wedding rinp wedding presents rae watch repairing spectacles and eye giants aiiiiiaom uomin imubd geo hynds ayotom ohtamio al estate a for sale im halloa teel fts welllagtaa ittobrw ler every alio if fu waat a stem write me far asacaiagae ar i yaa with to mil or exchange wlite be we have every tacluty dm traaucllbk aaslacs le year osamplete safisfaeuwa carrea- d hollclleo- j 4 willocchbl far hellls aprclallst weargelawa 9b ton yee fkess thursday fehkuaily 10 101j u valentlnae day to morrow and now tbay ey ta i s u in prior 8iarglng will b uiur popular tben aver now x wl week uiad diminish rapidly laepeator irvirab haul been nuctvd preeadaiu uf oakvllla iwtd of trade guelph la taikug f holding an ghr old hum wwk ibc coming summer tha mercury re thirty our belwaen monday and tucaday aoralngeaxiaeveii cluck tba apnual utretliig of lb ualton baforni amcuiloit will ho held at jlton on friday ltb inef monday ru tbe eoldeat morning jaflbe ar tb oieraury regulered itw mow aero at alght oclock al italia laborer waa found bv- it i the 0 i r nfiwm uw friagbt yard at fjualpb 3 m thursday if r jiph uotberalll eld a hunch p u mr ii q i georgetown u week for s m- herald a brmupctiu hydro klfalria leauper- jbtandd bj a mulapl cwitdilwlon of th mayor and ur- 1 jahln and back 1 kuotrio light limit plod t j both ld of tbe lallway cnoalng on ufa aevaatb una they war ami nghmd ot tumlny evnliig oakvllle dtb annual at h ma of acton ftiudaw k 01 i o o f will babald jbxtbetawit hll mi thursday febru ary goth a moating of acton jltlxsne jpoanmllto will ba brld in thr oounall ohmobar iwil tueday vnlng all nbara rn urgilly rrqumtnd to ft ha pi as m ttdivn aipcta that tba o p r vwllt mlld a naw attlon lber tbla fyger tba road it maid will fas doubta tracked frotu i ling too to twoo4uk wihliqa w j ilutna rrmowed irom 4ftaiataat wrak two llcanav intpautora lanoal fciolw4l of dundlk and a poaa of piirt dover fur lax anforoe- tba qtd buyaaaaatuhlyon monday gvaalng wm largely a ll ended tba ttna by tba jfmdon ilarpara wu news up local impott a froaau wur plmwb ppr ntly bad burat satuttlay night and wu not dlaoovarad until 1100 a to j on sunday oauaej abol s3000 dan i aga to l ha atoek of ii oooomora bard- ware draiar uualpb tbra flaka arara duodwi wltb tana of water roattog ail the atoek badly milria k auuiarary aarvtoaa arlu be bald at rlloaot do buofuy s3td loat bav j llruoa iluntar b a of vlaturu ooi- laga toronto wulpraaob at 11 a nd 7nni on monday aveolt lb mm- nual lea naatiag wiu ba hcbl iba matbodlal oburab cnolr of avotoa will provide inualc iimpaoutr fvrrvb of oak ua wu lo town on fiwmy ha aatd b would tike to laam tba wharejabouta of tba ailrgad blind plga ao much boaatad about by oartajn parttee before alaouon ha found it impoalbla to locate any of tbam- mr rarrab aaya ba ballavaa mr dackaf raally inland nolui fnin uk villa uj anton raate iuo touatlaj it utay nob ba gvntamlly known kbat tba return of blrtbr marrlagaa and daatba are important etalurtjoe and aooordlng to doenlnlon laant bonld ba rendered within mm month of tba data of oceurrwaoa nooeocbpllanoe randara both paraoaa concerned and i ha hegfaerar luoiu tefcwr- k ahaald alao ba rentaia bared thai it la not naoaaaarily tba ioatora doty to eea that the return of a birth le want lo but tba obligation la tba paranta aatoei mniilraahaaa at mrtn tba bockay toaloh puyad here on wednesday even log of but weak wan on of tba beat ean bare for mim lima and waa vrrr avanly eon taatad at tba aloaa tba eoor waa a tlr aaeh team having utada 5 goal the grin boy oartalnl put op a goad game aa at half tint a it waa 11 in favor of anton tba mfaree mr uollattb of acton gav ganaral aatia faction tba anton boya are a gantla- manly lot and will ba wvlontned barv again khn a4noata badjoyad by tba par t lei pan le in tfae avaot nga proeaedliiga be ongragratlon of lha baptut obbrob will attaitd knox church anweraary arrvloae nrjct sunday wrglnc and tba methodlet oongraga- uoo will attaod in tba avanlng j tba attunal taa maatlng in cannes bnwlubuto church will ba bald tyeditaaday a vn big fab 10th the prograniaia will ba furnlkbad by sawrle bnwbna sooich alngara bgaaluua i x rtibartaoo miiuhi t vltvon orobaatra mlaa dewar aooooi- vpflut t r tlfa naaal ntaailna of halton jjff la o l t m aak tbat 1 bla year hortiby pwhot will b i gualpb and ifalaoa dbrtrtet 10 hamilton or tba bajgoratluit ol tba iiulvrrary of tba baula of i be boyne no tba 13 h july s gb4thnutlijhaoalabratiou wtlvba inmlli v fp i katnp or lha hornby draw rf waa inzoiurt at br ntpinn bwt wavib ahargwd wltb vlolmloo of tba flomo4aw iiy dwllvrlog liquor iolnmi i oovlon tarrlfory tiim naaa waa ad tl j mr kampwaaoiinvlctrdmima tma aa on another oharga of violation of tha llqaurmot urrlavll lie view at ailoluii alf of 0 dairy no we nqriaa durlmaji and uoutalne due llrjaaah aodqphl will held at the if botal liogllthmi omrgelowu on tburaday february 30 h at a oclock banj potoh auotloiithtr tba troy laundry maoblnrrr oo of chicago la aarioualy coonldarfag tba waiablublng of branch factory in tada mr utlland hmtlh baa auggaeted the advlaablllty of vfforta balna to aacvra tbla prhve for aoton a oonaldamhla number of killed amohanle 111 ba employed raave hyada nd anion board of trade are invaatbjatlng tha raaalblluy ofaeaurlnax tha factory for acton mr boulth would like vary much to are it litoatedln hie home town wllhfjydro- klactrlc fnf power and i be improved ablpplog facllltiaa and aetnmw otbrr advantagaa wa can offer eoote atlrae r faainrre a wending of uiucb intaraat took ian on monday february ird in ut ba41a cburcb branlford whan alla veronica daughter of llr and mra michael mohahey brentford became the bride of mr auetlo aaoond eoo of mr and mra david oarty hamilton tha crreuony waa prr- formad by raw fatbar oloheoy ml mary otlrady praajdad at the organ thr brida entavad tba church leaning on the area of bar father who gave bar away she waa gowned in ivory auk trioinaed with peart and wore a long whit coat and bridal vail eaugbt up wltb illy of tba valley and maiden belr ferae mien jnecphlnv alatar of tba bfjda waa brklaamald and wore white matijuieelte with lace and mop cap trimmed with flnware end oarried pink oarnauone and farna the groom elated by ble brother mr john oarty after a dainty breakfaat carved at tha bride a boma mr and mra oarty left on the 8j0 train for buffalo amldat abowar of rica and confetti oom tba ataaaia tjhaarti oawaaa- tba concart given but thursday evening by prof kelly and mka kelly of qoalph nadar the aoaploaa of tba baptlet oharoh ohoir waa one of ex ceptional merit and waa thoroughly an joyed by the urge eodlcaea prevent av aotartalnara prorkrlly and hu tal ented dengbtermlee hatlla have b preceded by few better in aoton both have vary boa voloea and prof kellye baa eolo a ba played on bl old baae viol waa vary ekufully exe cuted ha alao baa oonaldarabla ability aa a r ndavary oaa of ha nujmbare in that rolv waa award ad an encore hie work oo the guitar baa few rival mtw kally rendered aaaral aoloa with ay una effvet her playing on tha aoandolln waa ahpralally oomnendibla and aba repeat edly aneorad mora enjoyed than any other nnmbar on tbe pro- gratumr perhapm war tha doeue on harp and mandolin and aaeb one waa encored until the rafteta of tha ball rang aa aa accampanut mue milne waa vary flue and a piano duett by bar and mlwa kelly waa thoroughly enjoyed prol krlly and bla daugh ter will ba cordially weloomed back hare at any future time tn urm ii ib imcbx on the thttlnuatumi atd public hcboatl 0ff at miiumi ra aa folbiw mr harcal lua slfioo mu wttylr vo0 mia vou soooijdl mat gcooi mua ammt gfioot ml kili uitl moo utwtlm f alta of ua oiaaiy tow mamaaara ol tba ouuuty oxaiaell folklwing tba pracade of lurawr yvara bav bd prrfiered a group of tbaconnty council tloll which baa been bung la tb ouunctl ottanilar in tbe cuun iluoe at milton ilae flynda rrcalvad a opy wblch at pre- eeat grace tbe kaxa paudm abow social and pbtsonal mra a ii brown bated ralauvaa in toronto tbla wrrfc miaallle klritpatriok or uall l4tad bvr nwtbr i bla weak mlev mi- au uclarao of guelph vlwlt- ad aetna friend over honday w a hloray apeet uaaday in uualpb wltb fau autar mra dr dry- tba tumtui m j lb uhrral ooirrvllii ahmui1o f habon wabeld in miiim no hutuy aod wa wu itrtlrd el 11ndnxn m l waa wu br tail ur nlztwt m 1 i ph tbe folluwlng ofa oara wr alrclad 1 invudaal jbn daarinc iwirut vlorvaaidanl j a wllhiughby qhti hvcrr- tary u l uumttr millaui tram anrar j f utlb vwpl w ataab bapmtlim in lb- ii hi- uh thurtay lam in rply to ai quel um by dwld llahlar- eon u 1 fluanca miautar wblla atalad that tbe uoartnat aattlcl patad thal the rvptua uf tbe royal cnaataualoa apptjttlad to aiamln into tha affalra of tba dafunct farmera tbu u the on lor ctiuacb anl vvraary arrvloaalw actaan tbe llnp- uat waa bald a few waka aapa ttw matbodut laait sunday and tba pr- byiarian will h bald naai buaday 1u u k aboahau b a nilnuter j 8u andraw olmrcb j will br tba praachor uf ibaday 11 u an abla and ppubar kpaakatr tlw clwjr wblob will raaadw apcll oaulc will baaaauiadby mr hrwaa wmifd of taarontaa aaay wui tlaa unmkluii lira- la with dp rrgrait that tba removal frotu luwu of e of our aaoat aataanaad and highly raajtvctrd dtlaanaln tbv parwoa of mb priogb fo rorty two yeara mbw pringle ba bean a realdent of oamrgecown thirty- 0va of wblcb abe waa in charge of tha faturtb dvpartmant of tba publican boo where iter marked abllh y aa a teaohrr proved blgbly beaaaactal to the many puplla who paaiaed through bar form and the godly ufa and true cbrmun character of tbe woowa llvrd in tha mtdwt of bar mihoura will have a uat ingarvct that aimakmnnot araaa inane na- fraaa dawt e laew mr p w r br bt4ataw laapro tor fram tba ivpahnami aaf labor ottawa waa bar on moatday with refcretioa to lhap wagaa lo ba paid m tbe new public building tbahluuivr aat labour iltn t w orolhara be innpactaara what vult lb town and citlea wharv public bnlldlnga are tn bm raniad u aaeartaln tb cm rent rate of wage that era paid in uduarlct from bla finding- lb mlautr wui decide upon lb ntlnlmomt rale to ba paid by boontractar to lb trade- near rcapbayad mr bartbo callrd on rv uynda and other promlnrnt clt hv-ta- aroulrltag aa to i ba local tabor condition and lb out look for the bruarmeni of the lot of the working man vlalt rrbnadaat winnipeg brandoo caaumm tand innff aairoutv r ullai nrtilut uf tbe troy lauaaadry macbuaary co of chicago tnt a day or ao lb la week at the parental boataa- karlw lkoa ua warran and hlaa fraaar of t arht mr j-oa- varra and ul llalan warrra of acton vlatird at 1l d wauieo over uuaaday herald v f bar tray nor waa in toron i thursday attaodlng tba funeral itev ftbr uulllran of st mtcbaalai cdlrara a peraoncl frland died after on daya lllnaae of aon i pateu ui on la mr r j ourny of calgary waa in iwa on slutday he bft tbat aaenlag tor bla fatbara boot al paawiua he baa been on an axteneiva buying trip to naw vrt cincinnati chicago and nlber pojnla for hu flnu calgary i owlaag to um iirlr unfavorable weather uat friday evening tbe at taodanea at thr roaatlna of nltbjaaa called fatr tba- purpokr of organlalng a debating bocleiy wa email how ver tba anthuhlaiata wbat atteaadrd prooarded to ti route tb patrpoae of tba nalng and alwatadf th following axeciltlv i preeldantw u stewart vlor-ira- it m mcdonald 8ao-rraa- oro j wallen oonaenltaaa dr gmy rav f g burrril h p mmara dr laka d at haudareun and a t brown the committee will a axt weak for the porpoe of aalactlng tba aub- jacla of daabale and aba tn arrange forauliahla time for lb debating to kaoaaoawaya ogpiiihob x on pahruary 7tb 8 n of scot laud bald their- anittihl oylar eupper at the bdma of j vv oaopwll an ax- oatlant time waa hpant and auipla jiwt- v lot 4on m tba oyetrr t tr euqw laa bean aoaroe in thla dirtrrshal wa bop for another fall t wlfefcmwm xnd elalghlng ujolaytnn oonk le pending a fw jllafs n qonrgrtiiwn tba tba aaaaotl of tha aeealnne adjhht dtga will dlaappaar iur a few hu04prlnge public bohimtl inundi igsmlnga oiiioart on friday availing vhaar vt in ij vohnol garden v hay what do you tbluk of that la tha world coodug to an end j tbla waa theaotnewbatatclled remark of one of a quartette of young men aa ihay aloud gaalng intently into tb northwratarn ky ahont nine oclock on sunday evening at ib bar er of mill and frederick street tba phe nomena wllnaaaad waa an irregular proot e of lumlnoua loaleore aa they tmvened tba aky from the north want to tha aoutb aaat tbera ware parbapa bfieen or twenty mataora vlalblg hare they war brilliant flery and iomiquiui bodies each bearing a tall ktreamfog after tbam wblob dta- aapaarrd in aolntuuuoor tbe eight waa indeed rare nod xrordlnary and uiany oltltan m their etara that tb annlvwraary eervloee in tb mathodtar we longer than uaua otherwua tba would naturally baa been tu their hoanaa eariler and rejedauberv tha intaraatlng pba- nomana a few etooode aftaa tba paaalng of tba laat niataor a eerieaof axploajnne wara dlatlnatly heard ra- aauililltig peala of thunder varloua tliaoriaa ara advaaead by eektauata mlronomera and tuataorcdoglcal ex pert a lo ih cauwtof euch ooour- renuex but aaab aartpv tu advance a dulrail tlrmhr fh pautaclu wm certahily lutai eating and will ba maoi- orabla on monday evening of uat week wfalu abating wltb a number of young people mr oivl ellay bad th mla- forlun lo fall and irani ur bla oiallar bone mr john a oockhurn of aberfoylc tteouplrd i be pulpit in lha rheutaar obutflfa uat sunday tnornhux with moo i favor rtv mr oaiteiook thfrvlerm fi rtv mr lwrro of pulliiob uat sunday aa ha waa bald up with grfppf next sunday hav mr carter will take th work of chalrauan of the guelph dmriot at klor mr dantol brbarra itf oorwhln wui preach at bhrnraar obttreb next sunday maarnlng mr jantra mahon la laid op but it u hoped ha may aoon laj around again mr jauiea hoffai u uld up with a iveraootd nu fpeedy recovery la bopad fr mr ptr curk wdd a ana driving amltmacataiartasaott fur a good ftgura mr john k drrdgr who nae been bud ftp wltb pweumoiiu le elowly hp oovarng mr herbert fbholtar of darbyllla loat a horee it banged liaelf in tba tail limbmousal uiawlnnlfrd ivan wax boma rrntu brln over sunday mra h proator oaa of tb olden rraldanla of utuabona paaaad bar alghtyvntb birthday uat werkv tha onttaga prayer aaaailnga bain bald weakly at tba different bomr in tiuga ara wall attended and muchappreolattd eapaoully by thote who vino ibaoold weather areunabl tu gat tu cburcb ragourly on sunday oe cutting oo tba pond baa been etartad but tbe to wilt ba dlffloult to baodlr unlaw aulheleal aa rnaka aulgblng mlee amelia ikiff y of oualpfa apnt tba pfu weak vfajting aunt mia duffy mra r holla of wtlataugh pa vlaltrdat tba borne of mr j holulaal bert avery of toconlo apent bunday at tb boon of mr t p martin ry wataon waa bocna over suaaday traau toronto school of ptaaruaaacy tth taylor want to lutowel on monday to auand tba funaral of hu iriaod samuel wbarry adaau alaraandrrof mill on was ot yara u age on ja 211 sb ba ad in halton alooa 1883 mr and mra istr molaaac ware at auillum uat weak attaodlng the ruoral of their ulaca mr george molaaac ra k j mcara and bacy joealyn of turonto maada a brief vlait yaeter- day at moorvcr ft whan aoruuiebom rrom strallord ooar brown uft on tueeday oa obftuakv ciiaiarfam klokpvku gukuii onrutun kbaapter a ponlneut mmnfacturvr and popular el l hum of gualpb dlvd narly sunday morning mr kloapfrr wu a man of many acllvkiv ha waa not only bead of tb raymond sewing machltt and am svpairator bualnaaa but waa actively ntaraald tp a namfaer ol m- praaaparoua gualpb manufae- turwa and occupied prominent poav lone in aral loading financul in- ailiutlona he bad eerved aa tbe 1 pmenlallv of sauatb wr ulna too in parliament fur on term mr klorp ulnaea waa of comparatively abort duration ua caught cold whan alteudlnw tba funeral of a former employe hut paid llttwattontlon tn it t lb time it gradually developed mr kloepfar waa compelled lo take lo bed it derlopd into poeo- inoula folbtwrd by aavar hamorrbaji- w and pongeattlon of tha lunge and bop for bla recovery waa given up aavaral day ago had b ud it k uaaderatood that mr kloepyar waa to bav bean appointed senator rkvgkorokw akholu habd afiwrvu lllueaa of over a year dur itlon during which time b bad uflwad to an intone dagrev raw geo w arnold m a a d paator 1 kuox praahy tartan cburcb gualpb dud at th general hoaplul saturday attarnaaoti he waa operated on a few wrke ago end fcnd to improv aa a raault but be look a turn for th saturday morning end eank rapidly h went to guelph about four yara ago from patrol and waa on of th ntoat popour mi n l of ib city great aympathy u fall for mm arnold who waa bu brida a year and a half ago th fonrl on toaa- day waa urgvly attended and wat ooo- duetvd by tba gualpb praabytaryrev j o wlleoo b a- aoton dellvanng th mrmotul addra ma wrilerb aeeounlrtl for tb nit oroide on too tbeocy thai llaiy are hm fragmenta of a world that from unknown caoaa has bean explod ed lu it orbit similarly many bar tuonsht tbat parbapa at aome dlataat mm when tbe aaaa aba it bav bean drunk ap into tb craefcad and thick ened croat of tba ago earuakevi earth end tha volcaunaa tbnaa vma of th dory tobartor ebau bar beecma chofc- ad and axtlact the paatns gaaaa xaw ated from tha jsearwadtng molatnr by tb atlll great tataraal beat may ao tually axpaao tb old ebrtb aha a veritable boaabaha but that can aavr happen id ubs krakatpa a akani old tor ino on a email thad in tb bjt of ftanda b java and b beitao to ebow marked algna of wn v- itound lb volcano the o m earth opened o ava la tbe bottom of tb eea down which roahad nuxaraa of water then tbe fbaorea aloaed and conooed tha aguirbd sood in tb hot anbtrrnaan daptb tbe water waa quickly ooavartad lobs ateam tb ebmm bato dbnorjared a wltbeot raom for zpnaloa ft everted prawamr equal tn that of tba etfonseet dreamt th arat cblmnay of kmkalo led atoca tba m of aaan barred tha normal path of vacatw dlsber and blgber moonted b praa trader tba box ma of lb vol reao then or a u came a btaat that aetnxriy a book tb earth never beror u blatortr um bad there bean i a abocktba whoft toflqmbm mounuln waa blown lolotbanky tbe raroll waa distinctly fait clear through tbe terraatrul ball tbla crettt cataclyam baa burn cited aa an tadteattou of tbe power of tb pe forcas tbat may aome day dla- rapt tha earth mamr lat oa nxauitoa onderijrloii th ljlee that moat gala a in pnandoe jialgment oa the rrrtnaa ot thin thonry an oiplnalre rontmmiiad la a combust ible combined merhaulrally or cbam tralty eltbeaiwtlav ey or wltb an kxtdbdogaubabinr tbat will burn with out tba help or atmoapberfc okysn ajnoog tb mnat power ful high x oalve are nlrroaalatln and picric arid acb of which baa denatty more ibaa one and a half lira tbat of water tb produrta of tbelr combua- ara oearty all aaaaou wbereaa tb prodoc of the rombuauon of ordinary black gnnpowdef ara hwa ibaa half gaaaooa tha targar pari u tbe aolld mattar that makaa tba amok tba asargy tbat a high expleau rart dapanda oo tba volnm of tbe gaaaa liberated and tba temperetur to which tba beat of tba axpaxdoo can tie them tba exact temperature of tba caeca liberated by a high aplcair at the lu taot of datobauoo u not abaoluuly known but may ba approxlaally aarned tbroncb chemical axpariment nor bs lb amount of pra r known w1tbabeolttrcrtalaty it u probable bowavar tbat iiltioglycaru altrogata tin and picric arid when detnoateotlu condaad apace axart a pra eoro- wbar batwaao soojooo and ooawo poonda to lha aquara inch ir wa aamma that tb earth cruat baa a oeoxlty or tlmaa that of watar and that ibtafbraaa thlck u any muee then it fooow that u oxerta praaaur of nor than oooxooo pounds lo tba eqosre inrb if th croat hj a beadrvd moe thick than tap b torn tnao a mullon poonda to tba aqunr loch a nreaaura certainly groat ar than tb xpnlt fore ascrted by tha moat powerful butb axploatv rtalaly no quantity of blgb uploalv ototoaated ondar lu croat of tba earth would ba abla to tlft it and ccnaaqnant y w know thai no world of tba aba of the earth ran aver asplad from lb own pentnp internal force ir than no high axploalve core b soorient to blow up a world tb aba of tba- earth bo can worlds explode thar b only oaa way lo which tba baavaolybodc rao become posaoaaed of aoartent energy actually to low ap and that b by coinstan tbe stars ara flying about in apse with velocities tbat rang atl ihe way from lira mflaa a aaoond to coo mllaa p if two calasual orba traveling ocb at a velocity of k mlba a aerond mat to a bsadou colltaloo tbay would ba fused and gaslflad by tba impact und tba bast generated would bo nuftceut to break up tb matter of botb into lb ultimata tlemeob and to expand it into nabotoos baxa thb b tba way tn which aciance aaya that new suna aaw nabob and new atara ar bornhod sou maxim tn youth- oocapaoloo ssffaskssp ooi j p mouiixan col j p mcmhun a veteran of thr pmiuo raid of 130010 dlrd at th hotel dleu hoapltal at klngatoo laat thursday tn hu slat year ua pi hard uw at guelph many yeara ego and wa- count attorney at orauge- vul- out for aoia tluia vvbao uu ratricbrd raslproolty waa leading laaur catl mcmluan oovrd th pto- vinc with th lata krabtu wlman in advuoating the itep hr it was who read th addreaeaa prwaen by th muntolpaliueabilirddujrrrin oahb dvpaaturr from canada altar oom- pltlug bu larro aa averworgnrl ii b hurvlwd by two eone and one daughter n a memluan of nort bay i jaa mcmilun of ottawa aad mia mlnul momiuan glen nevla jamea married mla limb daughter of tha- lit patrick lamia aetna and rpalded hra tor tmaa um ook mtlbn waaawarm pataonal frtondmr thalataoolwut allan aoton ha william harria baa rignd bu araton tbe board of polio trualaea tha r utmbera bavaappolut- d mr u b galld la ida ataad principal hodg of tba continua tion school baa beaa ahugd to r- unttaub charg nf the acbool for a um ihrougk hlnea hu plaoe b balnp takan by mbe jal young thatata nttwudai able atokaee la i vllug at preisot prinol pally of br grippe there wae no eervtee in tha pnabvrtan fjboroh on souday lag of bat wk rv mr dodda be ing unahato offlotnte mr wllum wood an agail duaeo of tbb vlllagr white raehigp tb houa f or ble oap wblob hang oa a hoadt on a wall monday morning alia pad and fella being an old wan ba f vary bvlly aad baclutad ma thlgb he waa ukm to tba oaalpb gaoaral unaplul aad the fraotur wduoad b progrumlug lavtwauly mb mary gray woo all th gob prisaa in t b margury ooutoal pa fiatur 0rd hkv- to know what enjoy- awat you can bad tai going from ator to atom looking at thuga yon bavanft th bast uaa of baying 8b l know i cant buy tbat bat tbera a aofft of ttetencboly paaaura to tblnklug that i oaum bav bougfat taam if i bad mar- had gaorga soada whan i bad the thane inatsad of taktng yoo beoollectl vueb we fcecuoa b the only pabw from cannot bo tornod oov kilxax7s wroibft i they ar yoo am la dajaavaaa tbrpugh wwkaim or dlaaas tha balojm bi talsnar the invetatsm vwubrithl km rf uihok dr nth awmtww mad rtlw th unnsiuy sd mdl trjr dr moraaa indian aet villa kw eouo unknown reason it eaani ahaoat impoeslhle to indue dairymen lo study tb metbooa cafcohitcd to p tba beat raanlte lo hreanlng writes l j maradtth uoowa home- atead tbay cannot nndetwland tb great rahw tbat b wrapped up in a good dairy aire by weeding out all tinnrubmbl cowa with tba wale aad babcocfc laat and raising tb bast de veloped botfer cafrs from lb bast producing cow w bav a reaaooable ffllb ah ufarlor chance brad mcarl boll et tb bead of car bard w are certain of tailor by all mean w abould saesct agnad lanlvatoal of wu aarertalned pdrfty of breeding and a true type of th bread tbat b repr- aaula tleror w start cat in arch of a suitable air we ebouid mk a cla xsmlnauoa of lb beat rows la our bcius noting their weak and good poiui but more especially tbe week rnirt nnd reaolve tn onr mlnda eyn to alert tb kind of boll that b needed to correct these weak points and elrengtben th good onea when w are equipped to our mind y with an idea of what wa want we may make a visit to some of tbe beat breed era of tb breed w want and keep o- ing until we and what wa want ab0ta ail a taoxt not gat stock on acme oaa looking boll calf and make a coaipromb rereevaranco la anra to bring iu re ward w will not only b ebb to eee tha bulla but tba she and dama wblcb the selection of a dairy sire fort r tat way of doin aharioayuwaia with courobt soap posmvely the ukrcestsale im canada tvaa year aa nut two llolalela eewabad raoentaabava tweaty tour pauaa of bit m aave daya blnce than ltt cowa bare all bar reaatmd or zcaadad tlutt bleb aaaik and iweha of tb number baa racorda la aaaaae eat vwaatj giaiialai similarly tbe yearly laat work haa baen davaaopaa m cowa bavin qua lifted wltb highly aaliaractory rail lactation parted reoorda uffl eal leauna baa la tact bean car ried oa by eeva alaue tba dmrtet of columbia am tour caoaduu drovlao t llatatale wv abow barvattb waa a ptiaa wtnaar laat year and is aa agcallea arampla of tbay oaacended froai never b tempt ed by a llkaty crossbred bull calf from your own pore brad aim and on of your grad dama to use blm would mean plainly retrogreeelou and rum for bam lb principle of amvlxm and close bbrdlag would get ba ua work ad the aba and form as wall aa th lolmriteagdod qualities from tha pom bred atr would bs lost wheoerar tha um comas whan yoo can no longar oaa tbe pure brad aim to adbtage bs your bard atari out to assrch of another and bafor leaving bom max another doe xamtaatten of your boat cow aad nod out what variations hav taken ptaca and what type of a boll b needed to carry out your idea of further improvament choose on of th earn bread aa tb discarded bull aad preferably on brad along tba asm tinea by atrictly ad- baring to tbla rob yea will gradually ba abl to grad op your bard and ant croatbraad as b practiced by a targe number of daiijiniu upgrading b gradually bringmg taa bard up to tb standard of pom brad eattb whlb erumbtaadlag ea com monly practkad mean nothing mom than leaving noma vatabuabed road and driving off into lb wltdarnaaa urada cows will long continue to be si tbe bead of tba fat aa dairy p thus tbera mnat ba a rigid wvatdtag out of inferior cows and grant cam moat ba mm lo th abctlon of btadjng bulb to uaa wltb tba grad hag need alal i watar aaythlng it b just aa important in nuking a fat bog bawvror aa corn or alfalfa ita ch baa lad ua many times t to ovartook ita valo th bog b a frig thick bunch of fat aod lean da gata hot easuy ba o water tn keep his body cool to katpbla blood thin to aid hi dlgaxuag hb food aod topravaut conxtlpst if eon cam down from tb aky aad wo bad to grow stater oar way of looking at the two would b rvered if wo can let our liwegtostlona carry as that far w whi realms mom folly tha value of watar a good supply of para watar b a splendid dlaaas draveeuv if to bogs am required tn quench that thtrai tnaunvwotly lo a mndaatetaelr cbaoe of escaping aliases b on thr face of it dot as good aa ibongb ibey bad free access to a liberal uopoliub- d supply of fresh water kanerially during tb hot summer month alv tb nogs all tbe freab pur watar tbay want becada u b healthful econom leal and naeeaasry water in tba oew paatura in tba summer it bomellnwa hup- pens that the watar in ihr imture fsjta barer tb owner la awsrv of it tb oown shrink in milk ami lha yniiiiir csub buffer rettrr look srinr lloftvs so b oa the aaf smsitt pay today u lb day to bettar yataa uaopv it the anan who know bb foluealnthadayeofhlsyoutli osofhes nay no anaka the aaaa hot wo g will try to gat etoagfr wltboott thatru worth of a feaan is lo ba aooastttstt by lb obieuj mrmbafl mareauaaarama j i rataraioa ba gold mr uom m repmmbg i an lqtrtlb aualy f the bajaaoul erauaioftluneaaaw- tba sbwof ta ratbore shell be visited appa the eaietrea avea unto h vsjoqfwasitetlont too be dona by sdrei or written ballot it sssh- ju swldyeaasvat a aamjbttl oth aaa taa awrwsv yva aaatv bxnvaf a aeraeila ata oa at to mtataka fa wnaa rvarttuajwoatvsamt saaaj isaiblesaswwmwtn i ti j hssmmsahmmmihskmliss no substitute for newspaper advertising a m m dddqpnna advertising pavt if tbe man who has eomelhing to sell rgtiutes hia mdver- tasement ata to convince the people that it is worth burinf all the mubetitutea for neiwapaper advettieinf can easily be m avoiderl or oweuded by tbe people the ad- laf vertiaer tries hardect to attract the man or m woman tbat can afford to buy they do not sat stand gaping at bill hoards and they do not bother with cirouaro in the mail because they atf are too busy but their old friend the news- m paper istsvken into tbe innsost privacy of the of family circle it is dioaiteed at the breakfast m table and at the supper it is read at leisure 1st in the evening and its pages are scrutinized with the interest born of long habit and dis- criminating taste an advertisement in that m newspaper goes into the family circle and atl cannot be excluded it is welcome because it is a part of sonaething else that is welcome h and it goes there at the very time when the at occasionaj domestic econostcal council takes place there is no subsdjtuter for newspaper advertising except loss of business- aaaopaan h the fitett press in welcomed in a growing num- gg ber of homes it is able to accommodate more advertisers this would be a lg good space for a live concern a at a a a a aa a hurrah ftyr cutters 1 1 we are selling cutters every day also the famous atlims sleighs a few buggies left to clear at cost same new capital separators left yet to tlear at cash 5110 lbs capacity dairymen call quick as they are to bo lushed off robes knee spreads horse blankets halicrc hells etc full line for winter use machine oils of all kinds nd floor oil call and see our jjne of goods b f caldwell acton s ssssbusbsihasammhsmsass ssbmhmsiissb semi- annual hat sale e 1 b all hat5v half price on saturday i s mens winter caps hall price s mens fin- silk limcl gloves 5 dox gloves reg price ip to i gs a8c a pair saturd r e nelson ouilph ont bssaasassassxisssasshsssai bank of hamilton oaalaai m up rls not fn its power to purchase that ibo nreataat value of monny llm the fctl tug of independence and of sneurity agalost tb effect of adverao fortune 1ml reaerva fund gives you is iaanltcly moio astlmfylpg than the piuwlng gra ideation which you would obtain when spending it small amounts which ypu will hardly miss deopaltcd mgnurlv will gradually but umly accumulate to a anm largo enough to insure against tha effect of buitl ubm ravarses or laesof employ moo l tiuohoetown branch w m msksy is now ready for your watch and clock- repairs prompt ness and good work is what we strive to give nicltlo alarms put tin thor ough good order same as new tor os cents t qeo d prinqle jits jtoimsi gtleiiv 0ft i