a atn vlatart a iittevniatfcbaavoatolair uaaapt vi harrv or mutaoavufetec afodasaiqmhi of aeioa bad by ha aedoaam at f irboaaataow al ont gburab milton oe tbaradav btatbar 1mb by ma h c noxaa barvat at rattli aoo of w o iw1l barllbftoa lo utrj apbu jmeeabowuoa lloraby jhlto6tuti la hi lilt yv lrrrus la aston oe hand oetoeav stb um lafeal out mr of jaekpjtv aad waaesm u baalrlsa nat an amfaf oat mamad h wuw joeraalb ea oa mdeoeld wum fonserlv of aetna aead bimat fab raaueaa fuewtb mhi fauarday oateber mb tboeaaa aasbreea fleafaamoawlroaajaaoaof halton mbm 3k lb jutoit 3frc tixs methjojist church reopened ui lalavmuaa auml alkie warpioe mr t moore biadtirul riiaoal optvomulp after being in the hand of paint rr decorators paw manufacturers a tea in altera and house fjmadaher for eight weeka the alelhodlat ohnrch waa re opened for divine wcrahlp last sunday with very interesting and graluylngly aueeemful service the renovated and beautified bolldiig w greatly admired by the large congregation whlob aaaeinblod on i be pari of the menibere of ibe congregation there e feeling of gudneaa and gratitude id god that hla bouse had been rendered eo beautiful and com fortable fly lha introduction df new pew 4 of modern etyle and manufacture and the deooratlnn of walla celling and woodwork in quiet and rlful1 tonea a wondarful tranafqrmatlon in the loterlor baa been aooompllehed thursday ootobkb 0 1013 dxtor1ai hotaw tna oalaajtv industrial durkxu baa etarted a campaign for the remov al of the doty on american wheat eo that western oanada may take foil advantage of the new wilson tariff the pg of whtoh through ooogrea took pbvoa on friday and la whlob there u a provision for the free entry of oahadin wheat into the united state prodded the canadian govern ment remeree u prevent duty on that cereal a awaxco in the pile lie la due la the general leather market it a the need are great in every oooeaea- log country ttagund and the united statwer bidding freely in outside market and with the homo need of oanada heavy atthla time the poeltlon of the trade la naturally atroog tble will be eonaldered good newa here where the leather burin baa been qotet foe eome months and workmen ore on abort time twkmx is a pi kb table of contents in the october canadian megaslne ontario and quebec by m o ham- mood i a oooacunuou oonalderauon of tbodutereooea in oplnlooo and book ground between the people of theee two provloeee ibe pence coming after t by dr j m harper prepare the way for an intelligent appreciation of the peace centenary aooo to bo co braied tb honorable adam fr- gnseoo byjovboylo u aaketcbof a pioneer iblleplrjted eltlsen of ontario who baa been too ipug neglect- the balance of the content te foil of interest th fihakoiai otrixook of both conunente la brightening and rail way earning during the mat half of september furnish evidence oxsobstsn- ual increase kxporte for august were four nod a half mllllone mora than jhmt were in the earne month a yr ago bank oleariega laat weak in vtlmhl4r floanelajolrelee montreal toronto winnipeg vlatorla tak- on bafratber worn tbrae mpllonamor uiao for the oorrayoouaaporiod for 1bu manhandiaeurnmrtodtobetn bouer demand umus for moniha and flnandal flotatlooa of obnaereav- uv eort are betna made with oonjti dooo that they will rtoelvo pablhi apport cuildrairof tjeaaer year- aire atlll al lowed to run the atreato alter nine oclock in the ereolag many reaolnuon hare boon paaaecl by betwrolttnt and phuan- ttuophtorgailationa many kgjmons do lvored auuiy edttoruu written by i ajewepepei and magariaea and many l etade that the- law ta park alter dark should be more atriajreat at the recent eajon of the ontario leglalatore theae nnmereo re- qnoctawara mat andthe amended law fat aa cquowi section 17 i no chlldj imder tuusentahall loiter in any public place after o oclock la the evening or be thorn tinl nrompanlod by fab parent or emrdlan or an adolt appointed by the parentor guardian to accompany ranch b0d fenaltle are provided for vlobv boo of tat uw canada temp for h alton oamrjtmemyjguricarajrry avpacul oonventloo of tempavaneo workaira of the eonnty of helton ww bold in ullton laat friday to 4leoa tbo preeent altnatlon th mooting waa largely attended by inboantul and repraeentetwe wvrketa nearly oveky municipality in tb county being rep the fjcoaoot altuatlon waa ffaly dl- comidr drr abraham afield wore- of tbo dominion ahunoo forshta j eeotloh of tb provlnoo g valuable laoramatfon aa to the effoollvont of tbo oanada temnerano ant the value nfp ameodmenta and the the archlteelural conal ruction of the auditorium readily lent ilaelf to artia- uq trea line tit and in the handa of ii r p o rrownr eonauulnirarlut of the aeeodatad ijmner or aft a of toronto whoeodealgna were eardfed out moat ahlllfully by ii r googr1llaunchan- leal bupehnteoawme the deeorallon and fltmenta the effect produced i highly eallafaetory the celling b panelled in neutral tonea of eoltably eonlraatlng tint and decorated with atenotle and outline of quiet eccleauat- lealdealnar in the centre there la a cleverly dealgned arcade of dome effect in ahaded tlnta the heavily moulded ooonloe and dividing moulding of ibe ceiling are treated with oak ahado and barmonlaa with tbeglaaed wainanoat- tnga door and window frame fend other woodwork the wall are done in tlnta aultebly oontrostlng with the otlllng panola and are decorated with prettily teoelllod areadee and dado itbeehelr aleovo presente very netful tono pod baa in the centre a aymbolio deelgu in nit from the brnah of mr browne hlmaelf it repreaenta the deeoent of the dove with the holy oorlpturoa opened at the paaaage tbo hptru fiveth life over the arch ta the inscription let the people pralae tbo lord the pillar are in gold and wainnt and the gallery iron work i in almllar oolora the effect of tbo dwooratlon la very reatful and agroae fd if qolet artlatlo taate 1 at one improeaod j tbo new pew ar eeoilcircuur and nrrauged with centre and two aide jlaloa they war manufactured by the valley oily seating company of dundee and are of modern dealgn and tory oomfortablo and bubateallel-eon- atrucuoo flw and are of quarter out oak with oarved dealgn to match tbo arcbetlctnral outline of the building tbo bodle are nf aah with aeleoted grain and tboy re flnlahed in dark oak to oooform fo the general color aobem of the khuroh mr7 d pennington the president of the oompaoy klndry donated personally a beautiful quartercut oak pulpit to match lb pogro nnltw tilfflng wilful fff itbv hauled and remodelled stevenoon dt malcolm of ouelph mew steam radiator have been located in the front of the auditorium near the pew aereena a nono of tbo piping i now under pewe ibe radiation will naturally be much improvad and the heating pftojro fffootlvr radiator have elan been placed in the vestibule which waa not heretofore booted in tho matting and carpal i qg the color voheme waa also carried out qreen ahadea of eork matting for tbo aulea he wlhon carpftts on the pulpit and platforma and in the obolr gallery and alao for the pluab hanglnga at the arch tbechool room veutry and- cuaoj room were alao painted and decorat ed and here a well a in the vesti bule the tint and stencils harmonize with the auditorium the school rojra window wore treated with the now preparation vltrauphalne by mr w h walker painter and decorator and the attractive affect of loaded qlaa baa een thereby secured new tungsten lamps have been in troduced throughout the building and the improved lighting la marked and appreciated early day the fouiidara of ibe chl1u nd the worthy heritage jefl to their auoeaaaor went pathetic and timely dr moore took ma morning text from kscklol 48 f 4 and the aanotu ary of lheiaualhnll he in ota mldat of tbe people mention waamadeof how israel throughout hir history had placed tbeaancluary always wliarelhe people were right wliar tlielr hiuliieee waa carried on andwurre ilia people had dealing one with aoother thus the house of god did touch tho very life of the people tola principle waa ahown aa common to life of all peoplvs kven ths indian of america drew hlaj irrrgiilar drain in the uildetof ibe people llxim to have ihalr insane and auparalltlooa cootortlona performed hfucalba people according to thai religious instinct of the tribe today we muat have the house of prater in the mldat of the city that there tb people may worship man is arell gtouaanlroa ho will worship kvn iheakcpuc and tnndal ha hla ohjsoul of rellgioue devotion aald the doctor it is fitting that men today build the eanqtiiary o that it is over before the peopla influencing tblr llva con- crete elt atlao and prominent lostanoo in england and burope whre great cothedral for worship wore bulldod in down town districts with tblr atreet verging toward loam in t hla way lb house of god waa ever before tbo peopljnqunc1ng the life and thought and doing or all eonuntly tb church in tb midst of the p0pl la a place for worablp for them it 1 aleo a place for fellowship one with another with holy desire and emotions in fluencing all thing tb sanctuary la a place for all the youth and children aa wall as for the aged onr children belong to god and have a right to tbo aid and upbuilding aaaoclations of lb ihurch the sunday school appeal and work for every olaa bvery manner of ufa and thought of every type and condition of every rank and profaaslon all have their ufa touched by the church which la in the mldat of the people the eanctuary honest and honorable exall bmlnea trane- faotiona our religion is in the life it manifest itself in our bualnsas deal- inge therefore let the eanctuary be placed right in the mldat of the people the church roaobe out her band to help all olaaaee are helped she alanda for an exalted cltlaenablp upon the train laat week a man oame to dr moore having heard him loci tore the evening before this man assorted bla dlabellef in preacher and apoke of the church a ueeuao and ga in fluent la dr moore thanked hla friend for hi frankness after a short conversation the man waa asked bio occupation he aaarrted that hi business was not a vary respectable ooe that he waa a bartender he however apoke of his excellent mother and freely recognised her a a conalat- eptehurob member and influenced by tbo oh u rob before thelrconveraatlon ndsd the man was persuaded that be too had much to tbnk the church for and he declared he would never again tend bar he having broken hla dec mothers heart by his life the last seven year the qr gave him letter of introduction in toronto and la to meet him again immediately after i ble return fronv halifax next week in concluding a atrong appeal waa mad that the time had come to llva the truth to act the truth to do thej truth jin hi evening sermon dr moore asked the congregation to look with him through an archway and beyond and go through it into a blessed im mortality one pillar of the archway i round in mlcsh 6 8 do justly love mercy and walk humbly with thy hod the other pillar is in the newteatament luke 10 1 87 thou halt lovo the lord thy god with all lhy heart and with auchy strength and wth all thy mind and t nelgh- bor aa thyself over iheseplllfl and tbo people and in lb bune of mou balntsnlpinetnt patting trillion into our every day work and dnlog throughout the dlsoouroo mr moore amphflad with llvlo had sen and met in theory street yakway train on the pralrloaad in the quirt bomr all bowleg that called to be saint- meant called i the onmevt highest type of manhood and woman hood hmllfprigb 7vjiullis jflttij ubrrttsrmniu maii wantku themuaical eervlea by the c bote wet especially mkriiorloue tbo onthoma and voluotarimrwecoo a blgber elao than was usually- undertaken tmt tbey were rendered with moftbaffvattlveneea and aattafaouoo in tbo morning tby og send pot thy light by gounod and tb mercloa of lb lorj at tbo evening otrvle the brat enlhem waa tbon orownawt the voar with thy goodoeaa by fredrick k maker d father korp ua in thy oar- by sullivan hodge hi bertl smith lollnjplendld voice and with much acceptance claude lyttlotcne setting or a dream of partduo tbo offering of tb day wore genef on indeed and niaolnaatod the spirit of united endeavor and ooneacrailoo which charactarbtas tho eoogregatloa mora largely perhap at preeent than at any pfavlou um in lu butory the local giving were a by liberal offrlng by homo comer woo attended tb rte and by gift ant by former member whapoald not be prevent tb eaah offering laid upon too plat during lb day amounted to 77180 tb floral deooralloo wera very pretty and profuse with thee tbo bpwortb lssgu eooeid tbo very tandor and fitting ida nf decorating the grave of tb d member of the congregation on monday after noon the pastor and bajrdoao young ladle vial ted both falrvlaw and tbo old eemotari and all graves which were tn any way marked to indioato the last reeling place of deceased member and tbstr children were lovingly decorated with flower and autumn leaves tbo decorauoc lo- ojuded the grave of the fou of ths- church who sloop there t h adamses browns halle laeby mauhewa upeighta hoorea oum- mlnga nleklln storey sovdora stawarte hematraoto perryna mo- lama on down tbroogfa tbolr lamllio for three or four gnoratlona 1 then tbo later member tbo somorvlll kb bage baatona ooloosana lalnga stopheoaon wardoam sooords btaf- forda sharp wauaco ramahaw wllaooa mhlcra walknra oamp- bll ofcbs smith oarrou mo- nabh sayovv oamblaa mckoown turtona brunts taylor blngbaan oooka vlnosnta mason tbaca willlamaon jforriaooo lav thurslona johnston and tw dlo nly tro hundred grave decorated and in tbo work tho per formed by reverent bond many hallowed memories of the departed were revived mr thomas sopar of tho county of peel ha pnrehad tb 100- acre farm being weet half of lot 18 in tbo 5th ooqcasalon of tb township of ohloguaoouyfrom j d mcmillan sale was mad by j a wllloughby umwavk oonfaiui una r moou au our stock of fall millinery will be sold at onehalf of regular price lost vanlag am rrvdavtah lunat m lkmh ulltaata clas- arllk at h k0rsalk oooioklpsb jho w11jiam ffclt shapes trimmed and nntrimmcdr made hats in velvets plushes etc feathers wings mounts flowers very bpeciat prices on silk velvets plushes wires and all millinery materials we require the space for other lines of goods and all the above lines mast bo closed out this month for sale at half price jamuh4tteswi henderson co mill st acton oat t0qoooooqoxigocfcxx uabolink klfilne for sale asu v aaaotlm alaa u ae4 a buvjutnr gwb aadnaa nii uoxunjiuis8uortoo f0rhale two roetbaam boaa oe hvwi do bu k rooet a4 woaeaba iu bass aa atabla 1 baohol w tbaj kb bu us- ooo4allan aad batb boii rev raaifcar w- fc btaaratalam v toeacbtvaai dtf aaaa select your new fun from our splendid slock of jg i rich stylish and dependahle furs 1 vfhat woman la not interested tb minute furs are moutloneu 1 what woman doe not delight in handling furs and more pleasure in owning tbem t to tboae who are not yet ready to purchase we extend cordial invitation to come and inspect oav atock and look it over carefully compare our prices with others and gain a thorough knowledge of what far and fur etyle are going to he moat popular thla acaaon those who wish to purchase now we would org to cease in and boo tbo splendid stock wo now have ready the absolutely trustworthy qualities and the unusually low pries and we know youhl decide to purchase here pur set neckpieces and muffs will be just a popular as ever coming in many different kinds of skins caches mink pereisn lamb red pox buck pox mole hear natural blue wolf civet cat alaska sable hudson seal etc they are all here and they are all rood value pur dept second floor millinery the fall millinery season la now at its height now is the best time to cbeeee your pall hat the style are bottled stocks are u yet complete- seethe beautiful display our price are low overcoats for boys hundreds to choose from priced at 1ftj to sweater coats warm cosy swoater coats for men women and children large showing pbivat balh op hoijsehol fu will abrt tor klamvalavawll flmlaraili atns colichi riveter i baa ba aaathu farm kk 8atj5 ttlmvalaamalarai aaa u aana a biakwaatbaaaaiamu let ma n la lha thlie aaanaalajef um toaaah at eeaaiac a iba aavaojaat half latfaavwi tb bursa is to a aa aoua as lahtfia b r quiwau lomi gt confederation life ratea aad paitiaalars efceartell ravaliail laaa lailag laaa otvio ftul bt1uwt actolf valuable property in acton for saukcusoo obaeurity live much long than fame wooray twil tow havoaomo nimmlalom toaovoay tnoana ambrose got ooupty judg of tbu oouaty dted t hi bona at milton on saturday naprnlng bo bad boon aufforto from a sallgnant growthcaclnoma moo hmt do bor inaprufawdannudlawk for tx month leave of a whoa deputy jndg bluou wma appotnud wooaabasbunl bare aa ajotvaati aa- ae wllta rrajt waaa olimj fafty vla t d e macdonald 46 bros lwud the death of juwie c0majr cor wyiullutm and mpacjl stncu gutuf tffit uaookirjirquaqtnu q valuable pfwpertv for sal tbk tasktaam at tea am bar 4 obarab aa vi bawlmtto-r- aaaaaa tralf neaa 1 atoa hi talllagwau a eaedrfar and hamaw baasvalmaalaaw a trash sal a ne abttrsrmttabl4aamara- w 1 toi boa m aatea os ptoarod faollitlesfor nforeement amouoarwao finally anbmltled lp tb boot inur- oteof tbo county m whole to ue top to organise for a campaign tp ubmu tho oanada tmprnor- act tpthofiloelor of the cbunty of hi- ton the following wra daoted aaaontn- thltuo on organfaatldn i actonltov j a wlteoo ii a and h p moore bnrllagtnn bj hoievr and bev aor qrprgta dr l t bennett nod el orlman mhton od oakvllle to aelfqt tfo nmottsmoh odrpoto ii mtfmni- w j l bamptnlr aod bvplklngborne mmwya41 mcnsl aod mur- vtooh7nt foster taqd w jl oo andlt iftal tboinpigo will be kraayqtoarrong froomwloieirllm v ii remr by this con- gregauon forlliv spirit of grail ludo binding theun together is the arch text roman it 7 called to saints the arch text rests upon but also contain tb essencs of tbo othr two and wsa frequently used by the praaober in his forceful and manly appeal to thapeopla he aald tlt fpr age it wm thought tbatpbe a salot meant to livoa secludedrilfe in a corf or monastery id uye an ascetic isol ated existence away from lb people the teaching a well as that example of the christ was be said contrary to all this sic lived a holy ufa in eon- tact and communication with people the great test or goodnes as ahown jo jesus own account or tha grot assise matt 25 i hmo la hsljrm eer- vloe for his sake to our fellows tho term saint meaua holiest ipright deaf- log faithful atryloa to tb employer whether in the home the ahop or b4 tlieofboe it meant also just treat msnt of the employed in matter of wag and general treatment the erase for cheap good with th blood bf unpaid labor upon them was severe ly criticised hy dr moor a truer spirit is getting liiittl of us these day this aald hr i evidenced in our batter omiment of orlmlnar christian prlnclplr are leavening our legislation nolo for example our immense bulla ifrmnf a llielar- and devotion which pervaded tlem tbroiigboul the feelfng nf jqy inthe completion so sartalfactohiy of tha work undertaken tha pleasure of ueetlng o nianyhiimeonmvr who wr formarly worshipper llivre the ohrlstlsn r11nwhpjuanlfested by the prnoeof rv mitt3owarlh and hi oongrrgstloo frnmah baptut ctjurob iln tbe morning and of bev mr wlloon and hi ooogregatloq from tho prasbyterlan ohurab in tha evening 1 and we very fitting protases nf rev dr t albert moor toronto oensral ssoreteryofitemperanm and moral bororro ol h church throughout the dominion who i a grandson of on of the founder of tho church a son of on of the members of the building tfbmmltteootitte present building and lwbo hlmlf pfoao flrat mrmon a thls cburcb aa praehertf the day all eoucrloutea totbenoeem the d ovante but he waa unabm id lotto agewa flftyigbt he waa eallad to the bar in 18bsl he wa born at neonnarkot after completing hla legal ooara with the firm of mowat downey a faingum toronto ho wont to winnipeg whore be wa clajma ygeac f o tb o p b for throe or four year after which be went cohort arthur whore bo bad large praetlo and was appointed crown attorney he r tgntd tb position whan bo waa appointed judge for ualtou name tb milton aod took bl oath of offloo on docoenbor 0 ul- ho i survived by hi wife nddop daughter agd about aevao alao by hi toolbar who lived with bias brother at port arthur and a alater at chisago htaionor judge qorham cams df ibng and houorablo ancestry both near and remote it la averted that th qorham are entitled to claim de- oent from progenitor who accompan ied william of normandy to bugund in 1000 and there oan be uo doubt aa to lb fqt that th gorbauno of apnor- loaare drooendanta from jaum oor- bam who earn over on tb maydawer inlsbo in hi private life a well- nn ibe bonob judge oorbam wa highly re- whoa hnplattmol 1 attend writ teoay artbaoaialagb of arltox qhi millinery dpenins missxs hawthobmx si mokxom cor dially invite tho ladies of acton and vicinity tn inspect their display of tngi tract of land where tbos who have broken our law arjlrssldas human being with ifitellaet nd soul the ouelph prison farm is proving lp us tha these tusn aro worthy orouv further qod expect a saint to h kind to his poor bsitsr bttp the unwoetliy occasionally timnto ml aiding th needy man lfanllou waa mad of oonfatvnoe wtkof ave provincial premier where thnnttrr omvallng with the poor apd nsglaeted war undardlhusslon at that oan- fsreiioa tho spaaker urged why do you um reutpv hi eauw ol till troublf v slno uiallquon irafflo i h the root cfflfly par cent nf ourpovarj-f-i7v- ty why not rmova it r in matter of ainummaht w are oalled to bp saint itlsuiaar htaldltoplay with toolvi used in gamullntioidtoni brother rerralnfocdvbbk olvl potslblei inflome tn ptotecuthsrs from fslllps- all ttttn is implied in salnkhtp i tt ur m b ivfr to blo dv thwitwi rstbon whfovwm preaohadit tgtiauyojoyfd tyrrtiaw igrand trunk c0lqst exgurs1qrs sept htu ttvoct ttlh tadutlve from aa stations in ontario at very lew rate vanoouverfaio loaangeleecal vlotorlnb0 bap diego col nelson bc- san rrnoloo prtnoe rupert nexloooltvmek portland or satttowah spokane with oneway oeoddcuss tickets ooty wlllbehseed proportionate low rate to other 1 points in ariaona british columbia icallfornla colorado idaho montana mexico oregon nevada tcxas utah washington and wyoming full particulars berth reservations etc froeasny grand trunk agent autumn muhnery ail the latest novelties in fall millin ery will bo shown fqulrf cukpmlfbwptmitey executufis sale i otdas to cleaa ap um eslata efl tb tela huqh molauohun tbaravul ba offte4 tea sale to rablla awaoaai by jaaaaa tmadaoam stta winter fair building oualph oe batuhdavy attth ootobir iois at tl oeleak a as bauumeeathellol lo4 kj si la misaeahawthorne v morton ill err aotom millinery opening miss mubxav atest styles in is now ahowiur thu fall millinery there will be aou by pnblic 1 the premises lot 10 in tho 61 of the township ofnassagai ih adea of the 1 in utaoattblr el wlaia rfaatbelossebwaouwaaam s st law bajlalaev- untuuamar aauv en saj av vlaaaabbalaai ibwv 4avs uwreetfaw vinboat uitansl tb reeaartr te so scl aalw e raa vsemsm cked1tohb remises over htatbams 1 the warren block in her new grocery stare a cordial welcome is extended to all ladles miss murray peptsd he we of atjulotindgontw- wai wjgjwr- 1 stove polish c i a qut but ffntvo intovost in aoelal uiatteraand lutba industrial nropr- uy of tb town h wa an earnest worker in th prwbytfnvlan cburcb therunaral ontuenyaflnoon wa very urgy a thrvloevieoonduetedbynev p psmltb b a of heneall foinr- lyofmlltob nbv mr ocok of arm churchy the pajtarr wera ehoeen fron tha lr rraternlty ot tho oqnty deput j crown at j dick victor oblfholm milton a j piokfnnuo b h ulevlver burlhogton and alar obbmolm pk- tl r y jorawbon corner tblrtyolir jrbar ago and repeated ner tha nmjt sunday in those day be alin4 tb proaoli obrittoobat ftom might iprobrut b may bring a houacjfitit kltchpvj kr a bribht stovk amd a br10ht rotjtatrort use ggfjumc knioht a paste mowistc ids roktrevtrottf amiltowqwt lo rust valuable faillm fabm khxok aot imp in order to wind up the sstate of the xato wlluam a- ball inbiic auction upou 1 tho 6th conocavjen nshlp qfwwagwoy on ttjk8dav mth of oqtobkr at the hour of 1 oclock in the afternoon iba following farm stock and imple ments houses bay team 7 to b year old weighing about 7oo lbs good in all harness 1 good driving marc cattle t jersey cow due in janu ary 1 red cow due n june 1 farrow cow milking good t heifers and 1 steer a veers old 1 baiter and steer 1 year old 3 calve and 1 fat cow pios i brood sow due january pigs s months old h4ns 50 bens abiooablckens implements- mssseyharrut w er 5 foot cut nearly now if aaseyllarrls acetldrm loboermabseyharrht culti vator maaayharrl hay rake all in good conditio sat iron harrows- floury ploughs i cbattuuaj wagon box- end stock rack coapnio at inch tire a hay racks mclaughlin top buggy act bob sleighs cutters t nearly new atonoboah raanlna nlu 1 turlp pul- potluafv6ltowdulsuw7plbrcrato 3 set doubletrees nckyoks logging iihaius blndlca chain act double nar- r of mwara ttchltelatwartb vufcago of aetott in tho r in matte of m mid laceaaad that jnatimj jshssl oauutaaambxaaamm a to dlatrtbttts in aawta jsf uta tf iba paua anuuaa jl to lb aulata of notla an last um aald a llabla to um akld a 4 oe aa part anvuuaonoc shall um us val of aasji dutrbu beilaiuw levcali oil- llblanmblla bsaaalora dalad lb uui day of uabmuibar uu dm of wboa alaun notma rtoxaa btumm aiba tl j uaokivmuh colla oamarea and mahjoa neglect ruins watplnaft uhiu undldi nmi t ol pwngn nro p tiu5io rlo oredl d kyui t tm hovu uo quantity tiiniu and doublatrao uiniy ntlnr artldw 1- i grain- jopbuahrf of oal lo lonii ilmslbr hay halt acp com in wook i licro oytorall j qy f p wm auo daiay ohuraand 000k atove it tha aama um th ttrmwui j oilerad caala th hropty ooinpttaaa loo or ke6p yoiir watch clean and itl in as na toral for ittago as for your heart o beat prinfele has perienceand ability to repair and properly ad just watches possibly or great as any person in canada which acres arc under a high state of cultivation the other hftf oeinr bush and pasture land threlsagoodfra house and bank lxo sotfo upon tho premiaea also driving swrjbw n40 andjingpen the farm is situate five koitho lauda bako va lhawsa of ehai tha puk of tba tinaa vox tba mka of loosla at tba land m tbartsbt lot vtw iba asa of aaulas a obtloa fatu at a youriioranraaktlvurvaiir o jpor lutu too acre townahlpi bains fvtoo wtoo v t ooootr of hallo ovcttp ualn lot no 1 la tba ith oi mm lamfoabartwoodbmb bahuiaa waa o land lu mile trioj fltooavrte wall aaoad uowi whwovohard btoaabimasaf ikt roainv tsoodtaalt barn vub aaaaaal miles from actaa andls convenient to school and cbarch tbkuaof salts of stock bud im- plcmontai ten aallars and under cash over that amount twelve twelve mouths credit on approved joint note flvu per cent off for tjaso hay cats fir nips fowl and bogs casut i termaof sale of farmttsa per font whm qlrfti pringle ale may smw uaqneitbi townln lot ivla tbasrf ooaoaaikm t mlmtvawaaoats ioiim froin aston u aanr slililetiia paaiara aad biipb ttultdlaas ooaalal bous al 10 rocsas lubhbaru vdlb j ktbllr aaraa oroberd tar up balaaca en a lamtia at s k pv4iar7ooa s1ss r-i- 1 j m x wrvrawi