Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 8, 1913, p. 1

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volume xxxviii ho 2h sry hiwctlntuta raid in adi a ton ontahio tuubsday mottnjng januahy 0 19ia im- hj r 8lnglb oop1 is thbkb cen1h kb 2vxton jfree ss pmhuw nairtiwqpa dollar a l jiuoa sijo m sat- all aabmrlpuw arlpuoua da mm foe wlua uuy baa bw paid baasntrad t daa in bw am aalian- jiiiunillwiiub4 aimitmllii bursa tnul wfc m esaw par naopara1 i lw d b mu w it lay mt uiillinn oontrel display baaw tor m o lua bki pa fa hgu inaartloa ttl atnrtlmohtl fll ba ahuaad with u dwlnd vor b all bs paid to a ragsur rm all sooas asuaaiaa nmauir a i uooaa editor and rrofutor riii ios gray m d c m ucgill ukop imubhn lur p 80000 lubtltiuludioil almcittini itu auouglah lam m d physician sod surgeon qmiiut orcftmc or r im m ontario imklctau vmtoml- thy qn etthreetsad mla floldaa heaara aad dttapffl im dlmm ofnr in aa vm mjm i anas threat sad uim tendon kaata afcmt um bolal aunlnar lor tba uatad bmw mh o passions wubliftwi d hmmiimi llotltmm- qaaaadiutaaoadr uslaias latai mfllsccwt aston lmm hod sad bapt u nmmnii wmm w ohmi b rbooa north rofjb j uunkinnon tuaawra teuotiw oamniua ovno mu1 lunat in b4ol bloes leuru dwuloa uonit ooaatv i bat- d osa at 1irlf corner uiu ud yrsdaruk umu ibbhs quwun o tosoxro usivsaarri ths lassat aaaaauiatia ssad ii daslrad d buiawoib womaw booxbuidu qsalpb oatarln onrwiiiiwillart tnwtl booki of all klnfl vasaiala slavery deserts ua rep a mi rsmitd- m abftuob iiohbjahb b p hook iatt ea- ma l jgscer sik rmtrnt om aotoh nrii hbmsthht tuwns aponoms bw ft qniml ol wsulacteu sad us mmult t tb wmmm fun in abwl iu5pwwlii aaton will b ptonpu -i- ut1 itemombl also mm to lon an lb moat utmiu fl ttbalowaai ntm of iruiwi li mm c moo kid ip wmda llallcw tal and upon you arc particularly invited to tc ilic collection of wjiclitj c locks all knxl vlhry diamonds ur wurc kbonj brushes mtr- rori and brushes gold silver mount ed umbrellas sterling silver good savage co jiwiujuw gudpta onl thank you 0trrj tub ultimate victim brows u1rseries are fanwub for iboirfltiarcacrl apple riam and cherry irmo tbey hava the best nursery soil in canada ami re ho largvt bjtttwtirbof liecm in the domln too all acioua anil badstjcva ar cut by one roan od he haa iwed io umit employ many years so no mlatalcea are made by uiinij the wrong aclona or buda send for catalogue or write for agency as they have aomo unoccupied territory in your county bwwnbtbs co browa hurmm me ltamd oooktv ont green grocer avdr truit merchant k k ccxdk is receiving daily rraah vapiablea and fruit and sella ibem si reaaooabu pncea foreign pruits a specialty treh ush f uesdays a ikidays taout and tlxsaimt tav oua vimmam hauoik cooua tkliaau af iix btaasr acion agent wanted for aoton to hall tor the oh aliaou romtbill ubhbsixa bag taken lor vprtag ovllnry aubtfaua mwlih fa laetteet ear la iae eteatry ad vmklypay ewiin wtoror xmwum headquarters for o a c school svippuea nature study botanical etomoooical drawino paiktlno 41 wyndham street phok3so tilt- 1 opi li tv riiowii that they apprcct iti ourtftbrtb to mk our inn not only hn it st hut lti in stock iil4 in service liiy m linht ncs hig in i vi rythmic thtt li count tit willi sutdsful buuik ss wc i hank vou i the bond hard a re co umlted heuul phone 07 quklpu wb a kb sl 7 7 led a qa in in our now hull u ami imv if uio lai and llwit u4uuimil khlub- llabmoriu i f iim kind in the nomiuion a d savage phone 627 tiuelph might a t tub post opflctt mhmiqhm s what will this e year bring you s b why not a p1an07 m mai 5 n b ccmlnly luro u milling n q you iyul i t uy that wi ul 1 give tl yon an tu ilii unjoyutuitt 1 a 1 iano n ii n toticti re g n flnoment to uuy humuuml there g la no tutu why y ur homo i g m1iou11 le without oiio when p p you can buy audi really good g n inslruinenta on mich oaay torma n na vo are willing in niuko p 0e6 bell u the hiano or to day anil to a g morrow mot only in the toua j rkh anil full touch miialtivo n q caim beauuful but it hail many q g indmdusl features which mark 6 tw bh canada leadluu a n inno n c w kelly g s 133 uppar wyndhm sl 8 gueufh ont the flour feed store we beg to thank our many friend and cus tomers for their pa tience and patronage during the removal and alteiations in the fcid store aud to invite all to visit the new site and inspect the im provements wo solicit your con tinued patronage and promise as prompt ser vice as possible e noble mehgmant mi luc r n f mooro mnatfr rcton licatmko autniokaaa var lh ooenuei of waluaatou hi astaaa ua nmmaoaa in connaolloa mllh tha 5s5i aumllon to aalaa la aw and vlalalty u to teu ea hamr faiftts mcdonald j ucbmsap aucriomaxa wit ihe doaana ol wallhutoa halloa oaelbh eoadoaua ou reaaonablf tanao aad ul applr uoa va udaehma t qumlru oat valepaaae ut loalpb iqai wr ba amnaad atvaa paaaa oflt thij old and reliable granite and marble dealers i liriin kaakaelbetaaaadjeaiubrtarf wankhelsiimababtaladflswmoai mk w siirea to ear aatoaaen avwbow p t aad beat bums of oruilia la tea wa anttasfdmau aeakra mm- imiimui aad do t auaeyociiaaliiua- uwnll oi tiffuu goauait mm ranolor maenanlajiblr am olf paper makers book news and oolohkd lapkiul haunult 1a1mb coatiko mtlib booimwnotfrtitr bducation for sucobss i la a iraat oaaadtan dulek aeiiairioa fear lavaanpalaal ilaamrayhiw jaaa ikta- ah ba watael aad aaawaw3t mftmmja t uu- fm f ijuelps wjsiness colleoe r j mnal ibaa now oowa m4t u wb i- hamton sowjjewsmitit 0 pa4adrgkbavpfia livery bus lin9 the undersigned retpectlully bollelts lh patronage of the pub lic and informs l hum that well labia a comfortable bus meats all trains betwean loooim and 6 ig p m carsfol attaniion given to averyordor the wants of com mercul travellers full mat john inzillikttnis ropribtoh 111 11 h grocer mummj in hla little atora luul waaliad his wladueraandaerepl a hla n r 1 he oaid 1 wonder who ii ti aka a o iti i 1 r thing i li idoiiv n i my i ll w wtlt l d 1 l- wrui g at d li iglt ury 1 no far light odda i i fc nit fight ilhe ily liri iii aixl w 1 n thing- ah ota io ing i la will hlato grw on a in nil ilnwuf ill viuwr cl a hnkriir lh crtp willi 1 iteoae ala and tliu prlou went up tha morn ing 1 wan ati 1 1 pej and aold and waa hliiieil again llil my lltthal re le a rubber a tlen 1 oi hi thf way ftilka talk each diorn ing 1 iikm fn laid rgga do you under ataml wvni im light and bargained from band to hand and the prine went up a the egga i am blamed tue ibat this morn log ihla flour thla auger thla bag or slt they oanie by routea which made priaea vault hot the vnllcl u that i am at fault tor tha ooat of thing tlila morn log tin- pnoplu rage and the pi pare 1 he rl i grot ami the owl ah u ami tha wife a face bit when he rdrra things rarli morn ing ir hiuiit mllr ad and inldillimali i oh makea i be prudool pay all it and tha olka put pan for the n at of ingl- tue in the roan ting things this morn 9eud tamilq juamng shortly attar harold wlnlr t ot tarn waa graduated front high hohool he round employ went in lite law shop nt olarke tt utewart mr olarke engagrd ilaruld the latter preaonted hlinoelf on a certain monday morning in august atatlng that ivnleaeor david of the waahlnglon llfeh hohool had aeot iwer to the flrraa requeatfor a boy harold a flrat work oonatatad in learning to fllu letujra addressing on elopes plainly end accurately and lr learning long and dlflloult lists of law publications tie waa given a desk tn io front of lhe shop whloh fronted on no of the oily a busiest streets and hloh vxtonded back to tha alley there were several other dtaks nod ft great many worker back of harold who congratulated himself upon being in front where lie need not work by artificial light and where he oould hear and see all that waa going on not that he meant in the least to be idly cnrlnut hut he was ardently da irons of learning as rapidly as ha could all there was to be learned even as be waa to pub the beet into hla work the drat three motitba paaeed quick ly and pleasantly harokj liked hla work and waa looking forward to ft promotion one of the clerks bad vague ly hinted was in htora lor him when mr clarke with no word of ex plana thin informed harold that hereafter lila work would bo in thr rear of the shop unpacking and packing books learning tn mark freight plalnly dust ing stock end various other dull re quiring manual labor ilarold did not tavor thv ohange he favored it lees next morning whan he discovered that gerald woloott a nephew of ur otarko a and he bad simply exchanged plaov wolootta the prveldonte nephew and he has a pull ill not stay here another week harold said to him naif hli httart swelling with indlgna lion as he walked tu the luck o the shop jerry lowerv or j p as he was o unmonly called who had worked for tliu llrui for thirty live years in the baok of i ho hlinp was unpacking a box wliun harold arrlvrd mid bo stopped ojmiratlona long enough to observe i m can print most aa good as you can ilia tetters ourdln to wilkin he waa hack here sst night and he tikes urn job you put on that box out tn iowa wilkltti i tutgbty rueu lar bout the way his ordure era sunt nut to hla enalouisrs tivun to th hi ark in on the boxee j v a word of praise n lttf eoaaon au it happoned took the wlnj 0t of harold weall aod iuoiiud him ihi here io learn all 1 can about the bnlnea and 1 suppose i oavt fall q wtnter shoes clioceo your shoes from our superb stock where you have so many alia pea end slues lake a look st ike shoos in our windows and get acquainted wllh the new styles la our windows wy can show bnt a few of our latest but those shown will give you sjtuaa of what our stock la like we now have a large assortment io high grade shors w wixiitlams ww roma ct qood shcmfta mill 3trcpt actpn learn to paak books and niark freight sitting al desk nilng leuore h snillrd good iialurodly am ha reuinved liu ooat harold worked in tba rar ut the simp f ir twu months he oerrfed ooal from the baeatpent to feotl tha hlgeiovna oarrled out aeber went u the warahoiiar balled up boxee uu itacked inhike dusted tlook swept ihe workshop floor and ruade himself gen orally useful at tbu vxpenso or tired lionus mid rougltenud handa f una morning early in january ulaike appeared a tin baok of the sb p and aoooattid harnltl aalie came from thet haaemrnt with roll nf wrapping taper oouie to my desk haroldi lie prosldunt suld a few udnutra later vrhsn hkrold stood be id s hlii mr olarke aaked i oun yuufwtllw wall f harold fdok hla wuilkln ptt vmu his walat coat poflket and wrota no a alip of paper this la a specimen of my handwriting vry good mr clark ooo we nled he added i i m going to give you mr jordans desk be is taking mr dean a mr iean goes oat os um toad the first of february i trust ji u wbn t bod the work difficult after mrjurdil haa inatructed you you alaiy will be raised the orel of rvbru ary when all our promotions ar yea air thank you air haaold aald he wnl to tbv rvar or the store merely knowing that be walked why bad be hn taken from tha desk to do this work in the rearf wby was ha promoted now ovev the bead of woloott who bad been with the flrtn longer t harold asked jerry fowete tbaae qutlons aod hfaral otbara bat the old wen shook his hrsh saying i don t knowt mr olarke ya much he ut does things he pacta hla help to do the sewe as woloott who enlightened harold that noon whan they left lb hop together on their way lu lunch woloott eald i m glad ynn re prooaoied wlntnr bottam von ve eertalnly earnvd it i fait nimnrr than dirt when i got your place and you got mine ive men vrry alrong physically and when father fouml t bat handling ight was loo much li r aw ha askad unela to give me a clerical job your was the only on tint uncle explain d to fa that be waa merely k ing you on till jordan plane waa vacant and that wouldnt be till dean was ready to go on the road tha bret of february i wanted tn drop a hint to you but uncle doean t say much about hi plana and im doesnt ilka any nf ids help tn talk slthsr ha ply act when l he time onuiea i auppoae you ii be stepping into dean ho next and then into yuujr own vhen yim go out on the luadt that la if you keep on pleasing the president aa you have door and youd bvttor belljv i mean laughed ilarold mammamiema long ago when i waa a child aald tha hut woman in gray i read a story about a ban who oould n t say thing bad enough about one nf the olber hens because the other hen bad a speckled feather in her wing while all tha time tha gosslper was being laughed at by tba whole barnyard be cause she hed two speckkei feather i her wing and didnt know it i r iloded myseirof that ben the other day for a long time ive bean an noyed by the mannarucoa of my family tom doean t eat hi soup in tha quietest fashion and father keeps up continual tattoo with hla dogate while talking and even my dear mother hum about bar work off tb key too in a way that get on my nerve awfully 1 said hula things from time to tlma about mannrtanu and thay promised to reform yesterday thay turned on me i pro posed that we eat up a mite box that each on put in a peony when ever be or she gave way to a manner ism and if i have any mannerisms you muet remind me when i sin said- generously hot felt sure that 1 would keep too close a wfttqh over myself lo bavfi anyannoylng hajbita there waa silence then my moth spoke i well my dear she aald ht a mite box would nnry cure yon uf tb way yon have of giving a perfectly meaningless little leebee at the end of nearly every eentenoa you speak id be in favor of it her teehalng isnt half ap bad aa the way she has of rocking madly while ah oonvereee this oama from my younger sister than tom out in and said that he could stand the rest of my faults if only id cure myself of that dreadful habit of drumming on the edge of the oneesboard when be was trying to oon- oantrate hi mind on hie next play anddrold father flnlebad by mr- ing mildly t uy dear of enure you are not oooeolou of it but that trlek of snlfflng 1s growing upon you tsow for a lady o solff wall finished tba little woman in gray we havent est up that mite box many john columbus in this long quarrel between the two kingston una blr ulehard cart- wright and blr john a meodooaw it is aft an forgotten that oartwrlght washy no means always lbs aggres sor the difference was that whereas uaodnnald poured out flouts and jeers with a twlnkls in the eye anda jaunty toss of tba bead aod would have been perfectly willing next day to swap stories or have a drink with tha antag onist uf the night before oartwrlght hissed then through hie teeth- with more tlutu a touch of qsroeoes vet ls moat famous quip was essentially good hatured a certain j collin who bed written a biography of mir john had received as part nf bis re ward some work in a qovernioent offlc and the matter was brought up in the housr it la a happy asaocl atlon of idea said sir richard to a oonvuleed house end an example nf what a lamented friend of mine called the eternal btnees ol things that a gentleman who has in his life done justice to so many john collins should mt last ond a john oolllns to do justloe to bluj prof w l grant in the canadian magtalne tub 0nmtio that was rtajid there tbat dob clifford snapped shut hla knglub history text and laid it on the table wlthhiaxadn grammar than sit sigh picked up bis algebra if only algebra wsa ae plain io aa history and latin 1 d gel along easy be renectad uul wbatewrr 1 get la matbewatioa i have lo dig and dig bard i wundir if its worth whlla he made a grimace ifduaifacilou as be opened hla algebre and began tn wrestle with the a b c aod x y s thai inarched through its problvma ii was in a frame of mind in sympa thies with bo boy who enawrred in examination algebraic symbols anj need when yon dont know what yon re taking about clifford had bean struggling with tb algebra lesson fur half an hour when a well known whlu eounded ontsld and throwing down bis book be went to tb door to bod jack oole mma waiting by tb gal com on oat oilf it a bn night to go canoeing cant 1 clifford answered diaguat edly i havent got my algebra leeson yet and you know aa well a i do that iii be called on to recite i o- morrow i haven t been on the boor for three day bow and i cant escape another day bo tberwe nothing for um to do tonight but dig ob oonl liighd jack you take it loo hard oiu ooine along aad wben we get beck 1 ii stop in at tb house and gat you mjf algebra- key thai ii bx you all right it has all tb pro hla at worked you know all tb probuma worked did you beyr oas anybody grt oner theyre not very easy to get but maybe i can ma nag it i got roln from a tallow i know who work for of tha book oonipanle down town and i ii aa if be will gt one for you loo that is how it happened that two or irv days later ci 17 ird waa supplied tli a key to algebra problems and ow trrdread the nightly struggle with the s h c and x y a clifford would baveaeornd lo us pony in taction with hie li tin l sod there- wr time when be felt a bit unoonifortftbl ax the though of hi algebra key but be satlafled hlmselr wllh th thought that it was bis own affair and if there was anything dis honest about it be was oheatlng bliu elf and not his teacher it isnt likely that 1 ii need ihu kind of malhematlos after i gat to work was hi argument and f i tn satlafled i dont know wby anybody ale should complain and so b mad bbi way through algebra and geometry with as little effort as poe- aftr h and jo- graduated from hsghachool thay saw lltua of each other for two or three years for jk found a position that kept him out of town a good deal of tba time on evening jack cam faoe to fae with bis old ehutn in the doorway of an imposing lookfng building and laugh d be read the name over th en- an kasurn man who was on a busi ness irlp through the west slopped at the smftl hotel in country town one day unentered the dining room and was showntoft ublftjby a waiter will you have antoe pork end brans sir naked the wftller as he brooght the customary glass uf water no i dojt care for them ankwervd lhe muni i never eat pork and bean- dinner i over tlifth sir ad tlie wvtvkswsjwjdawvy tsvatmtt vauutw aoo i cvesn us dajr iasi good sblgblng bs reduced tb priea ahogprasmild on uueluh market laai rui unu y f ftitt uv a k fau dluu baa aoorptad tba call ihhd tba ilaptut oburcuwa ttia iui rui icrviose following uf- lh dalb f mla jaeala wrrau were held imi sunday in lha ilaptut ouuroh luv w k preach log an aoallnit mniwn fni u itr it 11 anton people bsvn fitr uiim time been ocnnvnucd i r uck resident dentist but ur j ul wilkin son of btreauvllu has opened office over the drug store he bere well rcoouinaanded whu iuv it a cork and mn cork at christmas tlw war visiting mrs cork brother st lnokport m y whom they had not vlalled u- gether for fiuty yvars mr grk slipped on th stairs and fractured her right arm three inobe from the ahouldar the meaiur of th rtobool hoard lately returned by acclamation gen erously invited lo tba oyster parlor of mrs adam on thursday venlng tba member of tba board and ntha in cluding m sear t t moor principal h p moor haeretary and jh oanwran architect nf tb nw achool after an appetising tvpaal ii g it cook waa moved to tb chair who after an appropriate speenb nailed on hie fellow truateea winn oeorg uyndj h harding end jamaw mo- lam a wll as maasr moor and camajroo who variously vfrrd to tba good relations existing in oonne- tlon wltb tb srhool it suoorea and satufacthm flt in the new hojlding a wh matter incidental to future propruy th occasion was on of pleasurable social intsrcoura and should he vmutald in future knox church annual meeting was hfld on monday evening itv mr bee m cbvlrmsn and mr j v kan nawhi hvc relay tber waa a net in- of eight member aftrr ten rv movals and six dsaths mansgare report showed that nevsr had money promised been as fully paid total vvsnn was nearly ttioo of which iver itso waa for mual miary porpoaee laasre d hendereoit jnhn cameron john moffat and dr uckvagu wet eleatftd to tb hoard or managers mr william overton of uallburton visited friend br this wek mr and mr jas moor vlalted at the home or itev and mrs dr ulfford fergus thu weak mr and mr james brown vlalted irlende in ml lion last week mr r d warran uf lhe george town herald la buffering from bron- creek rarm mr and mrs l g jsckson nwi markst kr have our sympathy la tb dsath of their bright uttw eon t borm t dsaahamts aaaaaaajasryltatur sad mr asma ahrsbaas s saa m say ctlf waa hugreeilng hae nt you got through going to school yetf wbatar yon studying aowr youll never guess was th d answer so ril tell you algebra aad geometry 1 and if i thought i had a really good case against you i d pitch into you here and now and pom mel you for introduolng m to that algebra key i know that i didnt hare to use it though even if yon did introduoe nw so 111 let yon oft this una algebra and geometry i well thatmrtaloly is m joke on you ollfl what una ar you in t as i reuteuiber it you thought you wouldnt need anything ta snaibpmallo so fftney as algebra i m tu9lg architectural engin eering wft cliffords ftnswacv and ive just duoovorad that i need some thing mora fancy than plain arlthm uc 1 work all day in the offlo and go to school thro night in the week and i tell you jack its no joke and when i think that i oould have bad my algebra and geometry without any trouble if f had been willing to do a little hard work i say unoompllmaot- nry things to mvaelf if very hlng else came easy to me and f wasnt willing to work for tb tn thing tbat was hard no i bavrnlatdrit up against you jack fori waa twilling victim but if you ootna across any other fallow who want to get along by using key tell him not to do it tall him to depend on bard digging it will pay him a lot better in the long run stoataudm fuddxjm uere ar earn riddle with which to punl your fruudi whet give cold ouree a cold and pays the doctor- bill r a draft draught what rahulnn is a doormat to doorstep- a tep fathrr what ar tb inot uusoolahl thing in the oountrjr um stoiie for you never see two together why is ft pfstty girt mk a looomo- uvrbcans tiransportp ib inalb and has a train following hr which travels slower hrat or wild oom i you oftd cath it why lu oat playing with tali till llllslsvgood housekeeper rbeceuftsb ruftkes both ends meet why i bahsr vry improvident r h is ooullnually selling what be knead himself spell enetuy in three utters h u k when ht ooffee like the earth r when its ground j whatj sharper then rasorf its wo ti a tinqlsman like a bookr beoftuee h haft a title vflby does ft donkey eat thistle r because h an ass whj u jqt ilk oanduf-br- ssjsxs iaol a a i anw la ttabr hot j w t stanauvs aa dure hi oas ftlalaaalletnaasasaelya mouoaimaaaiaaow at tba mham nt ml aanja kabwaa talbav of urn brlda aa lla bsadtuaaaimw la wl s tdlas msssh la wlaalsia by dl as- la trafalsar aa uk scads rears ueoskkla uthtpb o jaaaary mb marua uartd uoor la bar mos and pick up tb thread i bav barf but stilt there a stsr to l call turr over and ovrr i tambl and fall in bck thacoal ova and over i w losing lha ugbl andgrajmng alone in i be dark tillaonwiblng whhu sn dpr than algbl awakana an answrrlog spark flay altar day uiy olc ha been dumb th brarl of turn weary and sad until a aong fnwi tb ailenoe has and something has glad hlapred ua aver my allli should fall itnwmbrlngtb wajr i have lrod fur do it matter my strength should whan trotlng th- goednee nf uad f rranci u klnnon morton ftra rvaaraar and tou hmlla of u o jukms el lb a tonr yaai aad abta tui matxm or ohmlsuut one day carlile was walking with a rrtend near the marbu arch end ol hyde park and had stopped tu ulonl to ft stump orator addressing a orowd on the question of tha franchise suddenly a rough bswn worthy de tached himself from a group and with out wotdotgreeuagorouwrprenmble addressed himself to carlyle l abroad aooa accent i whlt now yell b tarn carlyle free uoclef vohan r the great man nodded hueyeetwinkllog an they oa ye t be bag o chelsse f thay do pulr buddl this in the asm vermv cuuuism wleaid themansoom fully ive brard o th word apply it in connexion wl a burrd 111 no nam but never afoie with a aelfteepectlug on of the most cheering joyful thoughts la that suooess will com to all who live true to the highest ideals lowsll dselara i and for suooea i ask no mora than to this i bear i truth until liohlng witness lo the irulh tnis men succeed for what is worth hucosssa name utiles it lie thought the inward surety to have carried nut a h pnrpnan tn e h end although it lw the gallows or the hlockr ti only falsehood that doth ever hu these outward shows of gain to bolster bry lmarnio trjm slubiihitaw udiuir to nw reporter you say in this report uf the br that the lurid glar of forked fhuua shot atu wavt the darkdomed sky ar you sure of thai r new reporter ye i mw the whow thing bdltor td you nvttlobmny insur ance lurking ftbom the plaoe he uyro what oaitaed trie urn or lhe probftbltt amount ofproperty destroyed y lit- porterrni fcltb klilor striking a match well it just wdtah the lurldi glar aff fdrtml rvuftuiwavtlhwtyart t tmsi twalnlmo that fvl the boot ball mswm was over and tb urdau if k imuu had won wry gam in wbleh it had played half doavo of th boys theft wr on tb team wr talking over tb story of tblr trlbuphaona tialttrday aftr- noon in tballul room in th church whleb they had fitted up for lb uj of thokma class i tall yon rellows dwud ijarry langford earnestly w nardu t take too mncb avdll tooura it was lsogtby lawwon training that dona it poslllv and nagatlv utsady pracuer team work no let op wbn wining right along no mgaretv no wlnr no ovnteatlng no 1st bonra for your iralytbatw what i th basin r my but some of th fellows bav dup for it aloor th aa waa over said chartry watson and 1 think i wont bs quit o strict myealf tor a bit whynotr ltwalbdp cusr- tnned voln of ovoar htrong th bg mix fntr uf tb toalm lbx aakd tb atlon oh jnsl for a utile fun uugbrd charley oaear straightened biuikttlf uu llrb ill and pointing a big bngur at cbarit be oowsuandrd charley watson stand up 1 stand up atralght on both your feet i charuy obayed wltb a gln thar tbata it epprovrd uacar now tak an account of stock throw out jour chest tak dsep breath what oould you do six months ben we began training faal btospv thump youraalf all over and oontpar youreelves with what you wr last uinituar did it ey now all that training f you can mak a not that it did anewervd charley mphatlcally well than continued oscar drawing himself up lo hla rull six fm what ar you going to quit it forr oh- faltered charuy 1 dont know tbat 1 am for good and all bal- be tar dwandd oaear nio you think tb championship of lh highschool luagu u tb biggest thing in th world am w all through with thing that need lha best kind of training just because the football season u overf only bear him i exclaimed harry langdon no wonder oacar u going to be a preacher hed have to be wherever he was never mind about that oor went on flushing a lltue at the laugh ter nf the boy though they all asc to be ustnolng ivo been thinking about thur thing a whole lot sine w went into training and reading about it too anyhow it look to dm that if th way w have lived and trained u good lo win ranlbjrgams u worth good deal mora to ua forworn other thing that every one of ua ha got to do for louir put in charley watson school work for on thing an- i know my head waa never so clear ye charuy you need n t say it 1 know it u just as thick aa sver even if it did get some pretty hard knocks well fellows oscar want on ive got started and youll have take what e coming to you and i tell you ibat i dont think tbat even snoosss lo school work is the best thing nor the hardest thing weve got 16 train for no matter what we era going tu do in life we need bodies hard aa nails and brains as clear as a mountain spring give us a chance tn breathe oe- ear pleaded charuy not you declared oscar you started thu ihlug and you vo gut tu se it through nuw this session is about over aod bsro u where i ui ooinligoui tber ar lots uf thing in iii that are worth whlle tlwre ar things to do thai will take ihe heat there la lu us t there are prtas lo wlp that are far tuol glorious than ihu pennant w are so proud of and for all thbs things w bav got to have the sound body and nkwr brain that have don so much for us in our ball gam i y that th work hafor us is good snough to pay tor the beet training we nan bv avid e hkvweocaa to the decision that im going to heap right on wllh lha old lrliolng7ana and- no nwd to eay it oscar cried harry langdon were with you and charlie wateon was the bret one to step forward and seal th compact with a handelasp ou dtftttlhcjtlorl private ovoretery i want nougb susvy o n0fty attirtreoomtort abu u it lraaldentwbst you ask u impossible but til give you enough money to marry no ham luck aurdyour wife rise a prlvgu fiahunef i friend parker vary private t 1 mwt rwddimiry bvvm nhvru whn

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