Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 6, 1913, p. 4

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itiir xriait xn ms niiruiw ikhuuahy i nm flilsmuu i 1 i frlcud i loaned him i ci i liwven t eon atfrtehd since hi another one touched f 1 duubt if be till ellve r ttv i uav l l heard m i hl in llin and a i 11 r i ii lx tarn tit friend dhlragi j treatment for mange in ganie besides or mniie in csllle yields to evwtlte treatment or k l moor ttlriphau di i its sou iii delots ex peri went s tut kin thus desert ties the common funo of mange nnd the treat bcjtl limrnfur host frequently lb disease appears at tbe root or the tall the thigh or it uhjt be iheoeck or withers cst r the oe k the altoulders the aide of bu cheat or any imirtlon of i bo entire body with tliw exception of tbe leg but become involved there is a vlo leot itching or purjrus tbe animal rubbing umt against nil possible ob jects sad frequently to such mm ex tent e to reuse bleed i of of tbe sffect- ed porttoa a cerefnl exsmlastloa or tbe freshly attacked apots shows tbe presence of rnj ubiquitous sea lion me strayed a ceee way frew meaaep awfee rl wea killed it- following story ta tsfcsa trow- ll american afagadm hunday ta a dtril day and the city dllors lmtl a bmblt of detailing aaen to 1 1 lo the zoological garden and gat n until stories ror aloodaj morning i lio reporters cot lognlber ooa hnoflaj tomtng and persuaded tbe bead anl mnl ketr to let tbam publish a fake alory it wu rather commonplace concerning tbe aliased escape of noo existent sea iloo from tbe pool to open waier rake said tbe trgg editor aa be read thai story la make tt a good oua thereupon he sent telegram to cry counlrj correspoodeot oo that wa utr or its tributaries merely inquiring it anything had been seen of the e enped um lloa tito reionae wu ap palling tbe correspondents needed only he hint that day tbe hon less seen bjr at least twenty rorre spnndrnta and itergbaiml printed all the reort one rter another thus spurred the rorremnpodenui went lo it in earnest tlie fsatowtng day lb n lion wa reported nt every point wllh in 200 ml lio story spread ilk ripple on ttnlnr in qd dnya tlie ll n was elshtm i rr hair tin- world nnl an riithlila t at koiitbnntntin rallied that ha wns hrndlnc toward the lwrlb mra tt on rnifl rormtpoimlcut lsk kniwrior lll1 blm hihi wired that ha hjm jiiudluji tb jikiiujul proof i nlwny simpfriril that lit mannplng ntitor did it hiinir ostblsnd oatlle are bllvod i monemu la part lbs cattu of uj aboriginal urltene tbsy trt rs i it er email roojh coated usually red or bbtok in color with ara up turned boms they are kapl hair wod upon tbe moors o ii a boot tfsa buihlanda and r oflen wen bk tbe perks of knctloh ihiumtn one or these animals have bean imported into this country probably sere aoob or thslr wild appear sum tbea for any practical pur pose tbe odw pictured is in the herd of w m van nordan rye m t comfort for iwpeptla ttmrw y no allmnnt wo harmsfclnn and hauatltik as dyartepale which rlwea from defective action of the ahittiaoh and jiver and ibt viotlu nf it u to he pitied vet he cn find redy relief in lrriiriftn a vtyreleitlr pillf prrpnte lion tbftt has oitbhsbod itaelr by yes re of effective use there mm pills that r widely dertlved aa tbe grteel ever compounded boi not one of them can rank in vajuo with rrtneleoa er good mail uvauoos of the aklu nboul tbe bjs of mllart seed which may beootn coohqoot and are filled with eerum touma brook and asblntlnato tbe balr and tfrytnc form croata of incressalns tlcknn which hcotu very adher ent and wblrb gradually increase in bumper slse and extent vjfrdawbmtb tbeao crnau particularly wpttod the marglaa of tbe same may 3i foqnd the multjplytna psoroptoa bleb can be detected by tbe naked ye or better by nmaba of a leaf shea the crusts are disced on a shoe black papar id too warm autf the jdn lose its balr and become dry thickened and marked willi erevlcea or cracks particularly in tbe reston of the neck shoulders or chest tba erected animal gradually pass into s stata of cachexia becoming atnaclated and eventually dying from malntitri tton bgpertments mode at hm slatlon in djcsted that tbe most effectlvo results are to be obtained through ihe use of tobacco and sulphor or urn and asd tobur preparations the tobacco and sulphur dip u the sama that uwed for sheep scab that is there should be sumclent oxtract of tobacco or nicotine aolutiuu to give a mixture containing not leu tlwn lire onehundradtna of 1 per cent of nico tine and sumclent salpbur to give a s par cent solution tb lint and aolphor dip contains more lime than wben made up for tbe treatment of sheep scab it should contain twelve pounds of unslaked urns and twenty four pounds of now era of sulphur lo 100 gallons of wnler boh these solutions may be obtained ready compounded in tbe market remedy per aheap mag ge an ohio sheep raiser sdvlaaai the as of gaaoilpq in getting jha jnaggobj t of the wo all skin diseises me 0qcjui0ned it bad blood notion ran ttipeet to be free from same form im- ollirr of skin trouble unlnst the hi fwl to unftl tu kftod shape tu btood can easily be ponfud and tht skin diwxawi cured by the un ol iturdork lllood itutera that old ami widely known bbvtd medtdne it um been on the market for rrvm f jran mij i rrpulauon is iinrtvslleil mrs ullin mitchell guelph onl wttir i wu tioubled with eosctns my ixuly was rovrmd with awful itchlni akin erupliitns all bough i tried man itit itt rrmeditm i could st nothing ta tvn fiwt mltftf mnslly i not a bottle ol ihinlocknnoohtutfrs which complsulj ruretl nv manufacture only by the t mllburs co ltmllml torotlo onl kaslest hablu t ones most pr the kouilled tlieatrlcalatars are rockets when s man does talk sense at rest half the iwople d nt recognise it suffered from citmb of iktsttrtth fir thirty years catarrh of toe stomach is apoerauj oausod from aomn interference with tht action of the liver and is a malady thai affect the whole body hook symptoms are burning pain in the atotnach constant vomiting abnor mal thirst incessant reac etc on tbe drat signs of any of these sym muburos taxautfcr pills should b tsken tony am a speeuw for ell dis orders arising from wrong action of ul4 uver mr michael mlhw klerjio alts wntea 1 take plcasura in writing you aonnemlagt ho great vslob i have received by using milhuroa laxallver pills for catarrh of the stomach with which 1 have been a suher for thirty years i url four ylals and they completely cured mo irlc 25cenuavilbvllsforijw at nil dcxdrrs 6r mailed direct on receipt ficn bv the t mubuta co iimlletl 1 irtinta ont promofcsthesuon heetful icsi and restoatdlns nrithrt ofsun morphine nor mincfal not narcotic a perfect rcinedy rorcofups- ilon sourstoahkhdtorrhxlew vcsto3onvulaions fevenan- rsr end loss of sl vksumm slthteinreaf new yohk ulact copy sb ujgabbblg castoria for infanta and children the kind you have always bought bears the signature of in use for over thirty years castoria obscurity lives munh lunger than fame naturally an actress lb ink alies a star when she la praised to the ski h tarn the children from suffovlnk fnmi woiiita by using miller a worm iowdttra tlto imst vffetitlve vernllfugs that can lie got with which to noinbat theeo nslillous foee of the yining and hopeless there la nothing ihst excels this prwral u ss a worm destroyer and when its qualities become known in a household nn other will bo usml tlie medio i in sets by llsulf reulrlng eta liurgutlvo tu saaiol ll add mi thoroughly that nothing uiorw u dn sired corns cause utuch aiirfsrlnp i ml llnlloway m corn jure offer a speedy wire and salsrotnry rnm madb bv oohqukarr it is generally bslinvad that thu inimintaln dwllc poseus oertaln aharnnieilstot not uomrnoifly found hting llio pooplf of ffio level pis inn that onurap and forcn and mirever nnoti mro llknly to dlatlugiiuli them than cat lm tu ninwllcn hut that tha doiiiluant raoos mm found lutkitqa where the jirobluine of exuleiioo are not hindu too euity in oil mini whero men can uhp with ru llnslly no shelter and feed on fruit lha rown without cultivation tliu ijuahllea i f character we most admire srn lacking np dormant thu u only anothnr way of saying that charsuler owes most to the things it overcome we are th pnwluou of that which we conquer lfvn tha sooant nf a mountain slope with its demaiulx un th energy and pemutoui u as well as on the ntusclo and lunge helps in tlio making of a conquering manhood fcvi ittoulti on tlin farmer and stork rsui r slioiilil kiiji u supply nf ilr thomas uluclrui 111 on ham not only as a ready remedy for 111 in lha family hut lieranvi it u u hursn snd cattle medicine if grtat hiency aa a iihstllutn for mweol nil for horses and cattlw nffnoted by oft it far surpasses anything that inn ih adnilnlvleeed th flrt time a yuung limit foil be dotisti t land on bis feel i wool on sheep and bmnba whan they are luflseted w lambs ogtuttn ba kept tagged from tha nrst bowwvar young and any wether lambs that get soiled should be tagged at odco bheep with negucted sore vronv fat too rot oftuo get badly ureated back of tha shoulder beams coatam taam by tha foot when tbe ahaep itoa oovrpk all such conditions of course reanlfe from deflect these conditions usually coma about dottnfaarwt when tha rarmer la too busy to watcu hla ahesp closely aa tbey are actual oewuuoaafaat will always be with sand with which any practical farm can sympathise tha proposal ofaa afflclant remedy is aa much in order aa preaching about prevention rht boost efficient remedy la gasoline it is chnsp ktlla tbe worms and is easy to apply saturate tha affacted partsno uaifger of injuring lha sheep tha sulfad wool should flrsr bsve been jftwid jr attar the maggota are vlconetl out it m a good plan to apply plus mr lo biora apot to heap tbe riles nwy ota sheep will soon be relurted maggota i dueatbig the colt to check tbe colt wirly if hare an easy time wim ibe h a well broketr bnnw a wu la easier to break than a futir baaio cjsd ohlldren ory v far hertsprs cajatorla hope im a piietnuadn un thai u ft lueiitly punctured only a poor ihve letter enn iw fpi ii i d by weak antluna tlnr mv ratfe woman kimwn lunrr almtit mime other women tlisn ilie knows w it hnrelf tlie self ntadr insn u unable to hee where ho mmltl have made ily lul proveiuailt on bis work aiaraotkwmiawrlt tennrludhrfiihna mtll uuiiphiindit kubl toe tax nil dntgv mow roubldd with weak heart was all run down many people are unaware of having anything wrong with their heart till sooio excitement overwork or worry causes them suddenly to feel faint or duay and uavo an allgone sinking sensatlonr on the first sign of any weakness of the heart or nerves you should not wait until your rase become desperate that it ik koiqk l uio years to cure you but uvnil yourself if a prompt and perfect ntirw by using milburns heart and nerve 1llu iklr thomas a btovenson hsrrtm hak writes i was troubled with weak heart and was all run down lor s long while i was almost in dnrpiilr ol aver getting well again until a friend recommended me to try mumirns heart uul nerve 1111s after the first bo i wss much better and three boxm ounsl me i am now as well as evsr ami will blghly rerfmnuaend them to any one else lroulfled wjth a weak heart i ho price of mltburns heart and starve 1illa is oq oeou per bo or i boxes or si 25 ror hale at all dealers or mailoll tilreot rerdliitofprlrobythnt mllburnco i ont i li lit ivirontn what hu wahtbjd mr founds the retired ni situ fan im or was very proud of his new oonntrj oats to ho spared no expense in tfoitig things wh jndgo tboti of ills tie light when a pair of rooks liogan build lug a nest in hla park 1 llnl th rarmer who owned tint next ikihi wu not an plihuetl in faot he dmiknd rooks h ho gave his smtn trilers to sljoot thu offending blrdw hew heru my ltimii sslit iotllids to iiih fmrninr llirtely i winii tlmselndii of youiv would let my hlnn nlnm fin trying in niako h tonkety nuil thais ull rltlili tlr tenlntl tin itirdysnn of tlie soil lint i wji your rooks would let my ropn alone i lie trying- to make a living danger period ofwomanslife from 45 to 50 interettingexpericmceoltwo i women their statements i worth reading whit oak oil- at change of life li n ilocu r- uld do n mure and i was trl ve up by my frintls lydia k 1 ink ham s vegeta ble compound came to the front and did wonders for m i hsd bhn having fe- msin treubles for ars myiiead troy i m sevorely at i utv i hsd bearing m rstaaiil ut and i was very snsemie from excesaiv flowing i reo- iiiimi nd your gonoul highly and do atl i can to advi rllae ll as a genuine wo man a mhtirln mrs hvlvestku uannino whiuosv onuho tito cusp of mm klrlln clrclevllla ohl 1 can truthfully bay ulbt 1 buvurbadauylhizigduiausu much gihml during hangi f i lf as i y dla k 1 inkhain vegi ul 1 comiiouwl uufore 1 hsfl lalci n im half a imiiu of it i began to ft 1 iwtut and i havi conllnuml uking it- my lu alui is 1h tu r than it has ixwn for s vral y sin if all womn would tulti it hi y would t capo untold paid ami nil it ry at tlila tint of life mrs au u kiitun uirt w mill ut arclevlll ohio tlie chang of i if u rtl n at critical periods t a w nan u xlat auuchtlnn aworin y lyl in 1- llnkhams vgetsl 1 nxnd the gila monster rspul harr loaha it la really a sn a plesksnt nimllnliin for nliildreti u mllior graves worm lxlerminator iuiii hi ore la n tiling imlter for ttvlv lug wnjma from the syslnin inoplo llkn id get all limy can out nf hik govnrmoilt forgnttlng ibal ll is i emitse everyone feels tlie sain way i list taxes aro blgb castoria for iniknu and children ni kind you han alwnbstttt boars the rllgiiaturo of t liielloit fjvsr pill ihe notion of tltn liver u sally disarranged asud doit nil i ii unditfl expt sure to iht slauiutilh over indulgence in snuit favourite tood excess in drinking aro a few of tbe cailuos hut what ever hi ty lie the mjuw isrinelees vege- inbeplllii onii tin relied upon as the bist corrective ihst can im taki tliey are the leading liver pills and tbey have no sujiahlors among such prwmtlonn live us co i to nl merit and we care not wlio invnntu perpetual motion kvry man lis a right to bis own iplnoihuo dnn t use tliniti without giving nrmlll uhlleves asthma nt onoe if you could road the thousands of uhwnlli t tl lelum received by the niauors from grateful users you tn would reitllsi the remarkable curing powers of or j i kellogg u asthma llemedy all cawia inolplent litul obroitlri are bem filed by this great fhtnlly remedy muii many of tllviil ttn tnrtil wltv kiiffei or ukprrlmeol wllh wot lhluui prutratloiii when lie genulm kull tigg u can lie purolmaed everywht in children ory for fletchers c asto r i a a cold however slight may turn into bronchitis you should never neglect a cold bow evor alight if you do not treat it lu time i will til all possibility develop into ut olenitis pneumonia est inns or somo ottoi serious throat or lung trouble on tlie first sign ol a cold or cough it is ulviaiimn t nnrill at otico and not let it nm on fur an indi unite iierlod i or tlila puriiosu there is uoutlng to sousl or ikwl s norway iino hyrup a r inndy tttul lias been tlitlvursally uaml for lie juut ttvonty flvo years you do not exourlmciit when you got it mrs fxiuls lidondo ivnoianguishone out writes when my little boy was itfo years old he caught o ould which unid into broiiahllis i trletl every thing to oure him even to doctors medl jiti but it did lilm no gotkl one dsy wasadvliw togivelir woods norway iluotiyrun a trial and iieforo he had half t holtle used he was cured i would ad uu all mothers to try ll as good results will follow my liome u never without u hm that you get dr woods a thnre are ouroorous imitations it 1 put up tn a yellow wrapper 8 pine trei the trade mark the price 25 and cents manufactured only by the 1 uuburn co limited toronto onl- 1 r nimbly iharv is no other living rrtnl ore innru ftiired by the ignonint timi the jits mootor about whlthtnll uiuiiuar of vrelnl tnlas ttave been told it bus oruu been held tbul tbe mere btwstb or tbts nntmai bt snmrlent to cause death to the one upouwbom ii fell sclentlne btqutry however falls q disclose a single instance wbereln the breatb or even tbe bite of this creature has resulted fatally the feet the dlw rtlon and mteroeeepie oiumlnntlon do not reveal any trace of gland tor the stmrellon of ronem t numdeiit evidence to indicate tbsnbls urlous uiuniimii of tbe llssrd family lias boen hlendsred kanw years ago a civil engineer in ihe south wimt imdortook lo settle once for nil the question whether the man a tor was deadly or not a tine aped men wiim matured nm eoiitlotsl tn n wire liieloeure a ehleben was obtain h nnd lis fenllierh ware removed in fllir tliiit llw llsnrd ml have every 1 m rtuulty l htrlka nt tlie bruast llio clikkcn was then bald quite close 1 tha olln uwmalir wblrh soon snai- hxi viciously and secured n flrni bold tin the fowls breast retaining this grip fir more thnu ten minutes when ibe victim was reloaaed it wna found that tlio chlckon bretndhooe bad tieen bro lion novortbolokm the fowl quickly rocoverod tbe bono knitting and the wbnna henting wttn no sym proms of ixdsonlng it is very robot le tlmt the repute lion for evil borne by the olla moo hltir is due tm ly nud sob ly to its i mat ri ulslvu nupearanco horpersi weekly a grateful couple neva sootier man anel wife beth eatefme gin pltls t in w lit li iterenra c 1 ilis can uiakr in tbe borne ufa un l tueaard from ll o iter ixlow u i xr tat uic rl loth husltsn i mil lrr wre in i m re i ir coostsiit wlriy ulth beckaclio liirv ui now lrll lo almolfry f 11 r if tmuihle i y llrook n vuil prrfeilly free to tumi my liol ir tnany way utltenrht in pii is for tliey dve utr lit ll rat prsuw my berk has nrv li h ulr i nae alnce taking in plf ant my wife feel mochltetter alter ulir 1 sj 1 ii ul for tlrt lawjc hlte lliillka in 1 imh will malts a complete i urr iamiu 1 nauhs why ahoeidn t yu or any ol j i fienbi who may be buffering fellli lurkacbc kbenmatlani i umlun sciatica weak or h trained kitlne j a burning or scalding urine 1 ami il urination or frequent colds in the k uloey a ami h udder get the kai r relief that so quickly tame to the niiu liome when tliey started ti use im pilxk rrmcnuf you iniy im 1 ii i ii i ir ktaiwbng guarantee that tbey mill imc or y im r money will be pmmly refundal 1 c s ims n or st san i pi ben if rnu write malionsl dii if an i c hem k0 lo of canaila i imll toruato ib i tni grand trlnk railway auuupnduapuannannapadaatiupupaauaaaausiabisini we thank you tt r ikok your patronage during xjit a1 wish to incrctser our acton bhipments therefore for a short time only wo will share hall our oual profit with you and offer you this month our j special seven room outfit of electric fixtures com- plcte with shades for the hair raising price of g lft i hese fixtures retail regularly at 1500 special prices on other sets all this month fc guelph electric works geo e b grayer v co propm 16 w mukcl sure oimlpfc ool hhoaaaaaaaqoaddaadraaoaaddaddadaudaoanmi the merchants bank op canada livery porsoo who receives snd pays out mooey should have o cheijulag account 1aymeot by cheque is ihe most practical con ven lent and safest method of handling all financial transactions whether ol a business or personal character the relum of canoellai cheques are vouchers for every sun paid out they show what dls bnrssnteals have been made and to whom deposits are received by thls subject to cheque withdraws we pay the same allenllon to small depositors as we do to huge ones and encourage their accounts interest allowed on all havings accounts compounded half yearly total assets 81h8m 49 acion branch p a maclean manager cparkling water cool and- kj sweet refreshes the farmer who builds a concrete well or tank acton nphk farmer above all others appreciates good wate more water than the city man liic citydwpljcr is de er he drinks j vt dependent upon the public watersupply for the purity of hjs water while the farmer can have hu own private bource of wafer and thus bo sure that it is pure and healthful yt an luaiit found 1 alwtter drmlc than cool xuter properly collected and stored but ii order to keep water frekh and pure ilanlc or well cuhiog that will keep out every pobleunty must be used for tafcips awwxcamoa tpll erb are core of oiher uaeifor conemts on your farm on vy fuiu u kt ko or ourlwolt wlwt tu runner cxn uo with ciwf rete rhe book if abiolutaly free t canada cement conipany concrkte is thk ideal material for taiwfs arjwelxcainga i t i slmlutely water tight irolrrtiiur your warn rtn iti itcusge o all khvl it cannot rol or r rum hie it is slly td inaijc lime and wrr in cad of rami ig it lu iiok sinullt iimba t1 monger address pubu4tr jtwm rvmn fajbroasisn aa pmrtmim hit a vest e eveisa sew re hmiumnirthtug fnm u firth- arfefeeslie res etrwee w r nln gq0 lirralo dcpc montreal urttmnyif 0 lo lao saeianf be aare thai ihu iqbaf u 0 svery bar and berral thn yo yam ore gtttlng tha csswif ikal fas innara cimufu tun auerf la ba ih warm and strong if you want a pair of gloves or rnitts in horsehidc calf or buckskin sheep or muleskin be certain to specify storeys in no other way will you get oqnal value to prove it slip on a storey mitt say the wool knit wrist and luifcd kind uhown below warranted genuine horttrhidc waterproof and fireproof just the thing for warmth and comfort sold at all stores every mitt is tagged storeys insist on storeys w h storey son limited ontario 1 ere excelsior bakery 1 fulhi qualilv uni all akii wi tinirvjfi akvh nut rmiav cakh art kto httlni h at vni ovb ruiiu oall today t statham son baken3 and cbocem main st acton your chopping will be done quickly and well on uth r plitth or stonui if taken to the rockwood chopping milts hour oatmeal brin shorts i lit bet tt lowest price harris ul co limited graviho2 rl ant i jitia sr vjkat m yjokohro canau c symons baker oi confectioner jsilrmaursd xsfym acton pork pie 1 ei i act ion ii imnmiilu dies i ryourtnc midlers i ruli cake our 1 uff iokiry la oallrl ua aasurtment of t akas an i 1 uklry fieah every day all ii im m le wllln and lllnhday cakes s apectslly confeclli oty nitu kic af i ohohts duiiv1 iti li wluow sl acton the flour peed store jusl akkivld feed get snnio to niakc jour feed h civic r it is low priced b noble merchant miuler n f moore manftstsn fe consci9ntious plumbing heating is nt k 3hyth inilxh os to the contrary wo make it the most important factor so if you favor us with your patronage you will enthusiastically endorse us fred smith plumber tmdc marks ibnwta oosmiohtaevo asrose sasjmm a petes and si itsnlkm si eroisbr- tfiaia sthotla edmb3s sw nes wast sei ajeme tlotmirsriittlco sclctiiilfc fliherkan ssksialbix xtielph i phono 337 li nil nmtilrlna auk for our lnvun- rou invraunivwoi iii ft fisii majuon majtlojf ml unrntitly attmorsrtil

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