Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 25, 1913, p. 2

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n1 aim tli k maliuui7iuutilr illhf atanttlll uil 11 it iii j1u aht ll- f luurtf alia- wiii 1 111 iirr i iimiivh iuhilbtwiiwv in umlif kwii 1i1uhhiuy mlukmiiiil j5 giimlbtmaa- 1013 ctirututaa l brl mtrry merry liirullia1 toall 1 jhrutuihu uhoulil imi uii occaalfri f ui4tilfyli tli iiwiitin uiil rl r horn life lliut lvi ili- im ami bi bhiumxl il for it ti 1ily i- lm family w iiimiarln 1 llxmuli it umu t lihktm ly lb wlmhtro ir of lu ninuluro wllob u kii to r r iihi nitd y lutuiliikxforclnultiiuu ly lb u1d invariably biiuu joy hut it bom- wllli kitlua llbrlatmau iikvi ihihii briiknti by til- ebht r lllou wild fall v- tmuie beck in lnwly limy ali imilnr u wintry wbitamihu 1hir miule iv en lewi tlio uliruel llrllthul ye i il will im a ohaaleiied iileemir for tbnea wtui am lf t to iiiimii rubjii ami bontir him in wboee ktktplntt ilia ll and loved finim havu bean jiuck1 and many humo will txi bll today ttirouifb tbo omult f i lo tliikm win catimit int lh u i ii a y otirlelmeat i hi bty to all 11 pwk lllluut twara a ulatl olirlwluiaa r t tl bom- wlirr it avurroniat notch 1iik iaot tbat canada haul toim lrl iiah mm ilim kk l 1u1 dloatea lha iimidllluii of tlm treda bar ttiu rimntry lu inil irnuuclb hearly nmuf bit l l hoiil needa we uard to ttxrmrla iii fill we have to luimtrt dow woitlt nimi fraii oltw llit tlm pxlerm oowuriiimoil l now luihy r iwrink the lirok tln ailtnliiu- umtlon fr ti miiinmalilittf wlon tit alftutlluitt wltloll hmllia blmlul h mldtlla uf tlio nioiilli anions ultmr niwuiimi in iroipm3t will im th nmii trllhlltulijtt llllla koiiib hrrry- mndrln lu kiittrnilm in hii itin irovitioi a itkouutlon 111 kkmtlu mtut muit btwmti 0avnil il atiutmlu will k intunfltaotun january lt tint tut to uil from vftqoautor for two wmtid prvauaj u ruilnrml from 4h lo w mnu for thkimt mun imtckukf from tj u 41 cnritb flvn itniiittlm from 1 11 ttl oonlai willi oorrtuooihnk rdi tlonu up to uo mtim for whloli tlm oll rata of vjtr l rallied to vi 10 bcardmore empiovixs xms t lrty in u town if all tudy arurnooti banta olaua ilaiat mlmlit uconth or iiiv oiiildnkn lillrn f tl nmiloy wrirku of mwn lutliira c l hhy obrlmu- lloh talai wfxik k tr tl ntno of iiiim firm lia io1jtbuk lltiilaulai iii ill ootuforl od uauur of all dm nllllrii of tltalr i fauillliaf u mw fotirttmo during tjhtulfd ihia yaau lltlm muolr apprwulatatd hhtnit liaa lwn rndrw utirw joyotu tlm uuaj liy biirwdlntf hi- ftorri fiver two dutinnt dya on monday afiarnoon llm clilltlrvi hii1 tlrlr- oil wr folll i i at lli town holl al l ooloflk akoul u7u rihndml u tl lovlutlo v mr alfrtm llaartlmora ddrwl tli aawnuuakloutiiliany in mlcltouai tarin bihi wuhrl til onwnnl a vmry itappy olirulmau hh itld tlioiii itot t duuiimlotnd ihmaiimt tint ilioa oliruooau trtv with tli alduuic u t i hi vl 3ihuu im hmld had iin uytorl i-iiuki- till- yr i would inolitutntmu u und limy uiuld ry n xpmit u vull from lilm on wad it day yatiliif a jolly 1iiiilii and judy vlinw w into ulvui ttd ilia llttlu folkaj wr iirokflouu in oiulr nufnl ijoy inoit or ilia hnlnrtalmotiot 1- ollowliiu thlal tlm roiiiiany wai wrvnl to iru iirtam naktt milk taa ad rtifftrc ihiu lm wan tiorollily joy mr alfrml lltmlmorn mr and mrx w w ltartloor mr aol mr- lor- raoion ilaiirdiiiorti wttro of rooraat tlta moving- ujilrilu in inaklnk lit ttolldi liay hot tlmy wnra aldy aiauilatnd ty muutu kllinl and llrtha maokonau mr oawthramulwln mltuillaltonhod mr tlmti moh toronto urn join ulark and otltr kviry child in town who nould ty any nittaiiu nlalm hlu or liar falhai lily lirotlxir warn an nmiloyhi of th ifttamdmorihi lookml with kant autl clum to hanta olau vult laal nlht notio wm illamdiital singeus store bumurizco licit vk loiurruu of oakvillx u to b ommwd iif xt january hyt a mr uanih ioouii titan oakvlllanaver had a hotter ittmve than tlm prwatil inounabniit nor on who pnl mora tlmandmony 1 looking artar t irturtwu m hu town if lhn tmoil of uakvllla know a tiood ulan whan thay mm him thay will elot luovx vrur by a hamlaoma majority ixiflttlng hu arrlom lo thfl town lufominr althoimiuatot haa lmn fortlinata in having- no fir lono for ovar u year thoaa for tlm dominion continue l- tosathar too lar many 0ikiuiim havn ynt t rnallai tlint llw in mm or tbn moat hmfill of ull uttrvautk hut a vtiry dangaroiu luawlnr and llltt loanoli ofmcautlon bhonli im flhhy inforo- forcod by all binotoyeru h protlwn in tlia homi nid nnid u art of in- truotlon in thn aohooln iot im all ootitlnua to imi uxt rmuly c refill wlinnt all flm u coiiotiriiml no uh to uuun down our quota of low tiik nomination will im hld at noon nml monday all rattipaytirw inlainwlud in inuniolial uffatr- hiuld attend it lu iwimoially inot unt that a larftt attendant or cltltuniu im pimnt at lha nomlnallouu hnrti no monday mu htivr hyiuli will ulvti a doullad ntaumait of hot rcililt und axmmidllurn of thn inatallatloti of tl hydro- rlaotrla it y lorn thin liau nnt ban mada itiblla imnttofor and will naturally foaaaj nttroh or inlomat to oltluna nnarally tint ohnlrinan of thtj varlouawmjuilllorh will aluo ulv anaooonntcf rhnlruthwitduhldtitliiic lha ynar ilohhm a ajooanaafnl ontortalnjimnl nnniiut nc of dialakiinai roallatlotim and oiuf inuraporaad with ainotinnu on tlio grauiinhoim by mr 0 ilalluy wu kln by th niilu of irnn holioo on ixday afternoon at thn oloan of dim orograaim oandlatt and oraamnta wri dutrlbutfml to tlio ttoholitrti by santa olaua from a wwll udtm olirluttiuu trm ml- nrlllrt a jarilhn urn artlolnnt uaohnr iltiuitrvuu nuioh crtdlt for lha irpairatloi or tlio xollnit proflranima mr a a wonlon tntataa couulad thu chair thro wa i good altrndanow or iwirmtu nd fhnd uallihara tlio ramalna of harab maunnry widow of tho lau john hhorllll- wr intorratl in tha family plot in thfl oemaury bar lt wwlimaday afur- noon u or moartbur offlolallnic she bad reaohod bar injwfhlyfourth yaar ilotb mm shortlll and bar llj huaband wrf animift tha aarly anttura or thb locality tlmy worn khiivm tif bhn about forty ytartt mtfo tlmy want to reald at arthur hot in 1hk1 raoaovad ut tjuolph ononaanml la a vivd bj four aoua and two dauffhtan maaara jol f j eo renown joojli or buffalo i wlllum tut waohlngton i and itlohurd at hmitai and mra haundara or kntaromaiil- tobii and mr jooh howlll nf london ontario tin fnnnral w7u- vry utgflly attendod amu ah old buit wa lferr iat lrlday mornlnff latwean twr hiid thrwm oclock mr and mra win hlukr or the acton llarflaln hton wnrtt arouawd from thnlr altimlra by tha rlntflnd of tha tilnctrln alarm at- laudind u tha front door of tha utoru on mill btraet vmtlkatlon abownd tha olothlr atook and other roou in tha considerably duarrangmd and muah uldaae that tbn atora bad bn buf ularlaod tha thief or thlavaa had avldmtuy gained an entranced through lh raaror tha maraua and by way of th aitimk khtooaan that wlllow btraet am of tin hulldlnh nntarad th main btoni a counlu of oarpontara chlaan worn foiiml ut tin raar door having aacurnd what waa wanlad dirturtf wau nnadn tbrouah tha front door tint tuir wi rnoed and it waa whtni thn latnli um rauod that thn alarm noundod which awakanatl mr and mm hliignr tlmy inimwllatnly dreasad and want fhr hulp an thay lirocaadad up main htrot they found oimmiu lha dom inlon iioul a hundla of old alolhlng- wltb ona of tbn now iwttun from tha atora protruding chief lawaan wi notified and invaatlgattxl thv robhary whan tlm btoflk wag nrnlnd it wa found that 2 brown iwlu hoavy ovr- noata with trap on hack 3 buttona on trap one with ahawl collar tha other plain i aavaral nulla clothe ona grtf twill oiik blnnvarka aavnral man awaur milt- underwear working atoaklniftf rnhlwm 1 pair dtinforda klk loota uncd and hnoklrwl and varloua othnr goodf war mlaalng tha chief notified thn polloa in nil thtr mirroundlng town hut up lo tha praant noarrvktu have immiij mad ona nf tha aultm warn lukuu from a dlaplay form in tha window mr hlngar aatlmaua bla lou at tmtwm aaand 3t0 close bars at noon saturday aaainbtthh k1quoh buklnksb tiik polltlllty of fnttlmr provincial iktrlntloi of thu lltuoi- traflln lu umlur nonultlrullnu by thn gofurniiiuttr tin nuxt rgnutlou will prdmhly nlouo all thn harti lo thn provlucn kt nun oolock on haturtlay und for tha tmtlm day oil lugal holiday such ifrlutlon would round out tha rvulrlntlon laid on tlm truffle u yr hereby tho morning ualii wiih uiktrr- ittlly hbortqnud it hnu immiii fnlt unlmovar that thu muturtlay aflurnoui trada inlllthtiid nnpytthi spjtjt of ri- riint rvgulatlnuu tlm urtftinifiilh prtiwtmud to lhuov- uiohiit in aulvontithik uhnrtir honrn of uiili on ortlliniry wiu days imvu ii prouttd ulroiigly in rafaraitoa lu tha miw prouuiil thn amun of ihn worklngmau who lu now rollavad nf tlm tnuiplmtloii of m inorutng nip imtfoni work u invlvnd lit uhiiw that hlu ualury mivnlopti lu lu umwlaj dangur n dim huil aftitriionii of tha wkt thn ijuwitliin of pnihlhltloii on hull- dayu hau immiii titldur uahliiot oonald uratlon for noidm llnitt a hmkjiiii hill dealing with good krlday rwilrlctlon wau votad down larnl mihioii oh thu mid or taml ing tt thu government would anajulrtt into tha foaalhlllty or m mar unlraal maamirr thec la m further ponalhllity of on- urtoamulatlng the raovnt aup taken by qufbeo in cutting out o 0 i orderti far lltor and prsvautlngdallv- ary ahar tha cloalng hour or uale ilia foriuar praotloa la rocognlaad no olu 4 lliuatmtif hranchr of lha trada in thu larger nltlttu limfchoum oiih duv laat wtk mr itohrct doughty wbolallvhigou dr llndaatyu farrnj wmu attanktd and anrloualy trminpltid by a vlolouu ultmr ona leg wi4m ao twdly injured that it hud ml iw put iii a planter ot dr klndaay and maaarti w t aud icdwrd doughay- lorvd down to atra blm on friday nomh oukilvatioria ikt unhappy irtlod i lo in 1 niudh ilunuuiloii aud plnili and dontnrlng ami yt thr old blory gn to aliow that lo ihc h throogh th outlnn- for lh lilrt of llir luapliy ia o mm with iin llit immhuioa of happlnaaa nouhl fouitl until tlm crnm ulx wan rolril nl- jftjjm who u red llolf iwlng iaptyaa lint luy u long wa fiunl in havn uudfr hla rol uo ahlrl at all ortaln it i ihlflha rly wit ami kindly humor of ihn paoph in lh u whnci paiailw oiany of lbs wtimiatora of w aiiaduuu hau imhhi to tlieoi a tuna tin of harlig up uudr many of iuh a hnrdana and iai alaj luuy tloir- rtllavi lha atratlo crrlixl by othera with wboui they cam a in mm taint a hmrty laugh over an iruli man- aally of wit haa oftan woo lha day it u aald that a aheap huyor unoa tint in tha nalghlmrlng onunly nf wentworth wvamlnlng aoma roadalda aulmala iwloiifrlng to a amall urmr living mimtwhtra near lha halfway or lha grrat oualph hamllum nial adajiti noinplalnad that thy w- nut fat anxiugb kali id nad hut thy havn pavahira nollgh frimi harv to hamilton fom tlr lo vuripli ami taat aud wt aa far an tlmy ilk lha viwunly vuar ago tiohnon of tho rkick iliki ha during imatit noulha bad ibuanr- to iu wnt hryera who iihii ralunird tu anton to iwa ratlrw having liaan ramovail from tha matlhodlxt paatorata hara aoma lilun yaar- prxvloiialy in laur raaldaoco in ac ton ha anut miii aavan yaara or an aud nol only llvad in tbu aocuty of hlu formrr frund- hul imaflatna attached to friend- who haul nt pravloualy known him tlt uo grapharor tha tlmmai whan ha anterad tha mlnlatry in tha flftlaa daaarlbaj him a lialng a natlva of county at- magwrfraland and having a furnl of ptlul gootl humor if trua in aarly ufa it carulnly waj w in hu iur yaara for many ar tha aalllo of hl ihh wltiuotd urn wa known aa an aarnaatcbrlatlan man but waa ra markabla for bla plaaaantrlof it waa rtuud lo lha writer only a few month ago or luv mr llrym bow thfat oiio in lort dovar miming down tha atrt carrying a pair of buggy abaft a a friend rfimarkad bow atranga to a him thu quick aw at flaah ram lha ratort id any tlma iatbr tut lmtwan a alr of ahafta than lolda a uharp tongue a farm r oaurlng orawanna cornara church one acoomiianlod by a newfoundland dofl la aald to hava tiaan rquaitwl to turn him out aa ha did not belleva in praaohltiff ta dogtl lulngdrlvau out to tha aounlry una and having to walt at tha main htrt onkamlng for a train hi r marked thera la alwayn un faat mora room at tha raar than at tha tmt r a train hov mr llaa of knox church an iruhman hlnikair had many rlae with blm but wau apt to coma off aaoond boat it la aald that mr llrynra atrollad along whan tha foundation llnoa wara iwlntf laid forj the uaw knox church on main htroat tha paatoi waaangagod with ona or tha llnaa but ramarked to bla mathodlat brother thar j a ahoval mr hryarav who raptlad i think i would rather hold tha and ofaatrlog howevrr at mr luaa farewell aoolt mr ii aald thara wax ona thing ha had agalnat that man urn mllml up ona night among lot nf man in front of tha poat ofboa and ukod him if ha waa hunting tobaoob tobacco waa hlx apaolai avaralon lining an ardant oonaarvatlva llkfr many othera tha vanlag of tha groat jun 1800 alocuon ha got up into tha crowded ootnmltua roorda biffooon ratlrad dugtutad thara war thara amoklng on hu way home ha mat k frland 0tna arawdad fetraat and bald ara you running with tha multitude tu do avlir u uld one- that a oathcdlc clergy man onoa ahnoat acouood hltn of fauabmml on lie log told that ha had onoa married a ivlaat mra hryoiv maiden namt- waa prlat thla good utaui phyaloal and uarvou pow- wra fallad aoon after leaving acton and he dlad aomo y uara ngo at navam ur lta 111 of anplk wu iruily pm wlforgop lug mil itowmy of llollon buy tl imfiillful 11 air- ivrdi tinuuu ld w half of il m hol mrlh i if of ml 2 in lha ltd noon blot t of culra lto1 j towhlp fonniyjf i1 till- rrm hau it mpnltlnu tlrmkmnt f conily u ittlng a very fliiit farm- nl wa uidi by j a wflloughby sz4ajlss maltonkatlh ohanoaw manba mr andrew wiley now of the city of toronto haaaold hlu 100 an re faroi lielug lot no m in the 0th oonoeaalon kuuealng townahlp to mr joaoph allan hla waa made by j a wll uwghhy i1alt0n pciit may join peel kblt m alton amd uurkrl tltu raport or lha uoard of inquiry which invaatlgatad certain ohargm that wara liiada in counsel in th cmttlt lftl itaglmant of inrantry haa iman forwartlod to otu it la lindmratood that thara la under conaldaratlon a achouia for tha iun- hii of tha bouiidrlaa of lha sflih luglmeitt to lualuda tha aounty of llwltou tho mcrulttng ground or thi uoth hxlton ulflav tha hb itaglmant iihw not immii to oamp for a couple or yeara having round il practically im pomalhle to obtain enough reorulte within thnlr own artia to all their ranka it haa been nuggtretnd that if the unty of halton be addad to tha chufitlea of leel and dufferln which oonatltuu tha praeant area of the lutb luglment thla difficulty in obtaining recruit would bo overcome and tbt tha amalgamation of tha iwo unite would make una good atrong regiment the officer- ur the 90th could be ah eorhed into tha 30th to odneldarabla advantage it i atatad oornai tbete ta oely eaa la hy ooeaum iuad by an la have a rnihhi aadj yiban it h ee ilia raaell and ualaaa u takan out and tela tab kxxklltvou baarlnx artll be daaianead hntwi ulaa tiif eul of m are auaad lr tlaturh whlnb l aoihlejl bat aa loraamd oeaoluoii el yon bare a rantlln aoeaa or uapertw baa- ina aa4 vhan it to at i rat f oloaw daahtaaa la i iib leaawmalloa aaa ba oihlaibata ii tly opahui i ad red vol laie for ah v oumihm awoaad by aalanta ibat omtby halle oaurrb oara ae4 towtitw 1 v j nhhnatv oov 4sade o rrhuuuuuuniiunaae er noble e n flour fend fd jamis l warren 3 s uanaokr h h m b good salesman wrntbd pnrovery town und dnlnct wliorn wo arc not icjuvout frnllu am liriiikliiff jill nrlrou and ntllbery block lu im demand muko hlx money tmu i ull uud winter by lulling nil agency uxperitiuce tint unuuiry irtm fmpilpitidiit khciiihivc tnnitory iiluhol connuiu liona iald write for full partlcnlata stone v wellington neeaarv totonto ont no friends like the old a friends p f r o m glilbood ihrouxh i u middle ufa and right aiorut to old an chamberlain a tulu are wnaii a baat aluad ieed lha rwrvrx id eugeeajonwop beadechew kop the mood ticb and aaaiua rood haallh gtpr- vft l ivtieautaaaw naalara w lw aaall chamberlains tablets oaa1tatlald li wjoon000 tvreuooa- total aaeata over bank of hamilton save your money what a nun ani u uot au imjuirtunt an what hit kaveti an office boy making j6 a wxik nt which umoimt liuimviui lu actually caniuiff mom thun tho 9ij a wook man who kaveh iothlng thn boys biuilunkii in paying u divi dend the man lu afnilure no muttorliow uiuhii your uilary mny iw you mnkfl a karlouu mlntnke whun you full to uava purt of it when you t ynur noxt weeku kalurj nmkfi up your mind to dejwmlt a cartaln perceiltiigd of it in hlu liaulr whoro it will bur intruht ut tha hlghehtciirreliijttt ceorget0wn branch j to our customers and the public generally i i iimiiii rooms our sincere wishes for a j merry christmas and a piospeious stew year henderson co mlllsi aciaa on saturday dec 27th 1913 ahead of everyjboby even the cejndar we will commence our great january clearance sale a store wide clcirin- of ill winter merchandise at greatly reduced prices included in thin great money saving event will 1e tylitli millinery fashionable ready-to- wear apparel for men women and children ako dry goods and ilousefurnishinga viit the store on the opumng day or a soon after as possible ihc sooner tlio better watch for the blue and white januarysale tickets when m the store they are guides to economy d e m acdonald bros cor wytiilham aaj macjoncll streets guelph oat eg rtitiirssflmk 3lfnwhtwii the oijy building material that has not increased in price is canada portland cement beilc coooeia tnal yotj caei depend upon tabijmtoiy teiub wlaellm you ww it or baet or m arjeai walk hefh ataby ud low pnee aw nude pojjo ty rfcdcel ni mj m cxaaacaa due in uroai aaadl gtfowiog demaal sax thai vcry ujj l cnnaaal m uy beat t caoada uj m yoa uaaaeea ei aaba cutda cement company- limited mwitreal iouaifalluawamgariuuvijwiimiiji and mather fine xmas goods i pringle guelph provides presents suit- able for all santa claus aith evefythliir intbc jewellery une geo patterson uve stock iiicalta acton oht cattle sliccp lumbs and uogh write jjljonp or call personally eroie v0u skll see he actons electric chopping mixil chopjdhia rolling done daily satisfaction guaranteed -aaaattt- j and feed forsale b pcaldtarell ileton a sill vi kins vwjant kaiiavvi ijiis wantk1 afij r irj himii d ti l llil hi um llba i il i i n uiwy tikin k tl i ly i k i mil kit tl ui taia ihm asikay a a v tit valiinhh iinpcil3 m acton i ok at i l loo i u u wlaba tm il i lnilu41uiii 1i11ji wu htaliitulrht ill uooul mui j ib ghlzbifis hook tllmokk luauebtkut a uip oa1 huuuuml i t nlmaaaka llw wful al il m ka all uouk iuouiti1 iiatiurad n f moore expres crtge bajgaro transfer ftll ill dij 1 ratr careful and 1rompt removal of mouse- hold goods hanos kto order taken on dray or jt no y aocijtion tcrricr hovver avenue grand trunk 5t christmks neiaz yehr rtttes nilmtu far- iuwi ifravkuv lurnunlli daw nil04aant jan iiuie trace ata oaa- 1hlmfl ka jul vaoxi rod- raturn until 00 b7 alaodaa ku so si tota auml jan i 1114 valid tor- mlun until jan s itua fuwi until j a it 101 balmoaa all slatloaa i caaaja utnl init attluir l in ililt mill ioit llnm m ii liulfaln luiul it l ntatturii i nil uul sua- i ii im und f vj v titlrtj ihu in nu at grand tilinutult oflin- wonderland moving picture show special ixtitrias featurea thuhsday n1ght- ilkcaiivf and 10llulletaana4am hlaatdlulal all till waalt admiblmiom ioe oiii ha ii il ohuuoilv ivoprlatoe- toaiuiaiia stvjkar ohonto cawatw nannpnnmfihuhh mhhhekndqafloti ii agents wanted h nor i la oiutii aaj kuala s s p tllj iw uf imihlmmifl 3 m tnl fit lux iktbiklv irrlliry b j wii 1iiiriiiilu tliiltly lirittliuw h 5 lml r iirimu niilithn h w ii iu fr i roliuhlu titm 5 g 1inbli u1 v ivw writ fir b j lurtlculunt f wismers nurseries xmit rj inpnlintimhyuhhhmhhmmauuucicia siwctlv ribstclass photbgraphs atticniv siixito gamatthkws iiill utook acton education i0t mtoiit if a u vn hil if- m llhm lito 11 taa ll m ul hi ill i a llwhluibdk vii7ith unrlal it u ir ti i tli i all w gui lpii husiniss college flulun ontahio if ullb l ufltir iunhu lliu y fi m h llliii ltl luk avalulu i f vi m ll uitu i rat h v v v ml iiiiiht lull itu oiuu- wt r wyuilham hllaal or aiklraaa malcolm maccorniacku a prlo

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