Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 30, 1913, p. 2

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r maiiiid ssrw rrtammoi mltoonhkmll rilllttkohw bf jury awards j 48 and costs tmivxjmowi imawmi dtoooin she juton jfr press tbur8day ootobkb 30 jus ontmjumotm j uinta- rounnm of tobourg has decided a mm id fetor of the mma- ant holding that a landlord u reepoo- alble for hevng hla ho a preeaieoa oh ocroutm tni um village rlvartoo iil ilicud treats oa upon dry uoket this will wipe um ealoona out of um community the victory wh largely won by im worn volare of whom 110 went to tba p woow have now um right to ou on lb mom urm fta won la lulooie irbmmxm uut at but um disss ads of um officers and man who are eo- utlettto um bonnty puiud to umm umb part in um fenian raid fay um oofammt are likely to fan eattlad an lataatlgallng oommlttoco have hern pointed for several bounties in aaetorn oanada hito wlu ba gbu rn to ansae in aeton and vtnclty tn bablt caor hfomoonrr naatmu wbol aggregate lo0a0o0c aaotrr nan bnndrnd hand of cattle fcjw una blayod froa panada to um ting this year nvwd y um paaft tbrn ntonum large and dlrant from country rtaa aanh wank ainoe um passing of um piimiuul tariff bill at wanfalag- la whin admitted lira stock fra iwte um ueltea fltatoe stoekara aro gnfnn pyay for lb moat part what wfll an um naoit to oar own local a haltt omtmrlox of affair pollt- inunvldnnuyobtalnaatoakvula t1m nweayei drnnty judge bulott bald votare ikta oourt la oakvtua on waov 9 told tbaranm- eeatetlvee of all partiee got bxjether want obtnfauy over um reaametlve liets eai then bended ta um jnda a mined lb rouobed for by all parties tbla waa eaftabtly avtdawoa of um friendly feeling that abonld alwaya rxut why should u of taa psjcaa for botb egge and fowl araaoertag umm daya and um suo- oawfnlpoaltry rejeer la coining monay tbla adjunct to um average farm has now b use ono of taw ma import- ant feat uraa of um widea waka farmera aouvule la um peat um work of managing um ponltry yard baa genev- ally h given ovar to iba woman of um honaa and added to tbalr mnltlfari- on hoaaabom duties now una braanb of farm work ha as important and prowubls that ft wth naturally claim tba auantlon of um man improved qnart and aaw train of steak aro lion of improve moot which farnmra ajannratly may adopt at nominal expenditure bat with largely ineroaaed proqta th uiwk fjoort breeeb of promlta irul in tba lawn hall on monday vanlng tl reeled e urge uduno from both town and eoualry to eetilng of tba stage had all tba appearance of an orthodoi oourt room tba rauvd dlm for hu lordablp um judc b daak for lb clark of tba oour iba wloa hoi and jury mn- oloaurr um altomay tabw tba ra- nntil quart at fur tba nlinaaaaa and lb iuuoii for tba ctantx crtar wr til arranad in rg court form ka uynd n iba jodfan abalr and with all tba dlgnlta- nf uu lonkhlp um cblaf jnattea praaldad ovar lb oonrl p ha look vd and aotad tba part with mtnnlna ur jmbbr parkin tba brohan- bamrtod pulnlld in uu hlably inlar- tofj hraaeb of prombe tmlt waa ad olraur imparaonatad by hrm a t itrown tba lovaly widow with bar oaraqaliad loa and tba uaaralion of bar fadur ffaetloaa waa portray d with n akltl worthy aran of ona who bad paraonally ondar um axperi- ow broach i out in tba vuonoa und o arlof lm1u wm um loekiam da- fawdaat who waa allnyad u hara utflad with um widow affaetlona and than taraw bar ovar for bar charming nlaor mu jrruaha u parklna ha atood tba aa ami nation and n ortnf of tba aiigatln pr en una attomay witbont olnablofx tba oaly point at whlab ha anaaad to ba arrloaary affaet ad by um eharsaa of croal daanitlo waa whan i ha fair puloulf poarad out hor haarta olrarnpi and daelarad bow fondly wjdly oad madly aba load him tbla waa too much for hla j vlotor oolimaa waa oark and obiaf uwkmi waa conrt cmboar and oriar niadlnw to any tbalr rrapaoura parta worn laknn with all tba mar- anna of na aonrt o tba ptnlntlffn attomay waa ool a v nawton of w maaa twool hi m uwyar of rapnta and ba mra w b chawaat and mr d 1l f nnd for tba yonna man wlui wfaoaa tba amstandaat waa raally in lom inataad of bar aant uw widow a t brown nnd dr lakn tba taatlmooy of um aaaaral w aa waa laaaalna and uw looal hit intnrwoaon inmriably uonght down mbooar tba jury bos oontajnad h p moorr j p a k nlekun j p jf l wnrmn ooiuneittora mfhomnld nam ooopar oao j wajhwa jno ooln john kannay joan kannndyof tba board nf fuhwauon prank raaatdj tba winding up the accounts tna nn am momdarv oannqflbmt in rafjuur rrloo han day aranlog and davolad ball an boor to pa fan aooounia al iba mautbara war urany iimm liynda oocupud iba chair tba follow tna wlu win nnlvil l bapaid i okxkhjli avmkivth d a haodrrmm lumur xlm kobf storay ubor 1s00 k4w pravoat do too n p heum rapalra 7 75 a j mack i noon volar lula oourt ri to swl17 kuccraif pijlvt can own kua 0 auppllaa l jx1jt7 britlah oon anancua auppllaa mlco n p mclam rapalra 1tt d a handaraon lonabar root btorayubor 10o k pravoat do j d banar fralbu ate total ondl adjournad at aight 1307 i133u a miluon for good roads ami to votw on ft tba kaaas oounty oouneu baa da- eidad to ak um pnopla to vota on a aebama lo aawd j100qoou on good orjtuary alna jcuim llkxiwamum tba rtalb of uarsant hntlili wif rf john ilandaraoa lot ifl eon h n- whlch ocurrd on handit octobar mlb al iba rf danoa of mr ja ilaodaraon main htraat aatoo wbcra aba waa wtlna will raina noeb raaat imoor bar many mrmd llvlnaj brr wbola ilfa- uma in na ajawaya tba waa wall tnown llrr paliml loving aplrit an daarad bar lo au abon aba canto id aontact wllb fiha- atlffarrd anucb for tuaaw yaara and ibougb aba will bamiwd by all y at it wlu ba eon fortlna know i bat aba la now at raat mra urndaraon waa dauchla of um uta jcraua uaallh uar aor rowing bnabaad and two ehtldran unvidnnd ifaggu aurvira ubo waa a mianlin a tba praabytarlan cbnrab tba fnnaral wna omdaelad on tuaa dan by itav j cj wltaon acloo and ha or bulr naaaagawaya titoaua bum tba brat braak in ona of oar moat hlj laaaih fandum in or baa crnttiry oocurrad on halorday when um spirit of tboniaa uuir took lla flight tba old ganuaaaan waa in hla aigbty4rightb ynr ha waa bom at doddlogtoa kng wbara ha apaot buyoatb and yooag manhood ha 4ng lanrwad uw trada of millwright ba thu would glva tba oounty a w plata ayataan of eonorata roada through out tba oounty iba ooncrutn roada of wayna oounty michigan juat aeroaa tba har baa no doubt provan an iaapt to paoplaof kaaav tbay ara going to bara aa good roada aa tbair nalgfabora than agal- it u oonerata road la giving aatla whnra it la baat known tbla road will ba almilar to that propoaad to ba boiu tbrongfa llaltno oounty on um una d connaotlng toronto on waduiinay afternoon um 8th in mapla hurat um baanurnl boaaa of mr and mra r j knrr mlmoaa wna iteaoaawof nvwry prauy wadding it bring um anarrlag of ilnatlon ptan i um panding atiui omcuti nom da in nonnaouon with provincial bvaahwtlona in pnal mr munar tba ubaral oandtdata aaid ba atood for um total aboutlob of um bar aa uw only manna of aradleauog um avlw of traaung and othar paral- oknm affeeta of tba uafflo mr bow- aui anaaking at ohnrebul la tba aama riding aid bo atood by hla pladga to atandor fall upon hla uboltabumbar polley nothing ba amid nbat baa oooarrad in any of um by al baa in any way obangad oar atutada or- our poaltlon on tbla matter tba pmdgn wnanadalnlou will tkatwrrm out to um lottar and iba ulaotora of um provlnob wu bavo um fullaat op portunity of axpraanlng thama on tblalaauont umuatgenaralahclloa tbn than hag vlng aoolal laal wank waa n aucoaaw notwlihatandlng uta diaagreaabla waatbar tba prooaada amonnlad to tu mr and mra van norman and obll- dfon nnd mjaa obwn laata gualpb apant n faw daya laat waak at mr jan gamblav- mra haory dmnarapnar xkm boll- daya awry plaaaanuy with frianda la mr a j qambla mra tfaoa gambla and mra onorga oampbatt anton wlattad at mr jamaa oamblva on soo- ta farmara ara buaywlth thai taofnaa fpn way or nu wokld t i aad ua a ku1- joaao an aba laid um papar on bar kaaaa and wipod bar apaot aobw a brida atmok dfaab aftaa uarlag tba i altar and by aa aoat 4aawaradl ami aawaaav tn mfa umwwjutfl mydaar rrlut a rjgb lt pafavflkwwrid soma mo bar widow with dimagaa of bift tbran ara ot whleh wna tn go to tbn jury nnd fort al caata to tbn affair uwon waa m uradltably nondnatad nnd npokn vol- omaa for tba ability of ool nawton in arranging ao o plata a mock trial wlu ao utun rabaaraal by tbn looal partidpanta wblla thara waa nmob of nan meat nnd fun in um hnaring of tbn eaaa thara wan abu aplanald pm talion of um prooaad of an axttaal law oourt um datnoa of wbleb ara rarafy if nvar anon by nlnatantba of iboaa who conatltatad um andianoa tbn raoanuy liaoij ntatb rnport of tba bnrnan of areblvaa ontario oon- taln vnrbaum raoorda of uw houaa of aawanbly for uppar oanada iftlo providaa ua with anata lalaraaung po- iltioal biatory ralatjag to onr oounty on pabruary 16u tba pautlon of tba lababltanta of um towaahlpo or trafalgar nalaon plamboro baat and waat and bnraruy in tba hoana diatriot blooka no 1 1 8 and 4 in um oounty of haldlaaand lying aoath of dandaa htraat nnd avtaadlng dowo- iba grand rlvar to um baara foob vulaga i alao um townablpa of bto- brook saltdaal glanford barton and aooaatar in tba dbtriot of niagara abownut bara fouowa aundry raaaona aueb a dlatnnoa irani polnta wham oourta of law warn bald in tba york and niagara dutrlou aatnlllng md expanaa aapaotally aa ha popuutlon la ao rapidly growlngt and naauring tba honorabta houaa with um grantaat ravaranoa and ra apaet tut aa in duty bound tbay will ovar pray attar varioua notions of notlona randlnga and rafsraooaa to lrgblauvn oounell on llaroh ond tba gantlnman uabar of tba btaok rod mr goo law brooght a aana aaga requiring um immadlatn attaod ancoor tbn aabamhly in tba tawlala- uva oounell obajnbar wfaaooa mag rntarnad to tbair own ehambar uw spaakar twportad that uja abtoalaaney 81r franola gorr bad aamatad to a nuutbar of btua n whlob waa m act to eraata nad form n waw dlalrlet oat of oartala parta nf iba honw nnd niagara dmriota lo booall- ad um ihatrlot of gora tbla waa naariy on haadrrd yaara ago taaoaa altanding um era lion of nad flrat alaouoa for tba oounty of halton oat of tba gora tal l baatrix to raw j t o oatmadar of walah at u oiook to tba atralna of umwawdlag anarob piaywi by um brmw umtar mra j w malaod um arldal party took tbair paaos hiaaath n baanufol arch of avrgraaa um brkwbriaglvwanwnyby bar fathar tan oaraaaony waa pal few mad by rar o g p oola htid by bar j w mct of oanonabnrg pa- brothar inlaw of um b la um ooaapany of a larga clrola of frianda tba brida obaraalag gu in wbltn alnon uimnmd wlui aatln and shadow laoa sba alao worn n vail and orungo blosaom and caxrlad a boqoat of wblla roaaa tvs brida waa auand- ad by tba groom altar mbw margattu who aetod as aaaid of aatln with ora bmaandoarriad n haakat of plak oarnat aftar oawgratnulb raanlrad to tba dining partook of a room waa nlonly dreoratad wlui whlto waraglronbyrav a g p ookj worn rrpuad to in uw aaoat eompu- a aaoat awjoynbla avanlng was apant byall ooat and n larga hbuik plotnra hat with oaaaa to canada t 1 hla ilia brat amploymant bara waa lo tba loa of lb victoria tubular mr tba tu iwranoa at mont lalar ha cam to ijppar oanada and boally arttlad at ku brida whara ir ftfty yaara uarv a u millwright and aa amployad in tba raotioa of grut sallla aaw mllla a tba ulfntad pawdar mill at gum ml villa flva yaara ago tba coming obriatanaa ba and mra btair ramovad to aatow uraa of tbalr daughtara br ing than raatdant bara shortly after g to aeton a aanwth appanrad on tba right aida of mr buia fans and tbla gars hint amoh palp- and in- ooovasonnos until ba passad away mr blajr who abarad bis joya and aorrownforflnyoaa yaara and who waa alwaya a loving and attanuva halpmaat aor was as dvawnattbair ebildma mra bpanotr husband and mra w r kannay aeton mra i g maltbaw toronto mra john me- oaanland niagara paju n y and hr oaorga blair of roabaatar n y au warn at hla bedelde during tba last hour mr bulr waa for many yaara a nwanba of tba praahytarian ohureh tba fuawrnl wbleb was privala waa bald on m aftarnoou and was oondnoiad fay bav j o wuaon b a and informant took puea at fair law oawmtury uaaara gro ituir w r kannay 8pancar llnaband alax sprowl j h oolaman and ooon carriad um raaaalna to grave a uajtowaan social wlu be bald in um pariah hall on friday evening the public b oordlally lovltad there wql be an admlwaon fee of ton omta tba happy onuplo took n trip to toronto baasllton niagara paba and buffalo on tbefr ratarn umy will raeaae in walsh tba brida and groom were ra of many h aad ful preeanta showing tba high estaam la which um young ooupla aanoug uie ware n oon hundred doqar ebaqua from um grooms daren ta the groons a gift to um brida waa handsome pat of fure dinner the duke of wall i not on waa ltlare of waterloo though be oarer called himself ao and bad many other titles for whleh be once bad to pay dear be told a nan to order dldoer for bin at a parttentar hotel and tba own did ao nwrtfftnlg all tba dokae titles prananuy tba dnke came and waited a long una la the dinner not com lngr ba asked why dont you bring we ara waiting- replied uw waiter for tba raat of tba party- rxbey bad pfwpareddlannr tor qboot orylng and g qrytsg la a contraction of the tnus- daa aboot tba eyes aod cbeeka caoalng a flow of tears by aq uw wca- rymal gffiv if codtlnoed for eonmt una it leada to eobblna bobbing w a kcriaa of apaanwdic contractions or the diaphragm causing aadden tnaiini uons and expirations which pamlng tiuoogb um larjjor nnd pharyni bring aboat um typical aounds alwaya ran nected with tbla process new vork woru verytrve doot yon think peace wookt be promoted if nations could ba persusded to talk ilblam over deliberately hsfore going to wert powdbly hot aoroaonma uw mora yob talk things over iba aqn m bad ta flgtot slkt wsabliwton ntar ilmbaw ibehrulb ban an ipfssil t ajya mr william roberta kden milla died aonsewbat audnanly at hla boww bora on tiissjit it fnnaral taking plane ontbureday to bnan milla easaet a abort eervlot was bem la um bo and tbn proomslo prooaada d to tba pisefajtarlan ohnreb where tba ear- vloa waa oondnetrd by hie pastor bav t b ourk aaalatadby rev mr bodda of uw presbyterian church mr roberts died in hw u7th year ba oaaaa to this country from priooa bderard island at anenriyagv and waa uw youngest eon of the uta john roberta fortyfour year ago be mar ried mbw sarah longdate and settled on tba old bonmaiaad lot so oon naeaagnwoys he iravee to mourn hla lose hla wife three eons nnd two daughter jamaa of rock wood joseph of alberta mra andrew betbnnn of kramos ura wm ver non of vancouver ajid obarle of naaaagawaya aiao two staler and one brother ura oookr of toronto mra boose of uona uead nod george of vaneouvrr mr boberts bad the raapnet nnd nffeetloa of oil who knew him and waa aver ready to sand a brining bind he waa n ooo slat ant member of um metbodle cfanrcb aad in polltlot waa a atanneb reformer he bald the offloa of treaanrvr of the u o p for many years of wbleb order be waa a member at time of death tba pall bea ware robert anderson tboe urton a itobsrtann j webb n- mckorsi and r tuck city of fort william if joo figure on placing your tponcy in very profitable and safe investments ou will not pass fort william it is just halfway across the dominion o canada think- ocean vessel h can land freight direct on its docks from any part of the world its harbor has a frontage of 24 milef its population t only about 26000 its popolation in itjih will be 75000 or morfej it real estate values are very low now its real estate values will increase from aoo to 2000 per cent in the next five years write jlfto abbrrltbrrnrnu koit naijk g r evans fort william ont motl tba kanjar wul ajaaaa ala ikk aa wlu jy aaaar tkia luaaa la tku aaaar ahaaannaaaaanaan sooocx0oo0oooxx0oo0 hhlfprice millusery el all our stock of fall millinery wfll be sold at onehalf of regular price fiill shapes trimmed and nntrimmed made hats in velvets plashes etc feathers wings mounts flowers very special pnces on silk velvets plashes wires and all millinery materials we require the space for other lines of goods and all the above lines roast be closed oat this month henderson co mill sl acton oat ixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxm rfi smart coat styles j for uvromen and wcisses w omen wbo are ready to make a cl aea being equally sure of e of goal it in tba bowing ail uw new weavaa styles and colors aro r if ita a fashionable doth coat etyluh dash or dl edy lo btake a cboioa among toe various itsuaguisbed elegance may coma to- morrow with ctlon models lit coabl of smart wimttlicity ndontaasurancoof a satisfactory equally sure of ea of quahty aad nmdnrauon of coat for every day wear that you have in mind we feel care that you will be able to make a aaiisfacmrr cbc the large aaeortniedt sawimbled here you will find the aoaaoaa moat styltsb models perfectly tailored from all new cloths ancbu chinch ilia bencjea tweed zibehoe uiagonals etc atprkesrajigingfromgawtossn e co the p of a h coat to wear to and from special eveata taking perhaps you are c place in tba ateraoou or evening nsodels they have inst arrived and are very handsome other art made of plain and brocaded velvet then cut in the tashloubtc lengths and finished with satli hera we call your attention to a smart collection of charming imported made from plain and brocaded plusb inlngs priced at fi nw fllbs what woman u not laterestos the moment for mra meationed what ready to purchase dors not de- light in handling fors and noro ploaimra in owning them to those wbo are not yet we extend n cordial invitation ta come and inspect our tock look it over carefully compare our price with others and gain a thorough knowledge of what furs and far styles are going to be most popular a who wish to purchase now we woufd urge to come in end see the splendid stock we i have ready the abiolutety trustworthy qualities and the unusually low price and chase here fur seta neckpieces iand mulls will bo jest aa popular aa a know yeull decide to put 1 many dlffareut kinds c skins such as u ink persian lamb red fox black pox mole bear natural blue wolf civet cat alaska sable hudson besl etc tbey are all bare and they are all good values fur dept becond floor vtywll rtajnnet for day and night wear does not shrink good range of neat designs par yard mtutnetry the popular styles are here maiked at popular pneoa splendid ahowiog d e macdonald bros cor wyndhia ad msrhotfl streets guelph out trr kkhaik 1 iij una salaa tb i nl a aa at ui i4b kr hale mithi vm a coah hkaikit kok 8alk in oooo condition orotiwitoilwi mmi va oanoliink knoink for ualk a buitjloo liu 111 8anitakv work rur haiina i wo totiha1 1 ooeacwllan li sarumlaia aratrtd fh8aie aa toarrfr a stallckmam voahit aa4aa will youbtrbgs gkow it all daaaaaa aa gl lb tvaaa j x etirew haary bnxmimu taar vara la tha rlaa ala of aou ta an aaafcas uh ntim uuf ammum la taapaafe n iniillhui mi jh a at mat u tu tbohw aowmtmoaoaccilta ia4 afctaaviiia c farm fob haiie -1- us ami aa aaat asit af toss stum 1 f oaldwauo- local aaot c0nfkuekati0n life ornoa miijj valoaue property in aeton rot balitiaoo t um aiaftoas en j haib ubvet aalae ta tmrabv anam u tna beeaa to a mtataulli atoref sal a half aurnowed watu aa4 iir taava la a ant eialara wlu la kllivia w iwaa bara aad auw liailh aar- wiui mu m oaavaalaaur llastim vfc mutaa amf valuable piupkrty for 6atat tlilc imiiiibh at tea saeataanwd en tae aev oar afohbujab aad wuiew anaato aaua la baraby akatad tor aala tna boaaa aea atae heeaa boated brfaraaaa thar la a aaaa aar- aaa aad firuu traaa a aaad auala and dhv besjjuob ba aan aia o4 sawe a rood dilr aad htrana a aauar aad bajutr alato aaw a fnab aalfad so jatwr a balla i w old daa har 44b roe paruaa- taa apply la tuoh woxkutn u4 boa 44 setae oe mkthodihtciiuiujuhhkd improvbsjrtb iaht jar iba tnatow of iba uelbadkt i ubnrab bad iba dril bbd blaad tba iwanlrovuunr leada ef waval ba dnn ta ail la ibaaraa tn froal of iba abed aad um roadway to iba atreet wbleb ara low aad waddy in prlae aad lall mr job wateoe at tba fifth llai baa kiadlv aaarad all tba exavdl aaad- od trtku bla sit 11 iboaa lalaraatiit will bvlaa a load or two aaeb at aay ubm tbla tall tbai baeooraoual th mh nl laininiiiai alii tia aaaoniplbbad aad iba treat board will up- etele lb lalareat taboo tboaa wuuaa to aaatat will kladly report to ii r kloobb maarota traataa hoard aetoe octobar smit tsu uvs be a tratnd nurse am aia to ss wiskly idabtsbtsbd bisbiadfctsbtisbdrbdibtsbdibtsbtsbri b health yfotfti haig nadruco taabaw fvawaama al cod liver oil ee0aeadl os batltoaal year drerstat u slf do aot snpei par aof 1 aune annsea aor dmi l lcfculim von csr llinqia djdpoid m theotrt bin aboxatjroar dmoatil m jvfiuieratte raftml mmilto waawawasaaibes abtons electric oho m a chopping si rolling done daily b satisr action guaranteed av flour and feed for sale b f caldwell aeton neglect ruins watches keep your wavch clean and it is as na tural for it to go as for your heart to beat repair and prqpioijy ad just watches- possibly as great as any person in canada q d prngle m 1 qiieiph thk ilkuandfok trained nurses is over increasing and doctors will not assume responsibility without a trained nurse the home study course in nursing which the roches ter nurses institute give studenla ap peals to thousand their graduates command fro on t jij oo weekly the rochoster nurses institulo wilt llioroufrhly tralq any one from ib years to 6a end gtve diploma when course is completed write for proe booklet roohkbteil murflbs inhtittrrsa ha tnatltut bldar roabaavavi h v olkaitlno auction 8ajlw kaum stock aujft im- plkmlcktrl the undonlgned has been instructed uf willum tsvylar in sell by public auction on lot 19 con d kmiuchidj en tuesday llth november at one oviock sharp the following btock 1 gray lioiao is years old gray horse is yeara old 1 red cow 7 yours duo to calvd in june 1 jersey cow 7 yean due in af arch rod cow 17 years dud in may 1 black qw 4 yearn due in february 1 red cow 4 years due in may s one year old steers 1 one year old heifer 3 spring calves implements 1 massey hatrl hinder nearly new 6 foot cut 1 massey harris mower 5 ioolcut nearly now j maabyifirrie culuvilfcr and aeeder combined 1 iced drill 1 lumber wagon pair heavy alelghs 1 pair light sleighs 1 cutler nearly new 1 buggy nearly new sat heavy harness 1 fanning mill chat make 1 pair scales penbrook 1 turnip pulper 1 plough arrow t hassfiy hsrrht separator 1 sugar kettle a set whlmsrees 1 neck yoke 1 scoop shovel forkstk tonjr handled shovels 18 grata lwe took iltove wood i churn umes number of kitchen chairs tkrelsokballcaii kuiii or fio and under cauh over hint mtaouut eleven mnqtlit urxnlitroir upprnvetl joint nutes five per lent at unuuol off for cash 1 u j kerk aucuoneer fv

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