Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 27, 1913, p. 3

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shntw blrub hdrdquhrters tv line to hoy your i j- i hi iu l illun and 11 urt fa j china ami hovv it wsuhrs jewellery carvis i kov 4 knlvo fknad i call in jko hyndk ubatjkstatk rri rr aai in malta rml aamfl feillmgtaa if4 ntrsva lr ale avrry nix if yn wul hm write bm rr eatatagve ar ii wlib aril r rxrautaurai write im w k vry liuy iter trananroaur amainraa i ywr eiyltn utuamil t arrra- ahrl- j a willdlimll rarmholllmjr mprxlnlbu sb ton 3fttt jjrtsi tuujthuav novkmhku jtf id i brief local itlmi ohrulmaa in fmr wek- the county judgeship h llkrly t be filled befor munu til united htm u celebrating its nation thanksgiving ldey tuja on lti street lights m tlllu earlier in bo i ur kteclrieln notwithstanding ibe dry welbar duriug lbs fall lb- wwti ih welt olud wlit wir hoimuels of paalei in full bit tni were gathered iti likel gsrdvna on saturday sod n mlr ne ourt of urni smmiii r the county will t 1lj n the court hooaa u ill 00 un tuwday liecenibnr oui the hfiy rirl algna being put up by tl j 1 it along lis una and station pratulaee ahouhl fciave a aalutory ffecu oomui1 uclbinald lias been jo at runt ad lu arr i ay hoy unjr age bund carrying a huh usorgeuiwn uia the farmers of this aactlimi plowed b large acreage during the past wick farm work ta now keoerally wall advanced haverel load of good tlmolby hay tr brought into lb rliy uonday 917 a ton waa the prioe received ulmlpb mrraury startling ehrgr ara tnade in ctm mctloti with tba ub hegltoant tf peal and there ara rumura that tba regiment will disband duritkg the past faw months many uotrio lighting aervloea have been put id and tba electrician ra cnwalantly t wttrk installing- knorv frtpruik are ktaadlly trfra ln at itm gualpb witr klr build j lia for tba bla obow wblob mim kit tuaaday lwr uib if tbara ih any mix it b in tba yaar with bau in k it u nmbr 1 1 1- ood t baalivout in tblit frty air humllna work knrally a man wan ttuad u anil ttm lt friday for nilntlny a revolver at a toronto bartander who rfued bfm uquor and 30 fur carry l a ravulvar ha dtapbaa itonj turotita wba wu taw luinuter of ac tun and jcorje- town oburcbaa betwwea forty and flfiy yaara ajro braaobad annlveraary eer- tnonaln tieorretowit laal huntuy prinalpal i j will lam- of tbe oakvllla uib hcbool lt rlgiiad 10 udt poaitloa in tba ttaw ecbool at hadkdna hat alberta ilia realgna- tkm i to uka rfact at obritnaa star tbaj editor abpreolauie wary htoob uwkindoaaeorur rjrr kill- tor- oato in eending a nrnrn ruaat of vaolaon upon blw return ironl a mm- owaful bunliac trip l larry hound djatrlct tba baoaaouht addition lo our pttblto hcbool un computed and tba oblldran ajwembled in lb ttaw roobm ttt tuornlna contractor uao- kaoala baa uada a b j oont plataj tt tn exoelunt time oeorgw- townllanud allaaqoeanle smith of wlonl vbohiatlandingtomolo conservatory at mualtj renderad with epleodid voice aw merle l to elarl ituull omua in i ha hathihlial jiiurca on sunday eaitlntf klla suillb u a vooallet of ralw fltit tiuelpb uulrtot uuimjy mobotd iwuuim will u bald aw fullowe ml oftrntal 00 mooday dec int gurlpb palauy rjiiht oltumb tuomlay ivc slod kb wd i mnl smamm ut null et s ik tu and 7 u0 i no sunday bchmtl workare oordjally lavltad i umihoubk mr w ii modowrlt or toronto u bpandlng a few daye with bur mother urn ii lipoid 1 mr adur- k lklo ifr aiwl mk w uowdy atttodml tba numl hrttoullur hlllllli in tvortmlo t wthtk mr anil urn win dowdy m tat dmigutniuil tbi wktitu with friend in qhlili lira t i ivem h- toturunl fnm vlalung in ilraoifonl a hainllton lire w uuk r toronto relumed bom a on skiunlay urf it liu vlllad frlenda in tqjjontn uat waek yeakly ptnyer ltrnliiu iituluoul by kev k t omro hav been r- bucned in the hioom oburah and ih- tnuoh apprenuted by rmldnild of tliw village prlully ihitac wbo by ru atn of the hulannfl are tittatili- to kttantl tb hblmth arrvtati in tba lath hnhohureb mow thwv news of local impokt kfimim tounrll at lia ntriitg in i rk fouud iw ami ll 0nl itlon nufllcirntly uuuatlly rjaclad il 11m iree o ct twwee- tb brickwork the lowar at thr w federal fkiildlag u about eout 4atad tba puuorm for tba loww chick wae put iu to uipfm cbfck wok and ball wj two lone petsonal and tav i noti s u town lathers in session ur u h holmes agent of the t wattakrn auddaoly 111 at hi- nica kriovy ii- ba erfn what iniproaed olb nj la able lo be about again h at the joint niaauoga of tba county ouclla of fwal and llajuxt but itr il g kdwaid of itraoipton wu hwlad on ibr qnt ballot aa phjkictan j tlia llituaa of luluga tba vcaoy wu ca d by tba dewlh of lb uta v uoora tba alary u 3tja tba lluuk tmlllm of lb fcrra lorary viaitad tba publlahlng tio friday and huoted twrtil 1u 0 the oawaal booke f crioo claea tbeae will be had and catalogued and ready ti about brlaunaa tba aelaction u a vry ii one of tba bat day tba count khd roada iliinn rruehrr u at work on uu 0 flrat line ruuueelng the blggvat day a work f tba aaaauai waa aonotoplikhd jantaa wilaon ran tba oruaberand auk uoltouald did i be illng ikiring nil laea kniaute ie1 yard of tna aooual plowing iujl of tba helton uouldboard aeeociatlon can off itu day no tba fareu of w n hoolt edjlnng ulllon hoaaa boa jowlng wu dfwta but tb attenda aa it bad b at previous only thirteen eoinpvtllore tberv waa a bamjuel in the evening at tba hotel itovel obautpuxi mutoe atagr taaaa kaehw on wedneeday two boy nelaon kraeman and kred aforlay ware brought italor ii j campbell j im n tha oooiplaint of david awnoee ho c tba boye wltb abootlng and carrying off two lama rabbit belonging to bla eon who breede and aallaiebblla tba boya plaadad guilty ind were raleaaed on uapaoded ban tanee on paying tha ooata and tba of tba value of the- rabbit a ho lyavermd hall aray aanaikiwp tba 11 1 paaanger train from tha eel and a freight from tha eaat rruwly eeeaped dlaaatar in tb g t il yarde berx on tburwley momlfig two fralgbla had ouou from tba aaat tk the eaat aiding and tba other ran up tba main una to back into another aiding and bad not gotten a when the paeeengar train approached the engine wra reverted and tbajj engine orewe juiwpad hut fortunately both train vtopped oppoalte tba pump hoove wltb a yard to upara between tbrlr plutu home llmu ago we reported tba brmtklae itt tha irtut fence on alaln hireet in frmt of kmk church uanea and a huntlmir of pane of glaaa in tba window of the clittch lualf next tba allay the fence waa repaired lately anl near baj put in tha wlndowa hinca than a whole aecuoo of lb fence day or t fall fai ura janoie kullt od ul i dllh were wltb fflod io toronto tll1 the week uiva heun oil of tmu 1- apendlng a f -l-v- wil 1 un jennlahuil i ura janwrt u want lo ul- on haturday to viit r mm xi r c ii uoora adilorof lukur ur warren ii0 wl witl lfamllu itridg i wav boo froo nw ilamlhirgdurliu tba wek ura i j kwtth umijim iutmioi of winnipeg vmtl i lb of ur wn waikrdulngh wb u ra w a hloy aul lubl hoattl were co a imujixmi itij lo jloverevllle n y dutog i be wk uaaera willi- i jnra and ttlk hayere were at ilraylon l wek altendlng ih- furel of lb- ii- john mra hundarunjtaylor- lib bar rrieo1 u- w vuu oualpb who iravee in rw uy trlplo kngbowl ur and urv alx fr h toowd to arl4 fnm krlr w ehlpend are gl ling tll in thir fjoke avnur od ura ii c lurlrt ufi for w bom- at ij 1 k-lir- day tney eppr rlata ry toitrh mii theklmdneeeheetowrdutiirlrirthrlrtwm ywara rveuenoe ban- ur and ura ivorn- lv norva announce the rnivvrnitiil t t their youngeet- daughlr ijiok a tn ur hldny c uarenle aon of ur j ii uaokenala of heavehon ln the marrlag will take plam- in lonthr waotter toe uvaand ltejurv kmri t b mai wan anfeuanbuma oamnb oera v j liikkkv ai oo toledo wetbe aneetmaeeil bare itaeea v j obeeev iereelaetuvwe4 blive blai bifektv kiar i niti iiiimi i1 1 1 n ebwlrbb ta wnry eai eaf ebllaauaae mmm by walihhu ktmm4n mbvim waoleh uraciata touao 3 hit cmtarfli tare b lahea ietamallf ullu eureetlv epoa ibe blued aad nnnou uru r4 ummjmtent ireklasaeuui aaal tree rrlee n aer bottle bald far all rfriuei tba hau a vaaiur rtllelnr mora glaaa broken tnu mauriowa daatrnclion of church property u bard to uoderetand a deteotlea abould ba put ttn tba nf compulnta contlnu to be oumta of hkefera congregating on uajn strcjit ajdewelke kflrr hlgbu a oona table in uniform abouu be put on duty after night and ahoald enforce uohmm raguullope champion oetlbrm w b jajl harman laman and joseph hell two hrbrewa arralednt tba ti t il elation on nnvwmber hts on a cbarga of nunn tba at ore of h love on quebec street and etaadlng two fur- lined overooau and two palra of glovaa whan arraigned before magbv tretw watt at tha polio court pleaded guilty in tha charge kaily in tba evening tbry aalted him to a let them aalhaylnundad ucotn ibwrlln lie gar i bam tbelr cupper and tuonwy with which to pumshaea tlcltta tfaey howvd their tratllude hy rohhiitg tba nloiile bl liack waa turned tbry vrera each aentannrd to three mtmttha lo jail at hard labor ouelpb ur- oury killed aa lb auree k kallanai aa wlllian i lock of ullton llelghta waa email ng tha alraat laal haturday avenlng in front of tha ivebylerlau church be one run into and knocked down by a hg driven by tiaorga hll- wn when ik fell bu baau at ruck thr pavemwnt with aueb foroa mm u aauea concuealon of tba brain from which ha dlad on hunday night in ota iloyal hotel where ha waa taken after the aoeldenu cironar dr eodl itpenad an inquest on tha ramalne on monday and itr empatielllnif tha jury adjourned tha inquaat until uon- day next tha remalna warn than ukan to camphellvllla or inlarnlanf itformer rreatayariau vounar roplsi lioetety ttie y tnmtuam hoclety of kitox church baa been rvtrganlaed mini the flrvt umellng waa held on monday evening a eoclal waa given by tha newly organised ixwilety and it proved to iw m very inutreetlng func tion ur john cote be iveaidant occupied the chair vrry acceptably fcioiruniwnla numwra warn prtivldad by liialinanv orabaatra a piano durl by mlaaea cray and william waa highly comniaiidlhle uua krllli wltluti- gav a rwuling mnd ur wildutal leader of thn choir retiiler- vd it aitlo the prooftedinga ware wlw eitllvetiail wltb ttltmhera nil the g re run- phoney coiilaetm ware indulged in and mttlikclomia cary dalnly lunch waa werved tba aoclaty abtrta out with mrf pmcpvqi for prf inlerratlnff ittvtlng throughout tba cowing mm and it aucoeaa la wall avamred the judi aid of tha itaptut hliiali or- having ba f htona- ude liaklog halurday w h in the uh ophmla the pnat oftlor open olmanad uuwho tm ukkk ll- o ij f rl 1neay lu alt uiu ilertb ilrown w boimi rron hamilton for a lew ibty ur and ura john ilarvy vlltt frleoda at ijiwvilu- lat u ody ur jh l uor ftl hurling ton uaaetla waa immi on hoody ur uunnuy waa to u wmhj ftm- a lw ily i k wm1 ur and i u h t log lbawk vllb i hrkul un ilntlin d faooly hi cli ulch t ih uiu l 10l n uonday h at h i iw m u- r ie ilyod- it il u u ibutald a t ilrown wot win so 1th a t uo u nmiiooi nuuojtwiiya the bylaw ptllng caoipbu 111- apart aa a ivillc- vlllaare waa pnd at ut maatlng of ih- county ftooncil tba nomination for th ftrot election oftrualaaa will be bhl at the orange hall on vw aoth altba but regular kneeling of the hoard of fmucallon the kerretary- tv orerh i u placed i la ra- algnallon in the banda nf the chalr- atl in bu latter tendering hu reelgna uonur uoora atled that with next month ha will have oomplelnl thirty ave yaare of oonmmiihie her ire keo- ratarytraaaurer of the hoard and he flt that hie waa eurlclntly long tern tn bold public office he desired tbaraalgnatton lo lake vffvct on tb- slat deoentber or aa bonn t aa tba municipal audi tore could tanake tha annual audit of tha booka and vouoh era of the trmaurar ur moorea bit tar wiplained that be bad placed hl raalgwalion before them tbu early b that tba hoard might have erupt- time which to bnd a auooaaaor to flll the office tbaj chairman called a special raael tat week to consider the reelgnatlon fambera praeent a c hprbt chairman hnbert hoot i n forbea john r kennedy be chairman explained that the kwambera had been called together principally to oontmer tba haanttajrya raelgnauon uvd by it boott eaoondad by n forbes that tba hoard go into com mlttaa of the whole to consider the raaignation nf our esteemed secretary treasurer ur if i uoora ami that jno il feaanedy occupy tba chair oarrud tha committee mat and after due consideration rose and reported to the hoard that they bad unanimously da- d that it waa nen be ititerentfi of i he hoard and the inipnrlaiit htial of tha achofkla to accpt ih- realg nation and raooinmended that it lie not accepted moved by 3na it kennedy eeottnd ad by hob hootl that tha salary of tha secretary treasurer be lln to vlafipmr annum includmif tha pre hit year carried tha chairman waa requested to walt upon mr uoora upon bis return from toronto to apprise bltn of tba action of the hoard mr moore stated in the interview with tba chairman that ha would havi much preferred to have retired and sean a successor appointed lo take up the dutlee be bad endeavored to faith fully perform for njora than a genera lion but in view of the feeling of the hoard blm tbelr earnest bollflltetlou tnat h continue in office ha fnlt that ha should reonnaldr bla decuu11 and would harafore withdraw bu rvln hon severe colb on lungs and chest quickly relieved by nadrucn syrup f unaead uaarloa and chlaradyna mr i seward llromixaavlllc que writes i v wka ao i took a severe cold which settled ou my lungs aitd my clu t waa very ion breathing tl amfaewia liackinkc4mgh i waafmlihkmiaerhlle i itought b liottle of naiwu co hyrupor unseed ijcortca and chlorodjnc slid altera few doses 1 felt ureal relief and i wantintoa sound sleep u thing i va toot able to do for book nights next day i waa able to be around again and before completing the bottle fait as well aa ever it is a fine cough and cold cure hahru co syrup of linseed urorlta and lhlorodyne relieves the irritation and stuffedup reeling in the air pa agea mtothaa the tickling which makes you cough loosen the phlegm and drives oat the bold before it gels trouble in s60 and soo bottle at vour druggutx natlonalxfcugandcbeuim o of canada united ih iii t 4l llir jtd foihww jvskuu ai si lt tt h11 m y ll join luivy rlalty john lfrvy ialioory ln h w11 j hllh1 auppuw w ii suy jlriou mi acttxi inilig co rriikliwl aliti t 210 10uu i i kirui i tt adoo laiiulog o dry ells m j ii ittdmii ii ulhi-imuii- dl- 1- j a- hyinoii hiippltw im fos lotal jiuumi 1lliiliuirl wauhilliptid mm kead mr t wlf wu il and aabikl thai 11- di uil xw 1m ka fuodnl u iui bad daltoyed tbatilial uhio llitdlug i ha i a tax waw uhi on i1111 iw mtwn mclouald and knilth tin twnhl wku iilfhl a ttxiuu from ilia high hcbool uukloglor ih iw of tb- town ball rldy hk ltur llkh free of cbargv was graol i tl c0111h ll dlu itsnd bl aoioenoath a r4ut 1 of urv ltsrdioire co- for aimullutism of lha alrt uht log hhiivti o mlong llnatdtuotv cremjeilk 1 hi rwiuhl w found to lie llurecu rhht during tba present year adjournment took pi ouj tn quit dosing your children wllh atrong ca thanks chamber lain a tabletaare moat eflectlve in regubi- tlng stomach troubles and atipsllon lor tha little tablet going to bad sunny face in the to take it sppq beds and bedding s nvf le haw w 11 a u h an artal ue bj lln 1 fj2 ji sod the rlesigni an 1 i niui- arr nellnf loan lolc c mvr l haw w had a u h an auuatmr in ih uj llni 1 11 h we bsv- at prnwnl and ll- l art iroikrkaldy 1 su t wo si- selling ircu lu i lully f ui than vo dil iw and the decigtib an 1 i nium sir hellnf now llian ixletc wailaryforupelllmmi i r a ll- ut bojuiu rl wluh we well at it t ual lo any i mlli actons electric choppinq mill chopping cq rolling done daily satlsraqtion guaranteed flour and feed for sale b f caldwell acton bifpl bhngi biq bargain sale sb ooo worth of 3trl mrui ymxnay dry goocja man arvd laultoa ready mavcia oo4knt oanu rumlahbria mtvd m blst stook of hoota rdl 3hoea eud oroo to a att aiauhbartnaf rraoaa friday november 2lst ubiu sslurdmy df cesser 6u our buying agents have purchased mora can posslldy stok mi an bra forciml to tut up ifaot thla hale will only last ux flays hare is a chance to get firdiaam goods at plitea whic era loan than it casta reproduce v raatbfial vou win wk loshthu will lie tba aiot igantu h evbteaeriaacod in thla iowa nu false protniaea which end in kmnke w guarantoe every statement we make and will alsail by it ktrxhlo and get lhe great barrslrut which wa am offer lag during this sale it pays to ruv from us wa are not tied down to any one maker of bsanulacturef we buy mostly for cash we save in special discount as much aa wlu pay our expootea this allows us to aall at a vary small profit our hard ami fast motto u small front and cukk returns it u just like utliag rnoncy in tha tiank to shop with us you want the gooils tml we ask tor 9100000 far the opening day dont disappoint younalf by comiog ton late the taargaliut want last forever bat yur alarm lor 6 oclock and be at ibe store doer a big han xbowa tba hour of jo hont get tlisbaartaaed if you cannot force your way through tba crowd lo tba bargain ubie bet your teeth and fight un until you roach your destination and tha bargains you ara alfered will reooaipansa you ocr cuauaftbk yeu run ue risk whauvef in purchas ing mm un wa will take back any article iiought during tha sale and will eilhaf aaxbanga it or return to you tha money with out one moment hesitation kejlow the crowd remember we mean every word wv say straight forward dealing 1 w- 1 ll acton bargain store wh singer proprietor lltllf ul tlt uultraal i i 1lwu flht llllw ji 37 mi iia tj lojlg ll x 4- johnstone co furniture wf utuicriaiauedt h in 5 v6e empire typewriter 2 u jj visible writing perfect aliment tlghtnink escapment- bnduraboespeed m nw modal cmajra a nl y v u f- r n it luol mhrl m ibiiiuui luuk uovul lunk bw north n cm u llal u b lrfins i id lull tl m fhnn l 1 jj uade 11 canada i i i i m av- aix dial mtm 1 pt i a s duty oa all othr ihulh aal ll goal you no king lo z try oxl ka eampira in your olticai jj williams fanufaoturlng company ltd jj w aaelalda tu w tsoal- wbrtr- uaaj real oea w 5 10 and 15 cent store xk art enlarfjiiif our stock every wttk o it will pay you to call on u i and insjkit our n w incs you do not have to buy ju t comt in and look around visn ouit stationiuv ditamtuknt and sm tim siklial valuus do not roncl ike ou forius nelsons chocolates h wiles mill st acton give grand opera your own home v in cz jqid faust this most popular of all grand operas is loved by everyone with any musical culture from the open ing bars of the overture- to the trio and finale the beauty of the score and the inter est of the story hold audiences enthralled year after year over thirty selections are represented in the columbia dgjihjc disc records bronskaja and constantino have sung the beautiful duet daromi ancor a5182 and with m ardoncs the trio in the prihon sccne cavalicri has made a wonder fully artistic record of the jewel song 30397 and from among the thirty odd other re cords you can select beautiful render ings of the rest of gounods mu sic give paust in your own home tonight if v a xt um fj i cv without pn can be heard on your tjj p ay due recordof auy makemore nearlypproaches the crafoja standard of perfection when played on the v onoia columbia grand opera racnrna eaat from 85 osnta t 97 v music obotk do tit any tmsui wml grafpnolas c raas xojoo ea nbooo aaifc aawvaaua maatbly luveowas mi ea trial music supply co r- 88 west weuingon sl tordtolont a t brown agent acton onl

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