Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 18, 1913, p. 5

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hbhdquhrtrs w ibco to uuy your kn u 1 n r 1 h uj loukul ui li weuhr jrll i av ul lax3bilc fwvi i al i in real kstatk aatn l mat tana rcl u4 wailita rmi ur aauws vry aix 11 yi faaraa write mm fa rurira r ii y wbda l east i r earjaauajc wriui we havaa y l4uiy fr trmwwumt wirw ta ywaur ca gal a- in aiafaauaai rrn- dcax- wliritral j a willuchbv ri kriiiaut sc4jaija 6cbc arion jr press tllllrhhay lift hmiikit ik lull bhu local it1ms only n wk till lru th- rabbit hlloollug mhhi rllmmml on monday juw 1 w- uj aeorlnllo hlelfthlng for t hriatluaa u davoot- ly wubad for 4jiuuo are tllll rnua u dig tury la their gerdao th- deheiiluro dab of 111 ton county u afl hj tiw hinni- bav i m eaecled la herlln thu yr teaming u lively umimt days grain u coming in frly acton hihoola rto lur chrlaima holiday tomorruw f urouun 1013 i lmutl gtan hi your kmxk lukmri bubicaiptlou fw lul 1 norval angllcaon ar- talking of raxlory bealil llt church bmn rood akaling th peat week on corporation lod aud tairy uk a moving prlctur llcna lea of 0u km un lived by amuxtown ioumu htmtfon n mm c r ft elation wu uened lo th public on tudy cheap fare ii n um railway cimi itiif on the s3d luel lor cbialma bolidy churchill huoday ucbool will hold a chriataia anlm lai undent next moo day aiug th annual high hchool at lon wlu bahald in th town bail la-mor- rownlng knox hunday kehool htailn2 for um uual mntartatutuaul m nw vtir bl canada tf nw narcala nt u pronalaad by lb ivtotmantarjimnml for january turnip ari oumlnk in f rey kan tba tarioa liaa inui m hlb am iwanty owu utu weak tba klaptul hunday school cbtut naa mtacaltnnl will im bidd tui tttmday xlrd inu bwtqpuian school 11 tard uui tba band lha uaaitl ona r ill- wlio rootoa fiirband umi-tlc- tba inarcbanla chrikttuam win dowa kmvar apfwarrd luoir altraollvn than thcy ktint tltu wk iu hyndm w m uiltixi oi to day attaiwldik th oumiiik w1hi of lb county iuicll fh 1ui l to kiinta 1u1i l sujpr wat imday nlglilwsu oulaldtl km call wild tiultlitrouit tb am huay day for th mmit ojuca ofaolala th tuhlu both to and from luwn am unusually boavy tlmipriiigknltc for humi will ba bald on tuday march luth with chltt juntloa albradllh urldu itatv moor of iho jooinetown ilarald haw decldad tlial ha will nulba a candldala tor th ifaovtwhlu for 1011 1c j kbit auotloovar mld i ho crain and roou t tha wlntr flr qtmlph oala old froui 1 u to 1 go per buabal tha aigbl hw hlraot iihta in baardniora orascant wnw turnad 01 saturday avanlng tbnoiaat lotdd lika a different blaoa mow tnc oakvtlla ttacord la bum in ith wtmui yar ur w j klauty th veteran nawnpariul at the hull he kuade too vaulura a kucona xanatangulnhene in hawing wltaat lauverboxa itiualled hy tha dotuinlon oovtnibwnl that wthbe aduimu next fedora i itunrovaimunl tur 1 ur jatne ivu ounlalml rli of it hlauloy lot lltn tkit twan re yaara fall uwd an tiu tooa lo road tba u inula of tlia council on monday avanlng a hydro wir oti lht ouuldu ur of etrael ultn uaiuml imlvkmon and ha wo ii monday owiuiutf to id tin aratw were coituuanlly without uajhta for the rat oi the uikiii mr jo ii hyj who u in uir an 1 1 pod oa baa kindly tautrtnlhrad tiie plikat lhkbtl wllb a copy of th hantl ful cbrtvtnajt nuntlwr of tlm auck laad naw zeknd weekly nw kor u naoaba ur mi tit mirvet its the lie pot ttfllc b4 bean 1 uuemd with building uatlal it haw na heap removed and officer harvey baa cleaned up all rfue and the atraal la uulle troeentalle wgan jna of ilia tlne oara or fruit that aver left ontario ahlpovd hy urwd ar v ltunh from doorjolowu for bmlaa laat week lite apple wera northern hplaa of the liighmt quality andajl wrapped and hoxrd ilarald the omngavlilm haulier iululixl a ppa llluat rated tmiailter lat week ahqwne many hdntw of lot teat and piootluaol individual of thtj town auotig lie latter are the handsome felureof cmmoillr jio a mat- thaara one of actun a luonirawl aoiin ttta durllnguth local qqtlonuui pa notlflfxl the dllor of the claatttn that they wllr unt uae hi colunina furuiejf durnj the campalg news of local import uo etaar feaoka mail vviih ouuiuieodlble eapatdltum ium ijutarlan of tba acloi 1jtirary baa cumplatvd thw claaiflca tout and cataloguing of the iu new luiuaa ea lac t a weak or ao ago by the i took committee tba uppumum lary catalogue will ha t ued on satur day the haw lwke will ba available halt uotwlay eveutng aalee jeliaaoa raiunu to ma j a johtona of trafalgar u- acald huiil tltat limt brotbar ivlloa t c jofanatiinc uf the au pretua court ttt hatkalrhawan haa lodard lila reeigoaliun tu lba alia utvruf juatlca on uxuuol of iii health he will he retired on eupvrmnnuaiioa and will nul likely return to tba oakvllu dutrinl tu utaka hlti iwmuf auarw o u opas wuta two cltlina of repute whl out yeaurday for a rabbit bunt they were paealog over a bald wbare the graae waa ijulle long whai a full hedged graea lioppar jumped out in fruot of llteoi one uf tba um grauedlt and placd it in hla pocket he iilaliua it u a aura algn of an upaa wlolar lolph herald may abouvh aatrmta fcilmllrii the adaiaahltity of abollahlug the high kchool kotranoa kaanilnatlime and auperending thla by raptarta fruen 11m lriimlwuof lb- labile hehooleu lha toliit whloh will dusmup for ouo- idf alioo to day in toronto when um i 11k i hhool hoard uf kleniloar will hld a ooofervama called for the fcpeiuo purpoae uf bringing tbla nat i houurarluw of gvkkj uue town i 1rk w u hmlth ingroll ba b it 4vmttdcaded by tba hmm coinmlllaa uf the othlncll on the hrtrkcdwutur halthoou ltad twenty fle aar of arncleut rvloa aw town olrk in additl lo ilia bihhhaiiuiu an intu in aalary of ai par annum u reoomnmindad to date from heptember let haweral loyw warn out atbooilng hal urday attaruoou in the vicinity of victoria hrldg whan one of i bam kliarflt by name waa accidentally khol lu the lft aide the bullet waa take out near thalart a boulder and ha lad la galling along eay nicely the imim war about 1j or 11 year old much loo young lo be handling ahol cum gfualph llrreid juielrt i e m1u aet m aeaalkyt turwioa mr atea al jonald main strat waa driving up mill rllieet wlten hla bora hecam fctghtaned at an auto atandlog um ouhuuna offloa with a auddea aide leap ha capaiaed the buggy uolonald waa thrown out but eecaped injury th top and eeat ware torn off and umi tba boree freed hlmaalf from lha ahaflw and ran up toward tba 4o i ffjca where he waa caught by municipal officer ilary on thuredey night obackor entbuai aala of llratnptou went up lo acton to play a match with player in that town and ware beaten by five genua th visitor ware tt at tba ate lion hy mr a u nicklln who eacorted thepi to lha hotel where a aplendld euppwr waa aerved lha knatch after ward taking place in th rtraroane hall kvery oourteey and attention waa ahown lo lb vultore who weraa ill pleaaad with th traatutant they mmvrd at the banda of their boata pusonal and travti notls qlmanbd uumiho tui warn mr j 1 wrin tpaothuuday wllb aelaxuee tn toronto mr il k na juelph vlaited acton friends laat weak i heeele ucquaen of ktayuer vlaited acton fjtieod uat wee mr uaaaiavh kkahlln waa hotn raui toronto lmlveraity for a weak nd vlall mtea mona hnllh of toronto u ulung hf auil itlaa llaartaaorna main hlrva i lr irydn ofualph vuilad bar aitara mrx au hordandura i k nlcklin mr and mra jwoi holaa vuilad hair daughter kit wllhama llremp- ton n kriday mra jena tarathrook wb i- atay log at ouelpb al preeenl vbrtlad avion frlauda during the weak mr tboa kione of wlugbam apent a day or hi laat weak at the booa of mr 11 j f renkue mr and mra if moor- attended lb twentieth wadding banlverearv j mr and mra h ii mha toronto on krlday avanlng mr ii h llolnire who waa lakaa aarioualy ill mtavral wraka ago baa hunch improved in health and hie rieude are glad lo e hliw aboutagaln mra joeeph orion and babe of ardan mi arrlvad barta uat week and will apend the wlnlr al the l of ur ratlar mr jeuw iianleon maria strt mra o h krlwood aa1 maatar charla who have b i hmmllng aavaral mootha al lba hocna uf bar paranta mr and mra a h nlcklin itowat avenue left for calgary yea- tarday afternoon mr w m mcdonald who baa had charg- of haptut cboicb in jual the paat uh tanontha win a gueat ikf utra0 and a mcdonald uat w k mr mcdonald la now taking a oouraa in mcmealer unlvralty bomi obbbrvatiomb lrolkahly tboueanda of raadarw of toronto nvnnlng paper id lha mon day iaaua of laat wk would aay wbat a fthttlali act if not botnalhlng tnuch eikogr on reading of the ken wbo alnaad a didnt know it wa bkaded kavolvar around at fcle gueata and i boo at hlnaelf kroelving itow ear lba oharga which waa attar all in on- or the chamber whan ba leave tba hoepilal it would hi auangav if lie warn not aent to on or other the two wllknown public inatltutlon ojt lb provlnoa for a tlmr tlut wa are developing sight in t juat auch a recklaaa aort of aplrlt which mum day may raault dlaaktrt ly wa ax parmlltlng boy to band toy platola point tbanj at each otbar and aaploda th cap thereon rvtulli- arising t hams una nowwltb traaai lea plaything the aeim of horror of tba real thing later on will b dadi ad and inatruntent that in very few in ar at all heceeeajry will ha aouroa of much danger thrnugb lack of caution iral aboom air icily pro hibit thaap and ofooar and tea char ahould be em powered to oonoacala and daatroy thanl thla waa anxpaem and layalty end lo wedding superstitions curleua cuatnaa that uaad toltot aervad i enalaaal kupenilltloo ujttcf ciuata round any eplaod uf ufa otorm tba that of i he wedding day especially ba olden then it waa ctwtmbary for tba bride to praaent bar futnr fcuaband arttb a b or roaenury uaas od with tlh- bona on hla brat appearance on th wedding knurnlnc tu aacura hu love and loyalty make bar happy forearer n yorlahlre the abound that nothing awa onlucky could happen than for wewly made brtde lo leave lb church hy a different door iroco that by which ah eauared ipptaar ntjalat coatoan for which l bare u no kaowa ohgla u that prae- llaed in nm of tfc midland nd northern ronntie of aucland thhi ht u ring a ntarry pal of th chorea ball at th drat r uf the benna of an intending nutrlaoalal eoople it u railed th apor peal which la old anclo helton tnana adrnply at of tniiw it b well known that u la be behxbt ot lock for a brld tn h to dream of ralrlaa tba alghk bafor the actual caramony bo nancb waa ud i believed in that many girt would paru fairy taaai before going to alea ioodou alkraph imr ululd vvauilihi avenue fjuelph wl w in ht liu1 u immillh and hal dlnn wttll i h- family blvday dropped dead in the houa at valwefc i lb liwiumii heart failure waa t cauae of death tba amallar an aetata tlia fewer legal qnnatiun are uwolved th october brule la hagionlng to few thing aba dido t know no nam for k poet muur vva opt ta c- and shad ike heavy burdaa clncinnatu helnet wa lh nam that th parent or joauuln millar ba atowd on hln at bka rhrlalutnc how tba poet cam to adopt ba bain joaquin under whaea- aajaiial aally known waa tdd by mr- brle 1bllllpa adllor uf th nan irraariaeo monitor mhw in foolbrith of whom ha apaaka la the california pnataa who ba been called the uappbo of tba weat i in ism whan h ram- down from oreson and puulahad ida oral utile book of pooma entitled joeaoio et al be told miaa coolhrttb of hi da- lertalnattnw to go to llow lu th world aba baked him mo yoo aspect lo climb wrnaaaua with acb a nam- aat you havet mil ur bt tad anouch but olncnnatu hclna la itupoaal 111 lint what ran i dor millar naked it tny nam lant uf why dont yoo lake aom nam that will identify you wllb calif or ulr mia ooolbrltb rejoined take th nam of your brat book call onr- adf joaquin ry aon ill do itr aald miliar and from that day b alcnad hlmaair joaquin miliar inrrcy ounaiacfaaau and wallae- daoch ij hwepelar wbo plaadrd gull ly after i beir airaat laat weak tothra chargee of that t from tba o ii od 1 aud ii 1 it- nd u t it oolcea rberv arr each eenlunovd to two year by judge flnuholm on t cun nlnanam lea married man of and urrh uainguand about jl year of nmmmeui t know wamimi 4ts your move jj w wl jtc now- showing our new line of christ- m nctkwcjf jiul roay wc add a most at- e tractive line jii prices i5c up to color- iiik jd siylts oflcr an jlinti unlimited c choice m see our new lineb of liracc sels arm hntls s j ml urace all lundomrl boxed tc up lo im r e nelson nat a tba lata thod boaralng th chicago orcbaatr on th alas of tb aodltorium tbaatar h wa dlatnrbad by th whlauug of alr ltrt ltnrridx tb wall known acn palnlar who waa at work la tba loft above the alas nlant hitar mr tbomaa libraiian appaarad n tk rbridav wbr mr iturrids naarrlty whittling wa at work mr tbomaa compllmanta bald lb librarian aod be raquaau kn to aula that ir mr uarrldx wlahe tn wnhrtl ba win b glad to onia kd aw a joint inaoilitg of lh junior invr- ii ihiuim and nwnlnr kl worth leagurv wa- hld on tin wly nvrulng in tbu un loulut 8oihii it torn ail lutrol- uig primratntne waa givoi by tba jiiniorw hltd intel liladlatrm a lakgn mhsortuiant of dollj loy clolhlng wau riuitl lbutl for dlutrihotloti jbimiitg th daalltui- children undrr the aupervuloii of lha- dawconaa home al hamilton tift white gift of the acton young folk will bring joy to a urg number of lilt folk in th atnbllioua city thaatamlabw planar warden karl anterlalnad lh knu lmr of th county council lh noun- ty offlaiau and numlier nf paranual f rmnda at a banquet at lh mcolbbon houm milton at lb conclusion of county fjoiiorll bualnaaa on tueaday evetitng tti- function waa a vary nnjoyaldn ou and wa a very fit ting oiiuibk to lb long municipal crer of warden karl in mil ion town council tlaavfl hynda wa on of lha guaeu and apoka in reply tu th toaat tti county council many word of pralaa ware apiiken of warden karl for hla rfflclooll aarvloey during lh yrar halarhboa miami ikl bafor ii i onmonday morning lu which john ii ifennett and wi a murray both nf crvweon onrnara iliapuled thsownerahlp of a quantity of wood cut off th right of way of lh toronto hoburban hallway through ihflr imjiecllvii farina lunnnlt bro duord a latlnr from contractor mur- llo showing thwa hw had purobaaad the wonl in auguht murray pnuluo td a letter from higluerr wllki tu iheftfvol that if lira oontractor had lafiatiy wood on the right of way h waa quit welcome lo have ii for clean ing it tip when lb matter war fully explained mr murray willingly agreed to py for any wood b had taken under th mlaapprehnnalon and mr honimll put a very umlaut aaa- knent on th valo of lb wood llom mail lb irolaawl an ititereatlng debate under be au plnod of knox churoh young leopla mlerary olaiy wa held ihi monday iv oiling a kimjt lo i area t waa taken a waa manlfaatrd hy lha large attend a ho tint aubjr nf debate waa ite- olv4l that home itulo for ireland will imi lor tliti itatterniailt irf 4h kin pltti hh a wlifilr meaar a j mac- k i om n and john it kennedy auppnrt d lh afllrioalive and iaaldent john cde and mr wllllsm huntrr th neg ative lull aide gav primtf of thrlr ability ax dahautre add it an evident that they had rv lh aubjetilj oare- ful atudy mud wide reading tun judg- hrrr mekr w j jb up whlrv oao murray and alex mack 1 1 in view of th fervent dlacuaalooa of th ii riali horn kul iualluu in ltrltaln in canada even in aotimn th following nbaarvatlona from lh ita- cordaoflb fnpr canada amambly of 112 year ago may be of inuraat on may sub 1h0i lh yjuf gover nor inflar lluntar k qulr in hla pmwh lit th newly alectnl houa of iu mivniliorwnm tbu lglull coun 111 ummllog lu york htul thu para graph honorabui canlteman and genllamen it n with lh ejnceraat plaaaur that i aimnunc lo you an aaanl of th utmost lntonanc which haw lately takan place in kuropa i tnaan lha union or th klngdoma of croat hhtajn and ireland th llrlt- ah nation are now anil rely ooneoll daladand all that emd wanting to knak tham all that they ar capable of being la atulned uvarythujg that wa partial vry thing that wa local a very thing that could recall lha reool lection that llioa whom nature intend ed were dlatlnol la don away and tb ntoat intlntat union la eatabllahad on the jualaat and moat liberal principle our at rang th la inoreaaod by iwlng brought to a centra- our reeo arevnurgnd by th unaared munloallon of every ad van tag nor la it to be doubted that under lb auaniona of lh auguat and anlightanad rince whoa wladom ha projeolad and whoea peraevoreoo baa avocomp- llahad thla great a rent effeotb th knoat banrftclal will aoon b felt which alter dlffujng wealth and power ami ty doughlelgh hapidnaw over lh now united king dom will gradually ined lhmaelvu tbinioglixbauiutat branchaa of tb km pi re to which mr burhdx rnpttod aaw y mr barfug coronnment to mr tbomaa and plaaaw uforaa mr tbomaa that if m btrllgw caanot wtdu with tb uaikeaira h wowa whutwatall- lucluag chair blgna ah obaorvaat atchkaoa woman aay h can tall from th way rock on bar front porch what condi tion tb boo behind bar la la if ah away hack and forth with soppy comfortable motion plumping both rt down lo relaxed aort of way than verythlnjr about lb bona u ahaolutaly clean and neat rut if ah rocka in llttl nervou jerka tap ping bar feet down at abort and tirecu tar interval it alsnloe lhat liter ar uuinail owl a behind br and lack of unwubbed dulae and duaty tsoor atchhtdn oloba they ah wear twaa uanak of hlioa ttlora 1 my beat to attract lh woman plac and thy wiutply wout eotofi kalaanmp t- no woimlur vout abju iohira tli trudr muiiakwr cbaatadlyi what wroiic with llio al uala manit tmik th lll hho utor upplncolt a s 136e empire typewriter s m h visible writing perfect alignment lightning b jj bioapment- endurance speed m m m h vajtm mini t ttl w ily u 1 otbt mw h aa im1 by ii- c n k baak i moicltaau luuk uoyaj tlal n wiharn tiuwa t ihreetpriaa ltd jo tv all clothes slav white if you issslit clothes stay white treat them right use comfort soap rtanwit tw lugest su a cmuui the merchants op can aim bank jui thkii i t rphlly h ffixd a lico itul maliaj intnl a hr wtl hu nit man i jok n of j thrifty 1 c iu itr jvi ivrlup only j dollar at a tllikt txrhap mori hut the r al tcr t ol his uut he in the pimciph of avitij out dollar will i irt an account with tin bank all local hr ut cahd at par cafiralralu urte7m7ao haaaava fumuh tk ii cotli yow ncuwnj lo w wl hat t uk 5 tryc yowr omca jj williams manufacturing company ltd 5 g aaeuue 5 w taraala s waraamaajraal qaa w nantjwkh man la old th wtilliiuf nilrtluuotint a a aatvdwich iiutu i hy no a modern idea in uttl proceaaloo of roan draml lo kvprwint at raw ered win hottlr uaad to parad lb btreeu of tloranco luly balnil hired by th wis uarohaula them rtlclauppoiiiiuf the oartoouia will i ttmlr dsofalon waa for th afflrmafciv oontlntib to appear lloth partia ha i nrxt monday v dr cray tlalng i pay lop for tblr arilol ad i glftt au addraaa u cahyl ill i lh life of thotua af ohbwboms ooatmbrol quit a nuinber from here attended th winter kalr in oualph laat waadx and report it lb heat ahow yl mr ttrod crawaoa etit hunday uualph mr and mr n mclaughlin of knalchbull vulted mwtida her on hunday mr itarnloa taylor i hare frocn baakaufhewan nn a vlalt to fruoda mr wt ohpiw br left for milton whar ho haw eecured a altuallon mr m crewauu of mlllon apent a day with hla mother her during th weak btalximawad th remalna of mr john hh or til i wbodunlln oualph un monday wer tnlarrvd in tb cemetery her yvati day afternoon tb wondarfully mild weather a tb oaiunt road are apreutd hy many x ohrlatmaa acllvlilaa and piepata lion ar vry wbvr mnlft taanrrily handloaoped mr ooujthlaigtil mt that ftnoek nobleman oonnt d i trie today i dot ty douchlelghltiailly iw b bril liant cobveratkinaluitt mr doosb- lelgh well no not at proaent h ha rhaomatlam in hi abouadatm judg rhaolag the dlama mr knatr- it may b tra a yoa y yoa wr too young to nrry b mr kftbaxdont tiy b th blama you war too old tor knev-ofcl- ragonew th avanuaa uuw m tftm um bat w do not ha that bar had lb a citing which break us oftan ioladiujed hympathy lau than loat voiill ouvor get inalda th gate of pearl on th atrenglliof your goiwl intantlona xruy jipartuaj haw invented ror killing the tiny parltew that eat mall bole in leaf tobacco marriage la pl to bw a fall ir if lh female of th tec lee ardi money hi tb millinery abopthtn the blljlovi bnesf mr k j ilarlwr uf krl town ahlp ba putcbaeed th 100 wcr lartai belonging to wihum rrahaiti being at half of lot 10 la lb nd eonoae- alon weal of chlnguacoimy lownahlp hale wa mad by j a wlllougbby b ccrulnly on ol khb moat diaagfw ahjailmcnu which bcah la u6 to coated tongue bitter uat la the mouth nauaca dix the comunci to mak life a burden tba cmnaeu unordcrcd hvci tb cure dr moraaa wilin root imi tbcy go etnfeht to the root of the ttoohlr 1 put the liver right clcanaj the aiom- h and bowel rlcar tho longu and take rey the bitter mq from the wouth at the firat algn of buiou- ntjmuke dr moriei w india1 root pills au vum9bv 8avlk a ready jaef c or ifbln santa father and claus mother fitif- pringle with everything xmas roods guelph piiovides pmsenis sunr- abu for all jewellery line acton ukantli f a maclcan manager i grafonolas coat rem 20 to 650 on convenient ternia music supply co rssgr 88 west wellington sl torejnto onl gitaphorilonbgo 36157 soraurcn ave toronto ontario a t brown looej agent acton ont u 4 -t-

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