Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 6, 1913, p. 4

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j xmmti be acton jtree rrss tiiuiutoay novkuhkh 0 luif tx vouii lkvtl i ik ytif level nr nlod i fair d t holy roll ik uvrl imj kir lol bawl by 1 you lt ay tjrtnding it i it aludy or sailing ua lb i wo ud plw hmmr or l wear ut tutki lr- j lull yihirulvr linilr r hihi do yourlrvrl lpl hrl boy 11 bum1 tbtj pfagtl lntii onctavuh rar k ammr men ought to hsv y tin fit l i a polar rttrlr wbew 11 i if ol otly it ic a yer 1mm ik os rf ll on rii miih mo kolulu adlled hr iim r wab hi iurig hi- th iilil ummll il 11i rfkmi io vitiate to uui1 by kj and ae only wr ud l lb- puoa mill ikat only mir ye r tb news it brings ill th rec iull younl logetbe boy mj your level bt iwiyour uv1 l -y- work will loll tbtmigh llm leak i lika-h- i udo it well tii n y glitter 11 wn aland tbe tt iull yourvlv- liigthr buy kim do your bal leld jounatii a chow otohv lopla wbd duct i knu lb my find dlfllnulty l hlbvlng the following anecdote tbougb aughi indian will erfpl u without hesita tion a dog of tay loiualnliinm a fn tre of long kaaueu eaperlauce iru imm morning eating a cblekei ixhhiia tb vramu when loo cmw luinwd to ia and observing th dog and bb boo wbmbd ikiwo end lit on he vnl railing when lhy nl wwk coking la indue bins to bin to drop bb breakfast under ordluary dkunmunna n uagluh da will by l b crow tb mlnul b pfwam but a tbi aoewioa jefc tolnaply lookd up jmwud and linwtd gnawinx- tb c croklut rod oonmilud lactbr for m moomwii tbn o tb pmlt dnppd unto tb vrnu fw yud bilod tb dntf hod enltd t blm ali ktowi aftr tnoun cuujly round tb cmndfor mlnuta to 11 jaolc mui down ifc wid bopp p ilb- ly nd wialy oa k tb doc 1ji crual nip thl wm too mucb with bowl f lunl on uu lornntntim d no s who bd bn thuunlly waltlnit tbu oppor tunity iwoopj dowtt upon tb bi nd cmod it off you nr mw d wr uok or ucb kbjmthuniuutlon m jack whan ho kwooktiiari bow l bad oofed illutrt clrliutt waakly oliildren cry for flttchers o astoria outtuia a swath jot watcb tbat auek bow b goail 1im rabdnc quut ium 1 but if ba paid up wbat b own bad fp on foot lk iw i might start out wltb bplrlta uy bat ooa id lamm my krlp fof knawlatf popl talkad ibat way wouu apoll my littl irlp id want to alt my cbogchttk cart and otbar owat- ly pata and vuatla in tb cbuuxintf cart until i paid my dabta id hal lo ms my loving ru la pncioua tone bedecked dbua upon ber brow and ktaekbtoa all correct i i bad reaaon to euppoee tbat paopl atand- uux round wont aaylng tbere tbat woman go with dlamond by um poond i and if kef huband paid bl- buw which be wont do aualhvdy have to ornament her gilla with pew daatwot plat glutr i wouldnt ilk to entertain in gorgoua princely alyle if i baluvad tbar wae a pain bn- blad the gueete iwnl amlu trpbople tn fay uaaallntf ball aboubl whisper j j u will bore jut m lb palaungs i on tie walks tbrpataoo tbefloore ioetmark tb prloalea brloabnu i hat if be paid bu way bu home wottm be tworoomed ahaxk or boarding houee to day i i couldnt stand tbat sort of thing i id be immensely bor ed i nd so ill only buy by jing tb thing caw afford walt uaaon r lli outvidr world l printed on a abal of paprr wilb lb bktogrpb tb paper u orry ibick and it u mlntrd only miuitaid tbklatbrtia ruiia iw tkvoaly ontv ayrrppr jklllt jmu1 ibn uxlhm iord tra mall winllg i nv wltlil n im lfntt tb tf lb- kbwl u aluikdlln 111 itliinarlk iuhrimlnauhublk wll li im ku to rad sualbi fir rdi rruuiiu j all urftx of wiillallil bulta tb uiujuac u llt of uiul dturt uf lb kk n- u till nmlvr r hi lit ruul ulud kudliltb kdltth- m1 fuuiabcr -1- v- heps the sick to get well a 0- rrij tw oin rill rruimunlf ob lwlncuxsa tlv-lrtlnll- tlu1 ll by lb- tadad oomomv iereerarlng 1oroy who bad juet paid n bagging yuh to nelgbbnhng houbhtrib m pink knery if that aint the most porertyatrlcken oun i over struck why blow um if there aint two ladus playln on the umi planner tb indloationa of worms am rt- uiatm grlodlnir lb testb picking of the nnuf extreme paerubom often coovulslong under thaae condl tlons lb best remedy that can be got la miller worm powders tby will nttackihe worm aa soon as admlnl- lavwj and will grind them to alom that pass away in the evacuation the ilttl sulteier will immediately be eased nod return attack will not b likely how hal wm mittalm friend wor you smitten by your wife befole you married her r penhecksr yes but not hau no much ns i have been sine a debatabli point uf4 btroog doul you think that woman band ha played an impor tant part in tb great work civilisa tion r lblloaupber4 undoubtedly but i dont think ber band bas bran a effective as her sllpperf think it my duly to tell you tbat clnhlwiniinwcttfi for iwuuey trouble and b rippe i sullerrd so uuurb with my kldnne and l chpu until t utj oin plics and now would not be without ibcm in the bou i lull alwaya wmiw nd in 11 ijls to siiyon 1 know i euffarbuz wilb tbeb- lulneya uu u ibrrun vttoov c cim plxxsan sold on a poauive kuaiaale of money refunded if tnry fall to give rlrf 90c e box a for is- sample tree if yon write motional obcmkal co it mmlb i- uamcatona bloou bt mhkvu tabutts ere tb idd tele for pel thin people sac box 6 for 30307 ant roob mm jobrwj tu ratal y it was lodge ifallburtoa wba popu- urfcwd tb interretine fact ibat jobv turkay bad but on feather in bis tall and bad to lean again tb fence to wry trouble a corrector of ul many teatlmnnlau nd showing ibr great efficacy of tw tbomaa kcleelri oil in curing die- order of tb respiratory i 1 111 imm but the beet imtimonlei u experience and the oil le koombmndid lit all who offer rroea tbea dlaorder with tb lalnty that tby will find relief will allay innammallon in the bronchial tubes ammtnrpreparallon tnaaans taacbor wblcb u lb too du- t of tb aaneeer pupil touch taanher lrov lt 10911 when you alt on a lack you a bean it you eanl it dm cant smetl it but ite tbere- if you knuet worry worry over the things you cant help yon can work or or the other a prince must be juat and tood a wall valiant is when conceit begins to die a bln or two of wisdom begins to accumulate la b- mans cranlum- wuv hal paiidbd weary wlllln iady i win waunat a prosperous merchant ibadaluxur- lou home an booorable name an ten looontin and highly respected daugh ter- jllrs welrnwn yh brought you tk poverty r oary willie my dunhuri inslst- edonmarrylnc highly nttnnat men nod i had to eupport ten fa mil lee ohildron ory roh fletchers o a wstopath plioi lluaband vwtl to go to a theatre to- night r- wlfe pointedly l have nothing to lluaband tlteit wll go to on of thus moving ptatur show wlwra it dark heryemtusleiwes wars so bad sha cwu net sleep to ibosc who deep in kind of a way but whose rest n broken into by fcaiful dream iurhtmaii ainkink and sntotber- injt waualtons who wake in tbc rlt as tirtd h when uxy wrot lo bed we can rcrummrnd udbuins ilcait and nerve pilbt fty taklnif tnrtu you ran have your old peaceful undisturbed rereb- iat deep back bmid mn cha trel ilorncamtle oat wrttca jumt a lew hue to let you know what utlbunia llrtut ami nerve pubi did for me my heart and nerves were so bed i could uof alrep and tbe least noise or excitement would make me fed ko that 1 uard lu think i was ol to die ami i wotikl tremble until i coukj hanlly at and 1 took doctors medicine itut it m not do mc mucb aood at but i tried mubums lleaf t aud nerve imk and i ran erislnly my tbey did mc a great amount of good i can re commend bent to anyone who b buffrr- mjt sa i was mubmnv heart tun nerc lllla are fior ir ian i boe for fljs at aft dealers or liuiild direct ihi ircelpl of castor i a rae kiawl t rjw haro alwnys boanrht aad wkk kai boem ki fiar wvwr so ynftrn has horabo um birnatwe wt r aad hmm been naavdo under hia por- its liifhnry aucrvr bm ose to alexwilvn you la thl all conixrrlta iwiliatuana aad jwatna g sra bat cxpadaent that trlffn wlth and em danger toe heauth ot ladaaua aad ckudrea- eapcaieofiti agalnat yprarfmrn- what is castoria caatoarla u a tbarrnleew nahnutnto fbr cantor oil parev gnrtc lhxpet and huothlngr hyrapa it la unaauat it eoatalna kaolthew oploan aforpblbm nor outer nnmotla wharf nnn ita ag la it cusranten it dtttroym wunun aad alhayn frrvvjriahaejsa it eairoa ihnrvlmbuv aaw i wind oolle it reunron tejtalmgr troubhw em oouaupatloa aad yiafnlnacy it euttdatllatr tbe food rearulauom tb htsnenrh aad boarola slvingr hnaltby and iwtunj win raj tn clbudreana 1aaaneai te tothera kriasad qknuink always castoria 1 bean the signature of the kind you have always bought in use for over 30 years bear and take ooun it i eafer t than la give wart are dbafl s that dlaap- pamu- wban treated with llolloway ooroour omimkaul burmko opium opium worth 00000 wm bumd in front of tb nankal middle heboid in um native city tien tvin ohtna waenuy nine great pots were filled with tb drag tb sludnts of tb school and at least three thousand spectator cheered whan tb big caul dron wee sel on qr shortly after noon aniong tb onlooker w mora than on hundred sokli a thalr officer to whom lb entbualaani of tb ohio as tb drag want up li amok was a revelation nearly every married man thlnki tbatb propoeed ui hi wife but did bp blrangud with asthma is tb only mpr tbat aeenim to convey what u endured from an allack of this trouble tberellf from or j i icellatggs asthma itemedy bajrond lueuuir where all was uu faring tbere comeecomfoct and rest itrsalb ing beeoan oomud and tb brunch la tubs completely cleared this equalled reuhidy i worth many tli iu price to all who use it watch ioir liver li ii it lair saw ar taram stir ii la lb lu a mnbnrns laxauver a buy alow or torpid liver b a tmibl aabcthki as it bold back the bur which m required to anon tbc boweb and let it into the blood tustred tana earning comtipstna calarifa of tbc stomach hack i trader be isnfjour pain under the tttkt sbouldr- etc mrs wealry luabrookx uabnc st lion n 11 wnle per several years i bad item lioubtrd with pains in tbe bver i have bad tardiruae front evcral doctor but wu only reuewd lor a tine by farm itben hml aloburn s uu- liver imu ami i have bad no trouble with my bvn- kinoe 1 can boncstly imhntnenil ihrut to every person who baa bver trouble udbufn s fstt liver ihua are 3c vial or g viau for si to at all dealen direr on ireeipt nl price by ill ihi iiml tmooio uodmholb hlmrai always hull new ironware before neinglt inoooklngfub make sure tbat tb cleaning b thorough to nanots jar of fruit satisfactorily pack them in sawdust make baking- puwdnr blxmlls wilb water instead of milk unseed oil will repollefa furniture which ha become scratched waab and dry flannel a quickly aa passib if you want them in b l small sweet red puppera sre nxeel- lent mired with oabwry and potato salad atobvv ulatao talat anvway lllbyi think tbat i like you hat ter than any of tb otlter fellows that c4ine lo see slater lwey lnt glad u hear it itohby now why do you ilk me thebaatc ibtbby ilecauen sis always lels me vtay around and bear wltat you say a severe cold settled on her lungs tin ceo murphy oen onl httlr i have imil orration to like tit mihk1 nofway iiiw synt ami rati uy it hunt crftaittly is a wtauliful lunlicinc ijist iwiiilrr my itltle jul just a year oll tiiok u mvrre cold wlurh setllcd on brr lung i uird evrryllimr and was alntot 111 dcmkiir tabrti ity rhsnee i rmd kr wkh nmy ihue syrup and decided to ly ji i tot two ittttlcs ami uxm an i atsited lo use it i could we it was takinr anext i tv ber three tmttles in all and they contpiclely cured ber or woikis norway iine syrup it a univrrul leuvrdy for mtlrier irom alt btoncfaul tiouldes coukii snd cold of all kind hioochllm sore throat lloarurnr- ciiuit aclbma whoopini cotlih ami tluoat snd llin tnhiblee diuikrur iim kly after a few iloe have tsleu it will sltijj i it j i iliurrijun tickbni aeuuiliimi ui tlie throat wtikh rwwi rthijuliik und kcfu ymt nwavc at uigbt lvtce 21c ltrce fniiuly tlie fior 1ut ii in u yellow wrapper lait pmr tie the trait niaffc only by the 1 utlhuii ton mto out manufactured in co linut the l0veught in his eyes he tkeuobt that was wki mad all tb pmou mar vou bsva rmd in irlm uuv n hiwl emotion will tmiihforin a nuia ouulonanro bow a kh4 a far lu lit- noiir of loaplrallon mts the injii inglu on tb buu4am uy wn uoboaly iblnls of tranrlltig llwui i wire j at 1 too bale bud mt ngwh ure aeebire s rontilbutur to i u li tbey iccurtml uu iimi luunilnt bail 1 received s teller from lbylli wblcb aam imuny v 1 tbiuk o not uurb lu tual you umy aay bul wun tall uu it vii tlw delayed nuawrr lo a prthmul of maniac you will uimbr taiul hthrtly uftrr tvadlnf it i ti 1hi mil lilu tit htlit to walk to lue mtut u walu ll 1 tbw llcbt in lti r r miikvil lo brl lb v rry oin tlw wi ill lly lumlt ua ixihhi fr t lnimb- ulrl kir li ll uiimu of tl wlmkkl l nlutly tlr ill i iwbll kill i iihi turned tali mj if 1kii lo lll lib at- fn if r uhilil rounti i im r kr rior1 lo lato um lt- im- tli my lidpiiliirox sil smlud ml n il illy j if lifll by lis ronlacioo lla mill i iikxicm tn blank r llt ibylll u lli lu m r ly iny trulll htewe nnltrrlny clalmia ulut rroui uoautj a ej uilctif utdti my hewrt uufsllliful ii was only who i reectietl tb of iw und tiil in llw cux ibat i ll- 1 uil tin lai blsri ikuudre uu lltw courage of napr5le0n the wy it cantad hlan rt aapem esallan i waoraom ivofeaaor j lloluiml hose in the ivraooallly of nsihiuhmi write at nx ihilevns eowrasv- he says that hi iwiminallty never stood forth eu krundly ns mttmt a ilefeat tim buat mtriuu blow lu ibu luldilte part of hi r wuw tliat dnlt blm by tb arch uiiku cbarusat aspeem kallin north enat of vim ma tb auatrlan were 044 rly doumu lilm lo atrencto the brid over tbe inube bad been twiiketi down in his rear lib great marshal iannes had been killed and in tact bo had suffered a terrible re- torao all hi itouaral were for re- lnat but lie ultbalood tbem and fro feasor itoau rulils tbe neat six weeks niuoitif the uuiat c lor lou of bb mill lory im- ii secured new troopli biilrod lila euemy hy labe saave- ui tita rimi finally defeated blm st i iirram lint a decllite esrae to such a pro- dltfloua man ifu hlmanlf said at fit- lleleiin hint lud beeo apollad by kiherh it wo natural tbat the vic tor lu fifty 4trhed battle sud inuu mtrulilti anmllvr vneacenmiabt sbould nlimf to ikilleve hlmhir omnutcient hhi invlnrihle it was tlila hardenlne uf llw mind that utrnyml lilm itilo tbe iiiihmimii romnalcu tbat cnuaed him in rwiw nil eoriirumlhe in ihi3 snd 1hi1 end that led him lo defeat by bb in rilnru wlllustou and lllueber at lmlrloo juat ns iraunllml wsa flnal i lieateu by lib inferior keinlo at puttowj trsra t daxl to interoatltu method or probocfina ihitcli irre rroiu frmt during tb win bt lots been luruetlceil for several years at hit aericultural exparinient ntatlon at canyon colo karly in ko- veuitier the earth b removed from a rirr shout ftuir feet in diameter round each tree and water u turned in to saturate the soil when tb ground has become soft the tree i worked hack and forth to loosen tliu roots und b then pushed over on it tide tim branches are brought together ami fastened with a cord and borbp roe ered with earth la put over them thoa tb tree lb enuff until a 1 win 2 ban the covering b gradually too ened and flnauy removed and tbey rv rabed and propped up uocky uonb but she hadart what tb mailer old rhapt vimi look aa if you hadnt bad n wink uf sbwv all nlgfat i havent you see my w i rath ma i ened never to apeak to me again if 1 didnt com bom bat bight before 10 oclock and v didnt ul eoe youre amllntf out the lone somen of solitude because she kepi her word eht not by a jugful i wbb ah bad ib c hang itefuse suliatltulei big hearty baby boy mr becks fontleat hopes reniiil hjth haj- ptnem emnd isaly upper ybave n h can- 1 wish to thank you for the benefit irneelved by taking iydl k pinkhama vegebv- ble compound for female troubles from which i was a great sufferer so thai i was com pletely rundown in health other tned icin did not help toe but lydb k ifnkhmna vegeta- bbj compound made me well and strong i now liav u big hearty baby boy and praise your medi cine for the wonderful lot of good it has done mo- mrs lunam llltck jg upper ijphave lunenburg co n h the uanxeet days of husband and wife ar when ahey eometo look forward to a ehlldle sadbnely old ago many a wtffbaa found hi rsolf inca- ibe of molheybood owing to mm de- rangennent of the feminine syatem often curaltle by th proper remedlea in many bornes ones cblkllew there ao now children becanae of the fact that lyiua k pinkhams vegetabb compound make women normal if y have the allgiiteatdoabt tltnl iyilin k plnhlunn vrta- lile iimpouwl will jiclp yon write to ijfl in krinkunm ldlelaod otipfldnntlul ynnmaawfnrad vlrr- your letter will lie opnned rrwd and nnawrrrd i13 a aoluan nt itold in strict rmiafmffavoe tuholtolrcal it looked like laa ksaoklm tbjuh duel between parson and lb choir arid at th and of tb ninth loalng thei score seemed to be in favor of the singer it war at the morning a4oe and lbs minis ter sitting in the pulpit with a digni fied express on listening to lhilpgt ing of th usual antbam then h arose and announced in n loud clear voice my teat will bei after the uproar baa ceasnov rr a mum thai mambara of the choir looked as if they bad been fed on persimmons in stead of peach and then they got together and in tbe eofteet kind of wbbpar began to talk it over as a result of the subdued conference a slight change was made in the tnuelcal program and whan thaennon had ended and the organ pealed urib tbe choir sanfti now it la high um to awaka sfter sleep children ory for fletchers castoria cihouafarahoat i w often bear young nin y thai if their clreuuistanee wait different tbey might succeed t tut as ll h tbere are too many oblacle agaliial lheni what did napoleon say alxnit clrcuni- stanoeaf he asked otiaolbls tuarehab about a movement be had in contem plation and th answer wan if cir cumstance were favorable it might be accomplished napoleon replied ol re n mala nor t i oar uothlngabaut alrau instance 1 1 make nlrcumataoea happiness is said to be a state of mind boi om of a would ha thank ful for tha smallest voting precinct thousands of mothers can testify to tha virtue or mother urn worm bxtermlbatnr because uy know from exparleoo how iiaaful it la hut two ihrst mute making algnst- lld your wife complain bees use you stayed out till after mldnlghtt nsrond ier uut chuck ling ild sliet you abonld ha seen her lint when it began to get naonofaooua i just turned out the light real huntlno fn common tia wberw foxjianung b eonaklered sjiert catching one b tha cardinal offense tb rub in tox bunting b tbat you may cha tbe quarry but you must not overtak it tillsdlphu tadgar methere jtengusv dont yon renlta lb poerer of tha mother tongoar aaked tb yoflngtuan who professed interest tn litem tar yea and w dom uwr mpllsd tb young woman buffalo mrytaea msetly all talk dont fad ajuft well doctor do you think i could go to a eoffs party thb aflerimwq certainly fnba your tongu la all right- wlagano bbtban pimples are an eye sorl pimples arc caused by tbc blood being out of order tbuae utile folding sore appear on tbe forehead on the nohr on tbe chin and other pait of tbe body and altbouih tbey are nofit ibnrmu trouble tbey are very nndibfly in both you and your friends them b lanly one way to ct nil f tbem and tbat u to puiify tlie idnoil burdock luood 111 i let u wilhnut w doubt the bestfremedy imi the ruaikct for thb purpose wm i dooobuo jr hamilton onl writes about iu iimmthk uri my little sons aceiwum literally covered with lample i tiled every prcparulkmi 1 area told of tiy my fi inula itut tu no avail noon i thought i could not have them hied up snd would have lu wall and let him tow uut of them but thank lo uitrdork imood ililtcra tbey re all gone and i nhully recommend it lo anyone llnrdotk wood lliltrrs i inanufac- tared aolely byttic t mdlmni co umlled ttkrouln out llamdicaprau rctrkat lie knainrnirnl wbh pitttiy hi arlil ll wlr lo ll uy frlli u llll y 10 ui ui for r liv i an iiy anntit la a krel llkolty it ik xxl puon lo l i in u lllrl hut ll i utln ll the grand xuvhk ralwav iauuknukll tnaixs ul- castoria ror infant and children flu klrf y01 han ahran bmvkt j9 illi f lb poor ii 1 i il lajjkjzv do wll i giving the trial u ml ill hu won l have lo 11 k a hit l- and t baap mllr ii 1 ml fffrlkm boolli k dlrd tlin llrii bo vftvcliva a rrgnlalo ll yalaoi lrol- lau imu tliay aie klnil i leap ibay tan lie got aiywh illr uorflclal action wll prtt lli llhti itlgualui this womanknows how d dd cures skin trouble i am die moth r i uk a d ir sl til hill i wailnl u iltxtor utteiillli uu ult ileal tbl llul i weeka ago 1 hril 01 uhhi to trur my 1 t a biolllll tuaut i i i ix llallttlllyoil i taovr u 1 o kl many k tima i lidy 1 ilia likat utt it l ltll of l it gave ln l wltli th- ilu i ii wuli li jowiuybifiaiun lla to ilia hlftkml nlj l 1 ll llltway i thy dgi u5 lhll ioii lit i i 1 a i h in of u ij i au lm have ll wiull aiitulu ihtrel coma t u ub1 we will tell yo ut full j ixtttfl oil llw guaiunl t will al ji hie luh ut unce or y li k j hsaaarj rklal a pr scrip ion- for is yejtr iba standard skin remedy the merchants bank op cas 1a uvwy paraoa who receives sad pays out money ahould liav c cheuu ing account iaymanl by cheque u lbs moat praciicaj con veulaal snd kafsat method of handling all naancbl iranaacliona whether ol a bual or personal characlat th rslarn tf cancslle1 cbeiuaa sis voucjisrs for every sum paid out l hay fcbow what dl liaraemeol hav bean mad and tu wliom deposit ar received by thb lunk sublcl to cheque withdrawal ws pay lb tame alien i ion lo email dapoallot a wedo tourgs ooas luut snouurage tltelr account lateral alloweil on all bavlngs axconola oompoundad lull yearly total assets sit3g49 acton branch p a maclean manager s warmest kind for cold weather to1b liofhckulc will never e found because the ixgif iu uscl or storry11 gloveh and gauntlcta and yet the huiii becjiti ciirefullv tanned by the chrome in made pliable m nun tig extraordinary ireproof process wear rcttiutancc waterproofrand the beat working gloves on tho 6old at al nlorca iiisist on storcyi market 2irr r uu tt3aa autumn s h o b s lumkaa your uviei liuot our auoaab block tahata yrfl liiv uj tnuy khi sad alaaa i abas iikji al lb aiuma la our wiadows bimi icel iualula1 vllh iba ww wyus inmr wlnlwa wttaa uw ul in al our utl lul uuas klwa will ye 111 lu o wli1 cut vik 1 hka w aow ljka a la wxliimt j high pad iii- w aa7iiliams oas home 4 good shoea mill street acton yuur clioiing will be done uickly jtid well on cither plates or titonch if taken to the rockwood chopping muu flour oatmeal bran shorts the best at lowest prices harris co hcton 1 j v hj x bus liki the ubovislgaad respacllnlly aoliciia lb psiroeage of the pab- lic and informs than thai wall axqwlpped and stuaa maaj lacnred al as stwsya a comuitcibu ba meets all iraln between ioju a m aad 6i0 p to carefbl alum ion tfwwm to svery nrdar tb wants of cos mercul traveuers ally aaet john inlluiirttks poultry 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