Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 22, 1913, p. 3

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weajtaf tugs weddtaf presents fee wile repairing spectacles and fcye gtaues mun c mm inuio geo hynds aotow ontario reajl estate im imi ad weluagloev i fmrmm tmr hale every use ir waa- a aws write mm few caste legwe er if fm wish e nell r exefcawgr write me we hare every lavelllty w trumcuhg to yrnr wawjiele satucacilvn corr-a- bmeudictv a willwugmbv rra meltlaux htfeclaiiai votrmtowi s of local imrmt a nclttl toasting of tb wim institute will he held on friday jnu try v it i in the firemen hall at three oclock ti thai aftasooou all lb ladle interested in institute work besidee the mtnun are asked to attend i hi meeting sbt juton fro jjress thursday januauv s3 1013 buef local items january l flellh ready metodutohuroh anniversary dth february good moralnf i ii you rene ed your feuue pukmh subscript ion f the ww mill u getting in a good lock or log for next atmona culling ouelpb la talking of running their etraet oar yjov on a three cent rale tbe mild wlnlar u guile eccoimno- daung to the short supply of roal ao far ttt ii ydro- electric llieniaa getting lamp placed on tint i now that hidrokiciria power 1 avalmble leta boost acuin for addition al manufactories mr n k rice tt the huntavllle foraatm- haa been elected mayor or that enterprising town within the put year hal ton county haa expended upon tbeoounty road yetam ottoftfo- several care of brldga limber for ummw ateoiric road have horn im- loadad in tbe g t 1l yerda at the meeting of krio tnwnehlp ommmu wn p near wan appointed mlinrataeelarybf l jo north wellington llberale nomln- ated dr n o wallace of alma a candidate for tbe federal house mr walter latnbnrl let i con i brio baa leaned bla faxui and will hold clearing ealm oh the 1th of february the annual eamoibly of anton ouap no 92 woodhan or the world wmbebelilln tbe town ball on wednesday evening 20th inst ttaa big janauary ibaw and rain on thursday and friday were followed with a enow fall of three orftmr inchee on saturday and on sunday night and monday it rained again mia minnie holmee of acton charmed iho congregation of knox owurafa with her eolne at the morning and evening service laat bund y ooa again milton ohauiplon twnntyai head of cattle were ahlpprd laat week hom norval in the alberta government they were pa need by linn duncan mxrhal minister of agriculture herald tha loa tnen are hoping for eome good etlff weat there i now a crop of good clear lee about 12 or 14 lok they will probably bw harvesting in a feeday polka who buy from matt order they think thing am cheap ahonld consider the chicken tba first thing a chicken learn to aay ehaep eaeep but it anon atope that and bagtna to crow about ii own onl yard mra geo uaeill who u very atmsoaeaful inflorioultare haaanovelly at her bonae in tha form of a double flower on a oalla illy tbe jlrat hlooui b eery larga wjulttwln la itnuiller btikhirftttjrrurtnad george gordon who kleaodiup a rowafethe lahqibbon houae a abort uotaagoaodaeaaullad tha proprietor was trlatl bafora judge inrhara laat friday found guilty and fined fqo and mate milton reformer the laurel hill cemetery com pany of bolton baa publlajmd ite annul atatement the receipt for the ynar autounted fllubh and the ml aeaonnt wae eipended in gener- ai faaproeaoiattia and tbe car of plot entry burial plot in tha cemetery la 9nunleroateantv or ralaaoi tecuoeobtr i xraak j3ieer atahweath that ha i analor la jtca pay dolae cetm la tae ottr ef meie oeaatr ud utau aaneil i am that eald era will ea tb ma of oni nufosko ooulawh far aufi aa avary mibaaareit by lha m vuamk johhhbv yy s7 k euw a w obkaholt aawtotiara oanrrtaker uumally aaa eftaefeteat beaa lor laa rrae rjoh vaavftall vasslf pilta tor ooaaupauoa- uoukaawrtaln niber of otirlitiaduli ehartared bank which thow a tre- maod of depnetta and paklap capital aa fhn reault of the oooiblnlng tif one bank wlili another tli bank nf hatulltun ooiiunnaa aa um reault of lu annual bualneaa lo ashlblt only natural if- aouiawbai ttotawortby galna all alone the line tb total aaaata of thlx lnt tuition now aund at s4o078838ji ahnwlng a foeraaaa f aaaeta over tlie ttaar bafneuwhen tbe ftguie blood nt44 18110731 nat profit rvallaetr from tha buatheea of lpii khuw an iticrvavr awur tboae of lie year iwfnre of over nlitgafor tlift- yar jojaejoaad wan floa800 fio compared hth s8otfl fur 1011 th intel nvaltabto tor dlxirtlmilimi at lettntl of 91l amouuled u alu830oa tlie tanrre fund of the imuk atande at mjhqfflt a outupared with paidup calfowowung totyooltioo talt alexander tbe little hootch comedian who le announced aa tb only real imparaonaior of tbe great harry lauder with bla company will ppxar la ibe owb unoa friday evaninafhint january 11 par malawi banpumk plpar of heotlaad wib alaw take part av ataw a twite to tbe fan pa am iroo ha alatibew wllmi u a kjio burgh noouand for aucnrtlam reor of acton and kocfewond and aftr- wardalleclerof holy trinity ileaau- ton gla tha pleasing lntellljcoee that be baa beaa appointed hector of bumalthawa kdinburgb irelk to thla appnintinaat be bad beee ce- ganiaer of ftfuaioaa tor tha ihuo- of kdlnburgh fifteen of our cllhteoe want to georgetown on ha turd y to attend tbe anoual meeting of if iijiiaelng agrlcul tural social and tf invite tbe meeting to arrange to bold tha fair neat fall in acton the invitation waa turned down it was laat year and the de ration returned none with wafort d ivaoluuonathaa no furt bar overture would be madr air tbomaa moffat waa elected preeldeoi mr kd lluff man ulvlcprraldent ur jtgcur- rldge 2nd violreeldant and mr j a tracy sacra t arytr eanrar sons op england gala nk3bt diarraicttdatrvtv iuch iuu laat friday evening wae a tltue of mucb rejoicing in the rank ol bng- unda aoim in acton tta following fneara were tnalalud by o ix hro leb of ineuo imkwot 11 lurwood faa iraadrttu c a pretty wedding took plana monday at imo utah whew mlaa anna klmley of ilaatlaga neb be ram thlxirfanrur joaapb kjward hoiiup- of mnniiyaldi iliab eldeat uin of jonpl holmes k llowcr ave acton llv llradford t flak waa llir unlrlallng ctergynian mr llolnieo hn id if lab for eeveral year and hold a reeponalbu poaltloo with a mining mmpan- there ilia imylnhml e frlenda m tbe old borne h will extend heartleat eongratuutlona upon tbe happy step hermarjaer taken aav mtarhe e th night achool for the t a t ruction f tbe foreigner in the regltah lan guage conducted by tbe churebee- in town for eeveral monlh with ur ur ault aa inatructreee hae been dia- contlmtfd fnr the preeenl while we have wt iii a eonaiderable population of fiirelgnera many of tbent have been here out for a few week and otbera who vfi here during the aoinenerand fall have rrmovotl tbey appear to be reatleea and riratmu of ebange ol n rtb aald they rarely remain in placejtermanrntly tbe dulgazlan returned home to take part in tbe war with turkey the annual report of he ivl hal- ton houae of itefoga glvee the average number of inmate from ivel county aa twenty ami from llaltnn thirteen kach inmate coat s120iti0 per annum for maintenance or 9sjxi per weak the total reclpta for tbe year a moon t- to 3a0fui the earn paid in aalariee for the year 1 1700 ror aupplea uwaft ror inauraaaa light and heat 91h3312 and ror tbe nttacel- lanaoua matera sd317 tbera wei 18 inmate in tha lioute from helton 28 from pwel ual year the net onetnr the douar of refuge to peel and llaltnn county connclu usc3si- 18 mr b f caldwell got hi new go h p motor at tbe chopping mill roo ting on saturday lie baa jnc been turning out the chopped and rolled feed with much aatlafaetloo tha motor la apeeded conaklerably hlgber n wae tbe old mean angina and much better work lathe reault both the chopped read and rolled oala arc highly apoken of by the former mr caldwell deeqrvee ranch credit for bla enterprlae and be will no doubt re oelve the patronage of tbefaraaarw from hie area and all poealble encour agement from our bualneaa men mr- ik mcoregoruaulstlng ur caldwwl with tbe mill dantn of oaaaui naaa after eeveral waeke ubaeaa froat pneumonia duncan mann died at the genera hnenual gnelpb laat friday afternoon deeeaaad waa a aon of the i patar mann and waa oftythraa yean or age up to tha tine of hla f athere death ha rehtd pp iba atead juat raat of aetna sinn lime be baa lived in town he toguauphlaatfatl ha waa a hard working young unmarried man and i an adherent nf tha iveahyterlan church the rauialna warn brotaahk train guelpb to tha borne of hie abler mr john a moffat mill street the runeral took place on monday after noon ite j c wileon tifnolatlng itacord i ng hacreta ry h j uuli joriepmulinghmira4ayw lau u rhurcblll j pkoannv lt uuiova ofcnrchuli idj haolth ujktjur llbh lurn i b w alaruth a wiiikura i hcukhlnga o d lutne 0gul w colea auditor- ij aloof f kllt4l w t4- baature iba cooclualoa of iba ldge buoiaeaa wooagraa we- pleaaaanuy by be arrival of hnl i broth a tfaay bntoghl witblbaao a braullful baakal f red and white rotea wblcb ibelr lreaidaol r uflodg woodprn the company ibea eat duwn to a maglnovotly deouratad tab and an appetising arnu ttaa apaecbee nt of a highly al valine cbaractar hro harwood tout log the king bmt a thrill of loyally ibraogb tbe vlna l ail bro tjcarrow to i be flag raised the lbuugbt orilgrsimhmutmauly and iu glorioua hltory la the uat to tha h o k hro lrecb tnada tb auaanbava reauamber i bey wervt a part ofsfrfat ffaf- atroagaad pmholssii bra w yiegvibavuilora ralooom ogl on veosritad atov ua fead at boane mr j k taylor propoaad tba toast lo clsnada and gave a hfilwortid sod un- uaad tlra of an ki u iboughl of 111 ooonlry to ihu krr f j iltartvll it a rcaponded h ltr od qj thanks rrltrmi ti ur tries i amrinoey lbs hllua of womankind nf rauglnti and morals tbe grat edkallonal tulvaliage in hooka pap hiaaaiinm llbraurisa dairy and agricultural inaprova nanlo aanllary mindlt ion aurgery iwnking elr il bosml thai ihu u tin- gtealu in ih wothli liutory and that anaila by mean ol her a tural resniucea rllnifte and aturdy manhood ia doing mora- than any tb country in the work to take advan tage of the condition niatlng all nations religion and social u are utfully looking in bar aa tbrlr trophy but alia baa a leaning toward nation and one rople knajland and kngllabmen from wboaa lolna she baa sprung canadian poaseas e loyalty that i tlunl yet deep and atroog and aternal he also showed canada would mom day be i be borne of a mighty nation and thai kngland would always find in her a laft on which to lean bro ivimer of irrton and ur j dobu k g of acton lodge i o o f aux poke vocal and inatnieaantal se lone rra rendered by hro t beta warden i-syn- hay klmshy hodd and of brampton brother littler barn col hmlih and meant taylor 1 toddle and forbes of acton and gramapbone selection ere given by a w itenlon brother g cook waa prcaentnd with tba- i est president jewel la reoognl tlon of bl service aa ivealdent tbu- ended one of the great eat nlgbta in tbe hlatory of woodgreen woodgrveo visited bramputn on tueeday evening and a pleasant time waa enjoyed by all ur joseph k bate quarry man and ridge builder of the eeoond line btquealng died on saturday in hla 7tfa year tba funeral will be bald aoomlng via o p h at milton to parkdala inlarumot will be made at mt plaaeant cemetery toronto maanf and weanaww iswa halloa farmer and womans in- atltute me tinge will be held aa fol iowa t balunafad january s7th nor val january h bequealng janu ary sotb i meonrdya corner janu ary 30th poatville january 51 t sheridan fvaaruary let speaker mlaa k bobaon ildartoa mr w d dyer ooluaabawi mr o schuyler brantford jul tsjss suawaeaa at ooalnai rrected at a total coat of 1000 ilia 11 paofdaa ulaalon waa opened fri day evwnlng with appropriate eela- t- tbe new building in which the ednoatsanal work amongattha f era la to be puraued la altuatod on morri etreet beeldea the ha went it consis of a large aaaeeably room and ball above being leinaf rooma for the missionary and bla family the county council will have no aay tank lu deciding upon tha paraon a succeed mr j 8 deacon eatfupoe- utr nf public school for halloa the applicant re all wall qualified ednoa- tlonwte and he praeeot teumonlala reapecllng altalnmenu are of a high order the lut include i il d cmtta a a head haaler of georgetown high school j l moore b a inapector parry fjnund south i t preatmt h a barrle high mchool j smith it a principal burling ton continuation school ii g maityn ba science master berlin collegiate a campbell a a- head uaater waterdown high school w bwatdetibamnawltxer j a lieuyee o a okvllla high school i jnn a tuck m a niagara fall t u dftinry alorrtaburg h u bigg u a pirion t a klrkonnnell a a head mahler lindsay oolirgulc ntltuir j l mluhaoer a a head uaetar vnh leek hill collegiate imlluilr j a barrller ddtourg j n davtdeon a a head maatar tlleyphurg hlgbjjchool the appointment will probably be made at thrjreunjr of the county oflpncllnjtttieaday s v v if uceoaee are lud in acton c decker or oak villa l to take over tha dominion hotel there and conduct brtclaaa bouae but you never u tell and what doeetble niyeterioub paragraph in tba torontu mall and kmrlra meanp bvouwe acton haa tbue rejected local option it doe not of neooaeslty follow that hotel and ebop in that vlluga will ballot ofcd td ell intoxicating llqnorv brampto tfca xeavaaisn haaauesi bond taaoiivilustaraaai tbetoronlo uaaallton road baa received soma aub- auntlal booeta ihu weak and if there le anythlda in united action good re- eulu aboold be produced rvnry towoablp between the two cltiee on monday uvaalnooly p reaol tlone endorsing iba road and agreeing to contribute ibelr share of the ex- natiaa to each of jheae bod lea n alntoat uiaaniummui petition waa peel anted from the property owner ajoo tba road offering tocontrlbute a frontaga tax through trafnbia neleon and eat fumboro jha petu tlona bavai been atgned hy over nlnet y peroadtof iba pr owner and toronto township la clone up in btohlcokv the york road commission dealt with the matter and hae agreed to build to tha peal york una having received a large mock of picture moulding of thn laiaat dealgna i am prrad in bu all order for picture framhlg naatl and promptly treeothrjc a oonnikitn hill street s0oal and personal mr ham hoharte of loronlo spent huitdny in town ml nell mcdonald vial ted friend tntinetpb ual werk ur u c hoeeeli late of krio will settle in a couvar a c ur l u ucuilun of tortrnto viblled here laat week airs j it humw r ouslli v 14 led liiood- ihtivoo friday lirs joseph llolmra afmnl bra days durlamtba week wltb her brother jul tajujat hamllhnn urs iu j junior and daukhlar ol uajgary its uao guals of ule anala c 1111 tha past week mr t rlteinanthas haen mxnawbal seriously lmupsd this weal vritil an ei tack of rltuuaiism luv j v wilson li a ufl yrslerdsy morning for a weaka visit wllb friaod in boslon uaas uesvp jstnesand h4avt uacllter- aon and wm datton villvd friend in rochester n y the past week mr cecil hwacafhamer 4urved to tivnnlu on monday after spending trw day holiday at bl honk bare ur i u haodanon shown iously iii for a couple f weeki valeacitig and la ahl to ha about again urs harold i via and daugblar of milchell have n gueata lite paat vsak at hh- hoote of mr juaepb ibdm- ur u u wur urs tao b huppll and lira j a kchraader tj rlmlra were guests of ur edurat a llaialed ibl- week u wat iwson n engagsuiut bar daughlsr annls lt lo ur willi- to i kumj of cajgary the weddlog to lake plaos january xbd hfm uciouki of kqi ing wb was kuftrlog fnwu appandt nltla was opsnisd nptui at guelpb ral llotltl ut week ha u slowly rroring a poial card rnm mr jo ii boyd ot hon lulu hwil ay be u en u lo new z l l on a ikj1s trip lis wl n year- bay and aid lha voyaga wasdsll b wa rtjoylog a few day hawaiian capital fort yoslksa ma qsasty soaudy wy sol nat mosaayt rtbmvtwthelawasauimcahalva saaa w6e metropolitan bank head office toroslo oml hurrala for cuttersi we are milling cutters every day also tlie famous adams sleighs a few baggies left to clear at v new capital separators left yet to clear at a4cewb vjoo lbs capacity dairymen call quick as they are to be iuthtd off robes knee spreads horse blankets halters iicluetc a full line for winter use machine oils of all kinds od floor oil call and sec oar line of goods b f caldwell acton undetrwear stan fields unshrinkable in iwopicce baits and combinations s ckb tee genuine all wool combinations s penmans 05c all sizes three reliable lines of underwear hoi hitgtoo villsg council commen- cra the hulnne nf 1u1 wllb a new etan 4 unntcipal ofhcaf ur o t hpringav clark and traasurer raalgo- nunw of year of faithful lie waa given an honorarium of vsoupou tiring tlie ofneyb pointed are j h allan curk and treasursr salary voul iknipal oflloar and constable aalaiy gsao j i- cotter asesur aalaiy icn ual w alton taxcollector ealary 1iu urs j bur k holder bell- rlngrr salary 0u hardhucol ilaxatives are beat for nuralog mother hncauaa they do ool alfecl the toil of the system mud but sure 3sc a box al your druvjpsls the flour feed store owing to the lower tendency of the market for wheat oats bar icy corn buckwheat etc we have revised our prices on all grain and grain products you will and it to your advantage to get our prices at once terns cash r noble merchant miller m rmoora grand trunin california mexico- florida mod the sunny south the grand trunk railway ta the moat direct route from all einta east through canada via hlcago detroit or buffalo only doable track route round trip taurlat tickets giving ihoiua of all the best routes to tether with flip information may im obtained from auy grand trunk agent j 5 jmnljtb c c speight in comfortably settled- again a bb in proved orcmlso on mill street where customers wants will be promptly sup- piled stoves and ranges graniteware akiit1iv7arr i sublf hardware mrclary a ca stoves mechanics tools paints oils ash glass cutlery ami silverware chinamel tbe new and easy paint for enameling graining and dec onuog oau andall u in oun aqooht maw rnbbusa rcton back again ii and mora bargains i

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