Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 27, 1913, p. 4

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fcbe rion jfr press tlliiuiiay no huhkit j7 lull rrrv niinr ilefon y i n rl mkui m nd 1 k 1 o j 1 whl m si i and bk tnjuf ihh1 hike all ere 1 ulug lb plk- hsfety n -i- ll- tlliur wr bar hi p and hb lo at rll y rn- g i- a vtohv o urton 1 1 require a lut f rmurage and rhevity i ihi philanlhn pin said hr tho upton oimr i t when 1 wa jl m in blf- i wau iay kmt and making rlj he u ubr y linu thai ujuh lb lhing lo d siji and mok ol lt irmlo the right of way ooul dunuayth- point dftmjt if yiw on you ii iily f hup end look 1 1 only coata a muauinl e walt htopnud look thar no hiui in tempting fat klop and look if jir- hit u kill or main kuummm viae tuay take ik hi ant- that woo l help you all tbe uom ntopand loos rovinu nva tmibkmi mill i xllrw 6v baton you will prov the fl thiugv i that ajcohol habitually used cm l llaaf produe duu from which the abstalnac reuialn eseropt 5 thai it will iihimyml uihuh in which all are ubl a that it render tbo wbohahlui ally um it lux open tu attach uf various funni of lllnas 4 that um alcohollst b lrxh chance of rovery from lever tr an injury than an abstainer and 6 that in lb crlala of iiwhm the alooholiet gets lea benefit fnwl u mutants than us abstainer from an address u medical fuudeat by lrcteor hiinpeon of kdlo burgh cnl vliy tsak mod or ovatauui various investigation have shown that about- of per wit of lb- food of the oyster consist of dltomnd ibat uml if uva remainder i com posed of other equally minute plant or im the mora or umi de- baiabu borderland batwaan jtjiad animal th- oyalar oblmlna th ortm org an lama by drwtoj fhla narrmu of wiur batwo th upm iihajla alralnlnc tbra througb tha cadlnly tnlnut ortooaa id ita ilia fcttd pmaminx lbo bltnua by ollurr mo- uo into lu mouth wblcb um m ooooad bttmm two ira of faaaby balp ciom to um blraca of iho aja tbonb tbo ninit taa thay aja oonalant od during lb oowm of twvntyfour buura th walar ibua tnloutaly atnlttad u tlumf the voluma of umi oyaur uy oly ulil wu iy i ir rniirj wining j bi day 1 haaid blot rmilllk wllb jimlir- ibat biclotbaa win battlty th ha imrl lo h any uar of wmblp on hunlt tlwni m obaikmi of buy kbtltng m iuit tbtit yar ha lobl i lad out of wixk nd it tk all my wa to ll knl i ihimiffbl the tuallor nvr aod tbiu tixik a uaraiii fnmi my rar ully ttoanlnl kavinrm kul uioybl lb uiy k mful warm dull of klua rlolb ll wa- ao r that i fll r- tor uty kacrifuira i lut tlta ocltday didnt u work 1 vku uol br in um atraat atwl aakad ixr tl ri ld r mro why ur uln hnylnjf minimi look hi bjii thanka u you air that i tbuuub wuld lmwi bin roand towu lo 1 u if ih omldnt nl a iwltvc j b y hejutly died of stone w the bladder gin pills saucd him sii juwkust hamilton omt fin yn bjt i waa lakrit ilowh with wlul lb doctob rallnl itaramnia itnm of 11m uudilrr itilmw itauia in wtk and uubh aod dluitully in udn aljh and tlta atlarku bkli utue tuora imiiual inouttiril to ttnwarubla ifimy i line bo weak ibat i rould tout mmlb mtioaa tbo flix kly wifaroad in om oha bikkii l m 1iils btui arnt for a hok vm1 lh vcy finl 1 felt that cin 1 ifl s uno doiiuf hm kol th jiain was rrtlawd t imk and the attacks want uaa in klk wrk th mon in hladdo cms away whnt i re- ii how i buffered and how novr i am bealtby awl able to work 1 caiiiuil l yem alronsl mju uhru f apeak tf what in 1 ii u have done lornta joilm llkmmam 17a in r 3 v- xutui reeiitof orim if your delefdoe tti hajui tltexu tanlla bofreu ymi wille lit nvrnll4hiliilliu porr uuary lck ir in 1ims lo wot jly aatuaction nltonal thiif lvn co of canada limited tuoulo janfcgvfuebcfmirmfiaa t3uariamldoriirf miiwiiiiniiiim ivoimwtie3uonjrttduf msnd bestcomuiaa ndwar 0nwm3lorplik oorlfiatial nor nauootic aprrlertttefacoy farql fw hon skt stn th nitrtw vorn3icoriviisioasjvwatslr mu d loss or sums nkw york gastoria bwinflmw and chlljrgn the kind you have always bought bears the signature of got his price hd uwiv it in use for over thirty years gastoria in rt h had la via v it and far a 1 vary oad raan lulr llattillibu bad au asoarlttnc willi no hllior of a waokly vf in mil lilt wtmn ha warn cauaral proaa r irtm luultvu willi ilia llarnubi a ilally 1w tlml cala itlm a uatv iw i of finance i 1l blu xixw wdh ulll to iav 0- lllli oimi tho nmlnicl lil lll tb k udrtlaln nr itul ffllud lo torn to laruui talll lb lit r of u wkl at a llttl iuimiuin twmtj tullna dulaot upm 11 loo hunt 1 tba llttla town aoustil uul th illlur aiul imttaiwd roiy for m double column ailvartlaamaitt i ii ll you l and twaotjf hi lvlu for i i taiwka arvla in your iui- r ll rluiiiu t mu mabl lluii llluil lu ttt mlitot ob ou you won ii you ii clr m hl ur itiw mdvartuhiiubut wool ko i illl ll wlllor voolly hlity tltre doluial j real hex ii iuirml hamilton that inwii lb in your infarnal taovr u worth i tt n ifiva hto llian 10 ami twvnfy hrlrla fur our alulf la any couulry vvltj xiud you ratimky atark mair all eltorta at txnauaalon ralbxl i bf utlltor woaluad ubdurata it wu or uolltliul l1ually in dnaoalr llamll too ulrlalnisd wly tlo you mala it ttclt v i litlslil bh wall maka it 13 ii a jo i mm unraaaouahlav i ii tall you rrland rolur lb adl lor ralmly bva a bota v ih dua abortly for juat ibat alitognt aixl foil liaa ot to ay it ilatiillton did tor h immhih ibw ml vartlalfitf in lliat artuulr wlly h i ttm adllur kow it nw yok huh skin sufferers read i j4hit ii ul la lxl tl iuulu lrl in wlj i i no ooa can achlevo good work who duo hot takf a prun in il foed lln- lon thara lu nil w4aonou inkredlant in ifolloway a citm cunt and it can ha uad without dangor of injury i no rima lawa tu intarfare with lb kiuln r um atbm dont war off alou uouot noaka lbs uilalake of walling for mthma to woar away by ilaalf wbuayoura wajtinff umi diaauai la aurajy watharinfr a atroogar foot bold and you uva in drntifnur if atrungar and yt abrooaar attack ir j 1 kal- kayga asthma tumndy ukaa early will pravant lnclplaotoondluoua fruoa baoaanlnk cbrunlo and aa houra of awful auffahng oouloht krool klfm tba farmer bad bought a ipalr of boa in tba oily ahop now owt i aau you av fmlr of ahoa lreaa r a dtbeolark don t frnah with um aouny i rapllad umi hrnmr brlalllng up t i doat hnlhrea aboea kin be iralaad tm uaea ma- knoron i haluva rubbar grow on rubber ir or oyalvra on oyatar pbnla bgoah i children cry for fletchers cvstori a why aujaj ajxejoikd ummmmmt a sue old b broughttup in all uhi taoat atrlct tradition aouooad to a f rlaod anm day ibat aba bad bogun iba wudy of ilebraw tba atudant waa cloao upon fouraoora w um ataiaammit produoed aurpruo why mlaa luank th- mand aah d what good in thlm wcld wui ilabraw du you t tba old lady who bm m wit auii nimble replied with demure awirt- baaa it n not do ma mueb good in utla world but when i gat to baa w and meat my halter i abould like to be able u add mm ii 1m in hu own language it a ao much aaalerjo talk of coo vat alod than it la to tnanlfaat oourleay a ilouaabou uedlelne they that are acquainted with i be atari og pro- partlea of dr tbomw kcleotrlo hi in umi treatment of many all man u would out be without ll in umi bouae it la truly a boueebold medicine and aa it la effecuee in dealing with many ordln ary complain u it b cheaper than umi doctor ho beep t on band aa call for it kuay noma almost unaapect- dly a looae tongue nan tie mima terrible bard klnke in ufa a akfilu tbe raw material of tha saloon la the ooy its hnlahed produot tfethe drunkard ftfea u wotnea tady nre hi buay keeping tbe wolf 1rotillh uoorlna they bae no hat to let in um llo t lnllllpe worma feed upon tbe vitality of children and endanger their lleea a simple and effective aura la bf other graves worm kstarmlnator children ory for fletchers castoriifc blooauim ovbttcji bhlrtpf no lrobabty tbe graateat change la umi oyster industry waeoud only to the nwdero method of culuvstlou by arti- bdal mnana in beds far reumieed frunt all davuger of we wage o uon la in urn method uf packing and shipping formerly oyalara were hipped wlut ice dlreauy upon uteui um toe melunfc and dluilntf tbe lio uu m touy afusr the oyalera bave bean ahuefced and carefully graded thay are put iuut cans aaaled and ton packed around no vail ur oibur premrvauvu ta waed itm result ta tbe uyatere reacl their deatiuatton ua matter how far liiland lu perfect condition taking their turn why atauon a policeman beaideuua- park bencbr it la newly palntod um can keep people from tee ting frtab paint ko but be can keep em la une tcaqma city joqrnjfl cause of his anger why u be ho hitter at the girl he ttu only recently eiipiged tor becauae when me sent the rln back abe u del oil tbe box t a with carer upplncou-a- mieary in stere kate aaya ah lulenda tu marry ur plunks to reform hint what la hi vlrer 1 llr n auoil deal uf a uiisw llua tou traawcrfyt children ory for fletchers castori a the antlala to sueoeae in business ire that a rum should know himself know tbe other fallow and know bu wn business utr a r hhaklon a fill for drain worker the nan who worka with hu brain la oom liable to derengement uf tbe digestive ayatem than tha nun who works with bis bands because the one calls upon hlu nervous energy while um other appl ma bis muacuhiratrength drain fas beajeta irreamlarltlea or tbe itotnaoh and liver and um beat lamed y that can be uaed is armelaas vegw tabu hiu tlmyvre apnelally mm pounded for such easee and all those who use them can certify to their superior power the true end uf a 1 1 lars ry education is lo nulla a man and not an ncyclo- paedls liar t if henna ope ljua x has forbidden all amok ing in the vatican and guards chamberlains or attnndant are not permitted to puff cigarettes or pipes evrn in the prloscy of their own chambers was badly rn mm mhbums heart and nerve pills bust her up un prank luourb bamm oat nrttr 1 cmluarc tbe opportuiuly to write you laying that i have used kid burns heart and nerve imls and found them very helpful lo me i was vrry badly run down ami wan takinr docii anedkinr my uw kit wol wrote oe mylnr molbrrl yob use the mil burn heart and nrrvr lhu they will ite lxrtter for yon than doctors lanbnnr this v did with good results i often recommend them lo other prop my doctor did not know f was uing them be used to my wliyl i never saw any ones heart emu uji hlc youra bj vou do not need any uhknutcuuinc uillmirna heart and nerve pdl are 80c per 1m i imvrs for si 25 at all dealer or muikd direct tin receipt of price by the t mtlburu co lumitcd turonlu dul it la atore seualhle to pay serious at lenlton to lb health of um nation than to almf itule driunnls the illsbop uf htapoay worts are encouraged by morbid oondillons of the htonuush and bowel snuaoauhslst mlllera worm lowders will alter tbaea oonditlon nlmoat immediately and will a weep the worms away no destructive parasite can 1i in contact with ihl medicine which i not only a worm destroyer but a health- vine nsedlcloe most beneficial to the young constitution and a aucb it baa no euperior only tbose who are strong enough tu modal public odnioa dare ignore it ur llarrieoo krewln plagiarise only s crhne whan om pui r tha c nplaca rukmrla all you please provided yurj steal from the rlzbt aouree ror tbe aocret bf indlrbliisllty u familiar ity with tbe nuiaters the ernst geu tuaea were meant lu its object of plagiarism to be plain tbe more yul absorb of a first rise mind tbe more your own originality is ted 1bibta rlam i only crline when it la a theft of commonplace from uiadlocre km thi boat the ualatreee not wlahlns to uffend bar nook who bad been with her but two weeks announced in low wall modulated voice i i am aorry rdlen but tbe mastar found faolt with your cook in today ior i dont take no notice of im nuw its ble blaad nature to find fault alnt be always find in fault with you coughed almost all night with that dry tick ling sensation in the throat a bad cuugb accompanied by ibat dtstroamd ikklui tainaltou lu tbe throat is moat eursvetluc dr wood norway ihao syrup hrab the mucouj surfaces tclievca opiumvioa and tiibtncss of the chest removes accumulated ntucoua or phlegm quite kvra tbe moat obstinate and dulrevutt cougbii kciulof bleep and rnt ml tiiubt not only to lb kuflerir but lo oiikim wboae reat would olhcfwiaa lie luoken mn duel urhall iuwimmi hp n d write jumt a few line tnxkt you know what dr wood norway line syrup tbd for me 1 took a severe cold courbed almost oil night wilb that dry hcklin arnuilioa in my throat tbe first ikmiuc did me so much good i thought i would try a acoood one which am plraacd to my rcaultcd in a complete cure i can slnmgly re it to uy one suffering from a cough or any throat irritation i the price of dr wood norway pino syrup i 25c a bottle the jargo family ahw 50c it i put up in a yruow wrapper three nine trees the trade mark unl u manufactured onlyhy the t mt ilium co limited turonlo ont ktataxjcvi nautiulvi tramp to ue elderly aplnatar- clmme a pair o hoolu lldy h pi outer i havent ajty to give away trump then urst yr ushln if e aint got an did pair o trowser in para hplnstrnol wishing to betray bar unwedded atateuy huahand er never vrears such thlmra antiquatirj uy dear a id tbe proud father i cannot understand your objection to young lvudely as a suitor for your hand i am sure that be i a model young man thar la no quaation about hi be log a mode replied the bewitching beauty but father dear tbe trouble u that be u a 101a model castor i a sw lafaau mad ouklraja tta ku yn han ahrm baaju uowaihbl knaariial im wmvy lo tall you mro that iii be leaving you nest k im going til get married la that to kmntaf who i um lucky nun t he a polloenian tnni on uilu i wlh you joy and what i b i dont know yet mui but hi number 1 four-one- ven ailing women of middle age mrjouctteteus of her dtw- trcaaing symptoms daring change of life and how she found relief tlellnville nova hcotia can three year o i wan nulfonng badly with what the doctor called change of ufa i waa ao bad that i had to stay in bed know friend tommetatakeldia e mnkham vegr talkle aim pound and t helped mo from uu first it u the only medicine i took that did help me and i reeonunetwl il you dont know how thankful and grateful i am i glvi you purmlmlon u publish hhalyour good kneulcimi ha done forme um siuon ilourarrte hellevulbrvsrmouth co nova scoua canada huch waminic aympuvn a ocnati of aurfocauon hot llajdina headache hark- acheadroal of impending evil timidity sound in thr rv wlpltatlon or tho heart aparka thifon the eyes irrrtru larities conalliatioo varialdn hpvmutc weakness am inoawdude and diixlmnw araprompuy lulwl by intelligent wo men who arc approaching the period in ufe when woman a kroat change may be er pec ted lytua k rinkhama vegetable com pound invigorates and atrerurthena the female organism and build up ibe weak ened narvou ytum lt baa carried many woman safely through thla criai if yeaj waatapcelal advice write te ljflla k lhnfcbaui hcdtrlancn caub- entladlvniimas vr letter will be eend read and anbwrred by a wi aad ketd la itriel namnt was troubled with weak back weak back i earned by weak ktdney and it b bard for a woman to look affrrl her bouwhold dutic when the t t offer lag from a weak and aching liack for no woman can be mrong and well when use kidney air out of order doaa kidney im1 go nght to the beat of the irouldr cure tbe weak aching hack utfl imevmt any and all of tlw mttou kiilocy tinuldea which are liable to hecoum deep rooted into the ytem not attended to at one mr augustu jinks iemorestviile out tattle kar bevetal year i bad born tiouhled with weak liack ami kidney i lud terrddc diy bcodachr and coubl not sleep al night a in cm i of mine jcrd nte to try doanx kwlney hilt nail i did u and in a short tune vu niml doan icidney i11u arc soc per box base lor si 35 at all dealers ur mailed durct on receipt of wcc by the t milbum co i imilrd toimiio ont u oiomic lt hpcctfy doauu let tbe yoyue luuslrlau book lull or iteetbovaii wagner uoaart sod men lolssohu that i the atireac way for lilm to tldd himself to cbeorb comk imra music la ttie way in smother lose ami kill himself let tbu youug proachsr preach uusb uell hubert son nud llrooks ko doing be will come to prealhluif himself am tot writers there u truth lu tbe advice gleu by a great man that the iwwt way tu aexjulre n good style i to reail addison and exercute ooeself in mudserortna lo rewrite b vou cuuot pisllahae the lllbu nor shakespeare lkr homer nor dante nor kllllou timss liave ceased to be luen tliy are humanity von can v husw or llreu hart or tbe laat best aslur tu isolate oneself from th uu- tor is bot the road to originality it la the road to vulgarity vow icngtlsb author aaya han- utertoa studied past llterator uvore wlluncly titan bballey and tlannyaon and none r mom orbrlnal vrank cratut in womans world wlthlv ituyu b t i 1 mdmaloifwllkih lfitiriik it lu iou1 i idtuli irj 1 l d t d rrurirlk f 1lnllui lix if i lahby wihil ltt j l l fp vi lull is 1 lb aarltc i- iii x it 1- i i i v- i made f til btmluiif lulnlkanli aut liklt i c j hard atlas metropolitan bank anoajdoc4oo javimuh uac ml tjuvctl or ib ivjkjiu uf no iicivwl and of jnleimu silo highest current mui wmtlwo hv afall tteod not nulla a khocuil tup lo town lo aiji a chmitu- main a dmat or draw miniti money uui the mmu inuul vou will bad our kyttem f llauklng- hy uail a safe and nmvenieat way f trakiwctinie all your luniklng- luinm iexait may 1 nuule sad lasji withdrawn b mall witheut dauy or itouhle call or writ liiroinullou lu regaid to nankin by uil i ualiaaref for full itm btodo prskuurlo man prehlatorlc burn baa been traced in aeveral period lu thjlxicun and u iulot a uelglan gwogociai baa mad a novel attempt to estimate tba popu lation at different stage in th low aurignaclan period ore of belgium tatunarooa cava aaam to bar been hv hablted tbelr capacity befng fifty to sixty parsons in the magdalenaan period th popuutlon wa probably auty oetreat of th lew permitted leavlng lb abetter at tbe cloee of this period and um uler on th banks of the lake may soon bar numbered 100 or lo the coming- of the cerrlde forests per hap dsvelodcd a nopuutlon of ljdoo which buy have increased to s000 or ojtwo at the be- blnnlnif of the ikilbthed aton age- new york lres- whlsl whist undoubludly is oerived from the old game uf trumt which baa purely kngluh lluoai flier bt no record of the urlclu of ibu gam nor of it dovelopuwitt into rutt hud hon or which was the parent of whul 1 tie oarlluat refarencu to it i believed tu bo lu a sermon uf l timer about tbe year ljd tu uuioe probably i dorived from the but or silence which dese utteulou tu play dema of th phvyera fcramcken m this dialrici actonf ouclph uilton campbeixville fcxrxooocx warm and strong if you want a puir of pxitvca or iiiiltu m lonchulr calf or buckskin sdctp or ivlitlkiii le crrtain to specify storey v in n oilier wuy will you t ryitiul value 1 o prov it blip on a storvy milt stay the wool knit wrist antl lmrtl kind ahown rwlow warranted bcnutnc horsrhidr wattrproof and fucproof just the thintr for warinth and comfort sold at all alorct cvcry milt in tngtred storeys insist on storeys w h storey son limited onlsurio ajoav thi gband trunk railway iashknckh 1 autumn shoes t i f liat bum our vupsrb stock 1hi yeu i u tnany hpe sad dsea iuk i1 i iu 1ih in our window t w i il will the new styles in r uuu v ur lu utow itul s lew of w lui1 i u ii o kliowa wll vo 11 i i 1 u intli h bk we now lv h ii avu inianl of high grade w williams rjasr tfoiiku v cood shoao mill strrr t acton ililllllllllluhlllilutlbl rock wood chopping mills all clioppmn wl uc n ti doiu wdily and well on plait or ton s ii n u mour oatmeal n ii a ij hraii shorts u ii 1 lit lit t at lowest n i n prices g ti n i n h harris fir co umiua jj j iockwood ont e e uuduuuuiluqanuwhatlsbni 3pccton qlssoew pavement according to an excellent cuslom in oburow bafore any street i pavd or repavad all city department that may lie likely to omiii tba afreet an communicated with so n to xtv then an opportunity tu examine their pipe or make necessary repair alteration or renew i oufur the pavlaa u laid nw whiu tharea life- mr afntcbem itorty year old mr hlncloton and haver been married dear but hut surely yon bav not given up all hopet uingloton no in deed i hop i mta anf tor anoibeg forty year anyway- uoaton trav crlpt all bert sirat dtimrlet u i think m nrdw aoio lamb hcnd llnr lonti i never ordur lamb in thl placo it ninttim before you v it- ho tou transcript hlookallbermlnr i beg pimir pardon i y it lhke like rain what linear th weather the weather my dear 1 u oondl tliui luin i waurun the act of fall intf front the clouds it 1 imposalble ibat tbay abould look allk what i meaul i that lb aky look d like ralo kqually tmpeslbl til sky hllhtt blue vault above ue the seeming- a rcb ur dome that we nail the hcaveits due nol resemble falling water lu tb least wall tbeu u you are au thundor- ingly imrtlcubul it look a if it would rain aa if what would rev the weal her a before- stated i iiur a oondl uou cannot rain the cloud then oonlouiid you i i nay not known touch aooul it aayiiu do but got enough aenaa to get in out or it and you havent said tha nn im raised hi uuiltrelu witd walker away in a buff v atb llwv thought the largwhsarted son of krln wa digging- pmt bole on day when the m rambled almig to vine up t be job how aru you tusking out jvt naked tba boa vulue a allk answered ivt keep- ins right on with hi work a ya arfll notice youreelf the woeh look nil right lat joke- fully reeponded um boaa but dn ihi uilnk that you will aver be abl to ant all that dirt back into tba holeegslnv nosor notaa it i now eoc but if m intlatinn to dhr tba hid a llttl m had indigestion for over ten years wcalfiiimif the body will uvtf ictuove dyctepviu r iniliuoliiki on lift ouw trury ull tfliwln ijuitild ih o uutiiiluiii mid iuciciue the tilrriulh llurtktck iuimmi lutlci will tlo thk and ul thu unir lltiu liuible yim to imrtake of ull i ik whojcmnuu ihhi x qui ted without cur of uuv utllllcauilil after result mr henry 1 whib huietlcvilr nil wrile- i fauvc lieen inmiloe with ludigmtiou for morv than ten yean tried kcveiul din lura unil different medicine but ull mllhiiul fcoctes having lirunl ol ll liunty currl effecled by liunlocl hiihmi itillcr i decided to give it u lilul i have taken one bottle nu i frd lliul i um cured at i can now do tin mnic hurd work ihl mi i vum luktii hick lu mumiful milbum co uronlo ont no 1 dont advertise jooooooooc we all advertise a man alvcr- tkliii jill characler by his deeds ins wisdom by his words or by his nlonce a merchants store stock and windows speak either well or ill of his husme s so when a man says no i do not advertise he knows not what he says what he really means is that he does not publi ii printed advertisement some proclaim this as though it were a virtue yet spend much effort and invest much money in advertising their business through mediums other than the printed word they may make their warei fit or a knir yet hesi tate lo introduce them to brown or smith i this is inconsistency advertisers liultiltn i c jlix jiijrt x bus hki6 tha uiulrrki raped lolly solicit lite uiiuola of th pab- xm anil inform ibcm thai vfeu ushlo a comioruldd bus meas all itaid itotunvn lu rut s a and ng p m araful altemlon given te awry onlcr tk wanl of com nmaclii trjvellmb fully met john lntllltf7uts poultry cub pid ror roaltry t sxej tba berlin slew 6rail marfelfr works oahfkh uhauh pnopmlktoa diiliiuw und ilmlder of statnea uiuloiuinu monument uatker and iutdwlmw and ull kind of artistic t kultkry work wm hbhstrbet agent acton or milton imperial counter check rooks conscigntious plumbing heating 1iiikpii1ur liiikjdul counter check himil aauuurartuioil by tho applefortl i minlur ci11l itook co luitiled ham- iltou nuy i ordi rod at th pu ihku hauiulu mill prirt s of all ktyle ahown nil unphiutmiii ilompt delivery ihuiomo tmiru luiparlali aclou thuu uny o other chock llool 6 ac ion frw rrca local agency is isiox myvh iitwith vs to the contrary wo make it thu most important factor so if you favor us wltk your patronagp you will edthububticallv endorse us ii fred smith plumber qoebccsf gufclph phono 337 scksflllc jjsntk atents i promptly secu la all cmlrte aakr tor mr invurtom abvllucn wkuh wdl b seat frea- y hauion a habiok tlrrcuccailknaslhaw

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