Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 2, 1913, p. 4

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t i r fybt juton jxu tra j i thubsoy ootoiikk x ibl3 aae aooieny kinds of boye bolloe and t sod rayw i bat otwde- and bejrut end and boy tbeaat ssavde of baw 11t bay who try i their blonderlng a kindly cuimm thing to my and only acoid u la oaf words wboas to toft ler doubt bovs who sre ard boys who are hold boy- who wlu do as they are d painfully bo at ease however tboy a doll and boy who are slwayareaay tu awfat bof with ambition nod boy without buy who wmetto and hove who about boy who wheedle end bope who boy wbd i boy- who aodoctbonajl which ubbtr away abend of a the iwt is wot a beetle- wo awj dtocuae bve ton tho hoy thai halo to no r itfcaeaytonwa happily it lo easy to and to i 14id thuk t nih oor eoafto to mjoa sgsln hu u cooto of th mnlaly awpau who hod a lo tb ooamtryfb pw i woo at yoar hflaw to tbo city two year ago too fed w w o oooa dariog taa oouio two wms of ay may bvfot into o t of lupfctar builoonoola boforo yoa m ui um ttaporaakda xfowa from ooo of my now froat tatta aad aa tay daal wm oa of tow oa mo wool towouforklontaok toaauvwaaaamoaawaa i a for four of okowtas ao sanolly maria batli uwt goal to it and a ojbj pnrtaas bar aad onft tot koto m hoooway oom oara wwohkj ur- y oala la aav aad taryuilaootlo aatllnaliroaa ao i alih tdaalao rod uaaoryaaaw oolorf uoa wuok uliiiilili on ml ooata aa oat la taa niiurairks c jk ttaiasaaa a laeie aooi waataaaa ofea to b- toikaouaao ialwaluadtaabo aoaeaaaaaaaaaeysa oaalfuauo ttloaaaaiyaoawoai teat now ofcarikv afcow 4 nod wiuik a namymaoa aioh otaooo fta wool dtoaao lo uo ante nod ik la bottav to bjha towa to laealvo too anlor mlitaatad ail tall omi ratal l oat of tttojaafomy ni ky labyooaaautb wao aaklaauy put- oa ojib u oaaay with aatroao nf u aataa aa fcia tt lata tbo a fool aaa ate ownooy oroaooo oaftoria a aaaoaa btlata wko botrippol at too ttay taa aae low wtktlwdawatkof uay uw raaivismatoklaa aaa aaait llaa of flla oaa uataiamnlitaiiatot hn- ayf odol ggaja wbaw fllaaar a lap boat opouoi mypo od aaaaa tfco lllll iamuoior oaa 5t a natorallat j l qulrr trlba i inf lnalt nvvr lb tonrmlnl dlmriolaof rttguodoatul in lbo soil luh lowlaoda- 1 p i booluod ootauy la iba oorll lit illua croalur la uaknown it la hot au loo sotcli otpa wa tiyliy wwhli h hall lo ilit willi lliaaatpa of kjulmj from caca awd tbo qooftuoo aa to w bulb ar it hod boao btolao woraltawlaclipprdr- b ambad bat my local lat tbo eoun j it b a qottdnipvd quatdntpad or m qaadropaxi aald hu hoamrotaawly l elippad it oooid oasvor bar aorapad mtlloww wmm powdara act o tboroucbly tbatr at and iniot tlal worw4 ar utaymmy y up aatd paaa turn tb child wllboul baloa ioud and wlthoot laooomtwnca- lo auffaoway th paloloao aod parfoct lo ootloo aod a all llmoa will ba foood a kamllby aaadldo atraoclb oolaw lbo lof- toasacl aod naalnlaloloa it lo bjoroa oparat um ao that huldm bqla ao alfactuo aaroilloaa tboy ara tooaeal and baajtblvlo lo that elfacu t taro obaytoc la tba i aodaaaautal art of g amnion thoasan who tahra no lnltrat lo pabue arttoola fjood rnd rajiglon or pohhea uot arao a aallafaotury baa 6astoria lar lafcata aaa cuabaa ibruynlmarnisllhiu at aboat 100000 jara in pajaatloaot pvaoaat tba falraat howara of joy aprloa fraas um aoll of aaerilass a powor of ll- owodr xboma kclaotrie ou baa a aobuo piwar of ita pwo thju of otoar olu candot pa- tood la thaaw utatra ara tnaoy protaodod all who bao oaad tt kaow that tbh aod fcaap it by thorn f ta warn ara laaoaarrabla aod for oaaay yoan it baa haao prlard aa iba leodino uolamot for am aod baaat kmw atlal omdho yoaj aay thia au uno obiekoo loqaorad lha jadtfo -taaamh- 1 mr braatoa ploli- uy da wbtl aald wbat do ytaai kaow about iho facta kaow aofba boot i la ao axpart waablocton vfaeka 1 do fact 1 face with a buwieiusllecame t the noctb vmat tum bjc la tba ant of 1010 aajaaalwataawaaablvaqioaapro- wkt of bda alay to aa good driok- tka wa ooamast frt ao wen wltk the naolt that wa wops am mrwl with- for- i ail 1 1 ij we kada bottb of dm fow- ubt ssouot or wbj splawmcbbv am chh iwaaa whfch aooa rcllavcd our wsttava- i kwm ajawj kept a boula tajac obtalitlug axh bena- booi it nac when my boy ao a baby was afaailaity troubled it baa alway pfwed a bwod in peed there an aauiy boltauods of dau vamtnr wfaett you ajk f or iba wab- kmi artkkt insbt oa bdns btvati it ft has been on the aaukat lor over atoty- oa yean aad baa always chan tba imabcat of aatwaction it curat whan wlotkaratao 8dd that tbe twins of taa t lllujora co- tbaitod apocan oa tba yauow lsa uceau rriklaw of waat fead awtoif rwaa- tlatw la looadaa itad aad btltar havr u ilalala of ata of aay ladoa aoelaty odora la rogard to tka aaaibar of a lavltad aoaata paata af mstty bay kara- baaa tarovad by aa whv laka advaataaja of lk araabaa at diaaat balla aad rarptiaaa a4 atix wta a boasa tary haa loitad aa a wattorof faat lbo aadatum utradara at f mlbarlaca kara baiaaia aa akaay laadaa aa ara b dorably aktramd u was raaootly otahaaw tkal lo on aaaa a ladr bwaad sso allaluoa la a ball at a waal bad batal waaa aba faaad aba waa akaraad far 340 iroaata aaa aalarauy askaalror aa w a hat of tbo aaavm of lbo waa attaod- ad waa fbrolabad aad aka i aaa faaad ikal oaarljr a haadrad b aba war talal atraagara la bar bad bad tba la padfw m sa praacat t aod aka kar haaplulhy tba great dimealty u ffaordla falaat teas paata i that bast aaaay lass soak a bai f laafl that it to qslla for tbaai to ba psranoaby soaaaialad wllh an who sttaad aad ii m qsila say far a wall diaaiirl aaa r an asaalaaj aariaty aln to altssd d fsaahan wttbant bataa qi hhawrk they say ast bavo baas la subbubaoo gel into an awfnl crowd at tba iralo otornhiafa tbo olrl araoi ymi afraid of piek pookotaf sobbubs no i atu alway a pratly aura my wifes brn tltrtmagb my elotba during- tba iilgbu- wiudal phis lublle ledger keafilydoof stoc luk buooer un pill saved him jaiabrauimoi owt not walk aty wifrread la pilts and acnt rcitfiialifcht dolaaj tnqaood the at onee ajatt tb l ston in ibe bladder cans kftf wbea i rcmll bow i anlfered and bow now i am healthy aod able to work i cannot express myaclf atroagtt iiiradi when i apeak of what qdflttasbcv joint hafoiam gin puulsaieaoldatsof auw- ntonrceldtojrlea boxfrealf saawd tlwndmt in for yoor write twrncatioolact mofbsckjsoinpius en i jlatkmaj irtk mmir thnerltlolatlm laarwua to a pleasant pnrgauts tyraaalaav vfftatabla plua ara ao auaepoawdwo an to operata on both th acoaaaa and the bowel ao that lbay act aloaw ton whole allmeatary od axerstory pant- age 1 aea not draatte la tholr work bul mildly pnrgaura nd lbo ploaaore of uklng ibsn la only qjaan- ed by tbo gratifying afreet that lbay produce compounded only of vege table eabstanore the curative qoalitls of wbleh wera folly leated tbay afford relief wltjhouteaanoe of injary m ohfldren cry for flexclers castoria elwar for tba tall timbers when n hosra n girl aay lbalah lotanda to be an old roald wotuti sap the at rear lb and nodar mine tb vitality or children stngtb- en then by j hotber graves worto bxtoroiluatorto drive away lbo paraaltes no on oan amy with csrtslnty what cewee ibe esuh uahlng of aethaistba eoesuuoos dot from iba street iroea flowers freoi grain and srions other irrltanla hay set ops tronbla impossible to liradl- eato etcapt tbrawgh natsro prepsrsllon aoch a dr t d ksaagg asthnis uoorrt slaty enay exist t there oan bo talnty regarding a resnrdy i freed a epsjarallon of nst i utuafrom umonignof tbeb luaoajav jrhowntnohr- eecactibe i ob for ahoat two hsusimpok vervjaattp ootw np final wv raetjgtlr7babewlwr if im inaorad for two bnndr4 poooda and the hone is warned down i get the nsooey do if oartaloly- aod ybey dont ask who set it aflrer f sanio j jttbbotbaydo jo shall want i o lngtbuj kjlaboolh- lls jf tlftaea yoo posaa np aa ahe iwpykoo i heard waa aoasn csocaboat j t ec where aadjflkr anka t k torterbeck a jii ilia tyofvho hew senth wakw os dsakyard ao oaekntoo j lahnd u sydeey harbor la tkal ll to kewa eot off ssdd rek lltoarisnlh ormhstoe iawndtia f siotk utrrrt i- it waa tbe alia f a large prieaa in tbe days wbna brittok aoavtots de- aorted to anstraba tvs praaaat o aa ike latoad sra is the old prieaa b4ld iaaa tka etooe waits barrad wiadowa aad irea daerad eella beisg atill lo evi rberaodjaaeavba had lnm vwivwft of llw hmmrt uu j d tatarir lftb sd ave beat owen soand wrtte1 t born a neaaatverer hoe ewer dto and teauag wdves i wave had r oerca to every uad of treaafcnt icoald think labdu hdp aae tnctadmg theakul of enerdoctotm i anwcrcd ao for rcaxatkatatusmlloveiehflwbotk- bl bat death coald end any baterr i n adriasd by a mend who had angered and had been cored by afjuaam usabt amd naara pdab to give ibcm a tnat to i decided to doao lantk- utjucdwlth the naolt lanaweaav pktety cored and sag eat and slaepssl have not dene hr yean ton are at liberty to naa my ssjne at any tiaw ia i axa c theyare tka met ptlta on tba nauket lor nay farm of heart price 50 cents per boot orl boata for 933 at an ctelen or wot be msikd direct op receipt of prico by the t w- irfecaaiaaao ox a nwosont mmmi asji 3 canada cement aaaaaaaar mk wtkllaw rwo aacaaa a dwoaly aandaat yoa kno lo bay haw taa faca oi xaawk copot 7w aa watbar crwoowclomooowjaawllowoki i awlawa boaiau i dwtkawaaaitaamadiol iyt li atbw aaa an aaima waa tho nn by aalao- aaaa haatuaa laa t a c eataa oaaroawa s t s5t ascbaaa- at fcw aa doa yoa walaaata ewoaapkm a at ol yaar wacnto woda saala aa oar booli wbn tu fowar cajdowsicawa- kitaaa noaacofc blue and discouraged mihaabm ttnhhrmsew fuialv foand hatuth m lyctim eprnkhunn vejw jawtme coasaprjrnmlr waa botnerad t fnrtharnmtte a ere smdarakw iseraasaa bybe feat that ahe sowaihr faoto aanw t is aapreaeklag a asaneeted btovder for fear of alaelag e in aa awhaiiaaa tog pasltlaa ft baa been anrgested that the dlatentty augkt be awthy aaking um awasta to ahew their lavllatloa sards when they raaek tka heese bat 11 to sstsisd set that atareely ana per a dsosn weald immw to take ivttatian sard and there weald he the onager kaetem ask kawtlae sot kaew 1w bto walls era a a asr la which they m- tfcaea aetaldera there ast eaaetly wslenwlng thaw rerard tba iatrsdsre with aniarsglag tsalsawy aad ike t nosws hi not very far to seek tabs a typical instance a oartaia llltod tody may he grrisg jj ball or ban qest ts eetohrate tba eearfig wt- of bsrdaogbwjr ska akvir t be nbsge i a in ardor i vfblywith sy bead ached all tbeuma1 had bear ing down pains and y back bort me that biggest part of tba time 1 era dizxy sod had week twi logs wben i would stoop over it hart me to walk any dis tance and i faltkliaa soil disooorsgad i began taking lydla e plokhsms vegstabls goea and am now m if it hod not bean for i would have bee in boy ivo along tho ago ktrs ajma p d no c warren ind tt1 i writ to tall yon now nott good your ittadkiob has done mo and to let other women know that there la bslp for them i uaflvrrsd with regular and f eft blue and depressed all the tbsc i took lydla k pinkhama veentable compoond and rommaeced to gam in n abort time and i am s trell wo man today i am on nay feottrom atari wr notil tats st night ronnlng a boarfiaw boose and do all my own work i hope that many suffering wowm will try year in it mike bsrpicr wfaeaand niother kin awti 1ui- oet tovitauane to j1 bar frtoaea and is srder to g agalant the daw net having n goad a eke the friesdk at her invited lagtoa with tka erewd sad eel tkoroegkly aubaagh he it la tba boss or betel where c of the talssd was orl tssally qaita assailable for a dockyard aa tbe solid reek rose skew from tbe water to a height of bo f at to to feet- bv wda eosviet labor baarvr ike grsdemlly eat bpek tret to idls allpa and abepa near water larvat tvs werk baa beea eastlaevd aatil at nrse- oat twetbirds of tke totaf area of tklrtylkrae qerea kaa baas brought o praetleally aalrorm lava of abont iff feet she high tides globs piaaapple shanks and roast beef as dlsaer dtoh asnnda like a rerara to tbe ksblts of ear forefathers who s hew in tndor day most people a teeth were uaek aononat of tkeir diet heaey waa peered briskly over ike beef aad eager swployed to give a limp to the poaitry and ren tke wiae kad to ba mash aweeteasd to plssse iks pel- ate of the onsdiaewal goiwt to this day we oareelvsa add carraat jelly t ssr matloo apple aaoee to ear park aad la oeraaaay slewed psara ferae tk asasl trhanitag of ckuhesu ueadon spectator two xmda of tratn tv e of restotiag to aa oath la eanstlaed aa it u by all qaityt apt to tatrodeee 1 sort of itfhla the wfltifllt of two kiada of troth the ens apueable to the auliwn affairs of jsstlee aad tka otker to tho eemasen preeeadlage of deilrjatoreoawea aartratk beasd open he aana by an enth ean be bat tratb ao in laanom aalnaatioaa of tke seep and tba atarket ptoee a uu- nov okarlea lsalv tkaa troth emtia- xa4 mat it tjbi tea la an ismdlona j thar thay axel wwelda ask a lake for a it easts tke leeooo ooaaty geaaeil fjhjwogbpq to odooata tke tttojkm eku drea is tka anhoeto eeatrollad by thwn fleveateew varletlef of ekeeee are pre aesd la stogtanev aad even ssar varis- im exrazafatln did not know what it was ttmillofitlls vaaam9v m tpaav laawiaaj jajtulbamf jaijltihiiiil lonam biwisat ol oa ytaa laaaboaly oa ihsr to 4a aad lfct tt poril ua btoaloy arias o taaroaik mood doao osuawaata boauoot bux 8 oocua khow safeset7s whatlt wafiraabe rid of them umfl i bagan to oa pauock bloobbrrnma fomy eaedtwo bottle of jl and it ia nowovty tan yrare and i cap h asthatlrtocvvrbadanybo- ir an alf ay r b b3 ia b atk ffjanatath batadlmo loulep i really cannot permit you to read oovsl on sunday bat grnndmaioms tbla novel is nil right i it tells about a girl who waa to three kpucopsi clergymen au old darkey was taken 111 snd celled lp ayetotan of hie own racr air a ilaae a thetw were oo sign nf loinrhxataenl we ashed for n whlta doclori 8a after arrialog pr old ntsoa pulsr snd tbea essi hu loogur dld your other doctor lake itr teaaperslorer heasked i dtaat know boea rrplied tbo alck imgro l bala e muaad oolblag but nay wateb aa yh- fell tbar smlaed the giand t1unk lahwav mmosh tbaimsl a man remarked that be came truea tr lauga cattail iia uiainy ara lhe of you v be wwir llaara writ too of ua i- j be uid recb ft ua had a uatvr jtkd glateltaa f ascullmr i b tobar tbeit llvtte ware ismlf i4 youf no id lb bosstful mkl ouly your brat tboogbia lto actio oaf items sn eolunictciiel ida davm baanipog csarcmont na writta i have bad mdiralioa for same yesrs end could kswdnr ml it then tarned into a soar and the doctor aald i could not get cored i used a lot of mrihrina nntil at last one of my irknds told ate to oaa vlnamaws uxaltna pnjj end efts i had need tares vish i was psmpketety cured end i always keep them ia the home now unisons ixalivun puxa am a wonder reoiedy tor su dlamam or dht- orden of tbe liver and have been unlwr tolly used dttrioc tbe twenty odd yean tbey have bteo on ibe market price 3 erats a rial or far i1jm at all dealera or ma ind direct on receipt of price far the t milburu co umiud toroato oat pxxx0o00oooooooxxxxxxxxxh metropolitan bank lvrr fwrmiiri busiswa thhf beak extends am tneuitka to tbe fanning commnalty special nttentioo beiog given to tbe famem banking needs loan amad to respoosibu asxmars coavenlant sale note forma applied free sato note discounted or col spateinj cwvinvwa accowmt sfaay accoanta era opened with tba banks by persona wbe wish to sot sde small amount from time to tioo in a savings account to make payment oo a mortgag- ufa insurance premli some similar obligation tboae abort time asvings readily aooeptsblo by tbo metropolitan bank snd full oocapo interest allowed oa tbo round period that the mooey taduin witb acton batanch aarollit manager xyxoxxxxxxxoomoxocm pliable yet tough yoa might besitt yoor atttlritancje- with storeys goods by investug in m pair of tbese horscludc utts theyre excellent exajnplcsof boy tough and pliable mitts may bo made by our chrome process with um added wtfsfactjon of knowing they ursl raoc bamnm staff ben scorched or scalded dont forget to buy storeys and theyll remember you by wearing longest at all stores w h stage- a sao uixuterj aoo stored four latest jtoirelties a a e vetret neckwear latest new yoflc novelty 5 5 soli hals brpwn navy blue and green g velvet bands j a sweater coats new line today ol the camels s a hair coat s a a holeproof hosiaryguarantced goods a r ethelison 1 n 4 a a- ma a kat14 kt s autumn e s where yen have ao many shapes snd shoe take a look at the shoe is as wmnsws wttk tke sew strew e boowb ww aw yen so use of what our ateck to hfce wa sow ksaas s isigs iiilawi of kejh trade w wttititams as moo qt oeod ltin- mlll street acton yoar chopping will be done quickly and well oo either plates or stones if taken to the rockwood ohbpplng mill flour oatmeal bran shorts the best at lowest prices harris a oo rcton littery bus lin iudn p w cuaau stiauloo li lo mum fa to oota of cow- anwcbmomllon adly mm john jallllmjiajs toultry caak paid for foaunr wct ssocai rctsn tnblftossjg 6rma a mirth vafb oaarsni aataaif l doriaoom aod roodon of souom auoilooomi hoaaamjala ifiaon mad homdoloaos aad ao klaoa of artistic cemetery work wm hrhstbbbt aggrit acton or hiiton imrsaii counts check books too popttuir imjmrull conotor cajck books ouwotactnred by to anofefont cooator chock book ox limited tbuo- utoo noy b oldotod ot tbo pom sompm n9 arioea of all atylo shown oo pplicatlod prompt dolivoty tbore oro otoro loiooruus in nao lo acton ihoo any uthorchack book actoa free press local aokmcv nloglect ruins watches daod aad baabaea otd dnrlas iha taut so yiafa aaj cafetat keep your watch clean and it is as na tural lor it to go as for yonr heart to beat l pringle has ex perience and ability to repairaptj properly ad just watches possibly in canada v satiw 1irwitc mo j

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