Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 13, 1913, p. 4

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she lrton jfm press t11uilhiay novkmhkk is loij why shoold i hold y daarr tit hl if ttalt ittit ihi i iliinc i wutt be lutll ull i hi uu kl1 i b 1j l it 11 ii ai tb- i muui frf mm- tim lil which u s i is iq h fihtml in utwlng tuw ann i- warinj oiv all paopla not ooly memory but a ixuidlmlf ttomkrf ftw b 11 in lmni- illur thing useful ir ii for thloovm for thing uerol fur thought fir v villa r wnim4b lor uh ootsulr of tblmc f word- lor na lor dates yet for oluee vauue rifle grudwwe ooantrd with nod eepoctelly lrf km vr duprmnl ujuri seal or faowj inflicted i tkeonir llflo oo u deer self u memory u nt pot i lie legttlaant u bubj6lrd lu i ul- pla ratktul it jptmirilw into bm 1hm11 tilduuni of worth loss re usejradlng lb nature ii should elevate supplying the mind uh tawbouum load oa wblcb it largely wood gad wi of lb mm cum i th usesnory m out of the utluufy by lb praeeooe of othsss se for innpu oa lb revive o farmer aoaualateoe- lota a sort of aaeligiuutt nativity nsemory du wcuud liuu yapallijr recalling pre eleely lb thing wbleb ought to b forgo nulortuom homlllatlou end lb lib ad forcing oa reluetant ear wkb unflinching aoocoraey of u- tell facta loo erased from buster mur ulur trained miorii n though lamjlrad by sort of nsnsslty to t i tb wnwunnwl crowd of revived lean wbor it givwe mwt umjum how oftaa w wish lor t a lb reveree of what w datr for ourselves i if thy could only for got i itlck eroode af agaain muwa worai iowtu do not need lb extrhep of cmlor oil or any purgnuv u ooewplet tblr tborough- sw beonne tby ur thorough la tb owu do of the end they will b found palatable by all obodt ul od tb worm troubl by tb tobeb ud ho on- t to tb andooconly lbk bnt tb mdw will b cmtaln tovxart ot bn6el lohoaoo in tb dla iiuti orga intmutrlnbh bomvimw loeurjrdtw x ood dmy wort u tb bt pryr forrokt imcoorajlty kwvii tb solu wbo md tb tld of rrur tb bm of our dull coolaou tb mao wbo bang bu bd4rlnt brd frnl fbi bla bump d ou tbfltb corn ohppu lb ft nd uk walloa toctnr yt mtr luf in tbbbruoliowy cora our u wlibl rofa of ll i to iukr mu to li wbo ru tnkb rrma if you would tusk mir of your bin bla fruitful bury tbo uodar pr- tmmofputy if tboo coo wbat tboo ut in thywmlf tboo wilt not emr wbt ttn jl y of tb t a kfaoapu ohildreu ory for fletchers c astori a tbr ta dotblnc parr tbi boo ty oothlnk w tr lha abarlty aolalajf wtimtr tbn low toothing rkibr tban wudoat ttotblng bhghur tba virtu i notbln air tdft uumfmltb a fcodlq rot stmifiltu mt fr imiw ttach women xe conuucv undentutd tbkt wk bat nd cbloc bscks from which tbty ndfrr rdih to wrong action nltbekwnrys tbelddnmnrcovcrtawd fjveanwn work that they enn do nod wbra lbs bnck ncbea nod pnlna it b nbttost bn p to do her bonarworfc for mry nwva and torn n4n pnin on tb finl abjn of nny wenkn in iba back lmn kidney pub btmld be taken and tbna do nwny wilb may uftvnnc fttan kidney trouble u a j uloudc kincton ont wrltw i am writing to tell you what n wonderful cure jdoan kidney ihu did for mm i wax uircrlng wilb n lame hack and or about uota days could hardly btralcbten up for the pain i bad icmd quite n few of other kino of plllm and reeeiwd no rebvf jort then my akter cam and tokl mm about uoana kidney rml and what tbey bad done for ber to v decided to try tbrm i med three boxes and i am completely cured and i do not hesitate to rrnfi ibrat pncr fioc per box 3 bona lor si 2s at all twwrk or ttuulcd direct on receipt of pitc by the t f ilburo co f ihttid toronlo out ii oftleriac diraat kponly uoana palpitatioh of the heart ii la uaually cauad by nrvu f dlaaallv trubu lalpltatlon la rarely if trt do o any dweaa or uonlncna of lb tmart- it la almost lutarlably ttio maull f mttttui wr uijumlw troublo- tho ihhii of iimi bvart or 1m- nitblo itaalf tlior ar in rt4 lu tb ntuacia of tb benrt blul tbty rosulat it baatluo allboubli tliu bhhii ur rat of urn t mating 1 not uf tltclr ckooalng if tbay worn ul bom in rlxmk tboy woald t a ru about double tbat which b acluatlr malataldtml tb baari u boppllad rrom tb brain wltb two pair of rcauung lna om pair tb cardlo motor narva n i only ttf aifiii- up tb boart to qulrlicr arthui tuy nro uaually inartlt t wallhki tliu ooraslua tut a pl lii th hmr tuu otbar laalr tbo rardlo in blltltnry orn r always id utlni it baa boon aald that lb boart iuiin lu a alr r tisbtly bold relna bimi tltv bluill u troa far tboa mttm check oar worry dutonloi of lb alumarb or toorvoua yajam nuaa tbaw cnnliu lublbllory ihttm to ralas tho the bart lisliia to rac tltcra la both lug lb mattar with tb haart ilwvlf bud top ooo ud bo alarmotl abotil dial organ joat bcoa it boat too raiudly ibl palplutlon li du to payrholog lrl or a phyalcal cauna aomathlua that baa caiwad tb ralaxalloo of tb rln and allowod tb rardlo motor narrwi to apply tb npor naw york world chatty welshmen mt taiknub it la bald all tb hvltlab laundora la tb wtbbnwd tb moat amiloua man la tb diiuab uloat tb roaolt f an impartial ta by a xjooood nwa dnpr baa abown tbat for actual talhn iitwih tb typical wolahmaa baada tb ut naxt to ordar coma irishman tban bcota a ad uat of all tb tcnguab- tlnobtrbalraly urnda in a nambar of wall bnowo iuulon rataurantaeldba and pabllq putw tb tnb invarmbly gy tb nam reaulta ily toaana of a toat watch tb following labi waa compllad walhmo vary lalkaltv anlmalad in manner and apaaklug at an ayarag rata of 30o worda a mlnut irlahmnabw very talkatlta but leaa animated in mautwr avrag rtf of anoocb 100 worda bcotcbman bar leaa talkative and dlbrata in mannar apok at an av rag rata of 1150 worda- bnxl uh i nou a i nvo t allont raraly tbo flrut lo bpuk dogmatic and delib erate lu tnatinnr apaaklng 100 to 120 worda a mlnuto tbo romparatlv allonco of tb man in striking contraat to the vivacious chat tar of tbo women folk was as usual notice bw a curlona detail waa that dark men wrw always tb blb talkar hal didmt tat bvlna brought before lbs re oordor for tb brat una ibarollowink ooaaaraatlon anaued i raoordor what u your nanta v ivt ivlrifc casey jelaoordar what is your oooupa llonr pal olot a aajlor raoordor h aallor i dont be ilva yon wore over on ahlp in your uta- rvt iljwr an do your honour think oh earn from ireland in an anumnoblur it oodlant u dour it waa in m motorbo and tbo old awalbmmuf sol load ibal tb conductor did not demand any far froanapolle- noas wbo waa kmlo after tb co bad ajlsfated tb old qant baekonod i b oondnetor to bjaa doot poiloaamn pay fareat imntoa out of a npasr oan you alrt at which tb old vantbmiau indbjt- sbjjkfcty j pgil ous of tb burn into tar was fhvinc a frlaod fr oonvayj sos r4o sir aww4 no sms wltb a srio you oant u two tb lllgu hon vlaoount idonck c mo1bb7 tb lught hon iltrd ijagar j o u o hlr jamea youitblht thrtlght hon thr hart of dubarln kimrcuo v uo iwa the bloat him ilia marquu of ijornr k t o c u o i o 1h7h thmotliiii tbouanjnuof inds- duwn o u o alo 1883 the light hon lord htnlyr ivosloo u o 11 lrtfw tb itltfbt hon tho ut at aber deen k t 0 o u 1 1h tbn hi hon tb karl of ulnto oouo 1sqh the itlglit hon tbo karl j ray o c u i r1004 ills itoyal ii inline the duke or connaught aixlhtmttinsra kgk l o o a to ohiaauuiic i k a c o ion thl woman hk wamtkd a mlddlnrmkotl man approached the laturr and began i- i say n u tar you told a atory iraut th widow raulnff a morlgago on on year a crop f yea lay frisnd uiaujvas a uwj atory it hspmrrb4t yeara k- j well air could you telltu wbo that widow la r hbeejubt the kind of woman ive bean looking for all tb tlm w castoria gartonatndohlmrct the kind you have always bought bears the signature of ussrsuatlussnksi uu and loss or suom for over thirty years castoria her cough racked her terribly i w00l roiway pine sviip effected a cure oustlnata cough uml cold ylbl to the greatful mm thing aiul licalltig towri of ir wooda norway imc symii mid or the racking pcndatcnl cough oftru trsmut in consumptive cqws it will be found ekceedlngly hene5clal am pleasant to take tbo of ll l gcitcrally in dicntl wherever ayniplonib ol throat of luug troublcm mpear but cunedally so wltb all person of tu couairmptlw of cntarrball temlcncyt an lis prompt curative pruvritca speedily re more the danger hnd rcntoro be throat and rung to n sound healthy state if used lu tlmr mrs ildtrard patterson youngs caw road n 11 writes i bave bad oc- cuvlmi tu umj lit woods norway pine syrup and can say that it u certainly a guotl ntedtdne about n year ago i contracted a sdvcre cold which settled a my lungs sim left them in a very weak mate the cough racked me terribly juul i wu in despair until a friend ad vised me o give dr wood snarway vina bynii n trial i got a bottle and iwiore i bad it half gone i found relief i used two bottle and luive nevan been bothered since 1 would not be without it in the house price u5c luiiilly sltt fttk jdanu jnily by tba toronto ont tb dll la worried by tb popl who work for th good net by tbem who worry over him u others oan easily know whan lbli children are troubled with worms and tbay lose no time in applying tb bsat of romadbw llothar u raves worm rc a trm 1 nator thats ato ilia wife baa a parasol to ntalcb ryclrsa- aod b r him f ob hi shoes ax htsus two and m half hour on operation table factored limited i t mtlbutd co oin pills passed it jollkrym p 0 during angnst but i wnt to uoa tresi tocosuulti specialist as i bad been auitrring terribly with fkon la tbi ilbxhur he decided to operate but bald tb atone was too lstuo b iraiuvs and too bard to ciush i relurnnl iwuue and was recommended by a friend to try ci illls they relieved tb toaia i took two hour slid went back to the spet ultol he said the stone was smaller but lie could not rrutove it at though ho tried for two boms and a wlf i returnnl ihwteamlcontinurdtotakecinlilvs d yu ay reat sarprise and joy i aiul the atone in lhxu are th best medicine in the world btwl lecauba tlivydiil nte so nnicli itoiml i will recouuncbd tbem all he emt of my life i jo j alskstljcejuku noc a bow n for a jo st sll dramr and money hack u tly fail to give relief llalilblo free nstlonsl 1 hem co ofcattada toiotlo a tilrople and oheap medicine a simple cheap and effective medicine la something to be daelrrd thera is n medicine so effective a rngulator uf hie digosllvo system as paruialee vagtable imiif they are simple they ar aheap they can he got anywhsre nud their benehcal action will prove their recommendation tbay are the medicine of the poor man and th who wish to escape doctors bills wll do wall in plvlnfrtheni a trial children ory for fletchers o asto r i a two viaws you shouldnt bedlasatlied said tho optimist ijook at all you bava yea assented the peesslmiat but look at all i havent girl suffered tebmbly at regiilar htterravu says lydia e pmlfhams vojr- table cornpound ooni- pletey cured her adrian texas i tag rjoasar in ddlnc bar teaumoolal in tba great list and bop that it will be of interest bo suf faring women vor i four years offered utohj agonif at regular intervabt such pains and cramps severn chilb andslckness at atom- achthon finally be ra- arrharea ubttl i would be nearly buno i ooetara ajad none of them conkt do mora tban raueva me for a time i aaw your advertisement in a pa- par and docjdod co try llls el plnk- bama vestttablo 0omounl i took aavan boxos of it and usodtwo bottles of tb sanative wash and i am com pletely cured of ray trouble wbat i began taklnarha commund i only wabjbd nlnetyalg pouiwls and nosy i weigh one hutulred anil twantyatx pound if anyono wfshos to kldraas ma in person 1 will cheerfully ongwar all utter gal cannot speak too hlgmy of tb pfnkham repiadlea mlaajcs- 1 hasss aiirunltrasi roadrena or such letters exprmalng sratltttla ftr ufa sood jydu nam a vacatabl cornpound baa aoconv- pajsned ajw constantly prorrag the roluuhty pjjlff fj b ittfs want laafuimtlmwrliau lbpiahlsc medlclaooo ooi swa9 drawing is la invor proportion t blowing it has many qualities tb aai who poeaaaaa s bottle of ir rolaetrio oil i armed against ilia it will cur a eonjrb break protmtsore throat u will radao tb walling from a sprain en persistant sore and will spssotiy baal oats and corftoaions itrls a cheat in itself and can be quarter of a dollar tb olonl of a osrtali went for tb bandmsstsr on day and complained vary bitterly of tba band which b described body esa mkejrao to tb ragtdmot air m naturally tb band m sat ar whor vary proud of hie bandv was msoat dbynant and danoanded t know what was tb oomplalat about it wby slr said lb irascible ooloosl the man wbo search la lb front rank and play tho instruments tbay posh in and out manning tbatrambons wn nolfc aepl nt slrt tbay navwr by any eluuto push in and out to gether iii bav it changed 1st as tell youl it was no good lit bandmaster x- plalnliuy that each man played differ ent not and tbat each not area forut 4 with the slide in a different position- tb oolonel still persisted tbat tba effect was not uniform and vowed that b would order the man to b drilled until such tlm as they could push in and out together csajsvt is riiseatrk kut ffjm m ul mrs thomas udvule baltcoats sask wastes i tbought u my duty in write and tell you bow much year mubnrn s llect and nerve puis did lor me my heart was so had i could not sleep eat nor walk shout tbe bouse i could not do my bouse work at all what my bus- band could not do bad to go 1 bad two small children depei one besides three men to cook lor worried me to not be able to do anything husband bad taken some of your years bsjo and in on trying tbrm so i started and be- tore i had taken them two weeks i was considerably better and before i bad taken two boxes i weaoolag my own work again anyone suffering my h puis i or nerve trouble of any ive your puls a trial to writi your pilb a trial if wlto to me i wul sadly give tbem all tbe informal loo i know aw just ilv remlng your wonderful muhurns heart and nerve pitts are rac per box or 3 boxes lor s1m at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price bv toronto ont molecules are invisible v tltw trka tareaafc se caw it rem to b ovkmat a boot the uud dks of lbs last coatary lal in order i upuu rertabs facta connected svjlb i tb relative weights of rails matler mnat aot urly rnasmt of atoosa but tbat tarn aioem nnt bar tb pr naltlac 1 smau bloods- la furm- so- er issrtaac cart j as p acid ca wss reenbit of we absas of carbon sraieh siooe with tw atoms of ory css forma ass sll group of three th noivtty of th i tb nollo bat oxygon ttnelf i the slat of eb ae it exists for oumpl i tb sir vxemfafcta of bssi1 croup of btoaae in tbt s vtwms small group of atjtw siaa etrsa th stm anbeulm v nkolecoi is tbat nortlita of a bubbtanro which cb axlst la lbs fr suia aa oxyoaw ekw in air a lout ccorvaily oxbrts as eoaablnallaa 1 t iknuiuru o renje r be a stmr a mac asesmnptl exlsti swr to loot qus4loa km n tbey ceo not b aeew but artmda molecnua ran be mad which rniruapimd s eloaaly i teetr babavlor to ral ssou- cnle that tbamtewco of real snow- culea bj prartscary certain- moreover ah bough bm i cole atui th ti tag tbreusb asett baa jnst h uobjaoon or an wan rtgbt u inrerrlng tbe vxtateejc of aaau rriday from als fitatep raaprlnted i tb mad an tb real ax art euro of a aaol- eol amy jwst as eartsbsty b taferrrd rrom th trark ut bw y b ttarrwva it caa allsr b um rbr had tb tost awd email bay be sadly mabibved and waa teckaer la his iwu ivrtty aoon bla sjthr board blmmltms -llvr- sold tb oarlu vote 1 els t buss law wbsdow and tall awtr th asotber mad no reply again tb abrlll toloa are usvisr lw trand aoei an im goiu to at or i owe mora tb vole hauled ber mervsr donl you assail a bumlnt- kvew ikka drw if yea dent amen awtbsa tba vole went on ifa vaw i poocd off all tb aaaerb bsod an awallowed nas an pas coin to die do yew bear thl pas gea- to die a tfan tho mother waa ther- and baatuy pregssrtag bnsried aoetalra tr ywatvej awaltowed ssateb beads yuartl bav to awal- a uttt labsr urn aggravafjaer youag- er aaddac wbwr ewd ssucb iwhil ro to taka tbo baauaoa of us liiilikasaal taafliti i dldat really awaoew tho marches asuvver aw ceast n kawwyou c b aaatmwroswi a man seldom compare hlmaslf a iubj asthma luluf lr j ik itb other in huowndisadvaolag- kcllg e a hot a itaoirdy b trr 1 two advartlaad by arlniin slain mauls lis rlalnie are rim iu1 jlgd by lb ru wbleb it mrforo- kl mal vlif nd wtaiiwt i w nail i when you buy ibu i tinl y and you will l ba eu tlipulhi bw castoria tor blub ul ckildraa- iw km yn ihn alrnn ttsgu jf t r ditiloliiiril lli rnan lr u- sf juf this woman knows how d dd cures skin trouble i i of iw i fhddin 1 ll a id 1 i ii child i tuul ut v wrrl dhtor allcntbng nt wh 1- wktlnii imi tial it ii lind ij a tlwca is wu i b id f it i d au 1 ul in lui y uk ui infill until li a tocoiltug tnau i ap a ulttw i 1 it iiantlrllyulhiawi kl 1- 1 to vjn willi tb m4ii i mn many a time i oeaily u wlb luxu want uf ui ntr my lrjf li im toelel beabxl up tbankil lo tbo lbud i 1 1 1 never raxxt1 a nun nly it i i l l u i h uuay but by dci i have u ii n wo ul l i i era i t bt au ilrtikk- hava lln i h im t wji biitulu he rlhtleill l ij it slii ou u s i we wdl lll hlvl lull us ulu ril dm k it will shp tl lt atoime yui tcfundxl tweaslat a- d d d prscriptiorcor is ycereil standard skin ksaaedy the merchants bank op canada kvaay panoa who receives and pays out moeoy sboald bsa a chsqeing accoeal payment by cheque u tba m practical co iiakwt and salast bmlbad of hsndliag all ana oc irsaaattiwa wbat bat of a i i i i i or psvsoasl cbamuar tbe return of rascell i chaqoes or voechers lor every sum paid oot tbay show what dls isnusaiaah have besa mad and to whom deposits are received by this ilaak sahjsci to cbsqn withdrawal we pay tba mass allenllo to bsssu dapnaltora as we do to larg ones awl encoars their aooaemts iseerest allowed on all savings acoaaals compoendej half ysy total assets shlg4tt49 action branch f i4 maclean manager on f tb faults a th irauxxwei- avad dauh idayar wbkb fts aaaat tajmutaa atfjl this to of those riseill b aonbue that 1 onni otaflnifcad bat a ptutaef i b awns altar errary abot to tba ran- nrctbaangwoyumtotarn la other chaaga tbebr pnalliaaw aaortaa back and forth bnrard on eio or tbevotber according to what tbay bav neat tbe hell if tba bat awiabse volleyed deep into tba right baud corner both play era move acroee to tba right tb right band player thereby protect iba bbot down his own side itao and tb left band player protects tba n court shot down tb central utagoae of warm and stroijg if you want a pair of glove or milts in llorbehde calf of boxjuutin sheep or mulcsiun be certain to gepectty stonys in no otltcr way will you get caual value to prove it slip on a storey mitt say the wool knit wrist and lined kind uhown below warranted genuine boiehiclc waterproof and fireproof just the dung for warmth and comfort sold at all ntorcs every mitt is tagged storeys insist on storeys w a storey son limited ontaturio acton zr m lukrloant pr ahmdjua many nmcblnistx espaciauy ll employed 1 tb motor auginairimt bv dustry are freqneuuy colled upon f work in amnunlnam to aatisfnctorliy da this work vnrloos blbrlcunta bav been tried which however awing to tbetr veamtinty are of kittle ets estable wbrkunt hi tallow or cob- blera was tbbi aklbw doe awe dl aolre oadrkiyjd caaaeao does trn was tbbi ht ir oolckiyjud t sow aa rrey ua pott wa it lr lmghd vtelta ur ooldbaaa tb kreat pork dealer well my dear sir i dont aoa tbat thera la anything redely wrong with you jo to bed early doavtdriufcauy- thing etroncur than coffe and yotall b all right in n weak what i ar you not going lo giv toia any tnedlelne f oertalnly uol you dont nrd it but you ret your mooy just lb y just bo well i dotit think it 4s a square del 8poln you sonnetr m pu a bustard plaster on the book of nay nock and glnin w doe of salts r rl very body that works for uw got to earn hie salary k amowswblo tbe railway ticket ooueotor in kn- klund put bis bead in at the carrtag door and addiweeed tlm jolly individual sldr tiekuae plaasr b wu the smiling one looked at bliu wltb aloobollo sad nee got ub ticket fhlc t dont bother uir ba haldaeattling down again tba collector at one pruduoed bl raoejpt book and after oonauitlna a table of fare nxalaluwd t f1v and sis please wbatetbatr lusriedtr merry i ytea and sis p repeated tba oollaetor tba other i bought a eomnt and ibobinannaaia t btevaa ohtldron ory fov futcnika castortla loftbby rasbhy rnd bbt asotber from dowustabe what hi grelng nptberar uy bbeea replied bob lov reawrtm in knaay paradoxical shuatlona remarked tbe profwasor wnst to oor t keep tb seea of ahntbar oa must return bt nnjrake irtpraaa to suffer from mies life hemme subject tolscndacbctdovecribe io wbkb at tend it tbedamontibbmy the intense pain i br on part of tbe bead boaeethswk ut aaotber and thee again over the l to t eevertty by tbe cause which tabes it as purtly bsdjcale that there to i aamuu with tba system the fact that bardock blood bitters iusjui th seat of the i rouble to due tolls suooms far irlstviug and peraaaneatly onrlag tbe of the mrs- aambou4isthave bast cal- gary attn writes pur three years i was troubled ab tbe tbue witbakk kwwbn aaal aaetoitil atao with cswsaiptkss and kept breakwg out lu pimrocs aad aorea oa my face i tried cvrryhnsf uh at lost a frknd told sae of burdock blood bitters i took two bottles aad say sktot to as clean and pure e n babys aad i have never been troubled with the bint llwduckttlooriuittctai only by the t mitburn co uusltedt tuspjttu out no i dont advertise r all advertise a man adver tises his character by his decdu his wisdom by his words or by hib miciicc a merchants store stock and windows tpcak either well or ill of bin buuness so when a man says no i do not advertise he know not what he says what bo really means is that he does nt publish printed advertisements some proclaim this au though it were u virtue ydt spend much effort and invest much money in advertising their business through mediums other than the printed word they may make their wares fit for a king yot hesi tate to introduce them to brown or smith this is inconsistency athtrttstrs hulleiin the giand tidnk iailwav ruikhoih tkainm tb iji i u ik ub 1 m u autumn s h oesi cbnuaa yoor shoe liuwi uil uiiab took i wbm you bave bo tossy shape nd sloes take b look bl iba sbuas in our windows i bad sat lunsinlad wilb iba saw btykw i lsr wiadows we ess show but s lew of i oar tstat be ibow sbowa will ri a ida of wbal or stock i 111 we r have b large arnlmaol of bjfh grade i boas fr wiiiliamsl mocow o good uvoa mill street acton uoannauuuu rockwood chopping mills g all chopping will be a done speedily and well u on plate or btonco moor oatmej bran shorts the best at lowest prices hamisvco limited kockwood out aussiaiatuuuuuauutiuuuuauaaai rcton li v er jt i bus likje tb andrraujaed respkllully aouctts tb palrosaae ol lbs peb- lic end loiorau thewt thai wsu ead susd lyuaai aitmw iways be secured ii bis a romsortabw bus ohii sll trains between lobotm awl olg p m careful sllenilo 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