Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 15, 1913, p. 3

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weddtar lnrs weddlnr presents hoc wtch repairing spffliflit and eye glasses akruoi jobnma mat tteohyndh ontario rkal khtate fwi- aalvj in mriiw ri ala welllagian lo rnn far mmme every lite ii yat wut a ian write aw far catalagae nr if ym wlah aell nr aketuutge wrue ne we wave every lsveulty iter tranaarllajc inwlatuu ta ynau- cmhbtete htufkciim 4 arrca- mieare aalctel- j v willosjchtn vmrm hilling rlalt ftfoe atoa jfrte flress thursday january in 111 i brief local items splendid slslghlng the rink immo u slow in gai ting bis lo in shape good afternoon i hae yu r umil your funic mow eubecrlpt ion t haw log wood end turnip r coming in freely with the good sleigh li the llydmktectrio uuneu will go to milton ahirlly to commence work i here aston iiaw electric chopping u iii wul eoou be in operation tho motor arrived on monday the major ol llerlln in iu in anfural address urged tho council to plan for a oily or fiotxx people beaverton a llydroklbotrlaliy uw wa carried at i ha muoclpal elections last waik by vota of itth to j owing to tbe illness or ulss hob art eon there baa been no school sea id tier depart want thu week taaejoetof using- bean going up lo rwoent years and now have acofjln combine to raise tbe coat of dying tba board of hducatlon will meat for organisation and genera bulnevn at wednesday evening at stn oclock lodgo woodgreau hon of hog land will hold their annual aupper altar th installation on trtday fevenlng in hopei a hall bervuwvtt tl twluf drillad at milton by morgan orewsou it la ituaied hod yarda from the original wall on lb brandon property rev osoark cooke was inducted into tha reatorahlp of jraca church iflttoo and ill saint- mlllon height- by tbn n arohdaaooo davidson of goetpb last wee gaorge uynda wmi to bav a cdoob on aelon for be la now atartlng on hla fourth yaar h it of i bo vlllaga his election bava all baan by acola mat on brain pton banner coon w d gragory entertained tbe utwubara of the town council and officials at a dinner at bis wautlful taidanoe dbwadnaaday evening on uia vn of bla retiring fiom the council mr gregory leave on saturday for england where ha will spend six week oh busln s and for the benefit of hla health oak villa star ulxinarad the annual lea wealing of tho methodist sunday hchool will be held oa friday january ssltb the exeal- rat dcugraaarne provided will include bomber by acton baptist quartette redieuonabymiss mitchell and ur mobaecy choruaea drill dialogue br ooambeta of tbe achool and address m by have weddell and dr moar- taut tea will ba aerved rroro ala to albb xua people aiound the pad ara anjoylngtto the bru of lliair ahllltlee uweplaudld elelgbing and flue weath the loducuon of ba mr waddall waa bald in balllnaiad praabytarlan lobarch oa thoreday aftaraooo jan hb tbo oongtagauons of balllnafad and caledoo of wbifb ba la now in urcftrebedted in tba l larga ooogragatlun that attended tbo ladaotlod llev mr obnyne of ouod moderator of oraugevlllalvea- hytery bad charge of he i ltd uo i ion aarvlor ilav mr ariualrong praeh- ad a alrong lint r sermon ltv mr scott of llilulittrtt xddreamnl lha newly inducted inlnliter and llev mr lindsay of erin tba oongrvga lion a ninallng of lha elders and inaoagera of 1u church aiul lha alnlatara was held at lu tltsie of tba aarvloa tiv ladle then terved eseallent lunch for which they desera credit indeed m hope to aee 1u mr waddall and auilly settled in their new home this weak mr t kutond and family rrout lha uaakjmtlsncndtitg the winter wtb friends lo the vicinity or balllnafad h k nd a is working qui la eatl aatniily under tlm management or mr joe gibbon well carrier 8 news uf local impoit thatmib imivr of tba uatbo- liutoborch mll t b11 i ftuhlv icuury ui 1u allnul j jbn- i too b a of uall tnnrawir ui itav lr aatttir will prweb snornlng and evening llav mr johnatonla one of lit ntost alilr and ruroaful of lb conference lit eereoone will aninjad tba aaw brick public ball al faw- vpn ha been com plated by liberal u inscription and vuluntaar balp 1aloruio i 11 w in poealim itf a rita public ball lo replace lha old ituprr- anca ball and drill ball tba buttdlng lslhlrtjix fast by alzty faat baa baaaaiant la lighted by gasoline and baa tad by a furnaoa tbre la a ataj with a drop certain and tfca mlllaba the illlubutg braver altar of mj year auapauaed pubucatloo a k ago and tlie offiov la now cloaed mr icay iba noant owner having p aa tba wincbawtav lia tbe dlmciilllrrf and lha coat of running a new paper ara iwc wea and it la not likely that illllaburg will havn a iaper again uualpfa mercury mary jana banlta srlia of mr- vvnv u laurraoodiedatbebodalnnaa b away a wadneaday in bar itad year tba r of dealb waa p b bar bereaved boaband tin iaueraoo left a family of four aoe and four daugbare all grown up two or bar eon nell and geovga at aoton wllluut at georgetown and calvin at bom tba fauevnl look place on ualorday interment at oaanp bellvllta pnsarul lajwrsaa to mm aad laaty mra hiewart ule orflali who baa bean v ultlng br laoa mra john klalkar or tba third una for aeenrnl month bad the oalaffortuna lo fall down cellar daring cbrielntse week tba old lady who i ughtalx year or age was badly h and sbakewap but fortunately suatatned an trad urea half a doaeo allien were required in the drrvlng of a frontal ecalp wound uba u bowever making fair pogrea toward recovery a meeting of halloa honday bebooi oooncll and other parson lataraated the work will ba bald in tba school dco of tba metbodut church at georgatowa otytueaday jan asth seasloaa will ccaninane at 10 a am and 130 p tn itav k w llalpeony b lxgenaral saeratary of the provincial association will be present and mat ten of special internet in the county will be conaldered luv o d draper aelon la proidrot and mr i k wrineb marton becracary treaaurar gualph district a nana inuuite for tba metbodut bnoaay school rorfcara will ba bald tu weak at fer gus and itockwood on thnreday aad triday afternoon and evening eee- alona with vary inter eating aad prac tical safajacla and free discussion will ba bald hev v i- karewu b a ot toronto the field secretary of lb church and bav ufaae d lapr the district saeratary of sunday school will bava ebatrga of tba inetl- e t are not ordinary sunday school conventions but live practical homelike buainaeallka oowferwaoe of woraara and frls acton school 111 aand a good delegation of workers to kekwund lo aa on tourday john wilson aad alas wileoo jr appeared before pollea magistrate dice charged by lice inepector farrab wlusbhig under tba influence of liquor wbua on tba prohibited list- tbay denied tbe cbarge but it waa grovad by evidence aad thay- can warn urged to tall wber tbay got tacfar llpuor aud it was understood that if tbay did tbay would ba dealt with leniently at noon an adjournment i made until p en whan thai hour arrived both man waaa missing tbay ware each hoed 910 and ooata md a warrant waa leaned for their arrest 85 tar tbay bava ant baan caught milton champion hotel accommodation in aoa baa been anything but good under local option in other local option towna tbe supportere of tba bylawa opened hotels soma of which are said to b wall managed but in alston tba travai ling public have bad to take pot luck it la said that chae decker of oafc- vllle got an option on tba dominion llouee with lha understanding that he would buy ll and ouon it in tba avani of i ho bylaw being repealed mr decker has a particularly good reputa tion a a hotel man and it i said thai knowledge of the above arrangapaenl bad much to do wltb tba result ol last mondays vote milton tibatnplon ii may ba newa for lha champion to be informed that lb hotel in aotnn under llorute were bare under local option lhatihf landlord wbooondaci- thrtti were both former and that i be hotel juatnegood under local cptlon aa social and personal mra jama moore spent ttiday with friend- la berlin uia kwle jobiialomi baa aturovl from naw ijiakard mr j no m warren of toronto was in town last week- mr frad melughuo of toronto aprnt balidaya al bla boou mr aad mr boy wanaborougb of linselphrieltad friswdabevwywawaak mr andun i- llandacaon m i retoraed to ottawa on friday after mr joseph cripp of weat tunalo bpeutkuoday with hi bieter mr mclaughlin mr fnarlla hynda or tminio pent erverel daye this weak al h father a home mr u m hendareon b u uiffrring irum a aevera atlaca of uli ay th peat weak itav onaa k flucrell of hmlltoi was tba guest of hi brother hav i o burrall b a during lha week mr luben craig and muter wilberl of went toronto aprnt i holiday wltb un c molaugbhn umv cha i draper auawdvd bneetiag of th ahacullve of llautllli confereoob hummer hchuol al li yeetarday lr and mra cmruo warren j torou and mr and mra it i warren af georgetown were gua of acton rrieod laal week lr george ttovy of haakatuon k arrived last weak to spend month or vrilb ble uihr mr tbomaa htoroy maria street lr ejlaabetb ilray and mrs 11 t lapege of turontn and mr lfiuwi buuln of hu lair imlcb ere geant at mooracroti tbu week r and mra j if tunaron of baakatoon vsmlted at tbe bom of mr win johnston last wrvk mr oaaaeron b aaaoculed with mr john atone in tbe naw conimerrial block hlcb i bay built teal auniuter in hav al tb iii llig of aduhi l o ii nottt in lbjr lodge room 01 hatur deyevaalng the following uflkao weie installed w h -it- scott ix m -k- k c4k chaplain k kennedy rac baaj omltfa fla secw u bailth d ofo w nn tyure w wills t hurd lecturar moorr vi d builtb com w lea g hall w 11 walker tha annual al element of lha bualneaa of tbe merchants bank of canada ap pearing in another coin inn givee ample manlfealatlno ol tbe uceaeaful yaare tranaactloneof this progressiva bank i biadeaa of lbs year a s81lig007 01 b urgeat lo the bu- tnry of tb la financial institution now in its fiftieth year tba pmld roacb- 1 nearly two million- uh717 of bleb has been carried rorwerd con- irreot with lb general bualnoai tf tba merchants bank th acton branch la making bubelanlial yearly incrraaw in lie volume of bualnaee yesterday rorenoot mr k uokio- ms nassagawaya was delivering a load of oordwood on mill street and when tbe load wa about half off hie team became frightened and ran down tba street at a inrrlflln pace at the vacant elle for inn new pt offler they blrmddlrd th- llydrokiecittr light pole which effectively auipped hair carver tba tongue doubletree nd front bob warn badly emas nd lha harass aomewbat torn but tbe bow si sacs pad injury fortunate ly for tb lighting suture manager lleviuod had reavtvad tan lamp and shad a few minute before to make aa adjustments and tbay suffered caianettan almanac a noih vol a s tba 1013 uwua of the ca al- manac which forme tbe sixty sixth of tbe series b uunaually valuable and library la tba dominion many of tb beta given lo ba page are ant found deswbera and in no otbr vnluu aomucblnformalloo about canada be found in so small a space tba cana dian almanac baa bean pofalleheh con tinuously einc 1818 and is of great value to every canadian engaged in pvnfeaalonal or baalnees life in addi tion to its uste of pwt offtosa clergy mllltla parliame legal etc i gives maps of ontario showing net boundaries albsrta and haakatnha- wan and new brunswick nova scotia and prinoe kdward leland aaapaanowall the railways and prin nlpsl towns and ara lltbnyraphed in color caopagaa- oandsomelv bound in levmlarm prioe l 00 put4ubd hy the copp clark cmupany lumked toritnto knium fhkk ikioih ierhtr a- owing to the ulti of tba liour i did not have tm cooiplaim my bpeacb i the itockwood meeting i am eaklag you aaalovas fair play lo publieb what i would lis to have said in an abridged form in vuw of the fact that tha absence of armaments ha been an unmixed meeting i heartily approve of the resolution that not blag should be done till the people bad baan gfvsn mn opportunity lo expree lliemeelve which waa cairiad unanlmoualy my oljct lonl o tbe proposal or lb borden government are aa fol ueai i in view f tb vast superiority of the briilah bet end of the rrieodly reeling between the maeae of lreat britain ihw tuaihwe i germany lbrv i ielihereuergeatcy ixr need uruiiributun will he uwed in any evl war tyb aggrraalva and dr j anadadglft will endanger ger manys iii will count vtmi i too vent hw crilicleni wa in pail as follows lr great britain build eigbl battle ship inld of ave albion will be oon vtclrd afreah of perfidy attention cannot lie colled too ofyi lo i be mighty nw of tba umafr ur cuurahltl staled expreaaly that cans da contribution wa in addition to lite admiralty plan a uruiaoy lakn into conaldaration all naval oon atructlon in any part of lha km pi re she i likely lo incrnu her navy culih a fuiurelncraa in britain i in view of lb fact that rivalry produce iii will and an luc aad bur den whirl fall very heavily on the maeeea we abouui neither givh a con trihulloo or commence nsvy j a llrnuanf has a mpulatlon mkra i ban half aa large again a great britain eitd an annual ivvvuue nearly double w i i old abstain floiu dolitu anyihlng tltat will increaaa i lie- horror 1 war should that awful cauutlly a canada- contritwillun aallngasa fmm germany far more than hinlerhaunc the slightly lncraaeeil 7 itlncraaae britain hutden t uea aba baa to man and maintain th ablp my ohjectlnoa to tho canadian navy are in part aa follows 1 tha protection of the brltbb leot baa baan amply eufflcltnf i lielaat hundred yaara and in view of tha fact that peace ha a mada remarkable pro- grave ll u undesirable to lake a retro grade slap 2 there will bearspldand contlnusl increaaa that lh the experience ibethigbout the world and we shoul i expect milhlng eba a mr guthrie only claim any cmiioienoenieut to te a email beginning a in vbwoltbafaelthntoornbaeno f armamartt has baan th nun polenl factor lu the maintenance of peace and good will with th united state and t we are ntuut lo oelrlurale lbs d centenary it u u ode- 1 ruble and inopportune to commence a nsvy thre are a fw jingoes ami alarmuts the statra a well aa in canada hut aa long as we supply no fuel the danger will not uuuni to anything 4 our navy i undesirable beoaute it diminish th probability of peace for the coming generation i bad intend ed to say let u look forward co years baa probably oir population may ba slxjyvseveniy eighty or powaibly one hundred million probably hy that time we may have a famullablr argv anfiual iuvl vxpeiiditur h huge navl debt and piwalbly cotcrl- thm perhapaeomeof you who uia etlll be alive way then remember ttwl mr gulhriv advocated a navy and that a farmer named burllnghau warned you of tba consequences perhaps by that time th alarmists across tbe border will be stirring up tba people earing britain remembers i hey once poaseseed the new kngland stataa end they have encouraged canada so their combined forces may poes our land wbu can foraa tbe poselh consequences f ft we need no navy beosiiaa wa have no near neighbor besides tbe united stataa teoefy4 urge sfock of pslwouldlngsof tlmtlatvatdaslgo x am prprofl lo ini onbrs fqprwortte and awtluuolt l0 tb turfrirulilg iloamy roiiiply jktarest of the evening proceeding gt reaeoonw price 0 qaattfwat uofbuaeu a vary eojoyabl evening wi by tba audience that attended thv conourt given hy lb staunvr-otmtla- balirsoouiali oimcert co under the usplpae of lha bone of scotland bat thursday evening the concert wa- onef lha best given bete for com tlmr aa a pianist mbe mckay hae few superior mr howard itussell baritone has a voice of exceptional power and every on of his nuhibrr waa thoroughly ro joyed madam oouuebaln bjuj a aery fine rich voice and be rendeclag- of the scotch aaj irbh songs was much anpaeuted aa an impereonaiov and alocelloaul be alan baa great ability her duetts wuhlloataidhnsssll a pretty doulda wedding look place in toronto on tuesday dec hjr at nveo clock in tin rvsnlnr when mle daisy m camptll and mr harvey g kalar and mi- fajju llfhl mr busell mniwn were anjunrd in tb honda of bly mafrlnwmy the ceremony was performed hy he imria bapllat mluuter bell wss becomingly g wnrd in n mbe of white embroidered silk net overellk lib loaches of pink satin and bee she waa al landed by mini maigaret hjslaer sister tt tha groom mr robert king was groomsman tba brid travelled in a talord suit of navy blue wlih white onrd beaver hat and french plume mia uugblll wola ndsltiiyguwn of pal blue kn i fa pleat od chlnvm over bin sal hi vritfa idi velvet and ua hla bubpllkry waa her brid ve maid tba gnaws waa aup- poried by mr john ii an ley the brid tmvetbd in black ilk vegl coal and while beaver bat with wbue 0n pray alter a sumptuous wedding dlnnrriit mr jlrry oajuplifll wlih ally well rendered end eery duett j latatadule seuuvery lha hrl- waa enoored tba humorous eotawv daotwpla left amid abnweraufonnret- talner mtlbrd stanffar cepturvd the uandgimd wlhefur acum where a aadlence from bb vary flrat numbar at impersonating eltaer lb germaa orsoolchman be wa enaetar the costu nerd in lepraeeatlng lb tarlone c were ri and ap- j ij j nst makas monday shorter easier cooler iniqht artkbmocat ontiurmlay nvnnlng th g uterary soclrly held ls regular week ly ineellnpvwtirn there was a good at tendance ur k a mann presided th followlug programme waa glv n i opening chnru the maple leaf forever chairman addrsea heveral milal rclecllons wr ran dwied by ttv orchealra speecbe were given by mrsra basil johnatob and vrntl wal vocal dual mlseea jesle itli and jennie allan bead ing mim maul ltll debate it olved i hal farming i i he heal occupe- tloo to which a young man can turn hi bund the afflrniallve wss sup ported hy mer j l allan and hugh hwd the nvgeilve being upheld by me-r- knnsdy and w p near the deeuiori ws given in tavor of tha negative tha judges were mlaa net tle wuisbmiigh maasra comfort tliompaon fe1 wee namaoawiya tim annual meeting or naaaagawaya agrioultural hoclsly will te held in the ball at llcookvill on monday jaituttry20til at 2 oclock tba busl naa will include si set ion of officer and other nrossssry items the funeral nf thr late mrvtwm 11 iatlaraon from lit family resi to the oamatary at oautpbellvllle on halinday wsv varf largely atlendad my back has never irq0bleilme slid tauif sim pius lyons brook n t 1ek 30ii1 voa in pufwtly free to hw my mime in any way lo benefit oin pi i us iftr they deserve tbe hlffhcst prstr my b tsklnj ing ik pius and my wife feru touch itettci- ftrf uklng gin 11lu for her back blie thinks gltliixh will make a complete cure jaui i nauss cin ml ts wllllway relieve iune luck bcullcalii back and lu rlnmntlmi llurumg and scalding urine painful urination weak or uklng cold in the kidneys so kvcry box l sold with ller r to give prompt relief of money rrftimhs 50c a box 6 for fj v ss tuple free if you vrlle natlmal draft sod chemical co of csnnds lunlted toronto 4l learn the automobile business daraal tk vnaav aama aad u i itussriyasvi take a oouftsc in the aq toatomto v m c a aotonomlx icbool ow 10 271 bfvoadvtew avenue the entertainment was mar itorioua in o we need not fear any european navy bacauaa they would has to an nihilate the british beet we neednt fear danger from the far east because ihebritlsh navy would come through tbe panama canal and arrive at the ecana of action as quickly as a japan ese navy could and because the japan- see navy would be followed by the imperial nf vy from tbe china sea enl indian ocean 7 no navy that canada can build would be of any una agalnatauuropeao or japaneae navy 8 there b no country in th wo i that denim to invade our country hy proposal woo id he to sand i great britain annually either a cm tributlon uf flour 0b poultry butter ate for consumption in tht- home navy and so aeaut our own agri culture or else an annual contribution of aay s 4 or 5 million dollar tbl pmpoaal baa the following great advantage i 1 we nerd borrow no money nor pay any interest a 1 1 would lessen and noiincre the burden of the british tag payer i mlta fl a weaexwm keep oetnfall ware i w should never hav a large annual naval xpendlture and wt should accumulate no nsval debt 5 mr gutbrl said thai the annual upfecvpuf tba proposed liberal go mmeiit would bav been 3 14 tullllon dollars tba annual upkeep of their proposed unit on ihu atlantic and faclsc ooaana would lie much more so that my proposal would sav money aqniuuly tieideh pmniiilogfriendblp and gimdwlll the conantwlvladc4biwytoanada needs n uayy britain needs the best navy in lbs world so inllrva if only tuy proposal could be properly and widely advooalad it uilgbl ins a cor pled as a co to tha honor of can arinrin ginry nf the tuplre and the promotion uf peace tbeti ibis veked naval question tecenllo waa luderd them si the be taken as it ought in he lak- hoiaa of un geo oainphall tha ffoq tbe poll of politic- and mb pinjharaf mra kuer abml wninelt opposition would lie forty friend met to waleome thorn aob lo give thalr milled and uidlvldid a dsoghud evening wa- psftt the unvlun 00 ubsir of the- inftrosl deoorauoiis warn red blue aud gold wrare nf our land tbn presante were very pretty gd yimre truly nuineroua boui couples will reside in j bpbuisubam wtnid t cvewon0urevvw c symons baker u conrectioner 80b makers of rjae acton pork pie irlsetlon homamsds bread ry our ioc msdlsrs 1 rail cakes out pen pautu dallcioaa assort meal ol cakeaaod pastry fresh rrfy day all homemade wcddrae and dbthosjr cakes a spschuty coabctlonery etc all orders dhuverrd w1uow st aolon royal purple stock poultry specirjca free with la- sas liahl asehe eslts aa aauva aulsk ssws clw sa4 fsuesw urta sew to kem 4 cei poaluy ss ust taer will is w wefl la wlawr a la was ll seetalsa sw yen am 1 to smsc rvau txea sals sssstkh da srilhwk il uwewe ssvlsa sssstavf sad ww aad wsstansvumfassnllastlhar u it ui 1 qgddaoadddddlblms 0 on vinunt wiriafs w h stock tonic i o jj a medicinal tome n a and a blood pnnfiir tl guaranteed to rivc sat- u d isfaciton 1 75 doses in u n a 50c package n n d 1 poultry tonic a a restorer and re- g g tamer of poultry health u a its judicious use results a u in a decided increase h g package h at brown a auoatt a btanotmw acton ont mamaaaaodudouaaaan theflour peed store we wish again at this to thank oar many friends for tholr continued tatrouage dttr ing llio jiaat year and to assure them of our beat wishes for a iropjrooa new vear wc wanld auo remind those who have ouutandlnc accoonts that o- wlsli to have them nettled at once to allow us ta close ear books and start fresh in futuru our term will vh b noble merchant miller n r mo9ro manager saaanddaaaaddsshss our s new years g a tidies ii n j g k 5 twa now hava a larrfr d n and tea- jthplay uan g g otrarbafora b m com bn and mmm our t g wooll bafora you do n your naw yaara ahop- g pin- y g harold wiles b aaawia nndannnaaoad auiu no substitute for newspaper advertising grand trunks bzaatai baet t la saasel sa year sbwa ur it ea ufa eye brst sadves ike awrvstfam raealt w smslaea 0 ft ema will la ailk no uuve la ave as per i ear wufa wf a 1 staau ptskaaa vnllawl s era- ar kmm tt 4 total fubpu vovktmt oa4k0vig wul smks rear ksss far jmt ss wsuj is 1 9 mlnur utatw iwmnt aad will keep tbwa frss frsai t tasse sasaa at pare sad nee aay ee th sunset ai ta arssmt uew sfaral rarpk fak ipsslas us saktar bar ms ease is sa alruah lie estsllf kara punjs pealtni spssus us sa h inka taw tart ivaw hj kyfb- nttsr tit sad he usai t a assu- marsl raipfa 011 osta tu sad ws tls aoeitaralf bwss tjakasat ma ksujsi we ksrs osejfc car us tta ms kw hersl tvmfa lmiasnaairils aars usl aaysj ibwvw vw ova ns ttwrms vr tfaswtsrural el- br royal purple suppbes amt book leu miy be obtained from b p caldweu ge0dwads hrtoitoi california mexico- florida and the sunny south the grand trunk railway is the most direct route from all etats east through canada via blcago detroit or buffalo only double track route round trip tourist tickets giving cltblce of ail the hast rontss to rjetber wlih full information may be abtalned from any grand trunk agent an a a a a w m m m m m m m u a a m advertising pan if the man who hm omeuung to mtu reanlatas hia adver- tisoment u to connnco tbe popple lbtit4s wortj buying all the uibatitute forilewspaier advartiaiiitf can aaaily be avoidwl or duregarded by uw people tbead- vertlier trie hardeat to attract the man or woman that can afford to bay tbey do not land taping at bill boarda and tbey do not bother witb circular in tbe mail became they are too huay but their old friend tbe omre- baper u taken into tbe inmon prrracy of tbe family circle it is rfiirmanh at the breakfaat table and at tbe nipper it u read at leinire in the evening and its page are acrutinued witb he intereat born of long habit and dis criminating taste an advertisement in that newspaper goes into tbe family circle and cannot be es it is welcome hecsiise it is a part of something ebe that is we and it goes there at tbe very time when the occasional domestic economical 1 takes place there is no sub for advertising except loss of business tinnnnunn a m m a a a a a a a a a w tlic fhkk press ia welcomed in a growing num- bcr of homes it is able to accommodate 2 more advertisers this woold be a pood space for a live concern an a m hmitssnmsssiiuiilssmi jb6e metropolitan bank head office toronto oat omtttel md up uadhim rrasa joint accounts are a great convenience for parmer deposits or withdrawal can t made by hit hand or wife in case of death of either th money may be drawn by the survivor without loss of tint or uannjassary legal procedure acton branch t a halsted manager hurrah for cutters we ire selling cutters every day also the famouh adams sli uhs few butties left to cirar at cost somt- new capttil st par itorn ltd et to clar t 4mc tash 50a lbs cipiih d tn men ill quit it as ih y ir t fuhd iit kobes ktif sprcids horst- bijnkets iljher helnctc a full line for winter use machine oils of all kiitdi and floor oil call and see our line bf goods b f caldwell acton underwear twopiece back again and more bargfalrta i c c speight i comfortably mtued mrln in hu in pnrnd pmolaw oa hiu strml whw eauonwr wsnt will ba promptly uip plbd n stoves akh ranges oranitbware ahi t1nwakb sh h mccuarvacostovks hbchan1cs tools paints oils 1ki glass cutlbry m silvbrwarb chinahbl tha paw ud my paint for auaujunc giainlas sad ddti- antnir oaix 4mo uiihous muoht no maaiiaaa s stanfibuds unshrinkable q suits ahd combinations b qbe tbe genuine all wool combinations penmans o60 all sizes three reliable lines of underweat r e nelson oailth oht ssssss bank of hamilton saving that kueia your waa usatlvtawa peoaea ajhwjooa to provide against a poeaihlo rainy uay is not the only reason for regular i security nfnd hw trom worrv tha fun2 of indeimii iimt your niad teeyoubatr atuto weat tha and to lake ad ttrmimnvmirway open yonraixuuqtattba rank f llaintl world on au aveu ftsotmg s vantaxnifotonunllisthatrmimnvhirwny tod wbre couitnxm ofilcieut tkankln pruvhlad for tb dopuait uf mail 1 large accounts vice la provided for tb ilepusit of tmail as welli k ktklktw branch m makajr neglect ruin 100 watches whsr naa ifveart oat oaa keep your wateh clean and it lu aa natural for it to go as for your i mutt to beat pringlb luuitnparleuott and abllliy to npajtvand property adjust watches iraebluympeataaayianion incaittula mr 1 gbeohj pvp0m qijuelph

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