Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 15, 1913, p. 2

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aaaevt beta oa sri ju stkis s5- if be juton jfra rtss thursday january ml 1bu oitomal mots tdk buvnrm rzrsaaa wblab ha be pommied for thlrt y year by mr- j j oav mlitw ld it- thirtieth birthday tha kirpreee bu of uw locality i baa always taken fbrvanoefc position on moral imoh eepeuny tor that suppress na of tha hquot vu and baa prnsyssvjd mr oav to ho i iwwf ana and both the bspree and hi if ar forceful elsstisets la the community cavad tnb dwring th tr uunenswombulimdoum thle to nearly 8s par eol la over lb dominion rscosv off tb year prev ious the total gala on lu we suflu 000000 import almost doabbd export ill forvnerbetwg 0s4m0loqu for tb year in lmportbwmjasllsoii0od0 and um litis in mporta 9mud00o30 argentina job rivals canada in rat off growth th feature off th aj trad wm th gal la agriouj- tural product of nearly ssjc00oo00l perhaps th margin off importa ovr aspect to ataa salve bnt tbto to dna chiefly to th forsnatlvw period through wfaiob too country to passing at ysctqati habbo whleh to largely populated with luml wilora mad railway loouopuoo ik wit mtood jforp aevria ta owutlami eraoh torn thto rvharksha victory u oatofly do to mr n p waldin who for th pretention of bto own propw any fcrasnis mmd sspseuuy fa th in ttu off hto sasn inllhu ad otftmntomd luiddtraotad th naiapalg auchw ad oraa w h toathr to bsjualful harmony mad today no oobsamalty to hwaplsr than foarafth of vletorlm hmrboar only two pe be vx wan unpolled mr waktu toooftb prorlbob aavi a sou of tb lata john wmldto m p off haltoo oajtftin bxajwa of tba statut aim iln if th council raodarmd th lobal optim repeal bylaw void fay strlaa th third nmdfmr on monday aianlng jot a- day from th date off aothas on th bylaw tv btoafaaltowtomtadaya in which to netrt ofltoto apahomlloa for a oroxlarof thabmllou ittolordahip judge morgan off york county oa monday oonaaa on applanation off a local hotalman that th oooaopof th town of aaront ha wa aalnc ooatratanoon of th staiate by paw- las h bylaw thai etwi a wu alleged lhy lataadwl doing wm reeve hynds ovc inaugural tta miahin jva uhnmauaolaw a lono dookarr oa aoooomtw tba alnntaipel council met on mm iey aborning at 1 1 oclock for urganla- itlon k ilynda and councillor hro coooer mcdonald and bmltb took tba doclarationa of office and uauflauo mod mmhmd tbslr asala umv uyod in a tylaf addrta wal- tb mjjnbirf and bopad tb i of tba year would w lrn- mctd with plaaaur and utufroliun he tnoabad aapaolalljr upon ibi jiydrklj0ru inalalullon nd lo- rd upon lb ntwnbara that lb orfallarm of lh now hydro ktootrit sjittam dpndd laraly npun tba and inlaraat of lb uuuocll it will baourduty to or nor cheduto of rata on lb moat approvad baau mad than when decided upon adber to u atricuy in all eaaaa wo will bod mmm pvopl dlaaauabad no doubt but w will odcavor to fix rau equltabla mod fair all m tuatr inatalkd will 1 ror- wmmat inapaotad and taatad wa aboold ndavor to aooonrage blnlallatloiorall nw aarvle by oor own otociuiclan it u to the ad- vantait of lb partla having tba wlr- hardon aa wall a to th town w bara tbetraanadn aaiaiy for thto work th atraat ugbung yatta will b oomputad ma promptly a poaalblr w ospaot tb trt lighting ragula- tortomrrlr lo a fw daya w ara plaolaa co light on th main atraat and w on th outlying atroata it may oooor that mum point may nd furthar lamp bat th okn b plmead at any urn aft r ward by our own alaatrlelan 1 bop tba obahman of th raapac- tlv oatnmluaaa will glra do atten tion to th work under their vupr- tb uundlog oommlttaea for the year war atroek ma follow i fixakcmr m- mclfiwald ouali mm at brown and the rmava fuuc amd laobt th reave chair man r u modonald and wm qoop- r srauarra ajf n walks wm ooopar fhialnaan r m modonald mud th town halla tfbrowo chair man w h smith and th raav tom pafcjc w h smith chalr- mmn a t brown mod r m mcdon ald oaatntgkt tfca raare obairman xl m modonald and w ooopar th bylaw to appoint th auditor for the o r year wm introduced th appointment being miiiti jno oola and go- havih and th urto rjx0aoh council tha adionrned notll tght oclock taatloo of th8ttntr praparbig a law to tax th paopt s8s00o000 for a nary whleh will la iwaltty b tmftoaaooo a it will h rabwd by th urlff they ara overloofc- loaisldaawrlmraathoaftk they apajfaworlnft th aadtowoanad trial alllmnoa of railway hanks and anilptaiiliiiwie who ara taking hno- bnof nwooeoot of th people rry year and drltog tbooaa eteaduy into dirpar povarty thto trlpl af to ptora da to tha canadhw paopto than all in faayooau to no powr from wttbont canada that eaa hara th pnpla half a- mooh a um n baron of apaolal prirdaaa who ar ataadlty tlghtanlng tbatr grip npon uaawwaamm paopl arala crowe gold uup oodnty ooumoii nv anaavaaaaaatltwwa km tn th following baa mad depot y bar wm onoatltnu um oonaty oownoltvf halton for ibis aotocico hynda ba- barilagrom o smith rear aorgmnro j m- moor rt uutoonvf atort r oakrlq a- 8 foratar eawa k bajtmslag g wrlggtoswortb t vfi iutatoog naaatgawaya d campbell hae nahwnj p orifln rvr o baadhaad dap b trafalgar- j ford bt atos fortar dap bo by rimiiluii oomaot b f bart bai of milton hi ahuod for tha war- dooahipfor ma umuooaa mjm iodj tobom from onelpb forafawdaya atojaool waa c th lmttar part of uftsjtrt owtogto um lllnrm of tba faaits m wa muuia aloweawy i hto duttoa on mr wan seott alxth time u lowly t from hi raoant lllnaaa tawm h banjrral owm of ta nlppata th vlltog lately but w ba- mtv ar on lh road tot reaovary mi bmmat amwaak um porobaalng agont afumaaaat railway company eat oad ar right of way haraj owwr mm thto vtojalty tha coonell mt again at eight oclock in tha evening th rat and all um nwabat were prevent th oonatderatlou and pawing of um long itot of mcoount which bad ao- eom daring th month oecaptod km faolk of um evening th committee on finance praaaot- ed their flrat report and recommended payment of moeonnt a follow t gavbhal aooocnrra lake erl oomj oo ooal j37j jama matthew labor 80 aetoa fire brigade refund s4s oan waatlngbonae cu rep 772 j b mknato anpplto 0lo iofbluln co lamps 300 mnolelpml world applies 600 can geo btoo co soppll 1uum wj bttohto teaming isa thoa bbbaga rapalra sjs0 aston fag pajcns prlnuog andad 30 21 j o hiu ooal ato 1w w d andaraon f might and emrtag dap rat ofnosra ctrka and ta at elect dr farmers able sermons at fcn mtl tl llw agrnta at geo snoddy book looary and postage jam synton nappltoa j3b0 b0o 800 3518 7o90 111 hrdboblgiprni jaaw symon aappltos ohaa bllla teaming chapman walker supplies corp of brampton wtreat light b f oaldwall imddar fvrrentl unrilad mairas cvntral bl 6h opply co dnmlnlnn bl works onnstraotlon sopplr on jnn motmw aopplla canadian wlr and oabl co t wire acton pan pubs printing andad j b smith punpllss oan gen bfeer sonp4y co noitlwiw btaotrto on i ou w d a freight and emrtag bja ost04 th rapnrt waa adopted th hrdrojgsslrlr dabanlur by law and tha lvwal option by4awwr given thalr third raadlngeand paaaad a htttr from mr b f oawwalu mating that k waa putting in a motor rnr the chopping mill and making that rata be used for earrant etc waa rrad th council agreed tn deal liberally with mr oamwall mod wtohad hlu one- th ow ao of rmta for jlght log and power waa oooatdarad at langth and fha is waa a quarter to twarr whan um uouocll adjoaroed womamrtjlxy uirttovbd tro to pronto th pnhwhrra of ttw fvtullt urrald and weakly star of montreal bar vastly improved that already great paper daring um past few month it to aald sararal nag dltora have baan added to um staff and tul graatar lmpromot ar contmdplaud th hamqdful ptotora jlouiar trsawir u in graat da- nfand btm who are it wonder bnwsuohapwttiraoan b gfran with not a graat paper at on dollar a yaar it to th bsst dohave worth to h hid aabsrjfttrwitoirm h grrt it om mbaerihera ahottld ana that utelr rnwal aobaeriptloo to mat at one t gnaranl um ptoto a making a rv oord for aalf taantol when- b dosol allsday faaommt hto throv tim llaptut church but huikuy ware hlghlv esthtfaetory and raplate wltb interast during tba day tba aarnaon of uev lrof farmer l i of memaatar ifnlvsrvity toron to ware abh scholarly and interest ing they were rich in thought and helpful in scriptural incident and raf arvnos llav mr burrl tha pastor wm twisted et lb various arvleas by rav cluuu ix drper itev j ix wllmm it a and hu brother rv v k uurrell uf llsonlluw tbt cbtilr rndrrd kpeclsl mualo hiring thv lay end lhle rffrth wsr much mpprmlmied rav ir farrnsr look for bis text at th morning service tba church which is ills bod kpheslsns 1 23 83 aa being appropriate for an annlvrr- smry occasion three main divisions or thought ware followed vial the dignity tba doty and the deeitnj of lh church tbey were simply an nounced in thto order aa the discourse proceeded in thb daya many men devote much time and cere to vsrinu orgsn- laatiooa of fraternal and philanthropic character but utterly neglect tba church of christ these many of them useful in their way however possess nothing of tba dignity of christ church toe dignity or the budj of man consists la lis being the bom of tba man nerglaed and con trolled by tha spirit of tha man so la tba body of christ uis church is hu dwelling place on earth about tb brat time jesus spoke of hs church he had suffered from the loss of popu larity on tha part of- those who had followed him merely for the material good to accrue and retreating to n- other place haquestloned his hi thru few as to their views on hu personal ity bringing out peters notable con- faaatdo thou art the chriu the bon of the llrtng cod tba master in joyful epprscuuoo of the rlth of hu dlselpl discerned that this oonrsaon waa tba result of a divine revelatlnn within to peter and announced to tha loyal follower that as fete meant rock so tbto acknowledgment of him that petar bad made was the foundation lo support hto church hence none should be in the church who had not bean like the dudple en saved that tbay could by the spirit of um lord make thto declaration or faith thto waa the glory of tha old tampla um indwelling of th glory of god and th limit t beyond which noo but hto people could enter ur ldentlne himself with the lowliest of hto paopl at the last day showing that they ara part of himself barter th grdat dignity of thahauyof christ which nr should go bat in hand to th worldling making for favor th 4oty of um church tba human body to um means of manifest ing the thought and life within th instrument to reveal th will of the prreonallty it to a startling thought that th church to th means provided to show forth um living christ flrat duty la to krepth body in health a consumpuv or paralytic body uulouaetn do tb will of th spirit within so ohrtot cannot work whan um church u diseased th church atlaodleaa had broom useless through weaknesses and decay and aveq wa not awsr of it there ara henthrn i distant land who cannot be reached by tba gospel except through ibr church and there may be com par- sou in acton nardlng epm on wbo la bar who only oan bring um word of salvation to him graat thought i th church to ou that i it unity i and lb church li oompoard of many that to diversity 100i and avrry christ ton to a member of thajbody with hto own functions and gift b true to that it la bard to datarnkn where lh greatest impor tance is this to a wonderful worid in lu diversity in tb church let each be faithful to hto own part tb destiny of th church as th real church is a company of saved one the destiny of the universal body of christ to a glorious immortality hw decay marks everything in right in human body to gotngon to decay just ma aura a um stars in their oooraaa it is a sad thing too eaa death touching every thing but jeeus brings tfr and lu grandeur of immortality it to lndd a glorious thing to lire for him tb evening dlsoouree waa also a powerful exposition it waa baaed npon 1 one 13 3 christ dtod for our rioaaocordirtothaerlpturaa the daatfa of christ and its raoaoy in nrlngtug salvation to a lost worid wa specially emphasised soma take tb life of christ in prejtoaae to hs death a tha most important feature of hu earthly career but a com permtlvely small proportion of th gospel narrauvr ar spent on hu ufa tba death of obrlat to the pr- eminent them of lb four gospels t was through hu death rather than through his life that wa have salva hon i auction ihaxdl l an auction pal of w head of dairy cattle will ha held at um hotel meglbbon georgetown at two oclnqk on thursday january 83rd this aholo bunch of call is la oompossd of durbaat and holstelns lb property of william lyon bgiu parrtii auctioneer w regret 1 1 bur of lb repeal of 1mi option in aclon consider hi exritrment pre vailed horv nrralvci inn day the ltvcvevhlp rx ootilnlnl by win sutton and a mckuinon mr mikinnnn winning by unil msjoilty mr barbour waa re elected deputy reeve while messrs jessop and bmwick were reelected to the council with mr uennlr the new council utan f mr and ur alex alcnuan ind two children of dakota paid a flying visit to friend in this vicinity mr john carrie or north dekols and hu bride visited mr i d currie ou thursday last a goodly number of our ci tisane worn in erin un thursday night jan 0th to bear mr uulbrie m i speak on tlte naval umtloti mr n la hoi jeffrey spoke briejry pravlnus to mr guthrie and holli speeches were very much enjoyed end sppreclalad orbwbotfb oornrm tba uianywiends here of rev and mrs orlando jolllffe will ympathisa wltb than in their recent sad bereave ment in the lfnmoflbslrllulemmi who was shot by chinese rubbers mr jolllffe wbo u a missionary to china waa a former resident of rook wood and has preached here wlut much ac- cspta on several ooeaaiooe mr w lambert has rantadjuajswn on tha first line krin to mr thomas uf acton mr a murray u conflnad to tb bouhi with an attack of to grippe mlu an net la wanehrougb is home from toronto rnr a visit mrs geo laals wa in haepeler monday attend lug the funeral of mr ii lantx mr fred crewson was home from milton over sunday ir uookm vatibwimo iriuos satisfied our llvrs would mus their beat davetopemenl those who contrast anticipation and realbta- tlon are often dupoeed to and pathos n tha fact t hat we no sooner reach goal of desire than another on rises before us and tba joy of achievement is almost forgotten in near longing new aspiration instead of being an occasion fur sadness this fact to one of th glorias of humn nature it to tb thing which keeps us looking ahead and pushing ahead if success salla- flrd thto world would have made llttl progress along the path of civilisation live with tremendous possibilities of accomplishment and usefulness would oome to a standstill after the first victory let us be glad that realisation to never sufficient that wa gain points ahead to new possibilities of victory a man who buys his sweetheart pre sents o n long credit is not yet in con dltlon to become a good provider lost vitalif 807 17s ear 70q or he oftfir maviuuamaw uomnm issued at otto or n h f h0oml issuer aotoo ontario aa i a deepat from pakln reporta that blneaa robbar abotand kniedjorna the avayaarokl aon utbv r o jol- lufa of th ciadlaumhodutmlsrioii a party f mlsslonartsmvsjr attacked by the robber baiwraw ofacngto and ohnrlngfirthaftvwlno jnf tto ohvpn on off itjjisr- wuekptarsd bntthiai bry mr juulffr to a nauv nf bvttvroodasd he bse in tba mtorion brmfor utt years h 0hlnarf9r a fnrvmgf 4tf4h4ms rmnd syejpathawi deeply hi john n ii september 18th 1011 my brother was a graat taifferer from kidney stomach and bow trouble and waa given up by two doctor he waa advised to try your fig pills which ha did and after taking ave boxes waa completely rasutrrd to hceljb and to belter today than ho has been for years you cant recommend fig pills too highly j w m anvkbh at all deslrra 25 and fio ornt boxes ur the fig pill co hu thomas onl a rtn f fasjlao on of two darkles who run a boot black pallor in partnership waa brag gtog of bto well developed sens of touch particularly tn tb matter or money q boasted that be could tall tb dooniuniuoo or any united state coin iderely by feeling it hto partner wearied of these boasta and earn back with thto tour nana o faattn atnt nouda to my friend marco bin and m uasd to work on tb puttman down through kansas marcus bad bean on thto rout for bout ten years on night when we was both aaleeplq long around midnight i wakes np and i shakes mar cus and i say marcus where ax wet and marco jest rolls over and aucka bto band out th window and bo amy wvr goto through oavrago r- writing an a piltow every on who has bad occasion to writ whu riding tn a railway train will be toteraatsd la tb fact that th d effect of ute jarring of the enrrtog are greatly mitigated by writing on a piltow th pfllow may b either held on the tap or placed ou n table the pad or paper and th arm which golds th pan or pauclt ahouhl both rest on th pufow in this manner rt will be round pos sible to writ legibly and wltb row fort lo a rain dying at full speed london answers peer mamma the dear child ob mrs bloom when did you ftt bacltt mr bloum- dlssa you dear i wne uot ttwny uny- wnere what ronde you think o1 tb dear child- 1 ilbuusht you were i beard my mamuui may thnt you war at kaoterbeada wltb your buabood for or orlelnal was there enylhlna origlnsl in hto speech al hi lwtitttr well b edmlllcd jbst ta knew he ell kys ii instruatod uls pirth areiiuellutxlla talma to b an nnfifsfrurtn dalagst h ren conatitmpqlbtoi bh- rruiit itos looufa u a mirror in wblrb every au dtaptoya his liuag tlumh i di t otv mofti indlin root pftlln cure nrany oom admenta which arc vwydutcrent but wftfch all arise from the sajne ca eyatava ckifjcd wtth imduritfes thai poki cause the bowel to mov raasitvu strengthen artd stlmuuttaupsye and opearwp tba pom of th bub these organs l thtow oaf tbacumuutcdljbpttsuitsaaotb- thiaasaxtrhmtkw kwdcytrolrimiacbearaeuin- absm and lmlhr dr moraea indiaa roc pohr vhv dtttoa llllla ooockxooor remnants remnants fltba bbrrhsrmntlfi ffbr tnplil 0 hurrli aflon our annual january sale of j remnants of all lines of dry goods 5 u offers very special opportunities jj a this week s st a henderson co milt st y4cof onl ixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxkkm january clearance of womens wearing apparel k moneysaving news from our readytowear depl wanted fioods at prices that wu appeal to the thrifty shopper winter coats wc have weeks of wintci weather ahead of as yet and any woman or miss in need of a coat shoptd not pass by these special oilers one table of womens and childrens coats made of good serviceable materials not this seasons styles clearing at s9o 500 or values up to i6oo at this price we are offering a splendid collection of womens coats not all this seasons styles in sixes from 34 to 40 regularly worth np to 1600 clearing at s w regnlart 1200 value womens and misses coats made ol blanket cloth chinchilla kersey etc all this seasons styles odd sizes regular 1200 clearing at 78 sea oothlnr i d e macdonald bros dress goods cor wyidbaa aad macdooel streets gurpfi 0nt the merchants bank of chnkdh statement of the business for the year ending november 30th 1912 asw tho following u kbe liatoroeut of the result of he business of the dank for the year ending jctb november toi a the net prouut of the year after payment of charges rebate on discounts interest on deposits and making full provikion fur bad and doubtful debt premium on naw stock the balance brought forward from 30th november kjll was this has bean disposed of as follow dividend no ob at the rat of 10 per cent per annum tiiaa6 dividend no 00 at the rate of 10 percent perannum l6a6li dividend no 100 at th rat of to par cent per annum 1e6sya50 dividend no 101 at tho rata of 10 par cent per annum terssass e64fj004sj tranaferred to i r fund from profit and ueas account 4000000 transferred to ateas fund front prenilum on new stock 50076000 written off bank premises aocotmt 10000000 coatrlbutlou to ofhcers pension fund soooqoo balance carried forward usthjj fl ni a iisnu- ahlu mui ni or iba vhu ikuw uvvuhl kk hauk a ooii kt 4 1 1 iv 1m 1 klw altr la i itt 1 1 i hbt last 41 41vmp hoik lutibdtm um woh ual ie tisk ulnolw aru h- ai feii b4m hml wll utllalos m htutk a tx k0h salik uku m ua et ix th iaa4 oso lh4 out ui sartlln kwr u s staik kul buy your need ni now om u r imimt ihw a- aiaa wsiiaeau w l 1h mi taa4 w tana h lukciis hplaam a u- isuoe ualll puulhi mtjoo bar w ifaa baka na v o mcutc lokaa w oaa m ila i a jsrvaav valuable vntetiy in acton roh bale tbs 1 at ten baaaa u v4ltraiil mail mm4 tthm du rvealr it rmia la hllvbaa kmlwir altata wu iisiihtuskt n0tick tci ckkiht01ls o as rfihvmrf in bsabiuaan late or uta towwalp a wiaiiaaew la taa county as hajus aareat dscsaasj oefaaieriraitvtbl uiaxfutr aakxna not1cx u bnlr una r lo saatina liial all panobkalimtatabsaasiakt ifaa uaja at walaalaa mcutllaa obodud smi 3r a noaaahaa i all a um tnwbla of fiiaaia in tb coasttf of halia ai jmasiad taaaadhi pau otiuuiu ullu- mfuaa oatddballvilla ontrfct ea e bafora uw n da of valamur 1sii itwlr iuum i in saatrietjaoa aad tall puunkua of uaatrotaiaim la aacarur it aa bald bf laaaa all sal vaa bf alalatnaf rfaalaiatlna alias la aald data uaa eiagn will naacaaa la iba partlaa aetttla it biu najiiil oai lathadalbhal vblcb tba aball iwhanlud aoltca aad uutlbay utall bat ba iabu lew iba a or mi r braor to ui p na of boo claiw ullh uuu ao un um meat ad by ibava at iba uius at aacb dlaulbailon wtljj u i dick mhum linl kalieim- toahfnuw llabtdal ullioalbiallibdarajjaasaat ibx thl larqi attstldallci mxiott fowl i fowl fowl i abo sallall kinds of auknitukb jt syocb rtcton making a total of sigss4s3bo stqs48a bo statetneat of liabilities and assets at joth november 1912 liabilities i to the public mole in vircuulien 1 ucposlts sot bearlog inlere s17340311 leposit bearink intarebt 44 3 5609 dcposlu by othar itanks in canada 7s3 balances due to agnnbt in treat pritajn balancott duo to sgcdli in ho united stales and elsewhere dividend no 101 dividends uncial mod a to tho fltoukholdani capital paid u s646buiw reserve fund 64107s balance of profits carried far- ward 14b7ib97 379s9b4o loys6 a snm assets coltl and silver coin en hand dominion dote oa hand notes sod choquo of other banks ralance due by other banks in canatla ilalsnce dun by banks and agents in the united states call and hhort loans oa bonds and ktocks in canada sja093e705 call mad bhort loans on bonds and block elsewhere tliatt ncaps4 3467377v 4s7077s ss6703j so 304633 u4t44o 4oqag6o67 aad other m33w3m 7 j lovernnient uunlclpa hallway bon end debeature- 37oi 7 4407a current lan and ducounbi lass rebate of interest reservod s337483464 loans and discounts overdue leu folly pro vided for 114s90s4 deposit vhujba domlnlaa coveratunt for seenrity of note drculauoa 30600000 uoiigsgos and other securities tba property oftha bank nl81617 kealbstate s700816 bank premises and fnraltnre s4s7j3io6 otbtfaiaeu soia sl4lt6oa7sl k k 1ikhdkn general uanager i sm h ucmstaqvifialalrfwdani fajtmeis busjnhis mor4nadbaitoeriroionawpua44 v salem etas haadlad on moat favarahl tarsss blank not forsm mpplled free special arfahnvbntmadbbrfknnttauia their wives a as to allow either to deposit or vrllbdraw money savings depaiftmlw we give special attention tb saving account i starts an account interest allowed at highest bank rat and added twice a year without application or presentation of pass book no delay in withdrawals two or mora peraoas may opea a taint account aad withdraw by individual receipt ceneraltltlsum- commercial umets of credit issued available in bnrope colas japs audi othar osuntria travvasara letters of croalt issued psykole in all parts of the world traveller cheques hwood in canv dicnliuttjotalbayajiln t par tn liparts of the world loan made to merchants uauuracturers paromts live stacfc dealer manttaattam and 8cbal i section wo cash cheques drafts erprss orders posts money orders ato forwarding momtywrb chaapett and bait way to forwnrd money laby bank draft or bask mooy order d t v r a maoucax ataissaawa now is the time to have your watches and clocks repaired if other have failed try me no cube no pav hne time pieces specially w h foster bxptatt watctuaakbk wuxsorrou stanp geoiirctown ontario unrbawrv or auction sale faum stock ak1 1m- vljestentej the uiidciblunotl ha boon itutniheil by mr jaa rath to m11 by mmc auction on hlu farm lot aft con 5 i queslug on thorbtoay january 16th atone oclock shari the fououlug horsks 1 team niatchodltsy man good general purpose 4 and h yearw brooil mare suiiposco to bo in oal t vwais old 1 brood mare supposed to bu in foal 13 yearn eld 1 filly colt rlxlnt 3 yaaiw brukei i tair heavy eel fwlk ayeantl 1 arriafro coll rkinj q yuan 1 innlnff colt cattlk 1 cow 4 yoats buiirktmtil to be iu calf i cuw o years aupposqil to bo in cw 1 cow 7 yoarmvwloaeil tobe in calf i cow 8 years nuxeil loboltlalf i caw lo yoarsa biiwimi to be in calf a t lifts j ycsrold couii milking a pair steers rising s yrani 3 calves about a- year old 3 calves 0 months old 1 young calf pigs 6 brood sows due about march loth no pigs alxtut fanrmontha 0 shuv plirs 1 yorkshire boar i year juplbuknts 1 deerintf blndar in good order t climax cultlvstor nearly new s single plows pleuryand advunce i twofurrow plow cock- ahottl apt harrows lumber wagon balr bobalelhacutter crosscut sawj top buggy set double harness nearly now act single harness forks chains and other articles jroobusafci aeotloata a auantitt of nay a lot of straw 30a bus turnips some bousehotd furniture including uovo churn and other articles bverylhlng munt bo sold as tho pro prietor hat leased the farm and 4 frclns terals of balk all sums of ten dollars snd under cash j that anmunt ten months credit rtfrimproved join notes five lhr cent uff for cash oats hay httawttil ntotri vush knj plttch w whsoji v ainlloocer civil ma j

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