkxa atlfteoatl collar cut out in the front the broad ahapely ravers the bogs poc put oa slightly above ibe ugh waist one and finally the ihue sort vest these wabtconts by the way an- peared bat year in some of the ready to wear suits but they were in ten vividly contrasting colore for a annas who baa to consider wearing her east salt mora than one s this year tha vests are appearing again bat hi tba same color as the suit or m a snore subdued contrasting color usually m silk or satin tha salt in the cat is a roodltb trotting costume with au the new style features of the saason for the invalid lltua te tha bhutan really sanitary and immanaarj e tracute looking b a eiekroom sat f napery made or stiff paper la meee tern and comprising dol for meat bread and cake pbtes aa well as aa entire covering for tbs trey rathe less axpanalre are the paper dollies of bqosre haps hemstitched or crochet edged in effectand stamped to torn- tate tba newest embroidery dtnlge sod for able occasions when the te valld entertains in her chamber there ere dodlea of stiver and gold bee paper which are very stunning in any of these paper seta of napery are pref ereble to tba ones in ttnen aa they make poaalue the use of absolutely fresh snd spotless service each time the invalid tray b carried upatalra if the tnvslld b sometlmaa abb la alt up for an hour or two at lime be or she should be provided with one of the new book rests which maybe ad justed to the position or tba reader h mesas of the clamp which fa tens the contrivance to the arm ef the chair kron more convenbnt lu case the tsva ud b aomeumea strong enoiutb to write s letter b ibe revived model of the windsor chair having right arm wide enough lo serve as a desk ibst will bold a pad of paper sn rak bottb sod postage stamp box the grand trlnk railway utllblna odd pbeeo af chmren bits of chiffon of vmrioos rotors and than as no one of wblcb b brge enough for nay use umy be saved and colbctod qdtll there b sutthient tu make a waist srter tbey hare sll been dyed dark bins or bbrk or ir u koo1 tiwuy pbcea are of wblto tbsa uuiy ba dyed neah color wtucb b so uiuch used on all transpar ent gowns hatlna may abw be treated in the same way thereby utublaj many old gowns lo form one or two new bbclc ynea new recipe beak for tlw liuuwkrefter i here b g cjotb bound blank book itli ludeied adgsa iibuaed for rectnea it b priced at t tttmb bimi just at this seaaon whsu oua b newly ownlng up ones home and gathering all odds stal ends la gather it will iirtdoutrfedlrprovct of much use tor old rritre may r rnpkfll into it niul clplin mstrl in m pny nrma snd ends of paper au tihsuis sf ktfle stjto hlell tmat rata dyspepsia it u ol u iminnwlloilb ol ehrlllmd lit ud 4niiic ewuwt nan rater ft mwsntboui dmnw liigfttflccbtalorimfthyv7w tatet w d w ft iniunu baidocft blood butci ktalftta tba tmftnih minraftrie mct llobol u ohrft ud bmuic jiilo i mum dl m ud uu miu 1 bftm uad dmd elooi blum uh nj ft r irtam i lk iin ftt i tiled oft umlfe ftirtft jumd i boual im ftwft ftftd ibouat lftml for the remainder of this month we will pay your railroad fare to cuelph and retui n if you buy your clectrlo flxturee from our show rooms crand display i large stock batter than the toronto prices i come and aeo t36e guelph electric works geo e b griaycrv co prop ts w mftrkftl sw omtlpk oi bbmftniidqiibdpnpnnnniinoabnpnoadnanddgqoiiiinimwi the merchants bank op canada bvwy pvcfoo who receives and pays oe uonay aboold i a cheqabg aecoaat iaymsat by cheque b the wm practical veabai aad wjaat msthad of ban wbathar ol a baabass or parsoaal c the return of ce cbsqaaa are vouchers for every earn paid ont they show what db hnmmmli have bean sssda and to wbom deposlla are received by ihb bank ssbbct to cheque withdrawal we pay the same si tent loo lo small depositors as we do to brge oaea and encourage i betra latere allowed oa all savings i yearly 7 otml assets 8l8gew fn a acion branch maclean manager avarm and strong b you want a pair of glovea or mitta m htvaraehatlc can or buclslun sheep or mulealun be certain ba gpedly storeya in no other way will you get equal value to prove it siip on a storey mitt aay the wool knit wrist and lined kind shown below warranted fkfonne horsehide waterproof and fireproof just the thing for warmth and comfort sold at all stores every mitt u tagged storeys insist on storeys w h storey son limited acton onteurio tba lolloelbs is lb u ualsa kl aue ua r te rr i ga j- ko i tm ts6 excelsior bakery 1 first quality brialf cakmb wiuuinu caki8 christmas cakes etc btc ovbt8r8 and risfh oall todat t statham son bakers and oroccrs main st acton tbteftlsteal isaaa an hahtwhts aftoflecthattilrt wm hemstreet acbnt acton wawijufttslvbl 7ta0nto canaq w do ijsh mte xwtaatas conscientlous plumbing y heating is not k 3tyxl4 3axitih us to the contrary we make it the most important factor so if you favor us with your patronage you will enthusiastically endorse us fred smith plumber quebec st gfjelph phone 337 applies to acton too t the moral of it the advertising col urns of the review are an index to the most progressive busi ness houses in van leek hill people whp know recognize that to reach a very large class of the best purchasing public it is necessary q q thercview columns a very natural deduction is that the merchant who does not use trje review as an advertising medium does not care for the trade of those who can be reach ed only by the review therefore the moral patronize the merchants who think your trade is worth while telling you about hbir offerings vattuth vij ktmem i t your chopping will be done quickly and well on either platen or stones if taken to the rockwood chopping mills hour oatmeal bran shorts the best at lowest prices harris co limited overland 1913 models now oa view better than ever 30 h p 5 passenger 13m 45 h p 5 passenger ttlss all fully equipped and uaraned deliv ered in toronto also the gramm and garford motor trucks shawvovorlttncc solos co aaitoovadftuftdftsuwart toronto ont patents patronize merchants who invite vou latents ililjivtv- ml unrvsraity i cj

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