Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 22, 1913, p. 2

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uoimsakimiat al prue utah mm llebdav jtaatrj bj hev lbafers t pmi joseph unrd uolmee of heedaela utah dm m4mm at th aeeeraj hcmpiui flua4pb o rri4i jsssory jtu dssesa mess efaeie ss orttli assess st ohkmtas cm tssedav lb of jasa ear am l walla t airs kmmi of oasvuia ksmrvai ieestar fa o ms uinmpom oskwllu la hu sou dat oasaltird jsnsary imh m aw tat mldmo trews otis heoub uk ilslaea idmot trews chut heoub w msoe7t3ffilabjoraw3l kolaxa la hi wb depart u wewleryoorratt ror betodlla w mlas no rom your plaae alisdew jar oar iii u mt we mis um basablae of wor las year klsd mod wllllna basd ouberaejaesjrbaluioaafos w uim j on two pleee ull ixniko ajotb hlwim d xxt he juton jfm ms rhursday janvahy 23 wis ditorlaii mote it in anoitnouu that lhe next eee- ton of th oouria legislature wui convene on the 4 lb of february thu i utir date than but yr bat the delay is occasioned by hi feet that tb renovation of th chamber has taken longer than wee anticipate nd la it ant wonder that the cost of living la high on tba continent majnrosnsral leonard wood chief of staff of thr united states army while dlsoueslng th unprepared oeesol hla country for war said that the people of tba united states spent mora money last year for automobile tlroe than wa appropriated for tba navy and that tha salaries of chauf feur amounted lo mora than waa expanded on the army mr c c speight is chairman or wauohsiiipoirtoraohaol th ruhuimn and nwmlmn eleni of aelon hoard nf kducatton met lt wednesday svsflthg al n onlork for organisation as per atatuovy direction thar wan praaant i u c hpelght wro jnhnsiooe jqo r kennedy n forbes and robt seotu teeretary moor took tba chair and raqnaatwd tba nwmbtrt lo elect their ijhalrman for the year motd by wfn jpbiimona oold by n porbaa that f hpalgbl u and la bmrbwlmta chairman nt tba board for th p yaar jaiuuiu ur hpaigbt la aaurolngtii position thanked tba board for thalr unanl moua vnto and promlaad that ha roold dnf hla vary baaf to fnlai lha dntlaa retiulred thf htajmling fommltt- war atrurkunniowa pimahcb jno it kennedy chair man and robl hftott piuipkittt john kannajr chair man and n ifartw hupfl1bh wjnbnatono chairman and c c hplgbl th annttal report of dr waugb inapnetor nfoont tonal ion behosto waa laid befor tha board it epokft in ipllmantary twm of thr growing attandanoa aod aplendld work of tba aehool anal polntad out that loth taacheraar doing aauafaftlory work tb ntauar of duelpuna waa reported xoallanl tba adanllbo apparatoe abonld he nonaldarably addad to by th board in idoalttg tha detailed report br waugb aald t fltac ahould ha taken ae early poaetbla to reaume tba in- tarruptad plan fa 1m pro lag tba eon- dltion of tha balldlnga and enlarging tha aowmnasodatlnn with urwer baudlag and tlon ikla aehool ahould aoon rlae tn tha rank of tirada a anhonl it la a flat- taring tribute to tba eooce of tba aehool that tha attaadanoa baa an oon- odarably inereaaiid within tba laat year uovad by ttobt scott aaeondad by ttj fbrbaa that john cameron ha re appointed a repraaaatatlva of the board on tha free library board for tbaoeual term of tfaree yaar c- bubd acovad by john ft- kennedy aaoond- esqueswg township coundl klleor twnhi cimirll 1i rqiilrhl by tetotw tb iuui bavlnff mad and elprrlbed in ihp oatlia nf qualrtlcallnn and offli- took their aaata aa follows irorge wrlg glaawoxth reeve i thomn cngjp utr reave william ctrave al x joe and jam i stanrileh connrll lore yoee1 hy t i lll hwhihihi hy wm clrayv that tbo irply tin nwt o be granted wll at with tub gkxkkal ricvihiom of the railway act to be introduced in the commooa tbla aaaaion hy the minuter of railway claueee will be inaartad maauog tba request of tha union of canadian m unlet pal luea for 7 ttalirttttt boarj rlghdatlrvh ki aa to make it olear that the railway commkwlon has jurisdiction over all federally incorporated power trana- mleatoo and talagraph and talepbone oonipaolea and also securing to municipalities the right nf control over thalr own street the generous measure of publlo aid to railway construction in canada isabown by the fant that the total federal provincial and honldpal oaso am nowtotab over ats000o00 while land grant total over 00000000 uvea fedaraj and pmvinelal bond guarantee aggregate wsmjdul ot which the dominion share la 90- oesb alberta ha pledged iu credit to the exunt of 4si80oo0i bhush columbia 38010833 1 8a- katobawan sao00000i alanltoba tyibocnm and onurlos73n000 indjvidvat oritigiail of local attain j likely to be narrow enlftsh qloonsldered and deatroeti but organtxed criuounn of tha kind volead by an asaodatlon or local booster club i broad well tbonght oat non partisan unbiased unaeuuh aod eon- oooatruetlve a local aaaoelauon wbose object la to bnlld up and im prove the community if wisely and oonaervatlvely oonduetad may cause ue decisions and reoommeodatlons matter of community policy to anoeptad by the publics antboritauve and final county trader tskykar 1012 was on of ooal growth in oanadlan banwiag aooordlng to the govemmeat bank etatemsnt for the year and for ike ukmstb of daeecober the increase in daposlta waa 94700000 and iq bnai- nraa loans 10000000 w note clreulitkin inereeaed orer 48000100 ti1 deposits in oaoadaainountea to 1 0w41rm0 the grand total being 6700000 more generally speaking toe bank figures mirror unique pros perity eepecisoly significant are the uga margin of tootease in eavln end in borrowlngfor new antexprlek balunavad a afalgtolpad of abouf qflean of our youogdsople from around the fad munded the ooncartatcaledon white church monday evening january 18th ooms and la grippe seem to be the order of the day ur andrew orae is seriously 111 with a aeera cold xjtue hope for his recovery is enllrnttned tns other owmbars of the family have alan ffred from enlda for a feedaya we are all pleased to learn that sir isaae ijennett is able to ha up and expects to be in anton in the course of a few days where he intend staying loeaahurt time tum annusl meeting of the balllnafad presbyterian cburcb was held thurs day jh wtb and all were delighted to learn that although some tlnte without a regular minister the affair of life church are in good standing with juv mr waddell a leader tba eongtegation axpsets the present year to be one of the best id bletoqc of tbo church the annual tea meeting of b imbodbrt sunday school on friday op pwpalsas to be an event of attractive interest oamrkkooywama the tiwetber has been giving qaluaeriety lha p waa of tb4 alliance 1 addreesc r mhv umperanee flmtrtioaaod the work of the alliance tie the ehuyn herelast sunday iaoro- qoarprrly oommualpn earslose mt be heidbanawday morning vwb uriadrev af array 8r is very law ppvmtla ble litany fheod desires tn plaea upon record its grea regret at the r or air j h beacon hehool laspsetor and its high anpraelauon of his very faithful effi cient and helpful services in the eausa of education during the twentyseven years be has occupied tha ojbee and that the chairman and secretary he a committee to prepare and forward to ur deacon a latter suitably express ing the feeling of the board toward blem cajoueh moved hy wm johnstone second edltytforbe ihal tbiaboarddt now adjourn to meet on tha second monday in february at eight oclock and that the regular meetings be bald on the second monday evening of each month ttial hetthoqmtanjst dat eeohooi hrty aaatfctfc aamual axeettaat res mt of teaili u and th elatyejghth annual meeting of acton methodist sunday school was held on monday evening at tha home of the superintendent rev o 1 draper presiding the repor foe the past year while showing some lose from removals to the cities and northwest had encour aging featnres which were pointed out in the sddraaass of pastor superhv tendent and other officer th secretary report showed the envelhnent last year to have beeh wm the number of removals 43 and the average atte 141 the highe attendance was 800 on september rally day and the lowest 71 on a wet sunday in the fall the average at- tendance af the morning service of tbo church by memhers of the school 67 and the average number of bibles taken to the school by 88 1 there were jafi vieitors at the school daring the year the report of tha treasurer john eh moore em as follows t regular ooueottoos gllass mission ary collections 82715 epeclal eollec- tlon laos bank interest faos total assm rxpendlturse taj nance t423g ucauonalocty aj sunday school aid and extension gasq hqueslng sunday school aaaoelauon to0a the ofnoeye and teaohewe elected for th current year are chairman of cabinet rev c d draper super nuodoth p moor associate supta j s coleman a h nkkllo seoratary miss bella stephenson evuolwent sscreury john h cole man pabllcatlon searetsriee i v cole man and s a brown t john u moor hbeae dept bopt mr james tha rain af 10 oeota per mllf onf way each trip for receiving and deliver ing and returning tha ballot box as followst robert joyce 12 nillaa win cook 0 miles g b thompson 2 utiles wm hprowl 12 nillaa u c atnpbell 12 mllee john c cook 0 utiles cam- tuuit moved ty j 1- htandlah seconded by tbo uoxe that the treasurer be instructed to psy the following ac counts j it w huddell and h apple be gl co esoli tor attending at the final summing up of the ballots of the vote on local option j a tracy applies gl5 bloved hy w cleave seconded by alex joe ihal the treasurer pay tit following account andrew anthony repairing culvnrta and putting in pipes in raoewsy at glen woolen ulll g thoa mullen lfto yards gravel put nn oth line at 00 cla per d including pay for gravel 73 00 tbo- blebard- eon iu yds krsval supplied to ptb- naster for lotsxssndsx 0th hnagsffl i kdward katonfi00ror buing in al tannery bridge at glen l to ha charged lo good made gscloo rniwork nn tha 10th una hridga twm cleave 17 as money advanced tn b if undsar for statute labor nn hi road dlvilnti moved hy w oleawe seconded hv abx joe that the bylaw to appoint eolleotor nf the rata ha now read lha second and third lima and passed and that the blank ha filled up as fellow i ward no 1 robert jove t wa d no x nanry mayi ward n- s g b thompson ward wo 4 peter glh- banef ward nn g b b undaay ward no 8 bdwsrd greensword and that they receive gxood each for their rvloea oamltd moved by j u btenduh seconded by t coxa that lha bylaw tn appoint mhtorfor the tnwhehlp fnr ih year ibis be now read th second and third time and passed and that the blank be filled up with tha name nf r o meoallnngh and william thompaon and that they receive s10 each for their service oi moved by alex joe aeeonded hy w cleave that lha bylaw lo appoint saseeeore for the township of reqnee- ing for th year 1018 he now read thr second and third time and passed and that the blanks he filled up with the names of robert joyce for wards l 8 and 8 and james raid for wards 4 5 and 6 and that they receive the sum of 8s esrb for their service cu- riett moved by t cox seconded by j u blandish that the treasurer pay the following eocount t w o morse uu supplied tn thomas mlehle lot ib oon 4 j875 to be charged to tha nnd roads account i w o more go00 for til sapplled to w w bmwnrtdge i adam cook ggo00 for cutting down hill and grading between int 87 and 98 con 8l oen kmmatt gftott statute labor in division no s ihw amount to be taken out of statnla labor seanunt i john standlah v 8 1 dog tax do having been destroyed samuel mo- master 4300 error in oaxuukd council uen adjourned cradle roll supt- mies lottie leader of orobsstraj o bill pianist mus bthel oolemao cabers j b denny b foald xfal cloak room aides mr g u tt ma w a stewart mrs fsaok kennedy nd mrs w b ham- dnpekeeperawm aklos j bor- ce nelsost tsr rs c d draper mies iyrjekbpaghtmr- h p moore mr a t brown if re jjeonle smith mr n p moor mr wen mavahh musas mianje bennett joels btip son bertlf kmmh bave- thorne brown cura b moot lily frankum and messrs frank pcannedy and j l moore thli gn o tb e a woman of gxroy prostm mrs harry k- bye msln atreel orlh mount for onl write your remedy for kidney hlsdderand lontacb trouble baa given me great flisf have taken throe lioae end mis fl ilk lllns nil 1wr then i lavn toll tyr yat and i gus your rif puis slllhepists lor they an 1 ho itest 1 ve ever tried at nil lnler 2fl and co cant or the fig pill co ht thomaa onl lcothio uqht obpafrtmeurr da supplied remnants remnants ilfto bbrrtferntmls i10ijs1k for salk 1 kul t lll iuhi u in lealrla ll fin i dining room ball imni nnr rustomers at a mi umnufaclurera prices ulsn flbadrw and reflectors of every style apply to lb klectrlelan or to lb chairman nf lb fir end light com mittee arton january 21l lit i rooawoolt m tha new atatlon is miull appreciated by irsvellare 1 la neat oonvenlenl it appolnlntanlr and alwey nifortahla th ll le th ly weak ltur this however wllrbe remedied whan bnwhydro- tictrlo system 1 installed mr and mr peel tra making a gratifying success ot tha dominion untaj traveller appreciate very fully lb busplublu i real man f glveri tbehunday hohool inalttuta held in th methodist ohurrb lest friday afternoon wss well attended consider ing the had roads and unfavorable weather th practical subjects presented by rev mr farewell sunday school heerelery toronto nd rev cues d draper district secretary acton were helpful and calculated to inspire sunday schoor worker to baiter and mora enmpr- benelva aarvloa delrgalc were in attend no from quelph acton blloam crawsoa ctrnrr rden mills bbenraer betbel and corwhin an information was mads out in guslph on tuesday against a resident of rookwood for using- abusive 1 guage u a man on the guelpb market last saturday the case will he beard next saturday mr reaman was at acton last week negotiating for the purchase of mr caldwell interest in th new electric shopping mill just opened there figures from ottawa show that it cost canada 12040u in take tba last whl bo hold on tbunday evening 80th lost when an tha nm of tha sahooland mmtpareouof tba scholars wluaaasenblc b a social ovorfbmrbe getber ttwrmsjpuxadllueoeb jnuxrslnis bon dr raid eeeured lha duml i of an offlslal at cardinal on t and had hi own brother appointed to the posi tion for shooting two stray deer an d osmber 83rd last near their boma john wstewart and nnrmanleetwoklls- bethtown f armor were lined stteanh the duchess of onnnughl who for the past couple of weeks has bean anf- feriufr from a reture attack of periton- itla has now fully recovered contract have been awarded by tha a p r for 807 mllee of new lines to be constructed in the west during the pr year ten charges of burglary lo toronto have bean laid irgalnet herbert win chester who waa arrested alter an ex citing cbaee in a lumbar oamp near parry sound the steamer frontier which last asse wss operated by tba people- um between toronto and lswletnn i- to he sold hy pubue auction on janu ary 8fitb tosatufy the claims nf cap jamas qulnn and others an accountant in the emylty nf beel bros wholesale leather mer chant on wellington sl but toron to has been arrested charged with theft ills defalcation are expected to reach 81s00d a world campaign against hook worm i to be one of the first usee tn which ute lorjcodoooo endnwmept nf thpropnvftoekfeiir fountain will be put as soon as it receive lie ehrt- er from the united state congress mrs margaret brennan formerly of gait died last week at dundee out in bar 00th year mrs annie walsh 80 y eara old who roomed at 7fi6dufferl street toron to wak skruck by on eutovrmbhe sus taining four broken ribs owing to her advanced age reoovety u doubtful a young man giving the ftame of welter blednrsto dlejlnlurooofrom tba effects of g4e poisoning the pottos bslleve jt to he a ease of suicide wm wallaoe year sul nf si hunilsy street lwonto who w a line man for the holmes pruteetka co was rloetntduud on saturday u w h a yimog p of hornlnge milts died of poeuroonh dr oaati was j native nr owhawa juha toootpson one of the oldet eettvavc the mooaomln dbarie saa katelmtwsndled as the sg of ene hundred year ala months an fcuxe davt v s s john maxwell 0 the ftnuof dtw mxwtlbnd sons st marys died in llr moraot indian root pills owe their elngutar effectiveness la curing rheumatism lumbago and sciatkm to their power of atlnuustisg snd strenxtbenlak the kidneys they enable these onians to thoroughly filter from the blood the unc add the product of stasia matter which gets into the jolnlssnd muscles and causes these painful dieraace over half a century of constant ua has proved conclumvrly tlut dr morses indian knot lil mreogtben weak kidneys and curo fvlneutntavtlsiaa imperial counter check books the popular imperial counter check beoka sasnufactmed by the appleford counter check book co limited ham ilton may be ordered at the pass pass bam pies and prices of all styles shown on application prompt delivery there are mora imperial in use in acton than any other check boek jov acloa fr proaa local agency now is the time to have your watches ud clocks repaired i if others have ailed try me no cure no pay hoe time pieces specialty w h foster bxfnrr wataumkbk wlu0s0ldrand georgetovn ontario royal purple stock poultry sneotboa fke baaaaahbb tsrs ms ea it- psslut itsua smusm woe wttssat h ymm saa bale aauw sad sea m a awatha baa ism hy wjaa ear aasj rarsls bswk tsaa res em so ly a wtuwat it unway savlas a bmsui faa asav saj taa ssst w ye wttt set se aasw then ilss snr is slaa er l far see stasr it wttlkese t mi mot m bvhm immw our ann vied january sale o remnants of all lines of dry goods h offers very special opportunities this week henderson co mill st acton oat ixxxxxcooocwxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxii notal rtjsmji podltatt brgottg iu aaake rear eaea wy fast aa wall latas vrlaur se is uw awiaiir sea ui ks tsaaa free rns asaasa tsasa seta- sr ear sad waisahwsla wa a sat aa ear a st skfc a mrs eattratv frst frwa sax as taa mark a tea bravest uaas asral psmk sswk wms ets pass i tsar ss sasxa ur aa wish ua ler ls gavel rvjsele uur ssa sad msul smsal jrvrrtosnosrs sad ps tfasissss lulsltsrvk gsjsat llalanst ma seulet ms assl vsrala rsa oars he us a swu avsl ha sad ma twa tat mm tj akhxala vfsrjiprewsar tee thwi ss lg s i estrsr j y mmslslaargligilei tioyjftnfb supphtt md book 10s my obtaiaed from b p caldwbi 0e0 edwaios come to macdonalds january clearance sale i and save dollars on winter clothing our january clearance of all wlulor merchandise tneana s savin of msny dollars ta yon on w tbs foods you will twed for the neat three months cokfe priday or aturbay and shake in the 5pkcialoppkrimq3 i o and q oq ovsrceata reduced lo hs ixooaadi3 5o 99ft is co and 16 jo 1999 llooandsooo idtb sfscsndasoo 1hb9 all mmv winter ulw tedueed ia no and s13 5ult reduced to 0 93 rj 00 and 1650 1999 ib 00 aod so 00 i4ts nso and 5 00 1889 ali paarfcct fittinu oasukicti all pssvkct- pittinu oaxusmth ah meni fur coati and cloth coats with fur collar at greatly ledoced prices ss 00 suits olearias st aj 00 sa50 0s34 199t j99 ix99 1999 rack of women and muasa suits n6t all thu s styles value up- to f 1500 ouarlne at9f j19 readytowear dept snd floor le9t 199 all vvoanaaw and ii sajoo caats clearing st sa so s 00 isoo t9s ooo lot of womens casta not all this seasons slyles valuo up to 9iaoa clearlnjc at 0s99 at 1 nd floor reaortowaar uepu and f meos ootwnr d e macdonald bros cor wyndham and macdoaeu streets guelph 0nt dress goods choice bciuimi lim fofl balk r llh will iiblwlat la rmml itll iiow will mil wua iaiuius lau 4 lew pua na iua 04 trnfibant ukaunifoau a cc f0k salk bay your seed corn now lus vwslkraarse aljlo km is tea lufa irae wou m o to la u w d a imwwuiy wl it meaaser 04wl cera vsuaablo property in acton for salk patbtsaaur ale ts seswe u- sell 1 y ms wwal n i is sbei rvsmlr tats taee d itains vtuv sa iwa wnlilia lens wn aa hakw aalaaeij au wtu tra uvea oaeaaalaailr altssw rtsyetr ww ainitiirr bllua not1ck to creditors 1 ell salt 1 twmck t oreditlirs oarvasiortiatvtbl lalciurtuiiiuia notkia la haras pa ran at 1 usa is ua sll sstsc slajaia asalael ue stats af asainal j cuafc we sass ea er sees ll uui ear mov tsol ki ue silt sf usstsb la abe daatf n wsllaastae sr rstf1 te aea by om t ealtver ta ssaasri kl iab aato ttaxuiau a av betas the leua esy ml sbrau 111 tkatr esasaipllaa- wl tall rsru- the merchants of crnhdh statement of the business for the year ending november 30th 1912 the following in the sutcmsnt of the result of ibe business of the bank for ttia yesx sndlns jtth novembef luis tills has been disposed of as follows 1 dividend no oh at tile rate of 10 per cent per annum 190s 6a dividend no 90 at the rate pf 10 per cent per annum v i6a6ls is dividend no loo st ths rata of j- 10 per cent per annum 1665303 dividend no tot at the rate of hio per cent per annum 167ssoss- 49 transferred to reserve fund rem profit and lea account transfsrred to kescrve fund from premium eu new stock t had anddoubtrul debl premium on new stock the balanoe brought forward from 30th nevember iqii was written off bank prwies acoounl cobtrlbution to otctnr pension fuad balance certied fcrward 450000 00 3607000 loo dob oo 3000000 u87i8 s7 uaktng- a tout of ji95 848s so stateoieflt of lubwlles ind assets at jotb november hiz liabilities t to the public note in circulation i deposits not bsarin interest sr73403si 4 deposits bearlnktuurcsl 443h5m deposits hy ctbsr banks in canada e5o6 7 balances due to ssnts in great britain balances due to agents in the united btates aud elsewhere dividend no 101 dividends unclaimed dqbas4g 167886 a 8 a3a b4 asbbts jotd and silver cola en hand domlnisn notes on hand notes aud cheques of other bank balance due hy ether banks in canada balances due by bank and agent in lh unltedstatas call and short loan on bonds snd stock n canada s5so9317os call and short loans ou bonds and stocks eltewhore than in canada 400106967 government municipal railway and other bonds and debentures si 3467779 437 9s67q3to 30463a s34v44so a to the stockholder capital paid up reserve fund balance of profits carried for ward 0746680 on 64107500a currrift louusand discounts losua rabstc of interest reservod loans anil discounts overdue less fully pro vided for j deposit with dontiuun oovernrrtsat far security of nte circulation yiorttfores and other beouriuea the preperty ttltioilank koal bstate bank preraises and furniture other assets ss7 1 74407 u37484 4 18489054 30600000 s7vs8bd 47l33o6 5oo6ia 411690731 ii montaqub allan prcildent u k iibbden tianeral manager famets business mousy advanced ta partners at reasonable kates r sale notes handled on moat favorable terms blank note forms supplied free jpecieitrr1uflnent madfor farmer and tbelr wlvesj se ss o allow either to deposit or withdrew savings depaotmentr- w stive specisl attention to bavin accounts 9i slsrts an account interest allowed a highest bank rale and added twice ayear without applicauoo or prosecution ef vm hook no delay in withdrawal two or mora parsons may opoa a jelnt auopuat sad withdraw iry individual receipt general business 7 isitors of credit issued available in knrone chlua japan and utbar qeuntries traveuan leuers of credit issuedt navablo in all parts oftbe world trivelfers cheques bwued in convenient ileootnlnajtlons pambla at par in all parnioftbe world ivowutuade to merchants manufacturer parmars live stack deakrs monlcioalltjes and sohoa ocons we cash cheques drafts express orders postal money orders etc forwarding moneytbe cheapest and beat wsyw forward rneoeya by haj aa j r- f a mtci4can vtottfctys a944 nvefttu lima an bbmh ss iv aaassa uae seat h us a uila iimiii s is slalam at meh uwj as i ishw sad sarlss aa is4 laaf ahslf t w ualalwum aassia er say pen isarinf t st ww 4 alala bmleaaasil sm kea bsie ewala dated at uutes uiw tarta sa ml jssry isu el uaeir elalw u ua u say twla b aa es sw i su aura- aale la ttsenator will ua sbmms st iba aam asruas witllls taarata bias maard oslv lo um eeaiesa el hus h bub 13 sirrln aa tba be sill not mm llsbl ux u sssma or aav part t to say na er anoas of aboaa tain mb abcll b b beasrasslrail sf sim a lh um sf mh 41 ii j mlmash weum6t0i mutual hre iisuruce cqmpuy the general annual uestlng of i hi wkauhctom mutiiai plbs ixstlhamrt courmv will he held in tha comjunyt otnoe guelph on wednesday february utb at two i m to receive the directors report with the financial statement for the year the election of directors fur the ensuing year and other business relevant to the meet john davidson 393 secretary fowl i fowl i fowl w aim wuui uwt of purmitukb tk snxa rctoh clarino au0tic3n sale fam stock mfjlk- uxcntsv btc in thb ownhip or amn tlw nndwriga ba bwn itulrucukl bt walter iiunbnt to vll by public n oa lot 3 lit lln brio 3 mitat mk o actoo on tttr8dsvt vkiavjrt 4th at one oclock sharp tha folktwlag i horses l heavy teani vcnersl nur- pcae black mares well matcbed flnt- elasa in all harness 8 and 9 years bhuk boree general purpose good in all har ness carriage mare 4 years old well broken single and double 1 choice filly years sired by napolean bonaparte cattle 6 cows aad heifers iu- posed to be in calf 4 red cow 7 yni old fresh at time of sale 1 red cow 5 years old due march 1st 1 spotted 5 years due april loth 1 red cow bred 4 roopths milking 1 spoiled cow 1 years bred 6 weeks mil kins 1 red heifer s years due in april these are a choice lot ef cows of durham brooding h head of beef cattle 7 steers and 1 heifer ranging iq weight from o t rsoo lbs r hei rf years old 1 steer 1 year old 1 he 1 for 1 year old 1 culf 6 months old 1 veal calf 8 weeks old the young cattle are all well bred and 11 the pink of condition hogs i yorkshire sow supposed to farrow march 15th 1 berkshlro sow supposed to farrow march 16th to how about 150 lbs each u hogs 4 mouthu old 1 s begs 4i months old 1 rood colli farm doe sbbbp ten cholcnlelcester breed ing ewes supposed to be in lamb iq u firstclass lincoln ram implements- good farm wsggou 1- t j mt n cut in good working ordsr noun seed drill l in tire democrat wsjrgoa bobsleighs dcerlng mowarvbft ig deering culuyator with wldo shears pleurytlow no si new sfurrow watson vkw as gomt aa new wheel- m barrow chatham fannlar mill urge pot for boiling feed forks boss sbovsk as device and other articles ana odd coiurs positively no rosurvo us tliu vanu is rented terms op balua1i sum or un ular aod under cash 1 uver that ameunt twelve months credit on ap proved joint not four and a half per cent off for cash i lay and grain easfa jfat cattle 3 months credit it jkrkr i wu nkar aoctlotfoer clerk j 1 303

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