Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 23, 1913, p. 3

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for wadding and birthday hiiiuto ilnndaom mantel ctooki pancr chioclock rofm it47ttvnran carving stu cet glm pay cms ootid gold wadding jtlng from fjf a upward l eo hynds real estate ja- wllli cmt news op local impoit a eeghl wbtoh rmmd lb ire of n tunber q cilia- on mu bireet on toeeday afternoon wu a greyheaded drank potting bla arm aw utile girl oc lb way bom fromeebooland tha fallow ehooid have tb tret rami mmkl earn with th aren wek the itt teaipernlnr aad flnrrlas vrnjr aaearneat that footer la oomlag ttm wmal period el led arte allu lookad for however the brlokwork on7 the oa p cbo la completed np to iba heat a and tba metal girder planed for i flooring tba work will now b ra ad forward aoaa to have tba building an before jibe eevere winter waaabar aata la now tba tba lvau option ntn- paltravbam bean tonhd tba gu wiaba to tba enajooooement that weave aold adrruala epaee to botb pnrltoa aad wa wtl toave tba curae to daowto lor thrmealv from tba ae ante pra bj both pert to daring iba oampeigbborilng- to taunksavm6 visitors 7lin miitiii aw4ww tba mr brla gotletof toronto w- home mr bbr wlutoma of bern was bow j muejennle ttmlih sif toronto wa borne mr a medooald waok boaa to strata 1 mr w h hpalght wa bar froe toronto mr jack chapman wa bum from toronto mb basal hard wa boma from nobtotou mr joala dram returned totocooto oa friday mua iowllto a moor of toronto 4 at iiwi ftoo jm boo ban miff g kef osw bookmai mmiorla ao atamt f wtmmuut lm obp factory bgr twuwalopuoaoaataaluoauauta meeting la tba oddfellow hall but night to baar tb report of tb targe af adnnr of nothwdeetto work tba pe la otroojeuoo ara being largely algned tboa la charge 4 la wllb very t mr reginald fjunloo of toronto ran home mb moolure of toronto wa wllb mr qtodaton uoabaod w boma from toroato mba florence holm wa boma from toronto mba margaret bennett wa bom froai gurkao mr warren browo wa bom from nw hamburg mr h 8 kkawa waaboma from tba b p r toronto toroato tbla waak mr nlobou forba pant iba holiday in toroato j mbw anal penuead of duaajanooa witad iruoda beta mr aad mr haory naal ha ra- bad weatha f0 bhn pair it auummd mmawxw all day it wa at oaa uma a aart of byword whan tba tlma for rria abow earn arhind tbaabla 1 nra taday vur aavaralyaar bowavar tbf popo- tar abow njoyd aplandld waatbrr but laat friday tba old ordor of tblac raeurrad for a um rain fall in atdy downpoof and dnrioa tba ra- matndw of tbw afcanoon an aaooaa- fortabla dripralwd tba attndano waa lafftabdt aald kwuhiudidaotthoa who to bria ow wnt to tba abow at all owing to tba wt waatbar a a ra- ault lb ator aad botah war crowd- ad with paopla all day itiaaaumaud thara war s000 paraon on vb ground during tha aflaraooa tha ibt of aniriaa wa nnnaoally larg and th abowiaoj of jook wa kacaduigty gobd tha avara pro bably a thotuaad pwipl aurroundlng tit wg bora ring all afli navar hafor wa ibar a boar lot of horaaaoo hlulloa at brio fair tb mpatltlon la lb arloa uaa wa tramvly k nd it wa with dlfav eulty that tb jodga mad lblr award tbu was partloulaily iba ttaaa in lb olaaaaa for light horm dim axoapuoaalty boa driver balng abown tb agrlooltural alao wall ollad mom on tarra boi balng abdwn tha otbr outdoor aahlblta auob a oatll abaap and boga axoatdvd laal year which wa a raoord to a oonild- arabla daarar tb oattla abow wa on or lb bt ar aaao in brln tp ashlbli in tba ball wart teo hidikrfl wrong if rby an yaw at la dnr tarough wmkaam or dma tta udaay fall to utar tba n likwilliiajliuiiaw bariiia i ilmitlr bright a dlaav at aaawiaf jrtfc if a man i alway making now frianda l gaoarally a atgn that hla otfrriand ara onto him ugbtalog may not bit lo lb am pmaakwtoi bar h to dlgarant with tba ohroom borrowar aw lafrmuag laoldaat of faaatty atotory waa lb baptlam oa baaday by bav a d lmw la tba obnrob of tba t b of wouam menabb aad kalf ma avanna tba good old- glvan waraaxohlbaw a to tba forma and oolu makanah to tba otbar sftfhd baaar baa dlniinil of bai axpraw and oartaaw baal to mr natoon f moor who toft aatan laat aprlaf and who baa baaa for arraral month with m bantty btoa fwigaa mr maor wu look wall aftar tba utaroat of bla patron m and mr moorawlu ba oordlauy wblto working in a tnotdry of tb idral oanlk oa at oookarilla aariy maayamorjobalraday torkgok bbi arm mora utaornton u jarygood anflwaa aoruoalaad whb mto nallla aad mr oba uyada aflj d tba day a breach of promise ca toronto wt man kay of gualpb tolj4 lautlt tbinat and wflt bnlm a aunwa raanaaa bnan minor dry for afrv dwba orawwkaw of maataak parad m batal to tba otnnr bnan ahooklagly aaanl- pt aha aibtlmnm aalary for twrarpoat m wtta ba laaraamd from sb lo and mlmmaa lovnday aa d wrtoaa la- t anricnw oaa to bto aaat bn toavmbtfat tbat taaft atlag praylaa than to an to tba atoatota of tba nwaal- dpauty and wltbowt tba foratauty of n najution n hylaw known aa tba m option byjaw a qhto rastotrar itu- b nwi nom bla b ptwatld to mr j a of toronto who took tba oiark to prapara tba aald bylaw aw iba oqaawvwmtlon of tb coameu ft it noxa ragntor iwmllag waa pan adbynyotaofdtol aawbi tbant qnnb naat baoantfy a fc gbnajaanal aal of work by tba i of bt alnanw obnreb wui b ii oa emnay swouofwbtob baa bnan contribat- rnvntoonowalullna am potato tba other day wl aannd onooaa iotbt ninn to una tba rata- of tjbtowa oarrtod a by4aw to tba partoot kautlmg oo 00u k ny4wbwii ww ba mployd twp tttaa for ton ontario for a room la tba otampballrula hotal fornaatutbaftaraootytbwnk- d away with two aultnof alat froai bodtr tba man waaaanwbk asdaaaronto for an offaaoa oomaalu td tbara ha provan to ba aa old ooawlet and it inroad out thai u waa ho tbat bra into cnmpballrnto oor- wblnaad moavt railway ataliooa loaf t arm in ibjabanaaatoavaob taw not war ibprniid from king- fbnto0mpburi tamathrw ili il qwia jthm nnonal high qebool ooooatt la tba townball laat wtdnaaday avanlbg tfan n gratifying anbonm mrd-uan- nwaon m p oobaptod tba obalr and grwoafouy lotrodnoed mr ohn baitts who gaa a dlwaralwid ol impataonallon atrpa bmltb tba w mrw nod mr hanry awray warn with bianda u qnalpb mr and mr tboa woikmao jr of brampton wot mr t t mi blind toronto ralatwa mr andraw o brian of port byaraa waa boaa for tba bouday mra bnndattoad taylor and goorg wr with frlaoda la gualpb mr j b brown waa bom from vletoru unlraralty toronto mua klrkpatriok of qalt ipaat lb aouday with br awmbarlaor mlaaaa bula aad myrttodula6ftor onto wtottad at tbalr bom bar mr frad itelaogblln apaat tbaaka- gtring at bin boma main btrt mr and mra stawart of totonko war gwasuat prtnalpal suwarta mr r j maknaknla and babe of toronto war at mr gvorga soparv mr j u moot of tba barllngton gaaoun waa bar for um wak tod mua myrtto wltooo of coarobrilto vhitod ml tba boma of mr j a natooo mr and mr ed jobaaoo pant baaday with mra hugh mfilaughnp mr and mr wm laadaborougb and family apaat tb holiday in gait william and arthur kanoay and mto una war bom from toron to mr and mra jno davto of stmoo wtq gnaata atlba mlbodut paraon- ag mr linton knny wa boma from albart ooltoga baltarllla for tba boll- day mr aad mr b j moor aad baby jooalyn of toronto wara at moora- oroft mtoaa maggto and mary wataon wot boaa from toconlo for tbanka- gtrtog mtoaa anato oram and wudn mooraight of toronto vlalton aoton mfanvwiuuaj am bab of btnaapton war gnmta of mr joaopb mr jtaa doacaa of toonhtji holidaying with htafrlaod mr umo kawnwy mto marl richmond of ona- nt prjiriiteft ial tjtntar fair bav i from dwwmbar oth to utb i w l v i wur to adding a ft 10 a 5 dooartorant tn bto atom with sflmjj jwawal amoitaaaat of noval and g wjfc wiwa tb opanlog will ua p fba bvnrday gu twaaa aba ohoroba go u tb tbankagl bliplrit on baaday to vbttlag awrltod tb oongragatloaa of y an i g btawart mr hwwt strauamr of barun rhattapm grandpajahu and oibar ttllax oh thm ittb or ootobnul i for ami tin it i allrgad on f 1 our protulaant eluaana ba paid manvj to attntloo to a yooog and baao- tiral widow of tbto town fugatuag or at toaat notbatdlng tb advlo of tha immortal mr walmrtn bto aon bai uu to bawat of tba rlddat h now aulaw tbat ba i rton in bto intention odihat b wa not attoebtd to bar but bowavwr tbat may bar bnan lb widow bo on attaobad lo mao and aa baaaama tobatlotlntrttn tb aaaltar b ba altaobtdhl property whtob to a form of altaehmaottbafc b do not ojoy thruu u tba borbnda biotlf tbadafandant in a flrteto braaab of proaato earn and bto qnamlonabto atutoda toward tba widow will ba gtvao an airing in tba naar futara th partto in tha on nr ao prom inent that it u fwared no eoort room will bold tba rart crowd daalrou of nuandloglti trial ao u will in anton town hall on monday avn- ing october itib ondnr tb aiupiot of th bpworlb liyagii lo other word it will u i mook court trial and it promton to ba on of tba moal anjoyahla affair of mauy yew a a urge number of our leading peopl will participate in tba peooeed- log th ootnmlue having tb trial in charge bate engaged ool a v new too tb wllknownlwyar4eoturer of woromtar ma to atuod ty lb dataile and paraooally oondoot th entartalnmaat ool newton baa bad remarkable uecea in oond acting almllar enter talnnwuu and wttboot doubt lb breaob ul promto trial will be bar aa elaewbere an eot long to be remembered with ptoatur mot qm tliwmy ben i a decidedly novel bandadout in tb atlburpoltoe ooart itibt 0ohaghi kwmrkei new 30000 gallon mtjato to a aptondld addition to igjnpatnaw awpply nod tb watar- gmaytam t now amply prorldad jto another well toj however being jatowayio4lbtooootln imhsip qmmm stomlac ytiiiwy owoti ww mi jjummwt i mtmjib uw jm 1ulvtbin wbo rbud tb jl joll hmup of lb ibfftow ud pmi wlu bo ow o wnmuy gbsslz fmi anton ipnn kfl1ton vggi sawerad- rtempung from tb bdpnab0nraa mr baxtov imparaonatlon were akllfnuy prntd nbaraaur aketebea war uto-uka- afd lmpreaalve it ffilnnl appaannv i onh for l th ttbtotto laodeooto of thonged ototwynaan won bto naf aan avrety nambar wa bow avwr nnarttorl th to of mto batito bmlih proved ber to bo nenlotot of ratability her full rich aonorooa volo and t artlonla- tloo anebbjd totetorendarbirnnmbere in a mannar whtob delighted lb n at an latarral jn tba pro grmnxbnva3 drprp tb oartlhofcte and dlpeomaa won fay tb tndaotaof lb high and pnbuaj sobooto laat mldaammr inanlmpret- alvonddrembeenlogbnd thn npbmdld jivrork of aston aonooto and apoke very lmprhvely of their vain to tb otwnmnnlty for th very enjoyable evening provided the community to indebted to principal simran and tb anargatlo uff of tb moohv atwaat tthnab wf m nhetbiy on tnoteday night rev or me quivary of xooa j ohureh ouelph ddrm oo behau of the womo fprahra mtolooary boototy a umbar of t b ofboara an mem of th mtbodtot aoxulary were pre mat in rpona 16 tha kind invltatto of tb totr tb dr vpokvvtjry aaroee dr and mr cameron warran of torodto were gueata of mr and mr j jl warren mra bobert carroll aad four ohil dion ol toronto were gueet of mr itannla htnuh mr and mra w j statbam and ohudrni of kaeter were gueau at tflr mtoaa bartha bcpwn and both hetooawer borne from tfnmutqn normal ttebool mr harry bellamy editor of the jgngnnnon nwa waa a gmat at mr- w b hateun mto ago buddeu ol aahgrore be hin tb guat of mr i m ban wit preisbeevt all iba on bebwlf of foreign mtoalo iflitw jnbba nl dafato whet pj f nwharn iilnifnl f nli ttjov jwt ftnko oantnry and olalaerd thai th mlko spirit ubaoomlng mora and nora a teal partnubaohoroh iii and that the old ida of mlmtona being ort of afiwies to tha ohurob waa faafc dying oot na ivehflnjkv h mprad th i t grant ntneraatllt hand bqwouto 1 parntlvely lluto baa aa yt iweet ac oomplkhod id onodoafon dr mo- qlllvary enmpllmantad th attxlttary fkere on their ihar in tbto naneeapltoh ed work knd wlahcd ham b tbolr and oarituaf o wofevrrrlo ahberti mr and ml maoauer and mto s of toronto vtolled at lb home of mr john kaanny mr and mr brant 8wokbamr and babe of toronto wore at warden bwakhaaaerv mr nd jama molotoah mr wm maaoo and mr jo agnaw vtoltod frtoode in orlllto mr w j goumfapaot tb boluiay with mr onmpbau otork of tb mat ohaatbaak waltooaburg jlr john d brown and babe and mtoaa maigaretajsd jeaala menabb vtoltm mend at creamer mrvand mr p f hamuo of kin- otrdlovbhted t tba home of hla brother mr w el hamun mto bthel oralg wturoed to bar homo in weet toronto after vtoltlog rriend in qoalph nod acton met qbrg smltb wa in toronto rt wv mua moon swlth ratorned bout with him for abort vutt mia soay baoiml matron of the alesaodrn sebool for girl toronto pntnnkvtngatbooldbtn mra 0 hi bronro- waa at 1fto4u toaiwvek auaoding the foural of bar mr mn frndtrinh mtoam itolmia bmyward and bar frtoad mtnavltchof toronto pnt thankagtvlog at m gordon j- wmrda bower avenue amr frod qmftlb of th matrapollun pptaihjb he been tranf honi fortbankaglvliig mr and mrr p j madlgan audi maaut cell potorad from torontvi awtf tfiant tbankgtlna at h- liouie of mrdmr wu tbumpoo u p the other any by it jamee oonghlln wy or 1benxt twelve moniha en joy the pleaaure wbtoh arthur main treet afford for on boor each week only th bowl of th town like the ntalu street are oot of bound but uulik the main etreet hey are notto reoelf mr oonghlln evn dar ing lb favored hour of th week cooghun appeared before the aoagto tea ch with aeaaolt wllb bav- ing ultod improper anguigr with having beeo dleordarly etc htol honor handed out a three option award wbtoh permitted th aooueed to iquar up with th law and jutlo by pay ing taocaah going lo jail for 9 month or by taking hla uberty under uapended ntuoa on the oondltlona that hramalu off george and smith itreeto for on year eioept for on hour each weak and out of the hotel of the town altogether for that period th third option waa accepted klor bxpre ibabkoffaring rooatoed the ouladartaabhrr were bom for thaokaglvlng i mto howl to irvalk- ertoomu mophrveon to klncardlo ml poltoj to goderlcb and walaon to oreemorr mr and mr b h moor muaaa gartrud marguerite and ml0 maater briiint war gneau at foot- croft mrmoorbad juat returnedj froiqn thp thcoogb tb northwert k ur andrmi h h jean wa at mutoouwweelcwbar jlti joan who to lejfber or lb forgo bra band asaltted th band of that town him ibubtlo biiili k yt iptmlly ri61nti4oattq yoo jimt bovo mtjttotjrnassc will bo tool point- use our plumbing on aujob- aotktdow or uld ond yon will b gt uoiwotrtlnt will ui ud tbat yon psip tv- qood- plaablnr dooo ot komoooboti rloiv stcvens n wa co

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