Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 20, 1913, p. 3

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weddinr rlaf weddinf presents hm watch repauinr spe and eye glasses mjumiaaw uoihtia lesuau geo uynjs ontario blilati jkstatk vkrautffr aale in hikm peel mel welllbgiew ivo fnw tor ale every nlxe if yon want item write me far catalog er if y wllh ta toll er rtrham wttte mt we jve evrry tarlllty ftar trauartlm baalne to year mtlafaruen rre lleued j a willou4jub para helling specialist crnctwn fjbe stn jrce mss thursday kkimuauy ml 101 1 -bttbtotalltbvis- logeand wood are coming in on elelgb again the sleigh bell music i tulir wvkoitma again tbe new linen mills til curlph have a altike on lhair hands already ktora u asking tor information cooeerning hydro klrciiln power the county oounrll will meet fr lufabruary session in the lw half today rev j c wilson 11 a preached la st andrews oliurolt ilnelph in tbe htm inches of innw which ml on saturday night gsv paaeahle sleighing again r saturday night a all of diidw oovered affectively the dusty pstthea menalnlag from previous norma preparations are halng mad to drltra iba pile for th electric- hallway over fairy lake while the lee la tba annual ball and supper of aotoa loyal orange lodge will ba lafld tn tba town hall on friday even ing bu march that ere no less ihau us appll- for tba position of town electrl- nndar tba hydrokieeirlc system milton reformer bav george tlbh ol the anglican ofcbroh erin waa ordained to the twafauiuuj at hamilton on hunday fay uw btebop of niagara it la rumored that s m lasby latssada polling down tha roughoaat front avetlon pf the station hotel and mlafllal it witfa a briek front tho btonmwtt of tba lord sup- par wan administered at tba oongre gamooal cbureb churchill uat sun- bvaatay by bar mr mcdonald on friday night 28ib february a ptajal dsajr meeting of aoloit loyal ornngn lodge will be held all ntru- bnta are requested to ba present j f blehardson low wile john w10aamoiaotonaod ii a graham bnrhngton bare baaa raappolnted ijbjaanw ootnm laelouera for lialton j a looal teem of junior hookey fr want to bockwood on monday nlpf to pliy a return gauie wltb and jroo wltb tho toon of a windingup order hay bean maudfdcilbej b ar mil rung man- ofawlawlngoo ofouelph with h p itdeteaert gordon toronto a interim mr s j whton formerly pf pic tontammbof the metropolitan bank haatbawa made teller here la place of mr l b oampbell wbo hue been llwllnftlinil to tba toronto branch litjiy ord uraper wll commence a taarlaa of eermone on the tan qoa nrxt sunday even ing an introductory talk will be 1in inuta morning and tba flrat ootgnaajmlawnt will be meditated upoo n ifa nranlog eervlce i tnaobofrof lha mrthodlat church tb stwday sobool orabeatra and bt o d pre per attended tba nalvataary entertain uiritt and aupper kdan mllla on monday evening ty bad ery anjoyable time and tie nvont wae quite ueoraarul i laat llutt our puhllo school hnabfeonin overrrowdad will dnmii- tan ton school florid aeaurlng eddl- tlnnnl onuininodatron immedutrly aa ibtt influb of now acbolara at kaatar lly- attgniaut tba praaanl ndawotvrfivfirrblown hrrid atnuprolal ntaellngof walkerton ooonall on monday a b law guaran- tawlng the nailde of ittn 0ajlr cbvddlavy bardwata and steel qoodd qonapany ld in ilia ri lent or 1000 ffi rand m flret nod mjojhui iltnc tba fftcrpayera w tote- on tltw titaaure qji monday march ibih odpnihok i tho aobool eonoart wblab wu to baarijfn nn fr erenlpg-le- pnat poajad indaflnllaly qftm vonhhia inatltute of oaprloga wtitjm bakntvhobontaofura wvoy oo wdary awotng 90th inat satordoy anlngnow baa bright oad op mtlnge ottntldarably hr d onvrla a aptntjlng a few 4ato3iottiuunty vlaltlnglileaunt he monlran mr chu badle wbnaa bean auf- fawrfrtm- tr trtpoe li improviag rtpdly a paceon who awallowaerytbjng lialifam la untnarcifully abusing bla news f l0cai impott tha third mi anothtr rural mall roul la iwlng prtjactrl frmn anion up tha uriiil llm lit iba cnuartkmtt atova oaprlngit in krtn uiwnahlp and down tint llmt llin nw at dublin and hack via lw ww id linn lo acton- plaum of raul of ueta roavd itt plna itawn ixwn fylad wltb the hwva and clark hy the toronto su hurlwn itadlal lino abuwlng the right of way through aclin and acroaa the public hlrrala of tbe oiunlclpality ttt council will conalder tba puuta at tbelr nail moating monday avanlng mr c irker ib new pcuprleuir ii f the uoinlnlon ijolel baa laben poa- aaaainn mc lbman baa pnrnhaard a itrivata rwdanca lo llriln and will mmovn ihvro with hlafamlly in a few laya 1000 waa the purchaaa prlca of ill dttutlnlut arioua lllnaaw tt m oatlaai mr nalaon cardawi or maaara ilaardinore i co offlov haa bcwii autrioualy til ittr tha mtat uti day on huuday lir waa ramovad to bla falhora itunia al ilarlin t tbat if an fipatraxion wrrn foinxl l4i ha nnoaaaary tin would im nmr th hoaplial ilia alliuaiit la an anvrllitn of tha kldnaya o a- c aiuklaaa dlatslotloaa wtiait lli atudnnta nf liaodonald cullage quttxx vilted thj ontario agrlrulluial cnllega tha lattar lrt illa siwjaka wjiccailuu vai nuado dm of lir jollification by aouie nf tha aludanla uf lha c a c so much o that lha null wa dinat dlaaattua in fcowrral nf ihntu lor they worn lirousiht iwfom lr crvolniao and promptly xpoltard from tha column uuelph llrald it watw urtalaukao uaao old h coiiatalma llaray arreeled i ilaval on mill htreat on saturday aftarnnou in a awry tale uf intaxloalion ht waa tod k an lit liuj call wharn ha r halnrd until monday morning il plaadtl guilty baf or magtat rata uoorr and admluad baaing gooa to g sorgo town lwlea within bftaeh bonra or auppllaa of iba aery bever- agn aold thara file itna and rnala hlada a aarloua hole n what waa left nf hla fortnight wagaa which waa recalved friday nlght- wtll heenovn totmwato owing to tha fact that two of bar family are in toronto and the third expect to be abnrtly mre l o mat tbawa will remova lo tba city about kaatar or early in the aprlng a new home baa been pure ha bad on had ford ave mr matthew baa apent over thirty yeare in acton and regret vary much that clrcumstanoea render udaalrabu to remove she la highly wined brr and uerraoellantfamlly re the kindly regarda in which aba la bald by all special efforta ara being made in nil tba church ea to intprovakod atrengtb- en the choir knol church choir have engaged a new leader mr wll- oaj of toronto and tba melbodtat cboiv ea engaged prof char lea kelly ofuuetph to take charge until after kaatar and poaalbly for iba year tba ear vice of aongwlllno doubt ahow marked i mprovntnent a an outcomr our cllaana will look forward wltb plraaurahla anticipation to aeveral enjoyable choral concert aa among the spring a mualcel attraction may india tu oo tha mitchell advocate aayai an other llck plaoa of buaineaa of the late council baa come to hgbl ttie b3000 borrowed under a bylaw for tha purpoaa of gravelling and otber- mu improving our roada and a treat waa paawd over tn tbe general funda account and it baa alt alnco disappear ed aa wall aa leaving an indebtedneu to the hank ot 7000 at tha next council ineeting a hot limn la expected over tba matter and we would not be surprised to see a motion made lo io dic every member of tba old council for misapplying iba money tall tna prsaw tfc marana the haw pa per man is bumrd for many things of which na la gulltlee suab aa using partiality in mentioning visitor giving nawa about soma folks and leaving it out respecting others and so forth ha simply print all tba news be can find some people in form him about each things and others do not an editor should not baexpeotcd to know tba names and residence of all uncle aunts and cousins even l ba ajiould see thorn get on or oft tha train tell us about it its nawa tbat ntakea tbe news paper and etvary man woman and child oan ba aasoclate editor if they only wui brer j m moore of tba george town heraid waa hi town on satur day attending upi annual meeting of the nation oonatrvauvo association joalabaav of georgetown now will in hie natural oouraa of events if he is eparad lie warden of th county and further on dont ba surprised if he is nominated fur wtintriltlng higher re former another editor in flalton is rvvt of hlv town and what applies to mr moora might also be irua of the other editor who by the way would never be guilty uf attending a oonhoi- vatlve oimvenllmi oakvlhe record yua joe and arihur would lit a be a finirtam in npolltlcal contest tha method of charging fur el act ho light on tbe haalaof floor space seems to be uupopular in other pbteea aa well asmuchell tbr uvrai1 tells how it works in guelph w saysi mayor carter waa in bla office this morning looking worried and unwell ma ad mitted lie waa not feeling any too good and said that be waa somewhat worried over tba new aleofrlo llghtli retee and bow they were going lo work nut people ware proleatlng tbat their uiu were jargsjr than before but mayor garter declared tbat i bit could not be avoided under tba new schema of flhargea llpposfld by tba ilydrohhlilb dowmlssloit tbeaa w uut to t iwpw obituary mlu iictkk m naii mr mnnh awyaj iliwlul muailxtily laal frilny t mllolglil at the family rld mill hit t p mm aiuhhiuv church wliil her health had not ittnti rtlggotl for avaral yrala tliu haa lun all in bw about that houan ami on tnaaday waa pttiiariig tn gu to iturllu lo visit iiaraitr or a few dsys be f org alio fi on a trip lo ilarmuda hbr waa laheit 111 that day with suvcru culd and gradually grew worse until tho end came mrs mr nat i taaa a daugh- trf 111 lata jantaa moiiuatl and wa boht u alnw kirk rod bright ahlra bcollauul biih uuia tu cattaala wllh bar pattnita wbo aultlad in iw ar canada ovw fifty yaarw ago aba caan to aun from imirge uwn quabac aa tb brhla of llir lata 1 ii crriglll wbo waa una of our early iiterobaiila and transacted bualnoas in a block lifalorra wktch mihhi wbnra knox church la now altuslid hack in the sixth mr and mr corrlglll iodh in jbnllnnbatn and a yai- or an later in kluilra n y whr mr corrigdi died mr corrlglll wlurnml tt anton and on ibi llrl mrb 1khi inarrui 1rl mi nat lb aoirowhik huaband who aurvlvia br mim annla- who haa ih n inol fllbfil daugbtar ami fiouipanlim f i tin death of mr- mnh very krimly i her kapolally tba byuipalhy of tlm cowtuuiilly la jixlaiuhol mramrnjji was a woman of ijumnily t baraiilni and invatla duimialllon hie waa uavoot clirlllan al a mm1r nf knna jlnci of bar fat liar a family only two alalra mr- ii j hall of iterlin ami mlaa montratb toroolo urfve tbe funaral on monday waa largely attended and waacniidurltid by bar aauir hv j v wllaou ii a wbnapokiiln tmiiliii anil apprwnlallvti words of her ufa and nltaracler dia nanalna wre lolrri lit 1airvuw onnietary mint ki i hvvdkii hlnce tbe illath of bar huahaud thiee yaara ugn in june mrs kll hnyder haa barn daclfnug in halib she paaaad iwarrfully away fin tiles day availing at hei home at 140 u avenue toronto thn remsliih will im intrrrrd in the family pint at tiilr vlaw cemetery anion upon arrival of the a as train from toronto this afternoon mm hnyder was the eld est daughter nf the late philip and anna llemslrnei who wurn fur many years esteemed resident a of acton bha married her lata hint band in 1867 and the young tioopla settled in anion drat in thn naldnncn nn ilotver avenun occupied by mr jarvla then nn thn to on queen htrttet part of which ia now occupied hy mr david hloroy iater they purchaa the fdrto on mill htraat upon which mr j l warren realdea and lhoireacnt residence ot mr robert wallaoa was built by mr hnyder and for years occupied hy the family later lhy movl in uuelph spent a few years in iciiuira and u years ago mittlad in toronto where both headu of the mum have paaaad away mrv hnyder was in many respects a superior woman she was possessed of a urge dug rue of energy and rarrled to uconauful com plellon anything aha undertook hha waaan acllvu chrlallau a member nf tha methinllat church and took a keen interest in chumb work and prog res the thrfo children of tlio bonm tur- vtvei wllllaui n a rontrantor and builder at north ray ms p of lha royal hank of canada at montreal and miss alberta al home who baa been a most filial daughter and gave devoted loving care to her aged mother in ht declining yearv mrs hnyder lived to tba good old sge nf 70 years ina danyssa qualifictetloa speaking of lnukotof uenyes who succeeds mr j h descnn inamctor of public schools for thlu county lha belleville ontario declares him to be scholarly cultured and with a rare knowledge of tbe child nature lie wl1 lieyottd doubt make one of the most auccessful public school inspectors in the prodnoe tha baneful clarmkatte the leorgutown herald says i the cigarette is coming in for further con sideration und condemnation it is declared anew that the clgarotte has a moat tianeftd effect upon all who use it and that its una lessens lht tower of endurance and dscreae a mena efficiency if it is bad for strong men bow mtiab worse must it be for grow ing boys t hro miss flora mann as tho girl in tbe girl and tho drumnior at the town hall friday 2u er payment on tb aoaall near of 0100 trlclty in a yjw j bflw but if tba raldnialllgbuaelit pmm aqrtdtta at lb tniq of im yrj fqrfbar dlmtmnt wotim buasrr whit wam psrhaps work lunajptwtc all hgnr- mluiball aofxtfac j ovbrton dep rrgrut is felt at llio nuwi or the death nf john mooallutn of km- fold suab who formerly kept tloiu in ibis vicinity he died on jan bird after an lllnrai uf one week deceased left here for lltu west ahtniialghtysara ago when he sellltid in hsllown 8sk ho was their two yema when itlawlfe mary mitchell died he moved from there in if arcklitch i hen to duval and at the time uf hla dualh he wjtbfcli son were homeslaitdlng near kntfnld eciaeil wua a son nf doug ii mqost- luin krln ttwnlili iih jifijltfri dough ii of wamrnw wunousin died three months ago the i ol lowing officers wci elvcted at tba niaatlnh f the lltcrar soolsty president geo rnlwrlsoi vlaepras fred alton 1 critic mlsa v m rnyoei vlqeevtllctstatilmy stowart t guard t p mcoulchson organist miss agnes marshall assist organ i it mis- mlnota raavnyl librarian mrs john bniellhorni bxaoutlva com mil tee messrs harold soiltb il allan mluea nellie look jane tovell mrs p moklonon iamotiiio k40ht obparltmkmt rlaotrlc flxturfm for the parlor den dlaring room hall bai ruoni supplied ow at a xmxll advance on manufact1rarv prices 1 ulto shades and refirelur of every style apply in iba kleotilclan or to the chairman umho plroaiid ltlbt com aetod january mat huh social and personal miittlnmasirihhnlhunday wllh rl nils in toronto mi harold nick ii was bom- from loninly i fill versify over holiday mia- margarel cralne uf troiau vlalitnl mr- wm gould ibis wak mioses lleta and klva cola spant hunday with relatives in hoe k wood mrjolm and miss iia oarty or hamilton vlsltadat thauomaof lit i mrdunald last week mlsa mildred moffat nf toronto spent several daye lal weak at tha home of mr w h walker mr harry devereanx of kmfunalng pnwnshlp has purchased rna ion acre farm of mr iooard chisboim near mr john williams ha bean suffer ing from a severe cold the past week ills presence on tbe bus haa bsn greatly missed mr sod mrs wm jackson of lnrlage la iralrta man apent a day or two last week with mr and mrs jamea lackey and other frlenda mr- duncan ucduugall or the aero 1 h unr haa returned from the currl llnapltal at guelph and u 00 lin mad to ivoovnry mrs adtn hlewarl and mm c w maaon and mi klaauor of ilerlln uxn ixiil amiidlng lha week with anion filr-od- mr mason was for a wvuk end visit d morses itadlta root pills cure many common ailmenta which are very different but which alleriaa from the same cause a systna wffoki mr wiiiuiu wood who fell and irhotured bis iblgh last week dlad f i be iwu of the shock in juelph guieral iioplli on friday tlfo rral took plan on hunday mr kll hlout has been in poor inalll lately george ilnrat has sold his lintel and llvry huslneaato mr wm hh1 of lnalph who ia to lak immvdule i hv cltarlss jnllilf ntlalonary tn china waa liliavn infi for china usl wk tu risnnia his labors but tie of his child 1 en was talfcen iii with igeaalea and the departure or the family was necessarily postponed the adult illbln class of the metho dist church entertained their tea- brr mr hernrtl raeotan tti a tea inn night last week previous to hla leaving lha village mrv kllaa plum- ttnr presutttnd hlin with a handsome volume on behalf or the class mr haaiman haa bought a business in guelph oriwaons oornksui nexl hunday anniversary services iii be held at slloam consequently tha aarvlcn will be withdrawn from this appointment thn ladjus aid will meet on thu re lay february 27th at um p m at tfae bourn or mrs prank day mrs j it orlpps has raturnsd home after a pleasant vlall wltb u 00k wood friends mlas aimiu green of cm rock la ultlng in the home nf mr william dei ills dont ronaavr to buarrhacrr it never ays for a man to figure out why 1m ahuuld imi bausflrd with hlm- rf his totals are apt to be wrong ilthor tecanie he uses the wrong mul tiplier or itecausu he forgets to sub tract wish men worry over a lot of things that fools uver think nf it must take a lot or bravery to help a mob tar and feather some poor help w scared to death victim some women economise on every thing ls so that hoy can offard to spund as ntucli as they wish tor a bat- kissing conveys deadly disease germs and still hone of the girls around ibis old town are dead ones now girl how do you account for thatp gout is not always caused by eating too rich foods a man wbo haa re cently been atlaoked by tbe disease says be baa hoarded at hotels for b0 nadrucoj laxatives are entirely dlueraal fromi other both to their oompoet- tlcn and their effect oompif vaouatjon without purflac or diacemfort 2so a box al your drojiwe aanaaieso ambhaic j 1 nadruco ruby rom cow cream a toilet delight with tba exqulstto fragrance of fresh roses makea chapped hands smooth and salt end keeps thorn 10 preserves the meal delicate complexion against exposure to tho severest weather try it youll certainly appreciate it id3so opal lam atyeurdrugguta you nwexl uiw bawl of vary intfrescoatnt tn uarv- tng good breexcl we seijl the fisoue and ir one hind dotia not tilt you we hve othwra and tfuauravntew uivin or your monayokfrtmlyv clofged with impuritaea tbe pills ca use- the bowels to reeve mrtuarty strengthen and stimulate the udneya sndnpen up tbe pores of the skin these organs immediately throw off the ecciimuleted impuritaea and bdj- nusness i mligrstion liver complaint kidney tmulusxl atisra and similar ailments yanlsbj dr morsas indies root pdla at schve doctors bills iloaw thechurnh anniversary will be ob served naxl sunday when wrnimti will be praanhad at 11 a m and 7 90 p ni by luv j bruce hunter b a nf vlcuria cillege toronto h pedal inmla at laolh aervloev oo monday avanlng an rnlartalnrnant and siipprr i will lie held addreeas will ba dellv ered by ravs c p draper j c wilson and tba p bay- t r clarke there wlflba moala by aetna methodist choir wnd others also r talions ale tooooooxxxxxxxxxxxxxo will give 500 to sick readers of the free press famous scientist who orlfinated the now wonderful home treat ment often 100 package free to sick and amur in order that evry reader of the faax pasta who msy not have beard of this odarral home traumanl msy hsve oppott unity to lest ihucsiabrsled irsdl cine lbs now famous scisailsl dr john w kudoners to give absolutely free a full til tl 00 package lo five hundred readers of this paper td prove the woede rial claims which have been made for it i4 nuddnf ibis offer lbs scientist aid 1 know that there are many people wbo have been sol- faring for years wllb boom chronic dlseass and many ol them have apent urge same of money in sseking a care i know that these people be 1st about investing money ia medietas because they have despaired of aver getlinii well thnoeanda have told me thai siory and many thousands of tbe same people have told me afterward bat my rest men i had cared i hem after doctors and ivervlhlog slss bxs failed i want lo prove os limbed nambsr no mstiar what tba disease no mailer bow long tbey have sof red no mattsr how bine and dlscoaraged ihal ray treatment really and actually does accomplish lha woadsrlt have been reported rial results that people wbo auftsr from rbesunallsm kidney trouble stomach tnaxbw uvav or dowel dumrdsrs catarrh bronchitis asthma chroolc cougbs weak lnags tjiw puae urinary disorders pa- male weajumsaee pf soy med the wejdc worn oat broken down and deep o a will be dslifbled at tba enact of a caw dosss this wooderfal treat meat creatsa a fiaa appetite and helpa iba d organ to carry on tbelr hmctiooa aa they ahonld it btratbana lha kldaeys too and drives rheanutlam poisona trort the blood as if by ouupc that b why psopla wbo try 11 become no entheelaetic any reader ol the faxa paxaa wbo will jry thia extreoedtaary ossdadoa tbat has created eo mtacfa excitement by internes can obtain abaomtely free a fall ti j tiwitment by aunply nttuig ia the c below or writing a letter owcribtng their easekithelr owa words it tbey pre and mailing it today lo jamea w kldd toronlo can- adx no money need be sent and no charge of any mnd will ba made as ibis offer b uraltast you ahonld write st once la order to be tare to receive your coupon cb75 for free d0llab tbbatmbnt d j w odd tmraato flnrt vim md n 11 140 can vl traua im n m twrn ud llmlai dd u 0 pnmlm r vilojxf fl s17yumjn an 11 lt aukujr oaut ii235t p asthma niaal bamaaarvimbls rreovqhsalssuh obssfty ot v aay other sympsasxe an a asperate i oral asp ftafli msthmmslmhwhkmauislblh i after stocktaking sale i hard ad soft ii ats uid winter caps hall prlc 9 ubns alovbssilk hud nsjalar life mmu pric 9 bracbs wortl loo uhi ptlcfuaoj i qahtkrs and arm bands boud rsgalu sao uvuyc m uhdbswar8ilj pxol for quick ai t4y b inaht8 ol ololh aod aolt lor clotba apacial foi saturday r e nelson m mamw aspsusaaa i oomlfb out omfort soap right wav hnnurl meeting opthb wellington mutual fire insurance company held in the compaaiyg offie mt gosjph on wcdnchday fbrtry itlk 1913 1 he keventythinl annual meeting of die wellington untuaj an hihuraule company was held according to tho advertis in tha office uf tbe company the nth day nf february 1413 at two oclock in tha afternoon 1 he irealdent having taken the chair the njeeilng was called to order mul the secretary read tha notlca calling the meeting tbe ml nut of last annual meeting were en motion of jf k wlaalef mmondod bv h murton taken as lead the becretary frn raail the following report vbrvty third xhmu4l allmrt bo i lemon vour iirctnra bef leave to present the bavootj third annual maimirt of the wellington mutual klre insurance company for the year ctxllug jist december tun tbe amount ot insurance in force 31st iecembr lets sso pnllcieaon tho mutual bystam amoantlngto t 703161 3446 policies nn the cash system- enaoantiog to 37 s3 7 j3 600j s4s744 claims unpaid 31st december estimated at as so the finaocial statement and auditors report kre submitted herewith tho financial statement are prepared lu accordance with the requirement of tbe onurlciosuranoe act the retiring director ara j r wlseler h marton and john davidson all of whom are ellphbbj for re election all or which ia reapectfuuy aubmltud signed ukorob hleeuan prisjdeut waluhoton mutual vlaiaj imukamo company to balance brought forward cash premiums mutual premlunls extra premiums and fee agents balances of irjii inleraet reinsurance claims 36703 47 75 1 48041 3795 4 31x1 rl oo disbursements rebates and return premiums reloxuraaoe dividends insurance pla as commission and bonus postage telephone telegraph kxprea and kxchange agents bonds insurance and mercantile reports travelling expenses adjustment of claims stationery and advertising poet and light statutory asanas meat and license pee rent government and municipal tax salaries directors and auditors pees 13047 695816 35r 73 ljlo44 071 so 5 h 34- 14 si6as 40sno 9906 70044 99aj 053s 697 so ss7so jjb atva oa 0076 hb a9 4 773 assets debenture central canada lean and savings co debenture ouelpb and ontario investment and savings society debenture corporation of city ef ouelpb cash on deposit royal bank r cakb en hand- head office premlama doe by agents accrued intoreat office furniture and insurance plana v premium motes lees paid thereon subscribed capital stock f 14500 lees paid thereon 9434so 1400000 a6ooooo 6i768 6b94 t6soor 0835 claims under adjustment reinsurance rmerve liabil1ties 37500 16a4491 b of assets for security of poltaboldere subscribed capital stack audt1 to the president and directors of the wellington mutual plre insurance company ouelpb ont oentlntmm we beg to certify that we have audited tbe caah vouchers and books of your company tor tha yesuoodlng december 3 191s and we hereby certify that the acoompanlog caah statement and balance sheet boariug our higua- tbe books are in good condition and all desired in formation 1 freely given 1 boou fully and a c nkffeico chartered accounladts thos w saunders auditom laauary sird 1913 moved by ioorge sleaman secoaded by h morton that the rewrt be receiv ed and adopted carried sujbonom or owwotoh a ballot having been taken the following were declared elected j k wlalcf h muttoo and john davidson election of r goldle tocompletnthelcrmoftbelate tames gold t a confiruiwl moved by ii murton seconded by k ooldle in a c nff and tho w bauuders be reappolnted a editors at tbe same ramoiteratloo as last ydar carried the meeting then adjourned at a subsequent meeting of the ncnrfinaar abalkil wcaat for pnaldaat and vlcprealdent srhen qeuigo olccinan of the board of directors tho secretary aulng ax a declared elected president and harry murton vicepresident mooooo dbroavrrad with thi owtaiuo oovbkmmmmt fori thm aibouarnr or youovuousimi actons electric choppinq mill chopping rolung dona efelly satisracnon puaranteed flour and feep for sale on pbingiib la now realty for yoar watch and clock repairs prompt ness and good work ia what we strive to give trickle alarms pat in thor ough good order same as new for ft cents qeq d pltjqstgb the jewbtteb t gusiph ont t

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