wedds uaf wafcflar ftttcati fw watch fesiktar spectacles aad eye ouies auauw uoaiim wr geo hynds real estate fum tmfr sal la asaltaa pel 4 wejliagta- laraa far ale avery atae ii yesa a nni write mc for calalngatu r if yarn wlak to sell r exefcaufejce write jm we have every facility dm- temaaaetlaar bwlieu year nialile moialmcuei 4em lbrbailicue j a willovcmkv vara helllaii mental ut rtott jfro jjress thursday 14akoii 1 loll buf local items who said well have en early faring r- weee awn anuw now than at any prevtotuilaje since aliitaropao4 teaming continue u be brisk pars bind f ureal ooru rood t lie air coming u liely nine chinamen war arrested at oclock huoday uutrnlng to ham laa binge laundry luelph while ken-ib- hug w j w edliur l the oahew vindletor formerly edlur uf um milton hub ha twen appointed police hoguuma for oehawa ths good ltnad aaaoclatlou re ooea thai iba iteenae iraonaiiliii w be raised from gt l fc a year and lb nmhm applied toward ruut maklpg tbe bret raal nld favhlonedblixsard of tbevrintereameon hundsy morulntf it may ba esfely said that march earn la like a lloa tba ending will be katfomr hutsbeon of quelpb baa accepted position in lb depeurt- aml of leads ad mines at toronto ha will iweide in guelph for tba remainder off tba year bra bap on la to barn a letter box la addition to tboaa already 1 at um grand trunk aad o pr i wui b t waive bosee die- trlaatad throughout the town tve fire alarm oa bunday evening just a iba minister of tba various liarahaa ware getting through tbalr tauy rataar demoralised th lave attentive uelealng of their raapibtlv congregations iravartbarawaa a plaaaed fallow it was tba star man tbo other day at anton when tba county good road oosamlu mat that la work for avast or eight tollers in tba county tale aeon and only four to do tbe work osfcvllle la ibe beppy posi tion this time if wa bad not one we woald stand a mlgbty poor obanee of law a steam roller tble year oak yma sta balumirad oa saturday a load of young people from the flfth hoe auended a quilting baa at lira j ttueaalle young street aad apaat a pleasant sftsronon with a few aston ladles tuaaday evening tbe bpworth of uta methodist uhurc bal- llaafad bald a eoug service which wu largely atte and much appreciat ed mlae irdna thompson haw resigned bar poaluoa as organist in the preafcj- tartan cfettreb balllnafed uua wad- dell bee accepted tbe poaltloa we are eorry to know that mr lb waddau w eull under the dootora oasa the regular monthly nteetlaa of the trfl laatltuta waa bald lat thurs day at the boom of lira ii uhortlu axxjmtauo uairr davamtaikarr gleet rln tattoree for the parlor dvn dlalnc rooen hall bad room euptaled on manufacturer prioae auo ebadre aad reheotora of every atyla apply to the klectrknao or to tbe oaalraaaa of the fire and light oom- ajbtoo january slat 1118 lorhi bohool halpobx tba foltowlng u i be report for losaa school for palkruary i br iv afirtraret unydrr llert darldeon jr iv annie bnydar louu john iii bdna joltnalott mi baohara john walk in l doaald uerbart dron 8r ii ieahalu walk i u- alvld byder willie hedoaam r ii carolina kyder kliaa johaetou kfne ifcreehern and hugh brown equal donald mcdougell pt ii ronald hlehachent wllmer watkloa ijean mcuouall apaerl mcdonald roy john atoa gordon johnston alex ucdon all aayiw mebacfaern n a jawninif teacher wawmliir yon work for yooreelf wbaa you work for o wedding invitation ooaie under tba bald of pcetaof dlffloulu aaata la aeldom clever enough to realhw bow nnltaportant be la mora people die from overreet than froaa overwork ft la almoat lupovslble for a woman to part a barber ehop without looking waeayavoae haadrad deluni rawarj hwaay aemefoktavh taaaae ba aaraa bv llajle to rjoaaaataonreudao we tee e hja jtae v y awlarvj hr news of local import uaork boprr u aolarging tbe btulneaaand la taking in tba econd floor formerly uad m a lodge hall a central at airway baa bean erected ko aa lo give direct accaaa the china daparunent will he reenoved upetalr and a atook of ataple dry oods will on huoday anloe about aaven oclock a ore alarm waa rung the cauee waa a burning chlmnay at tbe bouae occupied by laraal floabey churrb hlreel tba flr- tad before the ora bell c rlnglag the high wind prevailing caused iba outbreak to look daageroua but ibe chlmnay aoon bumad itaalf out and with that the danger waa over lfcu ramond that mr obarlaa uwekur tba new proprietor uf tba dominion hotel baa baan appevacbrd during the pant waak by e toronto man with tba offer ttl gaqu0u for um property tbla u an advance uf s40u0 the price paid by ml decker a faw waok k- ur ilebcnan will brgito to think be dupoeed of the dominion too euou while in tbe county town on rrlday the rutut lutom laaruvd that the tranafuamere bav arrived and 1 l ltilertmin co ud expect lite power to be turned on for the uee uf the w factory within ten daya the arrangeammith for tbr lighting of the town will oot be nmnyleted eo aoon- bul will lake place in mrch or apilt the pole and wire giir engaged in acton all fall are buay in mlllon now the i ran anil inn una le approaching completion ur o k horning tlw iy tlckt aiul paaerngrr agent of the j rand trunk hallway toritnut haa beau pointed to euoewed mr a k duff an dlalrict ung agent at torou to ur homing waa tlckal agent at tjuvlph for uaarly year and bla innate ability and untfonu eouruy i for bin mrnda with the public generally he u lite recipient of very alncerti oongralulatlnna on all kldea upon ihla laal vrry dlatluctlve prefai mr henderaon of the aaw mil la aid to ibe fitkk puioiu iba other day re waa no naggrration in the alate meat that 8 tee ma were buay hauling log to tbe mill 1 have juat counted tbe llat be eald and i flad that so are engaged in teaming toge of theae 10 are drawing in custom loga ix arv hauling timber thai we are buying from tba owner 7 are hauling from our own timber httab and one haa been eteedlly engaged for two week teaming lumber to tbe g t r for ehlpment ira mary wild who reaidea with bereonln lew mr david will lameoo gnelpb street celebrated her hstb birthday on tuaaday the old lady la enjoying good health and la tjulte active for one of ber year she en joy reading and apvnde aaueh tluae each day in knitting lane and boalery mr wllda came to aetna grtyflve re ego and la parhap our oldeet eealdenl a number of friends and neighbor called on tuesday to extend oongratuls lions end were cordially eloomed by tbe old lady taa lata w u a j- it la bftaen years this week alnce the death of whstorey beq he was ac ton flrat reeve and bad much to do with the inocrporatloa of tbe mun icipality mr storey waa one of the moat useful eltlmsa who ever honored the place with reeldenoe here ii u home aad urroundlnga made a worthy pattern for others to emulate for tness and attraatlve ha gave employment to large number and thereby did much to build up acton name la revered by many tba bleotrle chopping miu da mill street la proving a great convenience to tbe farmer and a growing volume of buslneee aalufaeuiry to mr csld- ill the energetic proprietor le being dona the power and apaed of tf electric motor ensure superior result i both in tbe chopping and rolling aod the patrons of the new mill express much watlafactlon with tbe products tbey receive partners era coming from long dlatanosv with their grain nd their number la increasing every week last weak over 1100 baga of chopped and rolled grain passed through tbe mill a mldwlnte pieale mr james brown eeode particular of a great gathering of canadians at long ilesch california on tbe lath or february for their annual canadian picnic at ibu point ua tbla pad be coast a local newepaper eat i mats the attendance at o000 a sumptuous repeat of tbo produote of california wee eerrad by the canadian residents tse pic nickers were welcomed by mayor hatch and addresses were glveu by rev dr klrby calgary i prof n p dupul kingston judge mctiulrs of irlno albert sask and rev da prase vaueouvsw oae adan aonga were aung and the pro- eeedlnge concluded with ibe national anthem duiun peisonal and trava notes olianid uuhino tui wkbic mlaa mabnn vlaltad tuntntu fdend over sunday mlaa lottie a moore waa hotur from toronto over hunday alias uyrtle liitla was liuoia fuin toronto fer lbs weekend mr john wtlluuj u improving in heelcb end te able to be out again mr and mr wm htuallof kllbrldr viailsaiacloa relejuee ut weak lira jnm flratltrimtk of toronto was a gueat al hundarlsod villa tills week mr t ituaeell or kietr vuilod frienda bare thia weak mia ada honxvvllle vlaaled bar slater mr lu at georgetown lakt friday mr w a houierville iroui 1ort arthur la vlailng at the home of mr llaoay mrs hueaell young html enter uined a uigh load of liietiu lo lea halurday availing mr hturl wallace ita hltirnd froui wlugbam mlaa wallace will be back in a few day luf and mr draper and children are spending a few day et mr draper a home at htsveoavill mr jauwe warren d lu h r walkerton wa a gutal l the home of mr jauiea i warren ihi week mia karal mnluugall i alaylng with ber niece uim ibiuie u during the llloeaa of ibnutln father thwnlluiea dale and m webb h1 ur j ucpltau of toronto mr angua keiths dupsrsloa sale last friday wsa very mtc since the good sleighing calm learning has been lively moat of tbe farmer have taken advantage of it the f srutrre of ihla asctltui epprnel ate very much the operation of the elect ho chopping mill in acton the work it is turning out tio ia highly spoken of the neighbor and frlsnde of mr angus krlth utat at bis home on turs- dy evening in spend wn hour pr eo with hlmaelf and ramlly prior to their iravlng for tnanortbwesu apleasajil aoeis time was lpent during the evening a much apprrclalrd fsrswsll address wk read and mr kelih ml-s- ea may and ooay and mr kerl ware each presented with f purse uf gold mr keltb waa qultr overcome by the ktodvordstapoliea and tba prassou- tloo lie appreciated tba kfndneee of hla friend fni neighbors and would never forget the dayepeot in good old xfttbllo wben o many warm hearted trtmus d-v- of mn ole hulth over huitday mr m heueaudur- john iiowm went u richmond hill to altand th golden weddug of ur and mia jacob kyro uundey ur ru of um inely hakk who wm vunhtg hrr falliar in llnck wood waa llt gurht of urt jm1i danta lut prlday uuulpal tk uckiuoon anj dlvlaiou tvmrl i lk ucnaui lv ihiiiiihmh e miiuni to th lnt- with aevert cilda the pat wtvi ur al ue w ulone and chll dren of ttltalford apeol a few day a at the houie of mr j uee it anderson lake avenue during tbe week mr j ii denny mr j victor and mlee klhsl coleman attended lb oouvenllon of the dominion alliance i maaeey hall toronto laat week mrs kd ryder and uue marguerite bo have been apsndlng several lontha in barrie returned home on saturday mr ryder has returned from bis trip to the northwest mus laura coleman of hsapewr haa entered berlin iloapllal a nuren in training prior to leaving llaapnler ebe wasmada tbe recipient of aeveral tangible token of esteem by 11 y v aitd others mr john ward and matter charlln leave next week on a trip to kngland to vlait the old htuws and friends there ur ward will be rmessd from the method ut choir where she has render ed excellent service for aeveral month tbe return of tbe family ut aetoo la not definite fraud and stealing broke it tab sir william meredith report re specting the ca which led to the racking of the parmer hank was tabled in the house of common laat it has not much of comfort for the shareholdere and depoeltor of hal ton county who loee hundred of thousands of dollar hy ihs irowh tba report says notwithstanding the irrcgulahtlee on the part of travers and hi mis conduct in connection with the appll cation for ihs certificate the evidence me that if the farmers hank bad bean prudently and honestly man aged there la no reason why it should not have succeeded the promissory notss that had been given by subecrlb- werr for the moalpert good and subsequently paid and while it u true that ir the certificates of the rauvy hoard had not been granted money of the ebareholders slid depositors would not have heeu lost the efficient cauae of that loaa wa the recklessness and fraud of those en trusted with the management of th bank and not the granting of the ofi- tlflcate in so far as the treasury hoard i concerned lbs commlaaloner find that there b tto ground for imput any improper motives to thrt fin ance ulnlatsr or iii colleague and the moat that can properly he charged against them i an error of judg ment thl error of judgment lay in accepting the repeated aaaurati of trevors a to the correctness of the eworn ktatsinsnleof the batik affair without tasking a aufflclently search ing inquiry as to tbe truth uf the al legation made by sir kdiuund oalcr mr david henderson u i wad ttiuchler juvltos further hud that sir hdmund oalrr and mr hemler- eon did nut think it worth whllo to bring before the hon mi of coninom the action of the treasury lloa id in graotltig the certldoatr and that thl may be observed a probably indica tive of their view a to tbe gravity of tbe irregularities whoh they had been informed tba eubeaquent management of the affairs of the bank he ssy waw characterised hy gross extravagance rackleasnsaa incompetency dlahon eaty ami fraud and ha resulted in the entlratussiirtbe paid up capital and lb whole or the deposits and after allowing for all that can be extracted from the aharehotdera on their double liability a loss amounting to no less than 18054 making a record un paralleled in the history or any bank in canada orju tt warr in any other country siawiaomj0awaal laeurd at offlca or residence i b p mooaa laausr acton ouurlo barmaita autoustatomw to al- birta amu baskatohswan mimetic log uarcb utlt and con llmtlng evpy tueaday iharealleruiilll april anti inrlii thatlrand trunk ullwy h will ipu oneway hetlh r tlrkfu from etal ion in on tail letulxro fort hop and weal to imiila la albert and keekelrbe- vaii at akocptionally low rataa througn roartiri and iiiltmsn tourist slrrplng rr will leave tumnli for winnipeg at 1100 p m wlthoft change on alxiv dale via t htcagu and hi paul llarlh may be secured in tfiurulcarn el e uuuilual charge the tlraod i- iflc lullway i- the bhorlaal and tjuickeal route betwren winnipeg haakauam kilnmiulon tbe irainanowju operation wiioilpeg to lu okl4n aod nore haak also to anroaa mlmr oil kdaoo alia time table land pamphlet and full wrtlcular relative to the orandtruak iclflfl hallway may h obtained on apilirathiu lo irand trunk agent or wll t 1 l rl g idlrlcl iaa hlf agitnt il 1 uf lorouto ont namaoawiva ur nlnn ucllighll laat a tin slawr laat wk mi re kdward dal by anl 10 it a llo thtet yr old hluirl horn bull on haluntay utt mlog liom hydra thoratf 1 hair 1 u- haavy ur it diert hromnlaa tol a gtxal ewe laat w k tr j a aiikki v m of hrulllll i i id up with ita vl- ur uiih u 1vub fonurtly of nanaagawfya 1m laauing fur hla home alna i 111 ih wul oil tufadey hv j ilxi kay of ijwvlil will prearh mualinial mnuuut on the nuwiiwiim 1 itfiill iitmlhuuday luv k uillont arler will preach on lhelwvill iuli lo luv ur kay mi ta- kinmsin amatasneom ca 1 the latest in laundry work g j wallace txoa mana outflttar mill 3t acton havlnu lcarno1 that the guelph steam laundry ha put in an entire new plant and adopted ell the latest american- ideas id laundry work uaavsscured the agency for acton and vicinity and la hum hi custevoer will he ploati cd with the workcxocutel iiuudry sent on monday and wednesday a qlvkthknrwhyutuu a trial g j wauace t holdup i watchmakers j are ruining watcbe kvery the mivileve of i hawng yours repaired ny i you ha viog killejecd competent n vou don t have in take word for it my credential one j opiana of ferae em4oyeny are here for yeur mpetiou w h foster bxrtst warcasrakbw wkxboms old xtanu grrtora ontario the ihwninlon alliaac auto show and other atlrseunoa look eeverel of our dthsms lo toronto last week mrs r wheeler nl toronto epwl the weak end with uunhniaa rriaods wftmorr tnbaar that mr w i lowdy la eufferlng with an attack of h grip mr h lepoldevln who waa lakan auddsnly iii last week u prograeaing toward recovery if you aad yourself losing ooeuvdenca in men reed 1st oorlnlhuna 13 ws reapeet gray bat re but generally feet bat a bald bead i in another if- j kaaa auctioneer- tuaaday march ilth- weuy fjray kvevton wednesday march lotb jaroee llrowi aclon tbunday march vjlb rred wat eon oepriage waixh papeks iik light wall paprr m iwlf the fuimahiag if a lrfti the wiihiif wall lpvf will kkm1 tl effect of your lurnltme aijkalii aod luriiihhingk and atl youve got to live with your kelellion ii wrll la be eiffful our ailvica bod eaparienco whnuld l 0 actvii r lo you tlity cij ytu nollilng r ft lu ull a ua j laiitdul llmih fut lb mus vhi might as well hairi a modem arliulc vffeft aa the ordinary kind al the aatiw jxli e cst we imiv duett com um mahera an1 save ll yaae or agent h j til r vvmtr imnefil w tft u- u fco hew tua in loatlhi yki ii tome to it ine dry why not now ct if the kamlle tenl oit l on yvw will like them villi ik 1 1 f ia i ho p aiul we hwac miom of mhit t 1 be imhfl y uf uvr hauicr lhakmhilantajlthepawr 1 gualanlee katiubtlion in imhi 1dce banrmg r ltd slkphkncordiner acton iuirlo liltlllillmillllilliliasaaaaaaasaaaaalsa i order vour spripg suit now ing bulling are here in all tbe leading shades reysand que ckiths bee my mhcial tan liot1i at glb a bimt usds te your order firs uawi in every way by skilled workmen un our own premises satis- faction guaranteed fsw miul aoae excel in style fit and value a in clothlag male iter 1 am the sale agent la fuclph for the itpecia uaile lounax ura clothing of heu i rkaiwvaiukin over 40c samples to select from semi steady talloriae 1 toot reedy made clothing hut the very best type of ordered clothing at the cleasat possible coat prkr with an ahsslute guarantae in the pocket of every suit as to the style quality and fit of each garment r e nelson to6e metropolitan bank head oiliu toroalo oml ww rafb gfswtywoon joint accounts are a great convenience for farmers- deposits or withdrawal can be made by husband or wtf in case of death of either tbe money may be drawn by tbe survivor without loes ef time or uaaecesssry legal procedure acton branch t a halsted manager fort qv6s dirt a hard time 1 posmvelythe largest sale ih canada gatty sellars here t 1 lie worldhmcj orriniat gatty sellaus or uic queens hall london enplane concerts arrived in own tins morninr for his recital at knox church to nigh i when 1 crowded auditorium is anticipated no music lover should miss the opportunity of hearing thib worldrenowned artist mhmhhhmmhhahwmmmmmmmmhwaa a a a a royal purpxje stock poultry specific wa will wel ssaekimhr rrea fsr th1 atkln hmtpala eea ef ear tarn sluea kka vllb la- h th nhm j ai aleal us free twuttry tbiu kuw tu ia4 all itbtaw of kl had llabt auim lalla aad hm wllak see aad taluul e- auar siaeww u has ir- a sad t ikal itwrr will i he 1 without it yua h talua caftw aad haa la b aaaaua ua tba h wis ear uerel rarl- blaak kllu ihaa re eouu wlar vrtlheet il twrtw uulas a vaoalk fetal aa lakar aea tea east to yau win set be war taaa ttse far klm ia r ii 0 far eae atw it will ba year serea la atwar eaaulllaa with eretaarr iwd u ves hava a hear wjaarah l w aahaal ea year pue uv it en tt hnl aad th wrllom raaalt vmah vlll ba eualae our tuaah haealns ll learaaae tw mllh daw tk ta av lha tr eaw pat wmu we fed la the ataua a tea vwkac will usl a eaw or harealv eaja rovat rorpme ruunrrbraxnrig will malta raur heaa uv juati- wall la thl aaaealteraled wienmm ear a jp000o0oo0o00000xxx0000p i4tk annua sepokt or w6e dominion life assurance company aa meal roueyhoiacrv coapuy the companys pomjlasity wall tbtml ky ik lacraued amaaat u ojmaiomloa lacalvm v3oa7lo toukl b in ta tlsm63ss- whj secuveo assets and substantul reseives glva pollorbeldan molnta ptacuoa jim00 security or each sm0gs of liabuty to poscybolden net subplusshows an inmease of sox a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a in advertising pf you toot your little tootcr and cl thon lay away your horn theres not a soul in ten short days will know that you were born flic man who gathers pumpkins is the man who plows all day and the man who keeps aliumping is the man who makes it pay the man who advertises with short and sudden jerks is the man who blames tha editor because it never works the man who got h businobs has a strong ancfbteady pull he keeps his trade and paper from year to year quite full he plans his advertisement 111 a thoughtful lioncst way and keeps forever at it until he makes it pay a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a m a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa uaral farala blosk ftnaelfto we mass i fear to kkmru elrtwkt tie for l s itoyal lurida iwtr reoalaa si aaa see utaa aad iim abmlafct ill moral lrsurcie kiiw i that bau ueral thnele beest uabaaat m kouul by well seyal parpw cevk car ml um a b kara fwraw wore pewaar its tla 1 ms hy wait ussafaruirae only w thewaajenktiismfi2c royal purple supplies and book lets may be obtained from b f caldwell ceo edwards acton ont savings lomoksr rmtoog- or a oohpahvw anrr the three ihalo eources of profit ut pahcyl in interest mortality aqd gjrpenses sad thi lruortts mid to awmjowsoinaaa the dominion life lo tis bad twa lltaaie towr a pew swat lata only 30 per cent of aspect 4f nny wcicstablubed company in canada and as a tvault nuulo umstoauliid wstruaaa to poxjowsiolnaaa the grand trunk railway system colonist rates on salic daily mar 15 to april iff lacluaiva raou acton to vancouver b c vlotorlau c baattla wash spokane wash j 4605 4840 lanthar point la atifcoea itilmi oolululla 41alfeala tdsse uaaleo hlanlaaa mavaita oreaoe ulan washloaloa ela vroaa all luunna laoauurta ash ufaad tmrih aaeata or tult kautlou- ian the ilnojl trunk realflb uileay la uia t aad qelshnt ruulo between wiaul mklqclty me homesoekersexoursions to manitoba saskatohb- wan arjd alqbrta baoh tuesday maroh to ootobsr inoluelva vlsohloaaoabt paul tlinhiali oiksaliaa aiul ulluiau tourlat tiloeelue sr will 1 terolo 11 h si oe above daua for u inn ii ku no change f oars wlnrtlktaa meturn us oo bdmonton t return 4u oo settlors excursions to alberta and baekatohawsn march i i th aiulaverytiiuiuvlboraallarunui ill berth rassrvatlons literature a full informatlorl from any orahd trunk a ant h s holmes agent at acton ont phone 13 fcidec solid pfogffcb entage of income ijaved o ofaaeeta to orcarlisbllitlc percenl ratio ol ratio of net surplus to assets desth claims per j toon assured average rates of interest karad a memorandum book giving complete statement of tbe lorapsny a operation can be ihad on application to ioio ivfi 1 1 ns07 ut6 i3 t4ix m 5x 4 s 4s3 43d j 5x 748 oux o giving n be had c hud ofhc watwloo oat w a vuotnkvtik dumel huiic omtk oat lfxxxxxckxxkxxuxxpock0h actons electric choppina mill chopping fll rolling done dally satisfaction guaranteed flour and feed for sale acton b 37 caldwell s