Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 20, 1913, p. 3

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wall pap khs all h and tasty dmgn- from per roll upwards window snadk w hit- cream and groan also combination coonk curtain pole in white and oak brass ratwnxirti kwls- call in and iosjhk t to above itneb oar priced aro right and our assortment bug geo ehtnds keati estate frm far sale la bsajtan ftel am weluagteu larw far ale over asset ll vrajat a iknvi write me rear atalhc mr if art tn acll ar exchahtc write mae we pmve evrry facility fer tnumwctlbk hwumteas t yar eeeaiaet amttoftwtlw arr- e wlldtrt j a willoutlalatv fua helua hnelaliu 5b carton jfree jress tuukj3day uaitoli llu uuef local items hay la lllng in quelpb at 1 1 to hprlona earning cloer every oood payday lo morrow public beater ear ice in all tb churchata mlt monday it u a luxury to get down to lb dry pavement again to brat k apring thunderstorm omm lut imday evening ad old countrymen club baa been organised in ijramplon upacul kaalar muelo will be reatd red in um church on hunday the mill 1 oar y opening la town m tnaaday bad una spring wlhr flood morain hte yoa renew ed your fauac prkmu subscription r 8u patrick a day wu honored by any in tha wrlng of tb green baatar holiday for tba hcboola far tba weak to oommeoc tomorrow our eiuavn r anxiously await ing in installing of hydro herald d klor ara talking ol hydroklectrie connection a blind pig kapt by a polish raaadant ol uualpb u find g75 on monday gnalpba tax rata for the preeenl bar wui rnaob 81 mill ona mill bitbar than uat yaar timber and piling have been laid down during tba weak fur iba alneirla railway bride over fairy ilaka- mr ii obartara m p p of lb brampton gooasrvalor la chairman off um printing committee of lb ontario lagialatura tb cold snap following tba week of warm apring waalbar wa rather enwalnnnrn though it waaqult aaaaon abw for the tulddl of march tba polio oalu ahel tared una lomly tramp last night- 11a waa on blawayto anton trom llalowel ha left tbla morning oualpb uanald bar dr d 8 dlx ol jbalmara church oualph baa bn invited u um pastoral of wtmlnttr praaby tartan church nutana haekatoon tba oekvllle star taye that if tba praaant plana ara carrlad out llurllnc ton will be a own in july or augwl wttb a mayor raava and alx oouncll- lora it aeeme to ma iba march winda play la ilka a eireat big elaanlng day and alt tba wlnda that awaepand boom go round and round ilka mot bar a tba mild wumibrt i out weak muted noma w bat enriouu hood mu hv hprad and grand rlvr- at ktra taoou dajaag wat dona by iimj riving tkf tba graud tbagraanook liurary uoalaty will bold ita annual utixsoclal utitburaday march 17th a good programma u bajog praparad and a good tltna la anticipated mr f j macitomu ha old hl- bandaoawa brink realdenca on martin stoam to mr w j moolaoaban itegla- tar of tba sarrogala ootirt milton tba oantaruuy or dr david ut- lagatonowaa ftttlngly oalabiatad joint ly by um junior and senior league on tojay awanlng the programm waa impramlr and lntruotle klaotrloian snoddy baa cooplatd nod incanlooaobiokworkmrrhngamant wbleb tnma off the hydro etraet light in tba morning- automatically at uch ga boar n b uy xt tba meebanlhn tba oouiy council paid g777 00 for damaga by htodl tba iwluga ml gwnwlufauin ut yaar tlta probabll ity m that th ilanaga cauaad by tba flood laat pi may will largely news of local impott- mr w r 8 waok banter baa eold hi reaideno oppoalie lba town hall on willow hlraal to mr andrew om of khn who whi lake poaaaaalon in uay the price paid waa 94800 mr hwackhamar baa purcbaaad a real done on fermanagh ar toronto and wu mot tnera in the aprtnit th annual meeting of acton hrnacb ul the iubuocily wiu be fau in k nux ciuroh on tnaaday nlng fkb uat rt liobcrt llu4ilton of hi kwcbi church turonlo wui be lb speaker of th niug to raport d will be present at lb maatlng mo mar pastaa ia- owing to th crowded ooodluona in lb lower rooana in general aud to tba btck of w tv 1 it n in tba junior primary room in particular lba isibua hcbool hoard at its mating monday avenlog auiboriaad lb imn clpal to not admit any baglonwra aba are under alx yra of ag until aftr tba mluaumtnar wacalloa tba rlord hope than to have ample aoootuauo- datlon ror all tn gaaearae itaunmy lea at knglaear llulcbron of gualpk waa bare laal week in conaultatlon with the council in reference to th lvu fued by lb kuctrla itallway engin eara at lb point wbar john willow main oburah and m01 fltraeta are croaked th will all b ltel croaa- inga th atrt grade ar not tn lerfared with but tba engineer r- eomntand the council to require from lb new roaddttprotcuoopclally at tba peula waa uat and chare htreeta ar croaaed it u probable that electric balu will h atlpulaiad before lb plana ar paaaad by th couocll h awal a fraa ulnatamlad ueuiar with lubar- culoala and lba work of th oonaump tiw boapltal at muakoka and waton aa tba topic will b glvan by mr j 11 walaon bald nrcratary of lba national hanllartum aaaoclalloo in lb town ball on tburaday avrnlog uarcbyjib at eight oclock uefer- ring to tbla lactor canon iluapuw of su jama catbadral toronto any it la a thrilling atory lo tall a force ful and eloquent lecturer u know jl about bla auhjecl and bold hia ludlanor to the and a col will be taken to aid la th worthy work of th aeenoiation baawamaaatala4atarbaba tba following ofborr warn inatalled in walker lndg ail a p at a mi o 1l c on monday aaenlng march 17th w m j wood h wk j haaaard j w t h ouok chap w m cooper p m treaa john kennay p m sac -it- m mcdonald p m d o c john lawaon p m 8 d a macku j d p a uaclaan i oj col br utaward w l mulun jr hteward thoa wren v tyler w k kennay wor klro a j macklnnon i natal- line maatnr pal formed bla dutiaa la dmlrabl mannaw for a weak or eo there waa eonalder- abl talk in town to lb effect that th man who waa convicted in pebroary onimoneaaault in the magistrate a court hare had baan to a roblnatt lba wall known criminal lawyer of toronto a retain him to apply for an appeal mr rloblntte nt blm to a ooonty lawyer applicatlonwaamad for an appeal and judge oorbam 0xd lb lima and plac for bearing for tfauraday 6b march at acton on tburaday lb judge waa her th iptatnank in lb n at lb hour for which hl ad but nlthr th appallan nor bla neel put in an appraranor it la au mi lead that when tile oounael ap plied fur a prruutl of lba aaldence and eopy of tlta coolctlot la tba band of lb county crown attorney that um discrepancy between lb appellant atory to him of th proceeding at th trial and th court record we eo marked that b knew any further action would fall in reach i na lb d- alred end th can waa oonqnnty allowed tu go by default tba action for appeal uiuat bar been a coaalder- abl change upon mim one funds bramptou hope lo land th downing shoe company with employ th company la looking about ontario and favor bramptmi jlowuwould actun uka a- pcupoatlluu of um ihla kind f prof kelly or uualpb who baa bad tba metbodlal choir under train ing lb put month baa brought the ma bat forward with very aallafao- top progreva new bamr uiualo will bg randarad on sunday fir j b wauon whft purchad umlfaaaar boaae on main straat la bttbg it removed froea tba right of wa of tba ow alactrlo road tu on of bla ipu oppoalt mr ftobt wallaoa oaumaamaetreat it u nodaralood ibat tba hydro- fcqlric power will bo turned on here uiut waolng p l robvruon on wui gat hand main street wll b 11- lawlaetftd th reaininlngatraelawllt gaa it aa aoon aa thy ara wired mll- tow 0bmpta mr p a umlmu manager urr- obant bank la celebrating ihta wk umotmnplatlonofhunfib year in lb beak in aeloo mr maclvan aaeda aumarou frlanda bar and ha afjan um boaluta of the bank grow 1 natailally r tb sault st marl star give th following lntreallng nw lit which a nunibar of former adonlana were pntutlnent i an inlarwatlng wedding took plao wrdnaaday evanlng at th bom of mr joabua flllbart btilton whan bla vldrat drughtar pranoaa amelia waa united in marriage lo mr william uufferln bingbam of kmv bam saab tb ceremony waa per- rormrd by ran v a wall paalor of tlta methodiat church in th prftaenc or about thirty gtk th brld waa given away by bar father whtla men deuwolma wedding march waa played bymrb oary the bride wore a blue pairietl jik dreae and carried a ahowrr bouquet of while roaa and till of th valley th houe waa taatefully decorate with fjottrdplanla kod cut flower many beautlfut and ueeful glfta weta leorlved tb bride i on ofsleliou moat atlmabl young ladle tb groom who until few yaar waa a resident or sault st maria lawall known her mr and mr bingham will km prloay avrn- ingfor bveiulaiu saak wbvr ihay will reald on tfauraday afternoon and evanlng mrs w w baldwin wu tbahoa a targe gathering at her home on oalhoert slrr in honor of bar brother mr bingham and bla brld mr baldwin leoelved with tb brld and mr h j oampbell aa- autad mua kffla cray mu wil liam mbw gilbert ml bingham and mr wamon werth aaiaingudke lnalrumirtl aoloa war rendered by mlmqorry and mu zlmntarmao and and a piano duu by ml zimmer man during tba lwoo mr bart baldwin aang two nolo ob promt me and goodhyr sarcat day vary rffaollvejy in lb oventng mu bingham aang time whi briny you horn and mm bart bjdargrln again aang goodbye bwaek bnf oon gratautlona am glwidj tft mtw and mra bingbam in ahortbaaiamgirn by a number of tbagawueajmn proaant tha bourn wa danurahvd with tulip end amlbk tba ookrf bonam balag uow tbare war aboiil lgbty thor u do it tba haadiog ntlbliig it it w- longiug to a kuimii tiiiiit r icriuit w k iolii lii w accidentally mt in thv wu ttg plrw laal weak it appraivd uvi r c a imtkra vale ouitce aijbly wlto happened to go up to charlie a farui yeatarday oould plainly ae that beta waa somatbing in ll oakville llecord itaam mr t a hautad lata managor the m4vopililn itaok eald gwudbye ihi haturdhy to bla adioi frioimli prooroded l ttrooto ilia kuoc4ir u mr a a itdlii of lb- t1 branch ban vxparivnead banker mr itfkllil la already galtliig well acquaint d wllb the pat rona of tba metropolitan and bukloeea men generally in town auuto lady altanao on wdnaday aflarnuun wbo tc turning imkuc from uihool ulwi mar garat wllaon daughtrr of the uuv had the mutortune ut ellp end fall on bar right arm bending th boon vary painfully tbla waa tba arm which wu f rectum laat apring when mra wiuon w in th old country saiimb margaret waa quite- tjiri4o or the accid and di naaltig and la purvulng bar atndla aa usual we unovraland tbar ara a numlwr of applicant ror lba ofuc of ltglt rr of dtida for th county tnad vacant by lba daalb of col kama but lb name anoat frvquantly rtenllotjad and tha on i bat arama to lie the tuoat favorably apokn or la that of mr victor chuholm barrtaur of milton we believe he waa an applicant be for but withdrew in favor of col keine- mr oblaholme appoint man would be a moat popular one judging from what we bear reformer w4 otnaraf light atob aaya a tto- tloeabla feature at the woodatock oill ll gam in orlllle nn tburaday night waa lb fact that tbar waa aheolulaly no amoklng allowed in tba klnk the raanll being that from dm and of th lea to tb other lb air waa aclat and aa pur aa it waa outaid in orll la they have aoooeeded tn vtantplng out lb amoklng habit which in nlhor town and cilia la auch a bother and itnyanoa not only ut tb playem but to lba itpactator and aa quickly amoklng h la prompt ly put oat- f tba other morning when officer harvey want lo lb uiwn hall balwaen 1k and va oclock be found lb froo door barred and it took him fcome ilea to gain an vntraitc pinal ly a burly wandering willie drew lb- bo t and admitted tba officer ha ex plained that b bad lrrivnd in town i and 6ndlng th door unlocked want in and look poaaaaalon and bolted lb door officer harvey gav him a great veiling out and infortnad blm that if be or any of bla fratarulty avrr did tit hk again be would hav i ham jugged at oner the front door left ipanoonauintly to facllltata the ring lognf the are atartn the arrange uoeot waa navcr be for abuaad otal health feanlbla dr meonltougb lb chuf offlrr of th provincial boaid of health itaa advleed tha hoard or kducatlon that the publkf health rshlblt wlllarrtv in acton in c t it- apaclal car on tueaday sth april and will remain her during th afternoon the hoard la arranging for all the pupllaof tb echuol to vlalb the exhibit in lba nlng a moving picture exhibition th earn unr will be given in town ball from eight u tan oclock tb iblaf aim of lb exhibit and lb mov ing picture la popular education in th nialutr of public baa lb d ummalai qaalnb wbn tb herald man waa told lo tak a look in cell no 1 monday morn ing he did not know whether h waa lo babold a murilarvr or uat pljn drunk ii did not ailhar but h did mt lb caun of many a mankwing locked up purdupnn lb boor in 6aee war no lea than ian dnaan bolluw of ale soma of lb btitilaa rv full and ftlbera bad bean full the nten who drained t hem were prob ably full loo nn saturday night whence comatb all tbla booaa aluff t aakad the herald man of inapector ourien tli inapector atatd he had beard titer waa going to be a clltra- tlou of aome wort down nn malcalf street saturday night and eecurlng oonalahla moklroy and mcimugall they act aall for lb place j uat be for nine oclock and eecured tbla who aal lot of boos m guclph herald thbiwaaln gualph mark you where the hav lloanaed ahop and hare and not lo a local option town having received a large block of picture moulding o th la teat deelgn i an prepared lo oil all order for picture framing neatly and promptly at raaaooaul prlo s oonninittt mill hire t lost vitality hu john n ii spumhr lhth 1111 my brothar waa w great auffvrer from kidney atouiaeh and itowrl iroubu nd wu given up by tw doctor ii waa advleed to iry your pfgptlla whlobbedid and amrr ink log bv boaea waa completely matured to baallb and 1 belter today than w baa been for year you cant mend vtg pilla too highly j w mjknvkhtt at all dealer ss andoocenla or the pig pill co st thomaa onl umkhoum mr dobble who uf- been blauk- mlthlng bar with ooualdarebi auo oaaa for a number of yr baa dle poaad of hla bualoaa to mr shny klrkpatrick who ii to take poaaawlon in few day mr klrkpatriek waa stewtruown for ear year oowaa bank lo bla old horn highly oomnmndad aa a bretclam macba ptttsonal and ttava notes tioalal and twaelp r ifa hly rk- tcbantv kan ufkahid uunino thk wkk maa hltubelh cray of toronto tea gitnet at mnorecroft mra w if hpelgat of toronto uiua to aclto on tu lay avanittg heave uuura and councillor near of aorgalowu aare lo town on una- a ur n 1 mclatu apeut aeveral ia- lit vwk willi frieoda in torott ilr rttd rlwhd of toronto mwl a wak votl vull at mr fl w rr- rami mr mr- a j ihao are now wtltnil in ihelr new home at uu weber humii uerlio mr ami ua jobu lv ly jr and xi u ullut of moak vialted at lb of ur a rsmllh lr j hu hobertat who i aa bean kpandluk wral montba at ciimaby nloriinl hiiim on mooday th u iowd of ciielpb waa id low it ii siluijay lo vlajt bar lotbr mr juta hm mr aod mra llufu- wardan have aluritml froui italuvllla where they fcpxnt the winter with reuluea v ii mku and daughter of vanoouvfr ura vultlng at mr w c urkydo herald xi ra c ii moor arrived from don laa on moatday evening ut attend th runeral of tha late jaatm moor mr j ii uuddy and mim vioul of kliiwr were gueat utat tbura day of mr aod mr j u deony ur john otffl of manitoba and ur alfred lrjiho marcur k e c vlaitad rtuixta bar tbla weak ur ll j mcnabb haa mad very alow irouix toward recovery during iba wek 1 w mim hallaryralar- ly mrv jr mfcarvln of unit moo laa ami mr- harry whlla of ohio iilxl alra stiaiai vlllw aod ulur ult wrk mr joltn krnnay u alundlng lb craitd imlgeof lb a o c w in titritoto tliia la on of the moat lm portaiit wealing rvrr ha d by lb order mr jaa huiltli of ac loo waa in lb city saturday on a vult lo mr and mr- ii ii wordeti norfolk street mercury moaara c ii moatr dundaa john h moor mlaa little a moor and ur w ii speight toronto wave her during the dya of illnav of mr jauta uhtr base ball oambs atamted llk1 athletic club llocheeler n y kpurling kdltor pre irea ibr sir tit hegel luaeball team of uochealer n vulo itieke a trip through honthera04ii4da during july playing at niagara vu intrt hops uualpb hamilton st thomaa trou- dtc and li anabxia lo arrange a m with any mi in i profaaalonal team in anton tn bavn jol won the chanipinnahlp of the kxmulnii lodtmr league conv- ptwnl of the imi matnl pro team in tchawlur and bavw an rqually alrong idoor leant wi w could give a good account ol nurtelvea agalnatany acton ui pao tram ofrnrlng good induoe- mita mi our trip it baa boan our cuatoni each year to travel througbtsiniiaylvanta and ohio il year w won u of is gamea on lb road but tbla year we era dcelrou of ihangltik our ooiireneo w bav lo- trd houlheni canada our trip tbla yr u to lie under th illract auporvuion of canon weleb catcher for the si tbonia canadian iaguai twain who baa been managing our indoor irani which loat but ona gain tbla aaaaon hoping lhl mtiim acton taaiu inay lm able itiaco ktiinuwlmte u- i in yours ttulj jamin ii cuani v jr una mgr 1w silver strel itocbat-li-t- n y u 8 a ilrgwl a c tri- morgeg igbaita root plllfl ar antw and atned raajnit our txraadlalhcra dh1 tbaaa haifa cealury ago before coiadratiq ibarywereoanuemneariyetrydrag or general more 1 the canada of that day aad wer tb rctnaalaad car m tbowae of a n or ccaetipat indiarataoa bdioa bdkidaynduvrtotibw to day they r joat aa rn jnat a raevbl aa ever aad wothlag betxa haa yt baea dev to m cure common ilia stocks of feed com plete now youll find oar prices rieiit as well as quality get our quotations on ton lots b noble merchant nullcr v hoomal me a an i- brcaa your watch wiihthkr il 1- lb or- dlr w1 or the torn pi lea ted chro nograph repealer ahould be left with aa expert far repairs- a good watch deaervea tb beat workmanship a poor on ill- lea ye your wllb on wb kaowa how ndaviunncx- aary aapeoaoj w h foster georjeunni oaurio royal purple stock poultry specifics free va will aaa aulefctr ftae bar lla hkiua i earfw c- 4aa kaakai lt la- htt ae ikf af eucx aal im tlbb ta u4 au lilaawef baji alna aad aluala maaa aha tar to kaa aaal fal fvltay a- tkal ikay u1 lav aa n me fiamuiw tall aallw bbj kaa ut a bwatkv oval rirarta kkittwr brvcirig wiu aaake iw haea ur jaa aa an t ual autar aa faa at kaaaae uaa w am aajl uaat a aw tea baaaa narat rarpla uaa ahlar aaval rr oan caa taa aaal ma ilea i ma w wil l nwal paraw bm tjaeawa ha kaumiiaaa w awn aaaal rwa oaajk caae tea tie a by thewajenidnam4aco gmwm t royal topic bvpwtt twd took lets may be obuicd frotsv b f caldwal geo kwatosi actoaoft blpokino tmat ravmbnt mdltor kree preea dkahsih l would like lo k the munlolpal aultiorttlea ihroiikh mir raxlt iiuchh bow mucb longer the pavement at tb siatlou hotel le to b blocked and padatrian forcaq to walk through the mud r not much oh jaetion could be mad to ualig a part of lba roadway during lb progreae of building but blocking up th pave mant aa it la la an unheard of pmceail log surely tb author i laa did not grant per on laal on lor tbla block a dr i eincrraly hope an effort will tie made by the proper ofttoar tu have the ob trucxraatt ramoved promptly m lh good imday and heater vlallnr- will not be tempted lo paa unkind remark about aetona back of inuirvel in patdeatriana convenience av kaut knutax 1avich march 18th 1013 municipal obicur ifarvy baa al read had lhr obetruollm iromtb pavement kit 1913 yallpaper we carry a lare j stock of tho newest dc j sifns j i or the better pat- terns and special roomi wo have samples from t canadian english and atnencan factories j we will he pleased to show you the latest ideas in wallpaper dc- coration at brown 1 g dtvooat statmubm g acton ont n atathhhmddddaauuaanannnhi ba nk of hamilton providfaif for yoarj family supplying your family with prcacatday ccra- frht doe not conatl- tuta your only financial ob ligation to tbem their fnture deniaads more ton atderatloa than tbajr want of today if anything ahoold bap- pea in you you would uot want your boy te give uphm education nryoar wife and daughter to be thrown out on the war id to struggle for a living th an real wy of pro vmlcg for your family future u to aavc yourrnoney deny yourmelf a few catra- vaganom now thai they may have comfort a alwaya one dollar will ope a an account with ihu bank and iatcraat at the highest cur rant rata will be credited every abc months ge0rcet0wn branch w m1 imij the metropolitan bank caoiua paid up hiinivi rund undtvldd rroflla farmer briaiiteas tecelvaa nvary altanllon atlvancea maile to reaponalble larraara ala noleadlatounlail or collaclad lllank nolee la cooaknl form atippllrsl vvllhoul rharxa smviixcs dcpevrmcftt tujmu ul one oolur and ttpwarda re and tnleraal auowad al carranl ralea jolnl aocounts may be cpaa pataooit if tlaajted o ibal any naa of i baa udan moat t atlami j two or may wlltalraw funds tbla la acton branch a a rollit manager give your boy a farm krery farmer wnu t prwvidai far ma bona but mililarn will the old homcatned darvckipctl wjth toll auffic lo meet their nwetu tb boy have been brought up to lb land thy are familiar with l ik phaaea f faimlatf they ahoahl hav bind f their own how bt the farmer going u meet this th lotflcnl answer u wwataarri cunnglx thouiuunlm of at na divided into tf acre farmn ar being throw open far entry by the oominifin uovcmment along or near the line of th cejarft nortk am fiajivov the land glvoa a wide choice ther are wm plot on th open trftirlo ami olhora again in tho well wded well watoid tltstricts in man itobn seahalonrweui rand albaartav a brjo number of thee homebtoadai ar particularly pt to mixed i arming writa or knquhrw today any agent of th canadian north em knllwny or the undersigned will be glad to aend on application full infttimiillon aa to the local ton of the homesteads and the way t kccur and tenth them writ for th bread basket jscoo free hwntr aleatlh and our peace river booklet you will be interested r l falrbairo qea pass art ag kar si e tonwio oal wa1laallsaim wawx papers waeae oae baniraa dalian aawara bar teteaiarmutalmaaetbatta br u ouanbow r j ohawht a oo toladb we the awaiieiaaaa he kaawa kjlltaae tae last u vaata aa baftara ana u aa- eeauel aualn tna ami oaaa- aultabtmrro4aay ulsauaa waj halt oaurth oat to taoraa lala aaura spring milliner o miss mae hawthorns will m1 tm kuur u spritw ullllmry ofmrald in hw uu puy room mln blraol autoo tuesimv and wednesday march 181b aod itlh worn 11 lb ltmt myha in ullllnn will 1 dbpuywl a coidul lnvlluan i wtundwl u th uullw 16 ell ind injmcl lb9 nw mud mylm anq lo lun miss mae hawthorne m m m a m m m ll a 1bf you toot your little tooter and 1 then lay away your horn theres not a soul in ten short days will know that you were born the man who gathers pumpkins is the man who plows all day and the man who keeps ahumping is the man who makes it pay the man who advertises with short and sudden jerks is the man who blames 4he editor because it never works the man who gets the business has a strong and steady pull he keeps his trade and paper fom year to year quite full he plans his advertisement in al thoughtful honest way and keeps forever at it until he makes it pay ia at a m m a a m h a h m m a h m u e right wall paper is half the furnishing of a room the wrooif wall paper will spell lb effect of your furulutic caqtats aotl furnishings and as youve got bo live with your selection its well t be careful our advice aod vxperienco should ihj of mjrvio lo you thajy coat you nothing cr wo have stocked a lot of beautiful patterns for thin neaunn you nllght au wdii hav a modorti artistic effect as tha ordinary a led at the sant pr io wo buy direct from the maker and save the jobber or agentw profit for your benefit t tet us suggest some new ideas in jdccoralion vou 11 coma to it some uaywhy not nowr qst if the sauplas sent out interest you you will like hem still hettur lu the pioce and w hav scores of thers ctt the choice of your paper hanger u as important the paper i guarantee satisiactloh in both prlo for bangitur iwc per- roll stephen gordiner ac to it ontario amnmwt mah t5e new spring hats i b the uawcs von gal at the borsilina hat at 5 the morley hat at s nelsons special at m 9sa m the best hat valucb in the trade h h r e nelson s aaterahan tailor m btaow turah oualfh ont at uuibjihainsh a m mipmmabtbtmhmahmaahmmaiaams canadian pacific excursions to manitoba saskafd albeha bomeseekers aveaad trip bw farch taocteka wtnnjpea atut ratttftl vs8m edmonton and rahtrn 4sm lxatambtbuttwa aactfaa a an ntwalou coauertabu earth faby aqalpoal with bnmltw can ba awaraa at a uareasb local aarat sbttleto art batsmt aateatedt ww have tatea kxcrjlu tauns laartag tonxoa um tmty tweasbo aaotaiwts noajaxeft oanw oai rmchua bar t boma 8okeratrnliui ximtvw toronto lfxtoatkn april septatnber and oceobw mtd mk 9 m mv lxso pnl dartna mmf ataaxtv july wad aaauc aurwnga trattan tweata to wlaalpn aaal want full partkulam from anycpr j actons electric choppinq mill iduing- chopping td rolling done daily satisfaction guaranteed flour and feed for sale b f caldwell acton

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