Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 16, 1913, p. 4

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thursday octobkfl in 101 1 ril uvi my thanks a day toe arlvtna thai a and tl pogli i tw year good era eo it leave ardunili i om th byffaxi da in amcb i a aommknnif lltiih iii umf olii- idmf 80 mr k via hmur i tl v heart and eiiddan drr rvtuli dr uit thi u rt not far roai iy ooe of us suob sorphseedrnppod mas iimii foot 1 at ita out ilia into it hei word than a a iuu- cl lid place wlnrt laolhvi brf0 tba loving thanki i ilotb ndey f gaae inlo tbln yaa end ehlo i anaat the voornltig lov thay tpak to en loa j thi only can i y dy to o loving christ iiiiiviy thanks lo tb llerth uirotui woods uomr ummrmm hi labt thefqraok title itbo hut tin i ii evturcanip 1 he rfilli 111 well you thoulln t 0 mp nt t ut loa yon oan enjoy jounrlf with in iwlug cutufutul i t iimt ibo ehlldrwn miudii and hohlihy l itia aral cwr of a mother thy rmnn t bo laoalthy if i willi mi- 1jmbr rs wrm kflarnilri-tm- a 1 ti lallnna seldom twthfcr him if bujmirr i ban thay ar ilolloways ooni car takes lb corns out by lb root try l nd 1 ii 111 km wbo ru thai i 111 tod inlgtil i rlllu lir g aufxragrtlr tbaftkhttvink htwttbw again berth want through the eontool of har pockelbook there waa the usual variety for the pocket book of a girl ot suurrn rivals bar wall brother pocket a a raeepoele tor all aorta ol lncongrou thing thar waa aioooaart programme and a scrap of tilk that aba bad just watah ad and bar hopping list and a aaenple of tooth pasta and a brokeo pin tba l to leave at tha jeweller to ba aod oni or two street ear had takao and never it use utile change pone con e mfflaltmt ompber of quarter akg die to give it an almost nlathotv a opp u mulnt why i baratt any monay br- tba aajd to twmmlr wilh a4lttu gmap jmtiat gat off tba car uarfaoa aa m dtatnay not ltosnthar do to tba proa- pnot of tbraa inlla walk har ahop- plttf bad takan longar than ah bad ttpnotad sbn had baralj una to gat bom and draw bafora danar at bast and if aba taoat walk ha ottld ba abocklngly ute and tba murray har nothar goaata for tha aaalng omda a fatlab of punetnailty tba girl aeroaa tha aula wm rapard log bartba wifcb a look of half-bumor- 00 half ympatbatlo nndarataodlng bartba waa not notlolag bar now bat aba bad notload ba aarher whan aha ontarad tha oar and looked har over with tba oonaeiouanaai at aaparlorlty gtria ilka bertba an llkaly to faal nndar eoab clroamataooav tba girl aoroaa tha aui wai draaaad la a faebla inlution of tba latest etfla liar obaap ault waa of tha moat axtratn cot the pluma on her hat bad ap parantly atartad ii le anbltlooaly but frtqaant abowere bad humbud it witbodl quite obliterating ita aarllev taodaner to pertnaae worwr than all though the girl wore aeveral rlnga aod bar ongar nau ware far from constipation sawn f tha unr hm acttm conatlpatioa la one ol tba naoat fre quent and at the aaaae tlne one of the moat tcffoua of tbo mfaor albnaau to a iin motion of the boweb daily ftbutild be tbe rule of tjvey ana who aapircs to perfect health keep tbe boweb properly rccnuud by tbc use of milmumm a lajra uaa pilx and you will enjoy tbe very best of health mbolj rtxlky medicine lut alia write have been troubled with constipation fur tbe uat coaple of rear until juat lately i tried a great many re wilbout any but et but i beard of mikaubm a ljcalrrata ptulb eo i eave tbem a trial and began stilus better nebl away and now i really believe am nixed and can heartily recommend tbeoa to any one uixauam a uut lrvax pru are m eenta per vial or ft iab for a dottar at all deawrs w mailed direct on recelpt of price by the proprietora the t mil- buru co limited toronto oat castoria tvglnfluita and cwmrtm the kind you hayb always bought bears the signature in use for over thirty years castoria tha roge va probably tha kind yon buy at iba teoeot store waa bertha accurate gueee batteveq if they warn real it would ba rldlen lovely bad taste for a girl of that aga to wear bo many she fait rather eatiened with bar own etna of fltnaaa ooajpared wltbtbafof tha girl aeroaa tha alata farbepe if aha bad aaen tha oibar glrla borne tha aqoalld nolover i7 boana without a rad earning epot of baataty har aupariority id point of ood taata woold not bava aaamad a tblngad which to pride baraalf bartba had forgotten all about tba gtrt acr tba aiata in dlemay over bar own pradteament she roae to it tba wobay to pay and than tha band with tba obaap ribga and tha arrlmj handv tooobad bar atwa iaoat roar nickel bayantyoo aaid a votoe wbleb waa joat tha ort of votoa yon woold expect from tba rlnga bareeooa baetbaaeoodlrraaolata tbaebabbr pmaajn tba other girls hand waa opaaeadaenpty tba attokal aba offat x ob i thank yon vary woeb battba euaaajarad bat ara 700 eora you can epara it uewe aaid tha othar girl aheer- fnhr if yon glee m yqnr ni tatarn it vary aoon tha girl langhad oh aveoeote ainc worib your taklop tba alavator to tha alith floor and hunting ma up anybody llkaly to need a hule rator moat any tima and you ro welcome tba raet of tba way home bartba waa boay thinking that poor taata and lawemnoe war ultn oompatlbla with undjoaaa of heart and i bat there may ba aemathtng good even in a girl who bays bar rings at the tan oent store and waare a disheartened willow pinna and though ebo nnt thai bit of knowledge for nothing it waa not tba least valuable thing among her 1 a homal rasrtlval tbartkigtvlnej is the hoina feetlval th eentimaot of tha day is reunloh it l bard to associate tbo thought of tbankaglelog with asmall table orta thinks instead of twrey leaf brought oqttrora theclosetaiid the table put diagonally aorose iha dining room and ehalrs ataodlng ao cloea lhai ynn oontdiit drop a fork between them one thinks of mtyolsa vid p borsea waiting at the stations for the trains that ara a little 1st a because nf tba holiday rash and of lltll peopte trajnendoualy exoltedover iha advent of oat of uiwn jlouilup knd nldr on id i ob ttaatmlak t jf m dl 5 tariols pjlm bckuh lb tuihinclpf ttx tn ottrmnr of fc twtlng41i emuutrtloni mllad fortb t th btiy rtuoili in u nanlb v a jmr h wrf ft lp rtaitbc not ibart th bltli nrmt flfttocqlw nnioh amifa qimmdxbojullij with tboi fulu whjjifckaiid to bt niatllr twinlon bjr ptluat mm bw dm dlnautm inn mid mala dalgnnpanlllla iyn tmtin pk fe ben tbe chauffeur should have a little bars sense relief for the suffering he whom ufa is made ntlserabla by tha buffering that comes from lodlgaeupn and has not tried parraaleaa vegetable pills dose not know how easily thie formld dble foe can be dealt with three plfle will relieve where othera fall thay are tbe reeult of long and pallntludy and are confidently put forward se a sure eorrenlor of disorders of tbe digestive organ frotu whlnh eo many suffer quaav iedy oustomer peeved 1 ve oome to return thle paper cutter it s not ivory as repraeenteda storekeeper musingly i wonder whether that rlephant had falsa teeth t a twujpaonal oomsdv the young lawyer bad opened his office that very day aod eat expectant of client ajetepwaa heard ootatda and the naxl mlnuta a mane flaore was allhouattad against tha ground guas of the door uasuiy tbe legal fledgling stepped to hla brand new telephone and taking down tba reoelv i gar every spp4a 1 n hllla deep in oonveraatlon yee mr 8 h waa saying aa the man antared 111 attend to that cor poration matter for you mr j had me on the phone thle morning and wanted me to eattla a damage salt bat i had to put hloa off because i am eo busy with caaoa fttat bow but 111 try tolfnswleh your matter in be tween my other oasaa somehow tea yes all right good bye hanging up tba receiver ho turned to hla visitor having as ba thought duly impressed him bveasa ma air tba man said but vm from tba telephone ooiupajiy ive eoma to connect up your instalment woman in terrible state find help in lydla e pink- hama vegutu cotnpounil capo wolfe canada last march i was a complete wrack i bad given up all hope of getting batter or living any length of time aal waa such a sufferer from female troublee bat i took lydla e riiikhama vegetable compound and today i am id good health and havn a pair of twin boy two month old and growing finely i atirprised doctors and neighbor for they ci know what a wreck i waa now tarn heal thy happy and hearty and owe it all to lydla b pinkhuns you may publish this utter if you like i think if mora women used your remedlea they would have better health mm j t cook lot ko tcape wolfe p el canada because your caae 1 a cufflcult on ud cvctoniiavhiatdoneyonnogooddotmt continue to suffer without giving lydla ptekbama vegatabla compound a trial it surely baa reotedlad tnany paa of female id auch aa inaamma- sidltmay be euctry what you naad i the plnkham reoord is a prqvd and l ona itlj- av of cooatant ictijiiotrat urt oth ttnmlttaof wotnan nhivout deal out mm wls i stsp tbe main teouble with th fmlow who knows it all is that he has eo tnueb lo learn makaa breathing basy alriotlon of tha air paaeagae and th struggle for breath too familiar vld ence of aatbmatio trouble oannnt daunt dr j d kellogg a asthma remedy this s the famous remedy which is known far and wldat for its complete effectiveness even urdrr very severe conditions it le no untried esperl mental preparation but one wltb many years of strong ecrvloe behind it liny it from your nrarvat dealer when arliate compete for a prise iha result la a draw some women are aaally pleased judging by what they marry ohiltteii ory for fletchers oatoria obttlma bosty mrs orabshaw i tboohtyoa w i stolpet to apeak to thai yooog man who th con- fe titan oaulfig on daughur o loogr orabsbaw i goese ite eomloa out all right mf dear tha telephone bill this month looks as if there was some thing doing not that b a doeoreomr t miacl it f order doctor doctor blilpp llavo ymi t led home cooking r b a dn 0r n t hail 4 not tho his bladder was terriblyjnflamed en mu m m larder lake pot msrch atth i had been suffering for some time with my kidneys and urine i was constantly passing water which was very scanty aonaerjmea aa many as thirty times a day bach tuna tha pain was eomethlag awful and no rest at night i beard of your oik pili3 and decided to give them a trial at once i sent my cbum 6o miles to get them in two days the pain bad left me entirety x took about half a box and today i feel aa well aa evajc and my kldaaya arc actuagquimnatsal again sid csttmarl gin pills sootjsbhhe irriutrd bladder heat be sic weak psiafol kidneys sod strengthen both these vital orfcans moneybackifthejrfall 50c a box 6 for 50 sample free liyon write m drnarandchcuucal oi of canada x4niltedtoroato 179 m attaut w laoond thalaaaon lo history waaln program and in vain th teacher coaxed har alas to anawar at laat aba brighten ad up bhe had reached the atarpupll of bar little elaaa unoa maryfabu lowed kdward v and who- followed maryr tee tommy knew that and hie anawar was swirt her lit lis lamb he shouted triumphantly little boy was so sljck dm not think he could uve cholera infantum was thecaufc this trouble fa tha meat danraoua ol an tha amnmer oompkuots ofmidren xt beams wlttlb profuse dlarrijcsi t 4ltl- irritated and the child fai soonreduoed to great languor and prostration cholara infantum can be peedlly cured by the use of v powutx ifac wact o wlm brawnaabv ns mraendda fowuckm htaawaaxav uaa yobm pooti haoupofl w cboetra insntprn my little boy ws to sick x did not think he could live a be waa out of his mind and didnot know any one x gava him da uowuttva and tbo first dose helped htm and o bottm cared hkn x recommended t to a friend wboee diudren were flck and it ctjredthani too da townsi brraxcr or wiu up la a remedy that has been sfirs ntaungatiy ufbufbasul 1 thja45cwaitumonuhrr youaiv a sura and cot da foam v for it a jhero an any this fsiowrcnyontbj her blood was tieitowatei lias joaara surra box 2s crec- man sask writes i write you these few lines hoplni they will be a help to someone sunning from heart and nerve trouble i doctored for three years but continued to get worse i tried three different doctors and got no rcttef and tried all the drugs i could find but all failed x became very weak and my mood was turned to water i tried mnjsumm a luuat ano nttava pnxa uid after taking five boxes i got great relief x was so thin i only weighed 00 lbs but after taking live boxes i was completely curh and i am well and strong today and weigh 10 lbs and x can now work all day and do not fed tired or fagged out if anyone would like to bear more of my case i would be pleased to answer any questions price so cents per box or 8 boxes for tl 3ft at all dealers or mailed dhot eat i receipt 0 price by the t ullbarn caw uontad toronto out the bore would always get a good sendoff if be would only go when a man get married ha never quit sure whether hie mala friend anvy or pity him tha worms that infect children from thalr birth ara of two kind thoee that find lodgment in tha stomach ano thorn that ara found in tba intostlna tba attar ara tba moat daatnaptlvw th tb w ot i tint and if pot interfered with work havoc there miller worm injwdar dlalodfabotb kinds and wfalla apllj ing tbopa from tba syatam trv to r- j pair tha damage they bava cause children ory for futchers castoria tba uotbex who acta aa a chaperon is a matchmaker in disguise idleneae to tha refuge of weak mind and tba holiday of fool ch bora plee before it thar ara many who have bean efflloted with lao a h driv ty away wltb dr thomas ecleqtrlo oil wbleb aula ilk njaglc all slmlurly troubled should lose no time in applying thla splendid remedy aa thara le nothing like it to be bad it le osjeap but ita power is jn no wfcy expressed by t low coat i the duke qlhnr tba duke of wellington was prtnca of watarioo thdugb bv nevar called hhnsalf an and btad fnaoy ogbar titlaa for which b onca bad u pay dear ha told a man to order dinner fortum at a partjonlar bote end th mau du eo mantloafng all th i duke tuna praaantly tp duke con and waltad a long time la th dmnr com ingt bo naked why awt yon bring tba dinner wo nra walung replied tba waltan for tlio real of th party thay hod prepared dinner for about twenty people crying and aebblno crying u a contmctlon of the mne elwxt about thi eye nod cboeka canwlne a flow or fear by quealng tharscb- tywal glaada if rou tinned for soma up it lead to aobbing bohhina la a aeriaa of apegmodic centraciions or tba diaphragms causing- anddan inspire uopa and vptrntton wlilcji pagalngl through tba larynx nnd pharynx tjrtnp aboa tbe typical sound alwaye con netted with this proceea- mew vork world d i rjviwsr i peaeo would h promoted if twniaoutild b persuaded to jsnj tuqn over dlbarataty befbr ijoo- talk thlna w iha onr tah tal lht abnit wmbinstu awfvliii mbnwiki bmrta that k j nf l4 1 i is tbkoto suuflmot bughta aat thrttav oesiratalwg of the loser ir rvjulk ats liadoi ooaaideriag taa oi iiua aapnlxr of artlelas thai are leal aad fowad evrry fear tadaad evary day of th year t la strsbjre tadmmsi whoa atteatioa ta partieetarry eallad to a esao kow irn ea tha erdtaary eor idea of what la th tre boat t loa aad tea tader aad what tloaa ar hld as ta tkeli righu ta ta last art u la rrtbits th popalar asraslaa pi ad lag is kplag u areewbty reapoaaibl for uraat deal oft error for it u ly ira to a inaltad xtat th lose of aa artist doos aot doprive th loser of kis rigku la it aad ha le entitled l m oovor fnonsslee whoa k eaa th go4r has eo right to rotala the artielt as agalaat ta tra owner aor xopt if soat spial to dsoaaad a r ward as a aeuu of rotmalag it if raslth uase hie ajabraua aad joae nu it bsslth eaa oespl joae to gl it beak aad u jaojaa baa fitujii wubl it to browa bsalth van oblig bros lo atake raatitalloa aad aeed aot as a aeral ral rmad kiss th for it tha daty of 1 it ptala it blfovt leawnasawilft a i pndjrepbleodor in 1 atfeyvailrer becaoaethoro is no turpentine oe polish is emy to uo good for the stew thf ckm trunk railwav 1 capald of aa artlal la of th flsdar qait ptala it la lo dia the peraoa who kl lot it aad if be keeae it kaowlag who that paraaa is k raa th riak of baiag pro aotd for theft bat weare aa erttele la foaad la a pabu peso t whlah thr u fro a esse sash aa th ssseat a poblia park aad even the aabli porta of a ahop thi ador is atiud ta keep tha article property a ehuayw a valaaua wl d t aatil th real war taraa p ta elate it aad a eaa ew haa aay right to take it away fresa kiss tela was well show la a vary old oase on th aabjaet of a ekuaaeyaweap s boy foaad it to a jwl worth th jwllt wishing t ewtadjo th boy told his it was wsrtfclsas aad oaterod lud for aad a tho boy deellalag this sow v to ratar tha jewel to hue xt waa held that ha had aa right u eveativ th boy of taa jewel aad that la the abssans of th tree owaer tha boy a tba la eer waa ea titled ta keep paeaaeaeea of th artlal this stalsxaaat af th law mast ba takea vrttt sees tlssltaooa tha if property i foaad la an but- the lea kee eaa dssia it aad prop foaad by railway por aad other ess ploy ut railway station ar trabw asast ba dauvered op to the eosapaay i loedo eab orivera aad traia aad eahalbae ooadeetere ara entitled to elala f aruelse left la thetr aad meet take these to ut lost property ottos at baotlaad yard if aa srtlel is etaissod the vwaar saaat pay a reward of 15 per eeett ef the valae aay artlela net exalamad witkia eertaia usee le retaraed to th dnder lxnixnxkxooocxxx a x x 136e metropolitan bank ajuaoojooovoo haas farmara bosla ttiu liaiik osten u ita fat hilt to lb farming town apocial attention twlnjj iiron lo tha farmer banking noods loans made to icioniuuo farmers coo von loot sal nolo su 4iod frco bale note discount or colloctod ido special savinga accoetat tn wtb tbo banks by poiaoas v to st asido small amount from tlmo to urn in a savings account u make payment ua a mortirag life into rant premium or meet aorao similar obligation tbcao at oft llmo saving accounts arc readily acceptable by tho metropolitan hank and full m mmiund inureat is allowod un tbo round period that th nonay remaln wltb acton bbanch aa rollit manager ixxxxxxxwcxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxb there ware higi jbrnka la the leadoa btoak kxeaaag reeently a jobber who eaieya the aiekaaaaeof tha burg lar was eaddealy haadcaated aad e eased af balag a party to th tioaal swal rebbery new exciting gee oral latoraat olrenaxataatlal ev ef his gailt was defy fort h lag by the estmatloa of striaga of uwitauoa pearls frosa his poeheta mid thea the ery weat ap for the polio this was aroaaptiy reepeadvd to by eaetker dealer who had ka to tha trouble of kiriag a ooastabla aatfona aad thw dellaqaaat was hastled out of the house by the scruff ef ik aeek followed by a excited asob a largo pnreoataga of whleh was galled lato the idea that a geaolaa arrest kad boa made bveata ally th ink rooolud oa tho owaar ef tke aaadeuots who whea doasoast rat- lag how they worked had to suffer the hortlteatioa of having th key stolaa for ebont a hoar flaaaelar warm and strong if you want a pair of sloven or mitts in horaehirje calf or buclutkinr sheep or muleskin be certain ba specify storeys in no other way will you set equal value to prove it slip on a storey mitt say the wool knit wnat and lined icind ahown below warranhetl acaubc horscjiide waterproof and fireproof just the auritf for warmth and comfort sold at all stores every mitt is tagged storeys insist on storeys w h storty son uimtod acton ontaxrio j david uvlagstoae explorer aad ww sloaary was a aaaa of varied aeeoss puahaieat besidee gottlag hlwsalf taught oa board ship aad later by 81r tkoaus maelsar to take with great aeeuraey astreaeaileal e for abdag htitade aad hmcltude beside aequalatiam kuaaetf with botaa and oology with patriotie literature aad klgyptekary llvlagstoa waa aa eveel leat bmeaaale a stwsiaa sad m aaarlasr hla reeoaraefvlaesa was at ail tlxea reaiarkahle when aa was hard up for feel oa his flrst ataamer ioaraay ap the xtlver bhtre he leaded la th elepkaat ssarsk here no tree existed eaa a fael was obtalaebie but hla saea l toaad raaay beaee of siaaghtered u iahaat uviagstoae at oaoe took th boaes ea board bnraad thees la fk garaaess of tke ma robart aad so eoa tinned his jearaey ef new xcalaad ita taroat la adorned with asxall wait feather whleh frost their rseessuaaee to elerieal beads have galaad tor it the name parsoa lb xt aaetallla i bird with very beaaaifal plasmag refleetloas ls long and rathar alii greea parpllaa ref ita long hug feet aad th wagta of it tail u wife taiaklag they ware doge that be- loaged to kls team dee lasseta aad hoaey xt has aa ex teasu teaurwa the tip of whlek is forked aad balag cov with sbers foraur a kiad o brash ascot beerol to the parsoa bird la gatherlag its food ubagood aa kaguak atajor with a paaehant rkatrtha- horaet jv creature very lenitablc for a pet this remtads ea f aa laeldeat la tho life of thejate xerd avebary travallag one day oa a railway brala with a pet wasp in hts fpoeket he harriedly thrust hbt head its wasp btoag hba ha did aot blanf the wasp however aa kls harried action had frlghteaed the creature wait jkav fnqaeatly beeata pete bat the major is aaid to ba tke bret to tore tke horaet lato eaa oartyiea oread uaa hi bera to expead mvwy particle of strength that oed ahaigaty has clvea kba la dolag tha work k dads e u it for to stead it out to the best breath ef lit aad de hla bestvthw oarlyl was troubled with indigestlon for tin vkaits urdowk r100d mttem cuelald hstat mas maby uackar huntora moun tain n a writes i i waa tioubled with indication for asora than ajao ahsij i tried ansral doctors medicine cbumt ukjlbi power to cure but all wtthontaev cesa raving beard of tba many cares effected iryteurdotk bkd bitter x owdhad to give it a trbd after teung ftwo bottlea i waarxxamtetety emerf imyaportrt which waat very poor b ht end x cstrnt toort imwu buuh s four latest notrelties fi velvet neckvxet latest new york novelty b s solt hals brown navy blue and green g velvet bands b sweater coatarncw line to day o the camels 3 5 hair coat 5 8 holeproof hosiery guaranteed goods g r eteeaujn w moron s oraluua tajloe i4 1 i dont advertise xooooocxx weall advertlser rwiarradver tisos his character by his deeds his wisdom by his words or by his silence a merchants store stock and windows speak either well or ill of his business so when a man says no i do not advertise ho knows not what he says what he really means is that he does not publish printed advertisements some proclaim this as though it were a virtue yot spend much effort and invest mtretr- money to advcxrsing their business through mediums other than the printed word they may make their wares fit pr- a king yet hesi tate to introduo0icm to brown or smith this is inconsihtuncy advertisers builettn autumn shoes chno y ur thorn fiom oar anpsib aiock whara y u t w u n y iap sud sit tslin s look at ihn ol na in oar windows end set acquaints willi iba new slylae in our win low vtr can how bui s lw of our uiail i ut it im ibovrn will give in i loa nf wl tl our mock is lib w m have a urga amvlmnl of high grade w wililiams 0 home q good shoe mill street acton yur chopping will be done quickly and well on either plates or stones if taken to the rookwood chopping mills i lour oatmeal bran shorts the best at lowest prices harris fc co limited hcton liyery bus lin tbe undersigned respect lolly solicits the palronsjie ol lb pub lic and informs them that well stables a comfortable bus meets all rains between toooin end 019 pm careful at lent loo given to every order the wand of cora moreiil travellers folly met john iriiliirt7urs pnopnibto poultry cah paid for poaltry vs snxa the berlin steam granitb marble works oaphr draun pflophiatdh ihlftiuni an 1 iluuders of strntw mm nloaumd munitmenm urkam i i loa liituncb nnd nil klntlaof ariislki ci mhtehy work oonsc19ntious plumbing 1 not myth kith us to the contrarjvwe make it the most important factor soityoqf4y6r ns with ypur patronage i enthuia8tfcaliv indorse us wm hemstreet agent afatokor mtton imperial counter check books the k tlnr imjierial counter check bookx aiani fiiolurwl by the appleford counlt r chouk hook co limited ham llton may imj ordoroil at the fmut tsutui 4nmi ioh nttdprlcee of all styles shown on utlllatlon prompt delivery titer uru more imperial id use in aclonjin any other check uook js60 acton free pru oqal agency vrallirjh aten twrwrtsiftiirtai

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