Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 25, 1913, p. 3

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ttbkdqukrters for wajmnrmna pl lundnau mauiel henry m1 ci kifgn r til www carving cm um fancy china solid old wadding rlaex from each and upward majhmiaobx ucbtmaatai umuid geo hynd8 xrrox ontahid real kstate fr wl t sxajtea rl caw euaftlw rmrm tor nwe every at ii yaw wul a apart write aac fer cxlee r f wlak mil r cxefeaajre write me we hare every bkctluy alani t yoaur inn canren- bmeucue j a wiudchk farmkelllwc nexciajls 4eeneiwb tuurhday hkitkuuhlt kk ioij buef local items the fail fair la over li we good kaspty cistern have been rpli lfioti mu yuung 000 ua ilanaoo 7s0 uuauajn ufio miss rllloll40 alia utile 4oi ml- kurtiian ox miss howes 5gi qarfnwutton r mvledrlfl p ax mr john moieruid unrauwn buaeoelvnl th coveted position uf jonr uf hht man mr ucurr tyld u well fitted for the important ptmlllo i ii una of eorgelown s eueosesrul merchant and ha appoint napl la generally regarded tut satis factory mr hcparmld wni to aclon for hu wife who waa uls nellie cobban a an tlltm how ah ul our ifcerd tf trad v haveral inimib have psaard mwl no ln haw been held huraly our merchant a and bualnaaa min ara not lulntkoittrtanlxtlen eo influential for thii building up of i lit eiitntnunlty and battering th in tarsal of sry pitlaeo in our town iji have an awakening that mora stimulus may be put into the ufa of our town ior- wn herald thee alya 1 a looklnfi acton cordially weloocned lb- old boy and girl boon again owelph barber shops doe at 1j oekn oo saturday night now the foot have picked up vary ootlanbly since tha reins of lb paat thai idcimw of tloelph aaaa eeaot tola year la ax774 and la popu hllloa la likely to have a fourth brick plant an american area la proapecllng there an oevleriaoouoell baa been pi i fixing monday october uolhae vevmkmgielng day dock shooting la ibe nimroda pamll now but ducka ar mum haaaabuuu tab fall ttmvqulooxuu aiortua cam hflbt on lima and all poor waalhar waa d away for tb fair tha brlev work on lh naw addl uoa to tha aebool u oawing oooapla- a t1m bnlldluot praaanu a una afathodlft obunh raopvntna at vtoatj oq sanday 6th ootobar whan bav dr t albert uoorr of twronto will pcaxb tha saw y if a a building at o waa fonaally opaned on iloo- daynlmr ituaballdlna worthy itabiunlnmclty jatulon watarworka ylald a raveena of 1000 par annam it coala aboat s0o for awlnlananna and tha 1 latwaaioas6000 news uf local import kduoll u ditmban of oxad aa foil of hilton twhaa f thomiii it4 l rk tlll rihe iba tnacblns mff war i imuclpaj marcalli i baloaajaar to tha lata william a bail naaaaaawaya will ba offaiad ror aala m taaadayuth oolobar tha annual field day sport in oowaaeuort with oaoraatown dlghand pabuo seaook will b bald in tha bark on friday aftaraoon tha oakrlua baeord thlnka 100 a b grant to be mada to iba ilalun mowuboard aaaoatatloo oonalderina iha all anabar intaraaud mluoa board of hmucatlon haa manldaf thaagvof admlaatonof bcld aara to achoot lo aavan yaara nona aavau wlu ha rrautarad oaro catting and alio oiling ara the fanay ooenpailon of lha farmara jaat now batwaan iba tulia to tha fall abowa of tha natghborbood tha oontract for a paw akallng riak at bolton wbjoh la to ha araetad at a onat of mss0 haa beau awardrd thaftulmlngtuariuuly bf daoambar sth v bafarrtng to tbatrlala for lllagal uqnor aalllng bare tha toronto world nay and action la not a local option town and haa two lloanaad wotalaln optaua tha ooumlch signal baa bsaa laaaad for a tana of yaara by lha aistwl prtnuag on umllad to ur a b brad win nnlll lately editor and pnmiabar of the parry bound north bur thrall h nutucrooa homa-oom- log for tha raopanlng aarvloaa of the laalhadut ohttrab on tha 5 ji aud iscb oetobar tha fnvuirr utrmbara ara anxloob to ate iba old home church in its naw drear itlarapjtrtrd ihallhe kaeley mlnr arblefa bad auch a urge part in eaualug tha wreaking lhfrjra bauk aaay yet prpva dividend payer a oawbarot panptatn thla aactlan will rnjolea if anoh pria in be i hie thoaa who h walkrd in he ooontry or parka or tliroifgh the aub- orba ihf laat few daya lava ahotlord awtny algne of lha approach of fall ftalda aglow with goldan rod dead laaraa nattered over the ground and iho aroodarabnul to burst into the aittawn glory of cada and yellow and other autumnal tint qeorgalowh harhr eonaenlad to home nndhoroe ganlq aettla tbe halum pwal laagoe ebantpltaiuiblnj mhton propoatot tn play ibe nrt ganw at o yaatrrday and iba oital bora naif saturday but liter la nathlrtg doing and the local are tfmtfnfto doubt that there wltl ba any aaore play ifncjt hilton ha the ehamptonablp being one gaoia in l and obaranton hs0nal and travtl notes 3aen aa eke amrkat it aakae laniwuftlaqa olrattj an umtbtsia and maaoaa anlaai thaf attarambaadrad i lar aa aaaa itidte la nn an aaalaailniaauh i j ctwmirr oo ma o ffeuior pixildren cry i for ruithcrs castoria thaotndluonordr w ii tin wallknown eye apaculut of 112 olbwe hlraet toronto la ao much linprovrd that th utborllua at the oanaral lloaplial espact that ba will won ba a hi to hrv tha inaututlou and resume hi practice it will ba te- mtmbarrd that dr iairy auatalnad injuria- to hla aplna wban h fll with tola bora at tb niagara camp in junr rn draper at maw haaabaaw at uw urgvnt raqueal nf iba congra- gatlon of th churtb at new 11am burg whara ba waaa paalor for aavaral yrara ilav c d drapar preached analvemary aarntona thera laat sun day tbe pulpit waa occupied bar by iter george cjropp tb paator there ilia aernaona warn vary practical and intaraailng and much enjoyed by the eograllot r mr uropp la a preacher of wide experience and travel lie haa occupied paatbrat in the laland or anticoatl in tbest lawrence and on th laland nf vancouver in th paelne he la now ateuoned how ever in bl natlvaoonfarenoe f a foe- naaehnwwina fi two italian realdaota found that it waa an ex penal c expatlttient to try out a new guninaid tbe city limit tuesday afternoon tbey walked down lo lha foot of lluakiaaun a treat and find off a fear abote lo aea bow the gua would work oonatahle or away happened to be down in that direction when be heard tbe abote he arreetad the two italian who wei charited at ibe poltoecourt thla morning wiat dlacharglng flrranne within the city limit they pleaded guilty and maglalraui walt fined theni each 1 and cuatr amnuntlng in all to 94 onelph hereuiy oaid acae teawpereay jalr georgetown school board baa elao been having trouble in arranging tern porery aooommodauon for primary olaaaea until the aebool addluon la completed the ii a raid aaya after oonald arable effort on the part of the public school board to aecura a room to accommodate one department of oar public aebool until tbe new addi tion waa cooi plated the kind offer nf tbe anglican people lo ue the baae- eaeot of tbe church baa been accepted hiae robertson and her claaaea now occupy the baaement of su qeoige oqurcb qi ooanellw ootaai a largelyeigned petition of rale- payere aaklng that tbe oouncll uee lie influrnee to have ibe naw poet office located on main 6 treat war preeent- ed the memberanf luaoonodl ware lu favor nf a main streak loeatlea and a motion to that rffact we carried uneulmouely and the olerk wu in elrneted to forward mum with petition to mr david llenderaon requeatlna blm to uie lila influence to have the building placed on main street aa desired by the petl the olerk waa also in at rue ted to write tbe o p b official with a view to having their proposed new line run through george town herald stole foa kelam roe ofnee laat wrq wo reported the arreel of joseph poerlerat smllba vaju on tbe charge of stealing vs from tha kelao poet oibce and 918 from tbe poet mis tress mr ilaradlne on friday poerier wa arranged before deputy judge ruiol though be bad had sufficient knowledge of uagllab to get along up i o the time of his arrest be bad lost it in some mysterious way he looked blank when ibe charge waa read to him end repeated loudly by the slieilff b ma re hand was sent for aa interpreter he repeated the charge in french hoeriar pleaded guilty l iba i lief i of the poat office money lint drilled having taken hat of mrs uarredlur hla knowledge of kgtuh returned miraculously and be answered remark a made lo that tongue hi plra of guilty to th one charge made ii nn necessary to summon wit neeee a prove inr other poerier waa remanded for sentence unlll next mundayohamplon valwe or ijajhalna- rede tb bowmenvllle slmleamen gives the following interesting infonnalfoo gleaned from eclenllqo sourcee i a uumlair nf questions rrlallve to tbe toattar of prptectlnn against lightning eada in t hit mem are lightning rod protection f yea if properly install ed the chief point to be remembered in tbe equipment la hat he rode must be properly grounded the ground end or ends should be in direct connec tion with damp ground or wet aoll e g drain cistern welbngliole if- iffntilure l more likely secured and if j be ground end 1 c ueeted with a flat sheet of sine an mitcli the heller to assure moist enri act posit a poll or two or gal van laed cdile called guy wire can in bought by the farmer and installed by himself and turedmeji joao mwl fray ed tu inflhee or o prnjnallng alwive the roof three or fur feet and the other end in damp ground is a flret- claaa ughtnlng rod a metal roof la no prhteclluii unless connections era luadn to damp earth a whole metal barn ii theauetelliaaevenaaauibleiioa of grounding will never be struck a ituelai wlndujwlwllh dlrectonnecllnn ho wl u aa autoellont ilgfatnlng rod loelel aed pa item of lataraat toee pra haadarn olianiduurinotht wlak kflaa uowalaugb vlsltrd friends in the old hnmeefvlneland last weak mr4 ii j frankum leavnatodayoii month e visit to frlnnda at llrighlon d montreal mr and mia jon ii cameron f veravila n v vlaitrd frtnd bar ring the week mise hwilser of mvl wvalr baa vmllntf ber tulrr mr w maon ti pas mimil rorge w rdon f oiielpli la spending a fewday- wftli mai sad cdonald young htreet oarloe williams ut haull hte marie mad a flying visit lu hie flher home bar this weak mr- w tlionpon and master wlllr of olt were guests during tlm week or mr frank kennedy mrs harold davis end mlas kileeo of mitchell ware here during the week for the wedding of mlaa ada holme mr huftirt maalaa ot woodtock and mlas uarln ma of hareward gue-t- f mnm mauilo- masalas rek aea hull nuoi and llerlba n lfi on monday iw lumllion to ukr a coursa at tha normal school the telly mr aod mr- okrlea illon and r allan mcdonald kpant 4everl day laat week with friend at vina muuut aedlrianaby miss mary jane hill of ollntnn ho baa been visiting bsr aulr mrs jauieallath for several wimla return ed batoe yesterday mlaa hammondwjio baa ependlng a week nr eo with br frlanil mlaa plank relurned to bar home in hundrldge last week mrs will laird entertained about twenty five at a miscellaneous shower given in honor of min ada holmes on thursday evening lat hlnc returning home to winnipeg mr j kerr urown recelvrd th aad news of lha drain of hsr father mr wm kennedy of wealporl ontario ml ijnlr wllllama who haa been epeudlng month or so at tbe home of iter brother kx luave wllllama left for toionto on friday en route to winnipeg mrs a t urown went to inkersoll last week to accompany mrs thurtell home she has been wllb her there fur several tnontha and returned hums in excellent heal lit mr n i mrlm wasalturontoon friday attending the funeral or hla aunt mrs wlllhm pad get of nor wood who died suddenly while on a visit to bar daughter at kansas olty kansas mr and mrs o b llyen of luejph announce the engagement of their eldest daughter pearl irene to mr william s mlddulro k- c m i o owen sound tbe marriage to tak place nn wednesday october 22 td mrs alex secord miss berli smith and messrs wellington smith and fred smith ejaarrto hamilton o monday to attend the funeral of tb late mia andrstrhwaysle mr swajftle was lbs late mrvw i storeys youngest sister ease oervleea in knox on quarterly communion see loos will be held lo knox church next hundey the preparatory service will be held nn friday evening at eight o clock when i lev j it johnstone of prea ton will preach iter mr wilson will preach on sunday auto turned tuetle at oaktvule a family party driving from hanill ton to toronto early sunday morning bade narrow escape from fatal injuria by the overturning of their oar near oakvlllr mr f crawford had her right arm broken near tbe ehoulder and wa painfully out ard bruised air fein had bis left arm broken qp the wrist tb others lu the car escaped injury the bla beavrdmpee hee work has been resumed on the residence under construction on tbe fyf property which hae been tying dormant tbe past two summer it ie the intention lo complete the exterior as fer a possible this fall enclose if and proceed with tha interior dining the winter mr waller d beard more will remove iheieto from his toronto residence when the new one la completed mr beardraore was a resident of aaton for severe years back in tbe eighties he w 111 be cordially welcomed beak again aa a resident an eteemed couple mnrrteel on saturday sept aolh at foolook every pretty wedding took place at the home of mr end mr joseph ilomes bower avenhe when thejr second daughter ada kuuluxajuj mr william near son of mr william k near krln weie nulled in marriage by the lie j 0 wiwonb apaelor of the bride in the presence of tbe immediate relatives and friends of both fat i litis the bildr who unnl tended was given away by her rather she wore her travelling ault of blue ladle cloth with corsage liouq let- of illy of the valley the ceremony we performed under an arch of evergreen and white asters the wedding march was played by miss margaret near liter or the groom after the wed ding leeeptlon the bride and groom amid auowcreoconfetti motored to nerval station where they took tbe train for toronto the bride hae been a iiievnuer of knox church choir for severe yeate and will he greatly miss ed in churoli circles as well as by a host of intimate r on iheli re turn mr end mr near will reside in detroit friends from a distance at- tend as follows f mr and elrtimr suairttnlmneand mr end mrs j wee moore oofwhlo i mr and mrs tcrnect netr detroit ur end mrs frank wiiiimiiis brampton i jit h d davl and mies allreti fiuototrrmr k thompson turonlo mlse pauline baltantynec fjeorgatown misses du matthews and wlttuft grleraon or otvlph a mrs wn snow brio thia wauim ralt7raihej umk of plaeea and ntmm in wbuh vou mar ha inter eetsd aberfoyle burlington campbell villa oeorgetown hilton oakvllle district league convention obutui oot and at rook wood utarr wabk th annual convention of duelpb district epworlh league con vetted lo tha methodist church rock wood last thursday and friday nearly all the leagues of th district were raprreent and the fimgramm was fulfil led almost without caption iter o l draper f acton tbe prsldnt prr si led at all ensalona f the faalurasor lb otmivenllon mutual association if una of representative f n ot ibe knworlh league department tbe jtiufarenn igu and tbe dulridt league llav mr doyle field sec re try repraaanlallve of the bead office gve sevaral very pne sddrvaaa par leloing lo tha slralegle pcnkltion these mkiletlre of young people throughout iba o million hnld and what a won derful i pporlunlty they hav of rai ingthualaudardofdltlsenbhlp through out the land ml aiciiee hulur if ilrantford tvbo was hamilton ontettinrm rpre- aantatlv m apawlallsl ahtng iba lina or junior and intrmadlat league work gave an addr- lo junior iaague worker and alu an address to lha juniors tliamselvaa llav w h daniels president of tb oonfortitice eegue waauolu attend aitce and gave the inallim a very encouraging helpful and epeimlstlc meaaage other addresses aieg very preeucal and blpful line were given by have i w barker and h w avlson ooelph luv j a jackson kutra ubslrmati f tbe district and mr ii i moore anlon tiim addie-ar- throughout ware of mit practical value in satiating tbe laague nf tbe district to more specific work and the interest of lb tlon wii sustained through every on thursday evening a eariole oed of young people from dublin street league uelph dnva dowi nouvenllon and on friday evening about twenty were in attendanca fronji tb acton leagi tlte following offloere for the ensuing year were elected by the convention lion preidentkv j a jackon klsfe president its v k m carter b a naasagawnya ikl vlcopreahev j a hunt belwood 2d vice lr- mr ii a card ulore ird vtee-pra- mrs imut itockwoiml 4lh vice- 1- mr c darby segaweya 5lh vice pre mlaa a j oil iff hock wood sec treae j victor coleman acton conference representative bev chaa d draper aoton umkhouea mr wm nawton visited friends in orillia last week mrs o k polklngbome aod mise winn if red ere visiting in bsrrie miss h luas or acton who haa been spending a few daya with her friend miss 11 robertson called on llmehouaa friends last week miss- win nlf red lvens isft on mon day to attend hamilton normal quite a group of student a met at georgetown all bound for tbe same destination mr john newton of harola la vleft ing hlehrother mr jautee newton n amaoawiva mrs william barker had the mis fortune lo slip end fell on saturday breaking her right arm at the wrist tbe fracture la a bad one and she will- be laid up lw some time mr jamas w moffat u laid up with blood poison ing quite a nuunter of people from naa- aagaweya took in tha fait fair at acton this week the sunday school review or the bethel union sunday school at knatohhull will be taken next sunday afternoon by mr joseph wright kden mills mlas anna anderson of winona pent snnday wltb her parent mr and mrs john anderson mise sadie anderson ie visiting friends in hamilton thu week mr blggar orhaitilllon wa the guest of mr anderson of naaaagv weye laat sunday there will be no show at oeorpbetl villa this year mr hhuea moved with hie family lo toronto no monday- of this week hunti a poet in shelley case it wa fun in jee- quln myjsfe dead surnee mr atonliolf cxueridge grwabgram uuilhpff of tbe coleridge who wrotw tlio ancient hirlner baa pobllahed n volume of memories in which ba tells some ldtcsesung anacoobm of iwvtx uof in tbe funrjy both hu umndfnthcrawejrae luy and ooo of tbem need to any that hv hud freqaeotlj joined in tb diver xloiihnowd aa a shelley hunt thla hlioplo sport conatitbd in entvylng ultont rrom refute to refuga tha too ikmittc youngeter fta in eeejfoby pelt- iiih him with wbahrrar lutudy a iw mm luu joaquloimuler wetobceinove miuerly if an hlutriwndy bunted it wiia not aa tbe poet of thmturrmt r luted it n aoboolboy affair bat a dead in eorneat tnkn boot in tha wlld- fel and woolleat weat ba had had tha tiitarorrtm to boy a wra bora from a man o bad no rlgbt breall tha nth liunl tfw waa nutaken for tha hotaa thlof p and overt 1 ttmn waa a codvemleui eottouwood bnincrulog bandlty acroaa the trail and inrintaln plenty it waa a of hla oeck ha nrvoad awplalth and grew eloquent in van wheav at tb moat critical totaut a wltnaaa to hla iddoeettt piirchamof tha beewtcanw vn ho aint n uuet th rawoomer s nlolued haa only a poet ufa an awful pity to tnlaa exbjnat- nauns a poet when h can ba umtbe lender or his captor tatnarfcad fully after a dbvoatad pattaa bear any of bli notttyf brer bo tun write nnyt no- edmluad tha vrttneaa tbop dechtrfkl tbaaatf adpotnb4 judga with regret sharer proof b aint a tblef bul only baray hafe port wuffot to lot blm go ihhiriwa got any aanaa be wont commit abqr btxkpletthb paumteb meatreal a rteaear pabusbar wee e stormy petrel tksre are three a pa rate bad dlatiaat iniredeelluaa of tk srt of pilalleg lalo saada kaeh wm in widely separata marriage on shipboard aut4wrtr vested in captain a writ uh vsesels t iba papulation sod dlffi set eeetloaa of tk aenntry tbe ialrodesuoa tkat kolds erst place la polat of usae u tkat of 1701 whaa lurtaeaeeaaw ores eoe of iks sssa wko prist ad tk flrat aaasrlss- ai mass eitl tkat p t after tke slgaing of tka treaty of wklk nutty ceded tsasda to ik- 1 set dp a prist la nreaa lly fonadad eapltal of not keotis oraaa died within a few m atka aflr kis mating lo nllfa 1 ut kla plaee is tka eoatsausttr waa taksa by joke haskell wko la marsh i7fix hsfea to publlak tka llauaa oasatl tke abst aewspapsr printed is aaade tks paeoad latroduetlon took plsc iwslv resrs utter when ia 17 m tke in ot brow sad oihaora of ihiuadl nkia atill a british ity eaa- lo que bee tad op aed a priatlng eslshbskmeat whuk pradaead far tk govaramal tk- ofliial tlsiatle and otker offieial ssal lar 11 of wklek war publisk ie tka two taaguacs tkia was only four yrars after tka capture af quebse aid ely a i luil tkee two iatroduetloaa if rinlmg era caaaaiplim eveats ia rnirisne wilk ike third introduetina wblrk to k lac ie 1770 at uoalrrnl hiring tke war f tk- aaanrna ttevi luti a sal was aontewbat a war aseasure take f t ik- puipiav uf turning tke v rvneb t assdiasb f r m tke r biixs ttrlllak crows rirst huetkin altont tke early career of tke remarkable man wkose priatiag piaeses were tke oral tkat ever rattled sd elaaksd te tke eomaaersjal aafitrepolls of caaadx fuury ueeplet was iorn atmut tk- year 173s in tka ntty of lyona kranaa where after receiving a good nommt s education he lered and followed for a frw y ii- llin nrutit s tra is ii was than that hn win saturated wltb ktulhrnt less wklnk msnv ware ei inlnu tu ihlnk were a eur all for tke vb misgovermaat the wsigkiaf heavily upon ranee he also beesme an en free thinker nnd tkia nnblief i to klm fir many years afterwards arrlvlag at montreal ueeplet aad wis wife aad empbiyoa put up at a tavern where i key remained nleven day- uev lhik tkay were la leased premises ready for bualnaaa and sow lha saisalou oa wblob una ulet waa enenged came to noujkt vranklin and kla fellow eommialeasrs failed to stir up tke french canadians agsinat l loyalists eause uont tommy had been killed before tks wslu of quebee his most smbltloua undertaking was m jeurnal dvotd lo eommerelnl nisi and literary auhjeels snd tks selection uf hla news editor brought him under tke evil influence of vataatu jnetsrd lawyer by profess loo wko ksd roma to caasds rroet frnnee uaaplet inrfare beglenlng ike pub i cation of hla neper sngsged not to in sert le it naytning offsnalve to tk- gov ernetsat or the okureh tka editor jantard soon violated lu promt la neptomhor rlr uuy nrla ton tks governor ion ml ordered una plet and kla editor jsnlard to leave ik province bul owl g to petition on their behalf nnd the repress station that moatresl needed a printer the order of baulahntent waa snspeniled spos ueeplt and kla nselnts tsking the oath of allegiance nnl promlalng to subetlt le future all srtlelss to s gov srnmest eegeer whleh offlce fell into jantard further h gan to attnsk the judges i signed articles published in tkia paper one judge asked tke g v ernmsni at qusbee to nrotset th court from auch attacks this brought mat ten to a head and tks two men wtn arrested and taken te th military priaoe at qusbee hscaplng from prison with the i talvane of tke authorities ueaplet turned to uontresl and resumed printing but bnanelal trouble tinned to dog kla footsteps and his srlntlng plant was seised nnd sold for sbt lie nflerwarda leased it snd went on with kla bu1 after n troubled rnveer ueaplet ded on january 84 i7t4 aged about r0 tbe captains u llrlltsb war nem are nutborlxed by law to act ea war rlag regtxtrerv snd the wedding ceremony may therefore take pis re on tbe bbcb aaaa or on board an kugllau man or war on m roretgn station sub- u ect lo certain prescribed medincs a tlon tbeee tndlcaltbat tbe legality to hi marriage depends on tbe sont round i nc otneer compliance with ibe condition of tbe forelcn marriage act of 1hu2 which with very allgfat differ l coitforms to the conditions ax to age consent of pnreola false oalbs vealdence etc applying id merrlages lu ibe united kingdom allnouab uo one may question a cap- line authority to perform et see the larrtaa ceremony or ilk wise to per form such eervlce aa board e llrlllab foreign station if any of visions laid down are not ful secretary of stale for ii borne department haa tbe power i j ua w a warrant to vary or auuul the marriage performed under tb net llut tn thn csso of surb a marring tlte lur who erted as regutrar is pro lecled trout any dlaaatrou cons iucikea ensuing frotn id net iltiforu llio possngo of tbe act of tfiot tt niutnodlng officers of war veaaela nod nierritantinoncolebrated moninge ou ifoonl undor nn old act and i tie luarrtntt wan of per owelty conflrotod on nrriral nt ttte tteereet port by tlio itrillnb repreaenlatlve there where there was no diplomatic or consular rspreeentntlve the captain waa eropow ered to act himself a consul and coo- more bison yoead three distinct kerda or will buffalo have been located west of the wave ttlver oa tke ex t rone northern bound nry of alberta by u pntty of cruisers under tke direction of a j bel1 gov irasaeat sgeat at 1ort smith mint out by tke dominion forestry department 1lorr squirrel chlet of a tribe ol sort kern indians who was guide for the party eatimntce there are fully mm animals in tbe herds the buffalo reseinhl tb american jitsun ram whiefa they descended but life in the hilly regions has made lham more agile and fleeter or foot they travel la twoa and threes in tha sunt mnr herding twether in the winter for fro tec tlon against tbe timber wolf heir nntuml enemv it la snnouneed hare that tke government will lake ateps st once to prevent tk ex terrains tlon of the herds by hunters nnd fur thar protest tke animal by increasing tks wolf bounty llsrry v had ford an eiplorer di covered n herd in the north two years o jcdy bvelynr teronte hhen indy kvelyn ward sleee ber return to kngland has been staying in loa doe with her brother in biw end sister iord and lsdy huge oroeveacr oa her arrival in canada lady kvelyn started e shop in toronto for tbe sale of blouses etc wklek u said to have been a great suecees bh will spend august i ireland with her pa rents tke rsxl and ooantesa of hrne at orom oaatle and wfll uterla the euttuan re- 1 her husband the hon oerald ard in canada bison for dublin two one spec tmesis of buffalo from the famous herd et walnwrlght park which thn dominion flovernmeat has c resented lo the dublin zoologies inrilous were shipped on board tho ifilabohenhrart which sailed from uontresl fur dublin the other day the prov muxr in in the merchant ee of great llrilaln the skipper enjoy even greelar power lie u not obliged to return a certlnrete tb only compulsion on blm being tho necessity to log the mar riage in bla official log book where it tuny be entered between report deal ing with tho veneer provisioning her couma tit wen titer encountered tbe ship apokon and ibe many other de tails of tbe log llsrpsr weekly ii who walla for thanksgiving day be thankful will not b thankful when it comes review ot life reveal- that ibe thing we moat regretted at tbe time are ibe one to which we owe moat now how a glevbr girl helped her mother dbxoraink uam i tnnat tell yon shout my mother she thinks there ts no other medicine as good aa oin pills for backache sb tried a lot of other medicine for ber back someilmee ahe would get a little better and then be as had as ever then a friend advised uie to get tih pills mother tried them and has not been troubled wllb imckncbc since kr manor luaa backache is the surest sign of kidney trouble ami gin imllhsro tbe surest moment but get fin pills and you will get relief h in fills do not do all that we say they will let us know and we will cheerfully refund lyouxtnoocy 50c a box 6 for fa 50 vouj if yo national drift canada lhnltec millinery opening mix muxkav is now showing the latest etylea in fall millinery tb ber now prcni grocery store in thi remise over atatham a ie warren block a cordial welcome in oxtondod to all ladlse ovghvl oct dth oct kkiimii 0otit oel 7nflu bant mtht evth agin till baa out of toy jtirbjdfettoav the hour we pass wllb happy prt a pecle in view ere more pleasing than loos crowned with fruition gold- mllli there ere about 100000 jews in palestine at present cold cream vul koop your hand and ace amooui aoft and vhlto and prevent roughneaa dbapx hnd bore itpa r apply at bedtime rubbing it in wnu the effect is delightful in 25c opal ghua at at your drubgists national drug and chemical co op canada limited iwoattmsal it miss murray bklul wt aoton millinery opening miasxs hawthoknk a moxios cur ilially invite the ladies or acli 11 mid vicinity to inspect their display of autumn kit hi aery aulhoiatert novelties in im1 milliu ery will bo shown s mlaw a morlbn b millewriijutlw z- autoh the acton bargain store postponed biff bang big sacrifice sale 4000 worth or staples fancy dry goods mens readymade clothing gents furnishings and a big stock of boats shoes and robbers to go at slaughtering prices wl arc very sorry to announce that owing to a number of improvements which arc being made on our premises we have been forced to postpone oar large and monstrous i all sale until tuesday september 20th 1913 s thin bale will last only until the following saturday we advise you to talce this chance of i lifetime we also beg to announce that we have just received a number of manufacturers iamplu of ladies coats sous dress goods purs ofall sorts etc these arc at present on display in our windows and will also be sold at slaughtering pncci i buy from us and save your money a dollar saved is as good as two dollars earned come early and avoid tho crow watch our advertisements for further and more detail ed announcements w singer jiil sx rcton the merchants of canada bank hvery person who receive sad pays oct money should have x chequing- accoent pxvtoenl by cheque u tb most practical coo venlent and safest method of faandllns nil financial transaction whether ol a business or personal character tbe return of cancelled cheques ere vouchers ror every sum paid out tbey show abet dla bnrsamenla have been made and to bon deposits are received by this ilnk subject to cheque withdrawal wo pay tbe same ntteutlto lo small depositors ax wedotolarsonaaajhlfnoouripvtbelraeoonntb interest allowed on all saving accounts compounded half yearly 7ora assets 81it8 i 9 acton branch j f a maclean manager four latest novelties velvet neckwear latest new york novelty soft hats brownnavy blue and green velvet bands 5 sweater coats new line today ol the camels i hair coat s holeproof hosiery guaranteed goods i r enelson m mmbm tfello wy him ranuv oollfu out mrhmlahmmmhmhahimafcmkhihhbmimnhmkmmah t a hot point li easily pointed out to you just pave us insial your heattuk apparatus and every point of your radiator will be a hot point vsk our plufdlung on all job- work new or old and ypu will be got- ting work that will text and that you can recemmaud good plumbior ilonu at kvaeonablo prices stevenson malcolm 0 1 lawyaakaaot ovktru rhaaelm 0ht conscintious plyinibing heating i3 lstqt k 3vtvth iiiixm us to the contrary we make it the moat important factor so if you favor us with your patronage you will enthusiastically endorse us fred smith lumber quebec st fauelph fchone 337 -j- aj ji

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