Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 6, 1913, p. 2

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vtu ihiuimday n 1 mlil it i 1uii hd1toiiial noticm hum oilantm hau uktn plan in thu llt of initial option aiipalgn- now mmw way moi of u uinuloipul lll falld to proaont imifnrv novuuituir ll thr tllona for tho uiihnlaahm of ly lwd 1 ho uuuiw of hy lw l ih vuttxl upon uu far uu now report td in flirty lour ihilltiuor parly liv b4iird tho auhmuloo of npal hy- lawalu t u iut al option muuldplitl ilmrn an m i canada ttmmranr aul j auipalgnu uudar way i it liiakaa a total of blxlyomi i onti t lhal will im fought out al tit polla irt tha iiar future hi ixklnii hofnri tho canadian ulub athaull hlu mail on tlui tmhjmi of mkwm toiid-iinlu- li mutation dr jauiea i ilughha formerly in- poor of toronto luhllnhrhoola de precated dm iniithoda ut pnanl ad opted liy thn ljoparlnnot of kduna uou in leal lug nhlldy knnwhidge by bowk examination and kuld that tin- hum waa not far ewuy when the eittraune anamination would imi dime iwky with altngtlhtir lliu unlranni examloatlona ho ejd hud doiim luoro to kmii back the rat dnwidnpinunt of tli child than anything ui in tiik townoi orllllu aomti pouanta of iol option proaulitid lo theonunoll a petition payhig for tho jfubuiualnu of a rmil by taw it wu ropoatd that if repoal uhnuld utirttt i d applltmuuna would ho mnilii only for wine uid ittitr i1liiui- mid it waa argued that uiich a llrfnulng plan would li in tho intuitml or inn touijnirici aftor u ajrouunu effort hnwnvtr ihu topimloni miccd imiiii aeourlng only uility two ulgna turea to thtlr itutlliou miih uouiu of thnae wlio bigned wnr hiiuum and not entitled tit votu tha tiinvetinmt wwi aa tnaitlfntlly insignificant d un popular that tliu oounrll properly refuad to take any action concerning it hon ankoum in canada for nov- eniur aiiatelna ita rupnlatlou aa him leading canadian magaxlne dnrntatl to til intaraatn of fcoortmnll dig gainn hunt i off in llrltlah oolutnbula dranrlb d in bvarft well wrltlan ald lllu- trttad trtlole a lbr4ar uonm la dorlptlv0 of a labrador filling vlll t my vlalt o mi altmtru trl lr dtalla a auocauifiit day on the trap una ukjr to kvop flamb from spoiling conulna t aomo r information for lh hunter of big and araajlgamol wliini huoy tuftl lun- laq la by way of variety and u mmlnucent of tlio fatnoua ilarrln llegatt when all thn worlds big wullerahad a tryout for thu oltaiit plonablp the mgular department ant wall maintained hookwood our oauuuilud follow townaiuan mr uolln oamaron waa joined in wedlock to ulu margaret hlmlti laal wcdnoa- day tbo oorumony waa iarformed at thtt raldenc of tbe brldua hrolbor mr adam hhulta 11 rant ford mm mtout la alowy rvoovorlng from thu mvcrp abo xhurfutirml in tbo tragic dath of her father a fow wtka ago the mothodlat oliuroh ban iwtn hulto tii ndn ml ami by rplnolug the old box pw with comfortable mutal end mau mr qtilm purobabfid tlui old pwa which bavn donu aorvloii for about half wentnryrfr lnbr bay contain luv t h olarka will primnli annl- vuraary nbrnyjnit ut hornby a fnrmur olroiilt mtxt huudny mr llmut lato or tbo htatlon holo iimu iutunhtiid blniuiitr utoly in uon log ulgnatunnl to putltlouu for tbn rttpual of local option in krmtiouh it lu alltigod tbut hit huu lifluu hiiiiihimj ful in mirlng thu rtijiilrtil twenty- 1w ir oont of nuiiuwllio polltlon i wmu proaoiitiid to tlui tnwjihhip olnrk on novumlwr lit ami on monday when ruprouqjitallvuh or thu tumpitr- atiao poojiln wfliit to him to innnb a aariitiny of tliti num a mh ii i lowed by i j the not liiwtbiinliiluly rtfuad loprinli tbein u wtiu it it lu roportnil lliut bo ucattylng thu nulltlon mound li hi poakut wlnnvl whnuld ho pomlod in hlj nflla- uulwhuveil dial hw putltluii imhki rlio muiiua of niimbiru of ptirmnnu not paring on lliw viiturt llut of tbo in it njolpallty 1lornib rtohqovhbpoht olahh iv aimlo knydui rui a moijonoht ledim johmtim joliu walklna olauri iii uabuilm watklnu alvln jiahm ii oarollnc hydnr makaoharn donald modongall tjpi i 11wllimr wiilkluv utuicunbiirn ji itiijimn mgdougull jibuti i hoy johuaton juanlii llyder angua mokaohern olabm a lluotor modouald mario yatlkt oamplnill miller nalllo a jardln- toaolmr unbi hon- allttla litimanlty bnlia thu poaohar raora tliati a lot of divinity a faithful frund may rvruao pay hot bo alway dtmaoda hit a of oradlt missions- till ivf ry mi mbi r canvass confkhknuicm ok tkk lavmbn milium in l 11 m fur wil lll 11 of lh llthini nui unty moviiiut in all ii d uoiiiii l i iu hi tuklng u uiol hliv i li t lntie hirmm and lliy k litmmolnallimal lu wpiili h- w ii mv in 1 rl nmnl mijoi y wuli fioui lh mllonll iduid wui lh homh of he -rl- ii mmiiitlmim ri ilvlni hupliiig oil lot uuiul1 a wull ii immi of the md and llir m il i pp 1 1 unity for kirvh u ih n imi11 pruitliul uilr for ad vk i wink ililded uhn o i i ui ldy u ficir wahildl u ipl fm lluiouutyor w mlnglou uixl ionll leirltory hmue- wj hi hi morning and 1 i hi anlfwi hun h ami in the evoi lug impit w- hild li norfolk hlnet mtbolul ohurrb i tfl john luvluou o i uph iltho ihalr lhe prtbhuiu of mumlooa lu tliell roogrigullooy whi th topic aloul whl h all the add h a of the dy re volvd lh wr hev it it mattkay mr k j haloii uev j 11 aruup i h mikarlaiio it w allu loronto 1rof uynoldx jolph ami mr 11 a hooper hamilton nearly two hundrd men kat down attheekrllutbamuet provided the bpuukerw at the haikplut wire sir 11 ij wn toronto luv munbrab maokeii i 1 iiiulooary from china luvmr macfllllvai y of llam- ii ton and hov it hamilton toron to ihroughoot thu oooveithm the win- vlcljuu wait upiminihwt tbt the h ntainltr oanvaaa in wanli nongregatl jo waa the tnitst rvaaonatiln and affaotlva methjil of aennrlng admjiiln flnanalal aupport and of dummlnating intelli gent ihforniallon on all mattiira per talnlng to tlo aollvniea or nburoh llf and hurt f to give effect to tblu connlllalon ut following resolution waa ailopunl by tlui oouferano uotxl by ool mnurae oualpb floonded by 11 1 monro anion i hat the mno gathered in thla dlatrlnt oou- fnrtncf rvpreai nllug a large millibar of tl nhuroheu of 11 noiiimtiiilona do imrwby agree kl that the hwfry muuwr o-n- vun helpful lu muny waya oftiira ihu vary ikt aolutlon of the flitaiielaldlfll- oultlea of our nongrvgatloua both for inlaalona and mi r rout expeuaua 2nd 1 hat evey memhr and aj iivruut of nun ohmrflhaa nhould ba a regulai ooiitrlbutor to the funda of tha nhuroli irdlhat we iwlleve every ohurh lu tblu outru t would imi mtrungthna ami lulm by joining in tlui almultaii- htiia icverymemlmr oanvaaa in d- cftulwr and wo pledge our mfforta to a o lire uuoh a oonvaam in onr own ohurotiea promuu our help in ciaiivaaa and our cwiperalum in making inoli oalivaaa aa general throughout tha dla- trlutaa may imi pnaalble a aim liar conference will it held in ullton uwlay with the aaiua apoaknra a were at lufilpli iuiv ir murthtak mankanau will apoak mttti hi tha aflar- nnon and al the ba liquet thla evening dr maokenaloa addrnaaea alone are worth a trip to milton to hoar plans for the new registry office wail bubmlttad to oounty oounall ftttha bmtlwr lmt w4ak at the meeting of the county oouit oil laat weak plana for tha building of a new regtatry offloa alao plana and upeolfloatlona for tha ramodolllng of the proaant building war abbmlttad to the oaunoll by tha arohltaota meaara chapman st uoqiffln toron to thla firm bad bean awarded tha ooond prlaa in tha oompalltlon for plana for tha toronto kaglttry offlea mr moolfhn la a aon of tha lata cap tain mnglflln who waa an oak v ii i ow iwty on account of repreaentatloha from thu milton and dlatrlot health oflloanf that aewwgo from the county building hau len aacaplng anil craaung a liula- anra in tbn aouth warl tha commit tee on comity building recommended that a new aeptlo tank ha placed near the holldlugu to illapoaa of lint refiian the racoiiimnudatlon wan adopltkl meaara j h mocannall and d h tioimi rtafl ntinimotnnlytlotmti that the road from the 0 t it atatlon wttat and the haao hue toward lblr works ihi improved wforo thn end of thn ynar they am almout impmoilhhi riiehoiidhnpeilnloudtmtwauliiutriidt- ud to k the woik done if ho conlil tiring one of the uouiilyu rolhtrd hern lln will ii h1 it imrd lo do an au tlm rokilhm lu hud condition in plumb wuierdown high hnhnot wau grant- oil 11111x1 unit oukvlllo high hnhnol imhl7for inaliitmumo of oounty of hultou pupllu mr jhih of nnrval addrohacd the omni oil in aupport of hla nujm for ac cident on u oounty load mr ford tuovod ueoomlud by mr orlrtln that in ihetuuitoi of thu claim or mr wllloughhy no unlhm he tuuu oaiihul a mtllooor motion wim given by mi oilfllii that at the nikt meeting of hit conuoll h bylaw will ho introduced amending by taw re oftloeiv ualarlna mf campbell moved uncomled hy mi lwd tlmt tbo imiiiil orcomidll tin paid vi wr day for ihulr time at tending court ro iquhlluiitlou oarrl- ml ml orlrtlna motulllmiat it ht ft per day waa doclarnd loat i a hy taw lo autborlau i ho uaulng iut dehentiiroa fm prtlvldlna i xx i for i ho paynieiit of ihu hnlhocodiiimtn thu high luvel and piiter mill brldgna waa inlrnduuod nnd puwatul- i oniinoll adjourned lo meet at hrainp- tonou wudnoaday novumlnif l6tli itlgbtuouanaaa hf iii in of thu right ratbvr than the fear of the rod shilom mall iia small bottla aat rtll lsoulsing council assists thf gun nkxt mmmmuo noviauaii r7ti i1c ilt i tdi il ll tvi i mrt nl tlo li i i nllog w ll m holullo w emi i lhttt that the rorporl f ll twll r ktituihlig lw hitiloiix ii mir into a mmlrot with lh ilydo kl trie 1iwir ohuuii of oir lo wupply llflio 1 hitil pr lo ii pmllon of lhe ihi1 townllp kinwi aa ihu villag of howlllum pyol of whhh to in uuroll hy ll ul low alao liiat lhe l iy ji llottil jooml lor for th vii1k of htwrltowu the hum of 3mi lilfg ulatiile uihic money in irvaaury lo credit of villg ali a mlvar of jil mini t4 im chargnl b the utlul of hid vlllhp unlll r rildo1 i lhe towiihlp tt kum of ijii lo mar lllfrrat al lhe kale of 1 pr tlltpld t j klbt im th ui com work in dlv no ii moved hy j i hlanduh mcimuu by lliiv co- that the tr y corgkm the mini of 71 uo l- ing aulile lal lmej hi dlv no x alo crahalil monalr ulltl autut labor lu dlv n il uv 1nur 10 inaliteiiaucn for three immlb- carrl- movl hy tboa rii hcotmiw by will obiav that the trraaurttr y the following account wan oarap- lwll for atatutn lalxir lrfirtnl in dlv no 11 hl 02oarll movmi by wm cleave aaoondrd by tltoa cox- that john mcdonald bo tald 1h2 for ooal uaed on town lin cblnguaaouayimylnghalftblaamompt carrul moved by alex joe aecondaj by tboa joxa that the tnuuitr pay t hbarwood for hauling gravel on town hi4 naaaagawaye oppi-ll- bk lft mi yard at 40c pr yard 07 60 naa- gaweya paying half alao hauling atone to fill up brhlbeao kaijuaalng ahara i0 j j henry h daya a ing gravel v12g0 uaquwlng abr 41 25 oeorgo douglaa mi yanla of gravel tiiio kpiealng h glial il qlendlnnlng for fining lutb una hill oppoalte lot 111 laoo l lanrga wrlg- plaaworth for long dlatanoe jhonaa 10ft carried moved hy j u hunrful aaoonded hy win cleave that ilia traaaurar imi authorlxwl to pay the following ac count i oao wrlgglaawnrtb llaava 1 j a tracy clerk 0 1 hobart joyce aaaeaaor tl for aalaouon of jur ora- carried movad by alox joa aaeondad by wm cleave that tha traaaurar pay 1 h kennedy for fix log bridge oppoe- au lot al 4th una 1 go carrud moved by aix jo mcondad by j il htaodlah uiat tha traaaurar pay w htalkar jik0 for bruablng awamp ttelween 2nd and urd hnea oppoalte lot 22 alao taking out atump carried moved hy wm cleave aeoomlod by alax joe that the traaaurer pay a htarret for work dona on the kth una bridge and drawing gravel for road also datnagn to crop for rttadway 920 i wm mcoulhiah b on account for toning road 21 aid a road near 7th linn t thomaa allr for ona plough head and twahbar half coat gl80 l frad lonalhan rawlra to wrapper and roall machlna 10 iljinlxon for fumigating auppllea 423 thotnaa iaalle for gravelling and grading imi town una including culvert put lu 932001 chlnguacouay paying a llk lum peter glhbena for fixing culvert on 2nd una oppoalte lot ik s2u0- oarriad council adjourned to maat i vember 17tb noi aoohl winter tuovldaa matarlal for remlnlaconcaa for tha future oldaat in- hablunu touooojooo auahll0 movabd or 2m003 freight car bava bean roov- 1 by tha c 1 it fntm winnipeg u winnlpag nov hrd during octo- bar ad port william moat of them con- ulnad grain hlnce bpu lat uutre have been loaded nn tha canadian pacific railway llnaa in the weal 401 40 cat of grain 2qb4t of which wertt loaded with wheat tha total grain moved thla yea from haptamber lat to october hint waa aeventy -nill- llon huabalu -baakatbahv- llaaketlwll waa tho lavantlon of ona nlau and wna complelad at a alnsu alltltig in 1h0i hi tlw couraa of a lac- luro nt tho young mens christian a- aoclndon to imnlnflotd uaaal tlw uc- turor hitoko of tha ntonul prnrraina of invention and uatd a came with it lluiuatloiim and mxitfalltoa nw ajj ulna- trnllou jtimctf nahnnkit who waa a inmnhor of tho clnaa worked oat baa- uothiill lint an mo tibjht aa an ideal trituto to mact tha cnao it waa pray aoiitotl iho next day lu tlw lecture room olid put in practice with tha aid of thu niuiubum of thu gymnaalu brom hunt it nproiiirttfbtocr hrancbaaof tha u mmim chrlatlali xaaocialion and hnhuiipiuutly to ulhlutlo cluba and tha uiulenil puhllc new york im thl bchool s roll 01 honor iliaului o uha ovlobamf i lllati and truk tub ruriuwiiowun kii hand t1 folliwlig u lh holilho the tl ui1 1 a iii in ha iiimi dui aiiruksr ulllltl u tu lllhil mm vi it- iu u 11 u- lt u- ii k 111 i alfi n koimr b whli 1 h-1- lehi n andrrum j olll ll ouak lil h aii lent illlory u hindioa ill algwa k 11- hi lroml m hiodrmo jit i aiu4 c1 warrii hrvy ol 1iik kotl illgb lu aui llkloy ii wario lu alultrai llrwy in omtryd harvy iukih4hiol hit fl ahi jw tc llrowu ii hlb a oiuli m hmlth v u i- m marlhrh uiu iiu mrlid j wuy w joboblooe cluallla ilrown a aldrrno hi lu hplllgm kollbi in arllhm llec itrowiaoda o lulu lu krrh v maaalaa i lu jeotfraphy wv maaalaa ami 0 wiay jl cfjtlut- cuaa 111 uowat v llarviy m wllmn 1 anil j wilaoo claaa ii c mnuxl f- cotmir i keonjy h iuuk 1 llrlttou claaa 1ii1i mowal 1 hath hlrheal in hplllng u ckj i in arllhmun v harvey 11 uowat and u wlum in jaography h mowau av ii tttuwaut principal l mauki v howiw aaalalant m hniv myrtla currtdge alo uar- guhthtnwart 1u ollva uowat ueorga anderaon jxi hanoj 111 216 cariinpt agnaw ou tntnktu jfu iv caorgahtpe10l hlllamo ym 172 henry hunlar- kquelvln william lou harold kennadyltttv herlde itltnlle 1am t6tal uoll no on roll im it vl llknnhrr tatacber hit ill duff wllaon ikk knolh handereon ml klale hlewart cu ilaa- i wmdhali tau uoyd kany tao hugh wllllaualhll j 1 1 illwank clark jaaala uowat im kvalyu iaur ji u- thy rnwler ii max i ell vtsi hmma lurnaa bo total 400 no on roll 6ft i w ll itu twaohar hk ii willi- huwart twi violet coulett oiu hal nejaon uu may catrnochan uw rtorenpa flook gli jol 1 hy 41x ju ii- alio- jama- iii david hen- dereon um kuie fjipmn ft4a line hullon uu jraale mann ool j u anderaon 10ft violet da via val ttal 7011 no on roll 47 v mai illttluutn teacher j 11 i jean uoffal jeaal htuck- ay soi pranala hural 1h jamm uat- thaw1 102 agnaa clbbooa john can- held 174 ceorga hudman ill totej sfttl ju icoalla murphy 1711 mary sjomaolo 177 dorl harrla 17 y1u marun 171 laird dancy 170 oaorgn jlgglnaloft touiamx a w watmon teacher hlcniou ihuwauv hk ciaiul maria uowat ifm jaan kennedy lttl jim kwlng 170 telford kannay 18s hobart huwart ift7 nellie hall 1 jk olabaiwatrloe itlalr lu ion- ald kannady 10h loau wlnaom 1a3 agrwa mann 150 huaarll lloa 115 wllliliusman 14ii calvin wileon 111 totalaml no od roll 42 i a iomty teacher jllniimt plilkfauv hit ciafmclaranoe tlaboock wil li kelly willie cook margaret ooa- telhi llady caldwell unyn hui mlnaiariaky dora lambert j li clahh xealla orcajrory jola lrv kmlly caawell fraik luuer hara croaa allwrta uaaaua arling ton whiu ioru cutuug no on lloll 41 s o a tavim teaohar tola this home dye tut anyone an optlmlata epitaph tho curlabad tuvnlld luu ordinarily u hurithalimty rohuat nitpearance ii looka atrong beoffera any ha baa to bo to llvu throusb tha rlgora of tha cum there la ati apocryphal haraod of nit epitaph in a carlsbad cburcb- ydrdl liar 1 -ilrpar- imperlant t him an old indy waa telling her grand- chlldran about mo m trouble in bcot- intirt in lhe couree of which the chief of bar clan waa bahaadaol it waa naojgroat thing it a head to be aara aid tha bood old lady bot it waa and ioea to lum vpanlak paaaaitte lin spain the paaaant woru all dy mwl drdcaa half the night yet rrely u hu rood varied rron black braad onion and ifatertnelon thlaga that nm4w oonui bar made a man happy develop a power to mkv him atroagv- pfeuupa braoka dyola vtho oamilad oni dvb fort all klnua of cvxh kjmsbibts a hot point urnally pointed out to y have ua lualal your boating apparatus and every point of your radiator will lie a hot point 1 ukh our pluu1unu on all job work new or old ami yon will be get ting woik that will laat d that yoiilmn recommend cihmi plumbing done at kuaaonublo prtoaa every home has dozens of uses for pan shine keo woodwrork nnd paiiitwurb npotlcuuly cuair und white scours potu nnd psaui cicuim cutlery and gluuu- wnre mnkcu batliruoiiiu ufhik and apun keeps kitclienu iniiiiui ulatc and bweel panshine u a drin white pure powder tlmt hau no diagrcenble qiucll wont ucrolch tfiid mvill nut injure the hand a uuy fanaiunc youll lc glad you did i 10 at 11 c c aa-ar- jpcy s resolve rto add to your bodily comfort i well a your personal appearance secure om of tliov h scmircady tailored to order overcoit ve i arc selling from up to latest j g stylcsacrfectly tailored and perfect fit 3 nowhere else will you be able to si cure gbuch cicccllent values in overcoat all the newest designs in stylet and cloth j r e nelson v olaaai rani bank of hamilton till saving habo matjv l wt illllllr ll hu luru vjiviim for yum uml miwliaviuiiigaudimufnl uhhi hmlt ui i jiii it yuai ul4 aavmg vm the iu lion of many u lu nniitf u uu hulit ihi v miily ariimid alfaidipg nor uativiaclloii am nlirftng lurklf tnwaidiflliaii any oilier liuhit thurj yon lull form j l j von run i pen uu uuiimt in ihiilwuk with uneiulur uml tivnry uk imnl hn jiur your ka vmgu will imi naill willi ilia liljjllrut uncut lu geokdttown branch u m maklmjr baajaajra nuuunnnmhhhhnahhhbbiniiiiihhin ii agents wanted in every town and tovrnahtp in onlario to tale oideiu for norlkara giaa tvaaa bj flaala wmkly uae of lamluimo mitlt floe kiihily territory wi guarantre mrlrlly fuui lui uock delivmhhayfrflntbronilltliii iii jtaya tyalu a rlutu hip ttrtnbttjlj bioccwooooooox noysmbgr tebigclothilsrg j monti is here our tock is very full in all hnei all thii ueaitont new ideas and values which are surpassed nowhere j we call fipeciat attention to the j 4v mens and boys suits mens and boys overcoats ladles and misses coats infants coats bonnets eltc underwear in great variety for men women boy and girlt at the loweiit pricea obtainable anywhere henderson co mill si acton oat iwoooooockxkcwxwocoocwsa ua world9 abest merchandise at youir door womafta nnd mtaaota rnahlaariabla winter coats not lu yoarn buu thcrt iumii mich vmloty lu ktylti hucii huiidaoimi matorlau imwo now hava lu our urgo showing of wmnoun njd mlucii wililor coali- iheiuaa uyle for every lancy and a price for ovary nor- luclmbd urn uintti vnry fuhblonuhln imported coatu in plain and brocaded velvut nnd pluah uim ivrklattlra a ltd h ulit to i htri u ului h upluiulld kliowliig hi cloth uula of uuub mitolar maturlula aa chluchilla thmclo yilhilln twooir titc lvoiy tuoihil u nit urtordlug lo fanhioua iatai dlilaloa imnullfiilly tallunml and kpumltilln iluklird hi evory uuy i houi whowa rmly to pur- chaao their wlutercutuliy linilug heioaro uvuirtxl of a iutnfattory amutitmint for uehuioil liomldva huitig tmually aura of nxorllenca of iptallty and moderation of cotit ctatd may 1m purumiuml horo at uii low an 1m0 or a high na eusw hcciid floor warm nrd coay fura wo hav alhiaullfulahowlnn aamuiiblrd uith th prevlouadliiplayii wu ate nuuly with mote furu ami flacr fura iii their lieauty baa aught tha aye of danio faalilnii ami many mnhltloii lo out liioih ull ihfllriuirvkuhlllty wk ull mi ii iiivoivlii wu um showing ibair beauty baa aught tha aye of da mo paahlnu ami many now mode i u iitvo imhiii iiivoivlii wu una allowing attme vary handaonio and bofvleoalllo kur him ind kotarato fur ihwo nindi of ahodtit hnhln mink iuniluu lamb koddrok itutk vox mli rear ltluo wolf ci vet cut ilmlftoli soul in fact m tliu iwwt uud uuit duiandhl4d font am reprekcatod in our urge uock it lawiao to mjioli what you wuut rtlit now vult our fur ienailniint on the aecohd htor touiortow or uaat thn and look over otir nluplivy vou will find our prlco irhi blifrlisftilrnis 1111 sk iii ut kill svlk reoaouabla ado horo if two ihuji iff knltlwl ihnwlit tlud ir hliouldrni when hitting about thu houwy ono una u knitted fanay knlttatdl woolln shhwla llilof utciillon h niaua light yat warm whim to thmti ammd jaur hlmuldrni win fmnia beautiful ouallty wlilto wool tnude lu fn1 ami iuto clfed trliuiuod whi him uc uml gioy thmie am prioed at and 3f the o tit or lino la n plnluor stylo honoytomh kult mid coiium in bhadea of while grey and black thoao are priced at from 3 lo au5 tteoond floor d e macdonald c bros 5 llnita i stevenson glalcot c0 wwbll s kmiw oublrh ohr cor wynjhmm nd mkcdoull streets ouelph ont bcdfciiatatdfctacacccacaiciatatitibi san 11 a ry work a uouul 1 ll linmh klu wan1k1 buriki u i rf k 1 1 a suu vllli 01k vtlkkh itw 1 ii ii i nmm lw nlurl lljkia oh lu tl ttall kind i ul lly i ill win i uy ulihi kt in d- v uatdwei-i- yooal agent nnkk0kkation mkk valuable propthy in aciim poii oal i l ioo 1 ln iuj ich u im fill buuaf i ll twill un a4 m h blllsuaiml kuwlul ul ouj rwsjr tl lkthuun lll wnp tm kilkasl w l li- lm tlui m1u plmulld uu hill iiuu i iblm aummlms vr imkw aiwj i uluul- i i l wu iikarbtakirr 11 uofutu shinl mrotiii of i 00 k rak ul tulr kullua i aw d4a 1 hidr iu w ail vlll ba lld la town 1111 yl oull tan mm m ikitda kulr blllul uillm tail lw n ac 14 it ublu la tiiuululr tbaaal all oiiiwm utiiiu od aia ihhiuiiv ihl4 tiioll uouuift h u mkllkllllstcllultcllhilhi 1mpiiovrmuntb l till it dm aim hi ti ml d ll alud aad tba uikfiiia aul tall ur jjot walaoa v4 h l loii liia at h llit lil t mill imiu a lihbjnrlu hli blany li llu uu lll wr lbuwilaii ilia u if luiwiul will im anmiii lltl aul dm tiui lltan i will apea- ciialliulllllaki tlxtamwuiioaiu atrial wlllliillr riil ii ii l uooitu 1 a itary ttu1 itoud lou huirhi luii laa smictlv i1iistclass photographs i at tlc new sttiho gamatthews iliavu uuoeic aotom t wjawjuaiiayr wcw ltj iionio canada mem wanted to loam the auto busi ness and take an agency vou 11111 make from gih to gjim wock ilrivmg moling or iviiiilug taru wo villliach on in u tow ulh hi your own hum a t i m optrt atitomoblle i md gut vou im ng iity tor a hi grouo4ur wu luxvit buuu hhlablialwd fivu v mru uud luwii nvir 6 otto hucceuful gradiiiitd wiito nt nncu for free ixvok- hituhich ilvufnll inrormnllou rociilstlk auto school fctxeaalar n v sbi ckurck si oittaulho auction sarte valtm stock amotm- 1lilmllinth 1 ho uml in ij huilttlu hti triatod by villlam taylor to i 11 11 piihlik iiiiliiou oil lot iq uou kmpirmg on tuoaday luh november ut oiio ovioll uiiup iho follovvlui mock i hun nj i i i gmy liono u j lib id i nit nm 7 111 duo to mho 111 uno 1 juimiy w7lonrii ihin hi ihu tli 1 nl low yujiri ilnti in m iy 1 hi uu tow iiii iluo 111 imihiiiij 1 ml row j ymi thm 111 m iy j iui li ir old hlruiv 0110 ur old lulltfr 1 kpilng colvini luulix11 nis 1 m kmy larrlu hlmltii in dily iiuu d hwt nit 1 mkmy iluriih minmr sfoottul licitily unwi 1 umuh uimiu lullivalor mid metier oilihliiiil 1 fcoul drill 1 lumtr wagon palrttiuvy kdlili 1 imir light h i culllr in uilj 11 w 1 imnty uuarly now 1 ktit iimvv h on 1 fiinmng null chat- hum iniikii 1 pnh muhm ionhroov v 9mio uu 1 luiui piihxir 1 ploiikh ot lion liuiowb 1 uuhhuy llaititt uu m juintijr 1 incur kaltle 3 bet wliitlltlir1 i ouuli yoki i acoop iiovel foilu j lono luitiilliil hhovoltt ifl graiu luth 1 link miv wtmd f hunt a 1 tohh numlnr 1 1 lit lion thalr i hums ol saliall atnun of and uml r imli ovr that umoiint iowlii uioiillu 1 mill 011 ujijikivchi mot until ikd ii 1 nt hji nn uii hi oil for it j kl 1ck auctioneer v

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