Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 13, 1913, p. 4

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j v lie xton tyres npiuina pknnu nv la luis a winter dwm whnn a ths mornli g alar drcreaed in spuodour and i ha ni fnw a gate wm i pnd in lheat the rhsrlol r i he dawi holled lhruugb t a drft of guuto hght whow flying lory mum afar 1 u last borlaoni of ths night aiut qusnobad the uuroiog and frt tiled mil ik itilla with br and hedged the uakfd wood with flam and wnnh ml um w usdli within lummopuaoidw e r on aald and bill its urtpwodoar wars ootwown the know toy pass i end still and lumleooa utd lont in lb fbrary iiuulun elagaslna oovkrhomothkral or eonvi ubs there u a plniuc ula u tell f lb loo little appreciated acllvltle of our rjavsrnorsoanersi w sre prone l ibu country with our popular eleo- ll tnu end our maltallon of lb nfllo f iba imn minister to look upon the king arepeementallvn an orua ii bnutl imii hardly uenful part of ur machinery of government- we who do not qoiun in eta touch with ibu machine or that part played lo ll by tha occupant of ridean hall oan lw no understanding 0 mnnir dd labor of the oovaraorgenerel quite parl mm hi- ftvlal dull u l l nly a lint in t he chain nf rmptr ba u not only pan for the signature f atate papers ha la one of tha- lend ing cltlxana in the country and as such teas a dsep and active tularest in many lnovunna of opinion and of ganlsatlon outlb if lb parthaw sphere on of the spheres in which lord mlnto wh cum to ludeau hall at thla juncture dupleyed bla extra constitutional activity nu in tb arousing or interest in tb protection of our historical treasures ii barf duaty gsrrate searched and old luni bar exunlned lo collar witb tha re- ult that mauy priceless doom were unearthed non i hero tha original manuscript plan of bee on which ou inaorlbad a detailed history of tb saiga of the ancient cap ital a weil e mlnnte deeoriptlm o tbi district lord mlntoa aetwiy in this direction wu sustained through- j nut bla una of offloe and hla interest was continued by karl grey lord mlotoaacradforoar aroblwaa among othar doetlfhanta four or llvn hundred voluntoa of military pa para and alxty olomaa of tha qalklrk papara t whll karl mray anrlcbad tb eollmtlon with tb durham pod ilagot papara and many of th gray family papara in cluding tha eorraapondvnc btwan lord klgln onvacnorgaoaral of vnlt- ad oanada and tb third earl qry uaan rlactwy of stala for tba oolon- laa to thalr ultd andaavora u dor tha poaaetaloa by lb oaoadlan arch ivaaof a eompleta bla of tb original earraapondaqc hatwean tba aovra or of oanad and tb ooioqia ofllet from lb ummi of tb oaaaloo p a oannan in th canadian afagaala ooojpml hba waa an arlkcrail btti vlnr gar f4 lady 1 t i i r11 i her friend mm 11 haaclwail hi 11 m hnt t hba mil l u l llutun fool t o l tlv i ii yukay y ulli 11 kl w i yu vuur willi did m t ln any mltttm ol aargeri lu c ni ly wllb bar truuaat wt ba ktwrod bar that a good lw y ald tb but at you holding in your hand tightly it a a qi aid lb truthful will h ld ur plfrctrd yuud nauliukbui ma aktd i u4d bar i aouldn t do it for lah to han wbo lira inaou uwm- raardaa in tb open air la tb baat tonlo for tba atoioach and ayatm ganarallyt but lhara ara tboaa who ara eompallad to follow oooopauofia and tbjoa4tl1ty tenda lo raatrtet th haajlby auoo of th dlgaalwa organ and alcknaaa followa parm vagatabla p4iu taguuta the atomaeb and lha llvar and raatora baalthy aetlon it la wlaa to have a pack at of thaaa pllla alwaya on band children ory for flctchett o a ttoav or ar viuiioh fit- prauela of aaalal one alappad down into tb ololatar ol bla toona- toryand laying hla hand on the ahonl- darotayoung roonk aaldi brouiar bt ua go d an into tlia town and praaob bo thny want forth tha venerable father and tb young roan oonvaralru aa tbay wnt thay wound their way down th prlnelnal atreeta round th lowly nl- uyaaod una aod avan to tha out aklrta of tha town and to tha village bayond till thay found thamaalva back at th monastery again then aald th young monk i fntbaa wbanahall w bagln lo praaehr and the fatbar looked kindly down upon hla aon and aald i hy ohlld w haea bean preaching w war phaaeb- log while wa ware walking w b baan aaen looked at our behavior baa bra ramarkad and an w have dellv ered a tnornlitarmon ah i my aon it la of no uaa that wa walk any whar to preach unlaaa we preach aa wa walk there never waa and never will lie n unlveraat panacea in one rainedy for aj ilia to which fleeh u heir what would relievo on iii lo turn would aggravate tha other we haw how aver in quinine win whan obtained in aound unadulterated alala rwnady for many and grlevoua hla by4ta gradual and jndmou ua ibv fraiaat ayataio are lad into ooovalee- cenoe and atrengh hy the lolluno which quinine oxarka on naturae own ratoracta it relievea ihoae tn whom m chronic atate of morbid deapoodericy and lack of interaal u ufa la a dlaeaae and by tranqulllalng tha nerrea dlapoaaa to aound and refraahlng akas impnrta vigor to the aotfcm of b wood jhqu halnir j throttgb tba vvtna atrangtbenrng th healthy anlnal aanottona of lb ayatwn tbataby rmaklna activity moaaary ranlt auangtboning tba fmnje and giving ufa to um dlganv organa whlot naturaaly d in aahttanor jiotou improtad appatltr tforut- rop tt i havrktwi to um pobftb uaalr aupartor qalnln o bylmoranion of aewntlata iba win hiiilimtaart patfevon of any on tb mariwtr- al drogguu aall it ooojplmo in itaejf hotnar qrnvav wbrm hstafnintordom ot rrequli um aalatano of any othr madkln 1 woioebfil iiscovebt an amlnebt aclaatlt tb othar day bla opinion that th moat woa- awrfnl dlaeovary of raeaat year waa th dtseovary of kan link joat tblakl aa anon a a alngl thin larer al anrduk la applied to a woond or a aora knob iftjury ta innrad agalaa blood polaoa not ona apaclaa of microbe baa baan found that xanvbak doaa not aclllf then aalo aa aeon aa kaaaduk la adpheo- to a aor or a cut or to able dlaeaae it atopa th a marline that la wby children ar an eta frlenda of xm diik they far no thing for the adeaoe of tb thing all thay know la that kam buk abopa their pain afotbara ihoam never forget thu again as aoon aa sam buk is ap plied to a wound or to a diseased part the rail beneath th akin a aur- fac ar wo atbnulatod that new healthy tissue la qnlrklr formed thla foranlnt of rreah healthy tlasne frttmn jew u kamnnk a awlrat of healing tha tlsauo thus lor mad la worked up stho varfane and imarally casts off h diseased tlssn abov it thla la why sawbak cures am permanent only tha other dr mr msrsb or 101 delorlaibm ave montreal railed upon tha zam buk company and told them that for over twnnlyflve years h had been a martyr to cma ills hands war at on lltnn ao covered with sores that h had to also la glove rour year ago sam buk was introducud to him and in a row months it cured him today over liu years after his core of a dlaaas ho had lor twenty ave yoar he to still runid and has bad no trace of an rejurn of tha raal irptrnulu srll zsnilluk at soo boruv wa lll send fren trial box if yombtfnd tbbr odvertlaoinent and m to stamp i to tay return lmtc aav dwiki 7am iluk co turoauk castoria tlap kind yea havo ajnaym ttrtngbt mod tolitch hnn htm uto for qcr 30 yonrm bos borne um ajaastaro of r and luta sspon nf unilor ltu por ftyyy boual kuixinlslon nlnoe itn infsuaey j a31aw1inakalulooivnyouinibla all oountrtrfoltit imlintionit tun iiittinirtkml nro bsat karinkita ihn triflo- erltbi nnhrrmdnrfrrttia bnojtll of iffr 1 juul clilldran bt pnrlnnco ujrajumt ii ipiulawissl what is castoria caurtorln ii n kormlrsu anbatltutn ibr castor oil pttre- gorln lrii niml houiinn krii it to irsunxnt it contains iinltlmr opium morplilno nor otbnr nnrooila anbalnncc ibt njro in its cimrnutno it destroyn worsna nod sjlnyh i i rtrlulinosa it ntirch iliurrhuu4 iufl wind oouo- itrnluivoh tooiltlnp trottblna cnirmi cniihtlpntloa and ploiulnuay it asalnilkun tho fcoxl rogunten tlas fuomncb nnd itowola rlvlnn iioaduiy und natural alonp the ohlldrnh innea mother iend- oenusne castoria bonn tha signataxe of always the kind you have always bought in use for over 30 years bit han ao oallaohbir judge beaver of morgan county ky bad a trotting ruare of whlob be waa vary proud tha animal waa always driven at th race tneeta by a man named fjalugbar who waa at uut um city marshal of harrode- burg on ona ocoaalim th judg an tared hla mare at a trotting meeting in tipton county homeepnria there knowing of the judges pride in the an thought they wnuh lower hla colore for onoa ao thay entered against her a noted fast trotter at th and f the aral half mile the two trotters raced neck and neck at a terrtbc paoe and the judge grew wildly exctd f let her go gallagher i let her go i he aboutad and gallagher loosened tb tinea the mare ptuoklly respond and finished more than n doaan lengths ahead amid the wild shearing of the crowd a bilbmrjbh ir llrnry an iykn has a healway of altenclng ibeoeamulous at a luucbrou lu ivinceton a certain bishop way being duriused aiul vlalutr said i d n l ilka the huhop lie a too much a man of the world to ault nie quite so lr van iyke reutrted quickly hut which world tills r the ucxu wutflwwornc swarawltinimitriili w tan ysars twsa who hare oerer bean troubud with kidney trouble do not know tba suffering ad misary which those af- wasjc huae or aching back oomes from tawudnaym and when the iddnej on of order th whole aysteea become derangad domn a kidney pula go right to tba seat of tba trouble and make their action regular and natural wmty daley pemsvld ridge m b wrltmi now take sesia aura tn w ayaeu for lbs benefit i hare obtabawt from your wonderiul moolchm dow kidney litu- havtog nwb a in m rllh alil from your 4 kidney mus mmi with kidney trouble for dtedstof douatain tba eozrelkdquack cures rom srhldi i derived no benefit whatever and after bavins been advised to try dow kidney sua i at once tma a box- and horn the first ob- renef and alter having taken qv ly cured aaan nia are so cent per bos or three bona for li5 at all deajarl ivasnllad direct on receipt of rr vi on rrcetnii oi pricnaiw tb t mubaro oo lunltcd when ordering epecuy doui too many people mlsuk a with for an ambition chicago nawa miller wormpowdersarecomplete in thanuwlvva thay not only drive worms from th sy strut but repair tb damage thai w ruia raute and an invigorate tb constitution that l paadlly recovers from th disorder of the digestion that ara the result of tb work of these paraaha intruder they do thalr work thoroughly nod strength and nundnes follow thlr work a datad um sioh two irubmen were working on the roof or a building one day when one made a misstep slid fell to tba ground tha other leaned over and oarled ara yea dead or alive mike r o im allve aald mike feebly sure you re such a liar ol dun i know whether to belays jr nr uot- wnll than ol muat i- dead aald atlkn for yaa would never dam in call w a liar if ol wor alolvn useful in oam kxplnrera surwy- ora prospectors and hunters will a il or tbnmsv ficlsctrlo oh very useful luosmn whan the feet and lege me wwt and cold it la wall tn nib thxu freely with tb oij and th result will be th prevention of pains in tb muscle or should a cut or coiitodort or apndn b ausllnsd nothing could bstlaraaadrawdngor hitlun took hi own aidioimb did you ars know a doctor ink blaoatn vssltojiwr dm lr onor last tltoo i oiosssathaatumk tha ships doctor rrw sbnnipakno sg uxn fori my seasick w and whenvr it mtj umaroradoaa bm ooow round nod jolaoml jh at last he is free of lumbago hi took gui pills winnl- jsti fib i have been s uovrr from i umbagu ft some yea ni part snl durlngclirlat ma wrlt htd a vy sci t attark which eoufiued m to iba bouse about the latter part of april i met your mr hill and mentioned my couiplaint lo blui me advised me to take ln til is x have been taking tlisui at intervals during th early psrt of the present winter and up u dale lisvc had no r turn of my ol i tronl lc hi tact i ferl better tlisn i hsvr f r cars snl think that my old ncmy lias vanished for i sad all ii a jukui and bladder srsjuit the rsacs ol winter no matter luiw much you msy dread cold wrathcr iwcsuse you hae been subject to rheumatism orlumba go you will be free of pslu if you ukc oin piixs 50c a box 6 for t y sample free if you write national drutfsnd clieuiicsl oo of canada limited toronto 134 ignorance help tn ixxtm business when a man orders a 01 frame for w cent plctum asthma can he cured its suftsrlng is needlesa aa it la terrible tn endure artrr its many years of relief uf the must stubborn cures no sufferer can doubt i h perfect ffecl ivanese of dr j d kellogg s authma ilemady ootufort of body and pesos of mind return with its use and nights of abuod bleep come hack for ffond ak your drugrlsl l he ran supply you thb ribat st takbn jimmy mahlu after runnli y a har- her th p f tr iw or ibrve yrar df cld4u hittle ilftillmi iii ui ol hi upon hmorlitk of tbu drculitn drup pad in to lalk ll hr yes itf agrekl denltry u about the easiest new job you oould take up jimmy you know how to work tha chair already so the rest ought to jmt easy enough h1b work on burnet ihulrulof a family who tl ought lo m si me of hla hardeelutd dol lars by trying out simple bom rem diss whwn on of hi huusabold banam 111 cams in a few nlghs ago with book under bla arm which ha hand to hla wife remarking tiers ta a work on burns i found it at an auc- tl mi tbla afiaruoon as um of tha children a almost aut to get burned nn tha fourth i though h would he a g khi investment look it over oar fully ami lie prepared in case of an hocldenl the wife opened ths vu lima dutifully and than exclaimed low odd it all poetry next to consumplioh tieiememueiealm frm pieimoiu tkuy0tsr uttt tmumoniaisnotunitmoraorlssateam what used to be called innammauoo of tha lunsm cooaumpuon may be contraolad from others but aa a rule pneumonia uj caused by exposure to oold and wet and u the oold la not atleoded to immediately ser ous results arc limbic to follow there la only on way to present nncumonla and that la to cum the ookl on its first appearance pr wood a norway vine hyrup will tlo this for you if you will only take it in time dr wood norway vino syrup con tains all tho essence and luzut beahait powers of tba famous norway line tree- mr hugh mcleod eslerhaxy saak writes my htlw boy took rwy wnvfn oold and it develqped into pnea- monia tba doctor aald be coold not live i got boms of your dr woods norway pin syrup and be began to improve now he la otrong healthy ohlkl and shows no sign of it orer oouuns baok tho prioa of this remedy la 28 sad 60 osotaperhoula it la put up to a yellow wrapper a pine tree the trade mark and is manufactured only by ibe t mubum oo limited toronto oni mrshvonroden of lyndon ky rococnnionrls lydut e piiiat- bami veffeutblo compound for backache nervotu- negpv headache lyndon ky i have been teklpjf lydiab1 inkham s vegetable compound for baaxlachaanourajgto pains back ache nervousness and a general run down con dluonof the system ami am entirely r beved of these troubles i rucommend your remedies to my frlenda and give yoo pel missi to publish what i write mrtivoitoolll lyndonky when woman like mr von roden to generous enough to write such a ut ter aa tb above for publication aba abould nt loaat be given credit for- a sln- ceredesirs to hulpo the can lis ring woman for we assure you there is no other tea- son why sho should court such publicity canadian wonmni ilxndrloncei windsor oni the birth of my first child left me wreck with terrible weak pells but i am glad to tell yoo that i do not have those weak petu and i fa like king lydle b akham v bto oonpnbxai i ana wnuftitroog can do my own bonaework i do not teketnedldne of ny kind it tn pbikmtoa vegeuble oonv poosd that rrtord nut to health- mrs ftquar fammanw n pmreot averju wlodsor ontario u ye west ntoki attca wrttf to fei ijjeajhrhbhtf- many a woman spoils a romance hy trying to make it la at forever a remedy for bilious ueadaeh to lhqmmitjf i 1j headache parmelee s vrgetale pllla are veeoni mendeil aa the way to speedy relief taken according to directions they will kubdue irregular ilea or the tninsch and ao act upon the nervwm and blood vessels that the pains in the head will cease thar are few fjw are 11 it at mini time nuhjeot lo w i lows- lieu and familiar with its altandsnl nvl yet none need suffer with these pill at hand children ory for fletchers o a t o r i a takiho ho omamoxcw uoir- ysllimlthavetiirsltlol y ur dl mvfii 111 ire dishhii fluil ptllii tt limw bure d mjlor i m not going to surva to death jiut for thu sake of living a lltlo h nkorf a kaiimia farmer so th story go can ttnlo town to huy a new wagon tht dealer made a pries of 7l to whlali th farmer nhjold saying that he puichssed the smii a siyleand make of wugoii many years before for 00 the dealer explained that the advance in prion was dae to higher cost of materials etc but the faroler waa not convinced a rter a lengthy argument it developed that i he farmer tm years before bad paid for the 900 jttgisjj jppiy k 1 eom at that tlmurougbt 10 cents bushel 1 will tell you what 1 wll do said the dealer yon give me quo bushels of octrnfortulq97uwagon and i will make you a preeenbof tbtf beat reepnr in my atook your ohploe of aurreys and yoii oan bring ytutr wife down and i will make her a present of the bast kitchen range i have in the place and will fit her kitchen up complete wltn dishes sad obokln ittenals is it a dlshee and bmrtfim uwftssct mending mattinq when a warn mao- aapaer psrvt with atrsnds af rswla untllnu bt aurh an onluiodj iblag 1 uork nltb eiculuttd a yobdc bmsskespsr vl4p was trying to mend s bole that had boeo vrorq through tbe 1 isttbag on ibe bedroom floor its impossible to sew it sod if i i ck a patch over tbla bole it will look untidy ami will be kicked op at tba f dgea in a few days anyway that la partly true msttlng to dlfl cult to work with and lacked on patch es are unsightly but it can bo sewed it 3u go ihont tho miring properly and ua raffia instead of thread ilaffla can be bought by the hank la colon that wrtnapena wttti the colors tu the matting or la- natural color tohlcu matches the around work in near ly all the mattings it coats but a fw ots and will wear ss long ss the mat ling itself when a worn place of bole appears i i tb uattlnx u can be darned wttb thread nr strands or rams use a long darning nesdlo having an slongatad eye and work the strsnds of rnffln la sod out of tba matting ibe earn as you would if you ware darning a bole or torn place in any other materlal wbeu patching cat a pier of mat ting savsrsl inches larger than the bole itself taking care to match tba agar in tb patch wllb that in tba matting on ibe floor then lay the patch under the bole end darn tba worn edges of the matting down to it weaving tb raffia in and out over and under using colors w bare colors in tba sgurs la the matting demand and natural colored rams 00 lb groundwork lr bently iloi a this is a acceeatul way of mending msltlng after the work to flulsbod ibe warn place will not be at all noticeable ttaffla hi tba best thing to us when nwlnx a tri or hresdtbs of matting togaenet lay the two i resdths to gether as yo 1 would wberi sewing car pet and sew oer und over with a arm but not too fight aillch when the breadths are opened out list ibe stitches will look like n portion of tit woven material new sandwich for fjl it i made ef orend almaads sad nlnoad eras a merles lies tho licet oyster and salads of any country in the world mrs lily lluxwortb wallace tha bng- llsh cooking expert told the women at the pure food abow cooking lesson the other month a the best wny to cook an oyster said mrs wallace is uot lo cook u at alb tboro la nu rngllsb aaylng the more ou du to an oyster the knoro it will do to you tbst means that the more you cook it tho less uourtohmcut you get but alia gavo them rvclpes to cook the best oyster lu the world the auerl can oyster if they were not content to eat it raw tho american salad to th beat in the world mrs wallace says because america has tho greatest va rlety of fruits vegetables and other nrodtxta of the imrneu and oeul she gave the women a recipe for a new sandwich that a number of them aald they were going to try immediately for afternoon tea two ounces of almonds are amltad and ground for the egtr and ahnond sandwich and passed through tb meat chopper two fluely minced bard boiled eggs blended wllb two tabav apooornto of butter are added and the whole to seasoned and spread between thin slices of bread afternoon bridge oewn tobacco brown chlffoo with a panel of while satin on which to trimming of brown soutache in button effect forms rtoa is naa aa a magnificent vea i im w lit kntafhtuth african llnerv waa tram inglnl k utba upiihilatbtr agilmly n al lighter dialed lutuiedlally in fluid ufil an ofllesr m itoard llie vrvrl t laerli g ibhi bin uttd t laar i ol if the way with thai barge the ligbtartuai a nativa tl i be r m erjild isle shouted in reply a re jo the captain of that la no answered tlte fflcer then spake if yx r a ijuala bald i al i m ibe plain il tbu watti will rndr lb puirl band- itnightly clear uie geras ceueaaasaay by ualag mwllasgsbern curr wbicbac- tu tf ngl ly zd pain lely it ta aid that tba huluti t 1 urky usklllnl a piaouu it u probable that tit mm wb bad t ilslrn lo met gladly welontuad llta war castoria vr ixuvnu and ciurm lulhymlmjusmlavju was so nervous cuu sot ext 01 sleep there arc awaty people who berome eak and isewable acoi aleep a troubled i tilt grand trin raiwav they canaot kma there ara ma hi this wsy they win and hat uuborns heart and nerve pula will restore the deranged nerves to full life and activity they do this by then- nnnntwi effect on the serve rentes snd wuttonr up the waotosystew to asafect condllloo ur garaw msbealh bound hill n b wznagui take tba pleaaura oi writing to teb yoo the great benefit aldbnxntoaw ifsiie putoda as try lajmttrna beart sad norse iuk and nave only taken two box s4 ass able te week e waxl a ever end ran eat and aleep aa mwu aa ever i did i can t praiaa yonr assdleiae too highly my wife is taking them now for palpila- lioe of tb heart and la improving taprteof muxatrnallcnrtand narre imw is 50 eeau raw box s boxes for 0 1 ja for woest ao dealers or meibd direct lo tba olden umn assyrian loverw ussd lo write tbalr letters on clay tab lata resembling bricks but sotnewhal thinner which war often uard as tu teria for building cast lea in tba air smsaonnnnnnnnnnnnniinnnnniinnnnnnnnniinnnnnma we thank you f tkok your patronage daring 1912 and wish to increase our acton shipments therefore for a bhort time only we will share hall our tuua 1 profit with you and offer you this month our special seven room outfit of electric fixtures com plete with shades for the hair raising price of these fixtures retail regularly at 1500 special prices on other setsall this month f36e guelph electric works geo e b griaycrvco propm is w hubt sou cmlk oat s aaaanaauaannanaadddnnaaanaaaaadaadiinh the merchants bank op canada tivary psnon wbo ic and pays out money t cbsualag accounl paynmrot by cheqoo u lbs most pmcilcal con vceiant and kahnt mstbod of handling sll th transactions whstbsr ol a boainaa or personal character tba rstnrn of c cheqoea are voachers for every sun paid ool thay show what dis bnrssawsita have been buds and to ahon deposits ar received by ihu lunk subtectio chsque whbdrawal w pay th um sttcntlon lo small depositors ss we do lo urge oess and encourage theh secossls interest allowed on all savings sccmibis compounded half yesfly total asscth s8ititett4 actios branch f a maclean manager utown ouirrom amp wairaaitim the simple but nrttkllxu ronlutiiu il tured bare the nrrnuiteiimiit if ho two color bell mid ibu double tluuuce of cblflun nro iiolnl lv prspsrlng oewne cor the dysr om and riiusd or soiled uowna if rip ped up entirely iteforo soudlng to the tlyera in flat ptoces mn be very insx pensively freshened and when cot all over again and nutd up into a new will bear no resemblance wbav irvewxcf never neglect a heaoachl neadache to not a djeeaae in uawf box to often a aouree of rreat suffering ana ito rwtwsncb to ukely s dueaaa lurking in the system to get rid ol the headache and thus prevent more serious troubles it la atawlutahr necessary to cleanse the system of all waste aodpoktonoua matter and keep the boweatwell open tba jbgweb bein one of th causes ol heailacbe burdoelt bittern reniutes the bowehl and makes their rooemenffrco and natural a cure for headache curr where others fall mrs l usoka ml henley writes bcrot years sspt- oonstent sultrrcr fromheauache i wss all run down and oouihut seemed to do mo nay tnod i read of lurdook blood uutrrs ami deckled to gjvelt a trial the mwlt was msrvelloua the beaxlacbe stopped entirely and i rfrl bhtv to owewv way i oan safely rewwwnend wannest kind for cold weather tougher honwhidc will nevei be found because the is used for tym yb gloves and gauntlets and yet the skim because rarcfully fanned by the chrome process ir 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