tit lav rera a w w red h a mlmarw emellt tofaf of mr rnut ouswowct fc t m awto aljlikanhhw4ai mnhfwk ja llawaa arise f ja i nit in miu in til til 11 t it baaal mlllasa ma- mmasaa um fawu mil ina miu ut i 111- fully mt pnarr i nil mlaar lalb ill iitw ms a iwll knox church anwveftsaky lamoi comoxatoma attend jbjljuuliirrrt rvice in kifbx oburch leal sunday offered another opportunity for the christian church of um ooeamunlty to fraternise xhe tieoded the la and um malbodtota both as t were beery available be jtton jrx jress thursday fkiutuaily 3d iois fjoitoalajax notav loew ituaocmtw on alonday opened in bristol a campaign for oompolaory military service if declared that the wealthy young wan of britain wan wastlag tbalr strength and talent la aaraifal way and that aha poor nana war growing ap lika lout hfm reenedy waa a brief parted of uulltary timlnlng for all but prttfw annel wnn ha daalraa this enforced military drill to tbe interes of pa ana be declare pukmlnm boaumu4a major tiea of ef feet that ha la not only doable to carry tha country aasnlsaooely with man bat thai ha does not area carry all hla owa party on a prnpoeal which should have baa framed muio have t aaaoltaoaaly ty use hoqee oaaadlaa paopla do not wish to divide oa a oaestlna of thl obaraatar taw maim rrnkitts for the year beginning with tha fleet of april now before tha doankiloa parliament total 118110183 thl u nearly tan au- uoa dollar la excess of um mala tlaaejee or last year it ja nearly 67 obqflbq above um total expenditure of 1911 it u weluilgb three time tha outlay of iocs and area at thai thaaa mala aatlaaataa f u wlo include um sfh000000 it la propoaad to rot for tae building of dreadnmaghla cai aaaklorapei alton ubttals in session tha aaaual meeting of tha halloa yosmeg ufaaraw room at alhton laat baourdny u we ocm of tha largest ad net haraaooloda foe a number of every part of tha cottaty waa i elected aa follow suabinjrhnjn narrali fhat vscevpressdeaa duncan camp bell htoftati second vuapraawaot wlouaa h oodaaor- broaui bo xytiwaa j h peacock if lltoa jumuaaa ooaxlttoa d b robertson wjoiinml k a bart efotoa vip ivldt of tawm aad to a aetna a- j meklnooo btar- llatom f d ghaot oeoratow j j glbl i in i mutobds eobartaoai oakvlba j n hogior naaw waym dr hotaoart w j afcjoa dr oarbart nalaoa a ifiarlmtt loweolai w x ghaut aveaaaaa i trmfahrar b a jarvia boyoei q a vaaalefcm palaraao john orth haiilaa j n meptmraoo ndr raj j joaeph flyao a afcakaartloaa war carried uoaio- aanaily tvitalag wlthootaairralaoa the narml pouay of blr wilfred lanj- tar aad hla muaagnaa aa tha ooty pouoy in um beat iataraata of oaoada and drouriaa unboandad oonfldaooa in tha lander of tha uboral party of um prorlnoa of oatarto mr n w bowau k o and aodorala thr pal- ley of unwetf and hla onllaagimk in ralatton to um mattara of ta tha aaawtoaa by rav if k a bra bun b a of st- andrew chore b gaalph war mwbh amjoyad thay w aarnaat aapoaltlana sf a trath and ware atroncly anajalletla in charaetar both eermooa were much enjoyed and were lulanad to wltb rapt lataraat the anaeial nvoain provided by tbe choir waa thoraaably appreciated and waa rendarad wltb much credit to thla ei oel lent oiffaohialiow tbay ware aaalatad by if r bmeet wairan of toronto who nu dared two aoloa with aplandid effect at each arrvloe mr warrao waa la aplandid woioe and bava k g borreu b a and cbaa d draper mililrd in tha eer- vloaa liberal annlreraary offarloca were made by the ooasreyauoa dnrlafj tba day on lnka 11 1 m 8u u sood bohf ttaeouowinc aoeoontai ii o barlett tdmrawnioub oaaadlaa national bureau ot g ia aliil placing lluroufjhbre4 tarooabout cwnada tha nauoaal la9m stock bvobnaga haa iwaa faaaa by gentlemen oonoaetr4 wtta um national bureau of breedlnc tba bawaaasa bowavw u an entirely aapara noacirn and alma to collect kaxn part of um bnraau crop eo that um hmlfhraada produced can be ma- tarad and daralopad for ramoont pur- it la pooribln that tba goramamnt nay art aaide mm ranch land in al berta tor uwramamhllac or theee yoaaff hotaui and if aoch la donr it wul bo a sreat etlmutfua to the ittxrv work tba crop will be bought aa ynarhaga and two year olda tlma klrlnfj farmora and breeder qolck rr- tarn and aaanrlna tbom of a atoady bmrkat prom an army view point it wui bo a great atrtde in tba right dir ection bi bnyara what bar froan um oanantan drpartmant of mllltu and dafaaoa or tba kngllab war oacaoaneaa thaaa young romoonta and pauratuumwhat thay racjolra it la on thing to be able to aay to an areay boyar that ther are 10600 n- jaoaata in panada and qulta another hlag to h able to uka him on a tralh can nee 5000 or 10000 of lb alt bare loat lu aaor wharewltb ahall it ha aaaaonaa r vary ffrcure ieeaona ror obraatun worker w drawn from thla familiar paaaage waa abowa that in paleatlo lt waa freely need on the land with aatufao- tory raanltat bat that when aapoaed to ma and wind in that land it mi been ana wore than aat it 1 mu tha name with men when thay ilea nloaa to tba saviour and exert tbem- eelvea tn tba inter of tbalr fellow mao thay grow tn atreagtb and are of nee to the onaamontty whan bow wmr tbay gl way to allu mania of thla life tha thlret for pleaaui tha lnt for wealth tbay rail trf um prime object of living tba proacber oocnanaated atrongly on tba failure of tha church to live np to ita opportnnl una and eepectahy in um lack of keener inter e la um c of atlailotia tba uuoughout waa calculated to helpful in awakening obriatlan paopla to their dullee and priailaga baa waa tha vary ap propriate tut for um iwrvu aeangel- latla eerumn delivered in the evening tola waa um lavlutlon of philip tha evmagruat to nathaniel whew ha quee- uoued whether any good com oat of naxarnth aa recorded loi the brat chapter of john phulpa coaae oak of naaareth there never waa ouch heart hunger for truth aa there la today aald the preacher la introducing hb thoughtful and appeal ing duoooraa the talth we bold with the goapal of ohriet m not aa raaaonahla thing it eubmlla itaair to um teete ot acleooe and all other acratlay w aaay mat and dft aad aatiafy there will be no quae- uoa a to the reeult if a man will coeae with a per open baart and mind ha will and tbe truth aad power la the lord jeeue krery there la only one thing uutt can teat theraugtoacfjawueohrinta pereon- al experience o to aaa ohrba la to e what anaa bould be be atmnd unique and eolitary la hi purity and power he la revealed to man by god be haa ooaae to man and with a aaaaeage from god hjmaeir he clalam the ability to conquer aln ha can take ua aad aaake ue c aad give tbe power to wa4k in tba higher type of manhood he reoewa ua front within gome and aee what jeeue ha done and you will realta um depth and range of hla influence acruaa the oratorio everything that la good la eoetety la due to hw toaoenov the pal of ja ohriat ha given thing we print ugbeat in if jeau la aoch a great one and baa b0r3au0it0w0ttih mauct mbbtimouiom m alt oh ittli tbe council ttmt purmiant u d- journmrnl lb beava in the chair roainbera all praaani tb tolnutae nf tbe ut uieetlng ware read and flrntad moved by alex jor aecondad by wit olaart that lh treas par um following accounts i b d war ren for 70 yard of grl t 10 eu 7i john bingliatu 09 yds gotrtl at 10 eia saafl0 k kaaton for work and gravel on lotb line brldg 75 yda at ma peryd atjfioi d a hea- dcraon lor 1th uoo ptr w p bootu p m h7s carried moved by j i sundub aecondad by alar joe that tba ireaaurer be in atracted to pay tba following aum for wire fence bonuai jaa hamilton lot a con 1 w roda at 3tb ola s10jjo mi a m uiutl lot ii n 0 u rod wicoj luchard juycr lot 0000 s 05 rodatloadt w j ultlr lot u 7 80 rod s0oq t f itoddcll lot w eon 8 m rod 7 75 ja htandiab lot is con ft 75 rods 1ho0 w g devvreaux lot 1h 00a 7 sb rod7 75 andrew wiley lot ut con ft 35 rod 8h75 wilson wiley lot so eon id rodsa7i i ii htull lot si 000 do rod 7j ilanl harrop lot ft con 10 00 rod tlaikicrrid moved by tbo close aacondad by 7 tsundub otl lbatreaanarpay do for uef he will warp our uvea hadoae not demand of oa eelf affacnauiiil he eaye to ua aow ta where you are equip youreeu with the power i shall give you that ytm auty gtorify god and eerve your fauowa jaene cbriat will satisfy the anal the ufa which ha not ohriat in it will be a lonely life we have aoula we have eternity written la our heart of um eool oaa be aaueoed by j obriat i ca prove bow botooum aad see gobm bow you will never have a better freer time than now i warn you to cocne when you nave um inclination- for such laallaatlan do xmm to m uvea often do not giveohriatthedroaeofyoorllfe thla la not worthy of you gome and grant hugh browne of new york wna la montreal laat weak with aa for 7000 cavalry reaaonnt to ha deh wed mono ha tutaeelewed tha oea- 1 national bnreaa of breeding lpiiiiaraisi hamum talsb la la tbe frwhrlballoa of tewrmalawt afrea be ortl i the 000 raonra summit camada the puulo will welcoum um 1018 edition of 6000 pacta about oaoada oonipllad by frank teigh the ack- wledged authority on thing can ta and the author of through tbe heart of 3naada ten thousand cold annually which and their way all over canada and tba empire indeed the wori j the facte booklet 4 staffed a full of inforejmuoa a a sausage la of la the happy and true way aa english journal pule it and be new l aaany new fea- aetoo casket and f 1 campbellvllu of 1st mramurrey0a0 digging grave 03 oaa month main tenance of lira murray that waa russell he refunded 0050 statute labr be having performed the san jo toekar for drawing tile potting in wom and digging dllch ot 17 000 4 til tl dog tak twice paid hubert uilton iofor removing atone off road lot sh lt hoe carried toe by law to appoint a sanitary in speotor for the township of kaquaslng for tba year of 1013 was paaaad and lb blank filled up with i ha nam of jam hood carried moved by alex j or seconded by j la blandlab that tha auditors report aa press o ted to tbe council be adopted and that the clerk be instructed logvt 150 copies printed for dlstrlbuuop carried moved by j u blandish second by won cleave that tbe ireaaurer pay the following accounts 1 world saeeesora and onlleotora sup plies ily4aw book and su inscriptions p5 dr mcallister medical attar dance on leo mills an indigent patient 08jb g u crawford stationery 65 cental w c anthony piping for railing and tile ror road 03587 3 to be changed to good roads carried moved by wm cleave seoo ad by j l standlsh that tbe treasurer pay robert raid the aunt of 018550 for 305 yds gravel pot on the 10th una lota 18 and locanlad council adjourned until 17th march next kusjuumapad mia bus bennett or maedonald hail gualph apeat a fw day at her home near acton last week mia janet maodoneld spent a day last week visiting in goclpb tbe balunafad young- people have been enjoying the moonlight evenings pent on mr pater cole splendid skating rink mr leslie thompson susared from an attack of tbe cold which confined him to the bouse laat weak a large number from balunafad attended the anniversary service- in acton presbyterian church sunday evening mr ackarman of gait organiser of m ohoeen friends spent a few day in balunafad this week tbe sacrament of the lord a supper iii be administered in balllnifed presbyterian church next sunday morula- preparatory service wli be held friday evening at ba past a xuo city attataottom in order to break a jump and fill in an open date fred byars girl and the drummer oo are to appear in acton on friday evening february list tubt company will carry all special euwumy and is i be name com pany aa hamilton brentford and loudon and all tha largest cities of canada engage a guarantee with every ticket beet u at the awe wtlna the bee sllnii la trowel not a epmr uld a nature student it lean eiqutaltaly delleate little trowel with which tbe bee nnlebaa off tbe honey cell inject little preservative inaftoe ad seal it up wltb it trowaluka sting the bee puts tbe final touch oa the dnty aad sroodcrful work with the atlas it pt and aba pea tba boney cell as mason pets and aha pes a row of brick tlefore aaatlng op tbe cell it drop a we bit of poison into uwbcnay this 1 formic acm without it nancy would spoil moat of think the bees eung with it poison la a we only it 1 a weapon secondarily but pri marily it i a magi trowel j trowel from whose end s um boney cell are built ap a weader preeervlag aatd drlpa dsatreylaa maaey paper tnooey 1 nothing but a prom k to pay ae much coin if you de stroy a b dollar note for i you simply release the orsrnmnt or tbe bank wbkb bwued the note from tbe payment of the 5 in cold which tbe uola railed for or opurae ibere- rore yuu are not bunlalnble in any sfeanoer for destroying tbe note if it your own tuer is uo penalty ror mu- tllallns eom or silver coin ir you keep it in your own pnsaassinn bot a you hare lliercby ileal rayed considerable part of it value you must not try to pas it st par after the mutilation oo thursday evening tbe greenock literary society held its regular week ly meeting tbe prcaldeut mr b j pesren presiding gftntrtmrna night aad good weather brought out a large attendance therollowlngprogramnm 1 given p sddr sis mus ic aetrellou liyilbc orchestra j gram ophone selection by mr stanley swaekbanhtri moulh organ solos mr obas allan readings by messr joo near and rimer droni speech ae by meaare kennedy and ja moore i mtous storiee by r a hanoi vocal selection male quartatta the main feature of the evening waa evahate on the naval oolored map of tncptwaiiilcaprpsnta a striking story of um sroadatful ad- vaneapruaamawaaingteyear w low twlfc ih mitjoa- the booklet i iwosd at 05 cent m fmaelm bo canadian facta pa otv lviroato aad a aold qpeatioa mr wr near daranttad tbe borden policy mr basil jobn- toa spoil on behalf of tbe laurler policy mr burilngbam spoke tak ing a neutral at cod station jtbat no ewtergency existed andlt would bea much batter plan to prepare for peace than war bach speaker waa ewsoweal 00 avjaute tba irgamanu were well advanced and proved vary instructive to tba audlsnec a hearty vola of thaaka wq given tha atleniev ytb ladle of tbe suiter for tlwbr onnt prnaautme aaolber waa tendered mr boruof- bam by tba society for hut able gtr uh thh intention afuml 1 ii o glv the proevumnw at aa surly rue and ww own te blr humphry iary be lone the credit of dlarorering that tba dam of game bavins tim mas ties to lb square inch this contention may be tease by brinjrlns a nam la eootart wltb similar gsusc when it will bs found tbst tbe ttam nilf dot go througb the rose baa- tbls 1 owlnfi to tbe coounj artlon of tbe wire wblrb tsada to re dare the temperature of the oame be low the ignition point the un burned gas nasslnb harm i waa ly tbroueb of course if tbe gauae become urarnaaled tbe name la able to get throogb al eat a threat louce inspector hareat 1 often ia- atrueted you that you are not to allow tbe public to pick the dower in thta parlct park keeper yea that la mr wire who used to be your cook per- bapa yon will try to make bar stop mfccendorfar butter a cwute ward tbere 1 a word in the english lan guage tbe orat two letters of which alg- niry the male tbe brat three a remale the brat our a greet man and to whole arrest woman the word t heroine ladles home journal very llcwetti expect to leave foot print on iimj aanda of time jewatt it tafcaa sand to do it woman iionm ooav vii must reanert tboft ibfuiaelrea lleaconaflalg bawocnxnxxdcnxxxxxxxoo0oo0 another week for stocktaking bargains mens and boys elnds of linoleum endsof oilcloth ends curtain material ladies winter jackets ladies separate skirts girls whiter jacrets suits and overboats in all the above department wt arc closing out lines at price vrry much below the value of the good henderson co mill st t acton oat come in friday or saturday for your share or the extraordinary values offered in the he sale now in progress on the seoond floor wonderful savings in womens and misses dresses 6 only aliases oraases tailored from fine all wool panama colors navy garnet and grey high nacklone alasa 14 16 h years regular 9 00 bale price 1 beautiful waists at big redactions you oaubbta ha pretty waletavrenleailab youe waecbrobe at ubm i inclodoil in this lot are charming waists of payette and taffou silk in shades of black taa davy and green also embroulwtoil net modal in a dainty ecru shade laco button and braid trimmings high neck long and abort sleeves odd sjac worth up to os 00 sale price 0 skirts one rack of womens stylish walking bklrts miml from all wool tweeds seurm and pana good range of colors well tailored perfect fitting garments odd sites worth up to 6ji sale price oltt oar catire alock of woaut and mittca wlaur coau are bebti cleared at ug rttdextjoa meas oolunr d e macdonald bros cor wyodlum ud midjondl streets cuelph ont dress goods grand trunk ivtx are you going west t sued cjuleat- 1 b wl a atdisnstbsa vwmnua her wlaatpex 1 1 ttoo p m dolly b43m dally bmc huur roa bssac- vrata biaiultial dlauhiaa aiiua aks isiv onud truk aeaat fee ntll lalotmsilaa utanoaiv ac or wrlu a a da d r 1 a t k- tmu ont raertnsv eassataoa holdup watchmakers are ftnlnlng watches every i vou have tbe privilege yours repaired by havii skill you dent have to take my word for it my credentials tbe opinion of former employers are bare for your inspection w h foster btvott watcmmakbk ontario 6e metropolitan bank head office toronto oat coital inurf up umltvblml rroau joint accounts am a ktcat convottlonce or farmers deposit or withdrawals can be mada by huubamt or vjit in case of death of either tbe money may be drawn by tbo survivor without loss of time or uaneceasary legal procedure acton branch t a halsted ban k of the saving habit many people who are earning ices than you and wfioaa necessary expenae exceed yours have been savin for year and now have fatty and comfort foriambaabaccoutim sys tematic saving was tbe start of many a targe fortune it txabablt that easily cqiurcd affording auorcsmv actloq and offering j raward than any habit that you ooum form auction sale vxttm stock fmptib- mjcnts etc- the undcraianed ha received inst rue tioasfroma nobkn to sell by public auction on his premise lot x fifth line erin on wedneaday maroh 0th 1013 at uc ovlock sharp horsbs ateam of draught bones 4 and 6 years ok sorrels a brown draught horse 6 years old a j year old draught gelding a x year old draught colt i year eld draught colt a brood mare is years cows red cow doe slay ijth grey cow duo april irtb roan cow due april i irtb red cow due april 30th red cow 1 do a7th red cow due october- ird s steers risings years om bdfers risipg a yean oldr steer rudnr 1 year old 1 belfcr rising 1 year old fall cals beef caltla w a large yorkshire sow due to april a small yorkshire bow luoto farrow iac april shekp 1 leicester ewes crosa to farrow iac rjebps t bred oxford dowosowea all aoppoxed to lamb l a quantity of bees a pair of implltalentsaiqcormlck binder 6 ft cut 1 uccmmmc mower mccoi a mr 1 roller adlas aatatolbjo hairows ja a pi p ufa at bvoetawoea leury ejr s bone rake turnip sower wbualbamia a totton pea atoae boat a stone boat plaa keulc end other arnclea u aqoaptity of bay for aala aas alao a qmuty of oat a ifetott cream separator a churn 10 ami paaor jtaetfaaa aad i glhag up i pat cattiaewl hay and sasss wl t gtark manager sasssssasss- royal purple stock poultry specifics free w will mmi baolnub fre far miklv twatpal o of ear urs t ihur baoka wlls la- aoshnr till wm lo f a all klsaa of waty aad lust bom tolla snd nurca mluk a swl tallaalnx auvra a 4 thhiur k that iw winter how to kn r it osteins let r canada fraol paaom n ikramr aaaam ha e la a mou lursu tuotk wltlwul it von fatl at ksa ubm tw aalax bpaala- tha raw aoum ukmuor wllbovl m tharatur aswlss mkdalhrt fwd sd labor aai uw wwt to ma will set ba sm tasa tl m for als piss or ii n for oaa auar it will kaaa rimir i r ta asaw aondluon with oteuarr aa if you saa a naor muanmusjsak- isx aabaal oa tear tb try it oa tola oa boot u4tntm saarvalhwa nault whlak will ba asulaa oar buwfc bpmlna will letrwue lb aailk aow tbraa to d lbs bar oaw sr r wbab btiax fed la um tlabb a ms paskaea will awf t m pf bwss f f day royal ptlbpla potlltsv elpbcing will suui year beaa lav just as wall la tbl wtotor a to tba aaeuswr 1 wll to tbsa fn froaa n tbaas soaaa sr vws sail fuuesltoratoi w tta net use aax bisa buw tans rtsaj iirtn satbely mffwi frees say on ik sierkt st the pwat im feral rarpla mask pmln ma asks fear se pthji la a nlrttsbl us for f 1 m jswal rvrau rvaluy s sad ma sekss asd 91m slrubt us that m toralrsu jk kular sta and ms us aeral parpla oau cera isa sad ms uss sva shsel rrsa beaat usbaant ms keumi tst by saall aersl panu oaaak our ms ui ss ka lasrsj rents dmarastaat im aad ua ua issa3 ransla aesp oat las ttmi m atsafavuuvi saw by i cwajoailtiyma0bi aoyal pursfwsmi m bay and graltt omh f ffffifli hsfrifr r t- 1 si t it hmenrjanl n rmnrtrt ri rti rffi jtast special stationery lotus lawn d ugh ess k vige reg ah wistaria atbrown ilrto bbfrtisfmmts ciiok k miiiiini une puii hale i ins i iuauimoum a co doit saws p0 rooelt at lou 1 tta si oo nia luuflflxiurtxariot tus uooataallua uwlat- botli i mi im lank baliaotofa appl to m btawkkik 00 ttuvet block tacklk outfit fott bau 104 1a cou kkqnaaf local and ihstrict agents wantlu gakatkhf llv in otuiu m whblv wut 1 iu uibi 11 it is mo i aimoktiiankh bioail aaaua of ilia llllin al i all apuaaalatiad rktkh ui mab amnik cokuoliu valuable l id acton for sale aaj tm btu la a hiihi ataasi t an to aw4 fsaoir it hap la sxaawa luao tain sac alaljlj tmttmmi sea trmii u oonnliflj allsatai or lanw kd pulliulin apel to wm mauaryaritt wanted a qooo blacksmith w towaalla ttakehtailaa 1 his rtplandid oiaelnxa or seed btsanj tor blubaalui and iaeajr bar thoa iiavl by onlua w ii i amruixft utsat caiaatl for lot uu caw n0t1ck to cred1t0bs lathe mauaw of tha tamaeoe late 1 it in tha oawuiar aa i tall paruaalat of u4t auba staii ibseadeaaiaadlbsaatamef tmb una hald tn tha slue sash lea jaat m partu atntod thtoltwa w tetba alaiaaa ot eaten nvahaluhaa bavaswatsa sad leal to aatd salor wul aetb itshasaw taeaamt aaaatar say unrcumvaof as sav ba boaaraaslaadbf uamaautosuna f seea etawtbauaa deled tba ard day of rotvwscl fowl fowl fowl whnted abo mil 11 klml of furhltukli jut sma ncron flour g mae is the jaasaa oeldi cs j lualtad omlea oel j a for bread bnowdkirtpureuanlltba j patent 1 g peopuco blended flour j g maple learulcododplour for pastry g diotatoe renulres ln p bhortenlng than otherklnds i g westksbsslwaaatvuala j d eel la ceeada g ror sale by g t stauiam ft son acton 1 s jaa clark oeortfelown j b w lowaon3trworttowr j b w h walla roohwood aaoaddudddddnaastbi glttarlno auotion sale it aum stock impltc- mlcntsirulcni- tuujfl the undersigned has been inunlcted by angoa keith to sell by pulilic auction on lot ao con 3 ksuealns friday february 8th 1013 t one o clock slinip tbo following iiokbh s- i iwy horae 6 yvani sorrel horse is year old cattle- 1 spotted cow o years m rohli rctl cow 4 years old freu4 liotted cow 3 yoars due way 1 1 row row w years old 1 fnnow cow 5 yoant old ky steer rising 3 yearn eul 3 helium rising- a years old 4 spring calves s calves a week old hogs 1 brood ww due march 15 7 pigs 4 month old vowl 40 hons 1 pair gecso implumunts brsnlford blndor maxwell mor noxon seed drill 3 fotiry plows cultivator set hainivw scujller a stotio ttoatu by rake lujpbor iwlrlfobalslgbs chucrtcbajpiani fapptpri mll act of hcaea x coo lbs wood wk hay rack wagon box with atook rack oxteuaiou ladder pig orate silo io with rodi ouantity roogb apd dressed lumber set single bardes act douhlo hsruess ilclolte cream separator ijr kettle wagon q41guo t pair whlffl trees f nockyokca harness ilclotts cream separator k wagon q4letutt t pair whlffb- a nockyokca ttobua med oida 5 tonanf bay iso bushel of turnip fufuftwreqray oxford range domlaiod jqrgao btdroem suites laatbar couch leather rocker centre ihalr rockuig chain cop bnttar bowl fruit jarc oraer article too ttumerottt to mentloii 1 bvv4tuilumuitberbaulabl5e farm fa rentvd sqd th proprlstor is gnmg tbrus ok sale ah aum of tea n and un cash over that jat nine nmotrtt credit bo approved at botaa nvvprcent off for oaah me plvaprf ri bay frreln and thrbip cash 1 l r j kbrt i tf avuetl u wwywgft