Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 8, 1913, p. 3

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fm jc weddur kip weddlnf presents hae walch repajriaf spectacles and eye cua ammaob ugaiiua laatmd geo hynd8 aotom omtahio t4eal estate money a 1mm at lowest rate latoiest lsufie bcr tfmrwam tor male caeaa vwelllas ail cher rroperty la all parts attbe iwn we have evrrj laeolly ibr traasaetlaa oar bewlaeaa la jaar caatalete aaltafaetlet j a willolthov fib cton jfree jjrcss teiursday janialty u 1013 mief local items good morning have you ssnt tn your khkk iltiow ubcription for ibisy kocloesd find enothur dollar for lb fhkk pkkuu it t ilk little bit of liunit every week k m k winnipeg a tsmtlng of th tturel deanery ol halloo will he hld at oak iii on lit lllh and lutb inu ltev mr wilkin- wtowill atutml the dow ttnrm on tuesday fol- lowing lit january thaw nn nuodsy sod llondsy saved the good elelgblng wblob lis been an joyed lb past three owing to lb snolvcrsery ssrvlee in the bsptut church next hundsy the morning service uf the ualhodul church and tb avenlng eervloe of knox church have been withdrawn a meeting of acton oluaen ohumltte will bar hold id lb town bail next tuesday evening at sight oclock bvery member la requested to b present important hudneee will be under consideration- th farm of lb ut wni logi k wait half of lot 18 con b naassgaweya with to stock implement and housa- bcmefteet will b offered forstu by oh ihn jan- nary k chapman auctioneer tha chrlsltuaa missionary offering of tbe methodkt sunday school whleb wm braagbt in last weak amounted to 43tqb tba total mlaslonare offring for tb aobool for th year sggramld ttefabo anavexagrfil07prmbber tha two eluitra papers the big net and lb advertiser have yumed to tb stress of elrouuilncee and have united their forces tb -in- creased coal of ruunlug a printing ofboa and undua competition hav jmodght about tb amalgamation wallace msdlll waa utalid uti nw year- e by chief lawcon for balng drunk on lb street and spent tb nlgbt in tha mil h earn bafor u k moore j p for trial and plead ed guilty tha qua and coat amount- t4 to vuuv h got bu liquor to georgetown tha limuiunce bulne ao auooaas fully conducted by mr john suther land guelph since uta dalb of lb ufa sobers cunningham baa baan in corporated undar tb ontario charter in tba name of john huiherund sou lltulud tba buihotuttd ara all born inauranea man what tub mattauui mautmw ffnw that thaadvooala of tba bar room baa auooedd la carry log tba rapaal bylaw in acton and paved tba way furopan barrtwma aftar tha brat c of mayjt will ba lnurtlngto tabu- lata tba improvad oondltloa tby ivpromlavd during tba campaign i 1 tha graatant- of aala of tba idoqilnlon houl to mr 0 daakar or oakwiua may ba aten at tba offioa of a j maoklnaon barrlwtar of oonraa tbla ahall ba a eondltlou upon tba ra- pral of local option mr deokar will not laka pusaawlon until after tha 6th inat vbn if tba bylaw la da- faatad ha will taka w the proparty and proceed loataka it onaof thatnot ttptodatv botrt in tba county of haltoii petple in aolnn nttd out of it will watch whb lutarvnt the fulhiinnut of tbla pledge ii j therell ne no itullla drinking no drinking plhtuouit llquora nothing but ale and light nlnn a no llqiiiin will come to town to prlvata parllc by yxprvaa or other- wlar 4 tbarall ba nn blind pig bootlag- gere blppockfltara mot aal4 aftak hour to boya por to drunken wan cmrrooma or thcy earutlnly would buiaftetl boom and tb town will grow rtobi 0 raalbttau will aoar 7 therell ner be a vacant huuaa gain and tore and boueea wltyaprlng upavarywhrre 8 n foreigner w111 dare to aet bla foot into aotoa when the barrooma ara open again 0 wage will go up to tba top notch and tbarall naver be a workman off a tolriutaaftar pydy 10 new ahaamakera will be employ ed oeir horaea and riga purchaaed and new livary atablea be opened ou itll be nnelwatch for ihetiu proveaianu after ibclat may ntt news of local impokt b k cidwll iafueom lb- kakk paawi ibet hi new 0 h p electric minor wm mblppad rrotu hatumluo yamterday ii apcl to bav lb mlnetwitb tbe monday w motor nasi hot prof fanner u u- of mc- maairr jalwrruty toronto will ikeach anniversary aermoo in tb llaptut uburch oaxt hunday morning and evening tbe ubolr will provide peelal tnuala remhima awwuy aiaia ona nlgbt laat wefcaa otgbtwalab- naan uoebey wa engaged with bu work in lb ol laatbar tannery ikjumr plus blew nut and tb hot tan liquor atriklng blm in tba face neck oehied blm ry painfully la aluwly reoovarlng a ta t atlitej atese m tb oongmetauon of tb matbodut and ivanbyterlan cburcbea ware both favored on hunday evening by mr krneat w warran ba a cultured vole conipaav nvl welloioduulej ion and irfcl articulation 11 u koloa were mpriva effective and highly appractated ajkwuptee eaifctaaw hmm ur ii a hwackbamer ha bean iwndlng tbe holiday at bla boii her ii baa been engaged be peat year foeeenan of tb coetruetlnn nf new paeeenger atatlon on lb on tario line nf the canadian northern 1u1i way he la thinking of lndlng ft tb trectlou of the nw loal offloe and ouatome 1i be eveeneeiw 1 at tbe woniane ifuttkui meeting but thureday ariernoon uimbmimu amtalu a a harvey each gave e practical paper oorrebtted on tbe mora training and pbyalcal devalnp- meitt of children tbe uaueleal part nf tbe pvnttremia inaltadad a elo by mbw sleuamclam which wu njoy- edbyall ota7 atoeeui laeaia lee vuf tbe annual report of tbe ubrerlau of lb acton pree uhrary abow that 09b7 volunaee were leaned leal year the memberehlp increaaed by w tbe toul now being s3u for catalnguee ad library card suum wee paid and for one for detention of book over tbe two week uto waa collected tbe llbpeiqr haa lanre reader today than aver before lampeeweeaeaea at tha reetare ttow mr r ij orvgtmy thenwwmanagr of wonderland ba effected improve- menu which aeeai appreciated by u pal rone the fleering baa been given a grwdnal rlae from front lo rear affording a much better view of the picture iban formerly the prembee g rally have been bright ened up and a much better cum of plcturee itaa been lalroduced tb blm ebowlof the durbar at delhi india last week waa exceptionally hlghlaee aaotbce awrt oeoegatewn about five oclock but friday morn ing oas grand trunk freight train aldeewlped another aland i ng lo the yard at georgetown about twenty care wvre derailed piling up in the yard and blocking all traffic tb ax- tnt oft he damag waa eonaldtreble nobody wa injured as a reaull of tbla blockade there were no train from toronto on tha- grand trunk until tb afternoon the malla were aft delayed and a good deal of annoy- to tba bras interruption of the hydi electric crrtet from niagara sic it waa turned on here on htb ber occurred on sunday night about eleven oclock on of the heavy al- lumlnum wlrae of tb unumlalon llo broke with tta load of lot at a point between here and gurlph and falling acroea the kephonawlree of tha una abort circuited it and in addi tion to co1 ting tff the ourreut blew out tbe lightning mrreatwr at lit iranafortuei atatlon bare the break was located and repaired ahortly after noon on monday local opiron was repealed at of taa beqaured tumaarahsmain naxthky tbe vote oa tha xaxial option bylaw on monday repealed tb measure on the following ot i iauu atjul f- fur i m 187 against ob is 9fi on the besu off the threeafth re quirement only seven and fourfifths vote more than were polled ware needed to wuetain the bylaw and keep out tbe barroom tbe reapotujbltliy foruierrpeal largely reeta upon the alx or aaven voter wbo deposited ihalr ballot in the ballot box with out marking them these evidently belonged to trlmtda nf local option wbo were either orele in the hand ling or their ballot ur were influenced in com manner to deposit them with out tuatklng thrm they oarululy did not belong to the advocate of the bavwbeenniarked agalnairt tha oaueee ror the unfortunate re- nil are nut hard to dalermlne tbe mlnlatara and laadra of tb ohrutun ghurohee who upportd local option la the campaign three year ago ware just aa aotlva and anthublaslic on thu occasion aa than the ladle worked instraairf they could not overcome the change in tbe character of a considerable pots hon of tha population which haa com in from acroee be ea the pml few years and wboee anvtranoient and prejualoae bava alwajrt been opposed to uteeaure seinakt hi guritilttlffnt s0oal and personal mia ualna ilaywtu of toronto la in town mua tama mo arthur o t vlailad frienda bre ur neleun iuur of 11 i u vtited fruoda barelbea week mr a k nlclwn leave- tday on a trip tu haakaloon haak mr hubert wallace era hun fw daya from i v ingham fdjlaa uertha ilrown arrived bom from uraodoe man usl weak ur and mrs wm wlluaan vlaltad frlanda in toronto on near year me uakr nf futnten w the gat of her slater ur jamn itath mr- jama wataon tt kllumey m spending tb wlmvr wilb friend- bar m l florence and amy hpeigbl of toronto bav bean ahndlngtbe wvek wllb anton friend mr and urt it ii ktorvy nf tor onto were gueets of ur tuomei htorey over tbe bolvdaja mrendmr w k grove- of toron to vklied over new vai4 t lb home of ur j a uowal mr violorand mu ktbel j4mn nt holblaya wllb frlanda at ilapel mr and ur jo jr duncan mai a u1t1 vlied i 1 julph thl ur and mm cbarla lltluio- winnipeg are gueeta el lb hum of ur ii h holme ur and ur- it j uckclmu dtroll were guswt nf ur hpr during lb holiday- mr and mrs j ii lued mt tbe holiday very pleaantly al a family rrunlon in torouto mr ale uoqueen if uanitobs ba been tba gual of bla alolrr mr j b mackmi tbla week mr and mrs m xtreynor returned bom alter hpandltig ill holiday at tbe bom of ur- uulbuluitd ilr duncan maun who baw been working in f lunlph 111 y la a offering from an attack nf pneumonia mr frank k holme baa been con- bnedlo the bouaa lliu wwk threaten ed wllb an attack of poaumoola mum lren uulboluiid uft lat week to epend a fw week w lib ber alater mr u x- tray nor owen round mr annie hobertaon and mr a m smith of new york are ruseu of mr- itnbert agnew park avenue mr jame moffat who ban been seriously iii from pneumonia for evrl wrekv i alowly recovering mr zlreer manager of tha ut- ropolltau bank klmlre apent sunday wllb bla rrlmla mr and mrs halslsd mr and mrs a g ourrldge and daugblera and mrs ourridgesr visit ed friend at urempton on new year mr ii jams and dauglilerv mu- teasle mcliugblln of ulytb apent tbe folmaa holiday wllb lb former daughter mr will kelly here mr and ur patrick kelly and daughter mary wbo been visiting friend n and around inwn returned to their buielu tlront on haturdey dec suih mia vide pouter wbo bav been teaching at niagara fiu sluce mid- annwr baa aoeepled a poaltlun on alaff of hamilton city school mua pointer w horn for the holidays umiuouu lr mlmn w gowdy pnt nw yar day with acton rriaodii miss k m leans was bums or lb holiday mla winifred polklogborne llsu- ing ber parent over tha holiday- mr and mrs a ivsns and family spent new year with llmehouse friends mis mary sharp u aylnier b vlaltlug at her mother home fourth hnr master kdward wheeler or toron to called nn umehouae frland on new yeare mis olive uarehall was bom ovsr ohrlat mar uim wlnirrrd iven ha been en gaged on the central bobool teaching staff in krln vllbtg meesr harold and hex polklng- horn have gone to toronto to attend business college during tha holiday a furnace has been inatalled in the achoolhouee here whloh i expected to add greatly to the comfort of taachsra andscholajrs the construction gang or the electric railway have moved from the seventh line to the house on the row farm which with tbe barn w understand they he rented for t be winter lorhbmohool lome school report ror deoembert sk iv orwell jubuaton margaret finydar ja iv lottie johnston annie soydar oihm iii lsum mouunald kjm johotou john watklns herbert dmn hobble dunbar sk 11alvln hyder isabella wat klns melvln dunbar willie mcdon ald t jtt ii caroline itvder elmore jobrtklon donald medougsli kftlr mclcscharn hugh brown an i roily mcbaaharn wlbnar wufnf jk i jean mcpuiigall- alx mo- donald a ousw itoy johniton jcsale ryder pearl mcdonald gordon john- ton angu uctchern joe uo don ald mini n a jauiunk teacher hm hmfl livb btoctt dteb- ne ewe boutdtio brol luu tbs has rearuxu inalurlljr veu caneut bvsln to rrel and train a colt too early uany farmer utsk a msrtkf of lumlea lamb into tb corn held in tbe early rail lo natber up all toe bklen soe- lure im1 they will alilmn you on mutton works both wajs it la ccodoclrs to bealtb lo feed- boss wben they can bare tbe range or the past n re field jo breaking a colt remember last it u an easy matter to over load and ruin btm by causing blm to balk it costs a good deal of money to buy a atlafactory team in moat rases i hi can be avoided by tbe farmer raidag bla own m i i- h i i- corn the best silage onaawaons oomnhk mr j p scarruw uf antuo will oc cupy the pulpit of th church her next hunday morning and will uke for hi text prayer v fajtb mrniidursuliubu hilu kqiilng entshalnrd a nutnlwr nf or the al oflatoluwg i ad- jmlch n mo i 1 honurof mr j bennetts birthday mr bamlos jsvytoa of verlgold sask u renewing acquavnunoee hetev having received a urge eloek of picture moulding of hie latest daatgnw 1 am prepared to fill all nrdera for jture rramloe neatly and prolnptly at reasonabls prioee b oonuihmr will street fo ww m dad to tbla waa the fraeuac of money eipplledby ulaldqtnr interest and the active propajraoda of certain urge luterast hre without any doubt the figure wlll shuw that a great mural wrong wu done to one nf tbe most progr town in oauno by tba vote q hoiv- day toue will aurrly tkl predure lsrsjer aeseuat ef feed per are then aay othe punt the rucniksl roresses i bat omir in lite alio during fermentation make be materia more ujgvsniba this pro la enpposrd to be almost identical wllb i be change thai take place tn tbe orst alomscb of tbe row says tbe american agricultnrtal tbs effect u to break down lit nbroos aobatanre and lender it luore soluble tbe effect or feeding silage to milk cow u tbe name aa that of 1 ami tig ibem into a green psstura tbe silo provides s cheap feed that can be ud wltb good result st any tint of tbe year it prevents tbe sacrince of youna aiork beca or s ebortage ef feed- it utilise tbs corns tn iks tskea drudsery out of wlnltr teed tag and one ba only to make a utile in- jrssugatlea to cad tbs silo ownata wall satlsfid wllb tb plan corn i tb grat allag plant vt america it la adapted lo a wide ransw of talllod and longilode and will pro- dor the largest amount of nutritive ilag per j rr w c grow klfleen lo twenty ion of green fodder can be grown on one acre wllb- out dlmcully in nearly any part of tbe corn blr uny iprimuia bav abown that corn far allnge contain the most nu triment when lbs kernel basin to glare or xrben denting bteatabllabed ami lieforo ibe tower learee of tb plant begin o dry if cut before him period too large a percent ire of wslsr le nsrveslwl wltb tbe crop while lb greatest development of rood auhatunre has not been reached by the punl if silage u to he fed wllb greeleat aatlhfsrllon it tuuat be awect and lu perfect condlttoo it l spoiled by coming tn contact wltb air tbere for the alto abould not be nr too great diameter not more iban elihl sonar feet ebould be alloweal ror ob cow to be ted in winter wtten fved- lag forty pounds or silage psr row a layer about one end a half inches deep will be fed off dally wheu feeding in summer it is advisable that the ex posed area be act over half tbl sis ao that a layer three lucbes deep may be deed dally no alto ebould be urger than twenty to twentytwo feet id dlamatar hecaiibd distance from tbe door increase tabor of removal to be well proportioned tbe height or a alio abould not be more than twke tbe dlntneler no alio should be less tbau thirty feet deep and to get auttl- clent depth for a lk not over twelve feet in diameter it may be placed four or fire feet in tb ground ullage will usually ba needed about sod daya or from about oct so bo uay 10 if we bare a nerd of thirty cows to which we wish to feed allege for 100 days it will not aa a rule be wall to feed ever forty pound of al 4agdally psr bead if this quantity ha fed 100 toaa or allag will be re quired for which 110 ton of corn fod der must be placed la tbe alto tak log forty pound aa tbe average weight of a cubic foot of corn allag each ton of eltago will therefore take dp dfty cubic feet and 100 to us bjjou cubic feet wben bogs are turned out to pasture la lb spring or fall tbeyoeed some kind of protection from tbe weather and a abed luch aa la shown to tb accompanying lllostrauod la very coo- yeojcnt therefore to bate aaya the american cultivator it can be mad any abw desired but if caly about all feat wide ave feet long and roar feet high it ceo be more easily handled than if urger it u cempcaad of on inch roofing board aplkad to s by 4 studding at tb comb and eaves wltb a uutdv noouorjsa tbs back gable lioarded up imhi the rront one left with au ihwuiiiu uu la indira ted a abed lis tbla u very nbe to bar for sows they tin l guiu tin- full run of llw nonttirv nr loinlouitl lo elect their own neetliiu uhiv ntl then if dcwlred the bihhi litkcii lo i neat nnl set nvr ltuuublatwah stand in ailrh any nv lo nffnnl the moat protection polbk fnuo wind and atortu and mort the huhmiiiii and dftso a bundlpof straw put ituilile will make it mora comfortable nod repay the rare required to keep ibe intnaim warm abd dry a happy crew avertlm ntnahani gods upon olympus n aorta were wont to mp- yiw ita t betaee tbs in a her about vacation cola younastown telerem tb goes upon otrmpu war in a happy mood tbsy saver were upeoted to tlye on breaktaat food milwaukee bant reel the goda bpon olympua were ttavsr known to rent tbsy naver had lo give a though to wlaea rubber plant detroit pree press those guys mn ulympu wershappy aa a goat they dwiit bnva to llow the ulltrr falhiwd kol thboproarra uy dear the ooal 4 all out then fbe cnla very dlffwicnl from- okaanfoat hume pollllclan alm afraid that with wlrel polltioa tbey will be unable to make lha connection women may be the wine of llfebut tbey would strenuously object tu being put on the ebelf until properly aged home peopu do not ear tn uy tressure in baa von ror fear lltat they will never get there to enjoy them haim uggmias aaued al office ur midance il p moohk imu acton ontario if the proposed short touser for msn corns lofo tylwe may be sble lo re how aonit men support tberosalvee many men act as if tbey wr ao msny that ww should think ll wlv would feel a if tbey bad com mitted blgauiy a sucksr aometim finds it hard to keep bu heed shove wstsr soma dalvare into the my alerts of lb evolution of msn now oulm that tbe human race originally began life in the form of tree there are a taw elicka left tobearout the theory toronto chy council baa declined i u submit the question of sunday slid to the people because tbey sol so gently ne purging or griping yel ao j thoroughly nadrucct k laxatives fan beat lor the children ss well aa 1 the grownups 35b a box al your drufitals lna h ossswcs tbssktssbs thal lutltam arndndamob jkixiott tossohia on atsiova h set lb r alt ef aaalj t tsareua mao hw ii wa bav ream for bme su the aimv of the unemployed reaver aarslted rres tb laslasi esraaral at ujabeyer ytrl eluwat uslalsg th grew opeortasity kaoalta si or door is vsls if sot toraaapur wa wltb uslaad sblluy guelph business college oublmi okt whijs edemuoa asd tnunlag tbsl ear nadssms saw ilrtsg aat to ts jtbi ist urpsr winobaaa hi rest umeej mjfcolifl mkcormack b aprta aaqoaa pnaano aimg tf ocr jvjew 1 years gaudies g ww now have largar a ncj anr dtapuvy- than g erveu- tfora g g come in and aw our d i atook bailor you do p iyournew yesra shop g i plntf 1 harold afues i tux actom ca mill street annantid nana aa the flour feed store wa wiih again at thu leason to thank our many friends for thalr contlouad patronage dur ing the past year and to assure them of cur beat wishes for a prosperous new year w would also remind those who have ouubutdlng accounts that wo wish to have them settled at anc to allow ua te close our books and start fresh la future our urtns will ba b nobxib merchant milled n f moor msat1r on xtburday rviohtg ibe greenock literary held it regular weekly meet ing wllb s good attendance mr prvl weal presided tli lollowbig programme wu giv en opening ehatrti- tb maple ieaf ohalrniao addrsaa several muucel sauetitiiui ware given by mr kennedy mr and mlesrto arthur ml tana thotppstm and myrtu mann rmsor- on storiee were given by inn i j 1 allan and basil jnhnaum apeeebes were made by maesrs kennedy j alun and w p near a recitation by uu- anne afford debate t heolved ibt ibe natural wondere it lb new world areoi r than thoe of t be old w the afllrmallve was a by mr john nrsndmusjrie held tbs ner alive by mu ada mcartbur and mr w waal decision waa in favor ol to negative th judge were mlessi t thompson and m msnn and mr r alun i a man gel to tb front nnllma by balng sliovad by i hoe in the rear dr moriti indlami root pills cur many common ausseats whlck are very different bat which all arise from the same canst a eyetam oogged with impuritst th pig cause ibe bowels to mow regulsrw trengthea and etuanlata taaksdasye and open up tb porta of th alda theaa organs immediately throw est the accumuuhbd lawa aad btt- kidney trouble ileadschc7ltaeae- atism and aimiur auasents vaaiah dr morse a ladtea root pou sve doctor buls to ghrc a vsl 7kt c h pwduscd at tmc store u ghui wisely well my slock contains a urge sssortroeut of cases in various styles and pattern tbe watch movements are of a make noted for jjraekaeptng and low cast of up keep com plete hoe of both mens and womens watches see my apodal ladies and gents in gold tilled case at pmtj watcmss a atk w htfoster bxvtart watotatagok saa m4 wnxaons ou btano gcxxrjetowp ontario araasi d ljdaaoanaaa wb wish you compliments of the season at brown ovoontstartotmk actoa oat buxatawdanaooaannnauhatbus omfort soap is not uke ordinary soap but better i positively the laf w6e mctropplitan bank hod otoca toronto oal oiuj rid up n rud ainwvioaoo savings depastment accounts of one dollar and upwards ointid aod intcicslallqwcd atllighcstcurrcnt hates acton branch t a halsted manager will give 500 to sick readers of t free ptes famottt sdentist who orlfloated tbe now wonderful home treat- rocof offers jioo paclcac free to sick and auinj in order that every reader of tb psxa paxss who may not have beard of tbu woadsrfnl home trstiawai may have ss opportunity lo lest ibb celebrated ndl dot the now u acunilsf dr jobs w kldd oners to give sbsoasly be a fall packs 10 five hundred readers thlan r tbaeclanilat said t lor years whh some chronic ed msny ol them have spent urs earns of money u saikl a care i kaow that these paopu beslial sboet la vest lag money u rsedfcle becaaae tbey haa d of rr ipwttaai well tboassada have told aw ibsl story aad many i boosted ol tba asm psopu bsv told me afiarwsrds thu my ilmoai had cored ibeea sfiar docior sad rylhlag else bs fsiud i want to pro i lushed bomber no butter what tbs aahr how inngnbey have sol red ao mattw bow blse sad discocraaed that my traaimenl really and aciuallv mw accrsnpush ibe wonderful resahs ihsi bav bean reported paopu who snnvr froe khenmslusa kidney troubu slonucb trouble ut or bowel dtsordsra catarrh nroncbltla asthma cbroeic congbs weak lungs laaabago piles urinary diaornsn fe rn kt weakeeas- ol anv hind tbs wmb sura not broken dowo aad dapdsnt will be brllgbed i tbe eoct of law doas tula wmdertal treat man t crest a 6ne appstlieand half the dlaeatlv organs lo carry on their fancilne ss tbey abould it strengthens lb kktseys loo tad drive rbeonutism pouooa from the blood as if by tnsl u why psopu who try it a anthaslsstlc any leader of ibe paax lasss wbo will try uus ssu madldoa that hex created ao much exclleenanl by llscuraacaa obtsu sbsoloteiy free a full i joa treatment orda u they pra and mailing it today lo james w kidd torooie csa- sda ho money need be bssi ssd no charge ef any kind will b msd a tbla oheru limited yon ibonld write si once tn order to be inn to receive your coupon cb75 for frbb dollar treatment rail offkv sbtwawrv dgv 1 aw utg 4jhvww foasolnalau a freu sblah reavala waakisei wb trosbla uvahaa rreabu rslsm vwioda im rtstbaa hahaeoaeafsiua liswnnbbm y j ftm ir i iiit rmreaswbssse is all usassxas royal purple atojefc a poultry s rrr w w m ytult txntm rmkt aarl aa u eaaa seslur tella see i s4 uau haesw eetta aad asnv asusb eava sir sad fstssslsg ataatk shetasrw u kee aad fa4 besltre as thai uvrullsy as wq u wtaler e la awa it aea ml wraeaeafc fress sll see cssse fiess asi m have ea4 eerooeavke fsnssr sssa ettbeat n tee ass fsttaa eattw aad bam la a ewatka be the weala ear assl iu4a ss than aaauaaalaef es wubees it teresr oavesa a raaetba lea aad laser sad r kaeaw uasew asaa wmb fsnr bank of hamilton oavlaal vd up eoooooo saws tut irnftti toeal sa oeea- ttrancb u europe banker por a country to acquire that poaltlun bar peopu i 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