Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 27, 1913, p. 2

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luiai imiiw- u llutv joba frtm a 1 n mt uuult ittr vwsatfc llmn thl boards fob is yeaits birr two primoipau im ohakoc r tu tllukhoay noytcuhkk h7 lur urronial mutks kvkhvkhkkm tv hia km t vary eounlry in lnultjitn tin nam uuy u l ub lb- halrl bullfhi of uor 1 1 flttoo ten m dm i on groat ounal rtt deflnltely ouilud lii a jjliry lltml ahaii aboiub th bar ii g u iotarnmuil bma nlulaed uiii that will radically flucoufuonutc lha bromucuouti au of llijuor tuklvrrai imwhikatio ui canada during the llrvl a tammtltw ah4i october of the currant weal veer u 37013 inula up of 1wh0h ltrltuh hglx arnericen end luolo frnu kit our oouatriaa during lha man corraanooglng immlu uf laat aeoal ve 1m total numu juqh1i i of 11huu7 ttruleb 10010 and to fr all olber ttrlee tba locraej la nine ra tlik oommlumhmtf teblob haa li inveallgphitg lloanaatl llijuor oorulitj in the ivoviooa quahae hnuwm eubatanlui uurtajlumdt of llcaoae dlw elringant rvulatlona c cludlne ibalr rt to frlut1 tbay further wmmi4 lu atrlel feudal ananon of tit loaf law for a period of at laaat n taara to a to allow of a cotnplala trial of lha und- mmt befors any motion fvr a repeal nay ba lakaa an iuiiiktaxt amnouwvnkkt iu juet been mad by tba lomlnlon tnlcnuioa department al ottawa whlob a reetrletloa uf to iroinjras- tloa ant u declared fw the how in tecveal rig beteeen now anil march let lmjcnan iwlntf in canada will not ba ebla tu rcure tba edmteelon adult brolbere and elatare b apaclal applanation to utatea wban th aald relallvee have wot the mcmury 150 in their paawmuo uxhi enlarloaf tba country tlik iimiwt of ll- 1rovlnchi mydrokleetrie uuoimulihi rr tba ulna kuoolha ending haptatnbar ltb leaned uet waak wu ry kraurylnk baring iba nlam knnntba in quaatlon aacb tnuolelpallty of tba fortyalx in tba ayalam hu tnat tba full obllati for oparatlon and toaalntananoooharam inclndlnc intaraat and alnklntf fund and haaa aubat balanoa a vat labia for depnelallon dad raat account tim aurpluaa vay in tl ulftaraot taualalpalillaa tn ar oanl la lb low t and tba tmagw tljh mm fjar oanc hue jouttty oourt judk in ontario r balogrtttlrrd undar tba provlali of an ordarlnoouncll wblob will m paaiad probably lolay it n baavd kipon tba laglalatlon taat aaaalon c i n for oatapuuory ratlroniant at 7s yaantqacs thvraurink judgwt 1 roalv full py- tbey ara judgoa klorftmn of ttrou4o hriow of kron- taoac manklar of ioartt llnnaon of uurbam ohubolm uf waterloo land mocurry of isirry round thaaa v- frawel in addition lo that oauaad by tba daath nf judgo donahun of itaii- frow and judjra oorbant of ilalton will baijllad baforq cbritinm- at lb katloa oonvantlon of tb y m o a at monlral ut waak to rouowlna laaolutlon waa paaaed that tba national oonwntlon in- atraot lu uacratary to intimate to tba lntatmaataroaoaral that it la our opinion that intoxicating itquora ahould ba axoludad from tba hat of ootnntodltlaa antlllad to paaa through bla kajlya mall undar thr po- vlalona of tba propoaad paronl poat ayatami and fart bar rvaolad that local aaoretariee throughout canada ba requaatad to hrcuutfl ptuinw among urn aatlra tuattboruirp of ilia y m o a am bodying a prayar to tbn lion poaxmattariattaraltothgaamnoltpct killed at the glen quarry to daaa laai waaalj jt timvmxmvm cjtbtfkb thh oauai a fatal aooldsnt oocumrd at kleoi- knlnga quarrlaa ona tnrnlng liut waak about 0 oclock whan tm of lha work- knao a loundr by the mm of john h yratn waa inatantly klllad imiih waa working with th darriok whnn um onbla lrok and lha total ml atrtklog him on lha hoad yram mm bout 4o yaara of ag and inawm h wlfa and hw ohlldroii in lllud an inqueat wavnalu lo iho mvxulug with h j llynj fimnuiwii or th jury tby return m1 rdlct of mcciiihmihi daath cauaod by a dfollvj taabl- y vac dkuvmhkd tba iot offloa authoritlaa vail at tention ui tba fattl that alruularm of foralgn tottarlaa in hungary and lait- boairk ajrv paaalng through lha uialln toauoaatra ara ordarad tu kvnd tbatu bnok lo country of origin lrtutra frooi canada ara not to ba forwarded to th addraaaaa of thaae con oa rim tud do ootaa oc urdara are to ba luada puy- abla to tbatn wohdbrul valum tho beat dollatra worth ulfartml to day la a yaara aubaorlptlwi to ll family llarald and waakly hlr of ylkloou any ihhom not now rvorl- lng that papar u mlaalng a i raat for lry uiambar of thr fatnllyfroni tandfatbr ur falhor dowu ui tha jrooncaat tou try it for a yaar and you will ba aonlnoad tba lsibllah will rafuod your niunay if you ar not aatlaftad it la cartalnly worth ywor whlla to try it for ona yaar a uil i li kh hhirtry timirtf of ai if 1jlifu todrl at lb uur uimilnir i l thirty hva yaara in offlcn ttia riuwlog lial of t iituihr or tha itoard during that long mrld will haa much of inlaraat aapwilally u thoaawbo hava barn h ualnld with thaoi w7u- xv ii tttokkv chairman kd wr1 uo iuvui ilmulrtmti utri- al mllil hamuvl umii and alva jlaby 1hhii jmmiilit chairman 1 lfaodr u hl auie i y 11 j l iby ihhi jih hikkllit chalruail hnul h autf lkhy j- l u mimltcht j- ulthw john l dtl in j una if tbl r 1 hi ithar illdha wu chxlud lo fi him aacbalrmo 1wc4juwiui watt1ikwi cbiunan it ifarmm dr lowry w h hio j mtmtra and j llrowu itkijamkil uattukmh chalrioan 1 llbodraoo w h hloiay lr uwry juroaa uoora j k uo41arlu ihuijamiui uuuu chairman w hloroy ur tmwry j k mouarvl tlmm c uiwni and w i itruwn ibh5 ok lowuv obnuwn w if htorvy j i uclrln w i llrownv th- c uoor j ilymli 1khhj l uwlamin cui w if kuy w 1 llrown 1 ilyhl- tt- fj mourn ur ury irwj ct llvniml chairman w ii ixwry xv u htoray j h uo uarrin tho ktaga i rrancl ihhx1 kanih chairman ilr lwry j- k ucrln thoma- kb- lg j- ifyod- a k nlokllh ihwi tluw kiimaiiu chalnoau w 11 hury i rrmncta a k nuklu llynda t ii harding 1mma k niuuun chairman w iihutrav llynda j t ii harding i rranu 1m01 t ii tfaulhsi chairman uao llfvj- ja ualtbawa v yrvnolajaammafalm hobt waluoa lmttcwi iivmim chairman t ii harding itobt wallaoa jamaa uo rro rtav j it and ltobrrt holmaa tha naw fourrootnad iwoaloray brick front building waa built thu yaar at a ooat oj 9sbla 4akllucv o h c4m1uk cbalrn hynda ilobt waluoa ja ujlani t il hrdlng hobt hoi 1h01 t h ilatalinil chairman ita 41 11 cooka mao hynda itoht wallaoa itobt holmaa itav c il uooka 1b0sciui hvnimi chairman jaa uollatai t ii harding itobt wal uoa itobt holmaa 11 0 it cooka lflofl- w lifrrhjcyclialrtnanu hynda llobt holmaa jamaa uolm itbt wallao- t h harding 1h07cw1 hvmum chairman w ii htoray jnw uelam t ii hard ing lbbc wallaoa lubl llnlmaa laohjamkjaf 1uw chairman uao hynda itnbt walue itobl hj hi- urao ii hwackhamar 1huuii uwavkuahku chairman oao uymla ltohu waluoa itobt holmaa a a bacord w it kannay umolutiikut uthjmuil uhalrman a a haoord w if kannay h hwaokhamnr j ii malthewa john agnaw limilltoiikut holmkh chairman w il kannay john agnaw ir mo- k oa j h afatthaw h crindall iwbw ltkknkvcbairtuanlrl mokaagua h orlndall ita j k ooddan ilav 11 a afalhrhi and w ii lanny 100s w it klcnmlcv chairman hanry ulludall or uokaagua iu il a m w ii inny it il 1001 ilknhv ouinlwu chairman w it kannay it 11 john- loo a j h oolaman dr uandooald aui itajcn- ahaw 100 hatmryonikdiox chairman w h kannay j h ooteman ir u aodonald a lumabaw i vwncu 100s joiln h ooucuan chairman ii griodall w il kannay 1 rvanou oao agnaw w j hutnnhrla 1007 john b colkman chairman ii orlndall oao agnaw i fvanala w jt humphrua dr ault loobfikoittik aiimkw ohalrmanj h colamau i tvancu ii vdrindall dr ault j a mowal 1000 i i ault chairman can agnaw ii orlndall a k nlaklln iu j c wilaon i0iuj a m wat chairman ir ault a k- nlaklln 1 u handarain john william- wm thorn 10111 u hicmpewm- chrman j a uowat john wllllm- a k nlcklln dr ault w tlon- 1013 a k nickils chairman dr ault o c hpalght john kannay john it kaniiady wm jobnuinv 1013u 0 hikmrr cbalrruan john it kannady john kaunay wuxjohusj aunta n forbaa lltiht hootl of tha twantyalx chairman of tha iml thlrtynm ypara aawan hava paaa d away and fl haya ramoad rrocn anton during thla long ariod tha achonl haa had hul two principal- tha lata tlmuiaa l moor who oonuplad lha iolllon for iwantyflva yaarn and imualimlmtawaii who u now lo hu auvauth yai whan tha priot haa rata rytrtmm- rw noiniiiancatl hi dutlaa tha dol of alntonanon of lha imhonl waa i14j for the yaar thu yaar it la aje- utaff oompriaad lhtn tvaohara i thontau t uoora ml nina uckalur ant uiiif carrla moor thalr aaurlaa wert gaoo and lealdanoo 300 and gaib reapoailvaly in all i107o and tod for rant at pmaant tha following eight taaohara ooinpriae tha aurfi imnolpal btawartand ulaaaa mahal v howla minnla ilanuatt lna whlu vada mciniaraon lottla a initlay winnl- frad wataon and annla taylor tliv aggragate or tha aaury lut u now ttf000 tin family nartr awcaagsa zttssm braau dni imu bettla bal alaa uoq tharw will ba an auction aala of dairy oowa and young cattle at llotal mofjlbbon uaorgatown im ha in rd ay nov jihh lviufirikelriitg choloa uwk mhquld atuaul uan iiuib auotlonaar m -s- 5 per cent extva on taxes liliwaohl oormiu 1 loadi ara vrry muddy at prwnl allhouul by i wh th- l ir rolling a rtiktior in finish llmtf rail ptowlnk and u 1- illii avlng fxldr ii4utrd a jiaynlanl of all taxaa promily uftd by j i hiaiklub by al joe that a reaoliitlixi ad in council ttutbnrlalnk oollao- ura to oollaot 5 par cant oil hu talaa npald aftaauha 14th uf i i ur nd hat tha aaal uf lha corporation at lashed to ihu raaolutlun carried oad by wm cleave aaconded by coxa that the traaaurar ny tha followlok acoounla john huffman iwn dya atalula ubuf aou alao n- lig cnlvtrl on uh una x w kmattlr atatuta uur parfoiuad in dlwllui no 11 j2ht carrlad uovixl by wo cuavr wk- by j x liullh that a ksdoold iw 111 for raoalrtog toa-atl- hill b0 re palrm road 4 load- urael vii km yd- uravl at 10 wl iaayd f lotal jwi katuaiiha ahara gl0o 1 john italia uj7 tatuta labor in dl no lu onxuulimi work carried moved by wm cleawa meconded by ale joe that walter hraiu u paid j dog tax bill wing nulldied mm laat year and lliat tha treamirer hay tha aama jeo mloo ut work tr rorned in lpr mill hill auo t cua hill tihi grading on cbrok iui miiplnn llmlta atid potting in tiul- wart tnw jaurgldwn lo pay mm half al fitr work dona in kt-rt- lian tllvlalon 4 ij amotjul to ha de- dueled from atatuta uhor carried moved by thoa cola aeoooded by j u hlandlah thai a u drain ba kald thaauin of gsild for atalute labor inolv nn ia by order or jamea mc- diwell i m john k drown 1u fr 100 yd grave opplllby order of jw arthur i m i w w hoolt for repairing hill at lhnebouaa bm0 crrjad moved hy j li htandlh aeaondad by aui jua that tha traaaurer pay v v drown tha um of u0 being amount for riling and grading at aul- vrt on no 10 aide road bat wean eth and uth oonoaaalona alaa for removing old bridge carrlaj moved by alax joa aaeo by wm claava that tha traaaurar pay a m drain for til put la oacueljlitft 1 oon 10 171 raat 0 67 trfjgtu tay hair carried moved by wm clear a aaoondad by au joa tbab tba traaaurar pay oao h tatty tba aim of t being on oooraia and piling 10th una bridga oarrld moved by j il btanduh aaeondad by thoa ooxa tba tha traoaurar pay jawee h luld tba aunt of 91b7 being latuta labor performed in dlv no sh t that wm thooipaoo jamea h nlion and h morriaon ba paid 3 each for eervioa aa fvnoa via ware and j a tracy 60 oenta for eervlng aunlmona carried moved by thoa cora aeoonded by wui oteava that tha traaaurar pay a murdook for building culvert on ilrd una oppowlta lot v carried moved by j il htmnduh aeoonded hy alex joa that the treurt pay jaa held the um of i0 being on aaury aa aaaaaaor carried tho council than adjourned to uiaat dacamber ifitb naxt i tli- ill-w- awl will ta t t h- loo tf ur john lunnatl oa thura day altarm ml kdlth ikennl- 1- very iii with tonilllfal treaeril bar many frlenl impa ah will auon reoovar mr- mcrawminrcturntd wivlw day after a vary plaaaelit vuit with mill on frianda all dealers doyou know theyoutrs gompanion ashtisiyday enlarasd improved and bafler tjlianevtr mora reading tan b givfei bi ajy american montfii 52 tiroes ajwarnotiz send tbnday for sample copies kkek to jan 1914 ulthuoutaod aanduvithaz for tha compaain far 1914 and wa will eevtdyfikk au the laam fur lbs reaaalaiag waaajt ef 191s ml tha llama fuwur 1w 1914 tlik votrnis omtrahmm thn fjrand trunk lullway hyatam will laaua round trip tlcliata at reduoad rata to chleago 111 aooount intar- hatlonal ijva htock icxpoaltlon to ba held at chicago november 90 to eoemher 0 101 illrli aad ttaiaa af 8au from htatloua kingston lunfraw and waat in ontario good going nov dotb deoanther lat and bnd kalar uwll- all tlohau valid to re turn to itach orlglual aurtinr point not utar than midnight of dace m bar htb 10 ii frwkjuont and faat train aervloa only doubu track rouu lullpartl cular berth raeervatlnne etc at ormhd trunk ticket offioea qaleln lha lil to make tba farm pay all i loan pay ahould he tha ohjeol of avary good farmar not to impovarlah tha und liut to handle it aa a bulnae pmptujl- llnti do thla and you am hound to micmted tha weakly hun toronto lh fmrmara imima papnr can help you kud tha publlaliara a mmleard thy will ihi plaaaed to fumlh fraa lliplm clipll i halunavab uhi h hltnhaunkantlbrandlaiigh tar hax ar vultlng aulurrla hill mlam hdl k4yrr whn waa outrtad t for appnndlcttu haa raturnad hnnin looking wall mrw d- uclaii and win donald wmht sunday with frianda al irean low mrd it durnalda la uulta iii at preeelit d moriei indin root pill- are not a naw und untried remedy our brandlathcra uacd tatta half a ceotury ago beforo confederation they weroqn late in neatly ovary drug or general mora in tha canada of that day and were the ncogalaed cure in tbouaamla of homes for coast pa tioo indication dilloui rheumatum and kidney anrlllvrrtrouhka xp- day ttury are jut aa effective just aa reliable aa ever and nothing bettar ba yet been deviled to a curo common illf bank of hamilton vour opportunity tv a very promising pro- uoaltion were auhmiued to you tomorrow one that required a little capital would you be in a poaltlon to accept it or would you be farced to atop back and al low someone alee lo grasp your ono chance there are few opj xwt un it for the man with uth- lug hut at the door ml the man with a hank accouut fortune knocks often kurt an account with this hank onedolur la enough add lo it regularly and you will anon build up a huhahui tlal balance georgetown branch wh asaat xmas groceries ihlowmf with choice floods our grocery department v ready to for christman baking j lbs cleaned currants j lbs select val ii a iritis 3 mollies flavoring liktract 1 pkgi imperial jhy powqrr sultana raikinb per lb 1 shelled walnuts er lb almonds per lb citron peel per lb orange er lb lemon er lb wetheya mmcemeat cr pkg get a trial package of our tea at the grocery counter jss new culifouuj socdlcs or- 5 ac uf do 4 as cau lcj as as- a corn as j j tornatoo as m ilorcihoc sjiiiioii 5- lovcri v s jts- iw inlet tjk slmoil 1 luvontf blend tea er ll is 1 a- uutc luxury tea per lb m henderson co mui si adon ont lxxxxxxxxxxxxoooekdooc the clothes we make the clothes we make meet all the requirements of the most fastidious drcvrs as well as those who demand the greatest service for tlicir money we make the clothes to fit the man and do not try to make the man fit the clothes the best tailoring talent to be found spends its efforts in our shop our line of fabrics contains all that fashion decrees our prices arc au low as goodness grants and as high as the best quality and workmanship require prompt attention can now be given to orders jor business suits dress suits overcoats etc large assortments of the best english and scotch materials in tweeds worsteds serges meltons etc are open for selection our cutter mr chas reeves and staff of tailors are experts of long experience in firstclass work and our patrons are assured of superior workmanthip and a satisfactory fit in every garment we make business suits from dress suits from 3ft trousers ol fine erfglish good wearing worsted neat stripe pattern made to your order at the special price of 4 winter overcoats chesterfield or ulster style from navy blue serge suits very special at 2ftm and 34t the material oot of which we make these suits at the special prices mentioned is absolutely pure wool yarn dyed and fast color we want to clothe you this season and if you will give us the contract well do it reasonably and well do it well better we believe than it can be done elsewhere give us a trial d e m acdonald bros u- cor vakmm j mranll slrecu ouelph ont ttsbtsbrsbdfciswfcrsbdfe 1 make certain of complete success in your concrete vrodc by always using canadaportiand cement tag immu ak lo mu w b nloj lu ieol cud poud onl vmbyj pnud rl il i ti be sure to ask for canada cement in bags cnarla ounmt company limited montreal ssbessbsssbe orli mirihumenls ihu sk to lkt o wr 1101 skiioli kkfkfrik 111 al i llulll 11 11 lt i i li i i i ii tt turm ar- i mi luir in iwicia vsriun 1j it oat tjwpmfj locaj atfnt ronkkitkhatlon ukk vahuihlc l in acton kill al kl i uu ot vu i uam z u fl- i la hij i u umf mj a k i uu ht1 i rl u- tlub t i ill l kltlam wl i luii tli i- wy likuhraaarr nmtkk to ckkiiit0k8 in ota aiukf of tl 1 11 lii- hi i anilnuiiiiiu will r wondiculand moving picture show owini lo mv uiiiiir nw show in cnori town i i m if jr lo i he ono i am co- 11114111 hoioon ami ui monday december 1st woii1rliul mill lh omii only llirwa l mondays i ridays and saturdays ciiuiik of 1nlurk t iliihui wiy night admiumion giikllrjitlfn hmmuuiul ti il aiihcioiiv geo patterson live stock iu1u z actoh ont cuttle sliccp lambs and hogs write phone or call person ally berobe you bell 5kk me the merchants bank of canada gaupltal paid ur a7aa700 krva ituhdal mjkmw beliee it pays to buy the best when you buy yoor t sweater coat see tho large assortment of colors and values we are showing today correct goods see windows 1 r e nelson 1v1amtnhvbuiajmaa1aj9aha jpiikift is rightly described au economical management t a shrewd business man is spoken of as thrifty because he saves perhaps only a dollar ut a time perhaps more but the real secret of his success lies in the principle of saving one dollar will stjrt an account with this bank all local cheques cashed at par acton branch maclean manager good salesman ih3cntbd lnr m ry town und dihinu whmu aiuyi ti1 i mil urn hrin t titit 1411 il niidiry sioll 11 iinu iniid m il liimiiy in i all iiuil wml r hy ulirik uii lljoilli lxiv ri 111 l not nriulary rnmiiiiiiuiit lxchuuc- tiriliri ii1h1 t itmiii tmii iiiil wnln for lull lurimuri stone rv wellington folkill nuriary toborjto ont grand trunklswr iow rates to chicago and return from simictn kinxton afan- frew and west in ontario ouoj goia nov kmb uaa ullj aooount of 1nljrtallooajl livo tuuu icvpoaluon llvrilkrimll 111 ii lvuviuitavan liwmtillliita itnkujwi luu trcquent and last train senp ontv noihuj track route liuoc au- a hot point utiui ikiiilil mil ni juki have h irnni our in iimj piiuhui and iivvi- noint ui oiu 1 nliiloi will be a dot winr um tl il iuiunt m all job- uoik 11m or hi iiiil in will lw k lliikwoa ih it ill 1 1 t mil unit yoina tiouil pliunvihl i in- ui u imiimblu itu sti vj ns0n malcolm co iiumimk unlutt 4 lihxliiaaa is wyui si 9 uliiif 3ht

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