Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 13, 1913, p. 2

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mfumblkl ilkmbt iutm1- alttal iuali o jll b itllrt uw m l ittku al m wvlua da ho t4 hi taua 1lalua 11 1 ifc1 lalq4l trlta of jaaai blflgolu dpbe arion jfrtt ress th1j11hia nokihhil u 101u urrohiat norn 1nit homw ukahos lli iul for lb- vole mi the anada 1 tlreiir anl in ll w1imi end huron ouuti- hee iteen manged from nit kith lo january jlhh th- data waa llrl at for november tit h hutproteta from wrua fjuarter wiw iiihiib that the lima wm too ehorl end w oidr- lu coum il ha l- i i iuto llii vol- for january juib otjiumj octouici i h uet public debi or tli- ltlit inn 1 by owati lwlog ilu f taet year t dcreeed ly i ftcilkjm al th- end if leat mnulb tli- nt debt etood at jol 107 according to the official figure of the lliiance oeparttuent lha decreaaelu oualmii tivtmua for oclo- lr waa lohliict while for the twvn month th- net lucre- ha been only tmk iui 1s iai oovkmnkflcnt through tba uoeite department has eetahlabod a precedent and reoognls m1 tlia tnuatic of taking th clinton umptrano- worker to bear lha ex pum of defending lha luteal option by law whan tba lwllit box on were tampered with in an effort to defeat tha muun laat january and haa eenttotheprklnl ur g j w1il a cheque for 2w to aaelt in paying eipanae lueurxed by thiocal option committee fob laloiiwouacontparltlvelynew departure in canadian industry which haa rapidly expanded it la carried rin for tha miht part in irlomi kdwerd i latld aeeonditlona there iw bepacl- ally suited lo tli rather difficult and cotly enterpriee up to laat week twenty two fox breeding companlre had been hated i a i wk una com pany tharn paid w 000 for four pair of fovea fur breeding i i tti- poeel bill tie of lha i ml u- try aaa money maker and tha handeome dividend al ready paid by eonin of lh oonipanlee ia aufflclant warrant for melt initial expenditure till oiialiual altnlltlon of tint liar in hotel tb nollollnn of revenue not by tha al of lifena for a fixed amount hut on a percentage itaula and a roduotloti in tha in unit mi or hronium iii tha oltlna and towna of thti pro vlnce will la rioiintendnl in tli m port tha jucane oinimuiouflrrt ap pointed by tba ivotour hlr itnninr louln tocoutildnr th lujiior uauoii in quobec aiii now preparing and which tha ktjaalou of th trkulaturo which opaila nxt weak will rnnldnr ilulatlotl daallutf with tbami p4lntu la expealod ui prowlda an lntaritliia atrttjigla in tba hoiiac ontauio and tiiic taukh warn twept by a bllaaard on hunday and monday torrential rain fall fur tha greater part of honday and thu tl graph and tnlaphona aarvlcaa warn hadly crippled throughout th iro- alaoe tba tea mar iluronlo waa driven aground naar bbelldrake wbluiuh hay and a tomllnaon una taatnar la reportad to hav aunk off qroaoap ilnl a large ateel frleghtr turned turtle waa found lloatlitg in lakfl huron about bight mllea north mt or iort huron u la ullevcd tha unknown freighter waa abandoned during the atom thaurtiwun board would number alkiut thirty and there la oonaldarabla anxiety as lolhalrfata it la natlmatad that over alxtyjlvei were loat during tha atorm on lhn groat lakaa habhaoawbva a very pmtty wwldlnk took plai at hndam lrwibylnrlan ohuroh on tuna day novemlmi- 4tlt wlmti muu llolu uolod eldaat ilaughtarof mr llwnry motiotl waa iihiicmi in tlm tioniu of holy tnatrlmoiiy to mr jauuia milher- aon of oualph tli brldf w4 nlvon away by her father anil lookod ohari- inn in a drea of oraun allk mull hhn wora a bridal p caught up with illy of tha valley and carried a houou6t of hridalroaaa and illy ortha valley tha happy oounhi left on the nvanlng train for lluffaln and other point mr and mr a uauiaey itavn mov ed to liiclr naw home uuar unltut mr win howaid hau purobaaod u flnti driver for a good llgur meaant vralik aikiutuady havj tak en a urge contract of plaalerlng for mr luardiuurr mr m hayrre and mha klu aoton attended tliu wedding of mua holla ucliiod uat weok oriwsonh oohmhhm a taala of wlntrr waa ttxptirlnnoml tlia flrat of tlm wfk wbloh waant very wolcoum aflnr thu fine ilaya of laafcweek hie patron of tltu poat ofllcn litira wlllbeaorry that after onoenilier lt it la to ha ulowad tliem helng kvvnral mail rouuw in the vicinity the govern nent deoldrd lo cloao it mr ohaa ii harrl ukwood preached arf t acceptably here on hunday in the ahaanoa of hev t h clarke mr and mra uolk rt mornglilln uuelph vlltad at mr m orawaona laat week 1 tin voung of mlohlgan la vuuing frlauda and relative her mra fjrubb of davenport iowa vhdtrd her aunt mra jnmee jamblft tbleweek mim kveiyn and maater kllla mcx laugh in naaaagawoya vlaltd at mra m oraweona last week mr jama gauihla and mra ti lanta vleltodmro hawud mr lang ford at knttehbull uat woek tba dovjl la wtirried by tha people who work far tils good not by thain who worry over hlin to inukgl school grounds it 1m a auuhnbidiu alluitlon f it wing ii tin iiggllii if a trading rltlvii during tlia liironiff lb lloaul ol uluotloi la lakli alm to u irmil w ii htofy avflon miu mx a rl of liul adj4ilg tb- aohool ground on tha waatxdy aid- luiillu7 ral lo ll thla will uka a una xmuun of ovr two wlha f an it 1 1 po aakad for tba propr ly i vary raajkirtaliia and tba purchaa- l-th- prol of all tba tiailr a lulollm tlog uianlmouly luuui t ll- totlng oi monday veiling wbn 11 lb o lra wax- ptit n o kj tw uvl that lh following arro paid ju u llodry jo u d ilk i t uhllmt n y i uimf m mi i i it frlgbl anil rarlau- 1 ho unv mol nurama 2u fot- l-ir- i- co do tl n hrlry mlgo and m hi j a cl auphi km ju humii do c corthxllou of acton u trli lamp 1 ll hi tlia itor1 paaal ilia r tt iro lorn nil 11 a r rogrm- in i ba naw building and tw ooniinndfhl mvoral kpalra u waa darldnd to rit mr ar thur lualle who la to and tbraa day in laolumi on fugnlra to wun allhar early lit iacenihrr or arly in tba nw year the niatnbarw of tha hoard and th hrtary will altond tba trutam oonvantlon at u 11 ton umorrow a gala night with thc i 0 of at tumdav miqmth mbbtiho tba rgular whkly tnaetlng or anton lodge no ai i o o v on tumday evanlng will tm tit- mora hie in tlia an nala of thla lodga aa a night of hlatnry- tnaklng unhiru tha degrea inawr froorv ikv jdalph lodge waa praant and lhay ware ao nonihinlad by vlaltlng brethren from tha itoyal oily georgetown i tramp on and utliar neighboring point a the iodgei waa alao bnitored by tha praeanc if jrand hacratary ilrooka nf toronto iar i 1 0 m h4ma of toronto and j k axworthy i i i m of cradlt dlaulot llratliun tha iwaullful drftree work of odd frllowahlp waa ak 1 11 fully exeatllfll by the degrm team and tha following brethren hail tha flrat aetttnd and uilrd dagraaa conferred uion than w j gould john haallay a a itnllltt lunj maokla george haaaal oharla lllauchan alfred marahall william ohpp- vrj jrawaou and wlllum gowdy aflwr tha imalnaaa of tha evening waa oouoludd rrrmlimiibi war- ber- vnd and tbaaa were fallowed by ahla and inatrucllvti addraaaaa by ttroa llnmka axworthy hlma and other the haltonfaa assizk day atad cany uw vounot ktnrtbh- tnan war comtnjluad uor ladmmiaaaauh and bbtft to obnthal prison the fall aaafaaa for thla county open ed iwtfore judgvt mtddletoii tin tueeday of laat week the grand jury brought in true bill agalnat hay and oaaey the two young tuan aaut down fur trial charged with a aarloue offence agalntt a young girl lha partlea being from tha vicin ity of georgetown day wa ouni guilty by the jury and oaay thera- upon on being plaoed on trial with drew hla plaa of not guilty and plead ed guilty they were both aentancod tothaoelilral irlaoti day for eigh teen month and oaaey for fifteen mouth anderaon va drandbn a ault for gsuoi mettled out or court the plain tiff getting 2000 the oaae fit the mlaae huddy va the town nf milton waa tried and judg ment rnaerved up- ehud wkui billouanasa atad blek dah calgary alurta july h 1111 i wau a great auffarer for a long lima with billonanaa a i ok liaadaohe i llvar troulil nothing anoniud to me any good i had almoat given in htapalr when i decided to try via pillh after taking about half a box the headache atopped and my appetite improved i have juai ft it i abed the finh box and ftiel a well a aver i carv heartily rwoouimand rjg illla fur atomaoh ami liver trouble mlmt mahy hrxuom uitld at all dnalar hi 20 and cent hoknrmalulhy the tilg pill co ht thouimu out hockwood a idowlng match under the auaplctt or tliu kiaiuoaa brattohof the ontario plow in tut aaauilallnii wa bold on ii rariuttf mr whurt taluit on the krainoaa load on wedutfaday nf uat weak a urge miimlhir of vlallnr gatheiitd in tlm aftertuwui to wllnna the con teat wbloh wau vory keen tli following i a hat of hie priae win ner i champion glaini i wn gray 2wiiurttallot irlratolaaa i 1 v h alton j geo grieve it carmln gray 4 g hiought on u hoy allan keerlng in nltove two ouuvn 11 k alton hrcond olaea t i charlie dufmeld i x lome allan i 11 winjoyakeuele l 4 rnnd alton 0 fjlinon aruutroug fearing and fliilah charle dunield thin claaa in aluhllel 1 w j tlieaker u huaaeltiiitton jitttinip- mii aiewiirt keerlng w j tlieaker qnlah thotupeon atewart heclal for the lieat plowed laud by a boy who never plowed at a match before w j tlieaker hweepalakee of the held diver eup u alton nathaniel orofi jaephew of the late william oroft or ihl- village died in uuelph on saturday m hla 07 th year in hi earlier daye he waa a frnjurnt vlmltor here tlte remaliui were taken lojhloago for inleriuent bjohb obomcrvatiohm ijui hunday nlglilj rmi iiulil auggaot lb- adopllog ha iu aaylng allrltnimtloo mwlt nuger- kwrr uoy i- llrfcl ratt i ill iu wall lo krp a fw umw ady th tnetinl wrlllr which hu rrlvd miil mki lh liln l- f work- b llldl much more mimr wtialrwrr ip lh wluo rt im ii id ii miner it ta ry different in niemlfr alrolllng an linflulahd bulldlig llhar inld- it ulde after all blewd u wok aa ler a- the hxal conlrat concern il u mlghl u that lb a alotanl tk tak a cold day oore lit a while viewed from any alaiidpiul eoue toore than fitbare lha acton kchttol now preaenle a fine mnimandlng ap- eaajirn alno- lha new edillllou he- twit luadi tlia general rlfect would be much heller if aualllary ixlldlig wn either rmiottal runted or improved in outward appearance koine of our thoughtful clllhna are euggeetlng that our enterpilaltig hoard ahould not atop abort of iulle a iha at ihu point ttin pr mwal mad by lha lloard una weeks ago to enlarge the play- routtd acoominodallon i in harmony with tba vlawa of writer and worker nauy epheree a to lb inhuenc of ecopa for play on tha future real welfare of the child u a thing i a ore there are many children who paae up and down our atreeu for whom future manhood or womanhood doe not appear lo be pronilelng very much phraaure ami it la a graelou act for puhllfleplrited cltlaen lo be wllutg to eonelder plana for at leaat btaklna childhood a ume to look back on with pleat tire in june 1h0i according to the ver- batuni record- a published by lha bureau of archive a bill we conduct ed through varloue motion reeding- reporting and finally aeaented lo for incmaalng the wage of the mem ler0f the ilooae of aaaamuy the old pioneer parliamentarian had a blunt way of calling thing by their right name nowadayalt would im a bill to luoreaee tha eeahjonal indeui nlty in the aam- month a i j ii went thrttugh aoniewhat almllar perform anaea to prevent the aelllng uf aplrltu ou llijnor and atrong water to the moravian indian on the river theme ttiua the indian lut la of iull long atend ing z4zzjlsis til longcon llnued mrrcutloii and thal or mendel i ml the jew mi working man at kief huaau haa liad a good deal of local interest to our jewuh fellow cltlaena th father and mother of morrl haxe reald in aclfif and naturally liavehareln the intenan excitement which ha prevajled uver the unfortunate matter mr morrl haxe haa bean in kief acoree of tin ma aa have also other jewlab reeldente har the trial arooe out of the der of a oltruuan boy two and a half year ago about the time or the jaw- hle paoaover t klaf ii la beluved to have been killed by tb levee but member of the ulack hundred an organisation of jewlah peroeculore leed 6j their influence to fee ten tha crime upon the jewa and hellli tha unfortunate victim tba trial ha boen a travealy of juatloe and behind it the bigoted prleatly olegarchy which rule the government the etory wae epread that the itoy had bean murder ed by the jew in tho ritual observance of tha paaeover till a atory had not tttnallgbleet fointdauon in fact de- oauae the ltuaalan peaaahuare denacly ignorant thla cruel alander on the jnwa eurvlve a it haa dona for gener ation tlte horror of the caae haa rouimul ohruluultv the world over and a ureal refhtcllnn upon ohrlatlanlty haa been avoided by the dljmlaal of thu charge and the freedom of helllaa by tha uuaalan court tfce ull remedy w offitcffl bnall a small bettw beat to upo- dalllhawab tha ulle or i he inalltut held their october meeting at tha home of mr geo campbell when there wae a large attendance mr lllake valiatter who haa heaji iii with typhoid fever u improving nicely we hope aouti to aee him around au uaual mr lealle thompson who ba been tending a few month in the weat hau returned home again looking hale and hearty mr and mr- wm hhorllll and daughtvr gertrudv of itndou ahjnt th weekend with the former parent- mr and mr ulchard hhorllll mr h mukiery of gall who ha lieon iii at her mother mr a kent- linra i rucovt ring meeting of helton fawner inetl- llilo will l heltt here on monday ie- utur lat when mr klllott or gait and mr falrlwrne or vlneland will deliver addreaawi timotla t i wilbur do they alwaya keep that blt ball in tlm oow f wilbur i wilbur i auppoett k la to keep her from falling a alee p in thla quiet place when through oklkhi nge thu bodily funotiona become bluggiili nadruco vmxnhwott give keutlo timely ljiud effective aid without dbtcouifort or duttts ajc box gt your dnutguti 1 7a ai 1 1 i ceehanfcmiii 1 1 man eaters of africa inii crkodilti at in i clae bf thwi itlu it lw eliu n li i l im- iht i ui rr rioio ih willed for i tllio tphl thu iiiiniiiib of llu j nil- ly th ir ret uiia uinoi u h vvrkitun ih1 ih were tinly by tuo uimiueer lo tlarpo ir orterward colonel i iul terou toother hon after lillllog ani- ml luii arouud a atatlon ou tliu rtill road carrwl f and ate the auwrio tuiwlaut uf the ill vl lou the lultet hail col which 1 lo hi ntu on a aiding mid he ul up lit a window lht lluu to with ll for tha lion hut be fell ouh p lha lion lliiibwl oo the plutrorul tli torwd lliu ur hy iliu door und curruni off hla t ould he aluyerweogi lliv wndow lu lha aniumr uf iwjo u rouble of mini ontliitf lima took lo hiiiwlhu llu muaal vllln iu lha plain ununl hi headwater of lln guaeo nylro vf1 if koiila and hy their ruvuuo form i lh muaiil lo uuuli ihd illlrhl iitil thu liutlra irnvul loutae ucrtm ll vuh iilo liulmrrlly ild a f w ttlm later i iu hiiullng lu thu ilmrht- wti kntt tliu tliorti ho in u u round our ciihip ciihhii ht ulght with n llr innii lug auid mtkaria en guard hui vter liot uinfitwtl neac uacliaknetmhimi a er wna taken out of hut tent liy a eater one night bmm1 many yera ago a btuweuuitt filature of tliu linl dent we that ou it- ontt ulleoipt tin lion waa tlruu oft efuir liavlug aelktl end woundod lla victim tba wound ot the latter were ilraaaed d hu wa again put tu lied hut eoon art or ha bad been loft alone the i um again forced hla way into tha tent end title tme carried the man off and ele him ftvery year lu fcaat africa liutlvo are carried off rum tbalr vlllagea or from hubtlng camp by toau tatlntt hon ocraaloually one humr of loan eating loonanl wbkh uaually connne thantaelvea to women ntul chlulrell and thum in man eating hyena a but tho tnio tuan eatnie of africa are hon and cromxl ilea theodora itooaevolt in lie rll nter kfagaaloa a whl j t l tent lijr a britain feared napoleon and lamb wke thought him a pin rllew canned the flam- it waa ou aug h 1r1b that led nral itonaijarie aa lite unghah cap lorn i im luted lihu railing hi in wa troiiafurnwl fniin tha ilellerobou lo iho uhlp norlhiiuibiirhiuil lo luiln tin journey to hi uuknm i iuru will much pmlcvt hi hughind iiluluut tlia irniiuihtrttitliiu of tho uhitluifuuluid prlaoner liut thu koveriilueiit reinttluttl tlnu oniclol tuiiglaiul rould ace nothing hut daiikur lu keeping audi a ilynniuh- fnroo nit natoleou within it limit mul i ui mil ua tliu urtloiui of the gov lnililcnt tuoiiii tliu iloaltlotl tlilin ittu nu waa nut tllhout logic keitoleou hud ikjuii liliiuil on hla honor ol icilid hut hiiniir did notvwhjlt with jhn u lu u inn i ill kin u roucfrnt4l f imrltm loiiiih kvolo for tlioaa who ruintvd nuwli mi doloulloii lu tutiff li hit thll hu ttotu to hoot hey art- ii r nil lluuiipiirlu lu n one f el low a my ttnrlwr hayii mid i altoiild not tiilml hlniiillnu hnnluitihd nt hie talue to do tmriui to liliu lu hla full they alio ii id hlivo glwtilhliu llamjiton court or htiiiaiiiuton with u tether c toad lug forty luilii round ioinlmi iainh vvhlnmlrnlt inimjoatiml thut if napo hum roiiutliitd in luglnuil the people might koinu ily tijikt the llrunawlck in hi fuvor ntul tho government took tllll hucglmlilou aerioilhly now that napoleon la aafely dead a ueh a fear mem kbeijrd but napo- leoir waalheit alive and in view of hint fact im government waa aafe in knylug h ahould worry rolerubd rinln deal it la a clever puraon who know juat how well it u neceaaary to do a thing it no uae alghlng fur a chance to lead u you dare nut go alone umlorl overshoes era m tvtustackian la 1 noygmbsr t5ie big clothing month is here our i lock i v ry full in ill inn ill tin coui tu w idtj uul vjiuoa wbicli arc surpj n nowlii rt wc call cciji dtu htinn to tlic mens and boys suits mens and boys overcoats lsldies artd misses coats infants coats bonnets eltc underwear m jrjt varit ly for men wotm n hoy and girl at the lowest price obtainable anywhere henderson co mill s acton ont l a we are splendidly equipped to serve g you with your winter outfit when you are ready to piucliaaa your winter upurel coniu to tliu urili u h ailing und iuik l itoie and ium how aatiafutorily all your ueede aad dealie can lie filled fioiu tho viut uwiittiieiita ollnfd j on we have kijeamued truly mmenae varieties of coau bulla fur millinery afuruoou uml 1 vrmug 1 k wuutu hklrta underwear etc no poitular alyle la bukltig and our muntiiieiibi uie thoraiighly coaipiuhomuvn wn tlirect your amclal attention in lite fact that we do tbandlc a it rout uuniher of euxh ktyle but wo do display un enormou number of tit tercet at y lea thla aaaure an ekclualveneaa in every ctiulouiur our priiodulu moderate and each pi ice provide exoallent value in the boys department we have a range of sulla made from bard wearing tweed in ahaihu of olive roy brown tc the coata arbfaahlonablycutblngle and double hrraated atyloa heme plain otlnnl itnljioil with let klickula are fnoatly 14ounei ttyle bie range from 4 to 38 initially low priced at ifcxso to stf s klrlcf mention t made here of a line of bulu that uro nxcep lion ally pood vultio at tha priciti marked theae auiu are for boy from lo to 16 year of age ale made from atv livable twnoald lit iu the lalit ktyle uild warraatetl to aland lets of banl wear with every fnlt an extra utr of kulckeni ia included priced uctonujijf t vi at from oy9 to i3s in thla ume department tkerea an ajuortment of hoy utytiah jwirfrtrt rittmg kuilx in wim rangtug rotii so to 34 that am aelllng helew the regular price itecuuae they urn hrokoti llttt and mlil kium from our regular uock come in and look tbeee aultaover in the aaeortmeat theru may le u knit to fit tliat lo of yoiiru a serviceable weu made winter skirt at 108 it la owing to a fortunate purchoaa from a reliable kurnwiaii wuk r that wo uro enabled o offer you it csiioctly uilored good flitting akirt at the price uteil in tho i ngllali tweed and cheviot fn aucb sorviceable color a dark g bpeclally priced at i huuilinif i grey hluck u d macdonald bros u 3 cor wyndhu uul uacjoiuji slrul guelph ont all deters ban k of hamilton your present- ssliry you oiipe earned a inmll er iwlnry limn you are now goltltijr and managed well otiougti von nlbn en joyed about ua many pw huma unveyou ever con- slileroff how much the dlf- fereiile lietwceii what you nra making now and what your wage worn then would umuuiitloitt a few yoarrt if danonltcd ut inturest with ihu bank make tip ynur- tnlud to iave a certain part of your alftry and dapoajt that amount exh pay day id thu hank where it will earn the i interest one dollar wil1 p ccoutil hieorgetown branch a w ffmaatay aaaujuuraa i look for this i label on every bag it means best quality iestod quality alt measure uul ihoroagh aalinfttction it ia on every bag of canada portland cement fjnljess you kave foxilitira for testing cement you must depend upon the manufacturer for cement that is ircliable every car of canada cement is thoroughly itssfad and unless it passes every test it ia not allowed to leave the mill you can dmpntt upon canada cement be sure you get it canada cement company limited montreal jko- l a canada cemam dw in your nelhhohood ii you not now hliov ak ua fe hla nam vr ear jrmmthm trtmjr w y tx tajfw w it mw urmtr wim mtu vexixfcnsiysfflstmm ott thal bmt it ipaval offer u a edvaauaje la umlaeet ad hbertaaad k4eeuoe juiter m oay utne krlkgg kg ajmcijuw it vjkt ttfckopiro canaw i resolve 11 m b m b s m m b n m s h to add to yiur bodily lomfort as well at 5 your personal appearance hecure one of thosq boniiready tailored to order overt oats wc arc helling from up to 544 utebt btyles perfectly tailored and perfect fit 3 nowhere cikc will yu he hs to secure buch excellent values in overcoats all tho jj newest designu in styles and cloths s renelson iithi amirrtisrmrntb hollskihud khkfrm j ui avou leuu will ymjutukkhhow u jr caxowkii local agent xnkk1kkatkn ijfk bkuaaitj i4iuiuii ui luiuia j uk i iithi kt acton voluithlt i in arioit van halbai ioo ii hli mom kuiuihe kud lu tmlf imtlttfuleulmh willi bump in kllm vu1 lugs lin j4 hiai1 iuuiiu pi ud ltmulo wu iimmiituieut notich 10 0uk1ht01w in ui hnuar of lh kcattta dimu- rt uuamll lat ot tha vlllaae at melon in th county of lltuw wk uf jutn it oi- 11 ut uw m tj ab il novu u u i m1 b imiauai ta luitoi i lia lii m ni ii dlll lun uli il hltudlluu uniil iiuhii wuumh ualhmit ii ui la u u lual iuhm ua ut bl h- uh lull u i lkiil ivis u tuiif ii uuuua lm hall i llun aiilfuitbaruk nolle ii l ull kuol lul eal l llaillu ilia iwld lha daoauad ubflb tlui 1aiiua otlll1 iliania biluir evril mil tu u nlaloia nl wlilati alia aliall uu a b tl wl ll al iimi aal4 thlnulntu ill i ll lil ii ma i iti any imu i iir tauia nuimrkulua blall im1 lava kl f lu klil uuia bf kttatl hallluue a j uilkiwnom huualu im 4anran u adiuluulamla ualadum 1kb day of nutuubw ibi3 agents wanted i nodkaradrowatreaaaadklaala iuy weekly uii of hamlmima i oulfit li kclmlvn territory i wu guaruntoo wtrictly lirutlaui uirk delivered in prima onditloti ll puyu lo uell for n reliable firm i 1iluhluheil v yoarn wrile for j particulars i wuraers nurseries tl fducation i or proflt if a u in aiitualila twne luln ida bead to tau iw it lui t hlu an lttalnr uilhlalmlwra wvath ttaet tu nal that i i jiihtaaliueuiaay aawlaeltnav lla nrl kau ii it u tar u i- ikon i ll uirafiu u luwaal lit tiualuaa aducillua klhl ukidioj u alvafl al tba guupi1 business com ecc auiiin ontabea it will i ay ldr umlati la than ear avallalla frf your mnfll uitt a ui ui laal aalala itlaaliaiia tliat nar fall aud a ahlili vhi all aa at an vi ium ikiuh dimkut to iii hi oolm ih uea wyiutliaut lllnat ur eajaa malcolni maccormackb a win unnuuannonnnuuutiugnnnnan i pringle i n it j if now ready for your j j watch and clock re- j pairs good work and promptncbi ii what wc strive to give p ntcklc alarms put in j j thorough good order jj uamc as new for j tenfj jj ii ii i g d pringle jj tiiic jtwixleb 1 guelph ont j nnnnnntiannnrjnntiniintiotindti hot point in iiihlly pointed out in ion juwt huva up hpitul ioiir huihu nopurutiia mul uvmy imilnt of your radiolnr will bu u hot point uhu oolt iluuilind on till job work iiaw or old mid you will imi gnl ting work thut will luut nud that m cuu rdcoiiunend fiood imumhiiig ilntiu nt kuumhiuiiid irltmi i stlvinson malcolm co plemker iueaanilre a uleclkua ib wyaekaai si peoe l3 auelpi ont

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