Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 15, 1913, p. 1

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xt jvttjcot sttt 0ft volume xxxvih no u t mfcactlpclim id i ad acton ontaltio tiiuh8pay morning january lo 1918 single copies til uke cbs1h 9b 3vfon 3fro prtss saw s all eabastlptloa 4lhmtlaihd m lb ubmiov bwi tr b ku baa ssbtml tka bu to wbiab ovorw abaci p- u bakd to rlgmil so uu umnaum unnihm ts tiwta o mm meowm dm neaponll um for brat laibrtlqa jad s mta or lie tor aoli mw hii luioniiia uulml dlaswy ulnitw bl w w a or ihba aoon- j aaase u u v laob aoob loewtlo yaailraoamma tor saislaa muw osnt m leb u loss asvirtlibaul wumwt ifmu dllmtltm im bnw usineu ftirtctnrp afxdjcl rph os ghay u d c u uctill llotfalldu adougub i aki m u itnjaklao ltd surgeon uomlkto ofoolloea of r ud b ontario mwabjia as oaltomu rwsf 0bdeam uolvonuty of waal ul of ik ib aa how vort po ursaoale fiaabi saetllisausia l- guaisal asslotsat ael lawvaayoptbolm- lai htunurf bmhbaair lor imuh of kje km isasa tiitoo 1 at i limine akw um aaalal imim for tie uaued mm wuklmtoa u itoh r holaaa uunoln seer qsr m s la wawh w bj brs vmrth diium ooar osaaty of 1 iollllmhllftjhrtlmll bl fcll aa jto r f oatt dr j at 14kll uu b l4 b dawns aotob i omm kult sad vndortok d k l l brnnktt dbmt1bt mtsckexambort you arc particularly invited i o stc the xollcction of watches clocks all kinds of jewellery dmmonds brais ware bbony brushes mir rors and brushes gold silvr mount ed umbrellas sterling silver good savaf e co gadpli out 10wis wjbseries am famous for thlr fine icach apple plant and cherry tree they hove tbe best nursery noil n canada and are the largest kruwanof tioes in the domln ion all scion and budstickx ratutbynoitnui and he ha been in their employ many years so no mli takes are mad by uiinij tho wrong acioas or id fur catalogue r y as they have icd territory in mps co ooutrnr otrr u iwksasaiosjjbow green grocer jlmu fruit merchant e ktcook is receiving dally treah vegetable and fruits and miu inem at reasonable prices foreign fhuits a sitcialtv i rksh i 1sii toksdays a fridays taout aun hksmmi t oumvimmam llxtoi goatm daxvke unix bluit aciom agent wanted far aoto to mu im tba ow aaubu rohtfllll urt a w uaoa lor onlag aoiiory i aaaomawr wo la vm m bow to mil f too ta um unm avlfivtsow ml bazo voaa mrvlmry win oft woofelymjr rtoooalflk wriulmimm stone ol wellington toronto v ontatrto hbanois moham bookblmdwl iorww inml book of all alaoa l imueamto4waiuf m aaxuaob uoehbbb b i hoosal imumwibuum lunw uofti nowtui h ojthtbjekt w hr ta ooakm of woluwffoa oao lulwa rtajm4aamto aatoa ul bo ptoamvsl at- wl um oouuh u wlllaau ukllon tool mnf daaatia aaa tb olu l uuolpb solo mwdaatod oitub vlb aad poa ontanbilwtalalliihwr a or oaloooa tootioawo u ootiwi m miaoounn 1u tbo taangoaa bo afa onion uft at vawi raaa nm or orttb w j oooaoa utnw mkr 1t u1 toootvo ifetmodibt ollio javbs ucdonald tickvaku auction kk vo um ooaauoa rf woulaataa halun vatartoo woairb aad tbo flhjof vkaters bros quelph k headquarters for o ac school supplies fok nature study botanical etomolooicaj drawing paintino 41 wyadham street thank voul jjhc people jiavc ihown that they appreciate our tifotii to make our store not only big in sizr hut bij in stock bi in scrvirr big in briht- ncs- bi in ivtryihinj that is connected with successful business wc thank vout the bond hardware co ataukbon 07 ooelph wbarese1 tledaqain in our now huiullnj ami iiuvb tin ui tho iaict ami llcul bqiiiiiicl lwtub- likhmonts vf itrt kiml in tho oomliikju i d savage phone 627 quelph mtottt at tub post cwvcs what wiu tkis year bring you 5 why not a piano j u cortalnly tliero u imttitnif u you coiilil buy that uul1 iflvo t u iui tnucli njoynwitt j h a 1uuu ndai u touch f m- g jj finement to any liomaund llioia n a l no uxctiio why your homo n g ahould be without onu wbon n you cun buy kucli mally iool m n iniuturientuon hikii umy tcrmu tl h ai wo ure willing to mako n 3a beu o r tlio fiano of today anil to- n morrow not only u the tuna j n rich nnd full touch mnltive p n cawboautlful but it hut many n individual foaturo which mark n v bir canadasi loaebnr j n ilano u s c w kelly s 133 uppr wlmdhun st 5 quelph ont a someiking coming in floitrii ihfl uousi by tub bidfa ov tttcro rf bonult aoulathat ln wltb in tho poac t uiotr oeirenot tti in hltl lib atar- that dwoll ajiorl i iv1i wl- omuudi ti- i mor wmu lbl bua 1 brlr whit 1 muhw b tbl lln ui ti- 11 ul 4 tlo aihiu h ftul til to lull iltliu ln bouoa by lb y la tr 1 lm ni md whom ibti li who n gml rn iba turn who r td a kmid imi va bod a i i would pmtt alt la ibo ieurnm4 aeml or hurl tho aynla ban 11 m- llo in tbo ikhim by tbo old of lhrod and hm a filend in man nlroc tb y itimit by lb lit aid of ur thkldiortbo hbxhway of life i pk with iho ardor u l rioi with lbs tto nin wl 1 -uir- lltil i turn l hway from ii nor ihoir lro loth partu of an inbnlle plmn ll turn um in hi- houao by lb ida of iho mad and bo a rrlod to man biidw lhr or brmk uuumwi jnoadnw aboad and umiuntalna or waaruoma ilhl ht ilia xmui mhm n tbrucujb lhi tontf f and oirvlnliaaaway to i bo lihl ittilallh i tvjottw whan tba lrallr rrlol lid w willi lha trankr that kw llv- in toy ikium by tb ud of lb road lik a inh who ilwtdu alon it ro uva tn k ioue by tb aid nf whffrw lb ren of man go by tliay am ieimhi i boy or had iboy ar wnall thrr olrono wloa rooluh atn i tlii why ohould i it in tb wjnmrv or hurl tb- ownta- b- lai mr ii in my hooon by lb old of lht road and h friend to tna ham wjtr koaa 9cbd jfamilo ficazrlng wt qninite nd if arblo dealers ohi wi ifmiimionnmtwi hamilton sons um mmh aad wootaub bio ouarp paper makers 1iook nkwa and ooloukd iapkrh uaultmh lalmb a fjihitiu oiltiluo if you advertise in this paper it wul look good to you try it out now j tbe tton jtte tmi hcton livery bus lin tb undrtlgoed raspectlauy ollclu lb pairoaar ol lb pub lic and infartna iham ttul wu r and fmyllnh ftun can alwaj b tacund at bla a oomfortbu buo moela all trktna between lonaln and 6iq p m carafnl at ten i ion t to mry order tho want of com marcliltravnllara fully mot john 3iuilum7ts the army of ttl unemployed lo noralird from tb tnuaoa w to umbwy m abliumot uoialag tibi n dapmbaoe laaca j a o rlamut u jdabluy uljaph business colleoe ouetra ont ii ftro aiaoatkai tnualoa tbat yan roan fly okha tar mim iai mto fall u winter s h e e s cbjoowyour thorn from oar atiporb afck wbetwyoabvwamonyhftpmbd mumm taka a look at tbo ahoea in our window and rat acmialntad with tbo now uylas iq our window wc can ahow but a law of our laiaat bai thoat abowa will alv yoo an klaa ol what our slock la ilka w now hava a larga aaaortment of hbjb rada hoc w wtcliams h horn q oopd shoata mkoln kwmtit b a pri- mill streot acton jkultv clod tb aubachpuon bmk with thud acdmaa ut rixiui thti tiduora chair wta vacant l he taportaro had taken thalr doparliim upon varlou anwoda hot uuhlutooalllloalallmrdw with a pile of proof m for tb wwrkly edition of tb tlourlor hafora br jfarry aiaiood aruund cautloualy than uaav ad oar tb ralllua mla batho h eallad matuy ttia brown hand noddad but tbo ym trlld nn tn th end of lb long c4lumn then antllcd hack at jrrry aa til proof wnil onto tbw book i dont want to bother you but id ilk to kw wby jo kinney wo duv nhardod joiry wm jiiay auooo i might makn tb umo nalatakc yoo aw tv always wan tad to ha jour- iallatand i think ii u a prwuy bod ipportunliy to gat a atari dont yonf ui u1j nodded again vary daold udly yh waa a rmai daal omer than lurry and tbo twinkling grmy oym mmiined u liiplr 0hibdvnc i dont think yop nedlo worry you arwot a lillalik jiut wrnird to oonaldar hla work lha moat important in lha aatah- luhmont i hava thought aotuatlmea that if tcja place caught 0r be would hae grunt mod if anyone had aakad blin in carry a pall of water lie waa careful and rolbodlea in a way but terribly alow hrcnuw ha didnt ilka to llalan lo any atujgeotlona aa to newer tulaker methoda of doing thlnga ha nvidoiitly foil they rofleciedonbuown idgmant and wrjoe la out of a job you yr i w- aatd jerry thoughtful- ly juml than there wat a ring at tho tauphonw ill at land to it ala balee havent anything apodal to do it waa a nioeeag for the editor and jerry wrol it nut earefully wnd put it nti air ilnbluaona deak then b watched tho proof reader ii w thoroughly ahe aeomad to understand her work i wub i knew enough to help you ha mid after a few monlo the woman laughed uunt take my urltlolatua of joatf falling toolltor- ally i aiu very much obliged but i dont want anyone ta do nay wbrk wlien i can do it utyaolf i juat hap pen to 1m a iii tie behind tonight yea you atopped to take do thooe itotloea an uloa fjady oould on hum earl tart hhe bad a beadaohel kla flate atopped to tuake oun luaer toarw on thaadga or her copy arta dlduv biirt luo any jut think how much people would mlaa out of lfo il thay ooaldnt help aoma now and tnaw dot if you really want to atudy journal bun you ought to understand proof reading i imllwa in a pereona learning all he can about profaaalon he wjjbaa tn untar here are thr prtmifreadrrv mark you might atudy tbatn tout rd fmni hyr dk dm war and imndad it lojawf thank yon vero much ill put a lot nf work ou tbaui and parbapa cati hrlp you out aoute tlma juat for practice you know all rlav- ml- irapaled thr laat hit of oopy on h hook and nw from her ohatr the work of the olrcuutlng depart- mamt bd ncupld all nf jn klnnayu tlmn latt jarry fiund oppnrt unity fur uiituy frlundljf omirtewloa ll uftan atayad aftr hour whan tnara waa an opportunity to learn aocaethlng of tho olqr una of jouroauaa in a abort umm h bad tnaaiared the proof read ooarke and thoroughly dtauxv tratcd ih frt r hr- ateaon 1 oceaalmui when b had bean behind in bar work kor t be tuot para i bar waa a gen- l air of good fallowalilp among in wnlwi of tli itrlo foree and a read tee to balpeacti oiherjjut of dlffloul uva but tbevw waa a keen aptrlt of rivalry batwaeu the courier and tb argun an oppuutlon abaat koch paper c the larger circula tion ll luapltof jvrryo loyally tu tb courier be did not feel aura that lb duiioctlnn rightfully belonged lo tben and aa tbo winter month cunt on hu plau lo inaraaaa the circula tion kept him hoay early and late jarry oatne in with a little eeluued atoll on hu faee tnere b announoed triumphantly u b fliilsbod oiying a llat of mmw in lb aubaarlptumi hook w have in hundred mora aubacrlbor than i thor argua if hmllba alateinont la correct and waw thought be nilgbl ba eiaggeratod a utile jerry waa careful about hla aocueation i think you cn early call it two hundred uuglied iurt uluy a r porlr hurrah for jerry i ur itoblnxm biolu1 and a id nolh- ig but i bat night jrrry found on hla deak two flnsly bound volunm whlob m h very helpful to him in the atudy of hi profo he waa alone rrajftec when he knade i he dlaoov ery hla work waa dona and he had ly earnod a reou he dropped down ulo cbalr tha pagca looked laclnatlng and boon hit aurroundtnge era furplten huddanly tb telephone ball rang jarry prang- up wtb a little oigb i hope jt ian t but ii waa ur cjuayle had not received tha evening paper ii waa an iraaclhle old gent nd fumed and raged over the nmlaaton in no gentle lerma jerry g uptheroalvertullodt of aorta quaylo4 dlanaluf action waa not unfounded ua lived at the end of the nulla thoroughfare bla bouae aet back in an ugly jrg of tha atreet with mi oldewalk edging the bit of road gan irally black with mud u- filled with drifted anow during rhe fall and winter month inuppo danny mulligan thought he had a good axcua for skipping the old gentleman tootlgbti but buck work ntuat be atopped air quayle paya for hla paper and be bould have itaa well an tha reel of tb aabecribera 1 inuat take it up loblm for i hale to loae a patron when 1 e orked to hard lo increaa the drru latlon jerry put on hla raincoat with a wulful gunoe al the vulumew on hla dak it waa gloomy enough outatda horn of tha atreet lamp ware out the rain waa turning into alee and hla wheel tltpped mow and then on the pave ment- ha waa muddy and eomewbat nut of breath when ho reached the anall cottage hut if jerry bad fait o inclined br could not hava been out of aorta with the delighted old gentle man who bin at the door ive been laid up with rbeu mat uun an lle real dloappolnttuant when the paper dneant dome be aald youd atap in a eat a apell jerry oould not raalat the invitation he found ur quayle genial and enter taining t hla iii temper bad vanlohad i iii wife a dampy aupny fapad little woman inalatad no making jerry at cup of eoffeeand aetxlngfaafara him m dellelnua luachaon lie le with m keen appetite ha had forgotten about upper in bla delight at ur rtomneonw gift but i hi waa better than anything hla landlady could have given htm ibfore be reallad it jerry waa telling bout hla work hla oocaaloaai trouble rlth the carrier boya and the rival argua well now i hadnt any idee there waa eo much red tape about running a newapaper aald ur quayle i irould think it would takethepetwnor of job i gueoa 1 ii try to have a little mora next tlmatvhncpect i waa crusty fionugh when i called you up i don eaapteyou laughed jerry and ive been more than paid for coining up here whenever yonr paper fall tu appear let me know im ao glad that i went thought jerry aa be rode away we atand oneb other better now found out that theyre reel nloe old people who get lonely oometlme and theyve learned that newspaper folka dont ajwaye have amootb aalllng i believe we have a lot of exchangee in the offlea ur quayle would enoy looking overill apeak to ur ilobln eon abouttbem the week that followed beamed full of catastrophe which auoeeeded each other willi atarlllog rapidity ur rtnblouoa waa unexpectedly called out of town and fetara the night report er went over to the argue at a larger aalary a eareleea young fal kw leo uqrphy by nrae wboee flippant aire grated upon jarry took bla plaoe qurne of the barrier boye grew parelea and fotr of the aub bcrlbera trhoao grievance atari ed in joe kinney day went over to the rival paper in anile of jerry tone winning efforta tnaoothe their ruffled tamper one boy wee elek for two- day end jerry una hla to find truaty aubatltute bad delivered the papere blmeelf uefore the end of the week the young man began to wonder pblloaophloaily what would happen next ulea kfelaa wee aympetbetlet they were both dnlmv tltelr beet lo jawrp ijuiigarunnlna am un the edimv return but the at rain waa bwerlnplog u tew on the proof reader nerve byidey evening when jerry mrw up etalre after bending off the urtle regiment of carrier boye mlaa batea otwlr wee empty her work atlll unfhiuhad ua amllad to hlmaehi here wee another ehenoe to return aomaof the favor be bad received uurphy nod riley oame in lttm later thru ifurrnd wy co solwe affair they projeaaed to tmuialdar worthy of menuoo in the next dayr laaoe jerry w h tbam go with a reeling of relief that lie waa to have lb office to blmeelf fbr the veolng ithough be knew they would hae done very differently had mr ilobln- ann been at hla poet down al uu luleo dek tired but he bad alwaye rond a change of occupation tvatful and h- liked lo feel hlmaelf proficient in another line of work than bla own perhapa h ild bnlah in time to apend a half hour or ao over tb volume locked in bl deak wblcb he had not opened iba nlgbt of bli cliatthequayle enttage that oeorned wonka ago and tb thought reminded blurt t hat ha waa i aandwlcb purchaaed at a retttauranl on hla way to the office ware on hla daok he munched theu alowly aa he acannod the proof i wbmi the uotoolumn waa flnubed jerry eft hack fu- m few inlnuuta hk banda throat deep in hla pocket i thn be turned off the electric light over uu itatea deek and wool acroe u particular corner 11 had juat bellied hlmaelf cotufortably wllb hi book when there waa a call al the telephone it waa tbo long dialanoa from harrlebnrg hello lo tbla tb courier office f well i want a me jerry am tbla u am anawered jerry ob u it well dont you want an account of the rrw for m morning extra r what brer jarry eye began to half ofuarriaburg l in fumea tell toe all you know pleaaa im not a reporter he ian t here but rn well write ilka lightning then i we may get off before i sen flnuh and jerry did write hla hand rac ed over tli paper abbreviating aa much eahedarej if he only know tono graphy now ii made an inward re- aolvn the leave from hb notebook fluttered to the floor one by one aa tha h 4 boy lab voice bounded clearly in bla ear the aentencee were abort and graphic jerry oould almoat aea lb burning building the flames ahootlngblgb in air and leaping on ward and onward until whole blockw were lapped into ibe fiery flood ib about the hurrying abuvned throng and the firs laddie begrimed and hreatbleaa working like tigers at ibelr poata h bamee aplandld ooea i you can ue tha bbrgeat capitals youvagot if you want to the young rellow bnlohed and there waa a thrill in hie voice that oul jerrye nere- tingling 111 give you aom thing mors in an hour or no if ibe wlrea arent down who am i to thank for thur in quired jerry in bewilderment it a bemad aa though he tuuat be dn ing well i gueaa uncle rph tumyla if anybody waa the response and jerry woe rung off ne bant n rsoe ally in hi astoouhmeot then collect ing hu eeatlered wlla called up the foreman ur hobb was an old and trusted employee of tbe oourlai with a deep interest in its welfare he responded to jerry aummona with alacrity although be had been roused from a sound sleep call up tyler the premen end 8oae and peet tell em in be bare by a quarter of three 111 be on band and well have an extra ootr before the argua la awake wont koblneon be tick tod when be get a back tomorrow r when jerry bad finished ulephqn ing be oould get neither uurphy or riley he sat down lo perplexity tbe men would be there id eat up the copy but who would put it in shape fortbemr lis had a llttl experience with llama hla quick eye and ears bad caught now and then but thl waa nf nob importance ulea hate oould have helped blno hut even if aha were well be would not call her out at that lime of night puxxled he picked up the eneeta of paper scattered oo th floor and arraoged tbam in their order after all they needed little change they were clear and concise ae waa needed in an extra they oould be elaborated upon for the next edl tlon if necessary tbe headline would be tbe main thing jerry look down severe old copies of extree and studied tbam then aet to work carefully writing out but note for the typeset adding a word hers and there to make tbe more complete he bad not fltilwhed when hr bobbe ant hla baalsunu appeared they oarrled off tbe drat pages to the composing room t every one seamed willing and alert jerry waa working busily with an a tout ear toward tbe telephone it wee oearly time for another call from harriaburg but bow could he attend to both v tbe copy must be ready juat than tbe door wae flung open end jar bbeon equred wh oaa i band whatsthappenedarueaf v jerry explained without waste or word kn4 before he had hqlbrd tha editors ooat wae off and tha null wees in ble band my train juat go- rtl 1 eaw the pre room llgbled luckily i atopped t the te ball rang tbave ijajt jerry ill attend to it i go on w your work amos you in all rghtiwr itob- inann was evidently excited jerry bad finished and was watehnvj wllb admiration tha saae with which the editor took down the information oomlug over the ife when tjjbraor be to bebuekled down to work again with renewed see at six oclock when jerry started for bla boarding bouee lo get a few boura sean lis newabuya were out orylng tbe extra while an argua reporter loovd nn in blank amaaa- ment vfshe oourur bad won i he paused on the etreet oprner for a mtiment then beaded hi wheel toward the quayu realdenos the old peopla weivjuardluugouwu to uwakrt and inshrtsd upon bl jnlning tbeorbut orsl jerry pulled an extra out of hi nt want you tn explain ur qoayle be aald aa tojltlinn of the nights work why id m oftourae thats tad my napheiw tad perrr hea g lug to tiiialo mil g at iirs- boiv but iih wax bftv lat wpk and i tol i biu alhim j on and the court and to do you a good turn if he could wall well that a tist like the boy l quayl trd delightedly at lb glang headlin that aftarnoo jarry met lte itlley al the offrpe dinr- murphy m got h- dlacbargs and im ud of it if he hadnt ooaxad ma off i oould have help ed you out on thai eooop tbla morn ing b aald aulklly jerry only amllad ur koblnson was beckoning hrm am tnd pnrrylfynu know who la will take uurphy puoe i agtn youll hepralty ghid frbinda d jarry in a lower ion 1 shant forgal last night work or some other ihlngn i vadlaonvared when jerry received hla next pay envelop hn found that tbe editor waa aa good as hla word why thb alow ways ca onoaupon a lime evn lilt crows lived in a til and they were as black aa any crow a that you evr saw in those days crow could talk and 1 am going lo tell you how ii hap pened that they do not talk still the llttl crow formed a very had habit they disliked to lie asked a question by any nnr and were varf rude tn their re pile one day when they were near ihetr home neat a woodpecker name climb ing up thesvee and stopped to speak lo them 1 i wondr why jour feet are ao different from mine abe said socially showing one llttl foot to the crown now tbe utile crow knew all about it for their mother was very wis and had told them that morning wbll thay wwtclted ur woodpcker climb a tree near by t but they did not care u be troubled lo explain and ao only aald uecmuae then ur woodpokr told lbm about tli newt ahe waa making in dead trerf near by i bow ah dug and dug into th soft wood of the trunk with her atrong 411 uanumarlng by tbe hour uutll sb bad a beautiful room rwady for hr babe where tbey would bt quite safe why do you not build witoh a heal abe asked in atead of agrrat one on a platform lk ibur ttia crowa looked very dlaagreaable al thai and aald aa before because and nothing elati so it waa day altar day no matter what question waa asked nf these bird there waa just always the one answer because f after a time because seemed ti long a reply to make and tbey would answer only cause and then fly awy tbey became ao disagreeable and stayed ao much by themselves that in time they quits forgot bow to talk and could unly say tha one word cause and even this they later shortened to just cw which scent ed easier tbey became so afraid that some bird would ask a question of them that they began to cry caw caw 1 whai tbey saw anyone coming tbey said it so much and grew so iii tempered thai their voice became harwb and finally the olbar bird oeawd to spook to them and often avoided them all thu was year age but the crowa even now have very few friends among tha bird and if you will listen iri lb iprlng or sum mar i am aure you will bear them cry caw caw i in the nteadowo sophia wyes off bmwer in the christian intelligencer xtowmlm ax miaut from tbe breathless height of tbe brooding night puke upon fiaka of all very whit over the town into the street her at my feat ksep sifting down lylfc wbl drsaa laoi upper deep tbmugh aillly at riosphor of the paths i f t rla night orw poilwu ami while the stalne of day are hidden wbll o ar the town till morning lirnaka the silvery flak keep sifting down and make when the atlll i le way a faulllaepalh for lb- of uy by j o u ditkt ai in the can dlan uagsalnr hit- nl blvmd waa your huabeod annoyed when you bad used hla raaor tn sharpen a lead pencil with f annoyed f he oould nt have aald more bad word if id told blin the furnace hre was out mb a ilockbbirth when somebody loaea the key to the front door or to tbe silver clooot you send for a locksmith a locked door and a lost key are a couibloatlon daunting to the majority of people but nbt to him he simply makes a new key turns the luck and then ehargsa you for knowing how be a locksmith dont be eatlsbed to ear opportunity through the key hole of a looked door if the key la lost make another there never was and never will be a universal panacea in one rornedy for all uu to which flesh la heir what would relieve one ui in turn would aggravate the other we have bow aver in quinine wine when obtained in a sound unadulterated state a remedy for niarjy and grievous ills mr its gradual and judicious use the frailest systems ore led into oonvalee- ovnoe and si rough by the influence which quinine exerts on natures own reetoratlvfm it relieves those tu whom a obrunlo elate of morbid ueepondsticy and leak of interest lu ufa la a disease and by tranqulllalog lha nerves dispose to sound and refreshing aleep imparts vigor to tbe action of tbe blood which being stimulated outtreee through tbe vmna atreegthatilog tbe healthy ajuauu functions of the ayateai thereby making activity a neosaaary resuli strengthening the frame and giving life to ibe digestive organ whist naturally demand increased sabstajior insult improved appetite north- 1 rope ly matt of toronto have giver to the public their superior quinine by the opinion of eolouilata the wine appiiiseuebfearefiimirectloti of any uu 0u niurvat all 4vhmsiih 4efllt twwrrv ybabu aoo tb dd bell doont at the new school very wall la uripp oontlnu without faar or favor a january thaw would b vary ac cenubla for tb saks of tbe waler ur cray a student frsifn toronto ennduet oervtes every sunday in the imsdple church uu htrsohsn nf 1 took wood baa quit a large class ol music pupils hare wro turutn while hanging a picture in bis parlour slipped frtuu tbe box on which he was standing and fell breaking una of his finger ur isaiah coon while teaming lumbar lo campbells now building bad hla load upset and waa burled be neath but tbe deep snow saved htm from serious and possibly fatal injury uu abouldar and side were badly bruised knox church choir on friday even ing after practice were invited by their leader ur a t uann to ur adams oyster parlorwhere swell pre- pardiiyatrauppbr waa tendered at the brick church on sunday isnlngllev hr cbruiie bald a re ception and hapuainal service its v ur kdge of acton administered thti rite of baptism to ave adult end four- isen persona were received into full connection sons of sootund officer- chief j uetavuh chleflaltj awuaw past chief arch ucnahh 11 a- ii 8 wsck banter f s t ii harding trees i ii johnstone chap ix grant uarsllsu a ramshaw s- b t chlholmso k fotboa j i t ulllar camppbyalcun jpuren trustees j lasby j stalker j ken edy court star a o p has been or ganised with these officer i c it ii ariodell o k- 1 franeu h04l ooo laweon treaa t a maeoo kfla r nleblln b w -h- jean j wg a bmyth 8 il h 11 worden j il ii atkinson ued off j k uren truateea a wright j p uren j k wllkloeon kav auetli pvitter ofollffnrd will lecture ou ro4nuooo of the am- erlcsn war in lbs hetbedletohurob on jan slat being an xndlr of the lime the address will be very interest ing tbe upwortb league have sngaged him five large sleigh load of vlsltora want up from acton to tbe social in tbe oogeglionl church on tuee day aveolng ur o ueuiiun 10th line rrla found one morning recently that hu grain bios floor bad given away and all hla grain waa precipitated into tbe oellar much loss results from tbe mixing of the grains aa well aa the killing of one oow and injury to another acton council met for organisation oo uonday with one solitary specta tor present heave pwueon outlined soma items uf business for the year a new municipal map systematic tree punllng in the park renovatlog and repairing town hall printing byuwe el reels and walks committees were formed finance geo tlavill j k corryi streets walks and lamps john williams jos a town halllteave and ceo havlllt csmaleryrfjen havlll john avll- iuiut perk bveve and council and ursarw john cameron james hat the ww anthimy siephenaon john harvey and jama uotavuh ueesre l 0 hatthews and w r kenoey were appointed auditor school board orgamlsad wtsu jtev q b oakike aa chairman uomutlt- laeei flnunoe t h llardlng ceo tlynde g bckike property jamea uolaw itobt iluluiee hupplles geo hynds hunt wallaoe mr fredneourd arrived banie thu week ur geostkthauihau left colorado and is now in chicago mr and mr toroenian hall of orangevllle visited anton friends mr and ur austin tubbyof tt ronto visited at sunderland vllu ira win ullnr lupley vulted aqiod friends mr and uia uugglns of nugara falls at ur sawue lalrda mr and ur john williamson of burlington- et hla brothers ur david williamson uu kmua u moore toronto tieneaal hospital qdm fo a short vsoatloond eoterialned number of bar young frlenda and iorroer com panions nn monday evening bojuf atu jsaeary lue lo i mr atobard sisnaatutfoos tvstieos la tweata as jsasary isth ta ur dntd oinuaa asasnbwsavk awswsoz abm oooo iron two ihd you ever tell that young man that late hours were bed for oner asked the father at the breakfast labia well father rerdavl urn wise daughter late hours may bo barr for ollu out uioyrt mu tlgb fov twu

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