Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 15, 1913, p. 4

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fthe utan jfrtt press illljlthlilt jvmjuty is 1u1 bahlvvimu lats uo to bed early wake na with iovv jo t brd ule orow girl nr boy j to bed rly r4y fr play ubedlntq moping all day go to tod eerlyn peine or llta on la bed lite doctom and pills do to bed early paw very tall tlo in bad 14 stay f nujl watu of chiwm ottibs wmll surrounding shanghai city la an interesting sign of tbe urn u wall u om preliminary to in ambitions eebenm of deonpnsnt seorestf ooottea wji north chine news at work wua plok bonl op thai portion of tb shy mn- put wbiob feces lbe street lending to the old yaesen the wall itself la eeveral time wider than tb allay ways along which pedantries and rlekebaa make their devlone and diffi cult way in that part of lb oity the apnea acquired by tbe removal of lbv waif abould therefore if and to bet advantage ba ofoooalnerabu nla it appear to have been enddan discovered that the wall la nialsni i mesne of defense and that it u aa ugly impnuimnt to the development and improvement of the uatlva quarter the work was pat in band and im mediately tba ordar want forth fi uh town hall work department that it waa to ba executed without fail the flrat section to ba recurved u that stretching from naar tba old yamen along by tba great east gats to th ualtad sir brigade buildings tba moat or link baoaath tba wall la to faa nlled in and it is reported a broad auloo la to laka ita plane tba imams and inbabltanta of eban- uaa on tha wall hara been ordarad to retnove these and any tcooen material atoj which would impede tha progreca oftha work an outory might hava baan expected elooo tba e bad baan strongly opposed bat tha order was quietly eeoepted in fact wary uttla interest eeeme to have b aioaaad by tba work even though it inaugurate a striking change two of tba principal gats in tha city wall of hangobow hava baan removed atoantojthejupubltcanoov ordarad an iniiilmdnliii aa to tba population andibf nnmhrr itf bow along tba wnuinsandutiovtblty tha ntbeuu deputed to lb work ara to report in a month submitting a list of tba booeee and iwefcaenta together a a cohsmc for tba demolition of tba tlra city wall it u aald that opportunity kooeka onoa at every man door bnt it u a mistake to t tsmtty alwaya proaenu hetuelf fnraaal oauar foronea that aba an- donnom hanwh with a thnndariag knoeavtbara ara acorn of oaeaatons wfaabahahldaa h and waita for uta kaanabjbtcd invaatlgator to dla- oovar bar larking plaea johwbontan ph eat did not aaan a favorabia apot for wtaklng tha aoqoaiotaooe of opportnnlty yt hara it waa that ba mada an immortal najna tbabaarthflraoftbaunopbi oama nffarad bo allnrcment to to amebmoawht vmtor ji tbara tha boy found hmr too tnaka a mmaka if won alt down by yoor front door and wait for opportonity to and knock sba may ba ennoaalad in your mhonl booka or waiting for yon fatb faraiy or biding in noma oeoo- parlon yon bava arar thoogbt of a affcrdlng any onnaoal fihanoa ioot waftforbar xaokforbr what a 1 joaapfa fvaneb johion daan of uta naw tbrk vnirlty school of 0mq- mraa annnanta and plnanea aiva noma lutaraatlo data on what a hny ahonm know when ba laavaa aebool to amtar bnalaaaa haaboold know bow to spall aoenr ataly any word wrltaa tba xean va ahoum kfmmaritfcinatto ukmosb- ly and tha bngibdi languaga and tba wty of it haabottuknow at lsaat a faw of tha impnkant aaaou of a htatnry by baarli m woold add to tba boy aqnlnmaat baaldss a blgbmihool rduoatlon a apaolal mtndt of amarkwn bualnaaa banhtngandatnekaaimlbanda wbati uta hnr b- mit nt kaalnaaa if ba gnaa at it frnm tb bottom ba banntnaa an axpact and kaowa all abont it and bagauagoodaaury inthsandi bat tf ba hm kmroad to ptek op thlnaa op of bkt ragnuv ronndwblta of qotrcd tba flrat raqnlatta of adooa am ajinona authojaaw or tb- prt jahi- w w ri iravrlllnti hirm irwiw uihfmmlbw wblcb lnwhwy f 1 i w ihoar nitkh drrulad nand btonq of that ragion of oounr arybody haa aran a rainbow which la mlmply a roflacllon of light on th paruclaaof molatura in tha atmoapbora wall lha aandbnw la caumkl hytharaaacuoa of light on peculiar sand partlclaa which ara left floating in t ba ajr altar tha storm thu muwlbow la not so brilliant aa uta rainbow nor ara tba seoo and third bow oftan araa within tha brat no dlauaat aa in tha reg raiabowt but tha sight ifjott af intpramltv nnd wondarfuli ftod wban on flrat aara uta aaodbow ha woodara whatba bu oya la daorlvlng blm so out of plaoa ita ila 1 eaaanlna tba saod of tb woubl and out so adan uatasay that it la not an ordinary sand that so refract and refuele th tight bat peculiarly pollahad uniform spherule which hare daddadly pearly luster thaaa particles being aa thay are because of constant friounn or rubbing together while awlrled through uta air during the aandatorm beatrice if parker in allrblgan christian adrocato fat amd his tvwujhmm an irishman waa in tha habit l getting drank ml wife told him ba must not conta home when ba waa drunk one night be beeamr into i eated and rrmemberad bis wife s com mand to appssaa bar he bought some chrysanthemums whan ha reached uta bottom of tba staira aha called out flare you been drinking k no be answered l hare been buying you some cbrys cbry and ba eonld gat no further ob be murmured why didnt i get some rosea f iwnkvrtlucttell am amlnantsalaatlat tha other day gaya kla oplaloa that tha most won derful discovery of recast years waa tba aanwrary of nanvbak jaat adaatl as aaaa aa a alngk uln layer af zsaabak ta applied to a eroani r a sore such injury la insured age l blood poison nat oi does not kim i than again as aooa as kambttk m applied to a sere or a cut or to abta alstsiib it stops the sxaaruag that la why children ara each friends thay care nothing for face ar ee- atlaaalatad that kasllai thwna la ealckly formed thw of fresh healthy uaai woe vea r hasitag p eap omphaua on um eubjaot of the banaflta of blgbrr adajoatton aaan aotual help in getting tba qnaatlon of tba ralaure s of boys who aqbjgmaoqfafitnx- i a pa wltbor aritbout hlgbohool or eouega train- bag ba says has hhen anawarad ovw and over again in tha united ajtahtobn tba sneflam and oootrlbutlon topm watfara of those who hara 1lisorathan ordinary adneatlon- aj adrantngra tba tcadara in any mliafsotlrltyn by rlrtua of tbalr nnalujms ehafgad wltb avaator raapon wiwas for tba sanaral good vbr ansa who ara to direct tba anwglm nqd thoogbt of tha majority of tha geopmahberal education la amantlal tws wbnta awtsntnt daring ths two daosow has been to limraaae tha wss for ilbstal training for tboas who would enter tha profsamioa ohildxen ory rot furcrtrs ca3toria laatyaevspopnursntajr v aa41agsoaatokaepoat of amt unoanmajgnof ouwntdtoa it isat hair as far from virtus to wwhf rtaylrinv i i ha k a lot tanuaraathaa to tha sarfnea and literally casta off tha dlaiaaid tfcwaa ahora it this la why a cans ara paaassiii oaty tba other day mr harsh 11 deaarladar are afoatraal celled anon the nmsjtbak oompasy and told theaa that for eve tweatyflre years ha had aaan a martyr to sesema hie hands wars at oaa time so eotared whh seres that ha had to sleep ta amoves four years ago eambak was introduced to hist and in tooths it cured blm today orar three yesra after kla core of a d he had for twentyare years he is still cared and has had no trace of say return of the au euijrit sail kanvbsk at ma hsz or we will sod free trial box if you aaad tola advertisement and a is etamp to pay return postaga drees zambsk co- toronto castoria wev aw vine v j a tfiahatffj always jevvogirt and which baa becsi ibr orer so 7eara baa borno tlto signature of and baa boon made under his per- asm allowpoouetodocolvoyoulu uus a oo f imltatlo jnat-ojnrood- arm bof kaaerlmenia tlmt trlflasrub muiteaiiluitfttor tun fitnhh a i and cbildraznrlenoe offniuat iftrprrlmcait- what is castoria oastoria la a harmless subetluite fbr castor oil pare goric arops and soothing sjrupa- it is iloaaant it contains neither opium morphine nor ouier nnreoue aa its age is its guarantee it destroys worms and allay peterlahneaa it euros dlnrrliona ait- 1 wind oolle it relieves teetbbuj troubles euros comtupauon and flatulency it aaalnillatoa tito 1om1 mgubuea use stomach and rowels giving- healthy and natural loop the childrens ihuutcov- mot iters 1- rlend genuine castoria bean tjo slgnatora f always the kind you have always bought in use for over 30 years a man can t bsaa acuve aa he would like to be in rlrio srfalra and at the same lime do justlca lo bu family an buy it 11 lo take hume per sons have rspugnanoe to pi i la becaua of tberanaltermllng uil arnslaa vegrtsbl pills are so praril ax in make them agi eaalit in the iniwl fas tkllous tba tnirnt dnllcale can aaks themwlthuirelingllarauluintliat follows tba taking of ordinary pills thla la onn reaaon for tha popularity of those oslabratad pill but tlie uj reason ta tbalr blgb tonlcal quality as n madleloe for the atomaali kalnt hrt m m eacapva fair widow a man who buy a his swlliarli seats on long credit not yet in c d it ion to become a good provldnr a man fesls aa if hi la making a re cord for self deolal when he doean t moke all day because hie throat la so sore he cant any men who shaves himself la apt to out his beet friend many mothers have reason to bless mother graves worm exterminator because it haa relieved uta little ones of buffering and made them healthy a gbt doesnt uuak much of bar parents idea of marriage ohlldten ory foi fletchers castoria pavnt dmas it la well to be careful about making nlsujkae bnt almost ths biggest mle- jlkaposaiblalatogo on the principle of doing nothing until you are alwol utsly aura people who wait for cer tainty in everything are very much ilka a man who alts down by tba side of a stream waiting for it to run by btfors ba cross au tba peopl worth while make mistakes and to re- duos your number of blunders at the cost or remaining inactive la to pay t ear for a reputation of infallibility tm mojiwav to uocatavs sometlmcs our failures are a door way by which we enter into a wider success hanyaman whose name u honored wherever it spoken would have died unknown if he had succeed ed in the vocation of hhi fjrst choice castoria for infahts sad children tuumymhinahrmbugh bears the signature of if you would atrikr a man favorably never bit hlin in the vicinity of the pocket book ooat oauea asthma ken a little speck too small to aee will lead to agonies which no words can dascrlbev the wall of uta breathing tubes con tract and it eeatns aa if the very life mnstpaea from this cumhi inn dr j i kellogg asthma remedy brings the uaer to perfect rest and health it relieves tha paeemfree and normal breathing is firmly etawi4erf again hundreds i f teatlmnnlala received an dually prove ita effect rysne as wamtbd a quotatiom at a certain college in the north of scotland the male students are not allowed to visit the residing lady boarders one day a mslo atudenl waa caught in the est of doing so and waa courtmartialed tba rector ad dressing said wrl mr u- the penalty for he btl nffvooe ie 2a for the ftecoitd for the ihhd 7s and an on rising hafcmwn each lima up to in solemn tones the trepesser said how much would season ticket of getting discouraged early failures abould read biography and assbow many of- thaaa temporary- failures make permanent anceeasea slffwflwwiulmjtrsllll ft tti vwswt tbom who have nevei with kidney trouble do suffering sad mans w vaak hat of ashing bank never bean troubled not know ths uoh those el- was so nervous cosui hot ejit or sleep there an many people who become worn weak and muerablc because their nerves become so unstrung they cannot sleep and wnovrer us troubled in thla way they milburoa heart and nerve pilla will restore the deranged nerves to full ufa activity hey do effect on the nerve centeav and will the whole avstem to a oerfect condition mr oeorga mebeath round hill n b writes i take the pstaaure of writing to tell you the great benefit uiffiumv heart and nerve piuadid foe 1 was ep nervous 1 could not cat or even do my work ow hnatty i eon- tad t tr mubu heart and nerve of lao littleness makes a bum i fall worms are encouraged by morbid oondluoon of lb stomach and bowels and so subsist millar s worm powder will alter the conditions almost im mediately and will sweep the worms away no destructive pensile can live in contact with this medicine which is not only a warm destroyer hut a health giving medicine moat haneucal to the young constitution ami aa such it has no supsrtor kssbpimo banran tima thry ware at the skaung rink itorgo she akt aa they roundad the bend is your wlcu correct f yea replied jeorge wltb a merry laugh it la keeping better umeslnoe i put your plalure inttlde tha case oh you llatterar how could that bop well you ac when i placed your picture lualde lliu oaoe i added another j1 next to consumplioh tiehuemoieiulw fraa pieimoau tstsjin otter use irenb la nothlog mon what used to bo called inuamntauooof consumptloo may be contracted from others but aa a rule dneumonut is caueed oy exposure to cold and wet and u the dokj is not attended to immediately ser ous results ara liable to follow there is only one way to hrrvent pneumonia and that is to cure the ooltj oo lis nrat appearance lh- woods norway pino hyrup will jo this for you if you will only take it in time ir wood e norway pine hyrup eon- lains all the essence and lung heshag powers of the famous norway pine tree- mr hugh malcotl heierbuy basic writes my little boy took a wy wvrre cold awl it developed uitopocu- tnonls the doctor said be ooukl not live i got aome of your dr wood a norway pino syrup and he began to improve now he la a strong healthy child and showsno sign of it ever comina back the price of thla remedy u 35 ard 6c cents per itottlc it is put up in a yellow wiepiicr 3 pine trees the trade mark and la manufactured only by the r milbura co limited toronto oct he failed anlriad again wltb wnder- 0 not tovsn do my fnl results ths boy who is in shy sjk j ailed to a shadow hnauy and am abw to work sj wep as ever and eansjatsndkp sjhrwsaessr i did tllurea mska p i cant pralso your u too h ukmgtb my wife la taking them now uon of tba heart and w greatly the price of mubuma heart and nervr puia is bo cents per box s bows for 1jw vorwjestaddc on receipt of ooumltwj deaiera or mailed direct by rhe 1 muburo oot dosaaudwruslbprifttothsaeat of ths trouble and make their action when woman gets tba ballot that old saying will beveln be revved nboutpolltles making m range bedel tows an oil tor all henthe aallnr tba soldier the flhermnuio luralterman ths outdoor laborer and all who era oifmiesd to injury andlbeelrnifntewlm ouun dr thnuirecleorio oh a true and faithful friend to ease pain to relieve onldr dress wnundt subdue lumbago and overcome rbeumatum it haa no equali therefore it should havaaplaee in l bnroa medicines and ihoaamken on a journey vij blood will tltius1ly ths things wstflo notwfipi told qvtn onra owcvtatmfsjsi pleat snrtlet ear4ontothtmbito ivt houukolb hihts when mice trouble you bunt their entrances to the pantry or cupboard and plaster tbam wltb a mixture of oft soap and red pepper a square piece of cotton pasted at each eornar of a table oilcloth before uslpg it will prevent tha earners from wearing out as soon aa they otherwise would soak a common floor vnnp in coal oil it will make a good dust absorber soak tha mop thoroughly than hang it nut in the air for a few dsya it wlluhen be ready for use i muootyairrcan oewsjihed easily end white if you will take some sour milk dlfotp it jtf water and soak the fall in tt over nlpht tben wash in the waal way sometime bamhurg steak is dry and tasteless put two or three table spoons of fresh cream or milk and a few bread crumbs in wltb it you will find it juicy and delicious no matter bow carefully lnmk laundered if hooka end ayes ars weed for faai snare ths dsses beer talbtals prlots whenever a hook ha been iron d a way or getting around uja iltfucultf is to reran ths poeluon of thw hooks and eye putting ths hooks on the under instead of the upper flap jailer iwooralng aocuslomed q it there will bo no difficulty in fasten if men want tojbaat wo auf frags thay should put a prutbu id ths law that in order to exercise tba prlvllegs of voting tb woman mu take oalli lo being ovsr jb ohildrenory roihjukhw castoria- autdv wobi orrortohttv upporlunllv wlibiut blnwa makee one rllliulu a ji ug ma it who m studying tur the mlnutty had never learned the art of extempore aieh all hi nublju utterance lining worked out befureband in tha urn palptaklng manner ptmoubl one day fie was called on to make a few remark in a gathering where a niiw br i f men of inruence and poeltlan were this was the young man s gold en opportunity bad he been ready for it ila bad a obanoe to make a good impression un those who later might have bnlped blm iful this failure to develop hleaeelf along thle very- im portant line caused him to make a very different impression lie stumb led stammered and contradicted bli if and ftoundernd deeperately no me two minutes and then at down loth undugulsed relief or his bearers i eaady ta your pporvuatt y if you fall u do ao th chaneea are thai it will make you ridiculous y tb ilowela klut aethaallblly lo ummi ailment a lb first car of tbe msdlcal man i in see that the biiwals are open and fully perform ing their functlona parmalee vega- table pllle are cftmpounded that eertaln lagredleat in thorn eat on tbe bowels solely and i bey ara tba very best medicine available to produoe healthy action of tha bowel indeed there la no other pee toe so serviceable in keeping i be digestive orgsns in hltliful action nothino but lazim ass indolwooa aeoounl for uum failures in life than any other blngle thing tltre nothing the matter with him but jiwl laalnnaa aaid a kindly dupo ed paraon aluinipllnir to mcum m young tnsn who vw falling abort of the expectation of all hia friends hut the apeaker could hardly bava pronounced a more bllghllngaenlence nothing but laalnaaa and yet that coniprehandaall wkna never ne6legt a headache ueadaebe t not a disease in tlseb but is often a source of great uhering and its preaeoee is likely symptomatic of some dianaae lurking in the system to ejftt rid of the hesdsrbr and thus prevent more eenoue troublea it is sbaolutely necessary lo cleanse the system of all waste and potaonoun mailer and keep the bowels well open the elneapae f th bo being one of the nnocrple causes of headache lturdock luood hitters regulates the boweb and makee their movement free and natural a euro for b a medio cure where others fail mrs l bsnka mt llanley na wntea several years sn i was a eonstant sufferer from headache i waa all run down and nothing seemed to do me any good i read of lturdock blood hitters and derided to give it a trial the result was marvdloua the headache stopped entirely end i feel btw io every way i can safely rceonunend manufactured only by the t milburn co- limited toronto ont- tmw asammoth oavbb klbert ilobbard not long ago vmed the farfamed ma mm nib clave in kentucky he found clumps of wll lows and grasses grown up before lie entrance tba large hotel thal enter talned hundred of guests waa falling down and in ruin only a single family of farming people lived near tbe great nave how ie it ba aald that ao many people once journeyed to visit thla wonderful phuw and so few bow he inquired around he eoon got an answer to his quest lob it was thlai the man who once advertleedthe mammoth cavesoestenslvrly a lew years ego died and with the deatb of the advertising manager the great cave with all ita wonder dropped out of alght it is tha same old story people wont know what your good and your town are unless you advertise an enterprising man for twenty five years advertised tbe mainntulfa lave and got thousands of people then bveryflhw uaed to take bl girl there on their honeymoon but now it is obscured by a jungle no one know about its wonder why the advertising man died trades man grand lupld mlfilt motherhood suggestions advice to expectant mothers aonnannnunnanaaananndanaaanaannqoannnnnni wc thank you ituk your patronage during if a an wish to increase our acton ehipmcnts therefore for a short time only wc will share hall our usual profit with you and offer you this month our special seven room outfit of electric fixtures com plete with shades for the hair raising price of riicse fi re re at 1500 special prices on other sets all this month x56e guelph electric works geo c b grayer ft co prop 16 w mubl src omia oal uhddaddauaauuduuanaaandddddoddddaoudanwuui the merchants bank op canada hvery permoa who receive sod pays out money should hsv a cbuulog account 1 aymnt by cheque la die moat practical con vnwai and sal owthod of handling all financial transactions rhiher ol a business or personal characiar the relafn of cancelled jfua ar vooebsr lor evry son paid oot lite show what dla bnrsaments have been mad and lo whom deposit are received by this tlank aubcl lu lhiu withdrawal w pay tbessme altsnlioo lo small depositors an we do to iste ones and adcourageibslr secounla iniersst sllowoil on all saving accounls componaoad ball total assets hls8 acton branch f a maclean manager waiftiest kind for cold weather tougher hofschidc will ncvci be found because the best is used for storrya gloves and gauntlets and yet the skin because carefully tanned by the chrome process tr marie pliable insuring m extraordinary wear resistance waterproof and hgbga hreproof the best working gloves on the visalnnh market soldi at all stores insist on the grand trunt rahwav passamoan tnaimai ollowlna u iba llnu t utileta excelsior bakery 1 rirst quality mru ad cakbb wbuoimtl cakbb christmafl cakkh arrc btc ovbterb and flbh oaxj today t statham son bakers and orocers main sl acton tlmbelustlnl 6fmib 111 maislwkis caspbr bra un desluera and builders ol blatnes slaut uieanis uonaroeats msrkars sad head uooes and all kinds of arttstle ctajtsj wst wm hemstreet acpnt acton bwatavfwg psadcuudksi 4sr tioronto can ac your chopping will be done quickly and well on either plates or stones if taken to the rockwood chopping mills flour oatmeal bran shorts the best at lowest prices vh5torwoo conscientious plumbing heating tbs experience of motherhood ie a try ing one to most women sad wtshrs dis tinctly an epoch in their uvea mot one woman in a hundred la prepared or un derstands how to property care for her self of course nearly every woman nowadays haa medical treatment at aneh times but many approach the experience with an drganlam unfitted for tbe trial of strength and when it la over her ayatem haa received a shock from which it is hard to recover fol lowing right upon this comes the nor- vbns strain oi caring for tha child and e distinct change in the motfter results there b nothing more charming than a happy andhealthy mother of cnildren and indeed childbirth under tba right waadltfonaneedbenohaaard to health or beauty the unexplalnable thing utfast evidence of shattered serves n health resulting from- an tw- modition and with s to prepare woman twhtojhtrial brsy wmanalthlsunwsltaau rely etntjdrplnsl com pound a moat valuable tonie and invlg- otntar of the ftroslfl organtam ja mapy homes onst nlkuess there re now tnluraii he satvllsbpink- 9n9 ysrstablf com pound inakss woman normal healthy sad strong is hot k mth siitlth us to tlio contrary we make it the most important factor so i you favor us with your patronage you will enthusiastically endorse us fred smith plumber phone 337 quebec st gtlelph 1913 models now oa view better than ever v li p 5 passenger i35 is h p- passenger 9 all fully equipped and juaranteed dehv- ercd in toronto ako the gramm and garford motor trucks shaw0rland sales co we are here to do yow printing wv hsvv s lw asornnit ef type ready jt srvvow wb print what you wsrtti- the wsy hfou vspfit and wlben you wnt ikdsci ibmmbwf th patents flpn oopvamwraj at el m t nj20sflr5t5s5r v

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