ttfre rtoir jtree tt tiiulthitay january iu 1011 a mbw viars prayir i knuw 1 1 ul uiupln ita wall r illm and i iw vet upaoddownluriarltffnedaulea th h ai angrls k and ha wlin keeps ibe uuiti hwould pea ioiuimi that faith ntf ugni tit altar k ffaese- and flop av arsefl u bright thai lttvr imf ma an eeaeiaee which iove delights ta give atod all the angels innocent may tarry there lo llee and may no evil spirit have in ita place or part what la thla temple waiitlfulr tbe temple of the haart ola uooaji ritohi bjljcmt ups wben ihe child ran want lo live at grandat her while ratbersnd mother were abroad they blew throoab a bouse like a gust of wind doors lam road from morn log until night lo spite of all aunt jean could do dear old grandfather almost wholly deaf set back in hla corner and watched the frolicking wilb ea tie syoi but when tbe voices kraw sharp a they eorae- lima did ha winced and wben the doore banged b groaned entity ooeday bo called thirteen yearold batty to hint tfv dear ba aald did you ever know that as en old persons mw grow deal tbay sometimes grow vary sons uvsto noise do you know that it make a pain through my haad whan you talk loud or slam that door y x should aay i dldn t know it you deacsaodpat cried irapulstvs fuuy parching on tha urro of bla chair and klaauui bla cheek be aha spoke i waa aura you dldn t child ita want on but that ian t all homa- tlroaa wben wa don t hear ao much wa aaa mow 1 a been watching you since you cum betty and i want- to aak you to do ma a favor i want you to form habit aa you art going from ona room to a not bar through i ha day of taking youreel how will this effect othara r rmly had begun to qdgat brother llob waa beckoning from outalda lbs window but grandfather atlll held bar hand i don t einect lo atay bare vary long deer b waa saying but after i am gooa my allant tlpa may apaak to you batter than 1can today andyou- may ramambar what i aay now grandpa dont talk like that t you ro going lo ba bar a long urn yet i thara a llob i ha wan la me ba good daar aha added in tha tona of ona who ho mora a child and off the but tha very next morning s karywaa at artlng for an allday pic nic and mischievous llob had hidden bar lunch basket there waa a loud al tercation that made grandfather put bla hands to hla bead and groan oraodfatbar l trying to apeak to you betty amid aunt jean ye i heard him but i cant help how it does affect other thla time ifb all roba fault give me my 1 ket alrl you re making me late i there youd better i setting the basket betty rushed out of the boom and down the steps while the door ala abarply behind her when aha earn bank late that aftsr- noout there waa a strange hnah about the bona tha other ehlldren drew her in close to grandfatbera empty chair and told bar in awed whispers bow ba had fallen jeep there a few noun before never to wake again the frightened girl listened but not a word passed bar tlpa until aunt jean came and putting both arma around her led her to the bed where grand father waa lying peaceful and still then batty dropped on her kneea and aobbed a month later the absent parents were at home again and they both marvelled at the change in thoughtless betty t bat after a day or two the mother went lo the father with lean in her eyes betty has told me aometblng beau tlfuv he aeld the reason she u so eweet and thoughtful la because when ever be la tempted to do anything eelqab he imagine aba bean bet grandfatbera voice saying to bar bety howwill thla effect others f feu away to a shadow r m ha haste tkww a ha coiumptmi mrs wnu marun lower hhip harbor beat nhr writes i am wndlng you uatimnolal of aay sura by ir weod norway pine fljrup lest may i took acojdaiidltantjidonmylunga i gel ao bad i eoukt not mat at night i bad two doctors to treat me but got no rrllrf all of my people bought i had consumption i had- fallen aaray to abadow i bad given up all hopre j erar getting batter again until ny daugh tar want to a atora one day and bought ma a bottle of iv wood a norway lino byrun after taking half of it 1 felt better ao i got two more and thanks to them i am well today and able to do nay bouse work i cannot nay loo much in us pralaa and i ahall ahraya keep it tbabuoa pr wood norway pane syrup oon tame all the hmg bnttng 4rtum of the faaaooa norway ptae tree which makea il the very beet preparation for coughs cold and all throat and lung trouble bee that you gat j dr wood a wbrn yon aak for it there are many uuta- ptica as and 80 cents bee that the name the t uubun oft lunitad la on the yellow wrapper thw wav it wptatmbo to him tfie stranger entered church aflrr the aermnn had begun hwl b mon began to fidget turning to a whit hatred man braids him evidently an old member of the oongregatlon h aaked how long baa he bean preach lh thirty five year in tit la church alone aald the old gentleman the atraager composed hlnieelf li the pew 111 wait then he must be nearly through castoria it jud tea ho alwnyn isoagsuv and wfalefc dm bean m we for owct sojrssra bas borate tbe signature of ilj booni aupenudon since ita inftuacy 1 m anmrnoonouamlramlaaiu all ooabterfcitn itnltmtlona auidi juatojgool ewe bo abperbacmta utnt trifle wltb aiul endnnroruie tnenltlh est infniita and children kcpetionoo aujajuat ilpmlmil what is castoria cnataria in a hnnnbwa eubatltuto for cnator oil pare- arorlc impa aim huotalnff synia it in lleaanut it coatajna luiitlinr opium morphliio twr otlmr mnrebtia aabatajtoa ita ngvt la its friutrnntae it uoatroyw wonni andl allayn pnvnrlalineaa it curat itlarrhcon u 1 wind fjolla it rdlovea teething troubloa cirot coiimtjneuioa and rtatwlhky jit aaalniuaiea tlo fowl rglaied umi bio and llowela giving tuenjlhy und luoaral aloep the chlldrona lauaeeo saothere friend genuine castoria bemrthe blgnatnre of always rju the kind you hare always bought in use for over 30 years no child abould ba allowed to buffer an hour from worma when prompt rettrf can begot in a atmple but atrong remedy mother iravev worm rx terminal or time lamuv to make what use of it wo will but it bows not to our will don t traduce your anemia wont help ypu any and then you may want to uae them tomorrow oorna cannot eaut when ilolloway e corn dure u applied to lhm beeaoaa i it goea to iherootand kiulhegrqwlh children ory for fletchers o a a oomatrttutional a utile foul yearold girl wa walk ing with her mother wueu a eaterpll lar the lint aha had everaeen crawled in front of ihfiu u muvyar l cried excit edly look i yw inufta little girl in nut taking n walkr a phyalcial giant with a dwarfed amil aeenia autly out nf place fn lb old world oood luc la the wlll lajidjnajd of uprlgttt enargeilo eharaoler ind eonwlentloita observance nfduty the win may nevrreel on the atare and mripea but a new ui a jirmib4 out every now and then one poorday j aee4etnber whoa and fthtow fhnr atasullaob uoaufflbm 1 laawtfataffloeortveiaence l 4 r aoton ontario ill usorefmiteus ahbcat has wiaen rr i lira wluoa lit wlckaoa avej toronto eaya abont tour yean ago a eore apot anpearad on tbe right aide otmy face tam hvrt tronvjaaag- ta afam aaul it became about half an inch la diameter mad vary painful i went to a doetev bat tbe ointment he gave me did net have any good esteet tbe eore continued to die- eharga freely and waa most palatal i had it cauterised tried poulueea and all uada of salvea bat it waa ao good gad i enntlnaed to easer jremjt towr taral aaaaaple oraamboa waa ooehay given to me and i need tt althougb the qnamtlty waa ao eatall it seemed to do bui soma good eo i pur a farther mpntr kach box did h more and more good and to my delight before i bad bean aalng aembak three weeks i saw that it was going to heal tbe eore in less than a month u was 1 know a lady in tha east of the ettr whose hnanaact santered for yean with an open eore on hla leg on my recommendation xambuk was tried in that cane the other day when i saw bar she told ma that it had healed the sore- completely my daughter who lives in leta- bridgv attn has also need zambnk wlth the asme uubfactory result i think it is beyond all doubt the ftaeet healing balm known booh is the opinion of ail parsons who have really tried zanvbak it is a sun ear for eesania plies ah nicer acalp sores ring worm cuts barns scalds braises and s all akla injuries and diseases ioc box all druggists and stores or post free from zam buk go toronto iter price in case of iktn dueaae use also zambuk soap icc tablet the liuleat pig- sometimea gets the big ear of corn an oil that is famous though canada was not the birthplace of dr tbomaa kclectrlc oh il u the home of that famoos compound from bare ita good name was spread to central and south america the west indies australia and new zealand that la far aflek enough to attest its excel lenoe for in all these countries it ta on sale nod in demand children ory for futchers c a3xori a impurities of the blood counteract ed impurities in the blood oome from da fee is in tbe action nf the liver they are revealed hy pimples and unsightly blotches on the akin tbey must b treated inwardly and for ihla purpose tben is no morn effective compound to be used than paruhuwa vegetable pills they act directly on lbs liver and by setting up healthy processes have a benrflolal rffrct upon the blood so that itnpuiwiee are eliiu inated tre man who keeps hla eyes on tbe face of the clock will never sue the wheels gu round a few people ere ilka bubbling springs a delight lb you nvery time you approach them chu in let aitoie talk tt iei imst of the nervous system an very common au tha organs of the body may be sound while the nrrrout system s sll upset on aeeount of the troubles end worry which fall to the lot ol one why hw tolook alter tbairoublei iiajdaat tohfiimen and srhen the nerves beeoam unstrung the heart is alec eoeoted in mqburaa heart and nerve phia b cosniabedg ireatidenilmu will cure all forms of nervous disorder m weq as act tjurthvslaveirtttjbat wouu ugldw recast than lo eu rundown women mm wnl smith ism novs oaut wrilesj with to tell you that i bavr used uubuma heart and nerve fills i wss bo nervous i could bardlydet any one talk to me until a neighbour told mo to trywourlluturoe heart and nesw plus i v ihtee boxes and did not have to gefcany more m they completely md my nervons system uubuma itat ind km puk n foe mlut ttt isin o aulkd dlml o nniat of jrioitiourisbi7bw rot ns u kwa ok jdultauttanaiu undertstb ar 3 stanfields unshrinkable in twopiece uuils and combinations q cbe tbe genuine all wool combinations s penmans 960 all sizes g g three reliable lines of underwear 5 r e nelson s b herejwnt tailov wyndbaaa atset j nieavai rantariuw ouatuph out m ana how to do rr ywim itmchxi whul lu the heal way n irach lh ten cnnintand tiriilh ol i preoehrr if you have a con grvgnilim of pm r iraeb thrtu as coca mandmaiita if middleclass as re- ih and if rich ntaraly as ieooov tuondatlima tinsum f pewle uffei iitfu 1mit raoa dyspepsia it u one ol the most prevalent troubles of olvtuaed life and the door dyspeptic eannot oven enjoy a mealwitliouldialie wa ing biter caocta for nearly everything that miters a an frrila regulate lkdyspepue bujrdoek b blood bitten will iui miten a weak dyspeptic stomach acts as 1 bitten udate a the aaliva and gastric juice ip facilitate digestion remove aofcnty and tone up the entire system urm dennis ilabert st bomfsce afaow writes i hat tsasd burdock blood bitters wlthgreat succcst for dyapepau indlgeation end nour siotnach 1 was terribly troubled with my stomacb lor months and spent a lot of money without getting any relief until i hap pened to are about a woman using ft and ner trouble seemed the name as tried one bottle and wss no naore i caneaia nave taveo tlicsq thine i wwh manufactured only by the t fctuourn k limited toronto on oocaalttoally ymi wll meet a man who if be cannot lie big dug will whine to he pup miller e worm powden are par escrllrneei the medicine for children who are found buffering from tbe ravage- ttf wonna thfy immediately alter the atnmaqhlo coodltluna under which tbe wo rata auhaiat and drive thrni from the ayalrm sitd at the in time tbey are tonics in their effeal upon the digest organs restoring them to healthful nperatlon and ensur ing immunity from further dlaardera- from fcuob a eauae children ory for fletchers c ast 0r i a good luck anuiallmee goes after a nan with a march warrant but the hustler 1- usually the roan ii l looking for tbe farmer wll mnda it alwaya too wet or loo dry will have few mice in hla corn crib inflammatory rheumatism twllllrwttlsewpilia mr w d raid of itamflloo oat one of the best known and most hlgblr nspected conrnaeicisl traveller m canada waa a cripple from rhetimsllam nd sussred terribly otn piltjt cttnedhbn mr kutd writes safouowar yean a cripple with muscular andlntlamtaatoffy rbeunutiam i tried almost evcrythiflk known to medical edtnee to rellovinte of the intense pain and lnrlsainjauon i eonrht cbsun of climate in fcentacky and mhevfioutherapraani without relief your manager in ibis city rsronirnended oem ii4a4 1 imalnocubon eight boxes end ent now cared x eoasiaer gin tluls the cooqucror of sthetk nwtisnt and fcldn disaassa gtn pills u sokl with a posttlre gnersntea toicnre of money promptly rcfanaed socr a bte or aor a jo toroaux errory or a boots ranniar a h far ha em to oiada wv oeedlngly faithfully he kept up hla old prao uoe of every morning reading a chap ter from tbe bible before tbe day a work commenced lie began atgtme- sls and went steadily on till tbe last word of revelation uoe particularly fruitful harvest an extra large number of temporary hands had been taken time was money and it chanced on a very busy morning that the chaper turned nut to be i chronicles vi with tie begau and iu lang nebbit then em ulghlyone verses to get through tbe farmer read six or seven with great unction then glancing over what was to follow aald to tha as asm hied workers weel they begat ana an it her doon tee the qt o the page an a blttock oweron the liber aide noo awe tai yer workl castoria kit inbt and olriuna tbtuyndinjunpbskkt signature of nothing aa good for asthtns as thma nmedlee come and go but every year the sales of the original dr j i kvuoggs asthma remedy grow greater and greater nofurther evidence could he aaked of ita remark able merit it relieves it is alwaya of the same unvarying quality which the auffer from asthma learns to know do not suffer another attack but get this splendid remedy today thy this on your mislmdel jones aod smith met in the street yesterday and got talking i was on the top of a tram tbe ol her day said jones puffing quiet ly at my cigar when suddenly a lady alttlng near me snatched it from my mouth and threw it away youve no right lo smoke on a iratucar ahe aald its nut allow ed i well what did you dr inquired smith l was rather taken aback but in a minute i grasped lhepoodle she was carrying in her lap and dropped it overboard you ve no right to have dogs in a tramcar i aald its not allowed she glared at me and then we both looked over into the road aod there wa the poodle running mlong hy ihe aide of the iram t and what do yon think it had in ite month l the cigar t no said jones it tongue thbl holes n hsr bttockimoal at a religious raaellnga lady per- auied in landing nn a bench spoiling tbe view of other aneclaforv though repeatedly requested io sit down an old gentleman arose and said grave- li i think if the jadj knew ic had alargs hole in each of hr stooknge aha would nnt eshlull herself in this way tfiu had ihe desired effect t she luintrdutaly satdpwnlahscatat a ymiiig minister atandhig hy blushed to the temples and ssld i olu brother bow could you say what wss not a faelf not a fuel k replied the ol gentle man t she bad not a large bole in each of her stockings 1 would like to know bow lnau ibaoj on con un drums if a church ita on firs why lias the nigan the antalleat cbanre of escape tlcaua lli angina cannot play upon ii what is worse than raining cats and dogar hailing mnlboeee what la even bettor than presence of mind in a railway accident f ab- aonns of body why has a man more balr than a woman r ilacaua be is naturally bar vultor hlrsuter what tre la more euggeellve nf klaa- h g t yew wben may a mm be aald to have ft ur bands t wben he doubles hia fiats why are aailora bad horsemen 1 ile- ouh tbey rid a on the main inane what latlar la ill plvaaanlaat fii m deaf woman a bees umi it ntakva lir i r whau dn- a pf ixmuitna land pro- rly r when he la lurnvd into a naadow why are f wla lite nfat lmataue or live autck t itrcaliaa fi r vrry grain they glue a pack why dtxm a duck put ita bead under water p for dlware reasone why does he lake it out again r for aundry rauuni what vegeuble produou are the most important in history itee what la higher and handsomer wben the head la ttt your pillow what is the keynote tu jtimk breed ingp ii natural faulliam in preparation lnllk0 any other stomach regulator iw melee a vegetable illta are reaulta of long study of vegelahu compounds catculated toatlmulslo tbe atimacblc functions and tnalnlsln them at tbe normal condition ears of use hae proved tualr fnwiueaa charaeter end and etallahed their excellent repute lun and this reputation they have maintained for years and will continue to maintain for these pill moat al waya aland t the head of the list uf standard preparations hohs or rum swaulow the teacher in natural history had received more or lees bathfactory re plies lo bar iiueal ions and finally aha aaked what utile boy can tell me where the home of the swallow la p long alienee then a band waved well bobble when is it r tbe home of the a wallow declared bobbie bcrlnucly la in the stum ntlck she who throws dowo her goose be cauwt uf the nipping will get few feathers an anarch 1st la hi lunula preacher says that a man who kisses a girl should be shot tbey do usually elve a heart wound suffered with a lame back coild not mulohteji dp many people fad to understand the atgn ificance of a lame weak sore or ncfauig back when the rack aches or lecomee weak it aa a wanting that the kidneya axe afreeted in some way heed the warntng cure i be liack aod dispose of any chancea of aenoua kidney trouble following mr c grace hamilton ont writes i was luuering with a lame back ami for two weeks was not aide to atiaikhtm up to walk and hardly able to ait down for the pains in my back hips and legs i had used different kinda of pilut nlae- term liniment and medicines without any relief f 1 about i loon kmlney lill and doctdrd lo try them ilefore i had half a bnt used i frit a greet deal better and by tbe time i had used two boxes t was cured i have on hesita tion in recommending uosns kidney wis price bo cents per box or s boxes im tl25 at all daslcrsjor mailed direct or reeeipt of price by the t milburn co limited toronto ont when ordering specify ooene a oood rrmindrr my boy said a wise father do you own your own face tbe boy looked pussled h bad come to the breakfast table with a frowning countenance and bad start- moodily to eat bis food you do not own your own face bla father repeated bo not forget that it belongs to other people they nnt you have to look at it you have no right to compel them to look at a sour gloomy and crabbed f see i nwannaannjannnunnuannaaunuuaunnnnaaaiiaannnn wi thank you tcor you patronage during 1qi2 and wish to increase our acton hiproenis therefore for a short time only wc will share hall our usual profit with you and offer you this month our special seven room outfit ol clcctnc btturei com plete with shadea for the hair raising price of 12ww these fixtures retail regularly at 15 00 special prices on other bets all this month the grand mnk ia1lwav i f6e guelph electric works j geo e b grinyerlv co props at 16w mark i sevan gwalpa oat u the merchants bank op canada lvery paiion who receives and psja wit money should have c ewjulag accounl 1 aynoeol by cheque la the moat practical con venlaoi and balesl method of handling all financial lisnaadlona ahaibar ol a luajoaaa o tantmm characlar the return of cancelled cbnjuoa are vouchers for every sum paid uol lltey abo wwt dls itarhmmlii have bean mads and lo cahoot dsposlta are received by ihla lunk aabfadi to chwiue withdrawal we pay ibe asme allant ion to null dapoalior aa wa duuilaiga ones ami e neon rage i heir iocpuntl lnuusst aiuiwed un all savlaga accounts compounded half yeuly total assets s8lw8sw4 acjon branch f a maclean manager warmest kind for cold weather tougher horaehide will nevei be found because the best is used for storvys gloves and gauntlets and yet the skin because carefully tanned by the chrome process v mode fiiablc insunng wear resistance waterproof and the best working gloves on the sold at all stores insist on storeys extraordinary fireproof roarlcet xsje excelsior baken firbt quality ililkao cakbh wkuoino cakrb dihtttuav cakk8 htc bto ovbthhb and fish call today t statham son bakers and grocers main st acton your chopping will bo done quickly and well on cither plates or stones if taken to ihe rockwood chopping- mills hour oatmeal bran shorts riio best at lowest prices haiirrssr3ot limited u w h 5tpre- sons ontario l womans fortune freed from hurt wtk lan guid always tired fotj- ing by iydi e pinkk- harna coanpouiidl thuesalon ont 1 cannot speak too blflbl of your medicine when my ap- jbbsn is poor and i havo that weak ian kid alwaya tired illiyr i get a bot- itleof lydiaelpink barns ve pe table icompoand and it builds me up ejvea ime strength and re stores me to perfect health again it b truly n bleaaine to iwonten and 1 cannot speak highly eimwgh of it itakepleas- nre in recommendins it to others mrs juma cumbwn t ont women who are suffering- from those dtresslng iii peculiar to their sex imju not to- uht of these facts or doubt tbft abjllty of tydia r pinkbams vcgetabw opmptsmd to rtor their health thero are probably hundroos of thou sands pcrhape millions of woman in tha untd butt who have bean benefited by this fmou okl remedy which was produced from rftou and litf over so years ago by a woman to wuv wo mans suireringu 1 1 you are sick and need such msclns why dont you tr ut it ye wan imoisj astls writ ejdu b rinkham todlclse ca eenl- ills lynn atu issr letter will emstii read sndj saunrsrsd by a vtvaiaa ms hdd ur strict caaisnmee conscientlous plumbing y heating is isiqt h wyth iftixm us to the contrarywe make it the most important factor so if you favor us with your patronage you will enthusiastically endorse us fred smith plumber quebec st guelph phone 337 this nans store is crowded because we do his printing we cam crowd your store in tje same way agaaaaaaasamaeawggs 1 11 m i it catalogues handbills folders and commercial forms our specialty call at uhh ojicm for jobtork the hcton free ffwbss jflaocuuscsrvatst bronro canada c symons baker zl conrtctioner sole makers of rsam acton pork pie perlectlon iloroemsde dnad ryour 10c madiera trull cakes our voir pastry ur delicious wedding and tlhtbday cakes a apeclally conleciloaery nuls eic aul okdbks uumvkkr d the flour peed store owing to the lower tendency of the market fol- wheat oats bar ley corn buckwheat etc wo have revised our prices on all grain and grain products you will find it to your advantage to get our prices at once terms cash e noble merchant hilled n r moore r monbgar in sll countries aak or oir 1nv14n uuuon a auluolf jm uniyorait ot montreal