Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 13, 1913, p. 2

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ijawkm la tnwi y mmmmv 41 i u u4 ua uuiuow 4t is stotuaajtiltt vafcrumt ta by ua w atnw of btrtlie bkaramrti k htuunr utsxv o mmn n mntir a ht beau obatab temauwd by iu fsfpwcu amum twir- pan cwt haaitltn iu f amh i viiiiijn abtr of mukul uilluih otm head but vsbn kkimimr d meats lumlm- lsmue baaaaar haloihlmmrfl yan aiihimii mtm4r lbraan at a ue owmi l fuala owp w prbbuary 18 1013 tuuraoay tniw am sium umi tii inrte realhtas lb boplaa tlou and i preparing tb way toutt the fate of turkey in lb hud of kurop to obtain lb bast pii ulali huummu although it u officially deal that hkkl paha he on a pi a ssaeaton to it thwi to little doubt that that u bu object a miluon imlxaka for the teaching and aoooojrgmnt of agriculture to b sprat during lb nst tea ywn i a cbm propod by the douslulou minister of agriculture tb abouay ta to ba divided pro rata vvng the province tod will ba mainly edoostlouel and immi collar stockraising dairying fruit rawing and th 1th tub bkajoton banhkk w acton ha a umniclfal ufflosr who act a constable tea collector ftiff yard or eraser and a bahdoa otbtr job cor bo a year and dun bb work wall yet there u a councillor who to get rid of bin amy lb wboto job boob b lot by lender tu get ib proper sort of municipal yfllcrr tbajob baa to ek tb man vary amooe muneelps officer bna got lo wrong on loom option fifty nvr boannd pound of new zea bailor were imported into toronto ut wee h to mm tbo nerd oftbatnd thu 1 lgnloount of th fact that ferul ontario naturally cap nbla of funding n nation wltb batter u hardly looking after bar own ur tbo tmibof thl la born our by ngor- as slocks of mllob mm in ontario july let 1011 wrre 1000 un than tb yenrprrvlou and 4000 leas than uu1 canada exports of hotter in uu9 amounted to abont half n million pounds against or nloo million la 1811 horn neod npldly tncr t0c wblla tbo indiktry u not boldtaff itaowm tn ontamjto w c t u ni it rtoant annual nmun ywn lota lanohuluni wbaroaa tbo naundant to tbo criminal nod fs tboprabibulon nrtbalwua anfaahtudtnuaiaar- qomt to oopo wltb tab dl iww n poat and wbnraw lhapraat ovtraiaaat voted almoat annalavoaary for a prohibitory bin tbrf or roaolv ad that wa a a prorinelal body bautjly andor aad eoparalo aritb tb doatloloo w a t u in aablag tba pwmat ovanmaat to paaf ui twy bo oomooaly mappohad that wn do al inoorpoww to bring- it ton t bmohatloh ltowmo in tor mooowall of dnria baa ba acoaptad by ontario omrarnmant thomaa bohaiiaon of oraagaula baa bona appointed in tala plao toa now appotnta baa a tboroogb knoatiadga of tba oovaty and la a au who eaa b nllad apon to do hw doty faith fully and faariaamly ha u in ayn pathy with tb lnoal option bylaw aad u tboraforv mora itkaly to aaatba propar anfbnwant tbaa on oat of sympathy wltb it aadraw innla nl norfolk aaotbarlnapritorliaalanhaa ti and jobn a hobridr port doar appointed in bu plaoa jofaa 4t ayaarat who up to two yam ago aarvsd aa provincial ltcoo inapretor attd who ttgiwd to go to edmonton eaa bean reappointed and will taka op bj old dntlaa in tba nar futara bvaotptou oonaarvalor bullumavao at tba 4urtariy board mmtlng of um matbodut chwrob f krin olre bald at 0milngkhy lat wrrii umank moualawllalloti wkuhi lu rr maanbur tu rvium n ibvelrautt fur anotbwr o nfrrvner ymr tbr dmm log km a eflovl barwi nl im on evsryhody 1 glad to w fw bright ouothlna aaln illm kdrta tbonipat n pnt waak with friend in toronto mr d molran i slowly reoovaring from an auaah of p uatoiil bav mr waddall i mill omll rd to bar nmhi bul- hnpaa in lw out m iu mr jvaddtm h brgun hu paatoml vmiing 4v d uemurrby aooompanlad him wbll utilngtha flfih una taatubrrw laat wnk and bli d r a wh motnumfvny mm wblw oalllng on utrmhria on tin 8 l aitd 8tb nna ihu w k bv mr whmii 1 iu el wnsaly pray r inkling it b bd lu thaohureb im friday evanluga bkallog pamle at lb odrr of lb y our goid alelgblng baa dlaappmunat whlah u much rrgrattrd by all ula ni ii- atlwhi k ihwak and at bar houir- nnr ii lift m municipal officer harvey reappointed ooumotlxoamrrtaum vorm tbavooonoll amt in ragolar n on momlay vnlag monbr p wn u ilynd murvy hodooasd w h hmttb a t brown tb oonwaltt on plnann prniod tbalr iblrd raport and taoooi m payment of acoooata a fnllowa okxemal auoooirr w andafooa frwight and h 1310 si 00 jaaaa llatebaoa orvya aj hknaoo kplipm u rag a boatag j ilarmy storay m waapram printing pfeuim oo lampa oan oaw wan oo upplkm ranuan ijap ok uwm j a mokraamt o uydro pbwar com powxor u v dbo blkctoh jno b saaltbaoo uipli tb ouoauttotton happly oo- s00 785 ia0 h711 xlz0 ib at ioon gmfcaa otara broa braakata north im alan oo auppll btand yanignand llablo alkaahaadnardwaraoo np- pltaa tfunadlan wlraaadoablaco wir can g eton coy uppll- t a haadton on r pnla iajs 7500 raxxra and wuh- stroat ugbtlag lor january towm bulx town hall for january 00 vu00 tbaraport waa adoptd dr ed ault waa appointed mdl al health omoar at a aalary of ifaarwa wm monabb aad robert roou warn reapfkolalrd member tba board of hattb for tb enaulag two yaara mr n f monro wee p- pnlntrd amabrrof tbo board to 011 aoy aaoaad by th retirement tbtqwi1 for tba appolntmant of r ooutetov aad municipal offl- ear waa ptwmolad for tba aaoood and third raadlnga and oomplallon with bwrva oynda la tbo abalr in onmntltlaa of the whole the aoonnd raadlaf waa ciran and tba third road lag prooaadad aa tar aa tba naming of ibaooorraad th mlary to ba fted tba mail of john llarroy ww i ad whwa mr harvey roaa tn hi reet and reqaaaud parnuaeinn to amy a word or two ofqorr harvay- wltb tb ineroaead work and added lanji llilllly now at- taa to tba oooa i aipaet mora tba frkb pajgwt that at tb mat maat lag wliau i waa absent ooood smith aald oartaln thing about ma and i want him to or pro ooa smith what did 1 aayf officer harrayaooording to tba pbjkf pbssb you amid harvey bltaa too man labor to help bbn do work baahoaudoblmealf i doot balleve la him hlrlag maw lo halp to dig graivaa and him olag aroond playkai oonn baalth i never aald aneh a thmg you omnt hiara au you read ba tha fmmm fmdm oooar harvey what about tha statement about not rapalrlog tba plank wjhaf oona smith you dldnt impair meoftbam oasmt harvw i want or all tha plank walks hm are left in unro last fall bad put tbem in aa good repair aa qould oonn smith wall people are stub blag tbalr too against thtn yet in what bbtmt th nan yon asked to arrest a few work ago mng oqitkmai quite a nuoihar pf on rdots ut oonflnad toihalc hoas vfana pf lb hp- mr w umbart4 sals paaasej ft vary mxwnjly lrt wesk oaaaf t took brinctns feucy prima mr fiw orawatm o milton apant bgoday at hu bpow hra alunafao ttnw fth ilarvey i never r to ar man a boy easne to ma and aald one of hu mother bosidsre ittng a dlatorbanoe i tou blm to go to tba magistrate aad gat a warrant and i would arrest him councillor 8mlihwu thats oo the way oona mopoaald nputiaa it as i beard through another pmtf you dw not fulol all your duties last tear- if narvry u not mttlsbad uk htm qnlt and let us gat a not bar man who is a casmsnt 1 can g anothsr maw just aa good at tba money ba gate i doit beuavo la glvla u to resident who has our eleetria light in mnotow oqlorr harry i deny mr smtihsi tatentents they arv tni true i think he eboud prove them i plyrd a raw amea of checkers with a irirnd who oama in aftsr ave i dock whsn i waa attending to th fire fr haallag tb town hall 1 playrd one or two mum on night in th qrwman room aftrrnlaa o clock i defy mr smltfe or any other man to my i bar played any otbav cheeki brave hynds l us proored with tb by law it la quite orrtaln if w 4tmr tha work il will bosl ua far mora to have it mallsfaeturlly dona our work i taetvaalng cuiti mcdo other towns are paylfag much mor tw umlur aervloa n acton i oocr harvry oantlamm i have nrvar worked bardar in my ufa i have almwd to do all my work aatlafao torily ooua sntltb la down at th tannery all day from morning till ight h never say a word to ma twumcung my work all ha gate u hearsay tha raeva and th other oounelllora are oara in tha osntro of be town all tha umr ttwy know um work that la going on and ibsy nalia no oomplalnta hu rrporis aa o mf doing appear td ma lo ba vary wry daigo for y am lodo tb w rk alum i narr wlj nopfd ttalng oaugbt rrrl tlmr wltb tha ov la n 1 iplorumnl ib itaev i would not dig gravaln any tnorr ltoun kmllb now v bar a jobn if yoti ara atlaoad with m as a councillor go oat snd boar what soma of tbr rmtepayrrw r anylng oaok llrvy it u not what wbm psopl at aaylag abuut m thai con it is what yoo ar aaylag wsdl you to prove your tlemanie thie qij tb wraagu aad b tba herve wbatlary would you think to be fair undr tb aw oondl- tiona mr ilrvy offlo harry 1 think it boom he 00 pm- month- ir yoo can grt tb work wtl don for lose i shall be quit wllhag f or yon tn do m tb kaeve what do you think ooun mcdonald i think that a ittu mo blgb i m wuiing to nuke it an even wx poun brown ya- j700 wui ofhoar hrvy ah rigbtgntwmn i will aeoapt that gouu bmttbtte brr i want the yaaa and nays n tku tb ibvob that i all right mr smith ww rnrd lbm oantla- men bow do you votl another week for e stocktaking bargains n7notuctjonhtirown nay smith tha bylaw waa lho finally pasted aad the luav remarkrd i am quit confidant municipal officer uri will mak up mom than that 0o in- ore this year a delegation from aetna rlr bri gade beaded by cb w melnod rltd upon the c4mincll aad r sitsd tba foltqwiog addltlona to the ttre appara taathuyaar aootl mwboaa 10 waterproof eoeu oil skins pra- 10 wl rubber boot 40 cap u pair mitts the uwv aid th council was pi ready c tb need of tba brigade and would glv tb matter tha council adjourned about ten oclock luod anniversary sermons anacbuvn aiamdajr ninfmo htmio nr tub ohom tba special s last handay oommemoratlva of th sixty eighth aanlvareary of lb organisation of lb methodist church in acton warn suo- oassfaland interesting in nil respe tba attendanos waa urge at both ser vices the morning sorrios bring swell- ad by the attenda of bv mr bur- rati and the congregatlou of tha bap- ust ohureh and tha waning by rev j o wllaon b a and hw flock from knox church tb dlaooura by rsv a j john ston b a of gait wata very i and scholarly and were much enjoyed by tha largo o which aa- at tha morning ssrvioa rsv mr johnston took for hi teat john 11 bot aa4tharawa than that sun up to worship at tha feast- oatbefaorof it b said i la vary difficult oriptvrr but it sumu- stady and pray awdavan bad tha truth and it ta brmaght into our h why waa thla uttla lusldsnt rscordrd at alir why as it dr with tba miri maatlon of it why waa tb tha hasltatlnn of tha urrakaf what was tbrr lo thla eeewdagly truiwi in euant that should osu ibrth thamylng of jrmdt father save ma hem thla boar and tbalnrtbar assert and i if i be uftsd op will draw all unto ma tha pu of tha fanatl- the jaw warn njcuag bbn two laoldsnta stand out in bold re bla triumphal entry into jsrasaliai and sad the coming of tha greek tba grreka wore ooml np to worahlp at the feast and tba of thslr oomlng was wry marked though t hay warn outward ly gentile they war tlrrd of th old giwshu phlloeuphy and aoannar of ufa thay yaraad for tha true ratig- lon such waa tha dvqoi canlurion ouroelln the bonorabte woman re- fwrred loin tha aol and tnaay otbara wharavw tb apostles want it was t devout greeks- who gave thaba audla and took aotlaa laltrest in tha bulldjng of vnagoguaa tba hmguaga of tb qraaka sasmsd to have bean baptlasd whb a panuomtal warn ing w dlover that in tba vary method nf the ooiulng of the graeka thar la luip rtaner ttt greeks were calling for him whynotpop tha jaw ware not giving hlntwalooasa would llr go to the grvksnd eetah- uahblachurehf but li was hl duty to turn back from all that offered wel- otmoa and apparent mpnriunlty tn tha erwaltbw i tha chief prlratr lltf judg ments of i be bratban rulare and tha cruel ctcms if be bad goua wa would havr bad a gprl of beroes but where wuuiot have bran tba gospal for tl poor and nasdy for cotufbrt and tislp in lima of troabl hr that aavath lls ilia shall o it but be that loestfa his life for my sake and the gospels tha sum mhall rave l prom that grant fundawatital priodpla jeans himself was not vxompt hr uiast laatw that we too mut give of llfstbat wa may gain ufa evsrialng how hard it jfaaor tba dlaatplra to rohr ud ttndrrstaod thl goapal iow bard ik is for ua to roauaa uut wa ua in tha world not jbr tb oomfor of oof sstwaybottnlsaini thai wear tqllva and work to build p tba awwolrqf god it u not thus hf 9l arily vailmaiastbaworihof ufa tha faoprjl of tha cnrlfdan ohua ejl zjtnl bx0o0o0ooo0ockxxxxxxxxx3ooooo0ookx snfly in llfr wim omen for two or lh ibousand ytr bv been digging antund lb root of ll and are nnw beginning tocom to mhh aalla- faclory solution of tb momenlou qnrstlon urn of rvllgtou impules are ashing tba questio altera brief introduction i b tubct wa d uodpsr four dtvleloua i 1st i am auvr ilqwarcr i name to ba thla la a graal fact of my oonsclousniib i sav i shall not always be at lsst environed as at present just now i am with powers of thought of vision of asplr atloneandlongtaga sod 1 am alive ua world 1 walk lb olid aarib this la my forawu thla u s i am to act my part 3rd i am eliv la a world of man i cam froua the bos of humanity million of assa vry day contribute to my upkrep i am m n s arily linked np to hussan- ity tin i am alive in uod a worm huallfgml um make nothing ii never create thar u four fold duty which hangs upon tbrmr four primary o juration w preach laday that mm must uve lb altruist lo ufa but thar has com stint when our tbougbteabouhl com ator fully back bom w bav to to it that when wacom to give nnr eivtlatloa away wenave scesethlajg good to give than men will feel the impact of our prsonuty and be li gospel w teach it belong to the glory of man t bat hui accomplishments gat lo be bigger and wbwr w live too much tn and not rnough out i am allied to a word and i ought lo know it i ought to conquer it w ar learning our lemon but w ar l very slowly that w ar in a world of mea oar duly to god dema a universal brother a wall as a ualverssl felberhood tlou sbalt love the lord by uod with all thy heeif with all by enul aaj with all thy atrangth man every where le making tha bsslof llfr whan uod is a factor in that ut hu beet ufs is tn uod this world bsloug not only to tb ctntkt snd tb artkt but to tba man in hi common life work ourllv wbn w know what they are are ablaae with glory with ea eloquent and logical amplthoation tba four division war li tba musical parts of tha mi war unusually wall conducted by tbr choir the anthsma of the day wer wril randerad and the solo parts were taken with ertutlo ability at the morning esrvtce mrs anderson of driok water sssk suua- of rv mr drape tba patlir sang a nlo number vary s bv mr bumll awutrd at the momlagmvlceandltev mr wllaon at tba evening tb tracts bmd asked lb con gregation for a liberal offsriajr for nss repairs tb kespnns wsa gansrous and the amount rvquastsd was more than mallard smumlotm xsawataaamafr tt t aasmm ktootrio fixture for tba parlor dm dining roomj hall bad rooa sappl our ons at a assail advance on aaauhuturara p t alsn aha and reflector of every style applyto ibeklactricua or to tba chairman of tba fire and xjgbt com mlttes acton january 21st isis having received a urge stock of plctore mo of tha latest design i am prepared to fill au orders for picture framing neatly and promptly s oobdltkk mill street the board of hwca hon tatthlmwed n aloroaunti jiad iwnln ftlh t s ta w if f k4 iw m man this in tjm jit tela li lwr mwwtvmsl what ar tb pur mm ibay blfud poaaoftku wmr b tbat atth that ua hi hfa shall haw it thrrf havo b all tb sf r up nqhta band muei rl who hay oaugbt lusptraf p from th pbmarr mhhonstw wjbom w9ri wd hi- arawadta h aartyra whrm ml tha board monday evening in regular monthly msmhara all speight presiding tb committee on plnanoa present ed tbrlr second tepokandreoonimand- ad paymsnt of tbo following aooouate hodstnon ci brooms ate sub d a hrrtdvrson tumhtr j 8 oiosmao pipe clips 00 bobt wsisoo wood 00 gisn tb report was ad tba resignation of ml allnnle r holm as teacher of tit primary department to teke rtlwt aril 1st waa prrsentrd mhw maml malnpriaa wbo u tea th ing at braoabrtdge applied for tba position of mus holmes at a saury of godopsr annum moved by j it keoimdy aacoodrd by rttkbooiihat the resignation i mle minnie r holmes ba aosapted in doing att tha board des to ex pram thslr regret at her retlrvwent from tba teaching stall of tba scbool during tha year the has been on th staff bar services have been highly satisfactory who has been valtfafel aad efficient and has shown special aptitude lo tha imparting of informs tlun and trwlnlngf tb primary aobol- tbr board dssurv hua holmes mens elnds of linoleum and ends of otlclotk boys elnds curtain material ladies winter jackets suits ladiesseparateskirts and girls winter jackets overcoats 1 in all the above dc pertinents we arc closing out linei at prices very mudi be henderson 6t co mill si actoa oat bxxxmxroooomxxxxx rushing orxwbtdu year by year adding to a proud record of achievenxent tfceskcttt awl growth of im store we owe to your loyalty aad oar fair dealan b have much p in announcing and thanking yufor bringing it about thai owing lo tba tecrraae of tnaioem in our uuiinsry and ready tnwear dapartmaots w now find it necessary te silstg and re our tecood aoor for tba accoromodatloo of bugcr stocks and for the better convenience of our cus operations are now in force on tb enlarging and re f this door when complete wo shall hsve the isrgmt most up tedate womens aad cblldnu s ready-to- wear and uiuinsry departments west of toronto sulscn year ago we took pm tjauoo we had certain ambitions certain ideas shout btorskeeplog snd laid oat a policy snd started la with an honcsc earnest cn to mak this the btt stare that our abllluoa xroold allow us to produce pram tba start ws mafoftable sbi te mak improm nu- addd to lu helpful o- a shopping place and gradu ally ovrckped or buying power as year ellawed year wo steadily grow lacrssssd our stocks expanded our ij l bettered our griurcs improved qusrtera prsvidsd ihst stage vbsn we caa and batter values t a our metbods until we have jned but wo are not weary af wall doing or weary af dlng better to do even bettor m our aim new were goisg to msk this store mora helpful to oar friends going te suite it tbo ideal store and if oar patron are aa loyal lo us as they bav boon daring the pest t6 years there will bo no question about the result again we thank our host of loyal patron wbo have contributed to our success and prom be that la tbo future as ws have tried ta do in tbo past we will show our full appreciation of that loyalty by being loyal to our patrons rwnrirlttihrili tinirinrrtifimw mi nnr lunntiii plnnr millt- wv w bl ato osvn now bw boqght mi bi bhttotf ooma frldvwtd84nfdsvraryoaycnuura mais dothfav d e macdonald bros cor wyadhara aad naotoael streets gubjpfl 0nt drett goods their slnoetwksdt wish lor m her fatun undertaking indartaklog osrrif lforad by juhk kohuay aroonded by h vurbr that tba saerat ary ba la ftrnoted o advartlsa in tb mall and h for a laaaber fur tha primary department at a salary of 0400 par annuo car tbboarjibanadjhrnd ip wiaaw waaihm maaiim aaafmswi l wu wbastttk 1 5wasffifi3fi nadruco witbaialgtresw a anar vrmi jswig bniatyimrd holdup watchmakers are ruining walcbes every day you have ths privikgo of having youra repaired by a skuad aad competent mechanic you dont bars to take my word for it my credent the opinion of fa employers am hare for yoor inspection wbo dee et work w h foster numlttair gewxetom oaurio v6e metropolitan bank hcmd offlu tfnnmuo oat imirah- joint accounts ara px cdvommm for troum uopomll or withdraw cut bo nud by hulmna or wlfo in cu o tlmth of hmm- thouotmrf my be ilnwn by tha nrrlvor without low 9g tin or liantirimiiryugriproodiir acton branch t a hoisted manager njrjtwm- a uotion sale farm stock implb- 551x51 e5 mbnt8 bt stock poultiy specifics tbo undersigned ba toueivad tnstruc- gcc tloasfram a nqrkbtoscuhrnuwi auction oa his pnunum lot s fifth line p wmmuj ba tar auctiouoa erin on wadnw4y mute 0th 1013 at one oclock sharp iior8bs a team of draught bones a and a ynara old sorrels a brown draught bone 6 years okl a j year old draugbijdlug a a year old diaught draught gelding a a year old cjtyar h draught celt mareisyeai cowsred cow due uy 13th gray cow due april nth tosh cow dueaprfl ana mai 3rd m ilh red cow d april 90th red cow duo march 17th red cow due october steers rising year old s helfeni a yaats old s tteers rising 1 year r heifer rising i year old a ru calves 5 beef cattle hogs a targe vrkshrra saw due to arrow bh april d null vorkshli sow den to mttom isiaprq slf bjcp f lektstcr ewes brad oif ordtow sacs all supposed to bo wiib lamb po a aaantlty at bans a pair of mplbuwjtfl mccoralck under ft cut 1 mccnrmfck aiowar mccor- stcjrdhkalnaw peter hamuton col rater a low wsgonp in urai a high goo si ta tira a tsarkat wagoo a ow slttgl a w ctttr uvtd roflsr aanaatteltoq barrows csa- tshny w oob lb aomlsa a ory fitawbeitswftktottltp howbrv sugar ntnsrqua hay tf ssla and also a craank separator a churn iisjiin tha ptopriator bte sold safsnaand la glvlog op analiig tbhua all mm of 910 athttibdor tih ovartlmatomnf loaionuwctedu atrapprorad mot noun or 4 par oant- jiar anatm off hr taib fatcatua tewl bay aatt gntla cash fstut mcluww hrx pktcu dork amcttodaar poultry till calnj sad ulthila sad ns smltrr m that twr wui by la lrtw aa la i ll mauiw iu whaait abmakubh u a tble ta aarnthw rslt obwb wui w amala osr bumk hoda will immh rw tkrae ta ll lbs xrmt tow pmt tela m la mm uku a itotal pospub poultby bikoinq wake ysar asm la jwt 11 p tu h- aa ta th- aad ui kay tba baa dleam ttew svsda an par aad wiesvilwrsis we w mm ma aay a slbr jfe tttr jssbx afcr p m4 iljwtilrltem tb gcttjsffc xukr tint ji om n u ib11 m mjsbhatublllimuuw jtawttknl cmma om m tb hf j3 m auiiiti l a- u tlmi m by vm r pm m tbat w b thew ajjanhlna mtcco y royl pnrplc sappau aad beat- let nay be obtiloed fro b f calbwell ceo edwards actoo ont grand trunk are you going west oo p m dwmy 84s m dauty immpc ajy lt ask assnst orani traah a irtn kbbrrtisrtnrrts iio mh ttlri ih lt thkiikii i l iiok um him im hum ktlilkii olj i kit ron balr aflki malt im1j tmlaiaa tb fnuoo 4i folinlmuilm- un plj i- vajuablt irt rl in arton pun hai e 1 mltta o klfa ooand nr bait u romd nm ad ial ihll bw u hk u hkalmtmskt ii uix aa d0nt f0bobt 0ub tj shoe department it is ksuyw ool at- opposrrtt the post office w hondl usw boat makwra wutok our window iter prtom oi ve us a caix trunhs fwd 8j o noiick ht rukimr8 intavahauarorua vamteo a j cterfc tetw of k vuteaw w aelaa tn ut county of lujma oktihin jtti r i l r achuimmu notk x kwl ni lrwm u stv- liam tb ill n alalia tmlam ib i iumhi j chub b j w w i i ius dv f ate isis al uka alt laali4 la be oaaalv of klltiua im rll i m w sea 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the proprlslor is going tbhus of 6 alb- all sums of tea douars and under ensh ovsr thst amouafqiu jhouth cradiroii approve joinrootes u iwr cent oft tor ensh jowl hay grain and turnips cash u wsts j ix kuiu j clark cash b j kbrvt auctlona

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